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Lots of band show threads this season but no Bocchi.

Previous thread: >>4133151
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Hag love.
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All forms of Bocchi love are sacred.
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Do these two really?
has anybody this one under their radar?
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Hamazi is out with friends and they "wrote like a western yuri lover" on the Bocchi community art wall and Hamazi posted it on her alt.
We're gonna win, I can feel it.
>"wrote like a western yuri lover"
My nip is shit so I'm probably missing something but how does また百合営業しといたわ imply anything about western yuri fans?
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bokita is emotionally fulfilling in a way i dont think any other yuri pair i've ever been a fan of has managed to achieve before
is this post saying that the creator of the manga wrote bokita is real?
yes that is precisely the case
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Unfortunately it's not or at least not likely. The "bokita is real" was written before hamazi and chiune drew the bit in that tweet.
PA-san is a menace.
>Hey! Stop sniffing it!

>I love Senpai's smell~
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Need chapter 76
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need more yandere Futari
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Need more Futari and Michiyo and their 'special relationship' that has made Futari such a brat.
is the alchohol girl spinoff /u/ enough
Why is Nijika wearing Seika's clothes?
less shipbaity than the main series (except for a chapter dedicated to Seika thirsting after Bocchi), but I still like shipping Shima and Hiroi.
She likes her sister's smell, please understand.
>chapter dedicated to Seika thirsting after Bocchi
The one where she laments over not being ablebto see Bocchi in a maid outfit?
Somehow this feels like the least likely couple within the band.
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Kita canonically tops.

Kita will feast on Ryo.
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Because Ryo never had any romantic interest in Kita, and Kata's crush for Ryo was superficial. All her crush was based in the fake image that she had about Ryo and in "OMG she's so hot!"
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>Bocchi-chan, here's some Valentine chocolates

>Th...Th...thank you...
>Nijika-chan...My return gift for the chocolates...

>Sure, put them here.
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Any BoRyou?
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I find it interesting how Girls Band Cry and YoruKura have caused a acceleration in Bocchi and MyGo art on X and Pixiv...
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Hamazi went out to do some business yuri with Chiune

Did they have sex?
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They shared churros
This. Bocchi was very lonely while teaching herself the guitar in her closet. And she is to scared to leave her closet, so all of her """"""friends"""""" will have to go into that closet and give her lots and lots of "totally just friendly" loving.
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Do we think Ryo and her mom have incestuous sex?
bokita is teal
Of course, like all mums and daughters do.
Out with the Kita (that know-it-all extrovert bitch made Bocchi humiliate herself in front of a whole crowd by forcing her to give a speech. Not to mention that bitch still lusts for Ryo senpai), in with the Nijika.
As "emotionally fullfilling" as a pile of poop.
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Why does Ryou love Kita so much?
I'm surprised she isn't taking advantage of her crush to bleed her dry.
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Did you finally listen to your mother?
Typical BochiKitafag respone.

If you seriously think that sabotoging bitch deserves Bocchi then think again. That ship is so goddamn incompitable that it's not even funny.

Kita's whole pushy extrovert shtick and the way she started off being lustful for Kyo senpai rubs me the wrong way.
Can you guys explain why this pairing got popular when Kita loves Ryou and not Bocchi?
One year later i still don't get it... (I watched the entire anime and read the manga)
Because Ryo is so obviously in love with Nijika and doesn't feel much about Kita, so RyoKita ship can't really sail. And Kita's interest in Bocchi makes people ship them together I guess. In canon, she's just a part of Bocchi's vast lesbian harem though.
But Kita's interest on Bocchi never had a single ounce of love or attraction, just friendship.
>part of Bocchi's vast lesbian harem
Yeah... so vast... only Yoyoko.
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>But Kita's interest on Bocchi never had a single ounce of love or attraction
She canonically finds her attractive.
>>part of Bocchi's vast lesbian harem
>Yeah... so vast... only Yoyoko.
Literally everything you wrote about Kita applies to Yoyoko
Kita finds any woman attractive if they put effort in it.
Kita is also going only to university because of Bocchi, they even presented Kita's mom as being bothered that Bocchi seduced Kita when Kita described the things she does with Bocchi after school.
Because Kita's mom is mentally ill and mistook common activities for seduction or debauchery. It's a scene played as a gag so why are you using that as an example? Even Kita had no idea what the fuck her mom was on about.
>only Yoyoko
And Seika, Hiroi, Ame, Sasaki...
Hamazi already killed bokita
Seika is too old for Bocchi and cares more for Nijika.
Hiroi is her mentor and already has her own harem.
Ame has potential.
Sasaki is a great.
Ame was literally introduced to make Kita's jealous. Kita just has to see it in person.
>Seika is too old for Bocchi and cares more for Nijika.
Wasn't there a whole gag about how she only tooks pics/vids of Bocchi during a concert? Seika is down bad for Bocchi.
Anyway, we're gonna meet Bocchi's true soulmate once Warabi is introduced
Yes, Seika is down bad for Bocchi but still too old for her.
Why would Kita be jealous if she doesn't love Bocchi?
>Just a gag
Not this shit again
Look, Do you know what is a gag? The crush Kita had for Ryo. That was also used for jokes AND STILL WAS A REAL CRUSH.
Something can be a use for jokes, and be serious at the same time.
If you aren't baiting, read the manga and watch the anime again.
This single scene should answer your question.
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Oh, and even if Kuruyo's assumptions were delusions, all the time Kita spend talking about Bocchi at home, and how she stopped talking about Ryo after meeting Bocchi is totally real.
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Pretty nervious, aren't we? I must've hit a nerve.
>sabotoging bitch
You mean the girl who supperted her so many times?
Kita's crush on Ryo is a gag yes.
But so is the non-existent crush on Bocchi you think Kita has.
Seika's crush on Bocchi is also a gag since she's a lolicon.
The only characters that could possibly be interested on Bocchi eventually with no gag would be Sasaki, Yoyoko, Ame or a fan.
>I'll become better so i can support my friend
OH AM GEE Becky, they are so love!
Feels like her relationship with Ame is already a joke since everyone else puts Bocchi down when it comes to Ame.
>But so is the non-existent crush on Bocchi you think Kita has.
Then, tell me, What proof you have to say that she don't have a crush for Bocchi?
All this time, you only has been saying
>She don't
>That thing don't count
Explain to me why.
You know, you're being saying all this
>The only characters that could possibly be interested on Bocchi eventually with no gag would be Sasaki, Yoyoko, Ame or a fan.
All those characters has a gag with her.
Yoyoko's relationship with Bocchi is all a gag of how she wanted to get closer with but Bocchi didn't realize and don't have the same feeling of "God, I wanted to be closer with her so bad"
Sasaki just love mess with Bocchi and, sees her as a little puppy which is funny to play with.Tha's used for gags.
Ame's gag is "oh, this girl is Bocchi but with worse social anxiety", making possible turn Bocchi into some kind of senpai for her, but also a lot of gags about she being even Bocchier than Bocchi.
All the characters in this manga
>I'll become better so I can be forever supporting this girl, forever at her side.
That can be see eaisly as romantic (especially when she said it after sang constellation), and that single moment has more meaning and show a deeper bound than anything Kita had with Ryo, And you still wonder why people choice to support her ship with Bocchi instead of her ship with Ryo?
Because any form of romance in this manga is made in the format of gags, jokes and nothing can ever be serious. It's a comedy.
There's no actual romance between any of the entire cast of characters. That's the simple thing any non shipper retard can easily see.
Man... you truly are crazy. How come from that simple phrase you interpreted Kita wants to be by Bocchi's side forever?
Why is she going to university then? Kita has a very specific place as the main support in Bocchi's life that she gave herself after the school festival and Ame is the first character that could steal that from her. If that doesn't make her jealous then she's legally blind.
Kita is not legally blind, she just doesn't like Bocchi that way. How can you feel jealously for a person you don't love?
Btw, Ame? the first character that could steal Bocchi? Ame wouldn't even be able to steal a pencil from a random school desk.
Kita's romance with Bocchi became the main attraction (to the point every single day Bokita gets multiple new pieces of art more than a year after the show is over) because they are literal foils of each other, both are the same inside, which makes them both think the other one is the perfect goal they want to be, Bocchi becoming social and Kita wanting to be free from society. Kita wants to be honest and being liked for who she is, not having to lie about her name because how much she hates it and become helpful and be known for something unique, something she consider she doesn't have compared to what everyone else contributes to the band, specially Bocchi, the heart of kessoku band. You can see it in the lyrics of If I could be a Constellation: the song could be about Bocchi singing about Kita and Kita singing about Bocchi, it works both ways and that was definitely on purpose. Their development as characters is directly tied to their romantic relationship progressing.

Don't reply again until you read the lyrics.
>Because any form of romance in this manga is made in the format of gags, jokes and nothing can ever be serious.
Don't change the narrative, you were the one saying "he only characters that could possibly be interested on Bocchi eventually with no gag", don't say that everything is a gag now then.
Anyway, read >>4215309 again.
Bocchi's social anxiety is also a gag, Are you gonna telling me that she's actually and extrovert girl and these momemts about her social anxiaty taking over her are just all jokes?
>How come from that simple phrase you interpreted Kita wants to be by Bocchi's side forever?
Because I can read the context
Follow me
>Who she wanted to support
>How she wanted to support
Being her support guitarist
>What implies support Bocchi as a guitarist
Play in her band at her side.
>How long she would play
As long as Bocchi is playing, like she does it to support her.
>How long Bocchi plans to play
Forever, since is her only way of live.
>Kita knows it?
>Kita is ok with that
Yes, since she already choice to follow and support her, and even has the same goal about living of her music.
Therefore, wanted to play with Bocchi and support her forever.
But if this was not easly enough for you, you can read the lyrics of the song Kita sang before saying that, is literraly about Kita wanting to be at Bocchi's side forever.
man, you can really tell when the /a/ thread dies
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Yeah, this gave me flashbacks of old wars in /a/
It's kind of nostalgic actually, it's been a while since I join to one of these discussions.
>How long Bocchi plans to play?
Except that is not possible. As she gets older she will need to eventually need to give up guitar or being in a band. What will Bocchi do when she realizes she can't play anymore?
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>Seika's crush on Bocchi is also a gag since she's a lolicon.
Kita will be living with her, supporting her.
Many musicians play well into old age and die before retirement.
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People also use the word forever as "As long as it's possible", You know?
>Seika is too old
30 isn't old.
>Hiroi is her mentor
Nah, she actually looks up to Bocchi. Bocchi is able to conquer her own anxiety without getting intoxicated, and that is way more than anything Hiroi could do for herself.
Tell that to Keith Richards.
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Bokita sisters.....
Kita has no reaction, she doesn't love Bocchi that way.
I don't see how this is an own
Total BoNiji victory
Total BoNiji cope
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>totally broke
>in debt to dozens of girls at the school
How's she going to pay them?
With Nijika's body
Make way cannonfags, here comes the only valid pairing in the show. Only bocchi's tender love can heal her alcoholic heart.
A Star is Born AU when?
Stay in your containment thread, AI scum.
Found a really trending Bocchi art on twitter and posted one of their arts without knowing it's all AI. Why are AI art allowed on twitter even though they're now indistinguishable from real art and stealing artists jobs literally?
'cause Elon Musk is a twat.
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You're in luck.
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I thought Ryo had a sword for a moment. I might be dumb.
I love how Ryo is hover handing her own girlfriend. Absolute bottom for sure.
It should be the other way around.
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Nah, Nijika is the strongest keissoku.
Nijika would never stab Ryo in the back.

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