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Previous Thread

>Some places to read fics

>A (somewhat old) archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, anything goes as long as it's yuri.
I was suddenly reminded that KLK exists.


I felt like rereading that Resident Evil Harperwong AU series where Helena is the one that goes to Spain instead of Leon in RE4, and she falls in love with Ada. But then I tried to find it only to see the authors had deleted not only their ff account, but also AO3 and Tumblr.
Holy shit. Thank God I found someone else who archived them. This pairing is so rare and it already lost one of it's only long fics years ago, I would have been devastated if this series was lost too.
It hurts that this confirms it's never getting finished though, from what I remember the authors had partially written the RE6 part but didn't finish it and now I guess they never will.
Thoughts on gender-swap /u/ fanfiction?
post the link
>also back-up the downloads too
So I'm a bit new to these threads. How come they all use the same OP image? It actually tripped me up when I saw the last one in the catalog czu I was like whoa that same image still it's gotta be like a year old
Depends on the nature of the swap.
It's just tradition to use the same image
I like them, as long as they stay a girl forever and it doesn't feel like a really blatant fetish thing
I read a good sherlock one set during ww2 but other than that I tend to avoid them. Mostly because I generally have no interest or knowledge in the source material.
It's been a thing for a decade or more at this point. Probably because xena is the og big f/f fandom.
never known the answer to this but over the ungodly years i've been here it's always comforting to see it never changes
We tried changing it once. The thread devolved into shitposting so we never tried it again.
Classic /u/
I've never read any or even had any will to do so. And I rarely like any male characters, so there isn't any that I think I would enjoy just by genderbending them on a fanfic
How old is this tradition? I'm relative new here, only lurking for two years.
Oldest thread on the archive with the Xena and Gaby filename is November 2011 but the archive lost all its images before 2015
>We tried
Correction: a couple of zoomers tried to disrupt the thread by using new OPs and thankfully they moved on instead of sticking around
Any good Mass Effect stories?
Oh so that's who it is
Bloody zoomers.
Xena is really more of a gen x thing than anything else.
i'm a millennial and i used to watch xena every day after school on tv
buffy and hercules too
I would read the shit out of stories where generic self-insert cardboard boy is replaced with a girl, with narrative accommodating that.
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I'd absolutely read a retelling of UC Gundam with butch Amura and femme Charla.
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Here you go. It's really a shame when such rare ships with so few fics get those fics deleted.
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I'm a 26 year old zoomer and I've watched the show, thanks. :)
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>look up story i read a few years ago
>it was actually 16 years ago
>look up author
>their last story was posted 2013 and it was a oneshot
>fanpages are either no longer being updated or redirect to some ad agency who bought the domain
>even the porn is dead
i wish i wasn't such a grumpy old fuck so i could find a new fandom to obsess over
Which fandom though? You can't just not mention it now.
Oh hey, I remember reading that years ago and being pleasantly surprised by the quality.
Which is better to publish to if you can't do both: Fanfiction or A03?
AO3 easily
What happen to FF.net?
It has a really shitty interface
I'm too young to really know all the details but there was a schism (something about power tripping moderators maybe?) and ao3 was born. For a time they were competitive but now ao3 is like by far the most popular zone.
A lot of stuff but mainly it came down to censorship and frivolous DMCA requests. AO3 exists as a non-profit entity to legally protect fanworks from publishers and copyright holders.
I never realized this; I posted to FF for years without a hitch.
AO3 tag system is much better than anything FF.net has.
As a calibre/fanficfare/ereader user I'll add ffnet has very aggressive cloudflare ddos protection.
I know I'm a part of miniscule minority, but ease of downloading and updating fics as epubs is a deal-breaker. It's been such a chore do work around it for a long while now, to the point I follow very few ffnet-only fanfics and never prowl it for new works, only go there by explicit recommendation.
How to write a Halo /u/ story, hmm
>write story
>have f/f romance
>set it in halo universe
She's cracked the code..
So long as you stay the fuck away from 343 era lore, just do whatever.
How about a civilian falling in love with a lady Marine while she evacuates her from a doomed planet?
Or a Spartan discovering that love truly does bloom on the battlefield when she's sent to capture a female prophet to force negotiating a peace treaty if you're into that sort of thing.
I remember reading a Female Noble Six/Kat fic once.
Reach is probably the best setting for a f/f story. There's a lot of downtime if you look at the timestamps between missions.
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I’m writing a post-apocalyptic story and searching for examples of good world-building within that setting. I’m looking for a “realistic” modern setting without too much wackiness like Fallout. Any fic recommendations?
AO3 is more convenient for both readers and writers. I despise how people use and abuse the tag system, but even with all the bullshit, that system is far, far better than FF.net.
What's considered abusing the tag system? Where's the line drawn?
Not that anon but I'm assuming when people use tags to blog and write random stuff.
There's no line because nobody sets any standards for the system, but even so, I think the way how people use the system is often counterproductive. The single biggest issue, I think, is authors spamming tags and turning them into blogs or lolsorandumlookatmeteehee garbage that only takes up space on the screen. Sure, if an author tags every single character that appears in the fic and tags every pairing that's mentioned once in a 50k word fic, that fic will appear on my screen that'll search for that pairing or character, but it also means it that much more difficult to search for fics in which those characters or pairings play a meaningful role. Besides, a good summary tell show much more about the quality of the author's writing than tags will. That's probably why people resort to too many tags in the first place.

Tagging too much can be a matter of taste, but what I do take an actual issue with is misleading bullshit about trannyshit, futa, girlpenis and whatever the fuck. I don't want that shit in my F/F content and it's becoming ever more difficult to sift through that garbage without adding a dozen filters simply because I can't tell at a glance anymore if the fic contains that bullshit or not. They're becoming worse and worse about it too, because I can't even filter that garbage out unless I add "trans charname" for each and every character to the exclusion filters. It ties to the whole overtagging issue too, because they'll include 50 useless blogposting tags, but among those 50, there's maybe a single, easy to miss tag that lets me know the work is infected.
Get a script called AO3 Savior for the Tampermonkey plugin. Setting it up is a bit involved, but it lets you permanently blacklist writers and tags.
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>see wall of bullshit tags
>ignore and keep scrolling
I don't see the problem, at least it's upfront about being garbage.
To be fair this person is probably like fourteen years old.
There was a pretty big incident awhile back involving a fic with a like 500+ tags or something absurd like that because the author would tag everything they could which in turn caused it show up in a lot of searches and if you used a screen reader it would make your life hell.
Because AO3 takes a 'Hands Off' type approach to doing pretty much anything there was no content filtering options available for getting rid of it so people had to bitch and moan (including making fics with whole movie scripts in the tags) to them to eventually get a system in place.
To a much lesser extent people will often fill tags with completely irrelevant junk and Tumblr-esque quipping which makes trying to figure out what kind of content is in a fic difficult.
Tips on how to write a butch? Fandom is gonna be Worm
Wolfspider fic?
Rachel/Taylor? Nah. I was thinking about writing Taylor as one.
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>butch Taylor
Taylors long hair is a pretty important character trait of hers. Other than that she already reads pretty butch in the way she dresses and the way she acts so it shouldn't be too difficult.
That is very much a choice. Anyways, not much really changes with Taylor. Her issues with her femininity are likely worse if she's still being bullied but that's about it.

Also a good wolfspider fic recently updated


Eh, Taylor's clothing choices are more defensive armor than any indication of where she falls on the butch/femme scale and as a narrator she's super unreliable about her looks due to the bullying. Her build might put her towards being androgynous at most but that's offset by her hair. My elevator pitch for her general level of attractiveness is "girl next door who really rocks a few different looks like hot librarian or anything that emphasizes her legs and makes you want her to step on you."
>unless I add "trans charname" for each and every character
Just adding "trans*" to excluded tags usually works for me, though of course that doesn't help with all the other shit you still need to exclude. I wish they had another category for all of that instead of just putting it under F. Or at least allowed you to easily report fics that are just tagged incorrectly, I remember reading fics tagged exclusively F/F that then turned out to be het on more than one occasion.
I think the best way to handle the tag abuse is to limit the amount of tags per fic and maybe add something like one tag per 10k of words?
Likely not what you're looking for, but it's the only post apocalyptic fic I know. As a bonus, it's one of the best fics I've ever read: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3099050/chapters/6714170
Not anon, and I get why you'd recommend it in this context, but I'm not really sure it counts. The isolated nature of the premise means that the two pretty handily sidestep the majority of post-apocolyptic themes and issues. In terms of content it's really more like a cast away/shipwrecked fic wearing the skin of post-apoc. Also, being great aside, it's sort of the exact opposite of what anon is looking for, since it has effectively no world-building, just a world that is functionally normal (besides the gimmick) and largely static (besides natural disasters).
You are absolutely right; I am looking for the post-apocalyptic vibes like society collapse, lawlessness, no government, no electricity, struggle to find your next meal, raiders and all that. Survival should be a constant struggle.

thanks, I try it. Is the survival part detailed enough to be interesting?
It's pretty easy. There are only two cases here:
1. Genderbending within the story =/= /u/
2. A universe where the character's sex was swapped from the start = /u/

Anyone who will say otherwise is not actually interested in yuri.

Leaving aside which site is clearly more successful and the tagging stuff, AO3 is the much better option for the writer. AO3 actually lets your FORMAT your scripts! I have tried both sites and FF is just the word about this. No matter what you do with the text it will always be an unformatted mess. I'm surprised it even accepts line seperators. AO3 lets you do pretty much anything from text alignment to even posting art or links. And the reader can choose their prefered fonts of course.

The only possible advantage to FF you can maybe scrape together is that it makes it slightly harder for your work to get copy-pasted, but even that can be circumvented. In the end fanfic writers should probably just accept that their works will be downloaded. It's not like you make money off of these.
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>1. Genderbending within the story =/= /u/
you mean you don't actually love me for my personality?
Did this tourist seriously post a fucking meme gif with a dude? I knew this thread attracted the worst people, but damn.
Surprised I've not found such a fic. The closest I can think of is a Worm/Tomb Raider fic where Taylor is thinking on whether Sophia thinks shes butch or not.
>Taylors long hair is a pretty important character trait of hers
I agree but its fanfiction.
Now you've got me picturing Taylor looking like Vi.
Wow I've come a long way from asking how to write in here to being recc'd. I appreciate you anon. Thank you for reading my sis-yay.
>In the end fanfic writers should probably just accept that their works will be downloaded.

Not if it's hot garbage!
Tfw I'm ESL and like the word moisty, but no one uses it
does it have to be /u related?
i remember reading this one fic a couple of years ago that had two female mc's listed but they instead got together with two random male oc's
Why are you even bringing this up on /u/
This thread sure has fallen on hard times since the Vocaloid days
In that anon's defense, the first anon was asking for fics in a specific sort of setting to use as a guide for worldbuilding. Which is a distinct difference from asking for fics in general
Urgh….fine if you think it is good enough that I can learn something from it. I can use Scriveners name replacer and pretend it is f/f or is the het so in your face that I need to bleach my brain afterwards?

Yes and I am thankful for any help. This setting is so hard to find, that I can probably not avoid the het. I had no luck in /lit/ either.
Didn't they tell you to read the first part of a Canticle for Leibowitz?
I read this post-canon Blame fic a while back where Sanakan is looking for Cibo. It's a little on the short side but I thought the worldbuilding was done well. It probably won't make a lick of sense unless you're already familiar with Blame though.
nope, but I am searching for it right now. Thanks.

lol...this is indeed a bit confusing.
I'm glad for you, on my end I have to start moving my ass and doing stuff a bit, life gets in the way but it shouldn't be a permanent excuse
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Every yuri ship has that one fic that is super popular despite being dogshit and usually contains bi/het stuff. My OTP's is one where one of the women is a prostitute
Yeah and it's usually got like 200 kudos and 50 glowing comments...
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What is /u/'s favorite fandom in terms of the quality of fics it has produced?
Worm has some absolute bangers.
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I also wanna know, personally I’m a big fan of supercorp, but /u/ isn’t I guess. I usually can’t stand cape shit, but there are plenty of no-powers AUs and some really good writers. Not surprising considering they have 20k fics. Nice Shoot by the way, saved.
I like supercorp but I feel like I've read everything at this point. I'm the opposite I like the powers, the inevitable angst from Lena finding out.
Imo Supercorp's best feature is the chance to have family drama between the Luthors and the Els over two of their members banging. Which works best with the superpowers.

Also Cat Grant is a fun option for Kara.
Nearly all the Sylvaina stuff I've read has been pretty great.
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I never understood this, create a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal? The angst from Lena I get. Anyway, I know what you mean. I’ve already read many of the great fics, but there are still good new ones popping up. Who is your favorite SC writer?

The family drama works as well without powers, I think. I’ve never gotten into Supercat, any fic recommendations to start with?
>I never understood this, create a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal?
Have them fight another characters that are also practically invincible. DC has plenty of those. In fact, for every street level character there are like 5 or more "my sneeze is destroying this planet" characters.
>a character than is practically invincible, what is the appeal?
Just put them in situations they can't punch their way out of. In fact, romance stories are perfect for this.
But why? A character with all the human weakness is so much more interesting. I can handle one power, but having a bunch, like the supers, is just lame.

So, like Kara, strong but too weak to tell Lena how she feels?
There are very few words that can explain seeing "orphan account" on top of that one fucked you liked s lot and been waiting for a continuation for it
The Locked Tomb comes to mind. That one Moby Dick AU story that got posted a few threads back was absolutely amazing and everything else I've read in that fandom has been well written, even the smut. I wouldn't be surprised if some TLT fanfic authors are published writers themselves.
I don't enjoy the source material but I've read some good TLT fanfics.
Are there any good symphogear yuri fics?

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