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S3 will be airing in April. Are you ready for more AyaRin screentime + jealous Nadeshiko?
Last thread >>3731673
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Reposting S3 KVs

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>Ena and Chikuwa
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Sakura is really the best match for Rin.
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I want to be Rin
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One of my favourite Naderin outfits. Pure comfiness and perfection
Peruvian forest fairies.
She's not. Rin needs Nadeshiko's genki energy to balance out and be complete. Sakura can join in fr the sister sandwhich every now and then.
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Yin/Yang theory does not work in real life- but Afro is committed to it so...
But Nade would never sit still long enough for Rin to fall asleep in her lap while reading like this.
>But Nade would never sit still long enough for Rin to fall asleep in her lap while reading like this.
Don't understimate how much of a heavy sleepr Nade is, or how soft her tummy is.
After how much of a deal was for Rin to go watch the sea I think she is more like a honorary bolivian.
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Yuru Camp volume 16 cover featuring Ena, Nade and new drawfag kouhai Ema
New volume will be released on March 12th
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>S1 vs movie
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New Yuru Camp collab
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More Rin and Aya. From the latest chapter.
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New OP cover
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New ED cover
Shimarin baring her legs?!
They look very smooth and white...
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Yuru Camp Fest KV
Ayaya is invited this year!
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This was the 1st Yuru Camp Fest poster btw
>Nadeshiko's vanishing tits
Who stole Nadeshiko's boobs!
See >>4148658
They also deleted Aoi's aois. New character designer can't draw for shit
Sakura's dictatorial diet strikes again.
Isn't it the same staff that did Yama no Susume? They were able to draw Kaede's tits just fine. Whats with this?
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>Yuru Camp S3 PV1
Yuru Camp S3 PV2 is out
>Aya-chan calling Shimarin a HENTAI
What does /u/ think about the new animation studio btw? Do you rike it?
With Ayaya, every sentence sounds like it should end with a ~
>>What does /u/ think about the new animation studio btw? Do you rike it?

Usually this is not a bad thing, but a good judgment could only be given when the anime airs, it can't be worse than S2/heya camp right?
Was I the only one that shipped Rin and Aki together in the movie? I thought they had good chemistry together and Aki actually kinda having her shit mostly together as an adult was neat.
Anime announcement for the mangaka's other series "Mono"

They're missing a lot of chaotic energy they can only get from their genki wives.

Too bad this ship got completely eclipsed by SakuRin. Sensei will have to settle for fucking her sister.
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>yfw S3 collabs already spoiling the upcoming NTR arc
How do we cope with this, /u/?

They are skipping entire volumes to bring in the new girls this season...scary
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Both girls appeared in the volume 13 when SakuRinNade went cherry blossom viewing. Seems fine to me, S3 should end when OEC/Chibi Inuko + Shimarin went camping during spring for the first time which happens right after those new girls were introduced.
Nadeshiko will learn to get off to listening to them in the next tent over and pretending she doesn't hear a thing the next day
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New Yuru Camp S3 collab
Aya's character blew up after they got her the same VA as Kumiko, Toyo-chan.
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The way Tomoyo mastered sounding like she had just finished a blunt...
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Side by side comparison of the two studios on a common scene.
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Inuko's boobs were deleted. She is no bigger than Nadeshiko now.
Why does Kirara keep hiring studios that do this?
But were to they poop?
Was Rin reading a book about that asteroid that came from another solar system? Is she trying to figure out if Nade is an alien?
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Shimarin thinking of S2 finale's Nadeshiko and their promise about camping together again was wholesome as fuck
Maybe im just retarded but more than the art style felt different and off after episode 1. Maybe it will even out more going forward but It doesn't feel like season 1 and 2 at all already with the atmosphere.
Do you think Rin will be added to this part in the later episodes?
Connection with Hoshizuku Telepath confirmed.
Left: soul
Right: soulless
Oh no, Aki lost her only source of dairy!
Reading about the claims that the strange cigar or disc shaped asteroid Omuamua- that was being tracked during the winter of 2018 when season one was being broadcast- is actually a derelict alien spacecraft. Probably supposed to be a reference to this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial:_The_First_Sign_of_Intelligent_Life_Beyond_Earth

Remember, Rin loves /x/ books.
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>Yuru Camp is back
Did /u/ rike it? I personally loved how Shimarin seems to think about Nadeshiko during her solo camping trips now.
>Yin/Yang theory does not work in real life
You’ve clearly never been in a relationship before.
In the end I thought they would reveal Nadeshiko was sending a picture to Rin, but missed chance there I guess; it would've been romantic if they were both thinking of the other.
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Did Rin just give another girl her lesbian awakening?
Ayano was awae long before that.
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No this one.
That girl snuck into her mom's bed that night.
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For comparison purposes
The Aki-chan that makes Aoi wet.
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>dyke haircut
Inuko's been interested in Aki since they met during elementary school, right? She has been cuntblocked by dumb Aki's density
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Episode has landed.
No comment about Rin and Aya's romantic trail ride??
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Tweet from the Episode 3 key animator.
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While I can always put on the goggles up to this point I've never felt like actual strong yuri vibes from Yuru Camp really besides Aoi/Aki

Rin/Nade works if you squint hard enough and I feel like Rin might be kinda attracted to Sakura but it's not like serious

That changed this episode though damn her and Aya is something else she has the mischievous energy Nadeshiko has that Rin likes but without being so overwhelming and a bit of the coolness that she likes from Sakura, on top of that she seems to be into her too since she just literally messaged her out of the blue and said "come with me"

while I'm sure nothing will actually happen I'm going along with the delusion now I wont resist
Not looking good, Nadebros.
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Oh no she found out...
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>I've never felt like actual strong yuri vibes from Yuru Camp
Talked like an actual tourist. S1 was full of NadeRin heart-warmin, yuri-friendly moments and the original S1 finale made Yurucamp anime one of the most well-liked SoL in /a/, /u/ and nip normalfag circles
>besides Aoi/Aki
Actually, some anons kinda thought Aoi was straight since the bf joke in S1 but OVAs, Heya Camp and S2 toned down those insecurities
>Rin/Nade works if you squint hard enough
Again, I'm not even sure if you actually watched this anime
>and I feel like Rin might be kinda attracted to Sakura but it's not like serious
Well yeah, her quote about Nadeshiko's oneechan being so beautiful and DAT S2 episode made it look like she might have a crush on the older sister too
>That changed this episode though damn her and Aya is something else she has the mischievous energy Nadeshiko has that Rin likes but without being so overwhelming and a bit of the coolness that she likes from Sakura, on top of that she seems to be into her too since she just literally messaged her out of the blue and said "come with me"
This is why /a/ is sensing NTR vibes around Ayano. Also, she was very flirty in this last episode.
>3 episodes in
>already stealing Rin away from her childhood friend
I believe in SakuRin supremacy but I gotta say, I liked this episode
Starting the season late here. Is the movie worth watching or I should just put it on speed mode?
For no exact reason I never got around to watching it, and now a few minutes in its about them as adults? That's kinda meh premise imo, not sure why make a movie about it, not like they're allowing the girls to go at it with each other like rabbits
Personally, I wish I'd never watched it, it disillusioned me about the subtext in this series.
The film is supposedly not canon (although there is no contradiction) in the end it feels like those films that are made to end a sitcom that could not be finished correctly (like ALF)

For me it was heya camp and S2, the movie only definitively confirmed it, the problem is not the subtext of the series itself, but rather where the entire series is heading, S1 presented a completely different idea than what everything was after that.
Ultimately decided to just put it on as background noise, and occasionally glance on what's happening.
>disillusioned me about the subtext in this series
Care to elaborate on this? I thought its worst offense was that it was a boring use of the characters, putting them on a "what if" scenario that wasn't even a fun romp.
Oh and also that it was 2 HOURS long.
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Short NadeRin comic
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Its been animated!
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Manga version.
>hey, kid, wanna /ll/?
I just saw the Yuru Camp Anthology. Anemone author Rin Sakuragi chapter is a Rin x Sakura piece.
Brofist proves that they're bros. If they had held hands, that would be a cause for concern for Nade.
She can't possibly please them all.
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If this is Rin's wives why is Chiaki there? If this is supposed to be everybody where's Aoi?
Chiaki is not in that picture anon, not even close.
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I see that now
Not that anon, but I'd guess it's because when you flash forward x years and the MCs are not together or even particularly orbiting each other, it makes it harder to read the earlier stages of their relationship as working their way toward romantic feelings.
This show was always tough for me to watch because I'm extremely sensitive to cold and the idea of camping outdoors when it's freezing outside seems like a level of masochism that I cannot understand. Also these girls looked like a lesbian couple.
As well as sisters.
I wish I were sensitive to the cold, it would make living in Texas easier. You're lucky, I'm envious, give me your sensitive skin.
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Why is the train lady so cute though? Who's her girlfriend?
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What are they going to do here?
Becoming the God Emperor of Arrakis.
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Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
That's literally just Ena with a slightly different haircut.
well Ena is really cute as well
They can be both.
What do you think "as well" means?
Shit, they have great chemistry together. Now I think I now why weed-chan is so popular.
NadeRinAya or NadeRinSaku?
How about just SakuRin and NadeAya?
NadeRin must never be split apart.
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>The great "Getting friends through suspended bridge effect" plan
>A: Ah I want to get better friends with Rin.
>Suspended bridge effect is a psychological phenomenon that causes misunderstanding of excitement caused by fear as excitement caused by love.
>R: Suspended bridge is scary!
>A: It's okay, I'm here.
>A: Let's ask her to go to Ooigawa.

Any truth to this?
It's the reason for every bodyguard crush ever.
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I half expected them to wake up with Rin in the tent with them or one (or even both) of them in there with her

This cut made her look so lonely, I can't believe Kumiko led her on all day just to get in Nadeshiko's tent

I dunno who I ship anymore, Aya is too powerful
Whats Rae Taylor doing here?
She's way too happy for someone who would later go to Balamb Garden.
We need more plump Nade.
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Perfect triangle.
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>NadeRin diaper play like in MahoAko
>yfw that entire trip gave off NTR bait vibes
What the hell was Afro thinking?
I feel like the original plan was to just do Rin+Aya but they got scared and so added Nadeshiko at the last second or something but it only made it worse kinda

Epsecially given the Aya+Rin chemistry is so high
Nadeshiko is easy to upstage. Look what happened in Vol 7 when Sakura and Rin ran into each other watching over Nadeshiko and then went off to dinner together. Instantly everyone remembered Rin's interior monologue about Sakura being so pretty and Nadeshiko being kind of blah. Everyone except Afro who was left wondering where this SakuRin thing was coming from- when he had basically outlined it himself.
The real problem, and it is more with the fans than the series itself, is that this became the sandbox for many people who turned the series into a harem and/or NTR.
Shut the fuck up and learn English.
Nadesisters... I guess we lost uh?
There was never anything to win.
The manga is far from over, they just started second year and picked up two freshmen. This will go for 50 volumes.
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Nadeshiko is unironically the endgame and you know it. Kirby and Rin are the only camper girls who keep sharing wholesome moments in the manga. Heck, as soon as Spring namek arc happened in the manga, Shimarin immediately thought about asking Kirbyshiko out on a camping trip again and actually went to the place she and onee-chan were messing around.
You just know her heart is in the right place.
Episode seven felt like psilocybin camp. Did AC-bu direct it?
She's talking about Ayano tho
She is, but she also keeps summoning that mustachioed Nadeshiko tulpa with the white dog.
So what does that mean? Other than, she is conflicted.
Wouldn't be surprised the mangaka got stoned and wrote those chapters kek. Shit was fun nonetheless
Rin just has to have her alone time, going to tour for cherry blossoms by herself before the out club camp. She could be touring with Aya, but nooo.
good morning, sir
Next episode will be Rin's first spring solocamp and we will get to see her NadeRin thoughts since S1
Nadeshiko isn't that petty.
Also, I'm not a fan of what S3 did to Rin's design (the eyes in particular)
Uh... sure.
Only mentally ill retards do crap like that.
I dislike the fact she smiles so much in this season.
Shima's smile was subtle, you could even call her Rin of the faint smile.
Is she smiled you knew fonsure she was actually happy, now it's just a generic Kira smile.
uhm sexo?
sexo indeed
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Why does Ayano allow Rin to sleep with Nadeshiko? Are they in an open relationship?
threesome ending
That's only for sister sandwhiches.
I seriously thought this was some random guy.
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Why? She clearly looked like Rin-chan. Also I absolutely love the final scene of the last episode. Just Nadeshiko and Rin talking about their hopes and dreams about the spring break under the beautiful sakura trees.
Why did Rin look like she had a tan here?
Nadeshiko is just pale in comparison.
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Old shonen MCs always had a tan and recent anime still have protagonists with a slightly darker skin tone than their heroines' pale skin. Probably they're just trying to make it clear Rin is the MC while Nadeshiko is the main heroine
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Rin confirmed for bottom?
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How does Rin do this? She is constantly having nude encounters with hot women. Is this the real source of her love of onsen (probably applies to Sakura as well)?
But with Rin, they ALL notice her, "woah look at the tiny girl" and then when they find she really isn't a Junior High student they get even more interested.
Did Sakura get the same sort of thing when she was younger, except that with her everyone thought she was a JK or JD when she was really a JS?
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this is the true power of being small, makes me wish i wasnt tall even more than usual
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>ever single anime magazine cover about YuruCamp was always NadeRin-centered material
>suddenly THIS happened
What is 8bit staff even thinking? Who greenlighted this thing?
cute girlfriends
Rin definitely strikes me as a power bottom so yeah. She just likes to see her Kirby as top sometimes

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