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It's good
>check cs2 after update
>looks great
>feels weird (not like any other fps, lot of "hidden" mechanics you need to master)
>get my ass wrecked
>learn about mechanics (counterstrafing, crosshair placement, spray patterns)
>install bunch of good training maps (aimbots, reaction trainer, spray control)
>start getting slowly better
>already had bunch of 1st place in all player lobbies in deathmatch

its unironically good and i am having fun
It really is
Did you play GO at all?
a bit, yes, but i never cared enough to learn how to be better player.
You're in for a ride, the journey between being bad to being decent is so fun, after that it's also fun but it's different

I wish I could go back to when I really started to take it seriously
I mean its counter strike, it's a staple competitive FPS, no surprise it's good
I don't know why but jumping feels like shit and way less controllable than it was in GO
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should I get prime?
If you play the game regularly, and plan to continue getting prime then it's no doubt worth it.
With prime you will have significantly less (blatant) cheaters, and less fresh installs. Both make the game more interesting, even if you yourself are a fresh install.
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I stopped playing CS in the early 2000s. What's unironically wrong with you people?
>It's good
Not if you live in the balkans and actually want to play half seriously and communicate. Teammates are 99.9% russians and turks.
Seems that things are very different depending on your region.
Braindead, no gamesense, no practice, don't know most maps besides mirage or their other fav, no util, no comms, just relying purely on aim.
Not the hardest to do well in if you put a little time into the fundamentals and get a decent 2-3 stack of friends.
Broken english comms, russians, throwing matches, and shit flinging over nationalities.
Seems to have a much better level of play when you can break into a higher level or find yourself a decent crew to run with. Still touted as the best region to play in and practice because more people put in practice and have general gamesense.
Fuck if I know. Brazilian players seem to have this reputation of either being really good or a total piece of shit.
>Rest of World
I've heard that most of the Asia/Australia regions are super dead. I've heard the middle east is dead. India is still tainted by the hacking scandal from years back.
>no util

this is honestly the most annoying thing when i play the game. half the games i get im the only one throwing smokes. these people really just want to play deathmatch
get fucked
They should show the demographics of bans
Get fucked
>no gamesense
Wait 24-72 hours
>Valve introduces system to detect nospread
>Retards continue to use nospread
What a surprising turn of events
Feels "squishy", everyone is on 10 ping, and I'm getting fucked in the face by someone not even rendered in on my screen. pretty much everyone is fucking cheating or some braindead valorant dipshit, and it just isn't fun.
I'm probably going to sell my knife because of this shit. CSGO was good, this shit is fucking trash.
and to add to this, I bounced between 10k and 20k in premier, and there was no fucking difference at all. If anything, 20k was easier to play at.
playing on low ping feels like shit. i get matches where i get 5 ping a lot and if anyone has over like a 25 ping it just feels like pure shit. it only feels right if people have around my same ping. id honestly rather play with a 20 ping against other 20 pingers
What's your knife?
1 on 3 CS players is a cheater. Not coming back until they begin to ban massively Pro players, like they should did long time ago. Can't wait to see some players like Magisk and Zyw0o out, looking for a 9-5 job.
>1 on 3 CS players is a cheater
No. You just suck
>Can't wait to see some players like Magisk and Zyw0o out
and envious
Is gun game in the game yet? I miss that.
Waiting for this and new maps, one or the other. I thought they would've added something to the game by now
Doing pretty good tonight
Still mostly russian shit teams, but I've only lost 1 so far
autistic CS:GO player here i havent played cs since 2018 but that was the only game i would play for years
i also loved the zombie escape mods
i just wish that i could still play GO instead of being forced to play 2
i also hate what they did to dust2
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I fucking hate this game with a burning passion
>join server
>vertigo picked
>enemy team knows the map insanely well (why are they in silver?)
>entire team gets wiped except me
>am low leaderboard because i'm fucking SILVER
>don't see someone sneaking through into CT until half a second in
>try and engage
>get romped cause I was expecting something else from mid
Get fucked Misty you dumb fucking groid, you no callout motherfucker. Getting sick of fags like this, damn near every game some mumbling retard expects me to ace five people six ranks above with normal ranking.
Taking a break from this bullshit ass game, too many shitheads smurfing or just mad they aren't stomping.
how do i turn off the nigger faggot agent voice lines that have nothing to do with what's happening in the game?
You can get a competitive cooldown for kicking too much people. Who was the retard who thought of that
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It's primarily zoomers. They have no idea how to communicate outside of text chats and they get irrationally angry if you even suggest that to win a team based game you have to play as a team.
As they get older, they realize that their dream of becoming pro (as all zoomers have) is dwindling, so they have to take it out on actual new players that just want to have fun. They usually can't fathom the fact that people may just play once a week if that.
>gets rapid fired and whatever the fuck exploit there is now
>goes cry in r/csgo
It is but I sometimes get headshots that I shouldn't
Casual is more fun than comp change my mind
letting people spectate both teams makes ghosting to easy for anyone playing with friends
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>been a good night. 3 wins in a row
>think: one more before bedtime. Might as well keep it going
>join mm premiere
>team is a 4stack with russian names
>1 guy is 9k+ like me
>rest 3 are unranked
You force me to play with russians, fair enough. If we had the choice, nobody would want to play with them. I get it
But why the fuck am I matched with 3 unranked against 5x9k+?!?!?
Good game to play with your friends that aren't serious gamers. I can't enjoy competitive modes on counter strike anymore. It's just not a fun game to get sweaty and stinky about.
is there even a general for CS anymore?
I cant find one in /vg/ and the one here is for the conceptual joke known as 'e-sports'
played around 70 hours but just casual mode. It's been fun so far, what can I say.
I'd buy prime to play competitive and get a rank but I've read the matchmaking is POOP and there's a lot of cheaters so won't bother.
Where the fuck are the content updates?
They grabbed a lot of returning / new players but give no content to give them reason to stick around?
>I've read the matchmaking is POOP
It's not so bad anymore on the lower ranks
>there's a lot of cheaters
Not if you have prime. Maybe 1 in 20 games. And that's far higher than matches where I'm sure someone is cheating.
If there are as many cheaters as people complain about, they're the worst cheaters ever.
It is! I barely played any of the previous games before trying this one, maybe like a couple hours combined across 1.6, Source and GO. The game clicked for me in this one, and I completely get the appeal now. I just wish the map pool was bigger and that there were map-specific player skins.
I haven't even touched competitive and don't really have plans to, but I do wish the casual gamemode's rules were a little more in line with competitive's rules. I went back and played some Source after enjoying CS2 and found myself wanting that game's ruleset in CS2's casual mode.
>>enemy team knows the map insanely well (why are they in silver?)
because comp. is utterly fucked, everyone is silver
there was a dumb redditor going 75W-1L on office and he just reached mg2 IIRC
the retard who knew niggers like you kick every game because the last guy can't read your mind
I'm gonna get you for this
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what a fucking joke
I'm bad
the game is cancertrash, you probably only played 30 minutes of it you pasty zoomer cracka
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Every time I reach 10k in premiere, I lose the next 10 consecutive maps
What the hell is happening?
I go from 9.999 to 6k in no time.
It's like the game doesn't want me to go >10k, so it sticks me together with a bunch of russians or middle easterns who have no idea how to play
whenever I'm below 8k, I've got the best score in game but we still lose.
On ct I always fill whatever role is needed, on t, I always throw a smoke somewhere to help us win, yet these fuckers I'm stuck with just don't want to.
Last map I was 30:15. And we lost. Badly.

Is it easier to solo on faceit? I might give it a try. I'm tired of this...
Is it possible to play casual without Russians? Im losing my mind and considering quitting because of them
>and plan to continue getting prime
What? Do you have to buy prime monthly or what?
>Do you have to buy prime monthly or what?
nta, but from what I understand, no. I've never bought it (15-20 years old account, no buy needed) but it should be a one time thing.
meh i hit 16.8k mostly solo i think just keep playing until you can solo games KDA doesnt really matter if you arent winning games or getting impact frags at 10k i can solo carry 2/3 games as long as im not against a closet cheater just watch m0nesy/ropz/donk vids and keep trying to improve and you'll work your way up
>whenever I'm below 8k, I've got the best score in game but we still lose.
you'll have a lot of these games but if you can consistently turn in 100+ ADR performances you'll rank up with enough volume of games played
Every vertigo player is silver 3 and knows every nook and cranny in the map
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>>Faggots playing a 50 year old video game
CS is pay to win. Mid to high priced skins have lower latency and register shots faster. A mid to high end computer producing lots of frame rates, lower latency and the hit box alignment is more accurate. Its like having Max Payne-like bullet time when playing with players from mid low to low specs. Some players have a very high spec computers so the hit registration is reliable and latency is negligible. Not always hackers, there are players with high spec (even mid to mid high) computers that have proper hit registration and direct feed from the server.

Playing with a mid low to low spec computer there might be second-guessing and randomised hit registration and server response.
>CS is pay to win. Mid to high priced skins have lower latency and register shots faster
Quick! Someone tell Elige
I am quite sure the professional CS players already knew about the mid to high priced skins have lower latency and register shots quicker. That skins were more than just cosmetic.
>I am quite sure the professional CS players already knew about the mid to high priced skins have lower latency and register shots quicker.
Then why doesn't Elige use skins?
>my only two recent premier losses are from ragehackers
didn't see any obvious spinbotters before reaching 21k. Fuck me Valve gotta do something about this quick.
According to him he just wanted to attach tags to "vanilla" skins after someone dropped him a tag with the name StatTrack M4A4 X-Ray which he found funny. Second, that he realised he spent too much skins.
ELiGE for most of the tournaments would apply skins and even during one of his best forms being in Team Liquid. EliGE also sports a high spec computer.
>i9 13900KF
>Nvidia RTX4080
Chances are if this guy plays against someone with a mid low to low spec pc he would get reported for hacking, particularly, for trigger bot and walls. You just prepped the BVLL, Gabe
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>I HvHed in Premier
Based Valve
im currently teaching someone who came from console 2 months ago how to play CS, at first the mf was playing 1.35 ingame and 8k dpi lol
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Do people still overpay for more webs? I wish this was lower float so bad.
>Started playing CS seriously in GO after years of chilling in source after Condition Zero
>reach Global several times with breaks in between
>stop being a neet, get a job and get invited to a friends stack
>carry them consistently until CS 2
>suddenly can barely hit 10k rating
>few months after release get up there, but it's a real effort
>ranks in single maps are silver 4-gold nova 1
>sometimes lose games to people with 1k hours less than I have, because they just have better aim
>stuck at 14k rating for ages now, every time I'm about to rank up start underpeforming

Not sure if it's because I'm getting old, or I'm tired after work, but it feels like I suck ass now.
I have 2.5k hours and I need to sweat to beat people with 1k hours.

Should have done what my friend did and stop when I peaked.
Undetectable cheats or your config is fucked up or you just simply can't deal with minor adjustments the game has made our all the above even.
Playing in EU servers in premier in lower brackets was a painful experience until i hit 10k plus.

> No one has mics

> Niggers AFK or unboxing cases mid game instead of playing

> Mfers with big egos refusing to play as a team and straight up throwing the game

> Russians/Ukrainians insulting people left and right yet not able to line up one kill

> Fresh accounts with no skins casually raping everyone, knowing exactly where you are all the time, lining up head shots through smokes or literally going through smokes with zero care because they know no one is waiting for them. (Aka cheats)

> One time we had a guy who was AFK, he spawned with the bomb, i kill him to take the bomb and i immediately get kicked, get a 30 minutes cooldown and lose 1000 ELO for being ''toxic'' even though my entire team were straight up throwing the game and hurling insults at each other.

Unless you 5 stack you will have a miserable time playing this game in EU servers.

Then here comes 10k plus:

> People are less retarded and actually try to win.

> You either get really good and fun team mates or absolute psychopaths with egos the size of russia trying to boss everyone even though they're 5-18.

> Cheaters are there but they are a lot more subtle, usually toggling mid game or using stealth cheats like radar hacks, those guys will make it past 18k ELO without ever getting banned because they're sneaky enough that no one can prove they cheat.
>join game
>team full of venezuelan gusano niggers
>have to yell over them because every time they open their mics they yell
>game crashes once
>everyone on the other team is holding angles with Negrov and rushing with XMFAG shotgun
>game crashes again
>try to open the game
>game crashes as soon as i join the server
>venezuela niggers blaming me for their own retardation and the game being half as stable as TF2
>game crashes again
>lose the game
>7 days cooldown

Thanks Gayben
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I DID IT BROS, for the first time i did >100 kpm
Started at 75, now we're here
>without ever getting banned because they're sneaky enough that no one can prove they cheat
Currently you can use fucking anti-aim without getting banned, you don't need to be sneaky at all outside of trying to avoid griefing cooldowns (Valve's only working anticheat solution LOL)
3.5k hours here.
core gameplay is good again.
lack of content still kinda fucking sucks.
game has a future.
ps: miss you
yeah, what I don't get is how Valve completely fucked up on several points
>server browser is beyond fucked
>replays STILL don't work properly
>game runs like total ass

And there have been no improvements to any of these issues since launch.
It's not like they're a small, indie company.
It's baffling that there's no solo queue in this game which would queue me up against other solo players. Having to fight a 5stack with 4 randoms makes me come back less and less into the game. At least they disabled kicking the solo player when matched with a 4man stack.


>I need to sweat to beat people with 1k hours

I meet people with this many hours (see below). I'm guessing they're either cheaters or smurfs


I'm ~19k with a 1k variable, my experience is same as yours (50/50 on whether I get a good or bad team). I can meet the most terrible idiots at 20k and some 14k dude who does everything people expect him to do and then some
Honestly yeah, I don't get why solo queues aren't a thing, when stacks will beat solos 9/10 times.
you are being sarcastic right? cs2 is shit and I don't want to ever remember line ups for a video game
shit is not a job
so stay at 5k rating lmao
Memorization is not a skill
>I'm ~19k with a 1k variable, my experience is same as yours (50/50 on whether I get a good or bad team)
Isn't that just the average LE/LEM experience? I haven't played this shit for months at this point, but when CSGO was a thing I was roughly hardstuck LEM and that's how most of the games went by

Top 4-5%. I don't know what would be the equivalent CSGO rank, I'm guessing it's Supreme. Idk, when the games go right, it feels better than what it used to be in CSGO
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its good again
>Reduced peeker's advantage in many cases
We are so fucking back
>you can literally spell N+i+GG+e+R with stickers on your weapon now
has someone actually done it yet
>Please wait a while before making a post
What's the fastest way to get my weekly crate? I want that free $10
>got ZERO experience for getting railed 13-0 in premier despite being top retard on my team of retards
>game doesn't let you surrender
next time im just ragequitting
>buy crate
>buy key
>open crate
>lost 14,50 europes

Never again
>>buy crate
hopes and dreams
The elites don’t want you to know this but the creates in the game are free you store them in your inventory. I have 458 creates
>friend asks if he can have my crates as I don't open them
>don't know anything about them, just give them to him
>one was apparently worth 30 europes
fucking cunt
What a fucking bitch, i hope you called him out and removed him.
CS is saved thanks to racism and sex jokes
Anyway to make goatzee?
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These are all so fucking funny
Really brings some life and fun into the game
Good job, Volvo
Also, this might be the first time I'm not that pissed off about sticker and skin economy
what are the stickers being used in this masterpiece?
They're allowing players to place stickers wherever now?
This game is fine but the devs do not fucking play it and it shows when they add arbitrary difficulties to one side in order to 'balance' a map without addressing the other side. Might as well fill half the map with oil slicks because the stats say it's too one-sided.
spell n word on it and it will be 10/10
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Freshly made OC
kek, is there a place we can find all the lettered stickers?
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great job chuds. are you happy with yourselves?
any sticker autists know of about the letter stickers? i need an i, m, and o to finish a friends name before i gift them a gun
there is a few steam community guides but mostly outdated
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what do you think litty bros?
>You wasted sticker space
>The word is F-a-g-g-o-t
>Fa can be spelled by Fallen sticker - Total: 1 sticker
>gg can be spelled with one sticker (i advice against it unless you are rich), but g + go you used is muche cheaper option (still looks great) =Total: 3 stickers
>adding random letter T = Total: 4 stickers
>you can now add Hunter sticker and create Faggot hunter

>Zoomer lingo
>no n word
>get is not centered compared to Litty
i = use Niko sticker and cover N and Ko with other stickers
m = Monte (cs team)
o = the best way is to cover G in GO sticker
What word are you trying to spell?
>1.35 ingame and 8k dpi lol
when i started playing i was playing on 6 in game and 2k dpi. I played like that for hundreds of hours. I was better at awping than I am now.
I'm down to 1k @ 1.3. Low enough to get good taps while still being able to turn around quickly.
actually it might have been 2.5 @ 2k dpi. I forget.
Get fucked
February 9th edition
Saw the top1000 premier list last night. I think the highest placed was spot 30 or something. Everyone above was banned.
I really wish CS2 went back to pay2play
At least the cheating shitters would have to pay $10 or something each time they're banned
premier is de facto pay2play
You cant queue it without CS premium
So you can create nigger in 3 stickers now?
Niko - GG (covering both other stickers) - and whatever -ER sticker is.
I really need to know what the -ER sticker is that people are using
fer's signature sticker probably
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Looks "meh" in theory
>You cant queue it without CS premium
Didn't know that. I've always had the "whatever they're calling it" status
How much do the cheaters have to pay for it each time?
not much, and they buy bulk accounts dirt cheap
it's fucking scummy and anyone above 18 who cheats should be put against a wall
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Rate my improvement
I doubt it's much seeing how many pre-prime accounts there are out there which you can probably buy for pennies.
thanks anon, i ended up just using the flashbang for the i since the layers wouldnt have worked really.
niko didnt quite work since id need something to cover the "g" in go, but with the flashbang it worked out pretty nicely
>Rate my improvement
missing an 'S' at the end
>studying the game from what other fags put online instead of playing it yourself to learn how to be good
fucking faggot ass min/max zoomers.. you will always be behind like this
>taking counter strike 2 seriously
lol zoomers
Would be great to see what region gets the most bans so we can all stop pretending like it's just a thing everyone does
I breached the 5000 MMR barrier with my friends :)
Ofc its russia
Biggest demographic of CS full of degenerates

inb4 brazil
Brazil doesnt have neither numbers nor finances
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How do you like this?
please kys ugly faggot
More OC
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>used to have to work around the 3 sticker limit to make the funny gamer word craft
>now any anon can do it better
What 2 could I add to this to make it more complete?
What stickers are best to make the German pinwheel of tolerance?
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Thinking about ancient marauder, only sticker of a black person on cs. no real way for you to spell Nigger I think.
>nades aren't 1 unit wide
its shit
Looks much better in game
You kinda goofed thou, you want this to be seen by as many players as possible so shoudve put it on Ak or Awp (guns that players actually pick up),
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This is too much fun, makes me remember black ops emblems
Both good I’m gonna craft these soon. Probably cover joy with burn them all. Not sure what gun yet
Well for starters, kill yourself also pistol round and it’s on a fucking monkey business you idiot literally the perfect skin for that build.
>buying five seven in pistol round
>calling anyone an idiot
lol, lmao, rofl
Haven't played the new update yet. Are you guys doing tracers on or off? How is the peekers advantage now
Trips don't lie
are you aware they got your credit card and home address? it's not like shitposting anonymously, valve is gonna put you on a list for life
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Thats cool

Check this out
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1.6 better
>t. "first" worlder (canadian)
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I like how this update allows players to fix boring skins
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Looks so much better in-game then in paint, holy shit
The update that saved CS2
>finally get 15k rating
>internet in my area gets shut down, lose because of the 4 round deficit my team built up while trying to get back in
>next game get matched against a 136 steam level 1 wunderkind 5 stack, perfiring every single off angle

>136 hour*
yes im mad
What's up with people buying Prime on 17 different accounts just to dab on noobs? Can't they do that for free in unranked?
I think it's so they can double down on the crate drops, because they're poor and need to supplement their income that way
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How many 30 y/o paycheck stealing boomers will this Russian twink force to retire?
Karrigan looked like he was going to cry after getting humiliated by based donker.
I have no idea why no one has been able to deal with his hyper aggressive bullshit
like, just throw a flashbang and shoot him in the head lol
>spending 15 bucks to earn ~50 cents every week
Sounds like shit maths, but hey
>Karrigan looked like he was going to cry
going to? He weeped like an actual lil bitch when silver medal was given to him
Sella or holda battle scared inheritance?
I'm a neet so I'm doing it to pass the time, getting my money back and something extra is a bonus
haven't played in cs2 release, why the fuck does no one use their mic anymore? will this stop once my 10 game calibration is over?
recoil crosshair is literally built in cheats and you're basically retarded for not using it just like pre-nerf aug (t. pre-nerf aug enjoyer)
>tracers on/off
What do?
I feel like tracers distract me when I'm spraying but I do like to know where my bullets are impacting
i feel like this is the most intuitive way, at least personally, to guide my spray, outside of pure experience and muscle memory. then the recoil animation is what i use to judge recoil inaccuracy. gotta have the tracers to be able to see and make those microadjustments during your spray, like when the bullet group needs to move slightly to the left to hit on target. a recoil crosshair is nice, but ideally, for this type of aiming, you will be focused on the tracers, and not the crosshair. a static crosshair works nicely to duck quickly out of the spray zone when you start pulling down, and allows for unobstructed visual and focus of the tracers.

basically, it can give you a subtle, yet direct advantage over an opponent, but it's up to you if it fits in your playstyle.
Blogpost. Pulled a 1v5 clutch against a fairly good team last night.. then a game later in the day I had my head in my hands the whole time making after making dumb mistakes over and over. It feels like the whole appeal of this game is chasing that state where everything “flows” and clicks into place and feels totally natural and euphoric, almost in slow motion. I got the same feeling sometimes playing basketball in high school. Maybe I’m just mad it’s not easy for me to get to that mindstate. Anybody have a similar feeling? What gets you there, or is it totally random for you?
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how do i fix this? can't see my friends ratings anymore
You need to have friends first anon.
nah i have plenty that's not the problem (been playing since 1.3 tons of cs friends).. it worked fine two months ago when im playing and since i started playing recently again the other day its broken
I just practiced a fuckton in Kovaaks until I top fragged every game not having to rely on "states"
valve has turned into a nigger company who apparently employs niggers to code their games because why not they make billions anyway
the game is complete dog shit right now, an embarrassment
literally wtf is the explanation for the current state other than shit slinging monkeys banging on keyboards?
It was fixed in less than an hour
nigger pajeet devs getting btfo on reddit by people who can barely speak english
It's somewhat outside of aim and game sense though for me; like I said, maybe it's in my head but sometimes it's like the muscle memory and spidey sense acts before the brain processes things occasionally, and you're just watching it all unfold and you pull off crazy rounds/games when you're riding that wave. Either luck or synchronicity I guess
Play fuck a fuckton of deathmatch, look up DM in private servers
do 1v1 arena private servers exist anymore? can't find shit
help!! >>1176469
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>he hasn't played with blyets yet
>It's not
>i can't post the obvious reason why because i got warned for "racism", on 4chan
You don't really need to know lineups to be good. I just throw the shit and hope it lands where I want it to, and it works out fine.
same, it also fucks over meta retards who can't think outside the box
should i spend the steam money i get from cases to open them? it seems good to have a sudden high amount of money instead of saving.
I never open cases and find it retarded, just buy whatever you like on the market
I rest my case with this game
constant random freezes, fps drops, game looks 2x worse and runs 2x worse
bring back cs:go kill this fucking mistake of a game holy shit please
The matchmaking is atrocious, I get teammates and enemies in my skillrange about once every four to five matches and the constant crashes make it really hard to play and enjoy. Also lack of content is just sad, I was actually looking forward to danger zone. Everything looks very good though.
Basically It's the same story it's been with CS:GO, good base game, but a greedy and stupid company tries it's hardest to make it unenjoyable, 6/10
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Forgot pic
i want the big bayonet, but i dont want to spend real $500....
You are going to spend more by gambling for it, because the odds are that low. But it's in small increments and with dopamine inducing sounds and lights so you don't notice it, that's how they get you.
i was only going to use money from weekly drops. i got $6 from the new case, but im probably better off flipping skins on a 3rd party market? trade ups are such a bitch to do because of finding the right floats
You are better off investing that money in a nice indie game on sale, don't ever gamble
Buy what you want directly and yeah use 3rd party sites for better deals
keep gambling never stop gambling youre bound to get a knife or a red that will change your life
gambling is good, I got lucky and won just about 900k after tax. I just recently turned 18 so thats uh pretty good. Invested 200k in cs and now Im just sitting at home
dude i agree i recently went on a crazy loss streak and lost my childrens college fund but i made it back a week later by gambling a loan i took out on csgoroll
csgoroll is the goat from the days im telling you.
If I do gamble on third party now I do it on csgoempire, im level 74 on that site already lmfao
>make a shitty game where you can get one-tapped from a mile away/murdered in milliseconds from full
>forced to come up with weird solutions to peeker's advantage which is unsolveable because even a tiny amount of latency exists in all games
this game is so outdated and badly designed it's actually incredible how anyone can take it seriously
Name a first person shooter where one shots aren't a possibility
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>game gives me bad teammates sometimes
>game gives me good teammates sometimes
>50% WR

>actually try to play better
>start winning more games on average
>instantly rank up
Anyone know a good sticker guide? Or site where letters are easy to search?
You can even inspect your craft by typing "copy" text in console
i may do this for an awp pop. its 4 cococo stickers and vertigo hero, my only wonder is if theres better white boxes, especially if its cheaper
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Fucking lmao
>get weekly drop
>its fracture case and some shit 5 cent gun
kill me
What were you expecting? Do people actually get decent skins or something?
Still wish there was a site that compiled every letter in a sticker I cant search most on this site
what are those ER stickers?
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Why the would you play this when it doesn't even resemble what counter strike was? It's like a bunch of Gen Z and Alpha mouthbreathers built a cult of personality around paid skins and Esports kikes (lol) and couldnt think of anything more entertaining than FFA DM on stockmaps when you do have dedicated servers. Scary that teenagers in 2007 were able to shit things out of their ass for free better than anything you've ever created or participated in about a decade.
>what are those ER stickers?

I expected new kilowatt case
>join game
>eastern europeans
>they all get in an argument with each over something minor and throw the game <5 rounds in
literally every time. I pray to hear swedes and germans whenever I join a lobby
new game
>3 rounds in
>guy dies with bomb in the open
>fuck poland
>fuck serbia
>they start teamkilling, AFKing
>game ruined
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kek I've been wondering how to make a cock
I cant figure out how to work this website
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I created best craft in game
k thnxx bye
Climbing ranks solo in EU servers without a 3-5 stack is IMPOSSIBLE.

> Eastern european monkeys in every game who can't speak english or even try to win

> Retards without mics, no utilities, who run around trying to get kills as if its a deathmatch game

> Trolls, guys who join just to throw matches

> Running into 5-stack teams of smurfs who literally rape you

> Running into that one guy who sucks the entire game, then toggles and plays like Zywoo doing one taps, AWPing like a boss and knowing where you are at any time and we go from 10-2 to 10-10 real quick because my team mates gave up quick

> Fresh noobs from Valorant who have zero play time yet somehow they figured that the best way to learn the fucking game is by playing premier and wasting everyone's time

> That one retard who always tries to snipe thinking he's Simple, begs you to drop him an AWP yet is bottom frag and cant line up a single kill, he even missed a shot on a static target when he sneaked up on him

> Absolute mongoloids who play as CT yet constantly rush and get annihilated and then wonder why we are losing 2-10

> Guys who rush through a smoke with the bomb, get killed and give a free round to the other team

Fuck this lol, anyone wanna team up ?


That kid has 13,000 hours played and he's only 17 while older players like ropz or niko have 12,000 hours played after years of professional play, he plays 15-16 hours a day and is the perfect faceit autist to come off the russian sperg assembly line. I think he's gonna make the current big guys look like bitches.
I came from Valorant and top frag every game, not a europoor though
nah they have 18-20k hours or so
>Fuck this lol, anyone wanna team up ?
This is amazing, how does placing stickers work? Do you get to set all 5 first before permanently placing them? How can you plan this out?
What sticker did you put at the end to make "S"?
>any player ending in S first (at the end of the gun)
>Fer over it
>Kill over clutch
>Niko slightly touching kill
>GG over fer and niko

I used this website
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Great minds think alike
Just had a game with 30 EF. I'm the god of vertigo.
Literally 95% of the fights I take are conscious, pre-planned, and copied from better players than me. I don't need flow states.
I know what util to throw when they hit my site. I know when, where, and how to peek. I know if I should go wide or tight, or do a tight-wide combo to make them spray the wind when I go for the kill.
You don't decide this on the fly with intuition. You need tried and tested protocols for everything, so you can dunk on teams whether they're shit or the second coming of Astralis.

I guarantee you that you were playing like a retard, even during that game. Go through it with a fine toothed comb, and you'll see all of the things you did right, accidentally. Now turn that into a method.
Man I hate they just now dropped the sticker update.
I would've had the most edgiests and most epic crafts back in 2018-2020 but now I'm settled on all skins and won't do it all over again.
What is the Ws?
Trash game
Every match is filled with cheaters on both sides in premier after 18000
Consider that I have a life
Better matchmaking that matches casuals with casuals and sweatlords with their kind is non negotiable
I just make shit up and have my aim carry me, always holding off angles, I always try to be unpredictable. Especially on T side, unless we're really stomping and none of that matters.
I had 3 teammates feeding yesterday and I literally had to instruct them how to play, then we quickly won after a 6 round deficit.
Mainly consisted of them grabbing attention while I kill everyone
Legit don't understand why they just updated over the top of GO. I was so pissed for months because it kind of looks like they saw how popular valorant was and added a lot of little things from that.
Mostly I was pissed they changed the way everything worked. Even sold all my expensive skins cuz I didn't think I'd be playing it anymore... but its just one of those games I keep crawling back too
Never watched anyone play CS in my life.
I just play like a retard, win, and it makes players like you lose their shit (on both sides)
yea if you have good aim and mechanics you can just play retarded and get away with it
Every map is so bright it’s starting to really grate on me; at least the Cache rework teaser posted recently looks a little more subdued, hopefully Valve add it to the pool
I fucked with some settings when CS2 first came out to make it slightly dimmer or something

I queue solo exclusively and I'm 19800 rated. I might quit completely once I get past 20k
Guessing you're not EU-based

I'm Polish so I queue with far too many Poles, Russians and Ukrainians for my liking (I have had enjoyable, even great games with all 3 but it's not the norm). That said, at this rating there are other issues like 5 stacks of Nordics that play with one toggler. Or Turks, last game a guy got so mad by a cheater in my team he went full wallhack from round 2. He was 22k rated and was boosting 4 other Turks. Obviously, he's still not banned even though I spam reported him and his steam profile with match ID
>plays a game only to win and not to have fun
you do you, bud
You're not wrong.

Finally burst through my 15k wall and am now at 16k and climbing.

Meanwhile my stack buddies are all down at 12-13k.
At some point soon they are going to become a detriment, and I'll have to play solo to climb higher.

But playing solo means exactly what you've described, and I just don't see the point in trying.
>play a non-premier comp with a friend
>average hours of CS on my team 200
>average hours of the enemy team 5k
>enemy team is a 5 stack

Funny thing is I couldn't get a kill, while my braindead team mates with default crosshairs can just crouch and tap fire and somehow get headshot after headshot.
At least I baited one of those retards to teamkill me in spawn.
>next game
>3 r*ssoid subhumans on my team
>fair credit to two of them who are actually communicating and trying
>the last one is a complete subhuman
>you know, the type of Neanderthal that refuses to call, listen to reason, votekicks everyone he thinks isn't playing up to his standard, while playing like someone dropped as a toddler
>begins to actively block us on B side inferno (CT)
>drop him some mollies subtly in spawn and die in them when he throws won
>he stops doing anything at all, just going AFK
>other team mates refuse to kick him, we start to throw in protest
>enemy team starts talking smack, seemingly not realizing what we're trying to do when running out and dying to them
>ace them to prove a point
>they start talking real shit, trying to cope I guess
>still keep trying to throw, ask them to win please because at the end of the day I would still rather have a competent (but salty af) enemy team win than a team of subhuman r*ssoids
>enemy team proceed to choke 5v3 and we get a draw

the nuclear annihilation of that third world shithole cannot come soon enough
>throws won
comp is fucking unbearable
apparently the highest rank achieved so far in comp is legendary eagle

valve is such a shit fucking dev, all the idiots who buy skins and give them money should kill themselves
I don't get the comp rank dispersion.
I was too shit at FPS games when CS:GO launched to actually play competitive or pay any attention to rank, but was it just as difficult in the start to rank up?

I was global several times in GO but am apparently just GN1 in CS:2.
I never bought CSGO until maybe a year or two after it came out, but I can't imagine it would have been as bad

CS2 has:
split gamemodes, with the idiots at valve prioritizing the e-sports wannabe mode premiere, then they made comp even worse by making it per-map rank, so that the player pool for ranks are massively reduced

i'm assuming valve thought that since so many people play the game, that both modes would have healthy matchmaking, they didn't realize they are shit at game development though so it didn't actually work.

at this point i just want them to bring back short matches, even if it splits the player base further, short matches are nowhere near as tedious.
Maybe if you guys didn’t embrace matchmaking on such a scale we could have stuck with server browser and user owned servers
the only players who deserve any blame are the dumb cunts who buy skins, everyone else is just getting fucked by valve
Oh boy look everyone it’s shitters posturing to look cool when in reality they want to groom kids on their servers

Face it you are a minority esports won
What I don't get is why no one has taken the surf concept and made a stand alone game for it?

There is a solid and fun game right there, and no one is interested?

I spent so many hours on that map, I could literally surf it backwards while raping people.

I was shit at tryhard surf though.

i'm pretty sure i've seen a standalone surf game before, don't remember the name
>reinstalled today
>played like 4-5 matches
>get more and more annoyed by how bad the game is with each round
>uninstall again

it's more disappointing than anything, i wish there was a game like CS that was actually good, (valorant definitely isn't it)
Played 3 games today and had tons of fun.
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>still playing spray pattern shooters
>apparently the highest rank achieved so far in comp is legendary eagle
No fucking way are you serious? I suppose that explains why comp games are so much harder than Premier
you can check it out yourself on csstats dot gg leaderboards
>trying to play csgo to get close with my dad who loved the original
>im such a fucking zoomer that the fact i cant slide, aim down sights on non-scope guns and whatnot is filtering me
im sorry bros.. im not strong enough
You just don't like it. Plenty of zoomers have no problem getting into it.
If you really can't get into it, then just use AWP exclusively, and buy a cheap knife with a cool animation or something.
buy p90, hold down w constantly, hold down m1 whenever you see someone
it's that easy
>holding angle
>faggot about to rush/peek me with an SMG
>simply slide my crosshair 3 body widths away from the corner
>left click as soon as I process them
>guaranteed kill

Wow, it's that easy...
smg swing super fast while retaining a decent amount of accuracy, i can even jumpshot with the mp9 and mac10
you can move and shoot with rifles if you stay crouched
the crosshair recoil actually replaced learning the spray patterns since im retarded.
you can try doing shitty bhops that will never work
download Kovaaks, its like $2 on a grey key site. Im sure free shit like aimlabs is fine too.
I sucked dick at games like this for years but after focusing on improving my aim its like I became a god.
Learn how to counter strafe, and stop mid movement so you're always accurate. Its pretty easy to get the muscle memory down.
Aiming can carry you to the highest ranks while having the worst gamesense and no clue how to actually play
it is if you can see him about to rush you through the wall
Wide peeks accelerating from close corner are slow enough to handle without preparing for it. It's the full speed wide peeks that I have to prepare for, and they kept getting me before I started consciously pre-aiming super wide.
I also learned to hold about as wide when I'm on an off-angle. They will swing unbelievably far before they try to stop and shoot. A little closer when I think they'll try and sneak through.
I've been playing CS for decades at this point, and it's only recently I've learned to adjust aim depending on how I predict they will peek
went from a mediocre awper to literally s1mple
Okay, I'm halfway through selling my 240hz monitor that I bought for CS because literally


half the games I play at ~20k in Premier are cheaters. I tried Faceit, it was hardly better
sounds like a skill issue
protip: just because you're trash doesn't mean everyone you play against cheats
I top frag every fucking game, Im not kidding, but cannot breach 10k because so many boosted fags and leavers infiltrate my games.
Its a fucking joke that individual performance has absolutely no bearing on your MMR.
idk if they are going to do it again, but i let my rank disappear after avoiding premier and it went from 4 to 10k after placements. right now there are alot of dogshit 15k players so maybe they overshot alot of peoples mmr.
i 100% believe there is seperate rating because of being a consist top frag is obviously setting up 1 high mmr with 4 lowers against an averaged mmr team. faceit does this. it is so fucking dumb that they choose a metric that has nothing to do with being "rated" as a good or bad player.
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>pick up 2 kills
>team loses round
>repeat 10,000 times
true, allso if you hit a curb you sometimes fly straight up in the air, even though you wanted to jump forward
>7 years ago
>make faceit
>link to steam
>play one(1) game
>forget it

>fast forward to now
>find out about all this when I make a new faceit
>bitch in customer support says steam links are permanent
That sucks, but surely you can just recover the code to your email.

What I don't get is why there's no faceit mode that also has friendly fire enabled, which is the only reason I don't play that retarded bullshit
they should bring back
and take out
that would fix the game
cache is being remade and it's already been teased (and imo it looks far worse than the old cache)

they should remove anubis and ancient as well already, fucking awful maps
Let it disappear and get it back, then the game takes it into account, but they obviously can't make you go up from losing games
I was 1k and got re-ranked at 10k, which is a fucking joke because I suck and consistently bottom frag, but if you are better you might end up where you belong
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>In shitter ranks (8000) because I don't really know the mechanics or tactics
>team constantly picking to play fucking Mirage
It's impossible to win T-side on this narrow ass meat grinder map without coordinated smokes and flashes and shit why does everyone want to play it? Literally just lost 10 rounds T-side and then brought it back when it was our turn to defend.
you're correct, it's the worst map in the game apart from Vertigo.
It's insane how it favors stacked and coordinated teams more than most other maps, and you basically need to know several smokes to push anywhere, and yet every retard picks it even when they don't have a team.
>there's no faceit mode that also has friendly fire enabled
All the reasons for it don't really compare to the fact that it significantly changes gameplay.
>can rush team mollies
>can tank team grenades
>can carelessly double swing without height change
>can easily hold 180 crossfires

>all because "muh griefers"
Just ban them? Lmao.
At shitter ranks all you have to do is silently contact, then rush. Even a team of five retards can follow that plan because it's so simple. Conversely the CTs on site aren't good enough to handle being constantly overwhelmed in numbers.

I do agree that both maps are util heavy once the CTs actually know how to hold. I fucking love Vertigo way more than Mirage for some reason, though. Clearing sites is way easier, I guess.

On premier its basically proven at this point that on average 8 games out of 10 will have someone cheating or toggling when needed. Just because someone isn't aimbotting doesn't mean they're not walling or using a radar hack.

Even shit tier cheats go undetected and any monkey can get them. When you have fresh accounts with zero history playing like shit and then within moments they start playing like Zywoo you know something's wrong.

When someone knows where you are all the time, somehow is always lucky and gets kills shooting through smokes, rushes through smokes unbothered, you know something's wrong.

It's rampant because of the ease of access and general lack of repercussions. Even in the major qualifiers you have a fuck ton of teams that were nobodies suddenly making it to the top 50 HLTV by raping every single big team out there while the guys picked up local bans in their respective countries lans for cheating.
I just sit in palace until I hear them rotate then pick up a couple kills. Its all about patience.
You just keep remaking the same thread, and using the same first post, and only a brain dead retard would think its good. The first counter strike with a 20 player limit too

So against my better judgement I decided to play 1-2 games of Premiers every day and finally hit 20k. To no surprise I had cheaters in almost every game, including two in the one that put me into 20k but ours was more blatant about cheating than enemy's (the enemy queued as 4 with the cheater, ours was with a friend which is why we didn't kick him).

"Our" cheater was literally seething when I called him out immediately and acted mentally ill for the rest of the game. Anyway, idk if there's a point to playing further. Gonna keep the monitor for a while but if I have an opportunity to sell it and get a 1440p one, I will

>inb4 Faceit

Faceit was even WORSE than premier, believe it or not
i ran into a blatant cheater yesterday in fucking casual, in another match there was a guy who was very suspicious but i didn't spectate him long enough to make sure

wonder if there's been a big increase in cheaters in CS2, cause it feels like it (and GO already had plenty)

There definitely was. People are openly speculating on Reddit that VAC was turned off for some reasons and looking at the state of the game, I'm inclined to believe them.

Keep in mind 20k is top 2% (not bragging, I'm pretty sure I only got so far because actual good people gave up on the game or went Faceit) but I only had one game that didn't have a cheater (on the enemy team - perhaps I had one on mine...)
last week almost every game I've had in single map comp has had either suspicious or blatant cheaters.
My friends keep asking me to spectate them and I'll see a guy with a scout staring at the ground quickscoping everyone several rounds straight.
This is fucking absurd. Why do they not have an anti cheat, we're reaching early MW2 levels of cheaters.

But I don't just put this on valve, people who spend their free time playing with cheats in multiplayer games should be sterilized, and their parents brought in for questioning.
Somethin went wrong in their childhood development.
theres a max player count of 20? wow thats really bad
>want to play some chill single map competitive
>silver 4
>enemy team are 5 stacks who abuse high MMR util set ups every single round

>i ran into a blatant cheater yesterday in fucking casual
you are new to counterstrike
CS was never good.
They didn't do shit just cheaters have undetectable shit look up what a DMA cheat is
playing online games now is just being fucking stupid even in co op shit where you just wanna unlock shit because there are subhumans who want to skip all the actual stuff they're meant to do
Vertigo is good. It is unironically peak right now. It can be brawly, or slow and methodical. You can work mid/B solo and make a huge impact. It has a mix of inferno's tight lanes and dust2/mirage's vertical open spaces in all the right spots. When I play Vertigo I know I can make a difference, whether or not my team is 5 mic'd up util nerds.
>audio is fucked because of the vertical setting
shit map, only retards like it
Completely agree, duels mostly feel pure to me and you can play mind-games to break up CT or cause them to wrongly rotate easily. Hate breaching B though.
Why is the sound in the game so bad? Siege figured this out like a decade ago. If someone plants the bomb on nuke its impossible to tell where its at unless you see it
Kind of feels like go A simulator in tiers where it actually matters (IM+), B site is entirely easy to lock down. In a strange twist it feels like how Cobblestone felt where you put a lurk at B and depending on how the CTs play you either exec A or you get the kill B and have your teammates rotate over, except in Vertigo the rotates happen a bit more than twice as fast. Oh yeah and it has a mid that you can occasionally 5-man out of.
cobblestone was a better map, sadly it required an IQ of above 85 to play, so instead we get vertigo
>play a normal premier game of nuke until one person started to rage hack out of no where
>entire game turns into a hackvshack
Bomb beeping sound is at a lower pitch when it's planted at B.
not an excuse
>play with stack again after a break
>get placed against a r*ssoid team where two are higher rank than us and three are several thousand elo lower
>high ranks get carried by low ranks
>only person not in their party is prefiring us constantly
>not in the party but somehow has them on his friends list
nuke that shithole
So did they just remove
>trust factor
>any kind of system that judges performance by number of hours
And expect people to keep playing this utter dogshit?

Maybe it could work, if shitholes like russia didn't exist.
Seriously, if you were to euthanized every single worthless russian today, the world would become an immeasurably better place.
The more i lay the game
The better i get at this game
The more i realize that people that i early considered cheaters due to insane headhots%, prefiring, etc were just good at the game.
I myself already started prefiring angles due to sound clues for example.
>standing still pistol round
>shoot bomb planter in head
>shoot him another 4 times or so
>36 in 2
it's honestly impressive this game is so well known for its competitive SBMM shit when the game is absolutely fucking garbage
weird how pros don't have this problem
I think you may be getting targeted - look into gangstalking
>weird how pros don't have this problem
yes they do though, are you an idiot? there are tons of clips of shit like this happening to pros in CS2 (nevermind in CSGO as well)
no there aren't
someone may have compromised your network and is uploading videos only you can see..please stay safe and start counting how many black SUVs you see in the course of a day
holy fuck NO NEVER.

I used to play without prime, have fun in online casual lobbies. Get decent kills, sometimes be in top 3 on scoreboard.

>hmm maybe I should get prime and they I can collect gun wraps
>get prime
>now the game only puts me with other prime players
>get killed on sight
>can't even get a few kills
>everyone in lobby is ded serious. No more fun

inb4 get good. Well, I play in my free time which isn't much. I'm not looking to make a career out of this. I'd rather have fun in non-prime casual lobbies than be serious GAYMER.
You just have shit ears that can't tell the difference in sound pitch
>I used to enjoy playing against blatant cheaters

I had several smurf accounts back in CS GO, and every time I needed to level them up to get access to competitive matchmaking 7/10 lobbies were full of blatant hackers.
and you have a reading comprehension problem, dumb faggot
>Game already has the solution to your bomb problem
>goes for "you don't understand me"
You fucking dumbass nigger.
Why do you defend objectively shitty design? The sound system in CS2 is fucking horrible, load up siege and compare
It's so bad

It's been months and they still haven't fixed the floatiness and input lag. CSGO was much more crisp and snappier.

I only play this game because they give me a 25 cent case for playing an hour or so.
people whining about not ranking just don't know how to win a game. no top, fragging won't always win you games, in fact i see many poeple top frag having a negative impact on the game.

yes 20% of the games are losses because your team is useless, you also get free wins when the enemy is shit. play to win rounds and you'll rank up
>play with a team of 5 in premier for the first time
>never played anything but dust 2 like some autist
>learning the maps each by playing them
>rating of 5k
>struggling to play that well
>think for a while that 5k might actually be a good rating
>look it up
>it's shit
>we're shit
>we're all shit
my dudes, I thought I was good at the game, what happened?
Just like with old ranks they didn't mean anything up until a higher bracket. Your opponents and team mates aren't going to be very consistent. Players are overall much better now.
>t. S0mple

Ratings dont mean anything until you're 15k +

Until then you'll run into teams of absolute retards, boosted fraudsters larping as pros and faceit 10 smurfs looking to unwind/test new strategies.

Then once you're 15k + half your opponents will be cheaters or they will at least be running a radar hack to have an edge against you.

Once you cross 10-12k rating you should consider playing faceit if you truly want to get better.

They help their boys and their boys learn and get better in the process. Western euros/amerimutts should learn to play in teams and quit bitching about 5 stacks.

I literally solo queued until i ran into a group of kazakhs who happen to speak some decent english on top of russian and now we 5 stack together.

I played good solo but as a team things are even smoother and you stop losing games to absolute retards because your team mates are throwing.

Vertigo boils down to who ever dominates ramp ends up winning the game.

If CT team is a bunch of retarded fucks then it's GG. On T side the only way to gain a real upper hand is to rush ramp and take it as quickly as possible otherwise you end up getting farmed everywhere else.
are these casual secrets that most people play with $10-$30 cheat software unless you go to faceit
very good. idk how these guys are getting hackers in their lobbies
low trust factor (spamming slurs and shit will get you put there) or genuine schizos that think anyone better than them is cheating and they are just hiding it really well
i get hackers when i que with one or two friends new to the game (with prime).
its not always questionable ones, it has been blatant spinbotters and people hvhing
>anyone better than them is cheating
It feels like it's this most of the time
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My pickems. M i retard>
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Not really OC, you copied this guy. >>1171372
And so did I, but I changed the first 'G'.

I wanna do a 'nigger' or 'jew' one but I am scared :(
>>1174500 This is the best one, followed by >>1189249
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i made this, but i dunno how to get a better gg without spending more than $4
How much are konfig stickers or any other player that ends in a g? Sucks that Zews never got stickers for Berlin 2019, slandering Jews would be easy.
texttostickers com
this is the site
vitality wins anon the script is written
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all of these made with both sites.
https://texttostickers com
https://csinspect com/custom-stickers
you were right. but so was I to choose FaZe against the odds.
man i cant be the only person thinking the duels in cs2 just visibly make no sense, donk runs into an angle frozen is holding and frozen's bullets go through his head before donk does the crouch of death and sprays his head off but then fucking karrigan holds an angle against donk and gets two seconds to take his head off. its still fun to watch but i feel increasingly disconnected from the outcomes when its just random shit happening
What's the fastest way to farm levels?

I just want to get my free crate
dude hes full blind and didnt move his crosshair
only comp at this point, and don't go for premier its ass
hello men i need female talent ass pics im feeling thank you
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What a shitty new operation
Good skins thou
no matter how many bot threads valve makes it will still be CS GO but ruined. toxic players no longer have global mute. no killcam replay. no new maps in rotation instead they just ruin cs italy with random fucking hallways everywhere. 10 round AWP reduced to 5 rounds and M4a1 has 20 round mag for no reason. half the game you will spend wonderinf why the guy you saw and shot first in the head multiple times only did 95 damage as he 180s and instantly kills you with 1 hit. oh yeah and the game is simply full of cheaters almost as bad as TF2 its a crappy game with basically no new content and they just stripped out a bunch of CS GO’s features
sage this autosniping thread. we must return to the purity of CS 1.6
Even this is fucked now, you can only report people for one reason after a recent update so it's either you report them for cheating or for griefing. Many griefing reports go a long way since they eventually give out cooldowns, but cheating reports seem to do fuck all.
Arms race.
do you a single post here talking about gameplay you absolute retard
Just updated to CS2, first time playing in about 3 or 4 years. Find out one of my old skins is now worth ~$1300.
What is the most reputable skins trading sites for me to cash out?
you gonna give me a cut if I tell you? no? then fuck off
I used skinport when I was selling a knife I had and it was easy enough
>boot up CS2 after watching major and remembering I used to like CS:GO
>play a gun game, get to the SMGs
>get kicked because it says I'm not connected to steam??
>queue of competitive
>team wins the last round of CT loses every other one; I was mid frag
Yup, never touching this piece of shit again.
How is the matchmaking that fucking bad?
mathcels realized they were being exploited and have left the games industry in mass so now something as seemingly simple as "make the range of actual ranks cover the entire possible range" is beyond the reach of a billion dollar gaming company and the highest rank in game right now is still around gn4 with the entire player base smooshed into the bottom handful of ranks from csgo
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echo "1" | blink sv_cheats 1
enables it in normal servers, probably works on faceit
let me get right on that
Has to be fixed by now
It's not shit though,
call me a zoomer, but having to watch everyone play for minutes at a time because I died at the round's start doesn't sound like the experience I'd want when playing vidya
yeah ranked matchmaking turns a lot of people into complete pussies so you want to take gunfights and play the game and they somehow just want to walk around and default every single round in fucking gold nova matchmaking, some people rarely even manage to leave spawn its like its a fucking hangout simulator for them or something.
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>playing Faceit
>just open because team will just stop playing for a year or two only to start again
>have two other players on my team, they're brothers and have been playing with them for a decade
>have these two other guys that roster hop and are taking this super seriously
>have played 3 matches so far
>the only one we have lost was the only one where we didn't as a team decide to throw knife round
This season so far has been so fucking funny. I bought an autosniper on our first map on Inferno and wallbanged the enemy's apartment's player. How's everyone else's season going so far?
wtf are you talking about? shut up blogposting faggot
fuck autosnipers
I just wanted to talk about the recent ESEA season. You don't... you don't play pugs only, do you?
I feel bad that you took this fags bait this is the actual thread >>1256434
After trying out Quake and Unreal (having thousands of hours in CS beforehand) I've come to realize that Counter-Strike is probably the most overrated/overhyped FPS to ever exist. I don't think it's bad, but the way in which people sing its praises with dogmatic slogans really just highlights how much of an elitist, gated pond these people are in. They think they're the only "skill based' or "competitive" shooter out there and that they're the purest form of that (completely ignorant how some of their selling points might not even be attractive or exist only to generate buzz for tournaments).

In reality it's somewhat of a Potemkin FPS. People who play it always trash on games like Call of Duty for being newbie casual games or whatever completely ignorant of the fact their game literally falls into the same boat or that it doesn't actually have as much depth, variety, or fun as they thought. There's also the reality distortion field generated by the Ponzi scheme that are the paid texture swaps.

Furthermore, CS2 as far as releases go has been way overdue and even then it clearly still is a public beta on par with Overwatch 2 (also on a somewhat outdated engine), but it's okay when the game is missing 60% of its content because Valve is the one developing it. The game going free to play (much like with TF2) also has opened the floodgates to cheaters, a problem the competition does not have. And even then, I'd still argue that TF2 is a much more fun and better designed game than CS ever was with similar staying power.
I agree that cs is hugely overrated and has too much randomness and downtime to really be the game people pretend it is. But imagine a cod baby who comes from having 20 assault rifles that all do the same thing, predator missiles and noobtubes that can kill you with no counter play, heartbeat sensors that give you free info on every enemy. Suddenly they are in a game where every weapon has a role, a ton more situations are beatable with better reactions/counter play and every piece of info is valuable and must be savored. Its not surprising that they go on to think its the messiah of fps.
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I mean sure but meh, Quake and UT have also been overrated to hell and back back when CS was new. I never enjoyed duelling. CA, was fine and CTF is either a neverending stalemate or one team getting utterly shat on, no in between.

And in general, Quake just feels like such an easy game where you can lose the tempo and never catch up because you can't really contest for Quad Red or Mega so you have to just run around and keep doing chip damage from the distance. Not to mention that some cunts would then go full pussy shit and run everywhere just to cling to that lead.

TF2 though, sorry. It's by FAR the most overrated FPS ever created.
I never played Quake or Unreal, how did you recently get into it? Did you only play the single player campaign? Were you able to find multiplayer games?
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Danger Zone
Flying Scoutsman
Arms Race
3 Death Match modes
Community Maps

Arms Race
1 Death Match mode

bro likes hearing the sound of his own voice

it was perfect, havent touched cs2 in months
And nobody played anything outside of competitive. At least in cs2 you can find lobbies for every gamemode
>And nobody played anything outside of competitive.
show me you never played CS without telling me
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Let's see paul allens inventory
nigga is faded
https://files.catbox.moe/me4rc5.mp4 holy fuck its unironically fun im so glad they killed cs go for this
so many layers of kino, imagine showing this to a thread full of hyped csgo players 3 years ago
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Yeah sure, never touched it
Premier is a hackerfest too

I think I need to stop playing competitive fps games now. All of it is compromised.
The movement and wallbanging of CSGO (and CS2) is still dogshit compared to 1.6.
>just hopped on and lost 600mr for losing a game
Putting aside the content comparison, Cs2 will simply never live up to Global Offensive circa. 2015 due to the inherent nature of the changes being made. It may get close one day but we’ll never re-live the glory days of hopping on a community server which you and a few others frequent and having fun within the distinct source:tm: environments.
csgo was the game that killed that shit, zoomie
csgo is where things started to go in the slightly wrong direction & where the groundwork was laid for what came later, but up until 2015 there was a period of time where Global Offensive still facilitated cs/css-like experiences in a more up-to-date game that hasn’t yet lost its distinct aesthetic value. I would honestly say that this ‘golden-age’ topped what came before it for the short time it lasted.
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>>1267144 (checked)
This is why I stopped playing
I top frag every fucking game and lose 500 points and only win 100 even after win streaks.
I climbed from 4k to 13k but now its fucking impossible with these point ratios.
Im done
the point movements have momentum. So if you lose 4 games in a row it will go -100/+100, -200/+100, -300/+100, -400/+100. But then if you win a game it will go back to -200/+100, and if you win again it will go to -100/+200, and so on.
this used to be true but not anymore. If I lose a single match after a 3 win streak it will put me back at losing 400 after that match
Looks clean, but why is your skin looking at me like that?
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Idk if this is a hot take, but I don't like how the fade skins look at all. Especially on knives, barring a few select exceptions, vanillas look the cleanest by far. Call me broke and seething idc, but fade gives me the same vibes as a crayon coloring of a child, when it just paints random every day items in six colors for no reason
>check my csstats, not a single spinbotter banned

This is at 20k elo
first match today i played against a new account russian hacker who was just running around corners prefiring people like an idiot, this was in gungame.

this game is utter shit
Bans don't show up on profiles right now, which is why csstats isn't showing the bans in your match history.
had the biggest % of cheaters in todays games in the longest time

never trust reddit
I don't think anyone calls gungame (arms race) a "match"
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>all the seething aimbabby csfags in the replies
>I've become wise, hear my word: old shitty arena shooters are superior to the modern tactical shooter because.... they just are
Cope and dilate
Either backup your claim or shut the fuck up
Is that supposed to be valuable? I'd rather use a stock AWP than that ugly piece of shit.
>want to become 144hz gamer
>think that all i need only 144hz monitor
>research subject
>no point in 144hz monitor if i dont get 160 fps minimum
>need new CPU
>My Mb doesnt support any decent CPU
>need new MB
>My case doesnt support new mb
>Need new case
what do people see in the movement of 1.6, you play as a midget (64 units tall instead of the normal 72) which makes the overall game feel fucked up, and i guess your character lands on his ankle every time you jump because all your speed is just gone. not to mention the lack of feedback, which isnt surprising since its on goldsrc and no goldsrc game has good feedback
1080p monitors can come in hz above 144 you can even go to 240+ if youre obsessed enough. finding stuff in 165 or 180 is kind of common
went down this pipeline when Valorant released, got a new mouse, monitor, and moved for better internet.

Been loving the Dust 2 come back, real OGs can turn this map into a serious win streak

Then comes that zoomer faggot who cries in chat for us to pick Mirage because apparently he's a beast on it and never loses

We pick it just for lulz, we get raped by a team of spergs prefiring everyone and toggling the minute they get behind on the score board, there goes my 10 games win streak. A 2-stack duo in that team, one account with zero history and comments filled with people calling him a cheater literally knowing our position no matter what and getting kills through smokes, the other guy always waiting for us somehow with the negev and clapping us.

I avoid Mirage just because that map has all the bottom barrel scum of CS, from cheaters to actual retards larping as pros yet always end up with shit stats.

Bunch of fucking retards in this game

You guys were saying the exact same shit when CSGO changed the meta completely from CSS back in 2012. Eventually CSGO's meta became fun and people started really getting into it 2014 onwards. It took a good 3 years for CSGO to become a top tier game, before that you had a shit esports scene and people complaining constantly.

Even NIP did the longest win streak on the competitive scene in 2012-2013 with over 80 wins back to back, and teams were always abusing some kind of glitches and weapon issues to get an upper hand up until 2017 or so.

Give it time, they'll build up on it. It's way too big of a cash cow for them not to make the changes the community wants anyways.
>New Inferno is objectively inferior in just about every way to old new Inferno
>New Cache sucks compared to old Cache, neither of which are even in the game right now. No idea how New New Cache will turn out
>Cobblestone MIA, realistic chance it doesn't come back for years, if at all.
>Train nowhere to be seen
This game peaked with Operation Wildfire and it's been steadily downhill ever since.
This game fucking sucks. I have hundreds of hours in GO and CS2 and I’m still below average. I can’t even line up my shot or react in time before getting wipedout from half way across the map or get insta-killed when I try to peak. I swear spraying and tapping are basically random. Also stupid quirks like the ticks being out of sync with the guns apparently or why the bullets fire from head height (???), or why the spray pattern deviation deviates from the centre instead of the actual spray pattern. There’s nowhere to practice recoil in the game without being killed by bots/players (maybe there’s some obscure workshop map but ffs).

> If its new it automatically sucks hurrdurrrrrr

You nostalgia fags are the worst kind of retards in gaming

Worst thing is you'll be back simping in 1-2 years time when more operations have dropped and more updates have rolled out.

Nigga there's hundreds of workshop maps that take 2 minutes to install and play in to practice guns and weapon sprays.

ESL even has an official one if you don't trust the random ones and it does the job just fine.

What is it with you retards who can't handle basic tasks ?
Just watch neo in his 1.6 heyday and how he moves around so fluidly. 1.6 had way better nade mechanics, better gun balance, no cluttered maps. Only retarded people think CSGO or CS2 are good CS games. 1.6 is peak CS and always will be.
Victory for utopian forces = immortality
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Is it just me who's gotten worse after my short break, or has everyone else gotten way better?
I usually range between 8-10k in premiere, but atm I'm having trouble winning against 4-5ks
The cost of a new case is a rounding error compared to all the other expenses you're laying out there
>I have hundreds of hours in GO and CS2 and I’m still below average
bud I have 3500 hours and I'm still below 90% of premier players

Lots of smurfs, cheating is less rampant with the ban wave as a lot are scared of doing it.

12k plus elo is basically schizo play and most just want to chill in lower brackets so you have a lot of people using alt accounts. That's why you have a lot of games in 4-6k elo where you have spergs racking up 35-40 kills a game and who look like they're cheating.
The less mechanical skill you have, the faster it fades away. The good news is, you gain it back much faster.
Just go into the next game and focus on hunting fights with proper technique, you'll get it back in no time.
SG553 needs a buff, it should have 600 rpm.
Someone was calling me a nolifer in a game so I looked up his stats.

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Unironically the most fun i have had with cs ever.
>looks clean and polished
>feels snappy and responsive
>sound is amazing and you can easily pinpoint people's location
>smoke is finally useful
>lots of new QOL features
Don't care what you crabs say, this is a fun game.
cs2 fixed my hitreg and stuttering issues and now I can hold angles and hit prefires

csgo i looked like a complete retard because people could fast peek me and i had no counter

ironically this is the main problem other people have with cs2
People hate vertigo but I unironically love the util dump fest at A ramp, I love how simple supporting flashes are. Probably my most impactful rotate map with how many flash assists I get.
Vertigo is indeed the best map in every way. Anubis is second place. What is third place?
Anoobis is the shittiest map even overpass is better
I just want de_aztek and de_dust
I don't care how they balance them. I don't even care if they do
I just want my childhood maps in the pool
Nuke, my friend.
lol these fucking retards... cs went down hill after 1.3. 1.3 also had better tournaments and cash prizes than 1.6. if you actually played back then after steam and 1.6 the playerbase kept dropping immensely
>smoke is finally useful
Are you fucking retarded? Smokes were way stronger in GO because of one-ways and not being able to be blown away by frags like they are currently, not to mention they lasted longer. Only way they could have been stronger would be if they were actually solid, impassible walls.
>cs went down hill after 1.3. 1.3 also had better tournaments and cash prizes than 1.6
This, but Half Life
heh, i too feel superior for being born in an earlier year than other people
get to bed, it's a school night sonny
>off by 1 pixel from your lineup
>execute site
>get headshot
>mmm should've known that would've been a 1-way for the CTs sweaty

>wing a smoke
>zero gaps
>greys you out for a whole second when you walk through
>volumetric smokes make some smoke lineups better (e.g. mirage market window, now CTs can't just jump out and hide in it)
>can easily find your own lineups
Also it lasts 3 seconds more than GO smokes so I don't know what you're huffing.
It's basically a wall now, that's why they added the grenade interaction.
any SEA anons here? I always get put in a lobby with chinese players, they either use hacks or it's either a new account that spams the chat with weird links in chinese and english, is there any way I can stop being put in matches with them?
Set your max acceptable ping as low as possible in the settings. Also, experiment with good places to VPN in further away from China, you just need to VPN while matchmaking, after the match is made you turn off the VPN to get the best ping you can
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How every game on nuke/mirage goes:

> Team insists to pick Nuke or Mirage because apparently they always win it
> Bunch of weird ass eastern euro trash who can't speak english
> Zero comms
> They just go for kills and have zero tactics or game sense
> Everyone running around like headless chickens
> 2 of them always try to use the scout but can't get kills the whole game
> We just get farmed all the way
> One harassing me all game to see my skins instead of focusing on the game
> As we are losing 10-2 they start sperging in chat ''idiot team'' while they were basically throwing all game
> I lose 300 elo in one go

Why do i even solo queue at midnight in EU servers ? Jesus fucking christ
Heh, so this is what it's like for the other side. Shouldn't have lost the coin flip.

EU servers tend to be better quality than NA but mid week at night time you get all the spergs and retards from trash tier countries like ukraine, russia, lithuania, etc playing at the same time it seems.

Basically just a toxic fuck fest where no one actually tries to win.

The trade off is if you 5 stack during those times you basically farm elo like crazy because you'll run into absolute mongoloids. Even the cheaters suck go figure lol.
Late night EU soloqueing is fun, and it's very easy. Just VPN to Portugal while searching for a match. Then turn off the VPN after the match is made.
whatever you do dont join australian servers
1) full of cheating chinks just like SEA and
2) we dont want more laggy gooks in our servers as it is
This is just too annoying in cs2, I was only MG in csgo and in cs2 it feels like every game im either the retard dragging my team down or playing with 4 literal silvers who I need to show how to throw a flash for a long
Do they have hidden release shedule or similar so i know for how long i must fuck off before i can play dangerzone again?
I've been selling my case drops for like 5-6 bucks on the steam market and it's hilarious how much people are paying for a CHANCE to get something. I bought Mullet Madjack and Homeworld 3 (which sucks ass and I regret spending more 2 hours playing it) just from selling these stupid things.
OH don't worry, they got rid of CS:GO and all its content because there will be even more content in CS2! Just go to college, get married, have a few kids, and by that time CS2 might have finally implemented Danger Zone again
i hate valve so much
what cases sell for 5 USD lol?
It was so cool to see CS:GO come out when I was 14, and then see the game I loved slowly grow over the next 12 years until I was 26. I can't wait to wait another 12 years for feature parity when I'm 38.
hope it dies
me too bro, me too
I only play with bots, and CS2 bots are beyond stupid, unfortunately every major update they are getting worse, CS 1.x were the strongest, CSS were pretty good, but CS GO were dumb as fuck and CS 2 is just.... UNINSTALLED

and yes, I've played CS since 1.1 how did you tell?
>I only play with bots
this seems like a really weird thing to do
I don't play with bots but the dm bots in cs2 are fucking retarded, literally minimal viable product tier shit, of course valve still hasn't hit up the one bot scripting expert guy because???
>I only play with bots
Congrats, your review of this game is beyond worthless.
Uniquely based
I do it too from time to time, but even on the hardest difficulty it's a flawless win every time despite playing r8 or deagle and scout exclusively. At least I can practice headshots this way and explore the maps in peace, but they were a lot better in GO don't know about 1.x or source
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I hate mirage but I study it the most because of how everyone loves to pick it despite being unprepared themselves.
Learn smokes. Teach the retards in your game smokes. Ticket, Stairs, Jungle. Take A.
is there a good insanely fast resource for learning these because every one i find is like WHATS UP GUYS WELCOME TO MY 40 MINUTE MIRAGE MASTERCLASS BUT FIRST RAID SHADOW LEGENDS
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I dropped this game in march because every single match had a cheater. Did anything happen to make this playable again?
This video has no bullshit. Just skip to those I mentioned.
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Imagine if people would be able to que for the maps they want to play. Chaos. CHAOS! Good thing the technology isn't here.
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>there's a guy on our team with like 2000 hours dedicated only to smg mid rushing
>enemy team is completely mindfucked
i love low ranks
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I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 guns once, but I fear the man who has practiced one gun 10,000 times.
I always vote to ban Mirage even though I like it, I just don't want to play it all the time.
You can always tell what kind of team you have based on which maps the vote to ban. Good players are going to vote to ban common maps, bad players are going to vote to ban uncommon maps.
The yprac maps used to have them though I haven't tried them on CS2 yet, I find the lineups I learned in CS:GO always work still.
>HS%: 68/80/45
My mechs were terrible so I've just been focusing on fighting properly, literally nothing else.
I'm so conscious about it now that I'm doing 180's, then taking up to 0.5s to calmly readjust and head tap. I would take triple L's so long as I don't compromise on the technique.
>>sound is amazing and you can easily pinpoint people's location
This has to be a troll post. CS2 has the worst sound from modern AAA shooter.
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>have 20 kills
>teammate in second place has four (FOUR) kills
>lose a shit ton of elo
this sucks man. i need to get learn a 1vs1 game like street fighter or something
i have like 100 fracture cases in my inventory do you think they will be worth more money soon
Yeah this is why I quit, worst matchmaking system of all time. dropped from 13k to 7k topfragging every game
Tard wrangling your team is freelo.
Got 4 randoms playing like a team every night, so long as they understand simple English.

>what if they don't listen
That's when you let the guns do the talking...

Every zoomer faggot and anime pfp schizo shits on Dust 2 and always votes Mirage no matter what. Its not even because they love the map or anything, its just because their favorite streamer/esports player loves Mirage.

The most useless and most overhyped map ever and it just attracts the biggest try hards which leads to insta loss the minute you get a team full of retards trying to play like Simple.


Avoid playing late at night, you only get eastern european trash and polish psychopaths in your games.

Get at least 1 good team mate to play with, dont solo queue.
its bad
You don't have to be good at spraying to be a good player dude
I can't spray for shit and I can still get 2nd-3rd place just knowing general knowledge
You should at least be able to hit players once, best way to practice is to just use the scout
im pretty good at aiming but hate using scope guns I'll throw an AWP away every time just give me an ak so I can tap heads
i swear almost every single game of casual i play has a cheater in it now, these fuckers get banned, instantly load up a new account and start cheating in casual to get their rank to 10 so they can get back to premiere/comp

I thought CSGO had a lot of hackers (and it did), but i looked at it in a somewhat hyperbolic way and overestimated the amount of cheaters out of annoyance. CS2 is no hyperbole, it just is that riddled with cheaters.
The only time I ever have to spray more than 6 bullets is when I'm spamming wall/smoke. Even then you can just mess it up. You're already shooting into the unknown.

If you have to spray transfer (you've already fucked up btw) just wing it.
true, this strategy works great in silver when your entire enemy team is completely uncoordinated
is there a /vm/ or /v/ or /vg/ server
can i join
do you accept newbies
Can a professional csgo team win a paintball game?
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what is the rationale behind vote kicking?
>be top scorer
>lowest scoring team mate votes to kick me
>4 yes, 2 no votes
You do know 4/2 means he was not kicked, right?
means 4 niggas don't like his ass cause he a bitch
Why do people with a knife skin always switch to it and then get caught with their knife out?
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>cs has been around for 100 years
>people still try to talk to their team when they are dead by saying stuff like "watch out he is at b!"
We're full
of shit??
based, fuck sniperfags
>i need to learn a 1v1 game
learn chess on chess.com, it's good
that guy is gonna be you in another lobby but you never complain about being a shitter do you?
>what is the rationale behind vote kicking?
>>be top scorer
>>lowest scoring team mate votes to kick me
>>4 yes, 2 no votes
stop camping and play with your team
There was a small vac wave but it's fizzled out and all the blatant hackers profiles I keep an eye on aren't banned.

Like one game had 2 spinbotters only one is banned.
Kill niggers with transformators
>the community demanded source 2 engine!
no, 3kliksphilip kept talking about it because he's starved for content because operations and new maps were so rare. Now CS2 has even *less* content than CS:GO and 3kliksphilip is making even fewer videos than before.
>playing CS2 against randoms just now
>pull out my deagle about to blast the fuck out of some shitter
>go face to face with him
>half a second passes
>he pauses
>goes away
>starts to peek instead of just 1v1 mano a mano
What the fuck happened? Do I have a reputation of being good with a deagle, or something? It confused the shit out of me, why would anyone do this? It's like, for a moment, he was a shitter just like me, then after he paused for half a second, he became scared of my aiming abilities and decided to play carefully. It doesn't make any sense.
>then after he paused for half a second, he became scared of my aiming abilities and decided to play carefully. It doesn't make any sense.
He probably realized "oh fuck it's the good deagler" and decided to be more cautious. Sometimes I'll do something like this when I know someone on the other team is really good at a particular position or weapon, I'll just fuck off somewhere else for a while.
They cannot have stewie playing. This dude looks like he's moments away from getting collapsed lung.
wrong thread, anon
>chess.com instead of lichess
braindead fucking nigger
if someone is just getting into it, chess.com is way better. lichess is barebones and you have to know what you're looking for in order to find it. chess.com has all that jewish marketing budget
>first or top three always in deathmatch
>mediocre in casual
what do?
The community always wanted source 2 after complaining how source 1 had "spaghetti code" or "engine not feeling smooth, doesn't use mutii core CPU properly"
>The community always wanted source 2 after complaining how source 1 had "spaghetti code" or "engine not feeling smooth, doesn't use mutii core CPU properly"
gamers don't know what the fuck speghetti code is. this sounds like the complaint that a dev working at valve would give, not something the end users give a fuck about.
It still doesn't stop gamers crying about source 1 "spaghetti code"
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>I shat myself again

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