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Previous thread: >>3924065

Anon’s folder with RAWs and translated chapters: https://mega.nz/folder/BOxGnYhQ#mT8TH7X9vYItwV3pHA1fKA
Translated chapters uploaded to https://dynasty-scans.com/series/virgins_empire
and https://mangadex.org/title/d4d43c50-ce1a-4751-b474-e239cf862f2a/otome-no-teikoku
Mangadex is a bit behind atm
10th Anniversary ASMR video by Kishi: https://youtu.be/2jVkMeWTLqw
Three voiced chapters with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgyTEebxtfzep0Ty-BvkzdNqf0Wn00ob

Kishi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/kishitorajiro
Kishi's AlterEgo Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_toraziro
Twitter for Otome: https://twitter.com/jplus_otome
Kishi's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/14974201
(Please note that Kishi doesn't exclusively do Yuri, so you may not necessarily like what he posts)
Read originals online at https://shonenjumpplus.com/series

If you want to support the creator, you can get tanks from Honto.jp, Amazon.co.jp and YesAsia.com. He also appears to need a kidney, if you have any to spare. For the Japanese sites (and fanart searches), search using オトメの帝国.
Please do not post about the scanlations using the Japanese Tag (オトメの帝国) on any social media platforms. Kishi is pretty active on twitter (and possibly others) and everyone would like to avoid problems. (Too Late, He Found Us)

A new legend is born
Mini chapter 64: This Feeling... https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/virgins_empire_ch277_3
Chapter 278: Dissemination https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/virgins_empire_ch278
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As far as I remember, this is the nurse's first appearance. However, the PE teacher has appeared in two recent chapters.

First in 274...
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...and then in 276.

Both times she seems aware of her students' shenanigans and is somewhat willing to engage with them. This is in contrast to, say, the cleaning lady who thinks Michiru is bullying Airi or the clueless teacher who couldn't tell Mio and Shizuka had just fucked before returning the key to the club room.
After all, things happen in the nurse's office...
>Nurse x Coach.
nope I'm done with this series.
Post highschool homosexual relationships are gay.
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>As far as I remember, this is the nurse's first appearance
Turns out I was wrong. She's made an appearance at least as early as ch 121, when Miyoshi gets sick and Ayano drags her to the infirmary. Obviously she looks a bit different, but I'm comfortable saying it's her based on the white rimmed glasses and the hairstyle.

There have been infirmary scenes at least between Kaoru/Shizuka and Ayano/Miyoshi. Does anyone remember others? The implication seems to be that Kaoru visits the infirmary a lot, so I guess the nurse is at least somewhat aware of her antics.
Pretty sure there was a foot fetish chapter involving Yuu and Mari fairly early on that took place in the infirmary.
New Mini
Nice to see that almost 10 years since the last time i read a chapter of this manga NOTHING RELEVANT HAPPANED.
It's a slice of life manga. What relevant is supposed to happen in it?
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You are correct: chapter 92. In that case, sensei is explicitly absent.
It's Ai and Chie doing financial planning to live together
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I miss the early lewds.
Mio and Shizuka fucked.
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So how did the meme spread? Assuming panel two is Mariri hearing about it and panel three her telling her clubmates about it, I'd guess she heard about it from Mayoi, since they're now friendly. If panel two is one of the debate girls telling her about it, I have no idea, especially since it doesn't look like Nononon's involved with the discussion.

Miyoshi probably heard it from Eli, who heard it from Honoka.
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Chapter 261. Other duos who've become couples are Ai/Chie, Yuu/Mari and Kanae/Haruka, and Honoka/Eli is so fucking close.
Headcanon it spread by way of each girl using it as an excuse to get into bed with the other girl they told. It was a STM.
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Just fuck already, you dorks
Sexy Ai.
>reacting like that for a finger
Imagine if she licked something else.
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Lots of great Chie faces this chapter.

I like how these losers are vowing to spend their lives together every other chapter despite not having progressed an inch physically in the 150+ chapters after their first kiss.
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Debate club chapter about who had sex in the school debate soon.
New mini
Need more Haruka.
Rare pair
Oops all lesbians
Kind gremlin.
New Mini. Nurse/PE later that night

Once again heterosexuality fails Hibiki. If only her first attempt at switching teams hadn't been with Kaoru. Did Midori kiss her?
They really should do a formal debate one of these days.
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Mask chapter
The Mask x Onibi faction gets some crumbs!
Did Ai happen to look mildly sinister that day for unrelated reasons or is that how Yuu sees her?

Kaoru should just seduce Onibi and send the resulting video to Mask. She's been getting uppity lately.
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Onibi is for Shizuka.
Shizuka cheating on Mio with someone other than Kaoru would be the funniest possible twist.
Probably a combination of both (Yuu and Ai.)
Ah! Lord Onibi. The forgotten maiden.
More than 200 chapters after their debut as a duo, it's starting to look like Midori and Hibiki might be happening. Onibi/Nao can't be far behind.
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Not that there was too much doubt, but looks like Nurse and PE Teacher are together.
New mini
These two are great.
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Now that they're more serious, I like to think Yumimi is kicking herself for missing out on senpai tiddies.
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Well she did get to grope them. But yeah bad call.
Just marathoned this series. Is there a reason it dropped the ecchi and started to become more wholesome?
I mean the mainish pair of the series, that short haired sporty girl and the gyaru, only got together at the start because the gyaru wanted to play with the others tits, but that was quickly dropped in favor of them both being blushing brides.
Not really complaining because they're cute, but it still feels tonally weird.
The biggest reason is likely it changed platforms several times, and current ones don't allow nudity. I wish he was a little more unrestrained now that we have actual couples
It's probably just this. Kishi still does plenty of NSFW stuff on his fanbox after all so it doesn't seem like he has lost interest in drawing and writing it (sadly only about 70% yuri and 30% het/yaoi on there). Or well, he did until he got sick again late summer.
As others have said, the manga got less explicit as it switched magazines, but I'd argue the switch from naughty sluts fooling around to maidens in love happened earlier, probably because the latter makes for a better story.

A chapter where Yumimi talks Nononon into sending her nudes would be incredible.
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I don't think nonononon would need much convincing.
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I really like how a background gag character that only existed to be part of another character's group ended up becoming hottest and bestest girl.
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New mini. Someone get this girl a girlfriend or five
Incredible that the most perverted girl still doesn't have a pairing.
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She has a pairing, the author is just too busy drawing useless chapters like this one instead of developing it.
Could you really see them together as a couple? My guess is Kishi realized it wasn't a good idea, which is why Onibi's mostly paired with Mask and Nao with Hibiki.
I feel she works better without a pairing. Honestly the best use of her would probably be other pairs catching her doing lewd stuff and that prompts them to push their own relationship a bit.
Yes I could, remember the bandaid underwear chapters? Onibi called her charming for being capable of playing along with her writer eccentricities. It would be interesting to see them interact more. Shy and lewd x loud and creative. Imagine the '"I need references for my drawings" chapters.
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Mask is becoming aggressive
>Touching butt
Did she faint?
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Mask accepting that Kaoru has won while also going on the offensive is one of the best developments in the manga.
Stacy meeting her match and turning into a submissive is fun. Any other yuri manga with this sort of storyline?
Who is fanning Kaoru at the end? Some random beauty parlor miss?
Mrs. Yamada.
What a sweet mom.
>Stacy meeting her match and turning into a submissive is fun. Any other yuri manga with this sort of storyline?
Kishi Torajirou's series about a sadist tsundere who turned out a insecure mess.
Kishi Torajirou's series about a literature club president who got fucked by her small kohai 2 years younger.
Also Kishi Torajirou's series about a cool track club ace who got all meek after got a girlfriend.
Oh and Kishi Torajirou's series about a smart and pretty stacy of the tennis club go full yandere for a nerdy student council president.
It's always fun when our girls angst about graduation, not knowing they're stuck in a time loop.
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Kaoru in the coffin is not to be disturbed.
Also I thought Lord Onibi was going to bust out with the omnipresent Henry James quote for a second there:

"We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."

I have a feeling this might be all a dream, yuribros...
Seems pretty real to me
>All this time you thought you were seducing me, I was actually turning you into a bottom
>The Yamadas aren't wealthy
>Kaoru wears expensive, high-end fashion
Sugar Mama theory confirmed
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Given what Mask says here, why did she do this? Extreme disappointment at Kaoru being a player?
My headcanon is Mishiro Executive Director.
I mean, you can still find "a person" attractive for how ever brief a moment even if you don't know them.
She found Kaoru attractive but wasn't interested in her initially as a person, since the only thing she really cared about at the time was her buddha comic.
I don't know if Mask/Kaoru is Kishi's favorite pairing, but Mask is definitely his favorite girl.
Have the popularity charts ever changed? Ai/Chie - Ayano/Miyoshi - Honoka/Eli.

She had a dream where she took a bath with Nononon, right? Did my Duolingo Japanese catch that?
Kinda disappointed that Mask was some 4d chess player who liked Kaoru from the start.
I preferred the idea of her slowly coming around to Kaoru's earnest attempts at getting close to her.
I think the arc of her slowly getting around to the idea of dating Kaoru is genuine. While she found her attractive from the start and lied about it, her decision to turn her down was real and not part of some scheme.

As for why, she was busy with her manga, has some self-esteem issues and probably knows about Kaoru being a player, since she and Onibi already know about her in the chapter where they meet. She even sees Kaoru flirting with another girl right before telling her to fuck off in ch 122.
She can act all cool and calm now but this is how she really was back then.
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And this is how she acted when she definitely wasn't flustered by Kaoru, just bothered. When I re-read the manga recently I wondered if Mask's rejection in 122 was Kishi retconning their dynamic early on, like he did with AiChie and YuuMari, since Mask is so clearly blushing for real. I'm glad he went with Mask fibbing instead.
And I preferred the idea that she was outright immune to Kaoru and paired up with Onibi so Kaoru would be BTFO, but whether that was even in the cards as a possibility to begin with seems off the table.
Onibi is the worst character though. The only Virgin Empire I can't like.
she'll shine when she is allowed to have surprisingly kakoi moments with nao when kishi remembers the ship.
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Did you get a visit from a big titty Santa, /u/?
Chads made a character guide.
Is that guide new?
They uploaded it just now, but the comments from Kishi are pretty old.
New Mini
283 and mini 71 up to mega, if anyone needs them
Good luck, you idiots.
what the hell
Miyoshi is a genius.
Mini squish
Reversed roles?
>deafening silence in response to this post
They just received visits from normal-boobed Santas.
Yumimi, you idiot.
That is hot.
Did an image of Mari just disappear?
New Mini
I was hungry so I ate it.
send the pic!
I remenber enjoying this manga back in 2014 or it was 2013?
Nice to see that over 10 years latter absolute nothing relevant happened.
The first few chapters were the best and since them there was no character development, nothing advanced, it only got worse. What a waste.
Garbage taste, I do agree it's in a bit of a nothing happening right now rut though.
Weird take when Chie, Ai, Shizuka, Mio, Kaoru, Mask, Honoka and Kanae exist. Even MahiMahi have started changing.

Nononon needs to senpai up and make Yumimi her woman already.
Change is happening, but it's a shame that Kishi's health has led to many many more of these mini chapters, which has really stalled out any kind of advance.
Not really, since the manga was always biweekly. The minis are just bonuses he draws on the weeks there isn't a proper chapter.
New Mini
Damn, why does Onibi own a tshirt of a lewd character like that I wonder
Mio is an overeachiever.
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One of the best pages in the manga.
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Ultra lewd Valentine's day chapter.
We were robbed.
8/10 chapter could use a billion more kisses.
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All the first kisses we didn't get to see...
Second pic that is gone.

Please let this Mini be foreshadowing.

You fucked up worse than when you missed out on nudes because of a boyband, Yumimi.
You could have been in bed with her!
PE Teacher mini
She seriously needs to warm up some.
Well, Nnn didn't tell others about it. So she can use the bed with Ymm later. Interestingly this comes after Ymm had a wet dream with her. Will they be the third couple in the series to do it?
>she can use the bed with Ymm later
I hope we get to see it. I can't wait to see how unsmooth NNN will be bringing it up.

>Will they be the third couple in the series to do it?
Who are you counting, besides Mio/Shizuka? Kaoru/Shizuka is heavily implied, Mari and Yuu's play has led to the occasional orgasm, Haruka/Kanae may have done it based on the way they hold hands and Teacher/Nurse seem like a safe bet.
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>no kiss scene
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So did NNN and YMM kiss or did YMM pull back at the last moment?
Seems like she backed off. Not a huge fan of some of the slower burn couples getting these offscreen kisses though. Haruka and Kanae are confusing to me too since this chapter implies they kiss all the time but the love tsunagi chapter was pretty ambiguous and Haruka still acts thirsty in a way that implies she hasn't gotten any yet.
Haruka and Kanae are definitely kissing regularly and may have had sex, since that's what the love tsunagi is supposed to mean. Haruka probably acts like that because she's a tiny bit insane.
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WTF is this bizzarro world?
Is THIS how we get our first Ayano Miyoshi kiss?!
Aw maaaaan
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They've kissed a couple of times. I think the only new kisses here were Hibiki/Midori and Mariri/Mayuyu.
But where is my tongue
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...Y'know what I'll take it!
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Love Mask's "I'll become your woman, but I'll make you wait for it" approach. Kaoru seems to like it too.
They were the second in my estimation but you might be right about the other ones.
She said they were supposed to get shocked. And they are blushing a lot. I think they had a peck but not the shock.
Aggressive Mio
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Gotta put Shizuka back in her place after this.
Real smooth Miyoshi.
>NNN and YMM
This one's the only one I feel is actually weird in this little kiss relay. There's no way Nononon would be that chill about a kiss even if coerced by Yumimi as a fun thing to try out.
I think Yumimi could sell it to her like that (judging from the sofa chapter, Nononon's ready to go), but it feels like something that should have been shown instead of just implied.
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Can't leave out the teachers.
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Does this page imply Ai's house has cardboard walls and her mom can hear everything?
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Ai's mom wants to see some hot schoolgirl love.
Escalator Mini
Extremely pleasantly surprised, he hasn't even posted anything on his fanbox since August or so. I don't mind since I just support it to pay him back for VE but it did get me worried about his condition.

At any rate, very hot Mask.

I guess reading /u/'s three rules is too much to expect from jannies.
I suspect it's someone different each time because there's always a pretty lengthy gap between incidents
Interesting to see them directly talk about spats. I wonder how common they are in real life and if not wearing them is seen as slutty. It also came up in Wäamote.

This could have been a lot more dramatic, given the Kaoru situation. It's not exactly a vote of confidence on Mio's part.
Image number three nuked for no reason.
I wonder what she wants to tell Mio?
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>I wonder what she wants to tell Mio?
Just that she thinks it's very hot when Mio fingers her with the spats on.

I desperately need a chapter from the perspective of the other lit club girls getting sick of the room smelling like pussy
It's not even the spats specifically, Shizuka is just a hopeless bottom and loves when Mio gets horny and starts to ravish her.
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Shit just got real.
Exhibitionism mini
Like Lord Onibi..another poor forgotten maiden.
honoka looks fucking gorgeous
Why is Chie the best gf?
I'm pretty sure that's Kaoru. Honoka doesn't have a fringe like that.

The mocchi-like consistency of her butt.
oops sorry honoka
Why is Mayuyu so dumb and cute?
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This dummy turns the bislut into 100% gay
This should be studied. Dumbness also seems effective against Hibiki, the other major bislut.
These two need to fuck.
And Hibiki needs it bad as well.
Did Hibiki have sex with Kaoru?
Probably not. Their thing was brief and Kaoru spent most of it obsessing over Shizuka and Mio. I don't think she's necessarily had sex with that many people. She seems to get what she wants just from casual flirting.
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Nononon would break Yumimi if she sat on her face.
Perhaps not so one-sided
Need more Pe/Nurse love.
That's so fucking adorable!
Whose cardigan was that? Mahis? So Yuu deep down also want swinging?
Surely it's Mari's.
Sadistic Yuu is becoming a blushing bride.
Teachers are confirmed dating(?)
Busted! Stay tuned for April 10th. I love that sensei.
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Will Kaoru NTR her own sister?
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Society if Ayano had shown Miyoshi the photos:
These two get it on in front of everyone. That other girl is different than the glasses girl who asked to see them fuck.
She loves her sister too much to ever do that. It would be hilarious to see Kaoru finding Shizuka and Onibi having sex in the shower though.
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I want more Kaoru x Mask. I want them to kiss. I want Kaoru to lick Mask's braces.
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Love this.
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Airi/Michiru are a boring couple who never recovered from the Delewdening. Kishi should spice things up by making them the dedicated cuckqueanry couple.

Thanks Anon.
Not to Mio. She'd go full yandere mode.
That's why Shizuka's trying to gaslight her into having an ntr fetish.
Given that one chapter where Miyoshi harasses Ai, will they become a swinger couple?
Miyoshi would be fine with it as long as she is friends with the girlfriend of the girl she is fucking.
>Eli got nihongo jouzu'd
I laughed

Cute that Mari and Mahiru are talking about their love lives.
New mini. Thinking of Chie

Chads are on a roll. We've been seeing lots of PE teacher lately.
Love her.
Is it me or does Ai look younger?
Intentional or accidental model poisoning makes AI less mature over time. AIxChie winter soon.
Yuu is the kind of pervert that would secretly sniff Mari's used panties.
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x_enope on twitter
This reminds me of the scene in Folie a Deux where Dana Scully sees the nurse for what she really is.
Lots of talk about Eli returning to America
Thankfully Miyoshi is a saint who lets the third-years and HonoEli take their time with their love lives by not sealing the deal with Ayano.

Li'l Ayano and Miyoshi.
Dawwww. Ayano being tortured since forever.
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Ayano is gay only because Miyoshi groomed her into.
But then Miyoshi would need to give up on being Kaoru-sama's woman.
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Li'l Chie and Ai.

A shame Kishi didn't use Chie's original evil characterization.
Alright first time I have laughed at the end gag for a while.
So freakin cute
I'm not sure this is a good fake legend to perpetuate, Chie, given the size of that Valentine's day chocolate bag Ai was hauling around.
Ai is going to take on the entire ear warming club!
Even more AiChie.
Non-evil Chie is still very naughty.
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Tiny Mio is the most sexually aggressive maiden.
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Turns out it was destiny.
I'm guessing Kanae forgot about this but Haruka remembers and wanted to be her friend ever since.
>Haruka was dumb
>she's only honor student as side effect of her yandereism
The fingerlocking sex maidens.
Yes YES.
I wish I was good at math. I love the huge numbers mental math meme that gets used so often in media to show how intelligent a character is.
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The true alpha maiden.
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Not much to say about this one
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These recent chapters have been so cute, I'm feeling myself get hooked again. Who's up for a reread?
Also general question, who was your original favorite maiden/pair and who is your favorite now?
I liked AiChie best during my early read, but now I think it has to be HonoEli. Love them all though.
Miyoshi/Ayano. Haruka/Kanea
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I guess Ayano/Miyoshi. Now I find Ayano's suffering hilarious and hope they don't get together until all the other virgins have girlfriends.

Current favorites are NNN/YMM. Nononon is the most erotic virgin and their bullying play is hot. I also like the implication that Yumimi is kind of a bed person being slowly redeemed by senpai's love.
The fantasy continues
i'm still a huge fan of aichie and have been since i started reading like three or four years ago. i have so many ideas for them.

on a semi-unrelated note, would any VE fans actually read fan fictions for this fandom? their ao3 tag is pretty barren at the moment (obviously).
if you write it, they will come
lol @ Hibiki's ability.
Actual plot development AND time passing? In Ayano's Empire?
Does this mean it’s also a month until end of school year?
Kaoru's glee at thinking Honoka pulled a bad girl is adorable.

Since it's called Kaoru-sama's trial pt. 1, I suppose she'll test Eli somehow, which sounds promising. Unless she's the one on trial for her crimes.
Nice to see Mrs. Yamada up close.
If Kaoru hurts Eli I hope mask rapes her mind until her brain falls out of her nose. And I like Kaoru.
>I suppose she'll test Eli somehow
That is a great premise.
if this is true, the implications are kinda insane to me. like I don't know what kind of closure the third-years would get, if any, if the school year was actually ending.
My body is ready for the HonoEli endgame.
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Final page missing from the first release.
I can't believe Mask is dead
The Final battle draws near???
Mystic Eyes of Petrification.
Great time to drop a dumb multi-chapter comic about Mask having a weird dream, Kishi.
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