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Continued from >>4188837

Thread for yuri discussion of:
>Genshin Impact
>Honkai Impact 3rd
>Honkai Star Rail
>Guns GirlZ
>Zenless Zone Zero
and other applicable miHoYo/Hoyoverse games
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I like these two a lot.
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They are milking Acheswan for everything is worth
I hope there's more Kafka in the next planet, I need more of these two.
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How do you feel about this threesome? I think it's cute.
I think they're cute, but pitybaiting and pandering make me not like firefly as much as I should
She's interesting and written well enough, I just think it was presented very badly
Still no explanation why they changed clothes, but the dialogue is still the same as the previous PV
Hoyo please, I'll give you a kidney for a better conclusion for these 2
I think they were supposed to be wearing this in the PV too (at least after the background changes), but they used the standard outfit for marketing purposes or the animators didn't have the reference sheet ready
Firefly was well presented in 2.0 but in 2.2 it definitely felt like they didn't know what to do with her. Her revealing who she was and that she was alive needed alot more conversation and attention particularly from stelle, rather than the whole crew just going "oh okay" and continuing as normal.
I think it's the same idea as all the feather tearing and mindrape. It's symbolic
If you haven't yet go visit the balcony again. The text is changed again after the 2.2 story conclusion and its super cute.
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dumb yuripeans...
I did go do that, its a nice change that they didn't need to do.
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It reads somewhat "final" but I wonder if it'll change one last time after the 2.3 epilogue stuff.
Surely it has too, we always get a story quest when a character becomes playable which is 2.3 (hopefully since shes playable in the beta but who knows)
We already know she has a POV so I don't think there's a worry there.
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>Oh yeah, this was a thing
Can someone spoonfeed me the previous version? I missed it
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What happened to Windtrace? It's so bad now
Not word for word but essentially Stelle having mixed emotions about finding out that firefly lied to her about her identity etc and questioning if meeting her really was as positive of a experience as it seemed like
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Thanks sis
I don't even care about forced multiplayer stuff anymore, after the last event's glorious "one frame per 10 seconds enemy movement" featured by local host in 2024.
420 isn't enough to make me angry at the game while grinding this mode. At least it's no major event, so you don't lose out twice. (event currency and the normal rewards)

I don't understand why they are doing this. All other events have all relevant rewards essentially as participation rewards, but the multiplayer stuff has to be grinded? Why? If it's fun, people play it. If it's not fun, you shouldn't put it into the game.
So, do Gui and Sushang fuck?
Only in my dreams
I think Ping is obviously next LR's 5-star.
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Here's hoping the leaks for Clorinde's SQ are true and there's a bunch of interactions between her and Navia so we can finally get a consistent stream of NaCl works.
Has anyone else seen the Alice or the 4.8 and Natlan leaks?
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She best be yapping because it's probably the only kinda intersting thing she has going for her since she's besically French Sara combined with Rosaria's dead-insideness.
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March/Firefly art is finally starting to happen
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>Sara without a personality
What a horrifying concept.
The only Natlan leak I saw was the alleged level increase to 100...
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I didn't like it at first but after accepting the shitty DBDification of it I'm liking it enough for what it is. I just got out of a 3 Rebel Arlecchinos vs a Furina hunter round and watching Furina fruitlessly chase Arle all over the place was fun.
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Clorinde didn't get jobbed out off-screen and then turn into a walking disaster dropping more spaghetti than a blind waitress on roller skates during a 9.0 earthquake, so she's already in a better spot than Sara.
To this day I don't know what the actual fuck is the writer's problem with Sara.
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ugh there's a patreon version
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The wait for firefly is destroying me please post more firefly pairings thanks
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Sorry, I only have these two..
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So the best I can do is this.
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I won as Hunter on the Inazuma map, it wasn't that bad.
I thought march will be hostile to Firefly but she she was normal with her
as expected of the first wife
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Stellefly has consumed me, I love them so much. I like March/Firefly too or even all three together but art is pretty scarce on that end for the moment.
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She was simply too kind and honest with everyone so there was no reason to be hostile to her. I can't remember if she explained to anyone but TB that she even tried to disobey her script but knowing that she's the one SH with clear misgivings about her role probably would've helped.
I can’t decide if I wanna roll or not still. That armor having had a masculine voice being there 100% of the time is bit of a buzzkill
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I would have liked some of her battle voice to have had some of her normal voice but I'll deal with it, I've waited so long for her that nothing will stop me now. Plus I'm going to hear her idles 75% of the time anyway because I tend to leave the game open in the background.
yeah I'll be skipping
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Is this Bronya and Seele??
Honestly the voice changer and all her edgyish and dramatic dialogue while in the armour just gives her more of a dorky chuuni vibe when we know shes not like that out of the armour, and I'm all for it.
She shows up a couple of times during her animations (ult and enhanced skill) so I’d say there’s a good chance the voicelines for those are her own voice.
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If she has her own voice during enhanced skill that's good since it's gonna be the thing you're using the most often.
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I'm going to be sad when they end up not actually interacting all that much, they seem like they would be good friends. At least the 2.3 event seems like it's going to have them both in it.
>not like that out of the armor
Uhm. Pretty sure she got attached to Hanu's rocket launcher pretty fast...

She hides her powerlevel, but that's it.
Maybe so, but you get what I mean. Her behaviour changes somewhat while in armour.
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Finally some fucking food
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Last one, sorry for the spam. I'm just glad my niche ship is getting some art now
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Honestly, the only HSR ships I can get into are Fuqing and Servalia. All the popular ships feels so hamfisted.
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All ships in modern-Hoyo games are hamfisted.

Hoyo isnt known for yuri anymore
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Those two are definitely the best hsr ships
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I think the problem ties back into the gacha system
Modern hoyo, especially HSR, is constantly releasing more and more new characters which leaves very little time to explore them and their relationships in depth
Meanwhile, classic HI3rd had a core cast of characters that it was always going back to, releasing new suits for them and could bring more aspects of them and their relationships to the forefront
You can say that about the writing in general. Doesn't help that the game needs to constantly sell new units one after another, which leads to rushed and shallow characters.
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A lot of these newer characters dont feel like they have had a proper story arc at all. The spaced out patches dont help either.

Belobog benefited alot from being complete from the get go. We meet Bronya as the next guardian in training, experience the underworld (meeting her wife in the process) and learn the truth of Cocolia with her, and end with her inheriting the Guardian title and seeing her making not one but two tough decisions as a leader (lying about Cocolia and then a few patches later negotiating with Topaz). Regardless of how well you think it was done, it at least felt like a journey with beginning and (for now) end.

People tried to claim Bronya/Seele felt rushed, in retrospect they might as well be a full on Tolkien-esque novel compared to these newer characters, who either never got enough screen time or are kept mysterious for future hooks that wont resolve for years.
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More importantly, what happened to those characters who truly and openly cared about each other in HI3? Nowadays, it feels like only the MC is allowed to be the target of such affection.
The few examples of open affection that come to mind, from both Genshin and HSR, are:
>Siblings (Hanya/Xueyi, Arlecchino's children), "families" (Ganyu, Shenhe, Cloud Retainer; Collei, Tighnari, Cyno; the Astral Express)
>Yae Miko to Raiden (not necessarily romantically, but as a close friend and retainer); Sara to Raiden, who literally worships her
>Bronseele as a carryover from previous titles
And then you look at pairings pushed by Mihoyo itself and you realise they're pretty timid when it comes to affection. Fuqing is a good ship, but most of its content is comic relief and you're left with crumbs like Fu Xuan rubbing Qingque's head—or at least the description of it on an unceremonious black screen—which leaves things up to interpretation. And then there's Sushang who refused to become Guinaifen's sworn sister for some reason. Omnipandering is a limiter that prevents us from getting truly meaningful relationships between playable characters.
Pela and Lynx would be another one with plenty of affection. Not to say you are wrong, but the reason seems more too many characters and not omnipandering.
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i never play Hi3 or GGZ but why Mei can have multiple partners across different games?
isn't she canonically tied with Kiana in the original game?
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(This video is the cutest thing ever)
Kiana and Mei are together in GGZ and HI3, but MihoYo seems to not want to bring Kiana in other Mihoyo games so far, so...
MeixKiana as a couple had been all but dropped even by the mid-point of H3rd. Who knows why but I wouldn't expect it to show up ever again.
Only for ER, everything beyond that is still Mei x Kiana
Super cute.
Also some hella weird choices. Like who the fuck wanted a second Cyno SQ when Keqing, a day 1 character doesn't even have one? Or characters like Eula having zero presence in the AQs and last but not least, Rosaria and Sara having no hangouts while they've been in the game for 3 years!
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Acheron's boobs aren't that big, but oh well
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Well, considering that they just added a new "cockpit" portrait of her to her skill standby in the 2.3 beta I'm pretty sure she's going to have much more of her normal voice present than people thought.
I.. honestly don't care about any story quests or hangouts. The story quests I played weren't exactly helpful to the characters.
Like the character? Sure you have some fun. But they don't really do anything with them. Even if I liked the character, I felt like the quest was largely a waste of potential and time.

Hangouts I haven't even tried as a result. And story quests are on hold forever somewhere in Sumeru.
The nameless god from the start of Genshin is probably a Kiana expy but we're another three years away from finding out how that pans out. The Star Rail Kiana is probably an Aeon and/or dead given Acheron's lore. Kiana being Idirilia would be fun.
I’ll pass on that with there being 0 known females that worship Idrilla while we already have a dozen males that do
Idrilla is already dead
I figured they'd go the easy route and have March be Kiana but now im thinking maybe shes the one Mei lost in star rail
March looks nothing like Kiana. So far all actual expies look like the original counterpart and/or have a similar name. And they all have the same voice actors in jp
What's the deal with the whole war thing Ei is yapping about? I think she also mentioned it back in Irodori.
a hint of the CONFLICTS to come
Can they come any faster? Though the Genshin writers have proven that current war stories may be quite above their pay grade.
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Honestly crazy how underutilized Yelan is despite being extremely popular. Now, if only the fandom had the ovaries to ship her with women she has actual interactions with, that'd be nice.
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I'm still sad Yelan and Yanfei didn't take off
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Robinabi first time
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A tragedy, for certain. Feels like Yelan is more popular with Shenhe but that just seems like two tops?
They look like siblings. Not that that's a bad thing.
I want to get into HSR but i got two questions. Does it have the same intrusive anticheat like it has on pc? And how is the yuri? Are the girls actively paired up with other m*les or do they keep them seperated?
>And how is the yuri?
this is what interests me. wuwa is horrible but it made me interested in honkai.
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>And how is the yuri?
I'll be real there isn't actually terribly much of it if you're looking for ingame stuff. You have Bronya/Seele and Pela/Lynx being pretty explicit but a lot of the rest is somewhat of a stretch. MC x Firefly is also heavily pushed so as long as you make the correct choice you're fine there.
>so as long as you make the correct choice
I assume the "correct choice" means picking feMC?
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Of course.
I don’t know about the anticheat.
>paired up with other males
Not really, the only case of this would be with Asta and Arlan, but even then it’s mild. There’s a chance it’ll happen to a certain leaked character but that’s just guesswork for now.
Varying levels of subtext mostly, which is about what you’d expect from a game like this.
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I'm obsessed with them.
HSR has less yuri than genshin
Genshin also swaps pairings on the fly.
Genshin is 3 years older to be fair
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There's a few MC based ships that they like to tease, Seele/Bronya is pretty textual, and Acheron/Black Swan is being forced as of late.
Outside of that the fandom has yuribrain and there's ships of characters who don't even share lines with eachother (or have like two in the case of Kafhime).
>fandom has yuribrain
So do the devs lmao
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God I hope this ship is real.
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Day 2 of enjoying HSR. Saving up for Firefly release. I don't mind paying but is it realistic to get enough resources with only monthly and BP to guarantee her when she comes out?
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Not posting the whole thing since Dan appears for a single panel (and I guess Elio as a cat also counts) but this comic/theory that Stelle as a SH was the one that found Firefly and recontextualizes the trashcan memes as her subconsciously trying to find Firefly again is pretty cute.
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Yeah, those combined with whatever main and side story stuff you gather up should be more than enough.
Easily. With monthly and BP each patch is 100-120 pulls, and the amount of content new players have is easily worth a few hundred other pulls.
As of V3 she woke up on her own rather than being found by the SH by the way. Check the lightcone description if you’re interested.
Thanks! I really cant ballpark it how much stuff is given out for new players. Should i roll until 50/50 for Fu Xuan? Or better keep saving?
>There’s a chance it’ll happen to a certain leaked character
Who are we talking about?
It honestly depends, I don't think there is must have characters in this game, there are always characters that do similar roles and lots of very viable team comps. Fu Xuan is a very good tank and is capable of sustaining a team so she's a good choice, but if you want to save for Firefly and go for constellations, then save for Firefly, you can always get Fu Xuan later.
Yunli (with Yanqing). There’s the cosmodyssey thing + HI3 Yanqing was married (to Lin Zhaoyu) and had a crush on another girl (Su Mei), so if her design is anything like those two that’s a warning sign.
You can 100% afford to guarantee FF even if you go to 50/50 and win on FX. Do note that FX’s passive crit rate is wasted on FF though (just pair her with QQ instead, the way it should be).
Me too
I personally don't think they're changing Firefly's story, i think they just are removing that as spoilers since you can roll for her before you do her story quest which is where we'll get the real details
But the LC description did in fact change it from the SH waking her up —> her waking up on her own,
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I'm out of the loop but i guess the FF sitting in the car together with Blade shitposting was just shitposting?
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Just gotta pray QQ isn't currently busy daydreaming about pushing down Fu.
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It was a flashback that had no shipping fuel whatsoever in it. They basically acted completely indifferent towards each other so there was nothing to really care about outside of some funny memes.
Just how many rolls does this game give a new player, thats insane.
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At launch it was ~200 if you cleared everything, but we’ve gotten multiple permanent events and new areas to explore since then so you might be looking at something closer to 300 (or even more with how just the 2 SU expansions give 47.5 pulls).
Might not be exactly like that but I do think there could be something to the whole trashcan obsession -> connection with Firefly thing. Or maybe I've just read too many crackpot theories.
I know it's always been obvious and this is just belaboring the point, but I can't help but be annoyed by how the two new trailers make it very clear Aether's the Traveler, and anyone playing Lumine is doing it wrong.

Why did they even bother giving people a choice at the start? (I know why; the marketing decisions continuing to make clear what a half-assed attempt to draw in a more diverse playerbase it was simply annoys me)
That’s….not new at all? I mean all the launch trailers but one had Aether
All the main ads on YouTube has Aether
Tutorial images has Aether
Event promos had Aether before they started doing more promo images with just NPCs
Battle pass “story” was about the princess becoming evil and the prince embarking on a journey
Official channel reuploads of ingame cutscenes use the Aether version

It’s a bit late to be complaining about this now, even though it’s frustrating
It's pretty obvious who they want you to play as but I'm beyond caring at this point. I sometimes forget Aether is even in this game until he shows up on event splash pages or whatever. I will say I was kind of disappointed when they phased the traveler out of birthday shorts because those chibis were just about the only consisted Lumine MC content we got.
I don’t think it’s a “want you to play as” situation. They wanted a more mainstream image and the m*le probably scored higher with focus groups (despite dressing like a belly dancer) or is perceived internally to be able to better capture the mainstream audience

Just look at Jeht. There are devs that do care
Yes, as I said, I know it's always been obvious.

I'm just complaining because these two new trailers are REALLY in your face about it.
I haven't played much hsr but think Boothill should've been a woman.
Part of me feels disappointed when I lay my eyes on him.
All the black red and many parts of his design just makes me think of shadow the hedgehog so it makes me laugh.
but yeah naturally would be better as a woman.
When is she releasing anyway? Came across her kit video on my For You page on Twitter and I'm amazed they went that direction. Been on a mech kick after Gundam so I might also give this game a try.
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She should release in a month or so. On another note, any recommendations what twittertags to use to find HSR yuri artwork?
The heck is that pic?
>any recommendations what twittertags to use to find HSR yuri artwork?
Just use the ship names.
19th of June
2.4 beta is a day before
looks like Limbus?
>long, fluffy, light-colored eyelashes that match the hair
I need the source
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I can't ship this anymore after playing the quest lol, Robin was outright mean to Sparkle even though she was the only one agreeing with her about the nature of the Dreamscape
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I've always seen it as a toxic ship, so that only made me like it more
Everyone is mean to Sparkle except Black Swan so she's not different from the rest in that regard. I get they were trying to show that nobody likes the Elation, but wow Sparkle really is a friendless loser.
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I don't like how they drew arle here, but one girl wearing a suit and the other sitting on her lap, naked, and with her hands tied behind her back is so fucking hot
Makes me a mess everytime
Any poly fanfic with this trio?
Or maybe others too
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>sampo is a masked fool as well and likely an emanator of elation
>still thinks sparkle is too kooky and annoying
>black swan flat out rejects her so she can tongue dance with acheron instead
Being Sparkle is suffering.......
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Fr she's such a fucking loser...
Will bitch about Robin's lack of a voiceline for her next time they put up a survey.
A grand total of 11, kind of
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There's a couple but I haven't found any that I've really enjoyed yet, mostly because I want March/Firefly as a part of it but no one writes that since they haven't interacted enough yet. Hopefully after 2.3.
Did the event have anything going for it? I saw it was Itto themed so I just didn't bother at all.
Yae and Ei have some vauge lines hinting at a large scale war breaking out in the future.
That's about it other than appeances from yoimiya, kokomi, and shinobu.
Honestly kinda shit event.
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Finally finished Penacony

What were the streaks of light as TB was falling through the sky?
Why did we have to say "final goodbye" to Acheron before she went medieval on the dream?
That is one long link
>What were the streaks of light as TB was falling through the sky?
The Galaxy Rangers arriving, or more accurately the representation of them in the dream.
Boothill referred to their arrival like that earlier in the planning discussion after you "woke up". They represent the arrows of the Reignbow Arbiter.
>Why did we have to say "final goodbye"
Its not a "final" goodbye, but more or less a "my job here is done" and she moves on on her path. IC Stelle obviously can't know if they ever meet again.
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>Actually interesting and complex character
>No bitches for you lol, lmao even

Certified Hoyo moment.
A recurring theme. They just don't know what to do with their best characters.
Sparkle is female Sampo, it's a given that no one likes her. And just because she's marginally more interesting than the rest doesn't mean she's a good character...
>Sparkle is female Sampo
Ehhh not really lol.
>it's a given that no one likes her
It might make sense lorewise but it still means she's underused. There's no guarantee that we'll ever see those characters playing a major role again, so allow us to feel disappointed.
Black Swan said that she was hired by someone, which means she still has a role, and that person is probably Jade
Tourist here. Was on /v/ and there was a thread about Arlecchino in a maid outfit. Went on Google to search if the maid outfit is a mod and found this on Reddit.

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Why should I care?
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Are there any side-side couples in Star Rail?

I've been doing some side stories for Jades and it's almost always heteros (just finished Bailu's story)
Only Dan Shu comes to mind
Closest thing I can remember is Stelle being able to flirt with some NPC women. Like the fox lady and the Belabog museum woman.
The gacha storytelling is really harming the characters. Just look at all the Genshin women.
Exactly, the story serves the gacha not the opposite.
I really want a good Robin ship but I just dont think Sparkle is it

And neither is Firefly really but at least they have fanart I guess
Forgot muh image
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Well I want a good Sparkle ship
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All I'm hearing is Jade x Sparkle
Firefly kinda just doesn't work with anyone except Stelle for me. Maybe she'll have something with SW or March in 2.3 but I'm not getting my hopes up.
>Maybe she'll have something with SW or March in 2.3
You mean Robin or Firefly?

Honestly I'm not even sure what kind of character I want to see paired up with Robin. Her whole character just boils down to "really nice" at this point. The spiciest details involving her are that her brother is under arrest (or MIA) and that she has a bullet wound in her neck that she covers up.

What else is even there
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She's got the whole 'Overworked star who trys too hard and constantly has expectations thrust upon her' angle but they've only really hinted at that so far.i imagine her companion quest (if she gets one) will elaborate more on this if it isn't her crying about Sunday for two hours.
I was expecting more from Robin when she got released but she turned out to be the nice girl I thought she was initially and nothing else. Most interesting thing about her atp is her relationship with her brother...
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>You mean Robin or Firefly?
I meant Firefly, sorry yeah.
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So what's the information on ZZZ? All I know is the release date and that the MCs are both active in the world.
I'm frankly tired of Hoyo games in general, but for the animal girls I need to give this a try.
None sofar. But thats pretty much the usual for Hoyoverse games now. If its gonna have yuri, we won't know until we see what breadcrumbs they might throw out in the story. There might be all-female factions.
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They removed some of the yuri in CBT2. Specifically this line was removed.
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Makes sense and this is also a new IP so we can't count on legacy characters like from their previous games.

I just hope we get some uniquely designed female characters. So far looking at the current roster, the girls look generic and the guys have eccentric designs. I really want something like a Luce-like design from the On a Leash webtoon.
I just hope Miyabi and Soukaku have something
Kitsune x Oni would be kino, and coincidentally they’re literally the only designs I actually like.
The idol(?) trio could have potential too, and I prefer their designs to the rest of the girls, especially the one that wears a mechsuit(?).
It has a sharkgirl maid, so I'm afraid they already got me. Maybe the all-loli faction will have some cute interactions.
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i know i'm a whole year behind but serval's 2nd quest really felt like her trying to get over an ex that backstabbed her
They could've solved this issue by pumping out more side material like manga. Especially for characters with little in-game content or using it for interactions between chracters who don't have any.
Serval and Cocolia's situationship is the best yuri content in the game
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Im still mad you cant at least tell her what happened. If anyone deserves the truth its her
Rosabarb content? In this economy?
Acheswan fansong
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There's those lesbian cookies again...
A) Those are macarons, B) Get your eyes checked.
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>calling macarons lesbian cookies
Okay you got me lmfao
They can't keep getting away with it...

Macarons ARE the lesbian cookies since they look like a pwussy.....
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Man, HI3 fanart is in a rough place right now. Now that the story is over, it seems like all the people who actually played and followed the story have moved on, probably to Star Rail or Genshin.

The only art nowadays is like 10% Elysia and 90% Captain harem shit
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You're supposed to jump ship to each new MHY game as they release sis...
>Captain Harem
Didn't they introduce a new gender-selectable self-insert character? I'd expect a disproportionate skew towards the male despite the superior option being available, but regardless, why not use that guy?
Is that Fuki?
Clorinde isnt useable with Navia at all right, both are main deeps

I clicked through about 5 pages on Danbooru and it looks like it's the same as usual: Some yuri, some het, and mostly solo's
I dont know where you got the idea that it was always 99% yuri art
Story's over? Didn't they just release part 2 or something?
Stellefly is more popular than I expected from a female MC ship.
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Have some songlema in these trying times
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Last one. Sorry, I was just looking for an excuse to post some songlems
So is she a chubby chaser or something? How come she's always feeling up this girls tummy
No, elykia

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