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I'm all for finding yuri even in hetshit media, but this might be going too far
I'm desperate to find yuri in that hell hole, but outside of Elegg and Trony I really don't think it's happening
There were some Yuni x Mihara moments and also Neon kissed Papillon on the forehead but that's pretty much it.
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From the official Nikke manga
I wish this game let you play as a female commander
Holy shit people do willingly make yuri art for this game
Any decent Nikke fanfics at least?
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Real shit, does any one have any parings?

We all know its thread bare
There is nothing, this is the most het gacha in existence. Stop bumping it and let the thread die.
I think that title goes to eversoul actually
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Whenever someone makes a thread about some kind of mainstream seasonal anime with zero /u/ in it, I always think "man, we must be fucking desperate for things to post about, trying to get a whole thread out of this".
This is the same as that, but ten times worse.
Is the situation really that bad for this game (one last bump before letting the thread die)
I'll keep saying it, outside of Mihara x Yuni and Elegg x Trony, there isn't much meat here.

Everything else is essentially a crack ship.

It's not like the game is going out of its way to ignore it, but it also has no real interest either.

Like during the winter event last year, fags were going up in arms about it being yuri (God forbid) when there was litterally nothing there.
Yes. It is THE waifufag coomer game for moids. If you want to play a non-bullshit (albeit somewhat slow burn) yuri gacha then go for Heaven Burns Red. Nikke has no place on this board.
It is that bad. 100% harem genre for gratification of a straight male player. There's nothing else to it, even though there is the occasional laugh to be had at the fans freaking out about getting cucked when any of the girls talks to another male character or cares too much about another girl that it can be kind of inferred that the self-insert is not THE most important person in their lives.
Since the current event does not involve the self-insert, you could've headed on over to /vg/ and seen it happen live just a couple of days ago.
And you could've asked this without giving "one last bump" to this waste of a thread.
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There are more yuri undertones in this game than the entirety of Touhou yet this thread is the one that doesn't belong here for some reason.
I will say this event and boom's day has been the most yuri the series has so far and neither girl has shown their interest in the commander (I just started chapter 27 so I don't know how Elegg and Trony interact in the main story yet)
That and Rapunzel is the chief bislut in this game by a mile
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