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Tengu Edition

Previous pichuun: >>474437798

>Upcoming and recent releases
>Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts (OUT NOW)
>TH18.5 100th Black Market
>TH17.5 Gouyoku Ibun + gote update
Dream Logical World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664410/
Wonderful Waking World https://store.steampowered.com/app/1901490/
Hero of Ice Fairy https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955830/

>Recent official manga
Lotus Eaters
Cheating Detective Satori

>What are these games?
Touhou Project is a series of doujin bullet hell shooting games made by ZUN where cute hags shoot other cute hags

https://pastebin.com/Vu7p9R0z (includes FAQ, netplay guide, training tools and more)

>Where can I get these games?
https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 (all in one pack)
https://pastebin.com/hPmDczz6 (separate downloads)

>Support the official releases!

>What other official Touhou media is there?
>Semi-official web magazine

>Touhou media hoarding guide (fan art, doujin music, etc.)


>/2hug/ high score spreadsheet (feel free to edit)
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Cheesed to see a new thread!
First bat in the thread!
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Nitori would never
Feed to chinkhus.
is there a quiz to find the touhou most like my personality type
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I got Alice
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>alternately you might be Patchouli
I feel like this is trying to tell me something
If you don't cosplay as your 2hu you don't really love her.
Nobody wants to see a tall dude cosplay as a loli.
I want to.
>he actually wants to see the unbridled horror of a 300 pound 6ft guy cosplaying as Koishi or Flan
Does it count if I've considered it, but didn't go through with it because I don't know anyone who both could and would make me her dress?
Anon if your wife walked in on you trying on her clothes she would be disgusted, not impressed by your devotion to her.
I'm not so sure, there's probably a few wierd enough 2hus that would either get off on that, or worse, force it on their husbando for pure entertainment. Who would be most likely to do that?
>Who would be most likely to do that?
Yuuka maybe?

Cosplaying is expensive and I'm not dropping lots of money to wear a dress and then do nothing with it.
I want to fuck the bat, not be the bat.
That’s nice
The description for my hu is so completely wrong it hurts. Utterly fails to understand a single thing about the character, so I'm not sure if I should be happy I got her or not.
No, I won't say who.
>The lamest (Futo)
Wow she really is just like me...
>tfw no abusive Yuuka gf that makes you be her sub, wear her clothes whie clean her mansion and beats you up for fun if you ever complain or be weak in front of her
i wish she'd keep me as her slave
What? Most unexpected results.
>runner up Miko
Is that a subtle way of saying I'm inconsistent?
The best goddess
Why is she such whore
yhank goodness the existence of retarded pedophiles in this community like >>477771094 is disappearing...
t. seething hag
I like hags too though. Yuyuko is one of my favorites just like Suwako.
Whores are good
no when whores have SDT :c
>>477773750 (me)
...but now I wonder: Can goddesses get infected by that?>>477771094
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oh well
cute strong oni
Why is she named after a watermelon?
i dunno~
hey it's very quiet here ngl.
Pettan Pettan Tsurupettan
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Was IN suppose to feel easy, or did I do something wrong? I'm confused. So far the quickest I 1cc'd a game.
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did /2hug/ do anything for koishi day? i drew pic related
I got Futo and Kaguya
IN is kind of gimmicky, a lot of spellcards will just click with you after a while. Also, investigation team is well suited for the game. That said, is that a Kaguya clear?
Kaguya clear as in, I got a good ending? Then yeah
I finally got around to playing udoalg today. I'm still surprised he made another versus game and it's tons of fun.
Does anyone accurately know how the barrier mechanic works? I can't tell if that's a deathbomb thing or if you're just supposed to wait for the meter to start flashing.
Barely making it to stage 5 on lunatic.
Kaguya is route B, Eirin is route A. People usually talk about the B route when talking about 1ccs, congrats all the same
Oh then yeah, I faced Kaguya.What's the difference between the routes anyway? Besides facing either Eirin or Kaguya of course
A is always the default before ever getting a clear with a team. You unlock route B by beating A, even with continues. Then B requires you to 1cc, iirc you can't continue on stage 6 and get kicked out for a game over. Otherwise they are completely identical.
It is the easiest as long as you understand what's going on.
I did this test (which seems to be the old version of the one you've linked) a while ago
and got pic related, which I fit suits me pretty well. I've even started liking her much more as a result.
>which I fit suits me
which I think suits me*
Yes, we only like youkai hags that are hundreds of years old here.
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I prefer my hags thousands of years old.
Correction: It says "thank". With 't'
I think you wrote wrong because you were angry and didn't realize it, or something.
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smelly armpit.
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I only ever played PCB when it came out, but now I want to play all of them. Please give me random tips and encouragements for this long journey.
Thank you
Practice and perseverance my fella!

Also: Don't forget to record your gameplays, so that you can later see your mistakes and successes.
That is what I did.
>random tips
Use your bombs, don't hold back. If you're unsure just bomb. Wasting some of them is better than losing that life and all the bombs you still had with it.

Thank you both so much.
Hello everyone. How's everybody?

I wanted to personally ask all of you something that I think those who are very involved in the subject would know how to answer.

What do you think about the "Modern Touhou Fandom/Community"?

I know it's a bit of a simple question, but lately I've seen very divisive comments in the community and they always go to extremes.
if anyone is familiar with Japanese Fandom, they can let me know their conditions. Since I don't have any information about that fandom about it. I'm sorry for my ignorance in that area.

Also: I've noticed that a kind of "Community War" is brewing in the Touhou fandom. I don't want to mention anyone because I don't want to generate conflicts, but it seems that Touhou fans are fighting and kicking out their own community for having "certain tastes" related to "a certain cell phone game that received an anime recently".
Is there any way to prevent 2 fandoms from fighting each other? (I just want to know that no one wins in these """fandom wars""")
this is the first time i'm hearing about this "fandom war". i don't know what goes on in the touhou community outside of this website and nobody has ever mentioned this until now
ignorance really is bliss i guess
If you say specifically what 'certain tastes' and 'a certain game' are, I can help.
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>community war
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So, I played the, um. The first two windows games. 6 and 7? Liked them. They're perfectly fine. I still find it odd that there's such a HUGE Japanese fandom over this series, but what do I know. In my opinion, the Undertale fanbase is disproportionately large for that game, too. Maybe I'm just old and jaded.
Why the fuck did I come here? Oh yeah. There are a handful of touhou games on Switch. I figured the 2hu general would know if any of them are good.
The one I have my eye on is Azure Reflections. Seems like a neat concept. No idea how it plays as a fan-game/spin-off or whatever.
Also, there's a really similar game called Maiden & Spell that is $12 cheaper, has a really nice aesthetic, and doesn't have all of the... fluff... that AzuRef has in it.
Again, I'm sort of a casual. I don't know the lore. I don't need to dress up my 2hus with cosmetic items and shit like that. $25 is pretty steep for what they're selling, and if I want a danmaku battler, curious if anyone played Maiden & Spell.
But in general, if there are any good /2hu/, sorry /2huG/ approved bullethells on switch, I couldn't find recommendations in your pastebin.
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I've been following touhou since 2008 but I haven't played a game since since UFO and 12.3.
Didn't even know there was a general for this, I thought this would be on /jp/ or something
I don't think people talk about the games here. So it should be moved to /jp/. But with the images posted (or that could be posted), they should just move it to /e/, but sometimes a rare poster will want to discuss the game, so they should move it to /v/. But they keep making more of them, so it aught to be moved to /vg/. But they don't really talk about the games, so it should be moved to /jp/... ad infinitum, ad nauseum
Nobody really cares when the thead is dead.
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Play crimzon clover.
I'm sure he's talking about Blue Archive, the latest mobage to get an anime series, and from that I assume the "tastes" he's referring to are lolicon tastes.
It doesn't sound like something worth giving a shit about. Normalfags gonna normalfag.
Someone make a RE thread once again.
Which boss had the best music?
Imagine complaining about lolicons in the touhou fandom. Characters like Flandre, Remilia, Cirno, Suwako, Tewi and Clownpiece are not just popular, some of them are among the most popular characters in the entire franchise. Not all of that is due to lolicons of course, but the amount of hentai Remi and Flan get speaks volumes. Lolicons have been part of the 2hu fandom for 20 years and they won't leave.
/bag/ guys are know to come in other threads to start shit, so I wonder if he's falseflagging to start something.
I've never seen any touhou fan fight or dislike the BA fandom. Only seen people liking both or not caring about the others.
I really liked Alice's theme in PCB, but the phantom ensemble takes the cake for me.
I'm a PC98fag so it's inanimate dream or strawberry crisis for me
>What do you think about the "Modern Touhou Fandom/Community"?
It's fine, still pretty creative but a shadow of its former self.
My only contact with the Touhou community is through jaypee, so I had no idea there is a 'fandom war'. Sounds like twitter fags being twitter fags.
>Sounds like twitter fags being twitter fags.
This, it's always just some post on twitter that went viral with people that aren't even fans of the material.
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Unfortunately Shitmy.
Is it a coincidence that the Prismriver sisters' outfits resemble the outfits of Reimu, Sakuya, and Marisa?
Okuu or Junko
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No because they don't.
cute mama shiki
Knowing that in PCB you play with Reimu, Marisa and Sakuya, I think it was intentional.
Did ZUN mention anything about this?

"war... war never changes"
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I am angry about fairies
blow some steam off
don't hate fairies
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Fairy maids are better
I heard that this is supposed to look like a shady ad for an abusive workplace, but most of the fairies working at the SDM seem to stay there, don't they? They don't seem to have a shortage of fairy maids.
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I didn't know anything about what happens like anon >>477851612. I just put "touhou fans" in the search and OMG the amount of autism people say there is both funny and depressing. Apparently people took the yukari meme (We like older womans) seriously or some shit like that and attacked both BA fans and Touhou fans who have remilia, flan, etc. as waifus. i dunno If there is someone who has more than 2 neurons here, dont take twotter as an example of fandom. I only have an account to support touhou artists, random shit and that's it.
>war never changes
I don't think anyone really cares what a few normalfags on twitter say.
To be fair, Remilia fans should be attacked. Worst hu.
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But she's so nice...
Get off the internet, Sakuya
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Nah, that would be Flandre. Overrated spoiled piece of shit
You should love both vampires.
Remilia > Flandre.
Is a fact.
"We're drunk- you don't have an excuse!"
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Vampires are ok, but I'd rather their basement magician instead.
Cowtits Patchy or flat Patchy?
I just realised it's thursday but there have been no birds.
I think Remianonettes should post less bats
Inbetween Patche. She wouldn't be massive if she doesn't eat food, but she wouldn't be flat and thin either if she never exercises.
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Thanks for the reminder, it's Tengu Thursday!
You can't post a 2hu if you didn't cosplay as her.
>You can't post a 2hu if you didn't cosplay as her.
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I want to do unholy things with the bats...
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I want to a tengu
But bats have rabies!
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Then I want rabies as well...
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And I think somebody should send you down the river in a pine box, grandma!
Nevermind rabies
She's gonna have my babies
are all youkais girls in this series or is there any non human looking ones?
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Youkai can take any form they want. They are more of a spiritual being. They just choose to be a cute little girl most of the time.
Witches are for lewd
youkai anthropomorphisms seem to be what makes it popular.
I mean. You wouldn't like the series (as much) if you were fighting a wooden sandal that someone had discarded haphazardly, and had become a youkai. Or like. A teacup.
Actually, when I think about it now, these sound like enemies in cute-em-ups. Just random shit.
So I take back what I said about popularity.
People like Cotton 100% and similar games.
I think my point is that you can't draw porn of a sandal. That's what I'm really trying to say.
>You can't draw porn of a sandal.
is that a challenge?
How was everyone today guys? Everything Ok?
I just want to drink a little, lie down for a while and- (snore) zzzzzzzzzz~ (snore)
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It was bad but that's everyday for me.
"Why are you eating ice cream?"
"I always eat ice cream when I'm having a bad day."
"You eat ice cream every day!"
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We have a new employee and his last name is Murgatroyd
What kind of nationality is margatroid?
according to google-sensei, it's english
What does askjeeves say?
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Byakuren > Okina EX > Utsuho > Raiko > Hecatia > The rest in some other other order
Raiko beats everyone
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Cute dog
pet the dog
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"(reloads gun) who is the motherfucker who said he wants to fuck my older sister?"
Me, her devoted husband and your brother in law. How much did you drink last night, Flan? Do you really not remember these things?
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Want to get back to the swiing of PoFV but all I have left to complete on Hard are lame main characters and Cirno
Might skip straight to Lunatc so I can play Mystia or Komachi even if the grind ought to be a lot tougher
If you're going to eventually go to lunatic you should probably just bite the bullet and go straight into it since you'll have to learn at some point
It's about the journey, anon.
True enough, as long as youre enjoying yourself
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I've already done 2 Lunatics, it's just that it's been a bit since i've played PoFV and my gaming habit is to ease myself into whatever i'm getting into, I do know the rough gameplan and execution to achieve score requirements to get at least 3 Rounds on Eiki, ideally 4 but i've been ok with dealing with her at Round 2/3 and I like to afford to double choke Stage 6/7/8 and not instant lose.
It's more about getting used to dodging and movement again, even if the speed and amount of white bullets is night and day between Hard and Lunatic.
I never said I want to
she left me no choice
we were breeding all night
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cute half phantoms
cut phantoms in half
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should I play the main games in fullscreen or windowed and in which resolution?
I recommend fullscreen for focus reasons, but only if your GPU supports integer scaling so the game won't look slightly blurry. Otherwise play windowed at 1280x960.
I do windowed fullscreen and haven't had any problems, but I wouldn't be picky about that sort of thing anyways
>Play in full screen with aspect ratio stretched so much the hus all look fat
>It's easier to play
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Eat the fat
lewd gote
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Why would a goat befriend a fox?
Her personality?
Her boobs?
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Should be the opposite in theory, because your horizontal movement becomes faster (in appearance) than your vertical movement, but I guess it's the same once you get used to it
I got Futo and felt boring
then I found I got the most popular result, confirming I really am boring
I said that.
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Does anybody have art of a Tengu looking like the Happy Merchant meme? I need it for a Touhou roleplaying campaign.
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The studio making the hifuu series ran out of budget, so they're running a crowdfunding round for completing their next episode.
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Someone on steam asked why the switch version of Mystia's Izakaya has no collab characters, which I was also curious about. I haven't found any official statement about it, but according to this chinese article, it is an intentional edit to follow the fan content guidelines: https://touhou-project.news/guidelines_en/
If it's true, I think the devs just worried too much. Seeing that mahjong game can have ZUN himself in it, I don't think adding some OG characters would be a big deal.
Yeah, someone told them about the rules incorrectly when they first asked about them, and when other people told them there was no such restriction it was already too late to turn back.
They need roughly 26k USD to complete one episode? Holy fuck man.
They're one-hour episodes, to be fair.
Too fat
Too young
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Confused about Mystia's placement. Is she like that?
I'm kissing Sakuya, no matter her opinion on mcdonalds
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I don't get Junko's placement
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If you go to page 10 again I will post more AIslop hus
This is on you
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Tewi but she gets the childrens hopes up only to give them an empty bag
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Why doesn't she simply take them off
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I will rape your balls, faggot.
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judging by their size and average dick length in here itd just dig into anons fat belly instead of cutting his dick off
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I get the cerberus thing but surely there was a better way to convey that than literal bear traps?
Bear trap fists are cool.
sloppy chupacabra blowjobs
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I doubt more than a handful of people in the world have a 30cm+ dick.
I do
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no cocks, only gote
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That could be us
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and down
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no touching
Been playing Genso Wanderer Foresight, only real issue I had is with the Kairei Maiden Phase 2.
Deal too much damage too quickly? Enjoy two super moves buddy, hope you have a Substitution Doll faggot.
Now I'm just autistically grinding max level on two of every 'shiny' weapon some reason.
So far I have:
2x Lvl 50 Ice Wing Swords (Can't remember the name. Good against fairies.)
2x Lvl 66 Vampire Fangs
2x Lvl 66 Shrine Maiden Sticks

Any dungeon where Nyuudous spawn more frequently? I swear the Rinnosuke Warehouse has more than usual.
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I think Ran SUCKS!
I haven't even played pcb extra, I feel nothing towards Ran
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...my cock, because I NBd her extra.
I have played pcb extra, I feel nothing towards Ran
The beaners next door keep blasting music, what touhou song should I blast to assert dominance?
Gensokyo Millenium, with the treble turned up to ear piercing levels, unleash the weapons grade Zunpet on them
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
Whatever has the fattest zunpets.
instead of a touhou song, blast something repulsive like either of these songs
these will probably piss them off way more than any touhou song
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>>478459952 This anon gets it.
how do you pronounce tewi
Like it was when she was young: Te-with.
The modern pronunciation doesn't recognize the "wi" and it's now silent

Modern: Tay
Older: Tewi
tei is too old
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Wait, what? "With" ?
A fuck up when I was using my phone. Ignore that.
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Reminder it's pronounced Sir-No
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Tea in a bar
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Raising your dong again in a bar
Shouldn't it be pronounced two-e, or chewy or maybe even teh-wii, how could it be just tea?
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Youmu is a dumbass!!!
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>Ray moo hack your eye
Mating pressing the next 2hu posted
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Mating pressing your kneecaps
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Aw, helllll naw
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You wouldn't
Vampires are good.
Touhou turned me into a lolicon.
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You're not alone.
It simply brought out the lolicon that has always been inside you.
she's a hag.
many modern fans will hate you.
Is this the general Touhou thread? I didn't imagine they were so... calm.
I thought it was something like this >>677136424
Actually, this is a stealth ace combat thread.
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This, but don't tell anyone
We don't talk about non-stop clandestine 24/7 since 2014 touhou general on /v/ here.
Still, how many of you guys also post in /v/hu?
I haven't been to /v/ in a long time, but I have no negative feelings towards 2hu threads on /v/. 2hu is a videogame series at the core.
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I did for a time when I first started playing 2hu games and everything in the threads was fresh but the endless fast threads lost their luster after a while. Slow and comfy is the way to go
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I wonder if superplayer who gave me PNNN replay still lurks here...
he gave you his PNIS?
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Many such cases.
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How misfortunate
I'm about to buy Touhou SouzinengiV -The Genius of Sappheiros-

Is there anything I should know? Like custom bugfixes or anything like that? Or can i download and be good to go?
Which incident had the highest stakes to Gensokyo?
>look at flandre
"wait w-what? m-m-my sister h-has... A FUCKING ONLY FANS!?"

She pulls four of a kind, then plays on different Roblox accounts.

She gets banned.

Banned Flan.
Aw man.
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imagine being banned from Roblox lmao
You can call me simp. But if Remilia opened an onlyfans, I would be her top donor. I am not kidding
Sucks to be you then, my lovely batwife would never do such a thing, and only let's me get to see her like that.
But I'll admit, you have good taste.

(You can ask Sakuya out if you want. She's still single)
haha simp
Haha, classic Anon!
What a simp.
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stinky bug princess
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Goddess of sex
Wonder if Remi has noticed yet hiring Sakuya out for the night to male guests at the mansion could be a highly lucrative business? Scarlet Devil Love Hotel.
I'd rent Sakuya for a night to play co-op games and get a pizza.
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I said SEX.
There's only 1 fox I like
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Woah easy on the AI Reisen...
You're so boring.
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Remove foxes, TFD.
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2hus are real.
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Please stop posting pigs.
I'm really going to do it this time.
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Alway rember happy day.
requesting touhou cosplayers without Creepy Dollface Syndrome
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Do Gensokyoans really?
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ZUN really had the right idea.
take it easy
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The world... took it too easy...
The End is here...
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It's Thursday!
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Let us die already
>It's Thursday!
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Does Touhou have a theme or a melody that is shared across most tracks?
listen to the title screen themes, IN stage 4, DDC stage 3 and WBaWC stage 6
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It could be us...
I keep hearing bits of maple dream in the credits of some of the windows games
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I fucking love Stack, even more as a tengu
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Shoot the Bullet almost made me smash my keyboard on Kaguya's spells, otherwise I think birds are cute.
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>otherwise I think birds are cute
We lost another one to the tengu menace....
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This was a shitty gen but taught me Orin is /fa/ as fuck with jeans
Where the fuck is that hand under her leg coming from
It's AI shit, first pigs, now shit.
/2hug/ really is turning into a pigsty.
>/2hug/ really is turning into a pigsty
Always was.
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No other 'hu will ever be as effay as the ultimate art hoe gf Heca
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Did you clear them, at least?
I did. With an embarrassingly high picture taken count, but I cleared everything all the same.
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Good. Don't worry about the picture count, everyone has their own pace.
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Fine. You can have my seed, demon. But keep your filthy tengu hands away from my foreskin.
reimu is a zombie
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The Yuri
show me gameplay
Does Remilia even like Sakuya? In EoSD I remember she doesn't care that you killed her maid to get to her.
EoSD was the first game using the spellcard rules and thus nonlethal combat, so Sakuya was never in real danger. And you think Remi would choose a person she doesn't like as her highest ranking servant that does so many important things? Sakuya and Remilia are usually seen together. Almost everything points to them being very close.
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This is the true mastermind. Everything is her fault.
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They like to mess with each other.
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i miss this artist, the soul was off the charts
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Aya is not that fat.
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I look like this.
God, I want to fuck Meiling so hard.
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Spellcards have become much more generic in later games

They lack character
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Gato Culo Sex!!
anal slut
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But enough about the bat
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tummy belly
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Seiga nyan nyan
disgusting. shes a creepy groomer who play with corpses and resurrecting dead 1000 year old men
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dokidoki wakuwaku
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Kek at what the AI can produce sometimes, this must be Tenshi's older autist brother (nsfw: https://files.catbox.moe/o3ttc9.jpg)
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>AI slop
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no more sega
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I can’t believe they are nice enough to invite me in for another round after they already had sex
sakuya isn't a lesbian
She’s also not real and not going to fuck you
yes she is
Alice and Remi should fuck.
No, because Alice is an enemy of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and she is also friends with Marisa, who is another enemy of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
Better than Reimu honestly
>Marisa, who is another enemy of the Scarlet Devil Mansion
I thought Marisa is friends with Patchy. Isn't Patchy one of Marisa's partners in SA?
Marisa also routinely steals books from Patchy, which would make their relationship more of a love-hate than a straight up friendship + even if they were super chummy then that still doesn’t change that Alice is an enemy of the SDM
>Unironically linking tvtropes
Get out.
>Alice is an enemy of the SDM
What makes you think that? iirc Alice was invited to Remilia's party in SSiB and I can't remember any acts of hostility.
“Unironically” is not a word.
I'd post Macquarie but it's paywalled so fuck them
Incredibly low bar to trip over
Still not as good as Marisa (Gigastacy)
Is this yuri or just sisterly bonding?
It’s only yuri if you’re some depraved freak with an incest fetish
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Patche stole the precious Marisa for once
Why don’t they just have a threesome and be done with it?
yukkuri shitteite ne
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after you
>>479193586 (me)
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john sex
john touhou
Tenshi wishes she was this cool
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john darksouls
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Didn't see this was up
Slop fox...
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How does one get into 2hu? There are so many games, but I mostly want to know about the characters and their personality/relationship with each other
The porn that came out of 2hu is really good, like REALLY good. But I'm one of those autists who can't enjoy porn unless I fully know about the characters and their history
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>How does one get into 2hu?
Play the games.
>There are so many games
Go ahead and play them.
Which ones focus on the characters and their personality?
No such games. They talk more than usual in fightings though.
The ones that have characters you're interested in except HRtP which has zero bants.
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>How does one get into 2hu?
You play the gaemz.
>There are so many games
Start with 6 and work your way up. They're really short but they also require you to beat them without continues in order to unlock the extra stages.
>I mostly want to know about the characters and their personality/relationship with each other
There's some talk in the games, but dialogue isn't the focus. You might be better off starting with one of the print works. There are several touhou mangas that are considered canon because ZUN wrote the story for them.
the games also come with an omake.txt file where it explains the entire story and some extra details that you can read on the wiki
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kek or cringe?
Gemmy thread
How would sumireko be a gyaru
You take the vest and cape off and thats most of the iconography gone
All hus should've been gyarus
The question is what are some like, hair accessories, bracelets, rings, that fit the gyaru style and also incorporate sumireko occult iconography
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look at me right in the eyes
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>Page 9
Daily dose of AIslop
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>noooo you cant sexualise a 14 year old girl
Yes I can
14 y/o don't look like that
Thank you Jesus
They did, several times
Yea, their boobs are usually bigger.
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Suzer is flat! FLAT!
how many books can you stack on top before they pop?
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Marisa Monday
She's got a big heart
just play sakuya in all the main games, she has the best banter
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TouHou newfag here.
Are there any big centralized resources that collect the massive amounts of fan music remixes there are?

There's always YouTube but I wanted something higher quality sources.

Thank you kindly for any help.
What does /2hug/ think of Doremy Sweet?
It's in spanish but you can find a shitload of stuff here
There used to be a over 1TB big torrent containing an ungodly amount of 2hu remixes on nyaa, all lossless. I don't know if it still exists.
Hot damn. Very based.
Gonna take some digging to find what I’m looking for.
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it's not christmas
total youkai death
Why would you want to kill sakuya?
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brat fox girl
sex fox
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I prefer tomboyish Cirno to baka Cirno.
shit, meant to post larger Cirno
sir no
>that hand position
Oh... oh no...
Kaguya looks like she's scheming...
Now that's a cute moo
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This artist is too good
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Oppa(i) Belko style
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Fuck off already.
hags out
Fat ripe saggers are the best.
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too big
that's what she said
when she saw my ass
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Unfortunately no
I like Tenshi's new shirt
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is human, take your meds
sex with shion
How do I force myself to enjoy these games? I really want to enjoy them.
Well immediately you're doing it wrong if you have to 'force' yourself to play. Chill out, play at your own pace, set small goals like making it to a certain stage or using continues, practice with thprac to solve problem spellcards, ask for advice, try different games if the one you picked first doesnt click. And ultimately if you just think shmups suck then that's the way it is, at least you tried which puts you above a large percentage of people.
Play for 1cc.
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Yeah that's me right there.
That's page 10 holding onto /2hug/
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total miss, i'm not like yukari at all
she is my favorite tho, so i'm kinda happy?
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There's no way Marisa knows what a penis is
She does 'borrow' and read a lot of books.
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Tomoki REALLY likes characters with wide hips lmao.
I like how he/she draws Remilia, Reisen and Suwako (although I think a lot of his/her art has the "same face" syndrome)
iirc it's a she and she even got pregnant not long ago
wow i didn't know that. My congratulations to her.
Did she post on her twitter account? I don't follow her on Twitter and I don't even know how her "@" is.
Not sure really, just going by hearsay
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made for lowering her hand into a cup of warm water
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Started playing PoFV, this game just kinda feels annoying.
it's not the best game
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Shut up Tenshi
I prefer PoDD
i've never played a touhou game before but i want to see what all the fuss is about.
which one touhou game should i buy?
ideally it should be on steam because i use linux and steam's proton is pretty good at making games run on linux.
Unfortunately Zun didn't feel like properly archiving his older games so EoSD, PCB and IN, the most popular starting points, aren't on steam. Mountain of Faith is still a decent starting point so I'd go with that if you're really committed to going through steam.
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It's Thursday!
thanks, maybe i will start with one of those three after all. i'll see what works on my machine
If you can get them working, I recommend Perfect Cherry Blossom. It's the first game where you can actually see your hitbox and the gimmick is pretty helpful without being a ridiculous crutch.
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You should breed a tengu, today!
the condom is for her husband. you dont need it
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>Putting pp where others have put pp
Ew no thanks I'll stay a virgin and keep working out
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Download all in one pack from the OP and play the OG Windows trilogy (EoSD PCB IN). Try to beat the game without continues on Normal or above if you want to experience the gameplay properly.
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Started playing touhou for the first time a few months ago, after like a decade of hearing about it and telling myself I'd play it one day

Man, those games are great, and I'm sad I didn't get into them sooner because it made me realise that bullet hells are like, a video game genre made for me
Where did you start?
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6, been going in order without skipping a game, at th13 right now
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Why did you skip the pc98 games?
I kiss boys.
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tengu more like tengoo
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i kept seeing people scream about how you shouldn't skip the pc98 games so i'm purposefully keeping them for very last to spite them
>to spite them
The only result is me laughing at how you're holding yourself from playing some of the best games for such a dumb reason.
I know you're not that anon, anyway
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Got my first extra no miss no bomb today!
Very nicely done, how long was the grind?
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Thanks. I got a 3 miss no bomb 10 days ago so during this week I practiced and grinded alot to the point of getting mind blocked and even some kanako midspells reached 99/99 attempts in the replay lol. I took a break to enjoy some good ass metroid and got back to the grind today and got it.
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So what's /2hug/'s sorted lists of the 'hus? Did it a year ago but felt like doing another one for this year, pic related is my results

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I want to have intense bed breaking pelvis shattering life changing baby making lovey dovey sex with all 2hus with short black hair.
you won't trick me that easily, rabbit
Genso Wanderer Reloaded for world building & voice acting
I took the first test and got Shimmy as the closest match and Mokou as the runner-up. In the second test, I got Mokou as the closest match and Reisen as the runner-up. The irony here is that IRL I am attracted to women who look like Nue, Seija, Aya, Murasa, etc; basically women with short black hair; however, my IRL personality is not the kind that attracts these kinds of women, or any kind of women to be more precise, because it is too grim, empty, lonely. Guess I will have to keep gooning to 2hus until I kick the bucket.
No one actually really likes Murasa.
>grim, empty, lonely
Looks like Mokou was the right one after all. That means the second test (the old one) tends to be more accurate.
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I'd put Momoyo in top 2 and Yuckie at the very bottom currently.
Fruity fella with weak bones.
>#1 is literal shithu
low test post
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I would Murasa.
You cannot be not real, you don't exist.
Literal shithu is still better than your hu.
Why the kokoro hate?
Ugliest design in the entire series + fightanslop.
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white men
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Kagerou should've been brown to maximize white men appeal.
I do and I want to put babies inside her so much is unreal.
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I've seen so much Kagerou love as of lately, I'm not a big fan or anything but I always thought she didn't get a lot of love
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Hot dog
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Not really
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>page 10 of misfortune
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That's clearly a 9 on her skirt
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Satori's hobbies are weird
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>grabbing Reimu by the hips not armpits
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>Page 10
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I wanna rape IRL Tsukasexo
>grabbing Nueners' cute shoulders
I wish that were me
or not 2hump?
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I know where this is going...
i do not
Marisa needs correction
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Correction and bullying
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Reminder that Summer/Winter doesn't begin until the 21st
Don't believe """their""" lies
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>Summer/Winter doesn't begin with Summer/Winter
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momijers my beloved
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Youkai wife = happy life
Reddit meme
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Day is dark.
My house is shiny. Come in
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alway rember happy day, wen day is dark rember ttimes you did something lewd
Didn't feel like making a thread on /jp/. A video with ZUN talking about games.
Looks like a fun game
Is that channel a former Taito game dev talk show or something? I know ZUN worked there for a bit
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m-muh reddit
funny is funny, no need to be an elitist cunt about it
I think so
Ojou-sama... what have you done?
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You will be sorry for bugging me in a minute
Yukari you can gap me I promise won't give bathsalts to the fairies.
The fairies are gonna give ya the shower prank long before you can catch them since you cant fly and they can
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musical bird
Seihu Yuuka, PC-98 Yuuka and Windows Yuuka.
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I want Mystia's Izakaya Yuuka too
I hate
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Hello dead thread. Tourist from >>>/vg/agdg here. Are Touhou fangames still commercially viable in 2024? If yes, is there anything I should watch out for or know about?
Sorry, my mom taught me not to talk with jews.
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Best Touhou.
I'm a chink thoughbeit, and /pol/ says we outjew da jooz.
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Post hus with sunglasses
It's a fairly oversaturated market so standing out is tough. If you somehow do then yes it's commercially viable.
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Sunny Sunday.
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If you don't agree it's Sunglasses Sunday there will unapologetically be more AIslop
Slopper explode.

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