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No doubt an AOTS contender. Maybe even an AOTY contender.
Previous thread: >>4187340
Momoka is totally gay, she lives with a gay man and fell silent when asked whether she has had a boyfriend (she had a girlfriend)
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>be 20-year-old alcoholic
>personal life is a mess, probably bathes only every other day, clothes covered in cat hair, felt no shame over getting drunk and sleeping with an underage girl
>pussy hasn't been shaved since she left diamond dust
>has two JKs thirsty for her pussy anyway
How does Momoka do it? Is it the jean shorts plus pantyhose combination that drives them wild?
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Shut up Erica.
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This show is something special
My god, she's so dreamy!
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For this show I'm all for Subaru x Nina. But it feels like willingly taking the L before everything even starts. Even if we get some gay subplot it's gonna be Nina x Momoka.
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I do wonder what will happen next, because there's something clearly holding Momoka back and nor Nina or Subaru seem to be able to do something about it.
Maybe Rupa will help her?
Signs point to either MomoNina or NinaTomo ending up as Nina's main pairing. In side material RupaMomo and NinaTomo are pushed quite a bit but I don't see fanartists giving up MomoNina anytime soon.
Side material? Like MVs and merch? I've been only watching the anime so I don't know about anything else...
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Drama CDs have come out with their albums and their official Youtube channel has a bunch of Live2D skits where the characters do Q&A and stuff. Most of them take place after the band's come together so there's not as much Momoka and Nina angst, which is a lot of the fuel for MomoNina right now. RupaMomo are like the Mom and Dad of the band and Nina's pretty forward with Tomo with Tomo being tsundere in return.
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Huh, thanks nice to know! Thanks! I'll keep that in mind when looking at fan-art! I wonder how will the relationship develop after this chapter though, because it seems Nina will take Subaru's advice more seriously now.
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"When Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through"
>How does Momoka do it?
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Momoka and Rupa getting 'mothers day' art.
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Momoka bottoms?
This feels OOC even with the timeskip they did, but I honestly don't even care because I'm just happy to see people starting to write for this show so I'll take it
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Who are some good artists doing GBC stuff to follow, nee-sans?
Have you been through https://twitter.com/girlsbandcry/likes yet?
GBC seems to be the only show that assigned someone to like art being posted about their show.
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also reposts a lot.
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Its been discovered that they are only putting up one out of three audio dramas from each single released on YouTube.
There are actually going to be 15.
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Feel like an idiot because I hadn't thought of this. Thanks, nee-san. Will check it out and follow the other account you posted too.
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A /a/non left these in their thread 'for anyone who wants them' all 15 audio drama tracks cribbed off of bilibili.

Not translated, cannot vouch for quality or safety, use at own risk.
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No it is NOT futa.
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Entire video dedicated to MomoNina.
These two just have so much chemistry. I swear they're meant for each other.
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A dangerous thought.
>baseball hat, camo pants, sneakers
gaydar overloading

Damn. This is exactly what it feels like when you realize you have a crush on someone, when they're doing something completely innocuous and they look like the most beautiful person in the world to you.

So we're gonna have a roadtrip, Momoka drama and Nina's sister - I've been wanting to see her since the phone call in episode 1. She's cute and it looks like Nina likes her better than her dad at least.
>groomed by her sister
>can only get off on older women
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This updated.

I'm really sad that the show not being licensed and easily accessible is keeping people from knowing it exists. I can imagine a timeline where people go crazy writing MomoNina angst.
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>I'm really sad that the show not being licensed
With how much money Toei is pouring into the project it's really weird that they didn't license it for English speakers.
It's not ooc for Momoka to be pretty oblivious about love. Also Nina is a very forward girl.
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Oh ho. Look at who is laying on who in this old Diamond Dust album cover and where is Momoka looking when everyone else is looking at the camera...
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The /a/non who found the audio drama tracks
put the ten that Toei didn't have on YouTube on YouTube in the hopes that someone would like them enough to translate them. Probably won't be long before they are struck down. But if you don't like downloading things and want to hear what they sound like.
>I wonder how fast Toei will notice this.
They're aware at least.
Which makes me wonder if someone did translate them would it even matter? If translated and uploaded on youtube will it just get taken down and it'll be a waste of effort?
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I don't think they were expecting people to use YouTube to upload the translation text. They are just trying to advertise.
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MomoSaku? Is it possible?
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Subaru knows more about Momoka than she lets on. I think she’s a fan of hers like Nina but keeps her mouth shut because she knows Nina loves her more.
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Can’t wait for the MomoRupa version of this.
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MomoRupa, they have put it off for so long, but is it the endgame? Givin that they put it off for so long, even if the writers wanted it to be the end game will the audience now accept it over MomoNina?
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This is even better. And that "all according to keikaku" look from Rupa in the bottom half.
Or maybe its "oh sweet child..." since Rupa is two years older?
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Rupa is strange. She is like Haruno but façade only. Which feels weirdly out of place for the show that is so (forgive me) animated.
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Even in fics, Momoka is a coward.
Leave Momoka alone! She's sensitive.

For real though, bless that person for writing something. Especially it being MomoNina
They do have a pretty good grip on Momoka's mindscape. Momoka is also a switch which is accurate.
and people thought the Author was gonna make her a bottom in bed.
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This show understands
That Momoka is indeed a lesbian.

Anyway what are your thoughts?
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rupa's fangirls can't help but cum in her presence
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The line...
I hope she shares with Tomo sometimes
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why did she do that?
Attracted to the smell of Nina's crotch.
She could smell peanut butter.
This has seriously been making me keep laughing at it for like an hour now. Why is she such a lesbian?
Obligatory aquarium date.
>what are your thoughts?
Nina must have felt Rupa's soft bottom hitting her.
>[Yofukashi] Girls Band Cry - 07v0 [720p ADN] [BC8824E8].mkv

Subs only
My thoughts are that: 1) Nina really likes older women. She was so sweet with her sister, she's obsessed with Momoka and she was acting really soft around that dark-haired beauty; 2) Momoka was totally jealous of how chummy Nina was with the lady hence her behavior here >>4209519 ; 3) Rupa is way more fun than I anticipated. She's a major asset in terms of getting fangirls to the band, like damn! 4) That performance in the end with all the emotions of the episode hit me hard, it was quite fun.
I'll stop here or it becomes too much of a blog but it was a great episode.
The lyrics to the song that is the title for the next episode:
if you cry

no one wants to make you sad

and i think no one wants to see things like your crying face
these feelings i have in my heart are ones that would never make me feel ashamed
everyone is bad at being human

i want to digest happiness so much that my jaw comes unhinged
i want to hold happiness so close that my heart bursts

more than love or passion,
right now i only want you
such a thing as being human la la la~

if you cry then i will cry too
if you die then i will die too
if you cease to exist then i will too
if you cry out then i will cry out too

i wanna be so beautiful
i wanna be so beautiful

if you cry then i will cry too
if you die then i will die too
if you cease to exist then i will too
if you cry out then i will cry out too
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Momoka was so adorable when she was 17 and trying to completely reject any concept of 'fashion'. T-shirt and jeans whenever she didn't HAVE to dress up for band photos. And the pony tail.
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Every week I'm taken aback, with varying levels, at how good this anime is. And this week I'm really taken back.
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Same here. This was not on my radar at all and it is shaping up to be my favorite show of the season.

I really really want to know if the Bandori people are shitting bricks right now lol
I'm sure their fanbase loves the show too
I'm just worried that once girls band cry gets a gacha if we even get an English server otherwise there's gonna be a lot of untranslated content
Are we getting a GBC gacha? Really?
>I'm sure their fanbase loves the show too
I meant production-side. Their CG is so stiff compared to this. I think GBC has probably sold a lot of people to how good CG can actually look.
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Fuck the sister. "Hurr durr if you hadn't stood up for yourself you woudln't be int his problem" fuck japanese people and their bullshit sense of decorum, Nina is based
Bandori walked so GBC could run
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Bandori's priority in their 3DCG is making the performances look good at the cost of some more expressiveness in scenes outside of lives; GBC is able to make their CG work all around with the lighter tone and dynamic camera work.

I like both but GBC has really been growing on me the past couple weeks and GBC/Yorukura have been the focal points of my weeks this season.
I think it'd be more likely, if anything, that GBC would get a collab with an already established gacha before it'd get it's own game. Mostly because there's like only a dozen characters to work with, although if there were like 20 versions of Momoka for all of her different fits that would be kind of funny.
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> Sorry, Momo. I'mma steal your bae.
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> Got her.
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I don't have the image but there was a photo that said that a game is in production already.
If it's like how Bandori does it, the anime season will conclude what it's doing and then the gacha will continue their story.
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will it be a pvp game where I beat people up as Nina
Momoka is a mess even in fics. Also I like the friendship she has with Subaru.
Third time this fic is being brought up. I will read it, but there will be hell to pay if it's not any good.
>Third time this fic is being brought up.
Probably by the author.
Considering there really aren't fics out for GBC yet, for now I'll take what we get. I still think it's a bit OOC. I also haven't caught up with this latest chapter.
Then make your own.
>Third time this fic is being brought up
Definitely the author.
Hey, sis, piece of advice: Just tell us you wrote it. It's anonymous anyways so what's there to lose?
Fine I wrote it. It's been stuck in my head so I've been going with where my head goes.
That's ok, just be honest next time. I read it, it's fine. Hell will not be paid.
I do have some ideas floating around in my head. I'm just not very good at writing.

Hope you continue, nee-san! Just read the latest chap and bringing in Mine-san was good stuff. The fact Momoka is canonically an emotional drunk makes for some good scene ideas
Supposedly there's going to be a screening of episode 8 on Monday, be careful to not get spoiled until the official release on Friday!
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Now that we have two shows with gratuitous lesbian boob groping this season, GBC needs to step up its game and have a scene where Nina and Subaru grope Momoka, preferably while she's passed out drunk.
>Subaru-chan, lift up her shirt. I'll get her bra.
>So this is the appeal of an adult woman's breasts...!
>The next morning...
>My boobs are sore... And these marks look like hickeys...
>Oh, that's from us dropping you on the ground so many times from dragging your fat ass around.
>Yeah, and what would a cat lady like you know about hickeys LOL ow
>My innocence was stolen by a couple of brats...
It's not til Saturday, sis. We're fine.
If Nina's parents cut her off now, she can't keep her apartment. Who is she going to move in with? Momo or Subaru?
Or are all five of them going to find a house they can all share?
Subaru won't even use her real name when introducing herself on stage. Zero chance of changing her living circumstances. RupaTomo aren't leaving their love nest. So it'll probably be Nina starting part-time work and Momo moving in with her. It's about time to stop living with the gay body anyways.
*Gay boy
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Someone drew baby-dyke Momoka and Nana off of the old Diamond Dust poster in the live house.
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This is page 1
She really was a baby dyke back then. Also Nana is handsome.
Nina's apartment is tiny and only has one bed, so sounds good to me.
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They are supposed to be classmates, not senior/jr but I kind of get vibes that Nana was Momoka's "person that I wanted to be!" Since it was Nana wearing suit pants, button down shirt and a vest while Momoka was wearing a tomboyish but still feminine outfit not a whole lot different from the stuff Nina now wears.
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Potentially spicy.
yes, Yes,...YES!
Why is she so handsome?
new PV image.
4chan is an imageboard
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>meanwhile in canon
And one of them isn't even out of context.
Fucking adorable
>wo shows with gratuitous lesbian boob groping this season
what's the second one (not jellyfish)
Seiyuu radio
>Hey, Nina
>Bet I could kick your ass
What is Subaru doing to Momoka's wife
Nina doesn't eat or sleep well and Subaru works out by hitting the drums so she probably could. Imagine being beaten up by a pretty oujo-chan though and she steals your wallet just to laugh at how little money you have, damn.
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> What Nina said
> Sobsplease
Even still, I'm on your side.
> Nakayubi
I'm still your fan.

What's the problem in just translating what she actually said?
why not just use the edited mtls if you don't like their decisions
do you know what translation means?
in english you would not use the word love in this situation
The French subtitles said, "ooh lala".
They hate yuri.
The french subs also use
>I'm still your fan. I love your music
tête de bite.
Using like or love doesn't make any sense in this context, since they're talking about DD and Momoka's music.
Here's how Nina actually said she was Momoka's fan in episode 1
私 ファンなんです
But I guess her Japanese is pretty bad and she forgot how to say it by episode 5.

>do you know what translation means?
Apparently it means you will rewrite the screenplay according to your agenda. Even for the most basic words and sentences.
Thank God anti-yuri schizos exist to correct Japanese people about the words and sentences they actually used on their own show.
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Why do you need subs then since it seems you understand japanese?
It's obvious there's something more than friendship/admiration between Nina and Momoka, but it wasn't the subject of the conversation.
Once again, context is everything in japanese, but whatever.
Just according to keikaku

(Translator's note: Keikaku means plan)
Use Yofukashi.
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>expecting a character from the same culture where "the moon is beautiful tonight" means "I want to suck your face" to actually come out and explicitly say that she wants to enter into a monogamous relationship with another girl in which they will partake in physical affection
I can only find up to ep 3 on nyaa. Is there more?
Sis, use the archive. Yofukashi posts DDL urls in the /a/ threads every Friday
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I don't know how to do that unfortunately.
>The french subs also use
it's not an also, Nakayubi translates from french
Thank you anon
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Cheerful baby-dyke to lush in 3 years. How could this have been averted?
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Could this happen?
It's already canon.
I'm getting excited.
>if you cease to exist then i will too
Lovers suicide.
Getting pussy. Momoka seems to have a terminal case of blue ovaries.
I feel like Nina wouldn't apologize, and would only make another video to double down on her comments.
I bet Momoka got a ton of confessions in high school and turned down all those girls to focus on her music.
It should be more like
"Diamond Dust fans are incels"
"Fuck you"
"Fuck you again"
Nina confessed to Momoka.
Also we got another scene to add to the DV chart!


It had pretty much all the elements I imagined it would have. Fucking best show ever.
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I must admit, I didn't believe
>Ultraman Fuck Yea
At least the troll subs are funny.
does attempted isekai-ing count towards the DV list
And it's fucking YURI. Alright, time to prepare the money to buy all the merch and bd.
I didn't dare to believe it, but here we are.
Nina's job, besides being the band lead, is also to protect Momoka. The tables seems to have turned a bit.
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Ah ha!
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How much time has passed since Momoka brought Nina to her house that first time? Because in that time Nina has gone from finding out homosexuals were not just fictional characters on that night to being one herself.
Was this awakening faster than Suletta's?
Well, let's see...
>Nina's first day, she meets Momoka within a few hours and goes home with her, sees the gay dude
>Momoka spends a few days at Nina's
>Momoka moves back to her previous place and a week goes by until they meet up again
>Subaru and Nina get off on the wrong foot, a few days like this?
>A few more days of Nina playing with the music app, they decide to do a live concert
>A few more days after that they do the concert
That's as much as I can remember without rewatching. But it can't be so much more time than that. So around 3 months tops?
we finally found the Yaya.
I mean that's how it goes naturally, the moment you meet a girl you like you realize you're gay, there's not need for a big emotional catharsis or arc
I mean there are hint, I don't think Nina even realized it by episode 2. The skipping and then being deflated when she found out Subaru was also there. Then getting jealous of Subaru. Nina is kinda gay.
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Hard to believe this episode was real.
This anime was already shaping up to be 10/10 for me, but I guess I'm bumping it up to 11
I can't believe it, nee-sans. I just watched the ep. We really got yuri! I'm so happy right now. I really really love Momoka and Nina as a pairing so I thought they would just be relegated to fanfiction and fanart... but its REAL!!!!
Best fucking confession ever. Nina is such a cool gremlin. I'm destroyed.
I hope they kiss or bang too. I'm greedy.
Yes, please. On stage kiss at the festival as one big fuck you to the non-believers
Loved the confession, loved every moment of it. I hope Momoka stops bottling her feelings from now on, but in any case her relationship with Nina is precious.
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Amazing, I was blown away by the way that whole sequence was handled, Nina's such a wild card all the time and her chaotic demeanor always leaves room for interesting situations. Absolutely loved how she ran and stood in front of the ban to make Momoka stop. Essentially said to her that she wants to share everything with her and to not give up. And then preceeds with the love confession and clarification right after just in case. Momoka turning up the music while she cries her heart out.. so great. Haven't been this excited since G-witch. I hope they beat up those rock wannabes idols next.
>Haven't been this excited since G-witch
This is literally me right now. Hours later and I'm still just in awe that this episode even happened. Like this is seriously one of the best anime episodes I've watched in the last year. The entire point from when Momoka picked her up from work to the end were just so insanely chaotic.

Nina is seriously such a good protag. I love that gremlin.
Pretty sure it was Nina who turned up the music. The hand came from the left and Momoka sat on the right. Very smooth move.
I've been asleep for a while now. Is yuri back?
We've got this episode:
>hand on cheek
>full confession with 好き and 告白
Plus next episode Momoka still seems pretty shaken, so yeah, yuri's back.
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Mad to think we're finally getting two original shows in the same season that basically went "fuck it, let's go for it" in regards to yuri.
I'm really interested in how far will both of them push it and how will that affect the industry in the years to come.
It's a good problem to have, but I don't have the money to spare to support both adequately.
>"fuck it, let's go for it"
My favourite type of yuri are the ones that sneak up on you.
It's very fitting given the themes in both shows pertaining to outcasts and the pressures of society, which very much resonate with gay people, but rarely do we get to see shows with such themes play into that with the obvious choice to have gay characters.

So getting two at once is absolutely delightful.
>Momoka turning up the music
That was Nina.
Nina saved Momoka with DV and love.

What's the other snow show you're talking about?
Really wasn't expecting this episode to be so gay, I love when shows surprise me like this (which is usually never). I'm not against multishipping but I'm a little confused as to why they've been pushing RupaMomo and NinaTomo in side materials when the anime is so MomoNina-focused.
It'd be Jellyfish
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Yeah, Yorukura
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Never seeing eye to eye with anyone,
Never knowing what it’s like to be needed
I thought my existence was futile

Once untainted canvas,
Now speckled black, full of flaws,
A warped mind creates doubts and fears,
In this withering heart,
In this closed-off world, I heard a song
Sung by you

Bloodstained and tormented fragments of the past,
Came together to reflect the future,
With your song I listened as if to fill the void, now I am resolved

I can soar, I can act, I can believe,
My scarred, cynical heart can heal,
I want to take a chance on this directionless fate, that’s my logic, my logic,
I couldn’t sit by, even faced with conflict,
Rewrite morality with virulence,
The strength you once gave me is my logic, my logic

Unwilling to blend in,
The pitch-black sky,
Mercilessly towers over,
Waning my confidence,
But I felt a gleam of hope,
Shining through this perishing future as long as I’m with you

Even when my heartstrings broke with each graze,
On nights when I felt like drowning in my tears,
I could return to myself,
To try to believe in what I love

I can soar, I can act, I can believe,
Denials and lies can be broken through,
I want to take a chance on this fate that needs no reason, that’s my logic, my logic,
Without you, I could never have blossomed,
I would’ve wilted away
Rewrite the status quo through passion,
So I can love even my isolated, cold past

I can soar, I can act, I can believe,
My scarred, cynical heart can heal
I want to take a chance on this directionless fate, that’s my logic, my logic
I couldn’t sit by, even faced with conflict
Rewrite morality with virulence
The strength you once gave me is my logic, my logic
Yorukara's an original? I thought it was based off of a manga.
The manga/LN is coming out alongside the anime.
We reach the point that a confesion of love still don´t change the status quo
is that zoomer power?
They're too busy arguing on Twitter over the most insignificant age gap
they still are?
My feed is filled with lovely fan-art and zero discussions. I may have achieved heaven.
Also, a lot of fanfics too for some reason, more than any other series have at this point in time.
>My feed is filled with lovely fan-art
May I see it?
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No, it's all mine.
Same here and it's easy, just don't follow a single english speaking account and change your region to Japan.
Also never use the "For You" tab.
I had started getting something together and kinda drafting some what-if situation fic for episode 7 while Momoka's drunk, but the new episode just like took it all out of me with Nina's confession lol

I still want to try writing something Momonina though. I just feel like maybe I should wait or something.
Same. Except I do use For You and don't see much crap because I block anyone dumb right away. Anyone that is feeling anything other than pure bliss and gratitude at this point is not worth being seen.
You should definitely wait. It was only episode 8. We can expect more events, details and character traits, especially from Momoka. She's bound to "get back" at Nina.
If she really does hide in Subaru's bathroom to avoid Nina, this anime will have reached peak writing.
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I can't begin to contemplate writing any fics until at least the anime is finished.
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>multitude of great shows this season
>get writer's block
>only wrote ~200 words for a GBC fic before I abandoned it
shit sucks
I don't think I've been this invested in a romance since WfM. I love the fact that it's not a sweetheart romance, but it's a lot of anger and yelling between two girls who are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum but nevertheless complete each other.

Also Momoka cries like a wet cat.
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I haven't been this invested since LR, but that one didn't deliver what I thought it should and this one did so early, with more to hope for.

>Also Momoka cries like a wet cat.
Momoka sobbing only upon the confession made it so fucking romantic. I think she's been attracted from the beginning but just like her career she thought it wouldn't go anywhere. That's why even though Nina confessed in episode 5, Momoka didn't see it that way. It took spelling it out to get through to her.
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>using twitter
yes I know
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Getting surprised by something good is always great. Enjoy the episode, sis, I'm already giving it a third watch because of how good it was.
You must not be following the right people, it was all over my feed
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I tell you this as a writer with almost 2 million words of fanfiction published (and I'm not even sure how much I've written that's not public):
Writer's block can only be broken by bulldozing through it. You want to write? You open that document and put words in it even if you hate them, sis.
I know you can do it!
>pride month starts next week
Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
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The fact that this, Jellyfish and SasaKoi are all releasing the same season as Hibike Euphonium is sending me.

It's like the producers saw the return of the biggest yuribait in history and said "Let's show these hacks how it's done"
I don't think it was completely intentional, but I could just say, "Karma, sweet Karma."
Jukki Hanada playing both sides writing this and Hibikek scripts at the same time.
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So... is Nina the top?
Audio drama
A translation I found if anyone wants to understand it as they listen to it
Keep in mind the characters personalities sound off compared to the anime like it was written before the show's script was finalized or something.
they're both tops and have to wrestle every night to see who gets the spot
For now. We'll have to see how their dynamic changes now that Momoka can open herself up to Nina
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ngl I am kinda disappointed that rupa and tomo dont sleep in one bed
They should record at least one music video Tatu-style.
That's pretty fucking retarded considering that Sasakoi was delayed for one season and YoruKura was finished by January too. There's no telling when a given series will air due to competion over timeslots.
Also, Hibike is not in fact "yuribait".
Seeing how Momoka just let herself be pushed around this ep once Nina really got into is drivng my brain crazy. I definitely feel like once Momoka were to finally come to terms with all her shit, they'd definitely just be switches, but I can see Nina being the initiator initially just because Momoka's got her head up her own ass being brooding shoujo love interest
I'd rather move on from that era to be honest
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>Hibike is not in fact "yuribait".
I'm not getting into a decade old discussion with someone in denial.
Go watch your 'adolescence' show while the rest of us enjoy actual yuri.
To be fair, some people use the LN as an excuse to say that there was no bait, but that does not change the intentions put into the adaptation in S1, then S2 happened and the truth became clear.
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Nina's hardheadness will always break through Momoka's barriers.
You don't know what yuribait means.
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>Nina being the initiator
We already know how Nina is going to learn to pleasure Momoka.
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Amusing how episode 8 was about the path of artist when you either do what you love and stay poor or please the crowd but betray yourself. Followed by a declaration of love. And it immediately spawned a wave of screeching on Xitter when people coped about how it acshully isn't yuri, complained about how it's not realistic for girls in the band to be lesbians, acused the writers that they sold to woke or solemnly declare they drop the series.
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I was literally looking up the same thing lmao
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>acused the writers that they sold to woke

This is anime (Japan) the nonsense that Westerners do doesn't count here and it doesn't work the same way, yuri has been something good and correct for almost more than 20 years, it's the Western barbarians who arrived late to the yuri party.
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The only thing xhitter is good for is finding art.
>or solemnly declare they drop the series.
Hope they don't return
Here's something way more important. The chinks have taken note of GBC. I hope that means that one Lycoreco fan artist will get invested. He was very sad with the finale so maybe this original will heal his heart.
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Apparently, the band has an official spotify account and they did a voice presentation for each one of the members.
Besides mentioning a few facts about herself, Momoka spends quite a lot of time mentioning Nina and only her, which I found really cute.
They've been posting pretty good fanart on Weibo and Twitter for a while, sis. I think after this last episode though we're likely going to see a huge boom in fan art from all the people that binged the show this weekend. I'm excited about that.
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Whenever someone tries to argue that "i like you" or "confessing my love" (or whatever translation they use in your subs) isn't necessarily romantic (yes it's done in bad faith and you probably shouldn't engage, I know), post this to scare them away:
With how typically conservative Nina's family seems to be, it's no wonder she turned out to be an Angry Lesbian.
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The slap made Momoka look so shocked and ashamed. She averted her eyes even as Nina poured her heart out.
She could only look into her eyes again once she felt Nina's kind, soft touch in the truck.
Yeah she prob has feelings for her.
I absolutely love that detail and it's something I've been thinking about all weekend. She looked legitimately shellshocked the moment Nina pushed her into that pillar and just really let her have it.

Nee-sans, I haven't been this excited to be following a show while airing since GWitch last year.
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Nina's weird switch, on!
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Ah, wrong picture...
I binged the show Saturday and I love it.
The truck scene is living rent free in my head since
>posted in the wrong thread
Smug 20 year old not so smug after being dominated by younger girl
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I love this artist so much
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Heh, this just makes it all the more satisfying,
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Jeez ok, I was expecting eventual dark fics now that we know how messed up Momoka is, but some suicide attempt fic just went up on AO3 lol
How is she messed up? I don’t get it
Emotionally? Are you not watching the show sis?
This will be real in 11 days.
She’s just in a rut because she and her friends parted ways, hardly dark or suicidal
I came here to post exactly this. Maybe Rupa was just staying up late, but it would be hilarious to watch her stuff her giant foreign body in that tiny bed.
Already expecting AUs where Momoka runs Nina over and kills herself for it already.

She can easily be interpreted as depressed, sis. Have you read the lyrics to her songs.
I agree with you. She's not suicidal, she's just sad things didn't work out the way she thought they would. She's mad at herself for being a dumb teenager. The lyrics are often heavy precisely because rock is about channeling your emotions into music, she teaches Nina that too.
This show should be extra rock and have Momoka fuck Nina. Let's trigger the anti-yuri faggots even more.
Who's the artist of this? Couldn't find it by myself...
Momoka gives me bottom vibes. I can more easily imagine Nina fucking Momoka.
Probably true kek. But I'm still hoping she'll at least switch because I want art of her doing this kind of thing https://mangadex.org/chapter/e829a334-bb89-4457-922f-ee26a9cbadc7/10
I think Momoka could still be able to do that.
I want her to fuck Nina that way though not just kiss. It would be quite beautiful, given their size gap.
Hey Anon, are you not going to update your fic after the latest episode? It's sounding less OOC all of a sudden.
Fic anon, if you're reading this, I second a new chapter!
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an audio drama got translated
old content and they feel a bit out of character but still fun
Nice, it's always a good sign when side materials start getting dedicated TLers
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>Also, the epilogue of episode 8 was cut (it can't be helped because the original scenario was so long). After that, you can imagine the two of them were like this
Source: https://x.com/oitan125/status/1794254762852151641
I'm writing it, just not finished yet. prob Wednesday.
Hibike is literally the only show that term applies to, there is not a single other one that is a valid description for it.
Really cute, but also doesn't seem to add anything else to the dynamic. I can see why it was cut.
Amanchu. Hibike has side couples atleast.
>Hibike has side couples atleast.
show me the kiss
synopsis for ep 9 dropping soon.

Any expectations?
A character will get angry
I just want the synopsis to say something about Momoka being distraught by the confession so I don't have to worry about it never being brought up again.
I swear to god if the confession isn't acknowledged as has a tangible impact on the characters I will burn Toei to the ground.
Go watch Hibikek and leave this thread, hetshitter.
With subtext instead you get the eternal 'not yuri' discussion.
Ok, it seems Momoka is hiding herself from the world, and I'm not sure what's going on with the others?
I think Nina's AC broke
The hell you on about?
Oh, sorry, i figured you had some form of evidence, you're just the hibikek fan trying to stir shit.
Go watch your subtext and leave.
Until you have some proof this is bait, and with the confession it's looking hard for you, shut the hell up.
I don't read moonrunes, sorry.
Either way, synopsis are vague enough that I don't actually think they're gonna be much help. The preview did make it look like Momoka was hiding from the world and I can't think of many reasons she'd do that besides the confession.
>never brought up again like the kiss in Jellyfish
so you didn't watch it.
Ignore the doomposter, neesans. He's just trying 'prove' that 'subtext' is better than this.
Pretty sure that's one of the mentally challenged fucktards of the /a/ thread. Ignore.
Anyway, looks like they're all going to have a night out at Subaru's. Plus a focus on Tomo.
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Is Diamond Dust a legit band like TogeToge or are they just set up to be the rival band and nothing more? I'm sure this will be a haram opinion but I honestly prefer Nina's bully's singing voice to Nina's voice, although neither of them are as good as Momoka, and it would be nice if Diamond Dust came out with another single so I won't have to keep listening to Void on repeat.
Anyone got an actual translation for the synopsis?
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Ok so doomposter was talking outta his ass earlier. If anything this makes it sound like they heard about Nina confessing and Tomo is trying to look for a way to confess to Rupa?
Holy copium. Noting here says anything about the confession or Tomo's issues being romantic
You're gonna end up so dissapointed
I know it's probably not that, but it's a fairer interpretation than "WOW THEY'RE NOT GONNA MENTION THE CONFESSION EVER AGAIN IT WAS BAIT OH NOOOOOOO"
It really isn't. Look at the evidence. Look at how jellyfish also mentioned no romance in the next episode preview after the kiss, and then what happened? Kiss was basically irrelevant. Several timeskips and no progress or hints of romance. Just a subtext beach date
1) You're wrong about jellyfish, my god, shut up.
2) This isn't jellyfish.
how do you explain Momoka holed up drinking in the bathroom if not being affected by the confession?
Why is he wrong? Where in jellyfish were any of the romantic moments properly followed up on and given they weight they deserved? After the kiss we get a few month time skip, and they barely seem closer as a result. Then the beach seem happens, another few month time skip, and same result. It has been 10 entire months since the kiss without them growing romantically closer. Will you really be happy if ten months pass since the confession in GBC and they still aren't romantically involved with each other yet?
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Just don't reply, is that easy...
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I really liked how happy she looked after declaring war to DD and before confessing.
She was at peace.
I started a new document with a different idea in mind and I just finished writing. Now that I'm done torturing Momoka I'm going to take a nap and I'll post it later.
Sorry it's stronger than me. Last time promise.

The context is different. Kano and Mahiru in Jellyfish are the type that I totally see as basically skirting around the idea of being together without realizing it properly. Kano is too dumb to actually understand her feelings, Mahiru has self-confidence issues that push her to not take these things seriously. What they need is a proper catalyst, specifically, Mahiru realizing she has real feelings for Kano.
That's it.

And no in GBC it wouldn't feel good because the confession was 100% unambiguous. So them not acknowledging it would be worse than WfM season 2 doing everything in its power to never explicitly ackowledge the relationship between Suletta and Miorine.
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Well done sis!
Yeah I at least agree with the GBC part, which is why I think people 100% have the right to be worried about the remaining episodes. Jellyfish ending with them not explicitly dating, or waiting until literally the last scene to do anything would be disappointing but not necessarily shocking, but with, like you said, how unambiguous the confession in GBC was I really don't think it's crazy to expect a completely explicit relationship within the next couple episodes, and if that doesn't happen and they kinda just shove it to the side with the only result being that Nina and Momoka are kinda closer as friends, then that would single-handedly ruin the show for me.
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I could see the season ending without any "confirmation" mostly because of the plausible denialability of the confession from Momoka's POV. To her, Nina's an ascended fangirl and still pretty much a kid so that coupled with Momoka's tendency to back away from complicated feelings are more than enough for her to think
>Nina's got a little crush on me, that's cute
and leave it at that. Also in the ED that takes place further along in the canon, it looks like Nina still has more one-sided affection towards Momoka so that might be where we end this season.
I could see the show ending with them becoming roommates or maybe Momoka inviting Nina out to go somewhere. Because, as you said, Momoka is a coward. She's not going to face Nina head on about this any time soon.

Not that this would make GBC not yuri, of course. Momoka beating around the bush doesn't change the nature of Nina's feelings.
Nina throughout the entire show so far is characterized as someone who would not be content with such plausible deniability so it would be weird for it to go nowhere.
>one-sided affection towards Momoka
I see it the other way, even despite Nina being the one that did the confession Momoka is the one that's acting a bit creepy, wanting to hear her sing over and over again, touching her cheeks, crying hysterically and drinking because she does not know how to deal with her.

Nina seems to be more focused on her living situation and ready to deal with whatever Tomo has going on next episode, while Momoka is holed up drinking in the bathroom. And one thing that really bothers me is that Nina still says Momoka-SAN. She definitely has crazy "feelings" for Momoka, initially the sheer admiration of listening to her songs a thousand times during hardship, but we also see things like Nina wanting to pick up the guitar to be like Momoka. Those feelings are beginning to warp more into deep friendship and perhaps something more, there are signs it could go further like Nina saying she doesn't dislike driving alone with her, but overall there still aren't a lot of signs of Nina wanting to have exclusivity with Momoka let alone think about stuff like kissing.
Cool, take your time!
Nina can be stubborn about a lot of things but we don't know yet how much interest she has in relationships and pursuing one for herself. She just found out gay people exist and she's still relatively young/sheltered, so it could be in-character for her to be satisfied with just getting out her feelings for now. It could also be in-character for her to demand a response from Momoka, but I'd lean towards the former since a lot of Nina's development has been learning tact where confrontation isn't the best option and there also doesn't seem to be enough airtime left for another arc where Momoka beats around the bush about her feelings.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with); declaration of love
He confessed that he had fallen in love with me.
Probably didn't add anything too obvious to the finale to not spoil things.
>”you know what Monika, I think you’re pretty cool”
>Monika starts bawling her eyes out
Am I the only one here too autistic to not understand her reaction?
Yes, most of us shooting down the 'it was an 'i like your music' kind of like are already using the kokuhaku argument, sis.
If it had been boy/girl you would be completely right but I think girl/girl 告白 blurs out that parenthesis a bit; should still be translated confession regardless. Rather than the particular choice of words I think it's more the sheer intensity of the episode that demands follow up, theres so much more going on than just 好き and 告白
>And one thing that really bothers me is that Nina still says Momoka-SAN.
I really hope the drama CDs aren't canon because she needs to drop that -san.
Momoka has been projecting her young self onto nina and the events for the past 8 episodes have slowly made her realize she's been in the wrong, especially last episode. Then the talk with her friends happened, and at the end, Nina confessed.
Nina confessing is just the last emotional blow to break the bottled up feelings she'd been having for a while. Because she thinks her younger self would hate her current one, but Nina loves her, so any and all illusions of projecting herself onto Nina are completely shattered.
I still don’t get it
I really need it, especially after hearing Nana say it filled with affection in the beginning of the episode.
This anime may be too brainy for you then, sis. Have you tried watching precure.
Every single "analysis" of the ED images has been pathetically wrong up to now. I remember some anon insisting that Rupa taking Nina's seat was because she had a thing for Momoka. Ridiculous.
Now you're saying that Nina looks like she has one-sided feelings. Holy shit based on fucking what? Nina's hand for example could be her saying "damn my fingers hurt like a bitch from practice" or it could be "I'm gonna stick these in your ass tonight". There's no knowledge to be derived from the ED.
There are actual things to glean from the ED like showing Nina's family in a friendlier light, that itself quieted a lot of the theorizing that Nina's dad would be an irredeemable sack of shit during the first couple episodes. Had the ED not shown that we would still be wondering if Nina would choose to go no contact with her family/dad by the end of the show. The Rupa one is a stretch but that's probably people extrapolating from RupaMomo and NinaTomo being stronger in the Youtube Live2D videos. The ED also spoiled character dynamics like Tomo being tsun towards Nina specifically. Nina being shown to be clearly excited to be specifically with Monoka is also present in the ED.
Who blushes the hardest? Nina or Momoka? I think Momoka gets red everywhere, even her hands get blushy-red.
>I think Momoka gets red everywhere, even her hands get blushy-red.
Seconded. She goes "nyaaa" sometimes, too.
Just a reminder that Momoka got all blushy in ep1 at the playground when Nina called her a softie
this feels way more blatant in light of episode 8
She also had all sorts of reactions to Nina from the moment they met. This was all before she started trapping Nina in her past.
Yep! I noticed that as well on a rewatch i did last Friday before the newest ep. And even in this past ep, when Nina says she wouldn't mind driving around with her they make a point to pan over to Momoka's surprised face.
Momoka fell for her before she started projecting her own insecurities and expectations onto Nina. Now that that's broken, the feelings that have probably been growing for a few months (How long has GBC been so far? 3-4 months?) will probably resurface.
Maybe that's why she's hiding and drinking. She can't handle the 'fuck I'm in love with the angry gremlin'
I was trying to see if there was any date marker in episodes 7 or 8 but I couldn't find anything. The episode with the What to raise performance took place at the beginning of June because you can see the date on the ticket when Rupa shows it to Tomo.

They've definitely been playing for like at least a month together since then, maybe 2 if we take into account the fireworks at the lake since Japan loves doing a lot of fireworks shit in August and lots of music festivals take place in Aug/Sept so given the possibly broken aircon this coming ep, I would gather that it's likely August
Ah forgot to add - so they met in early March and now it's August so that's four months. Kinda funny how intense their relationship is in just four months versus Mahiru and Kano in Jellyfish now that I think about it lmao
But who is the girl with the glasses touching Momoka's pussy? Doesn't look like Mine.
What if that's their manager? ED takes place in the future where we assume they're more successful
Suletta never dropped the Miorine-san either so
Well, Suletta was retarded.
and Nina isn't?
Kase and Yamada still call each other their last names. And Yamada only agreed to call her first name during sex recently.
I don’t think she has any insecurities
NTA but slightly agree only in that I would say she feels inadequate more than insecure.
Oh yeah, Nina even called her out lmao.
Yep and then Momoka gave her a fucking noogie lmao
>I don’t think she has any insecurities
did we watch the same 2 last episodes where the main point is that she literally feels like she's not good enough to go pro
She doesn’t think she’s not good enough, she just doesn’t want to try and believe again in making it without compromising on her music vision because failing would be too painful a second time
that's literally the same thing, silly neesan
It’s not, one is doubting her own skill, the other is fearing a disappointing outcome
Not that anon, but it's not really about being good, that's not what gets you rewarded, it's the mass appeal.
She does think her music is good, just not likely to get popular.
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Pathetic Momoka is really growing on me.
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I need someone to draw this but with Nina.
Ok I know we're all excited for the yuri and the writing is great and all but can I throw one little criticism at this show that seriously takes me out of it sometimes?

The music doesn't feel diegetic.Maybe I'm used to K-On or other Kyoani productions, where the music is immersive and listens to like you're there, but when Nina is on the street singing and suddenly everything fades and it turns into a studio recording it's like... damn that is NOT actually happening.
That's one of the most common critiques of the show, but moreso how the insert songs feel like you suddenly jump out of the story and into music video land when they start. It's unfortunate since the insert songs don't really provide the emotional catharsis that they do in most good music anime. The episodes often climax at these songs only for no character development or discovery to happen during them. No reactions from the band members being impressed by Nina's voice during her first performances, no shots of the audience slowly warming up to the band as the song goes on, and there's absolutely no overlapping internal or external dialogue allowed. It's weird since the show's been pretty damn competent in every other department.
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I wonder if the IRL bandmembers have any input on the direction the story will take, or if they only know there's going to be Gay Shit(tm) when they get handed the script.
>This is the scene where Rina-san confesses to Yuuri-san
>I mean, Nina confesses to Momoka
>awkward silence
Probably why they made sure the characters in the anime look nothing like the real girls in the band.
Disagree we get to see characters faces and interactions with each other in the band but it only focuses on Momoka and Nina. In Voiceless Fish Momoka was teasing Nina throughout the whole song while Nina glared at her in the first half. We also get to see Nina and Momoka express their fun in their first live house performance as well as their tension and anger during nameless name.

You can feel their emotions which makes it okay that they are pulled out of reality as the music showcases their feelings to the viewer.
Idk but Rina and Yuri ship the hell out of MomoNina.
>verlapping internal or external dialogue allowed.
This is what Sasakoi did with Sunny Spot, and people hated it. They wanted the performance unaltered by flashbacks or narration. Just saying
It feels a bit like the writer doesn't get any input on the songs. Like the studio mandate came down and the script needed to leave 2-minute blanks at the end of odd-numbered episodes.

I think that's a consequence of being a manga adaptation, where there's no music so they have inner monologues or other drama during performance scenes. Anime original music anime tend to do the same thing as GBC.
With multimedia projects, the characters and stories are never in stone. So real life people can have an input, some are shippers.
>music anime shows bands performing music
>this is bad because
I knew this would be the place for the most retarded opinions
No, you moron. It's not 'bad', it just doesn't feel real. That's the problem. The best music anime make it so that you feel like the characters are playing at location, wherever that is. It's immersive, adds weight to a scene.
I read in the /a/ threads that the IRL member said they don't represent or are like the anime characters at least
Koreans sure are having a blast drawing Momoka bottoming

I can't pull this right now to post the images, so just leaving the link - https://x.com/2ori_acc/status/1795849611539783843
This one is actually cute.
What does it say?
>oh no why does the music anime got professional good sounding music, I prefer it when it sounds like amateurish shit for realism sake

I don’t really want to hear shit from some internet critic who proposes “improvements” that are utterly clichéd, overdone and boring.

> No reactions from the band members being impressed by Nina's voice during her first performances, no shots of the audience slowly warming up to the band as the song goes on, and there's absolutely no overlapping internal or external dialogue allowed.
>“improvements” that are utterly clichéd, overdone and boring.
god forbid I want to believe the reality I'm experiencing through the screen.
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Nina is being a service top, Momoka is telling her she'll hit her if she gets off. (in a vulnerable way)
To be fair, outside of making the music sound more amateurish (but they need to sell CDs, so there's the conflict, and that will be a problem for all music anime: a music anime will always get funding from music people who want to profit from CDs, so you gotta make the music in the show sound good), none of the shit you suggested contrubutes to that. Also, besides the selling CDs stuff, making the music sound amateurish but still enjoyable is hard without going to the levels of LocoMusica's super shitty performance in MahoAko.
And as said, in partifcular wanting narration/dialogue that doesn't let people listen to the song is a very bad choice that was heavily criticised in Sasakoi when it had to do so to adapt the manga's narration during the Sunny Spot performance
As >>4219623 said, most anime originals that don't adapt manga with monologues and such do the same as GBC and don't let narration/dialogue interrupt the song. And it happens for a reason. There's a reason why, even if it had to be done, people didn't like when Sunny Spot didn't play uninterrupted
Isn't there literally a disclaimer saying that at the start of each episode?
I didn’t have a problem to, sounds like a you problem
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The monologues in Bocchi worked really well though. Sasakoi is just a shit adaptation overall. I don't think this anime necessarily needs dialogue during the performances but they do lack impact desu. What to Raise was a good song but Nina screaming before the song started and the very last pose when the song ended were the most hype parts of the performance (read: none of the actual performance).
i was kind of annoyed with bocchi tho
i was trying to enjoy the song but the characters won't shut up
there's a time and a place for monologues
Sasakoi has lots of problems yes. But not letting people hear Sunny Spot and narrating over it is definitely one of them. That was the main complaint about that part of the adaptation. People wanted to listen to Sunny Spot. People didn't want the narration at that moment interrupting
Again, most anime originals (Bocchi's another adaptation, so like Sasakoi the narration and stuff is just stuff the manga does so the performances aren't completely pointless because manga has no sound) do like GBC does for a reason. And lots of people like it that way
Monologues during performances are a bad idea, and you can't use Sasakoi's other flaws to try and ignore the fact that Sunny Spot having narration over it (like you want GBC to do) is one of those flaws for many people
Sasakoi's a mess, and the narration you want for GBC is one of the problems in SasaKoi's adaptation
Did you even read my post? I said I don't necessarily think GBC needs dialgoue but the performances lack impact and need something to pull the watchers in. Narration has a time and place. Bocchi did it very intentionally to illustrate when Bocchi was stuck in her head every time she got into the flow her monologue would would end. GBC's main problem isn't the lack of narration, it's the lack of anything substantial happening during the performances. K-ON rarely had voiceovers but a bunch of the performances had adlibbing/things going on during the songs like Yui suddenly signaling the band to repeat the last few bars to extend a song or when they were doing an "illegal" performance in their classroom it showed students slowly trickling in while Sawako was trying to keep another teacher from entering the classroom. They've already shown two DiDust performances where it feels more like the band is actually in a peformance so it's clearly intentional that GBC goes into Nina's headspace music video world for the songs but many have pointed out it actually pulls the watchers out of the peformances.
It's not like they're totally devoid of any artistic intent. Nina's first performance in a clown outfit has her getting (n)egged on by Momoka and everyone in the audience turning into clown Ninas has some kind of meaning. Not totally sure what it is, but it's like getting comfortable with the crowd or the performance or something. It happens after she sees herself on the monitor and it's conveying the idea that she's singing for herself for its own sake with or without the audience. Episode 5 of course has the t-shirts. Episode 7 had her spiky aura going nuts since she was mad at Momoka, and cut-in flashbacks showing her determination, and the impact Momoka had on her. There's clear narrative elements sprinkled throughout.
I think the bigger problem comes down to tone and energy. This show is so good and so punk and has so many big emotions, you want the songs to hit that level of energy and intensity. But the songs they actually have don't manage to get to the same highs as the writing. The mixing is kind of bad so the instruments are too quiet, and the performances have frustratingly bad cuts that leave out the good parts. Wrong World in episode 7 is a perfect example of this. In the show it ends awkwardly after the chorus on this low note. But the actual song ends with this super energetic high yell that would've been an awesome moment that could've coincided with all of the spikes covering the stage being blown away and the cheering crowd and Nina venting out all of her doubts and frustration and you get that emotional high you're looking for. It's just not as good as it should be and it's so weird that the sound direction is probably the least good aspect of this music anime.
Yeah the main problem isn't the directing of the performances, it's the fact that I literally have to double my volume anytime they come on, and even then the audio still sounds noticeably worse than the full versions of the songs. It's such a weird oversight that I'm surprised no one in the studio noticed somehow, this seems like such an easy problem to avoid.
It's like they couldn't get the audio engineer to do the songs for the show so the normal sound director had to do the mastering. And then the sound directory was like
>Ah, yes, I know how this works, you have to be able to hear the voice acting over the background music
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>performances lack impact
Says you
>hur dur where are my audience shots of the audience hating it at first and then being won over, my cliched directing would have been so much better
>many have pointed out
Just you and a few other pretentious people whining about nonsense
Many many more think the GBC anime performances are great
I mean, complain if you want, but it’s super subjective and “many agree with me so I’m right” is super bullshit that can be used against you because many others love the performances as they are
GBC performances are great but I agree it's missing that one performance to really elevate it from good to great. Part of it I think is just the songs aren't very "anisong" like, but that's also part of togetoges appeal so I don't see it as easily fixable. Something just clicks when you put on ano bando, fuwa fuwa time, or lost my music after a few seconds without any notable directing taking place.

The 空の箱 performance in the first episode gets really close though, having the other band gradually join in, Nina confronting her past self in song and the rain/underwater effects are very cool and fitting; the song really feels like a war declaration by the end. I think it only really falls short of being great because it's so early on and the other band is pretty unknown (though again that's also the appeal)
>GBC performances are great but I agree it's missing that one performance to really elevate it from good to great
inb4 someone says my wording is retarded, you know what I mean
For me the one with their shirts was great, I thought it was powerful how they put their weaknesses out there for everyone to see
Yeah its really one where it feels like looking at only the performance and the directing of it misses the point, It's basically their response to the conflict over DD that filled most of episode 5, rather than think about showing the audience what they want they just let themselves out there and have a party on stage, It's incredibly lively compared to the previous 2 performances and their body language shows just how much fun they are having, Momoka is outright jumping on stage.
It really is the culmination of them embracing their weaknesses and the retarded critics in this thread were too high up their own arse nitpicking unfounded complaints
>Maybe I'm used to K-On
Jeez grandma, you realize K-On was 15 years ago right? at least say MyGO or bocchi since those are much more appropriate to get your point across
Ok, suppose tomorrow there's no proper followup to the confession (I'm not saying it'll be the case, this is a hypothetical)

What do you do?
I'll probably just drop it. I wasn't here with expectations of explicit yuri but I'm not getting Hibikek'd again.
Do you want a kiss and "we are in a relationship" etc? Theres really not been any strong indication that Nina or Momoka wants that or any kind of exclusivity until now so prepare to be disappointed, it's not out of the question cause it would be kinda rock but still.
That said EVERY EPISODE until now has had some focus on Nina/Momoka/DD, so they would have to completely change course to keep them apart.
Theres a little "baiting" in Hibike but theres so much else about the show and those scenes that sends other messages, I only just rewatched the show a month ago and I still had to look it up, it's no where near how deep GBC has buried itself.
Theres also Momoka and Subaru talking about the possibilty of moving in together last episode combined with Nina needing a place to stay in the next one, so they are probably going to end up living together.
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>combined with Nina needing a place to stay in the next one, so they are probably going to end up living together.
where'd you get that from?
It's in the preview that her AC broke, she is then shown trying to get into Tomo/Rupas place(They actually established and animated that they have a working AC btw). Then we see Tomo/Rupa at Subaru's place and Nina giving Subaru puppy eyes("please let me stay here"). I really can't see why Momoka would bring up the possibility of Subaru moving in if it was not going to be relevant in some way but her reaction kinda seems like it's not going to be her, she has a much better place anyway. It's possible that it could also be everyone or multiple characters moving in with Momoka, I know some anons speculated about that based on the CD arts earlier.
There is also bleeding hearts. The song that may be Momoka’s response to Nina’s confession. I don’t think it will be this do since Momoka seems very out of commission after everything. But I think bleeding hearts will be played in ep 11 or 13.

Hell maybe we will get Lonely fate to be destined tomorrow to add the drama for the next ep.
I think that song is probably about liberals actually
Feels like ntr
Sometimes, they need to spell it out:
Dude it’s literally about her feelings for Nina.
I know it's a pretty lame joke anon, but I don't think you can get more sarcastic in text than that.
I'm loving this staff
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They're gonna kill me.
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I was perfectly fine enjoying their little moments and calling their fighting cute and gay knowing it would go nowhere until a week or two ago but now I'm starting to lose it; you can't just tease me with a momoka and nina that are overflowing like this and back off those feelings at "just friends" I need some sort of closure aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
People who compare this to love live sunshine make me laugh cause this shit has been way more consistent than that show ever was.
Everyone's praying on the replies, and to be honest, I am too.
In general I feel like most comparisons have been extremely off, guess I should be happy for them if they can enjoy such shows the way I'm enjoying gbc now and willing to defend them years later. I think someone that actually had vast knowledge of yuri works would surely be able to bring up something that is actually comparable. That isn't me but a show that comes to mind is watayuri, it's still way off but it has the element of a main couple that fights a lot yet shares a common past like Nina and Momoka, though Nina Momoka is more complicated since they were struggling separately aside from Nina hearing Momoka's songs.
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Yeah, I had absolutely no expectations for something like this happening at all and was perfectly content for fanworks later on shipping them. Up until the confession I had like some sort of working theory of how their relationship would go if kept to a friends-only type deal and this just threw a fastball at me where now the yuricenter of my brain can't go back to that thinking.
lol get fucked Hina
This is Gwitch all over again. Even Miorine said “don’t runaway from me.”
yeah but this is better because the MC is actually likable
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Rina has Nina's resting bitch face, at least. It would be impossible, anyway, for any human being to resemble Momoka because she looks like she walked out of a 16-year-old lesbian's wet dream. The only thing she's missing is a motorcycle or pickup truck.
>The only thing she's missing is a motorcycle or pickup truck.
She does seem to buy a van in the ED.
She has a moving truck it counts.
Tomo's seyuu looks so smily and cheerful, hilarious!
She has a Subaru though
> listening to nothing but metal
Nina what have you done to me? I used to be happy just listening to any genre.
>It would be impossible, anyway, for any human being to resemble Momoka
You never went to Shinjuku ni-chome.
I want to believe, but the anime was literally written by the same person, so I'm kinda expecting the confession to be a nothingburger like hibikek
Maybe it's redemption. With Hibikek the script was already laid out, novels that couldn't be changed. Here? There's a chance to fix the mistakes of the past and deliver.
An anime original is not the same as an adaptation
A lot of the Hibike bait is in the novels by Takeda Ayano and the framing and such was the ideas of people like Yamada Naoko. It's unfair to blame Euphonium only on Jukki Handa
The only anon that mentions hibike is the antiyurifag from /a/.
Fuck that made me laugh
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I wish, but I've definitely seen photos of drag kings and such. I was thinking more of like when you were a kid and you had to go to your grandparents' house in the country during the summer and you get bored of listening to people talk about cancer so you wander off the property and there's an older girl chopping wood with a flannel shirt tied around her waist and she's like "haven't seen you around here before" while she wipes sweat off her brow and she gives you a ride to town in her dad's pickup truck so you can go get soda and reaches over and strokes your thigh while she's driving. Yes, that's a suspiciously specific scenario.
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Just remember everyone tomorrow’s ep is focused on Tomo okay? I expect Momoka to be back seating this ep and well kinda from last ep. Don’t expect too much from her and Nina.

Although I am excited for NinaTomo finally getting some love.
There better be lots of fangs to make up for it.
Tomo is gonna be mad a lot so you’ll get your fangs.
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What the fuck is your life sis and how the fuck did you fuck it up
I haven't been this expectant and nervous about an anime episode in years
time is moving at a crawl
Send help
Now that's a nice memory o treasure
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We might not get a lot of clarity(good or bad) from this episode, prepare for another week or two.
This next ep is a Tomo focus ep. Like ep 6 expect little Momoka and Nina being flirty with Tomo-chan.
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Wish I had bookmarked it or liked it, but saw some JP tweet last night about the kokuhaku and how in their opinion Nina wouldn't say that without meaning it wholeheartedly since yknow her whole deal is choosing to be authentic as fuck, almost to a fault. Why phrase it that way if it's not romantic, yknow?

I don't mind if Momoka doesn't feel the same to be honest, but the excitement and anxiousness for the new episode is getting to me. I seriously haven't been this excited for a currently airing series in so long. I don't think even Gwitch got me this excited last year and that's probably the last series I can pinpoint that made me excited.
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Somone put this series together as a animation.
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Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Both Momka and Rupa are criminals.
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Momoka never stood a chance.
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>Nothing about the confession in this episode
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Momoka ignores Nina the whole episode, except when she's obligated to talk to her.
but is it at the very least hinted at
Come on sisters deal me the deal, did we get Hibikek'd
Not yet
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No. She literally ignores her most of the time, and Nina kept shut about it to the others, obviously.
We'll see what happens next week, seems like drama is back.
Honestly nothing really happened this episode.
We just got Tomo development and some funny shenanigans.
So rupa and tomo relationship is purely platonical??? how old are they cuz if tomo is 16 i can understand that
>So rupa and tomo relationship is purely platonical???

For now
Rupa is 22, Tomo is 16.
If I remember correctly, I think Rupa's birthday is the closest to the show's timeframe.
Just enough of a gap to make it one step too far. 17/20 is a lot more acceptable than 16/22
>nothing happened
I am going to fucking kill myself
It’s a Tomo ep chill.
Come on Nakayubi I believe in you
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can someone explain what happened here cuz I dont really understand
She needed an adult to get an apartment.
It's how Tomo and Rupa ended up living together, Tomo needed Rupa's help to get the apartment because Tomo's underage and can't ask her parents.
[NakayubiSubs] Girls Band Cry - 09 (1080p)
already on catsite
It's girls bandover sisters
Surely they wouldn't set up this juicy drama and then do NOTHING with it, right?

They're just letting us simmer, for now...
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Nina saying she wants to stand proud next to Momoka and then second-hand adding the rest into it is the only part of this episode that gives me hope.

That being said I probably hyperfixated on the confession so the rest of the episode left me pretty cold. I'll rewatch it later when I'm no longer a nervous wreck.
I think it was definitely intentional to keep this episode more calm to give us a break from the last couple episodes, although it was a slightly weird break since they still tried to do a bit of drama with Tomo. Momoka and Nina feel off right now since the conflicts that put them at edge with each other is gone, even Nina did not put out her aura this episode. Since they have already established that Momoka and Nina can be alone together or have casual fights like at the door I think we are going to need some sort of trigger for the emotions to well up again and the effect of episode 8 to show if even just a little. Now that the break is hopefully over some development like Nina's family maybe butting in again next episode could be that trigger, but lets see how it goes cause this episode really killed my confidence in the writing.
the juicy drama being the relationship between the crying girls and the diamond sniffers?
That'll probably be resolved at the festival.

The potential drama between Nina and Momoka? Idk sister this episode gave us pretty much nothing on Momoka's side but she seemed to act pretty normal around Nina so I'm starting to fear the worst.
The preview for next episode made it seem like it was back to a Momoka/Nina focus so maybe there's still hope.
>this episode really killed my confidence in the writing.
The writing was still good, the problem is the pacing. This kind of felt like an episode that should've come right after Tomo and Rupa joined but since the Momoka/NIna thing was going on then it couldn't really be shoved in between.
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I'm getting decade old flashbacks, we're so fucking cooked
Series status?
>bocchi shit
Maybe the real Yuri was the Girl Bands that cried along the way...
I'm sorry, "Confessions and kisses are the new subtext" anon... we got too cocky...
Crazy cope to expect anything to happen this episode. GBC has from the beginning focused on narratively coherent, self contained episodes, very content with having other plot strands take the backseat. While Jellyfish has been extremely consistent about dropping a new YoruKano scene every episode, GBC is absolutely not about slow relationship building and inherently very explosive. There was never going to be any significant Momoka content in a Tomo episode, and with all the boyfriend talk so far there’s still a very reasonable chance of chekov’s onee-chan finding out about Nina’s girlfriend.
Nina is still broke so hoping for that potential 'roomies' situationship between her and momoka
>focused on narratively coherent, self contained episodes
we did not watch the same show
I think the issue is: they needed some focus on Rupa and Tomo before it's too late (and it almost already is). But they joined when Nina and Momoka were having their drama about wether to go pro or not and thus there was no moment for this kind of episode, so they had to do it now. To develop Tomo from "afraid to speak her harsh criticism" to being more open about it
not that anon, but even if I say a lot of harsh words I agree it was a tough situation trying to fit in Rupa Tomo let alone figure out what to do with them. That's the difference between a faggot on the internet like me that can point out a million things that are wrong and a good writer who can somehow find a way out of that mess making use of every little moment of screentime. He just did such a good job with shin kawasaki until now I really wanted to believe he could pull it off.
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Nee-sans... have a little bit more of faith and don't go full "it's over" because of just one episode...! In any case, it looks like next one should bring NinaMomo drama back. Or at least Nina drama.
I mean techically it's an episode where Nina spends most of it trying her best to learn the guitar because she wants to play with Momoka, the whole show has been Nina Momoka up til now, so theres nothing that stops them going that direction if they want to. We will see next week.
Definitely lowest ep for me so far and I think it's exactly as a ton of nee-sans have pointed out already - despite it obviously being a cooldown episode to link last episode's drama to new drama, the timing is... just... weird?

Also kind of interesting we didn't actually get an insert song this episode, I really thought we would.
on very thin paper that's probably not even actual paper it's also an episode where Nina looks smugly, her mind entirely on a girly Momoka that has had her feminine weakness exposed, doing everything she can to reach her even as she resists. Shortly after they both find their bodies laying down, Nina on top, a spontane moment of Momoka being pushed hard down into the floor while she is flustered unable to do anything in a situation that is far beyond her comfortzone.
I mean can't really blame them in an episode like this, hope they arent afraid to stack them episode to episode.
Just want to point out how Rupa and Tomo immediately thought that Nina would have gone to Momoka's house first.
It kinda happens twice since Tomo uses Nina wanting to perform with Momoka as an excuse for why she lied.
Don't worry, the MomoNina drama will come back eventually. Dragging it on for a while was unavoidable, they also need to develop Tomo and Rupa as proper band members before the final arc.
Anyone else notice that in episode 7, Tomo had just randomly picked up Momoka and Nina's pinky-finger flip-off gesture? I can't really remember any moment where they prominently used it around her, so it seemed sorta out-of-place... maybe she noticed at the Yoshinoya.
Rupa must really love Tomo to deal with her bullshit for so long.
She has the patience of a saint, clearly.
Momo is working way more shifts than usual. I bet she wants to buy the van to drive Nina around since she liked it. The booze is just to unwind. She's not running from Nina at all. Nor is she ignoring her. It's hard being the only one doing the production of their music. Now Tomo's finally gonna share her burden.
The weird reaction to the confession last episode and this episode is peak newfag, did anyone really think last episode was a surefire sign the plot would veer into Nina and Momoka getting into a relationship? Am I the only one who's watching this like the usual subtext band show a la Bocchi/K-ON/MyGO? With anime like this you take the subtext and enjoy the shipping fanart but don't expect any actual confirmation. It'll be a pleasant surprise if there's something subtle at the end of this season like Nina moving in with Momoka but expecting more is delusional considering the background of this project.
Peak newfag is treating this as though the situations are comparable to other band shows. Show me another one with a confession like the one last episode.
And no Hibikek doesn't fucknig count, that one's based on novels, fuck you.
Kazuo Sakai directed Love Live Sunshine before this and literally had an even more straightfoward confession that went nowhere relationship-wise. Declarations of love that are even more intense than shit real lovers say to themselves happens all the time in subtext anime, getting the characters into relationships or confirming things with a kiss is a whole other issue. Temper your expectations next time so you don't have to get pissy over something you shouldn't have been expecting in the first place.
>Love Live Sunshine
Well sorry for not touching fucking garbaggio
>"give me an example"
>"no that doesn't count because I think it's garbage"
Not even that other anon but damn, you must be fun to be around
While I think the expectation to /immediately/ veer into portraying an outright romantic relationship amidst the usual band anime beats is perhaps misplaced, I do have some hope that they might deal with it more directly than the usual subtext by the end, just because GBC is the rare anime that actually acknowledged gay people exist.

Compared to Jellyfish, which I think has stronger subtextual narrative writing, but less hope of it leading to any textual developments as it lacks this open acknowledgement.
/u/ is full of drama queens
Well you're watching something made by the same people who made that garbaggio
I know and I hate myself for it
>an even more straightfoward confession
It'd be interesting to compare them, can you post it, or at least say which episode it took place at?
love live sunshine is an idol show that may have had yuri way later on in season 2 after I dropped it. GBC is about momoka/nina and their past throughout the whole show, it's not about nothing happening but about them choosing to suddenly drop the most central element of the whole show after 8 episodes of consistency. Hopefully we will be back to normal next week.
NTA but if that anon meant what I think they meant then Season 1 Episode 10
I don't remember a confession anywhere near this level of explicitness in any love live, and love live generally doesn't even acknowledge the existence of romantic relationships of any kind.

I have the exact opposite opinion. GBC is primarily about band stuff and youth, not relationships, and from a narrative point of view there'd be nothing wrong with seeing the confession as the capstone of this particular dynamic, keeping actual dating in the background, ie "subtext". Would be on brand for Japanese romance side plots too, plus the whole 2.5D thing makes it weird.
For jellyfish the relationship is much more front and center, taking precedence even over the music/art by virtue of explicitly being the driving motivation for it. You could never reframe their constant confessions as just loving each other's artistry like sobsplease did. It has also already made some stunningly un-Japanese choices such as the kiss in public or ignoring haters instead of doing the Japanese business man bow of shame apology. The show also does fanservice which GBC absolutely doesn't, and I fully expect them to drop more kissing girls on that basis alone.
Jukki's writing however is a lot stronger than Yuki's, so of the romantic scenes that do happen, GBC will likely feature the more authentic ones.
Is it this one?
Because 大好き doesn't really have as much of a definite romantic connotation as 告白, it's in fact abused in subtext due of its intrinsic ambiguity.
My biggest problem with this episode is that Nina feels off.
After non-stop butting heads and being aggressive for 8 episodes seeing her so happy and calm feels off. Like, I get why she's like that--the released tension of last week's drama will probably last a month--but I don't think she even flipped anyone off this time.
Ye that's the one

Nah Hanada's always been a hack. The only good Love Live anime was the one that he didn't write and the only good anime he's ever written was Yagakimi, which had good source material in the first place.
His writing only seemed good here because the characters are supposed to be hotheaded freaks with no self control, which is the only type of character that he could write well.
Don't you fucking dare imply that Jellyfish is "less authentic" than his slop.
>The weird reaction to the confession last episode and this episode is peak newfag
>Love Live Sunshine had an even more straightforward confession that went nowhere
I think you've misunderstood the reason why people got hyped last episode.
As >>4221728 pointed out, anime girls 'daisuki' each other all the time, that love live scene may have had a nice atmosphere and all but it wasn't any more overtly romantic than, say, episode 6 of SBR Mashumairesh.
Instead, think of all the hype that a simple kiss on the cheek caused in YoruKura, even though it wasn't even an especially dramatic situation; the reason why that and the GBC scene stood out from the rest is that they had a component that was unambiguously romantic, which crosses the line of what subtext anime usually dare to do.
While having such a thing happen without a proper resolution is of course still possible, Gekidol was a thing after all, that'd be plain bad writing so it's only natural to expect them to go somewhere instead.
>The only good Love Live anime was the one that he didn't write and the only good anime he's ever written was Yagakimi

Listen, as much as I fucking hate his guts, he also did YoriMoi. And YoriMoi is a thousand times better than both GBC and Jellyfish. And that had no source material. So he does have talent.
He just needs to stop it with the fucking bait.
Yorimoi is overrated. It was still the typical Hanada anime with the characters talking in his signature unnatural, overdramatic way, like they're not real people.
Also it's barely even yuri.
>seeing her so happy and calm
Dealing with her past issues comes next, so the anime staff probably wanted to give the audience some breathing room.
When it's Nina's turn to feel cornered, I expect Momoka to return the favor, and give an answer to her confession in the process, hopefully with a kiss.
But it definitely won't happen until it's the most dramatic possible moment for it, so I'm not expecting any developments before the climax.
>Yorimoi is overrated
Says you lmao. Yes, I know it's not yuri. Hell, I wouldn't even call it subtext, really. But maybe that's precisely why it's so good. No time wasted baiting people.
And your 'unnatural, overdramatic way' is what made it the only anime to ever make me cry, multiple times, on a single watch. And also what made me fucking bawl at the end of episode 12. Hardest I've ever cried watching anime.
NTA, but all that stood out to me is the laptop scene, that was indeed powerful.
It could've used some subtext though cause the rest of it, while definitely well directed, didn't really have much to say for itself as far as I'm concerned.
Not a yorimoi thread so I won't extend the discussion past this but
All of the MCs had incredibly relatable personal life problems that they work through over the course of the show. To me, at least.
I always say the same: Every episode of this anime has the impact of any other's finale.
>YoriMoi. And YoriMoi is a thousand times better than both GBC and Jellyfish
It should be criminal to be such a fanboy of a mediocre anime.
The "Zamamiro!" scene when Shirase touches Anctartic soil was also very cathartic.
I don't mind them offscreening the romance because it's not a romance show, but at the very least they should drop a line or two to inform the audience that they've grown closer, are in a relationship, or anything. I mean, the confession kind of counts as one, so I wonder why it feels like the confession never happened.

You know the feeling you get when you have a side story or something happening parallel to the main story? It's the kind of feeling I got from episode 8. It isn't a bad episode. If anything, from a narrative standpoint, the confession is the "bad" part of the previous episode, because it has nothing to do with bands or anything, so I treated it like a bonus and only expected the show to have bonuses like that every now and then, just to remind people about the progress of their relationship. Unfortunately, we had nothing of that sort in the latest episode, almost as if the confession never happened.
>It's the kind of feeling I got from episode 8.
I mean episode 9, sorry.
Are you really thinking this will not be addressed by the end?
It might not be RESOLVED, as in, Nina and Momoka getting together, it might be left ambiguous, but come on.
Unless they really meant this as non-romantic platonic confession, for some reason, then we will get our resolution by the end.
It's not romance-focused anime, gotta take care of the band stuff first.
It's a breather episode, it's fair game after some big emotional climax, especially on a 13 episodes series.
Don't you think it's bad writing if in one episode it seems like they're going somewhere, then in the next one there's no hint that it's like that, but then in the one after that it shows up again? In chronological order, too. Isn't that inconsistent characterization?

Or maybe we've been wrong all along. That it's actually meant to be platonic, about their mutual love for the music. Or just some shitty bait to keep people interested in the next episode.

Not that I care that much, because I've never expected yuri from this. It's a good show, don't get me wrong, definitely an AOTS contender, just not yuri.
Jukki Hanada's previous works are what's scaring people the most, really. It's a history of subtext and in some cases outright bait. I want to believe but the fear of history repeating itself is embedded deep within my soul.
I am going to murder you in your sleep
Gotta love how after getting a 24 hour ban, now people agree with me that this and jelly are non-yuri baitshit and critcs are anti-yuri retards who will praise anti-yuri baitshit in a yuri board
Reminder: If you actually like yuri instead of bait trash, you either read manga or put up with shitty productions
The only anime this season that isn't an insult to yuri is the one people trash for not looking great.
It's absolutely bad writing if it's never mentioned again, but it doesn't have to be resolved immediately, is all I'm saying.
>it's actually meant to be platonic, about their mutual love for the music
You don't do a love confession for that stuff.
>It's absolutely bad writing if it's never mentioned again, but it doesn't have to be resolved immediately, is all I'm saying.
The problem isn't that it's postponed or anything. It's the seemingly lack of development in the latest episode, as if nothing happened in the first place. You don't need to devote a huge portion of the episode for that, I know it's not a romance show. However, they should've shown that the two have gone closer than just friends/fans, even in passing remarks, visual cues, or something. It's actually even worse from a narrative standpoint if they somehow developed their relationship in the later episodes, after following up the nonexistence development in episode 9. They'd just double down on the inconsistency.

I just follow the simplest explanation, that it's a platonic thing between female music lovers. Like saying "I'm a huge fan of you" but worded in a yuribait-y kind of way. It saves time from thinking too much about the seeming inconsistency and all that.
So you agree Sasakoi is better anime,
Clearly people in a yuri board wouldn’t say non-yuri that uses bait scenes is better than real yuri, right?
Or we can accept that they needed inconsistency for the focus on Tomo, her issues and how Beni-Shouga formed and why their former bandmates left
>"I'm a huge fan of you"
Every fucking day. Just sperg about Hibike already and leave.
NTA but this is natural after they spend like half of the anime with RupaTomo as background characters and it isn't the first time that a japanese 2d or 2d related story tends to fail or feel flat in their latest episodm02es/chapters
According to the general yuri thread:
Everyone worried or talking about the show not being yuri or who thinks the Kokuhaku scene was made pointless is a samefag
If you don't think this show is great and super yuri, you're anti-yuri schizo samefagging
yuri or not I don't think it really makes sense to downplay the confession like that, it's better to just see it as a timeskip and the characters wanting to act as normal with each other as possible which is pretty common even in real life; no matter how bad writing it is, it does make sense. Again I really wonder how it would have felt had they kept the post confession scene of them walking home together, they already seem pretty calmed down there playing a word game and such.
The episode is great. We finally find out about Tomo and Rupa's backstory. They're also finally facing each other when it comes to their differences in the band, and all that. Like I said before, it's AOTS contender, but I'm not going to pretend that the confession and other stuff are anything but bait.
Is it bait or is it AOTS? In this board you can't have both
In this board only yuri can be AOTS.. If you see a show as non-yuri and bait and want to praise it, do it in /a/, not here. This board is for yuri. Only yuri shows count
What's next? Praising some het shit as better than yuri?
Considering that "everyone" is just you, yes.
The "confession" only exists to gain attention on social media and japs don't care if it doesn't go anywhere. Hell, I haven't even seen a single yurifag jap who seriously believes that this will lead to something, only westerners.
More like, just like in Yorukura, the yuri it is part of the main conflict and you can't do shit with the main conflict at the same time you are developing the drama of other less important characters (sorry RupaTomo but this is mostly the MomoNina show) this isn't that different than the "Subaru and Granma" episode so I was expecting something like this after I knew that the next episode was a Rupa or Tomo episode.
>The problem isn't that it's postponed or anything.
I misread your post, but your problem seems to be exactly this, that they aren't working out their relationship right now.
But all is happening (presumably) is postponement, you're just using this as a pretext to call it bait, and that's precocious.
> just follow the simplest explanation, that it's a platonic thing between female music lovers
Again, you don't do a love confession for that stuff, stop trying so hard.
There's two options for what happened after the confession: A, they fucked there and then, B, they didn't and went home. A was always an unlikely choice in a non romance show, and B is in no way inconsistent with ep9. We probably intentionally haven't seen them alone with each other where actual behavioral differences would be expected, and what we have seen does indicate a somewhat higher degree of familiarity.
The only potentially flawed part is if it's plausible for two people who yesterday went with deferring actions on the confession to still not do anything interesting for a couple of days, and, yeah, it absolutely is.
The show simply jumped from a plot thread we're all very interested in to a less interesting one. That's not necessarily bad writing, especially when said interest comes more from personal preferences than from narrative quality.
>That's not necessarily bad writing
Usually that's a sign of bad writing, we all knew that delaying the RupaTomo episodes was going to bite the sfaff in the ass in the latest half of the anime and that's what happened even if it can be ignored because RupaTomo are very good characters and they can carry the interest of the audience for now
>general yuri thread
They're right.
Samefag anti-yuri schizo. I don't make the rules. If you have any negative view, you're anti-yuri schizo with same views as /a/ schizos
>haven't seen them alone with each other where actual behavioral differences would be expected
It looks like they had been alone for a while when Nina asks Momoka's opinion on her playing on stage. Momoka's reaction does not feel very affected at all, not even a bit of hesitation or emotion.
Timeskip isn't an excuse. Yorukura has worse timeskip but in every episode after the kiss you can notice things start to develop between them, and how it affects the characters, even if the show isn't primarily about romance.


It doesn't apply to Yorukura. Even in the bike episode you still have Yoru and Kano talking about their relationships. And episode 6 is even more explicit, with the teasing comment about the kiss. Episode 8 is when Kano wants to prove that she's serious about her career (following up the last scene in episode 7). You have none of that in Garukura's episode 9, so it isn't really the same.

I honestly don't care. I actually disagree with people claiming 大好き has no romantic connotations. With the right context, it does. In the context of episode 8, 告白 should mean a romantic confession, but if they acted like nothing happened between them, nothing awkward, no teasing or anything, then you might as well treat it as nothing. It's just bait, catnip, fanservice, whatever you want to call it. The same way anime keep abusing the romantic 大好き.

I'll stop if you still take issue with that, and we can just agree to disagree from now on.
>I'll stop
Yes, please.
>I actually disagree with people claiming 大好き has no romantic connotations. With the right context, it does.
But that's exactly it anon, you are actually agreeing, the "with the right context" part is the whole point, that's why it's so overused in subtext where everything's made intentionally ambiguous.
告白 on the other hand is only used in romantic contexts, so there's no ambiguity there, and that's why subtext anime never uses it.

Another anti-yuri schizo with /a/ opinions detected
Go back to /a/, schizo
>You have none of that in Garukura's episode 9
Becaue we knew how the writing of the show was after the Subaru focused episode where Nina and Momoka didn't do shit at all, the most we got from that episode was Nina showing some emphaty towards Subaru and her grandmother and that's something expected in a show made to promote a multimedia franchise something that Yorukura doesn't have to but even then er had the episode of the old idol that felt more like filler than anything else
You heard it people. Get help and stop samefagging, This is for >>4221837 >>4221864
The Subaru focused episode was not subaru focused until 7 minutes in and was when Nina first pushed Momoka about DD, it's makes the opposite argument.
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They obviously would have been alone together a lot, we know that without any scene implying it. At the very least they had to have been together when they got out of the van and said goodbye for the night, and the show cutting even that part very much says that it doesn’t deem it to be very interesting, i.e. nothing of significant value happens.
> Momoka's reaction does not feel very affected at all, not even a bit of hesitation or emotion.
Momoka is an adult, you’re not gonna see her devolve into a blushing anime girl mess through the mere presence of her crush. That’s going to need additional external factors, like what the Diamond Dust confrontation has been for the confession scene.
Having said that, I do think that scene carries a different air than their usual interactions, and I think it’s intentionally cut short/very focused on a specific topic to keep the viewer guessing a bit.
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Well maybe it is my memory or was because they used two episodes to present and developSubaru so I expect something similar for Rupa and Tomo and that's why I'm not surprised that there is nothing about Nina and Momoka, mostly when any meaningful interaction has the potential to steal the spotlight of those episodes
>告白 on the other hand is only used in romantic contexts
You can 告白 sins or crimes just fine. The important implication is that it’s an intense and probably surprising turn of events. You can 告白 that you’re actually someone’s friend when you’ve for years pretended to hate their guts, that’d be valid.
To 告白 that Nina really does like Momoka’s songs, which everyone already knew, or that she does think of her as a friend after how much she talked about idolizing her, simply doesn’t work. It has to be a significant step beyond that. And that’s actually what the scene is about, really.
Nina: I love you.
Momoka: S-subtext?
Nina: Fuck no.
Momoka: <cries>
>Momoka: S-ubtext?
>Nina: Fuck no.
>Momoka: <cries>

Alright fuck you, that made me laugh like really loud for some reason lmao.
You don't understand what I'm talking about. Let's assume you're right, that it's not necessarily bad writing if they jumped from one plot thread to another. Sure, only if the characters are still consistent from one thread to another. It is bad writing if the characters acted like a previous scene never happened. That the story didn't affect them, didn't influence their behaviors, and so on. Remember that this episode happens chronologically after the last one. It's not a side story, a flashback, or anything.

Imagine if Nina really gets hit by Momoka's truck. She survives, but with a spinal cord injury, paralyzing her lower body. Then in the next episode it's shown that she's normal and all that, like the accident never happened. What we witnessed in Garukura is just one level below that, in terms of writing mistake, if you believe that the confession is anything more than just bait/fanservice to keep people interested in the show.
I can understand not liking where episode 9 went after the confession. But there's no way we're rewriting history to pretend that Jellyfish has handled it significantly better from a yuri pov. If anyone claims this I'm going to just assume they're a troll and don't actually care about yuri at all.

In jellyfish, the two girls fucking kiss and then an entire TEN MONTHS pass without any development between them except that they're slightly more friendly now. The time skips and lack of development to focus on random dumb plot shit makes it abundantly clear the yuri in this show is going nowhere.

In GBC there's a confession followed by an episode that serves the purpose of focusing entirely on developing a new character, with like a few days passing at most. And if you aren't literally autistic, you can see that there's tension between Momoka and Nina, and Momoka spends like half the time around her just blushing and looking sheepish. There is still plenty of room for focus on their relationship in coming episodes, so complaining before it's finished is retarded.

Also, are retards really complaining that Nina acted more happy and calm this episode? Do we not understand basic character development at all?
>nothing about Nina
That's another thing the Subaru episode is very much about Nina also as she compares Subaru's family situation with her own and actively pursues Subaru about quitting the band, encourages her to be honest yet changes her mind and blocks her when she realizes the granmas feelings. Momokas circumstances are also slightly drawn into it as the granmother's happiness is compared to highschool Momoka's smile. The episode draws back to episode one where Nina is upset with Momoka for being dismissive of her circumstances. Nina is far too caught up in her own problems to think of others, which is further highlighted in episode 3 when Subaru calls Nina out for thinking her problems are special.

The Tomo episode actually does try to do a lot of similar things, comparing Tomo and Ninas need to be honest by making them use similar lines, and there is a lot of focus on Nina trying to contribute to the band playing the guitar too, I just don't think it worked very well.
>general yuri thread
I see, clearly they must be an authority on... behavioral patterns...
Sorry sisters, y'all wrong, but I understand the need for a boogeyman.
>告白 on the other hand is only used in romantic contexts
I see someone hasn't watched Eupho
>more friendly
I don't think "calling you to hear your voice" it is a thing that friends do but both shows are delaying their main conflict even if it this for different reasons, RuoaTomo needed to join the main cast sooner but there was no time and the multimedia franchise needed that even the weakest character was likable enough for the audience (right now Subaru is like Mei, the comic relief character) and now they need to delay the main conflict because there is no time for anything else, in Yorukura's case the writers used their freedom to try to reach some goalposts on a realistic time frime in the show universe and that's why they stuck in the same place, relationship-wise, after months since the kiss happened or since Kiui met Koharu this isn't even only about the yuri anyomore but this is just bad writing in general.
Fuck off to /a/, schizo
Then, there are several people who agree this show is worrying, and like Jelly might be bait and thus only Sasakoi or Seiyuu Radio are AOTS. Both subpar productions with flawed writing
My point remains that when dealing with yuri anime, people need to abandon their traditional notions of good or bad or they risk praising bait trash like this and jelly
If someone's first reaction to this show or jellyfish is that it is "bait trash" comparable to Hibike (which people in this thread and the general are unieronically doing, then they're fucking retarded and should kill themselves, as they're just exposing that they aren't actual yuri fans.

The WORST case scenario for these two shows is that they remain subtextual yuri. If you truly believe that this will be like Hibike (an actual bait show) where any of the lead girls end up with male romantic partners, then you are a hetshitter.
>Seiyuu radio
Isn't that bait too
Anyways I was perfectly happy with this just being subtext. The problem is it took teh extra step and if it now walks it back I'm killing myself

Given the writer's history it's not really that weird to be worried about it.
>It is bad writing if the characters acted like a previous scene never happened.
But they don’t, that’s the entire point I was trying to explain to you. There is not a single scene in episode 9 indicating that.
Momoka is a 20 year old adult woman. She’s not going to behave like a 13 year old shoujo protagonist who drops her spaghetti all the time just because her crush is breathing the same air molecules, that’s ridiculous.
Why is it that every time anti-yuri schizos want to make their arguments, they quote Hibike as the undeniable proof that every show will be not yuri? Does every romcom series end with yuri because Joou-sama no Eshi ended like that?
If someone unironically uses the existence of Hibike to shit on either Jellyfish or GBC than they are so blatantly obviously a hetshitter troll, yet people here will still eat it up. No, the girls in either of these shows will not end up with boyfriends. To act like a show ending subtext is at all comparable to them canonically getting with fucking men is a deranged hetshitter take that somehow seems to be the norm here. Someone can be dissapointed with a lack of main text without having a breakdown and inserting their het fantasies into the conversation, which sadly this whole thread has devolved into.
>hey quote Hibike as the undeniable proof that every show will be not yuri?
And this is something I don't udnerstand, everyone fucking knew before airing that Hibike is not a yuri work and Kumiko ends with dating Shoe and other girl is in love with male teacher.
I can't understand what kind of non-yuri proof there is with a work which wasn't yuri to begin with that it doesn't have yuri later on.
>In jellyfish, the two girls fucking kiss and then an entire TEN MONTHS pass without any development between them except that they're slightly more friendly now. The time skips and lack of development to focus on random dumb plot shit makes it abundantly clear the yuri in this show is going nowhere.
You're seriously still going on about this even now that GBC did the exact same thing you were favorably comparing it to Yorukura for last week. Maybe you should finally figure out that the passage of time in either show without immediate escalation does not equal to "jumping from plot point to plot point" with no intention to develop something, not to mention you keep ignoring how significantly Mahiru and Kano's relationship has kept advancing after the latter's spur-of-the-moment kiss with their much more meaningful interaction at the beach.
It's not proof, it's just a comparison to a show that included the same writer and used the same type of confession for fucking bait.

I don't believe this is going to be as bad as Hibike but the fact is it could lead nowhere and that'd still be shit.
Too late for both to be subtext. Will the girls get males? No. But if they want to go subtext, no kiss and no kokuhaku Going for subtext after kiss and confession is crossing the line into bait, and even if it isn't bait, it's still anti-yuri garbage and no yuri fan should praise these shitshows over actual yuri that doesn't mock yuri fans
You can hate the timeskip in Yorukura all you want, how slow the development is compared to how much time has passed, but one thing it has over Garukura is the fact that the kiss does affect the story and the characters involved, onscreen, and you can easily prove that. It's pointless to argue about what's off-screened as anything off-screen has no bearing with the storytelling itself.

The same cannot be said about Garukura. I even checked the episode again to see if you're right. Seriously, what are you talking about? Do you really gaslight people who don't follow your delusion by accusing them being autistic? She was just evaluating Nina's guitar performance.

No, anon. Don't change your argument. You were arguing about plot threads, not characterization. And even then, you can't just dismiss the criticism like that. You have to address as to how the previous episode affected Momoka's character (since you brought her up) in this episode.
At worst it's subtext. But it doesn't have confessions and kisses it doesn't live up to
So, not bait. There's the boob groping. But at the same time unlike these shows, the end of SR is the end of the novels and not the end of the anime. So we need the end of the novels to know if SR is bait or not. But it not using elements like kiss and confession makes it better and less of an insult
>the same writer
Does your miniscule brain realize that being a screenwriter for Hibike does not mean he was the one literally writing the plot? You know Hibike is an adaptation, right?
Was the kokuhaku stuff in Hibike not in the novels? If it was, then it's not the same writer
Yeah they did handle it significantly better from a yuri pov. For one, they touched on the kiss on the very next episode instead of pretending that it didn't happen.
The kiss in jellyfish is hardly comparable to this confession. For one, it wasn’t a planned, intentional act, and for the other, Kano ran away before getting an “answer”, is probably regretting what she did and just wants to ignore it/move on. This puts the ball firmly in Mahiru’s court who is painfully insecure, so even ten months passing makes complete sense.
Momoka is an adut and probably at least somewhat romantically experienced woman who should be able to reciprocate (at time of her choosing when she’s in a better mental state), and more importantly, Nina got to see Momoka’s genuine emotional reaction instead of just shock of having been kissed out of nowhere, she knows her advancement was a welcome one. This means GBC absolutely cannot have months pass without anything happening now. But a few days (for less impulsive characters weeks, even) are completely fine and normal for adult people to collect their thoughts, “sleep over it” if you so will.
>lack of main text
I think anons are bulding their defenses in the case this ends with only subtext but I think, ironically, that the bad writing decisions make it more possible for some maintext in the future. GBC has some things that are taboo for a PG-13 show even in western societies, like the main couple dropping out of school to pursue a musical career, so I think that having a lesbian couple as the protagonists isn't as unlikely as some people think it is.
If Jelly is yuri, so is GBC. If GBC isn't yuri, Jelly isn't
You're a dishonest fuck if you shit on one and defend the other. Right now they're both doing the same shit somewhat differently: baiting yuri and not delivering jackshit
>Jukki Hanada
what did he work on again?
An irrelevant conversation doesn't count. Jelly is still also pretending nothing happened
Same shit as GBC
For matters of relevancy to the discussions going on in this thread: Hibike Euphonium.
This thread smells like trannies
Euphonium and LL Sunshine, seem to be the most important references for people
>Momoka is an adut and probably at least somewhat romantically experienced woman
We know that's not the case after she thought that Subaru had a boyfriend instead of the more likely scenario that she had some family duties to attend as a rich girl.
Touching on it is even fucking worse lmao. GBC hasn't addressed it yet, so they're is still room for them to address it properly. Jellyfish did "address" the kiss and it went nowhere. It's wrapped up now, moved on from. There's no hope of anything coming from it now.
I'm very glad I never watched either of those so I don't even know what references the trolls are on about.
Love Live (OG, Sunshine and Superstar!!), SoraYori, Eupho, Steins;Gate, Bokuyaba, Nichijou, No Game No Life, YagateKimi, Chuunibyou...
The director also directed LL Sunshine.
>No, anon. Don't change your argument
I’m not. Read again: “We probably intentionally haven't seen them alone with each other where actual behavioral differences would be expected, and what we have seen does indicate a somewhat higher degree of familiarity.”
We have seen a 20 second scene of them acting noticeably different around each other and there simply was no other scene where they were alone together.
>And even then, you can't just dismiss the criticism like that.
Yes I can. You can’t prove a negative. You act like there’s clear indication that they act like the events didn’t happen, so show it.

I don’t see how that’s an unreasonable assumption in the slightest, especially at a point where they knew jack shit about her family situation.
>It's wrapped up now, moved on from.
It's like we're not even watching the same show
>especially at a point where they knew jack shit about her family situation.
Rich girl don't want their middle/low class friends to interact with her for a limited time, even a 17 yo would be capable to think this was a rich girl thing unless everything they knew about rich girls came from CGDCT anime.
nvm I just looked it up
seems disingenuous to latch onto his work in the adaptation of Euphonium when he also did the script for the YagaKimi anime
Also Kancolle which I heard was like one of the worst anime ever
Wow so YagaKimi was not yuri all along.
Indeed. To act like GBC and Jelly aren't doing similar bait shit, are we even watching the same show?
No one has successfully adapted any of these "waifu collector with an MC that has no design at all so the audience can believe it's them" games (Azur Lane, KanColle, Blue Archive) successfully. It's a problem of the source: Barely any plot that works in anime form, MC can't be too much of his own character to not alienate audiences, gotta juggle too many characters. It just doesn't work as anime
now I understand why people are quick to assume samefagging but I need y'all to understand i'm not this fucking bozo.

I'm not making any claims yet. I'm just voicing worries. This idiot has been acting like this even in the Jellyfish threads since episode 5
>and what we have seen does indicate a somewhat higher degree of familiarity.
This isn't true, anon. Nothing indicates that they have become more intimate with one another, more than friends/bandmates. Nina came to Momoka to ask the latter's opinion about her guitar skills.
And "this idiot" was right. About both shows. To pretend any of them is different and actually yuri is delusions
Probably because you don't want to accept Seiyuu Radio and Sasakoi as better. Because you don't want to accept you got baited by following tradiitonal conventions of good and bad
Reminder you're an schizo samefag with same argument as /a/ schizos
How in the hell is it a “rich girl thing” to run away panicked after receiving a message on your phone? How is it reasonable to assume someone who is apparently allowed to be in a band with you and come freely to band practice has insane bipolar helicopter parents who call her back at a moment’s notice? How is that more reasonable than she just has a boyfriend?

>Nina came to Momoka to ask the latter's opinion about her guitar skills.
Exactly. She came to ask a genuine question, had a quiet and calm conversation and didn’t yell at each other. That hasn’t exactly been their default mode so far.
>Exactly. She came to ask a genuine question, had a quiet and calm conversation and didn’t yell at each other. That hasn’t exactly been their default mode so far.
And how does that indicate that they're now something more than a close bandmate?
Why would it have to? They aren’t. Yet.
It does however indicate that their relationship has changed a bit after the confession, which is precisely what you’d expect.
>How in the hell is it a “rich girl thing” to run away panicked after receiving a message on your phone?
How it is not? There are a lot of reasons to think that she has some news over a fancy party, something about her grades, the visit of a influential family member, etc.
I think you'd blow some people's minds here if you told them even a married couple can have a conversation about something that isn't their relationship
So it turned into friendship? Or rather they've repaired their friendship after the confession?
NONE of these things are sudden events that just pop up out of nowhere. Generally, the richer you are, the more the child’s schedule is planned long into the future. You’ll know you’ll probably have piano lessons 17:30 on Tuesday NEXT YEAR, family visits are planned months in advance, and invitations for aunty Emma’s fancy 50th birthday party went out 8 months ago.
Grandma’s chaotic celebrity schedule is an extreme outlier and absolutely not what you’d expect from your average richfag child.

Your cheapest bait yet, anon.
>Your cheapest bait yet, anon.
No, seriously. You admitted that the confession causes them to become (proper) bandmates. How that is relevant to yuri is on you. We've been talking about yuri all along, after all, not others. Unless by "yuri" you'd also include friendship, and all that. Or, in this case, bandmates.
And that's precisely why something that it is outside of the schedule will make such a big surprise, there is no perfect plan and it makes a lot of sense that someone with a tight schedule but with some freedom to join a band to run to fulfill her duties so she doesn't lose her limited freedom.
NTA but a repaired friendship for those two would meant a lor of bant and some shouts here and there, a calm interaction it is everything but not that
It's a short segment showing Momoka evaluating Nina's guitar skills. That's the scene anon was talking about. Why would you banter in a serious talk?
Is it really that hard to wait a week before going full uhh... like this?
This is fiction, if their decision was to show that then they choose to show us that their relationship isn't the same anymore.
>You admitted that the confession causes them to become (proper) bandmates.
What the hell are you even talking about. I said they aren’t MORE than bandmates yet. They are, for all we know, not yet officially dating, therefore scenes with them also don’t have to portray them as such. (Not that any of these scenes would particularly conflict with that)
They are however slightly more intimate and understanding with each other, which is what you’d expect after Nina’s confession and Momoka crying her heart out. This isn’t much and admittedly just how I read the scene (again, it’s barely 20 seconds), but it’s also a far cry from resetting their relationship to before the confession, of which there is zero (0) indication of.

Such plan changes are far more likely with poorer families. “Sorry, mom had to switch shifts around at work so you have to pick up your sister from kindergarten” and the like. It’s absolutely not a rich girl thing.
What IS a rebellious rich girl thing however is stuff joining a band and getting a boyfriend to stick it to the parents. Totally reasonable assumption, happens all the time.
No, anon. The scene before that talks about Tomo. That scene is the continuation of that, still about Tomo. That's why in the scene after that, guess what, it changes back into Tomo. How hard is it to understand that?

We're talking about yuri. Unless your definition of yuri includes friendship, I don't think episode 9 has anything to prove that there's yuri development from episode 8.
>I don't think episode 9 has anything to prove that there's yuri development from episode 8.
Yes, it doesn’t, because it’s not about Nina and Momoka, duh. Some retards here try to claim however that it has NEGATIVE development by pretending the confession didn’t happen, and that it most definitely does not.
What the fuck is going on here?
Someone is really angry about yuri in general and can't stop shitting up threads left and right. Plus, if anons don't take the bait he samefag.
On top of that you've got some paranoid anons, and you've got this cesspit.
Again there is no perfect plan and when you think you have one and you are not prepared to deal with your plans clashing with reality then it is when you panic, for a adult that's just another day at work/life but for a teenager that wasn't aware of the "fixing the schedule" process it is a distressing experience so it is expected for someone like Subaru to panic like that. In the end this isn't anything that affects why Momoka isn't acting like a teen when she is alone with Nina because now she needs to act like a proper adult instead of showing Nina that she is one.
Well, I guess it's going to be a long week.
You do have a point that there's character development. It just doesn't happen in the yuri kind of development.
Reminder: If you've got any criticisms or negative views of GBC, you're samefagging
Or we can accept several people are worried and dissapointed
I understand you don't want AOTS to be Sasakoi due to lack of competition, but that's what's gonna happen
Just saw the episode but this needed to happen before the confession and we wouldn't have any problems right now. At the start of the episode Momoka treated Nina as a porcelain doll so they needed to use Momoka's phobia towards snakes to return to the status quo but I don't think this means that the confession will be forgotten just that they wanted the MomoNina drama to have enough development but then they had the problem of Tomo and Rupa joining the band and even if this episode was good for Tomo's development it is meaningless not only for the yuri but for the plot itself, maybe it is because I have a test about motivation and communication next week but Tomo made me angry and that's everything I can say about this episode.
desu given how Nina seems to have chilled out a bit and turned into a weird adorable goofball, I fel like it's pretty clear the confession definitely had a big effect on her personally.
Reminder that you need to take your Adderall already.
Can you explaine how this happened, like I wasn't expecting Nina out of all the characters to not explode agains Tomo when she was criticized like that, I'm serious because I want to understand the show.
Will the pills magically remake the episodes to add yuri progress or remove the confession (GBC) and kiss (Jelly)?
They'll stop you from shitting up the place.
Is pointing out the truth "shitting up the place"?
/a/ schizo having a breakdown over a yuri show being popular and trying really hard to downplay the yuri.
She's in cloud nine because despite not showing it she and Momoka banged in the truck so nothing can upset her for a few days.
what the hell happened here? did /a/ schizo get tired of /a/?
Can we have a new thread?
Only if you behave!
Gekidol had an universe reset, they can't do that here. Before the reset they were fighting to get into romantic stuff but the protag was a coward.
>universe reset
There was ample time to address the kiss properly before then, they just didn't.
Offscreen sex, obviously.
The girl who kissed here tried to do it, multiple times, even trying to force herself on the MC again, MC just refused because she was a coward and because of plot. And finally when the plot ended and things could have been addressed, the universe was reset. But it wasn't not addressed because of a lack of trying.
>But it wasn't not addressed because of a lack of trying.
All she needed to do was bring it up, just talk about it (again, since the first time the MC was nuts); but it's not what the writer wanted, so she didn't.
The kiss was just for grabbing attention with no intention of ever committing to it, plain bad writing.

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