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Do we still have people playing?
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just got unbanned bros
I got back, but only play vs ai for quests and small leveling fow now.
When my friend decides to come back, we will play some qm.

Tbh the idea about steam is growing on me, but i dont really care anymore, i think its decided, that blizzard doesnt need hots. Last blizzcon showcased it clearly, that even when blizzard is down, they just wont try to bring something like hots back, they just dont need that asset, very wasteful from them.
>gets banned for being a dick
You are what is wrong with video games.
yea sorry for being a dick
i should've been nicer with the same russians that go afk in every single one of my games
I think the biggest problem for HOTS compared to other games is that it is built on the shitty starcraft 2 engine and they have said in the past its a nightmare to work with. So, unfortunately it really feels like it's a "fuck this old ass game no dev wants to work on it" mentality than a blizzard doesnt "need" it thing. I bet they would fucking LOVE to have a viable moba out right now, but dont want to build a completely new one as their other games are still on fire.

Maybe now they more control of their company that might change stuff with the microsoft buyout...I honestly feel like none of their current games besides WoW are gonna get better and stay on fire. But who knows at the very least HOTS can be played and is still being played to some extent.

I fucking had a blast and loved all the years I spent with it. Uther and Rehgar were the fucking greatest MOBA heroes I have ever played.
Didn't most of SC2 devs leave blizzard by now? The Stormgate team is ex-bliz for example.
Frost Giant does have a bunch of them.
But there's a reddit user who post github repositories of bug fixes and that's why we got bug fixes this year. Seems to me they could just hire sc2 modders to do the actual code.
Or release mod tools for HotS and just every couple months have the community vote on some stuff to put into the game proper, like sc2s map pools have been for years.
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>91 globes
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Why u get so many globes lil bro?
nice psyop btw
>go on winstreak
>every game is filled with leavers
>lose 20+ games in a row
>suddenly leavers disappear
>eventually buy xp boost cause i had some gems lying around
>think i will grind levels
>first 7 games i have 2 leavers every game

this game is so fucking unplayable it's unreal
i have never in my life seen such a rigged matchmaking/gameplay where my matches are predetermined right from the start
even in games with EOMM i had more fun
yeah but it needs some rework,
I mean some heroes have dead talents.
I am once again asking for Yrel to be unstoppable while the Jump animation is going. CC already fucks her in every situation if the enemy let her charge the jump should fucking happen.
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>Meanwhile I'm trash talking everybody and never getting banned
this blows my fucking mind everytime I get stopped by a deckard E
For me it's getting hit by entangling roots while midair.
having played all the other major mobas, i really liked Hots approach to leveling the most - no need to fuck about with item metas (cringe). Simply choose what your spells do and you can clearly see the effects of your choices. What made me quit this game was the feeling that all the players were either high or drunk, the blizzard audience has no competitive mindset for this type of game. I tried it again a few years ago only to see how badly its visuals have aged. Its just on life support now for those remaining few cash cows.
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I still play now and then, and I do believe that the game is not over yet
any EUW ?
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This game is trash, so many noobs, trolls and leavers.
i thought they shut it down years ago
Excuse my ignorance,but i find junkrat overpowered
he's incredibly unfun to play against like all overwatch characters
Overwatch heroes are hated in general, but especially junkrat, tracer, and genji are hated pretty much universally
Understandably so
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shill me your favorite hero
play cho
But what if i dont have friends?
HotS remake mod has been released in Starcraft 2, called Resurgence of the Storm. Has two new heroes: Selendis and Talandar. You have to join a discord server to download the patcher and to find other people to play against.

Would be cool if Lei Shen or old gods made it into HotS.
ask in game
Now that LoL is shitting the bed in 2024 it's the perfect time for Hots to come back. Maybe they can manage to snatch a few players from league.
>Now that LoL is shitting the bed in 2024
What happened?
Forcing players to install kernel malware to play. New champions are either uninspired Disney shit or comic book human edgelords (this has been the case for the past 4 years but now they are woke). All new skins look the same Asian theme with a different coat of paint. New champion design and balance are simply not fun. Ranked is more grindy than ever and full of level 30 smurfs.

And the list goes on.
maybe the patches are to prepare for a steam launch ? I don't see why it would be badly received
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this is a long shot, but does anybody have the video of a kael'thas pyroblast following somebody through a grassy map? It was zoomed in and comedic
Nova,Valeera or Zeratul?
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i found it myself by going through the archives. i was misremembering a bit so sorry lads
i enjoy zeratul the most there
>Murky and Joanne
its the joke that players who use those heroes are masochists?
I think it's that both played well are unkillable.
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>Stukov Kel'thuzad Maiev combo
They added a merciless chatbanner that autoblocks/suspends you for words like faggot, tranny or retard(ed), and being reported by 2 people gets you wristslapped at the least, banned if it happens multiple times. Its actually made thick skinned banter boy whales quit, its really on another level to accidentally suspend yourself for two weeks cause you describe something you did as retarded woops. But you can also be banned for refusing to communicate, which can apply when chat banned too.
New characters are a joke, as they havent released a solid concept in 2 years (argueably longer) and smell like egs shit inserts, with the newest one being a white man tranny with an asian name.

In addition they have neutered item builds that "take away from team fights" and have jiggered up the classic map to be perfectly symmetrical, fucking up the concept of toplane/botlane.
Then they have also just constantly watered down anything that makes a champ standout outside its predefined role. Death by a thousand self loathing cuts.

If hots is an oliver twistian step child, starving to death but plucky enough to struggle on, leagues is the modern marie antoinnette, vapid, shallow, out of touch with its supporters and oblivious to its upcoming beheading.
How bad do you have to be to get banned, or is it just up to enough reports? I've outright spelled nigger out a letter at a time or called people faggots and haven't been banned or muted.

PS, people deserve to be yelled at.
Enough reports
I agree, people deserved to get flamed, especially Abathurs that pick monstrosity on small team fight based maps
Does anyone have that meme pictures of johanna tied up and activating her heal?
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nvm found it on archive
Holo decoy nova is fun
Reinstalled for some nostalgia after seeing this thread. This game is pretty good. I played league more and I was in the top 2% or so of league players but I always had a soft spot for this game. Probably because I'm the target audience, I played warcraft 3 a lot when I was a kid.

I remember Whitemane being one of my most played.
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can I play this with a GT610 and core 2 duo?
nvm, It works :)
riot can go fuck themselves with vanguard all up in their ass now
How do i cassia? her poke feels like ass and her all in doesn't look all that great

pic completely unrelated
Throw spears, blind niggas, keep on shuffling. take spear throw quest, and spears can blind, laugh as you make anything but the meatiest tanks irrelevant.
her poke is ass if you're missing spears, so maybe a skill issue. Hit spears, aggressively stutter step, and post up on the squishiest AA hero or long CD mages.

Cassia's best if she's boxing out heroes that are weak to her by staying close and forcing them to retreat or get shit on, and she's great at making damage trades with her healing talents/protected fend. Just when people people think they can go in for a kill, doing the exact same to them is a ball buster. Her Valkyrie heroic is under rated, too. Great for picking people out of vulnerable positions like Stitches, or nabbing someone when the other team wants to back off.

In short, if you're not playing Illidan, you're trash.
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>play raynor
>enemy illidan is on my ass 24/7
>enemy gets a real healer like alex or morales
>we get tyrande
Fucking christ
You have significantly more damage and CC if they have Morales or Alex. Both of those healers do nothing but heal with obvious weaknesses. Morales struggles to heal an entire team, Alex is either reliant on having high health, everyone standing in one spot, or healing well every two minutes. Both of them can't self heal well, and neither can deal worthwhile damage. just jump on them
I was banned permanently after like 9 temp bans. I just refused to pick healer and people reported me for going murky instead. They expected me to fill when they just click damage heroes instantly... Nah man. Nah.
Tychus has pretty much no counterpicks/bad drafts/bad maps
Late night QM is wild. Those expanded searches don't lie, you get some absolute potatoes on both teams.
Not sure what time it is in europe atm but I just played an aram game on 300 ping and everyone was a massive shitter
I fucking hate how ragnaros can just draw out the match for no reason
qhira players are as smart as niggers
>swinging thing into a 5 man solo
>start 4 seconds charge for ult
i got banned in 2022
surely they will unban me now
update: they wont
>PS, people deserve to be yelled at.
It's too much work and likely only gives them joy getting a negative reaction out of me. Whenever people play like shit or run their mouths about shit they don't know shit about, I just troll or AFK in lane. I don't tolerate shitters who believe they have any room to judge others on how they play.
I fucking love zuljin
Lmao New Patch broke Genjis stupid afterimage talent. It now procs thousands of years after using the dash.
chromie is an ugly tranny
There's a special place in hell for people who duo-queue as stealth characters.
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How much have you saved up anons?
I am blown away by how shitty people are at this game. The drafts, the play, the micro, the macro. It'd be all good if they could play their shit picks but they inevitably just blow chunks at their favorite sPeCiAliSt hero and make a negative impact.
>noo you have to be heckin wholesome frienderino!!
After wanting to scratch that moba itch again, I decided to play Hots. I love me some Diablo so I'm maining Li Ming, which I do find very fun to play. The one hero I loathe to play against is Nova, the good ones. After losing a bunch of times against her I decided that whenever I see a Nova I go all in, and either blow her up or be blown up. Is there another alternative to deal with her?
don't play a squishy
I fucking love interrupting that cowardly junkrat rocket ult with diablo charge,get fucked stupid rat
it's great because rat is going to die within 2 seconds of that interrupt every single time.
I honestly think it's the result of the reddit hugbox mentality. If you can't be critiqued, or even receive advice without just "toxic, reported" everyone meanwhile trolling or throwing a match by being blatantly retarded isn't seen as toxic there's really no way for the player base to improve as a whole. Nothing more obnoxious than some retard feeding 5 deaths in 4 minutes against a butch and acting like you're the villian for telling him to stop overextending.
>Play QM as usual
>our team has no CC
>enemy team has buttloads of it
Of fucking course
Does someone have tips to reduce the stutter ? Sometimes my FPS die, while I can run games like Darktide just fine
>why you soaking?
>our only chance to win us is to lose a 6th team fight in a row down a talent tier when curses 0/3 on both sides
I love this game but I can't stand the playerbase sometimes.
two more weeks bro you'll be back in my uncle works at activision blizz
If people report you enough in a certain time frame (few days) then you would get "Silenced" which prevents you from playing ranked games.
When I played back in 2016, players were so petty they'd spam reports on everyone they didn't like. The only counter play was to not talk in chat ever, otherwise "Abusive Chat" reports would be valid.
I don't consider myself particularly toxic. I never really blame anyone because it doesn't win games. I don't feed or throw games if I feel like we're losing or whatever.
But there's something I can't really control myself over is when I get a lower skilled/ranked player to talk shit about what I'm doing when I'm trying really fucking hard to carry the game (as much as possible in a game like this) and let's just say I'm a bit harsh when replying to accusations. Not using slurs or anything but a few "idiot" might slip in.
Doesn't happen often but when I was grinding the ranked ladder, from the sheer volume of games played in a week you only need to get reported in two to three games to get a temp ban.
why can Imperius be knocked out of his ult, this is bullshit
What I want to know is why his Q is basically the lowest priority skill shot in the game. If he presses Q at the same time as another hero with a similar ability it's always Imperius who gets hit, whether it's Blaze or Sonya or Dehaka or whoever
blizz is hating on Imperius chads since he is the bruiserest bruiser
>part bruiser
>part tank
>part assassin
>all badass
I have a great Imperius stab video but I don't know how to use ffmpeg to make it into a webm to post here
Use webm for bakas
Wrong,thats yrel,bitch is impossible to kill
>go %dmg talent level 1
>go brand of solarion 20lvl
>explode joh in 4 aa
i would play imp more but i have no luck with hitting his q
and 0 macro really hurts while trying to carry
Go 2131223 build. You'll be better than average at macro, still melt faces like you wouldn't believe and your Q becomes less of a "holy shit I need to land this or I'm useless" and more of a nice tool for interrupting or grabbing someone as they run away. People sleep on W at one but it's fucking broken and I'll take it even when facing multiple beefy bois. Mana return, a 55% slow, and a pretty strong poke is way more useful than a %hp that's tied to your auto attack and easily cucked away by blinds or kiting.
W on 1 is hella strong; it's my go to for aram. Basically a mini jaina in your pocket.
Wow that made it much easier, thanks
why does it take so long to earn gold
what the fuck
But it doesn't? I get 10k like every two weeks. and i'm mid 800s player level.
Judgement is the best Tyreal ult in 99.9% of games and you'll never convince me otherwise
Sanct is only best if you have a well-coordinated dive team, but in that situation it can be very powerful. Judgement itself is a super strong ult, and even though it's not really Tyrael's best 20, the upgrade for increased range and CD can make it oppressive
I got 10k coins again, how difficult to use are orphea and skutov? still havent decided which one to buy
Oh and imperius, shanking some fools looks entertaining
Stukov is probably the hardest to play but probably the strongest; his silence is absurd, he's got solid burst healing, crazy high AA damage, and two solid ults.
Imperius is also kind of hard because you'll sometimes fool yourself into thinking you're invincible, because sometimes you fucking are. Imperius is high test as fuck and prone to racial animosity, go with him.
Orphea is great fun but can be difficult as you learn her. A very rewarding mage in my opinion, so I strongly recommend. I play her as a poke mage until I think I can burst someone down, but you also need to be able to kite with her Q dash and general movement.
Imperius is a lot of fun, and can be one of the most damaging bruisers. I find he's very strong against low-cc mostly squishy teams when I play him in QM, and I often top the damage in that situation. I agree with the anon above about Imp.
I don't really play Stukov much
>Imperius is high test as fuck and prone to racial animosity
Okay i am sold
thanks! i need more bruisers probably,i tend to suicide myself too much with diablo/yrel/muradin
I really love Whitemane but holy fuck playing her in QM is beyond suffering. You can do all the damage and healing you want but a merc wave can end your game if your team isn't smart enough to actually clear itm
healers need to have bad macro so you won't see things like hypercarry + 4 healers every game in rankeds
Rehgar has fantastic macro
i got banned forever for saying retard once, i think amount of reports matter even tho blizzard said it doesnt
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That's literally the only thing that matters. My very first silence was because I was the scapegoat for the same four man team two matches in a row. I argued with them but wasn't particularly toxic but you better believe eating those 8 reports back to back like that was enough. And given how many times you get stuff like
>hey Naz can you stop feeding butch
>toxic reported
Nowadays I won't even say GG because you can't be reported if you don't type anything.

On that note I'm taking all bets on who's Zeratul was better in this here match
yeah and it was balanced around him being a shit healer before his rework
>shit healer
He was broken then and he's more broken now

and his babycage makes me seethe,if you dont have a dash you get 100-0 if you are a squishy by HIS POISON ALONE
skill issue; nazigga is mediocre at best
Naz shares a lot of similarities to KT. An absolute damage hose with zero mobility that is most dangerous when his enemies are stupid. Both are countered by their opponent being skilled more than anything else
is it worth playing as a disgruntled league of legends player who hates the new season and misses when mobas looked like they'd be more than 3 lanes, towers and adhd micro?
If I understand the question I would say it should be worth trying. There's over a dozen maps which means there's a wide variety of metas and tempos, and a lot of the game is about dynamic decision making and macro control. What works on one map doesn't necessarily work on another, and even the same map can be wildly different one match to the next depending on who took what objectives in what order
Yes, you understood it right. I remember when I loved mobas a lot and many were coming out and each one tried something new and league still had 4 different maps so I thought the future was bright, I never played HOTS back then just because I was content with the direction of league but now I can see HOTS is far more the way I wanted the genre to go. Just downloaded it now.
Just be warned. With the current state of the game and it's playerbase your first levels will be almost entirely smurfs and/or people who got banned for too many reports and are on new accounts. Which is to say you're gonna get a lot of people being pissy pants for quite a while with your playing.
I am used to toxic fuckers in my emerald league games. I have heard a lot about the low skill level of hots players lately so I'll be happy if there's a bit of challenge. The fun in mobas is the discovery period which is why having multiple maps and objectives is so appealing.

The advanced tutorials actually took me more than one try so that's a good sign
One thing is that once you hit level 25 you'll be gifted with 150 gems, and you can use 100 make a one time purchase of a hero bundle with 25 or so heroes so don't forget to do that. A lot of new players don't know about this since the game doesn't really advertise it but it's a good start and a lot of the heroes are worth having
in game with bots atm, having a lot of fun with blaze, the game feels simple mechanically but very skill expressive, I enjoy it and it takes me back to 2015 when yasuo was the most overloaded champ in league of legends history. Killed the boss in the corner which ran up the wave and looked very epic. So far so good
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>The advanced tutorials actually took me more than one try
Not trying to make fun of you, I just wanted to post this
lmao what game were they coming from? I mean I lost that tutorial twice because I didn't know the characters names and was just a bit confused but not for more than 2 minutes kek
Which character from the starters is good at pve, that's all I care about.
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just read them it says sonya so I do that
You can also take any hero into try mode, even the ones you can't play right now, and test them out against the various camps and the boss to see how well they manage. I recommend using try mode on pretty much any hero before you actually play them to get a feel for their skill shots and shit.
Okay sure, I cant seem to actually find the rest of the heroes. It says things arent available right now.
I am enjoying the small map so far, it reminds me of battle for middle earth moba a whole lot in it's layout and camps. I like farming camps a lot.
I enjoy how at 15 minutes it feels like a slow progression has happened but your like 3x as far in as you would be a league game
If you click on your account icon in the top right corner you can see your roster. From there you can select any hero and it will show the try hero button.

Yeah I used to play league, and had decent fun with it but the 20 minute landing phase was just too much for me. Here I can still lane enough that there's a skill matchup between me and an opponent but I don't have to do it so long that it becomes just tedium. It's a shame what blizzard did to this game, but there's still much fun to be had
I hope there are more camps than the 3 I've seen so far tho
Seige, bruiser and boss are the broad categories. There's differences across the maps though. The siege camp on Braxis holdout is different than the ogres on a lot of other maps. The boss on Warhead junction is it's own thing, the bruiser on Infernal shrines etc. They're all similar but there is differences.
Riot games stopped showing player counts and on my league account I'm leveling que times are like 8 minutes. Que times for quickplay in hots is 3 minutes...
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i like hitting people
overwatch, presumably
>Artanis into a team with no proper frontline
Not many better feelings than that
Yes there was an Overwatch event that celebrated the release of one of the maps in HotS iirc, and they could play a few games for a Genji skin
Let me guess. That retard stitches just sat there using his devour on you over and over thinking he was contributing?
he doesnt even have devour
is it too late to max edodus the other mobas to this one know its proven to be the best one?
devour is his E, you're thinking of Gorge his other R.
Raynor is my favorite if i just wanna pve all game
I have no idea which ones you start with, but sylv is really good for pve, since her trait lets her disable towers, minions, and mercs, and she gets even more fun abilities from talents, like boosting nearby mercs, chain reaction-ing minions, or stealing enemy minions
Her biggest issue is just being quite squishy, if you dont have your E off CD, you have no good way to escape(other than just killing the person attacking you, which she can actually do pretty well, especially if you can land mind control)
Bronze tier take. Syl can support a push with other heroes but she has no real sustain, is only in the top 3rd of wave clears, and is absolutely garbage at taking those merc camps in the first place. Her trait is for supporting a team push, like Sindragosa is, not for going off and trying to solo the map by herself.
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based abathur
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>Always picked cursed strikes xhul
>change things up because we need a frontline
>pick slow aura bone armor,skellies on bone prison,slows on skellies/scythe,etc
>nonstop winning
holy shit i was playing xhul like a retard all this time
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POV: Industrial District
Did I get Mandela'd?

I'm 100% sure they closed this game 2018/2019
They stopped development but they never closed the servers, nowadays we just get maintenance and a few balance patches done by a skeleton crew
luigi (blizz) wins by doing nothing once again
>by doing nothing
I wouldn't say that. The worst part is knowing that if some miracle happens to revive the game you just know that they're gonna have to remove everthing fun and memorable and make it absolutely soulless
Diablo Tracer Tyrande Reghar Uther is unbeatable
>enemy team has a murky
Sorry about your macro my friend
>be uther
>rotate and set up multiple early ganks with E and healing laners
>some idiot feeds while Q is on cooldown
>blames me
>then thinks I'm shit because my healing number isn't as high as the other healer
It hurts so good
I tried to explain to my buddy that Uther is basically a support not a healer since his power is in damage prevention and mitigation.
I am so sick of getting no healer into azmodan
Sorry, that mighta been me. Makes you feel any better I hate Orb Mings, especially when they're on my team. Double especially when they take it into something like a Zeratul, and triply especially when they blame the teams Artanis for not peeling for them and keeping them alive
do Raynor, by perma splitpushing you can get into GM with Diamond skill, just remember to mute all at the start of the game
also sometimes retards on your team will tilt and start trolling but overall you still should have positive wr with this strat
Has anyone figured out the hero swap bug in Quickplay? I managed to make it happen the first time I tried it by swapping from Deckard to Anduin and then readying as fast as possible and the game showed I was queued as Anduin but I actually got to play the game as Deckard, which I don't own. If anyone has any insight about this bug or has experimented with it before please share.
Played multiple matches trying it with other characters and couldn't get it to work.
Holy shit Imperius is fun as fuck you guys weren't lying
>Heroes... gather tribute and earn my favor
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Private server with all overwatch heroes removed when?
Zarya and Ana can stay
Welcome to the fold brother; Imperius gang for life.
Okay fair, but I want every other ownigger out
If they're not all Uther I riot
We're they?
Add quira to the list
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I always get upset the spoon doesn't draw out his smile like the golden eye cover, but then it zooms out to show the architect and I feel better.
>play uther in 2018
>ancient piece of shit with cooldowns that are 1.5x too long, cost 1.5x too much mana, no mobility, a ministun (lol) that is unable to be cast offensively due to range, and the only melee healer with important on-hit talents
>play uther in april 2024
>ancient piece of shit with cooldowns that are 2x too long, cost 2x too much mana, NO mobility, a ministun (lol) that is unable to be cast offensively due to range, and the only melee healer with important on-hit talents

God damn!
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He's good againts engage comps because he's by far the hardest healer to dive
Not saying he's perfect but he has a place
I'll give this a shot, even though it may not be physically possible for me to not click all the W talents
I guess you weren't around when Uther had to be nerfed over and over again because he was so broken it was insane, and even now here's merely really good. Especially since the current meta relies so heavily on bursting down an isolated target as quick as possible, and that's exactly what Uther exists to counter he's still very strong in competent (not yours) hands.
>cooldowns too long, cost too much mana
He's not Malfurion. You need to prioritize his strong heals that also apply armor to the targets that need it, not spam them on cooldown to try and maximize numbers
>no mobility
Good, like Garrosh if he did have it he would be incredibly oppressive with his stun.
>his stun sucks
You're an idiot. Uther makes me think of Tyreal where people who can't play him thinks he sucks, but that's because they can't play him. Those who can and know how think they're incredibly powerful and can be very oppressive with them.
I would like to be able to drop blaze bunker without getting in automatically
>it's a "healer with a total dps of 41.3 (single target) is the only one conscious enough to see that forts/keeps are getting pwnt by winions and exp is rotting on the lane" episode
That feels like an absurd buff if you can choose where to call it down.
Yeah it would be a buff but I don't mean making it a ranged ability, just to be able to drop it without getting in myself in case someone else needs it, sometimes I just want to drop it for a teamate but losing my presence on the fight for 1 second sucks
>dont play for 6 years
>wtf I don't know how to play
I'm shocked anonymous user
At least he isn't in my ranked matches. Seen a few times now where some guy will suck balls or make a silly pick and then check their match history and their last match was 6 years ago against AI or something.

Like hey its awesome that you're coming back to the game and I genuinely don't judge if you suck or whatever so long as you suck in the appropriate places, but maybe try a few warm up QM matches first or something.

See that with some guys sitting there afk trying to read their talents and abilities during a match. Like shit nigga you know there's a try mode right.
The one faggot still updating this game needs to revert the Samuro changes. His sustain is just stupid levels of broken
What you don't like fighting a hero that can self cleanse every debuff and dot in the game while also regenning 1/3 health every 15 seconds?
The nerfs were stricty only for top-end GM play (about 40 people total at the time lol) because people kept picking Uther into Genji. So instead of adjusting Genji, they adjusted Uther, making him unappealing for GM play and downright unplayable for everybody else.

Tyreal is great, nice strawman.
Garrosh is a completely different style of threat, nice strawman.
You can only apply shield by healing someone at the same time, saying Uther is for damage prevention is insanity, if you use his abilities like that then you're 1/5 of a Morales. Speaking of, Morales is a better Uther in every sense if you can aim.
You fucking wood tier nigger. He was nerfed because he was being used as a main tank and was incredibly effective at it because he can fucking spam like 5 seconds of unmissable stuns on a nigga. Also
>you can only shield (I assume you mean armor) by healing
You fucking clown. ALL his heals apply armor. He can literally give 25 armor (50 with certain talents) to the entire team. You're so retarded you either don't know how incredibly strong that is, or just plain didn't know it and that makes you a double retard.
>also comparing him to different heroes with somewhat similar strengths and weakness in a role he is often taken in is a strawman
You're clearly a retard so I'll spare you the embarrassment of pointing out you don't know what a strawman argument is and just end my post by quoting the patch notes themselves
>Developer Comment: Uther has recently risen to the top of the ranks as the most powerful Healer in the game. Whether he's played as a Healer or a Tank, he has proven to be a too effective at his role, so we're reducing some of his overall power.
I forgot this one. He was basically the entire reason the double healer meta existed in the first place (well him and rehgar)
Developer Comment: We’ve found that by increasing the niche of Uther, players could easily build teams with 2 Supports that were incredibly difficult to counter, thereby creating a slow gameplay trend that could be frustrating to play against. We think it’s great to see double support every once in a while, but Uther enabled it too well when paired with almost any other healer. By reducing the Armor he grants via his Trait and getting a little more healing throughput, Uther should feel slightly more well-rounded.
Patch Notes
Arthas Mains rejoice
Rehgar, Hogger, Junkrat mains despair
Yrel mains pick a new 16
>arthas buffs
Sweet, I enjoy arthas quite a bit
>all those nerfs
Good, hogger and junkrat are both broken as fuck and seeing them get dumpstered makes me erect.
Templars verdict might still be the best option, just not as much so as before. The rest of her buffs are rather insane. 50 armor for 6 seconds on a 6 second cooldown? That's just nonsense
Yea Yrel is gonna be unkillable especially with the cooldown reduction on her aoe can't fuck with me zone she's gonna have whatever the game caps armor at if you pick the 20.
The level 4 armor talent only gives armor to her allies not herself, still fucking insane and together with the lvl 20 sacred ground talent she basically gives the whole team (including herself) 50 armor every e. I don't think this will make it to live, they'll probably settle at 40 armor for 4 seconds
>Templars verdict might still be the best option
I've been having good success with divine favor lately, it's decent on its own but if you pick it after picking the heal talent at 4 you can give insane sustain if your team is melee heavy, basically becomes a second healer who's also a tanky bitch
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Whichever intern put together this patch is to be commended for trying, but he seems to be too big a fan of wild sweeping changes
Bro it's been in game for a month, the next patch already has the fix.
Yeah but who plays genji?
Oh, alright
I just havent seen it before cause i play genji never
Genji is okay. Hes a decent kill confirmer, and he can carry bronze/silver games without much issue
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Who do you think is the worst hero in each class?
If there are worse heroes, I have forgotten they exist. Hanzo is probably better than worst but I have yet to meet a Hanzo that could convince me otherwise fucking 36k hero damage in 30 min aram having ass.
I would change butcher to valeera or maybe illidan and hanzo to Li Ming otherwise right on the money.
QP fauna never ceases to surprise me
Day 23 of playing an irredeemably shit hero until I figure out what magical combination of talents and playstyle make it not feel like I'm pissing directly into my teammate's face, nostrils, and mouth for picking her
So the world is wrong and you are right? Did that happen to you before?
anyone have that cho'gall pic where one guy is named "lets cure aids" and the other "get tested", and it combines into get aids?
How about this one, hot off the presses?
>home page cinematics got dropped from the budget right before whitemane released
Which one?
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I have a couple of good ones
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why this shit still alive?
Cuz it's fun
Why are you?
nazeebo is a nigger
a nigger with a pocket full of spiders wyte boi stay humble
Nothing funnier than someone trying to abuse a broken hero and still being shit.
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Holy shieet live thread!
>match time covered
I bet this was 40+ minute game
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>started playing samuro to get a grasp of his weaknesses
>have fun
Is it over for me?
The only thing left to do now is start sucking dick you faggot
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Who is your most cursed hero? Mine is Kaelthas. It doesn't matter how much damage and/or soak I do. Doesn't matter if my K/D is 20-1, or what build or anything. Every match will have either a troll or an afk or something and if I don't then I'm against a 5 man stack of GM players. I'm 1-12 this season and it's basically the same every season across multiple accounts but only with KT. Any other ranged assassin I can manage 50% winrate but him.
Every time I pick Garrosh my team ends up without a healer.
I reinstalled the game after not having played since before they added Imperius or Anduin (I forget), what am I in for now? Besides getting my shit rocked by people with vastly more playtime than me
a lot of aram
A diminished playerbase with very little knowledge on how to actually play the game, a long storm league queue and the most cancerous that has ever existed. Still you can have some with the heroes that have since been released, particularly Chadperius
Most cancerous Samuro*
Eh, nothing new there, but as in people glueing thmeselves to one lane, or as in the literal ARAM mode?
>Very little knowledge
Fucking how after this time?
>Long SL queues
I mostly played QM anyhow...
What'd they do to Samuro?
Statistics say I usually played Xul, Leoric, and Arthas, but I only really remember playing Leoric/Arthas/Johanna
Too many people play ARAM near exclusively so they literally don't know what heroes to play on what maps, and/or how to actually play the maps outside of just sit in the middle lane and feed over objs.
They fixed his hearth health regen bug, but compensated by significantly boosting his health regen from using stealth and how he's much much easier to use making way more common and way more oppressive. He's been the highest winrate hero since they made the change a couple months ago.
Stopped playing after they reworked every character I liked to be less unique and somehow also more imbalanced but in an unfun way.

I miss the silly rounds, it was about having a goofy little time not metagaming a fucking clown moba
kinda gay how fenix didn't get a purifier/talandar skin
at least artanis has a purifier one

Sometimes yes. But most of the time I play with bots.
mirror mirror on the wall
who's the niggest hero of them all
i miss our resident schizo from the /vg/ days
he was truly worth his weight in dust
>fucking 36k hero damage in 30 min aram having ass.
It's so fucking easy too. People don't work in right clicks at all despite them hurting like motherfuckers
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I miss beatings poster
>do well one game
>random adds me
>we party together
>win several in a row
>lose once
>he throws a fit and unfriends me
Wait, wasnt blaze a bruiser? why is he in the tank category now
>Whines about mean words and cuts off his own dick
You're what's wrong with western civilization.
samuro is the king tranny character
sonya is a fuckugly bulldyke
He was always a tank he's just usually played as a bruiser because he has several talents promoting that playstyle so he might as well be one
he's a man that can do both.
Tank is the smallest class (aside from support but get fucked) and at least 3 of them are more popular as bruisers than as tanks. Kinda unfortunate situation. I think Uther, Yrel, and maybe a couple others could be reworked into actual tanks to shore up the numbers.
Should they release on Steam?
Simply having it show on the steam page and being downloadable and playable without needing the blizzard launcher and account would be worth a few 10 thousand players at least im sure.
How did all MOBAs manage to shit the bed so completely?
Always preferred DOTA to LOL or HOTS, but the changes to DOTA last year changed the game so much that I have zero desire to play it (why no fucking classic mode??)
LOL I saw falling a while back with how they literally started the "anti-toxic" movement in gaming.
HOTS was the typical blizzard casual friendly variant of any popular genre.

The real thing I see that kills the genre is this focus toward death ball team comps and team fights mid.
All other strategies are pushed to the side.

I mean whatever, fuck the assfaggots genre, haven't played lol in 5 years and haven't touched dota2 in a year. So I'm definitely out, but I did consider it my fave genre at one time.
>how did virtually every piece of media from the last decade manage to shit the bed so badly
ftfy. The real problem with these games is common to this industry and many others. Corporations have unhinged from reality, as has their workforce and as a result we get ever shittier products.
shareholders should all be gathered into a pit with gasoline and that pit should be lit on fire
weren't we hoping for swann at some point long ago
how would he even play?
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Assuming you mean worst as in stereotypically terrible to play with. Then yeah that list is pretty accurate. Although I would personally swap
There was this one faggot who spent the whole of last christmas holiday spamming alts running it down and griefing every OCE game as Muradin. AFKISOK if you're reading THIS you need to KYS. But yeah in my expeirence Muradin and Arthas suffered a pattern of being literal bots, noobies or someone forced into to play tank.
>Sylvanas or Valla
These cunts do nothing but YAP to the team and think theyre hot shit with their painfully below average stats.
>Azmodan or Nazeebo
They don't have much attitude but 90% of the time they're building random talents and living up to the phrase PVE quite literally and will NEVER complete their stacks before the nexus blown up and nor do they have any desire to push their hero damage above 30k.
>>Azmodan or Nazeebo
i fucking swear every enemy naz just melts my hp bar while my own naz cant do shit,and if i try engaging him i get baby caged or he uses his invul while his team peels me off
Playing whitemane and speccing into her E against a samuro is the most fun I ever had in this game
Yes but which E? The good one or the shit one?
Yrel sure, Uther should probably be renamed as a support since he's a damage mitigator well before a healer.
Yeah but support is a stupid designation and each of them should just be rolled into other classes. Uther would peel/protect though stuns and applying armour the same as he does now, just with a stronger focus on it rather than trying to wear two hats
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>Play muradin
>wins game

No one expects his insane damage he does with that talent that does double damage whenever an enemy is slowed or stunned. Muradin is like the best tank and busier he can ever be
uh the cross one.

Took the hp mana stacking levl 1 and the CD reducing on hit skills
I'll try him, tranny-kun
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ok it's fun, especially the last punch talent making me feel like pic related
>mana stacking one
ew gross. Righteous flame is way more powerful and is what actually makes an E build dangerous.
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If you wanna do Tank Muradin, always do Third win to keep yourself in battle, with maybe like thunder clap slows, he's pretty tanky so you can literally just Storm bolt/thunderclap in a group of enemies, take a few hits and escape back with dwarf toss while healing back with SW. Normally if I wanna just bonk some people skulls, this is my build if I feel one punch man

Perfect storm
Sledge hammer (other two is fine, Reverb is better since you get cooldowns)
Give em the Axe is what you want for funny damage (especially if you're slowing them, stunning them, you have a 50% damage basic attack for 3 seconds)
Dwarf launch, imposing talent is also good
Grand slam or shield.
am still going for heal first so it helps me
Any vg bro in EUW willing to play a few ?
More damage=more healing and is way more practical than a small increase to health and mana
>Took the hp mana stacking
don't do that
just consider that the spell has a 6 second cooldown, and assuming you're going really hardcore for it, you'll get 9 hits per minute at most (which is really just a best case scenario), out of which some will miss, some will hit a 2nd hero, maybe you will land it on 2 or 3 heroes at once, but realistically you'll maybe land 4 to 6 per minute, which translates to 12-18 extra HP and 8-12 extra mana/min. But you will also spend time on traveling around, HSing, respawning, etc. and suddenly the talent's returns are utterly insignificant, and not to mention that landing random skillshots becomes more dangerous or outright impossible the closer both teams gets to 20
Talendar was on the short list for heroes, so him not being made a skin is reasonable.
The OW skins besides widow and reinhardt were just because those character had nothing that wouldn't step on the toes of other characters. Widow skin for Nova is a mistake according to the devs and the reinhardt skin was because they couldn't make his wall work in hots as he was a high priority character for the team.
I reinstalled recently, but just been doing bot matches to get back into the feel of it, and see if it's worth investing time into a real match later.

Man, I didn't realize I had spent as much time with abathur as I did compared to so many other characters, and I think I suck shit with him.
I tested what you said and it's fun af I concede. Do you spec heavily into E ?
NTA but I like to use E build. Its really fun and into certain team comps it's absolutely bonkers healing and damage. Basically just take righteous flame at 1 and then lashing out at 13. The rest is kinda up in the air but I'm partial to the AA talent at 4 and 7. The real issue with this is that if you miss and E its all over for you so it can be unreliable.
Imagine getting MVP just by right-clicking things
Move kharazim to support
>Man, I didn't realize I had spent as much time with abathur as I did compared to so many other characters, and I think I suck shit with him.
Said every Abathur in NA
>8 deaths alarak
that guy was a faggot all along and showed his true colors
all valla players are ugly trannies
This but Li Ming
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rexxar chad here, i wish he didnt have leash. i just wanna play like lone druid
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>have 7k games on Sgt Hammer
>enemy team has junkrat
>take graduating range
>don't take unstoppable talent
>spend entire game getting knocked outta range, having to unsiege to move back to range
>end game with lowest damage on the team, 20k less than the healer
Sometimes you just gotta wonder about people.
deserved go afk in bgs faggot
It wasn't me, shoulda been more clear
they already have.
They've stripped so many heroes of everything that made them interesting and made them less balanced in a more boring way.
LGBT skin for Kael when?
>teammate tells me my zeratul build is shit
>check his profile
>silver 2
you'll rest easy knowing i spent an entire game int'ing a Li Ming and spamming hearth on her corpse earlier

the leash unironically makes him so much harder to play

95% of hammer players are braindead niggers and 95% of hammer players get to watch me AFK in fountain while they AFK in lane
yeah and if it wasnt for the leash, he'd almost just be a direct upgrade from lost vikings, especially in two lane maps. positioning is more important with the leash, in team fights. but it would still be fun, if you could let out some micro.
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>report duo trolls for trolling
>get paired with them again in the next match
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>get to play against them
>end up with a 3 man troll team and lose anyway
why is life suffering
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Fuck, my new travel mini router is disconnecting and rebooting my modem during game whenever I play HOTS. I'm not a rage quitter, I swear!
Some characters I find I am completely binary with, either great with top damage, or terrible with so many deaths. I love them when I'm doing well but I'm so averse to queueing up as them in case I do terribly
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>teammate dies to painfully obvious and telegraphed gank
>goes apeshit because no pinged
>continues to have zero map awareness for rest of the match

>teammate out of nowhere starts flaming me
>calling me "trash", calling my hero "useless", etc...
>go AFK in lane
>they start screeching in chat how im toxic and telling me im reported

>teammate isnt fulfilling their role
>tank isn't tanking/healer isn't healer
>candidly but politely encourage them to do better
>"shut the fuck up, faggot"

>teammate dies once
>ragequits immediately

>Sgt. Hammer on team
>goes into lane
>never seen for the rest of the game

>Muradin picks Avatar at 10
>gets completely ignored in every fight

>ESL communicating in broken English
>spamming the fuck out of every ping they make
>roping team into the dumbest "strategies" known to man and wiping

>team spends entire game ape'ing one lane
>im literally the only person keeping us in the XP game

>team wipes
>they start freaking out because im not trying to defend 1v5

>warn team that X has Bribe
>i watch enemy hero leave allies lane on minimap
>ally watches enemy hero leave their lane
>ping Defend
>10 seconds later our Siege camp gets bribed
>no one clears
>Hearth and go clear it myself
>get flamed because i left my lane open

>watch our tank 1v1 the enemy Artanis who free-farms stacks off him

>get into team fight
>part of our team doesnt commit and walks out with full health/mana while we wipe

>see teammate doing something stupid
>ping Retreat
>they do something stupid
>they die

>ganking lane
>ping ally to attack
>go in on enemy hero
>ally keeps hitting creeps

>ally death imminent
>running towards them so i can heal
>theyre running away
>i ping them signaling help
>they keep running away
>they die

>warn team to stay away from the Garrosh
>within 5 seconds someone gets yeeted

i genuinely enjoy this game
iktf for all of those yet I still love this game
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>play towers of doom
>enemies have 15 HP
>we had 2 HP
>get the last winning bombardment with 5 shots

What a choke job by the enemy team, summoned my legion and trapped that annoying sgt hammer dealing damage. I love Arthas man, you can never lose with him.
>Team game
>Screw up slightly
>Losing trajectory, wasting everyone else's time
>They get toxic thinking it'll encourage me to do better
>Say absolutely nothing, report them
I mean, if MOBA games had no chat and only pings/vgs comms, it'd be a less shitty genre. PvP breeds toxicity. Self-fulfilling cycle of people inevitably getting reported.
>get at least 1 troll/leaver/afker in 90%+ of the games now
did they fuck up matchmaking further, or is it just a bunch of shitters checking out the update?
I honestly think there's a server issue or something with the insane amount of people who leave inside 30 seconds and it only started the last couple weeks.
Arthas is super underrated IMO and gets slept on a lot. The sheer level of lockdown he offers via slows and roots, along with dramatically lowering enemies' attack speed is so good. Couple that with sustain, armor shredding, and a deceptive amount of burst damage, and he becomes a menace.
Sindragosa is probably one of the strongest, if not THE strongest Heroics in the game. Not only does it inflict a heavy slow on enemies but it also enables you to tower dive them with impunity. And gets fucking HUGE at level 20 with the root.

>"if youre going to be toxic, im going AFK"
>they keep being toxic
>go AFK
>virtually impossible to get banned for nonparticipation
>no can blame me for not wanting to play with cunts anyways

>bonus points: post really smug/cute emotes in chat to piss them off so they talk more shit and literally write their own ban
this game unironically gave me a very positive IDGAF attitude towards shit that doesnt matter
people either grow up and adjust their behavior or they know me by name and understand that i wont tolerate or entertain their faggotry
>he gets upset by mean words said to him by fat virgins on the internet
You're a bitch and a shit player
>the game just won't update
>the game refuses to reinstall
>uninstall battlenet
>battlenet refuses to reinstall
I've been hard banned

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