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Is it worth it?
I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
TLPs are lame and gay, with krono bots and retarded redone zones.
Project Quarm has none of those issues, plus coins have weight and other neat classic shit.
But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
Do I really want to commit my time to this?
Unless you are really into Luclin and PoP era, I wouldn't commit too much time in Quarm for a few reasons:

P99 exists as a time capsule up to the Velious Era, expansions after Velious introduced a lot of quality of life things like faster travel and a bazaar that killed a lot of player interaction which was necessary before, many players agree that it ruins the spirit and challenge of the original game. Also, while not a perfect recreation of "Classic EQ", it is the closest we will ever get and is officially endorsed by Daybreak as long as P99 never goes past the Velious server.

Quarm is not officially endorsed, it is not trying to be an accurate representation of "Classic EQ", and the main dev is a tranny. All these things add up to an unstable server that could be shut down at any moment imo. If you are cool with that then have fun.

Many P99 players burnt out on the classic era so they moved over to Quarm to try something new. This makes P99 pretty comfy right now since the population is much lower than Quarm and the attitude is less competitive, in a game like EQ where everything is on a timer and spawns are finite this is a great thing. Prices are also cheaper on P99 since everything has been farmed to death.

It will be hard to avoid the autism, you probably need a certain amount to enjoy a game like this in 2024, but generally my experience on P99 is mostly chill and people don't really care how you play as long as it doesn't get them killed. I would not recommend getting into raiding though, that's where the true autism begins.
EQ in the many forms it currently exists in is a great example of how community can make or break games like this. The ideal is Daybreak starts up another Mischief style TLP server because that was fun as Hell and the people were great, but EQ just melts down the further you get into the expansions. P99 was fun as well, but the community was WAY fucking worse. EQ is not a complicated game and you don't really need to do everything hyper-optimally. There is a wide band of performance that is "fine" in my opinion, but the people on P99 acted like if you weren't picking classes/race combos flawlessly and shit or anything similar, you may as well not even be playing. That's the total opposite of how EQ was designed. The fact Quarm has a tranny dev makes me really skeptical about it. Those people do really bad with power.
>tranny dev
I played at launch and the amount of drama the tranny actually creates is unreal. There was talk about the server shutting down back then, months later I’m shocked it’s still around. The tranny dev was also too busy dilating to fix the camera issue. Do yourself a favor and avoid quarm. It’s great on the surface level but the more you play it the more apparent how awful the dev actually is.
>I played at launch and the amount of drama the tranny actually creates is unreal
may I press you for an anecdote?
>EQ is not a complicated game and you don't really need to do everything hyper-optimally.
Yes, in my experience a full group is more than a match for anything of similar level. Any extra performance is wasted.
>I would not recommend getting into raiding though, that's where the true autism begins.
Not a problem, I hate raiding.
>Luclin and PoP
I understand it's gonna take another year for the server to reach Luclin. I'll probably have lost interest and moved on by then.
I've come to realize I don't mind the autism that much. It seems mostly in the discord where people are just talking about the optimal play and shit. When actually playing, everyone seems "normal"
>unstable server
this is now my chief concern.

I used to play on P99. I think I have a level 20 druid there. I might go back there, because I'm really interested in leveling and questing in Velious (I originally quit shortly after Velious came out).
Plus I always thought it was retarded that Velious didn't raise the level cap. You're level 60 when Velious comes out, so there is nothing to do but camp mobs for quest items which is mind numbingly boring, and raiding.
If I was you I wouldn't commit my time to it. At least wait longer to see how the server does, I really doubt it'll be here long term.

So many formulas and things are busted on this server. Someone even told me if you turn on lich before you die as Necro you don't lose exp.
I can't be assed to list everything else fucked with the server but you can look it up easily.
>secrets is back with a new account with a tranny anime catgirl pfp
you can’t make this shit up, unreal
fucking kek its over Quarm trannies
Druid is a perfect first character
>new account
why? what happened to his old account?
>people are STILL seething about bards
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>Is it worth it?
I'm having a blast. Came from green. So much fun doing shit like break fear less than three groups or Naggy with four (and not being in a TLP) without being in some zerg guild to do the most basic shit. That might not be for you but I love raiding without the 70+ force, races, and retarded bots monitoring shit.
>I've played EQ a bunch in 99, and I've always wanted to go back.
Well, if you know you liked it, go back? P99 is going to have a smaller pop and be more top heavy. Your call if that's good or bad but it's still there, worts and all.
>But now I have a level 10 Druid, and the reality of the difficulty is setting in, and it has occurred to me this server is full of EQ autists. The world feels less magical with all these people talking in depth about the mechanics.
>That's EQ for you.
secrets spends more time bitching about “hate speech” and who he’s going to ban than fixing shit
because he cant fix shit. its why the camera bug is still a thing
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>the camera bug is still a thing
audible kek, still too busy dilating.
yes, the camera bug is probably a hard thing to fix (actual work)
He'd rather work on easy flashy stuff, like adding the bazaar and lapping up the adoration of his fan club in the discord.
>be me
>playing Project Quarm
>no in game map with GPS location marker
>neat, I have to actually navigate using my senses and awareness
>go to Discord to say how awesome this is
>get push back from people who say "I don't want to waste time learning the maps"
>learn that people use a parse program to have a map with GPS location marker anyway
>also learn that Secrets is working on an in-game map
>these autists don't understand
>neat, I have to actually navigate using my senses and awareness
remember you can do this with any mmo, but you seem to think its better when you and every one else is forced to do so
Are you seriously implying that a game designed around quest markers is going to provide the same level of indirect queues for travel? I wish you retards would stop bringing down the bar for quality for everyone.
these are the same retards who say "you don't have to use fast travel", but that's BS because quests in those games are designed with fast travel in mind. The devs are too lazy to add in other travel methods, so it's either sprinting across stretches of nothing, or fast travel.

But it doesn't matter, these people only care about their pixels and levels. They froth at the mouth at progression, and care nothing for immersion. They are little more than animals.
>to think its better when you and every one else is forced to do so
It's nice when everyone has a shared experience.
But I guess navigating is just a waste of time. If it impedes leveling, get rid of it. I'm surprised any EQ players still tolerates exp loss and corpse runs.
Yes, it's better to just beam a straight line from Kelethin to the Butcher Block zone line without having to pay attention to anything in game.
no, im just saying you whining that others use maps doesnt affect your own individual player experience at all.
You're simple minded. I wish I could be pure like you. How much happier I would be if I were as daft as you.
>has no argument so he just calls people retards
i accept your concession
You quite literally have already seen and refused to acknowledge the obvious logical premise and inductive reasoning, so what's the point? Easier to just call you a fucking retard. Other people who see it who aren't fucking retards will get it, you're just a lost cause.
>obvious logical premise and inductive reasoning
such as?
>have all the maps memorized so I don’t have to constantly look at the wiki or use nparse
heh, nothin personnel kiddos
>constantly look at the wiki
looking up maps is fine. the issue is the GPS marker that gives you exact position information.
You can do the same thing with the /loc command since you have no issue with using the wiki
that's a huge pita though, so I don't do it.
if you give me an in-game gps marker though, I don't have the self control to not use it so I hate it. the same way a junkie hates his fix.
so you just lack any real self control, got it
yes, I'm completely upfront about that.
But what we're talking about here is the satisfaction of finding your way in unfamiliar territory. If given the choice people will just default to using the GPS instead of learning the world, and thus miss out on a great experience.
>all secrets does is power trip in discord and flyhack around for suspicious people in game instead of fixing real issues
anyone read any of the EQ books? any of the novelizations any good?
Your fault for thinking anything else would happen on a tranny server
No but im messing around with the TTRPG books lots of good lore in there. Might GM a game one day.
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Somebody tell this disgusting fuck to take a shower god damn that is some dirty ass hair
>quarm 500 players
>p99 351 players
it's over. the looney troon killed the community
Good, it filtered out all the faggots and trannies. Fuck pop and luclin they can have it.
servers not even gonna last that long.
In the mean time it's a good opportunity to play with a leveling population through Kunark and Velious. Your precious P99 can't do that.
>servers not even gonna last that long.
i was hoping it would just to see all the people who get filtered. would also be funny to see all the people whine about how weak bst is as if if they expected anything otherwise going into luclin and pop
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Project 1999 for nostalgia and Imperium for solo/duo play with optional cheatcodes. Why would I play any of this other shit?
>solo everquest
it's a vapid experience and there are much better games you could be playing by yourself or with just one other person
Great I can group up with all the retarded trannies that cant see that the server their playing on is garbage. No, I play mostly solo or with guildies and having less pop is a good thing, EQ wasnt designed to function with servers over 1000 players.
>retarded trannies
how many retarded trannies are on the server? Is EQ popular in the transgender community or something?
theres probably like 5 but when the total pop is 300 people that seems like a lot
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Anon..., I get that you don't like trans people but please stop being so retarded.
my point still stands
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>servers not even gonna last that long.
>two more weeks
>two more months
>two more years
All mmos are popular in the trans community, and yes that includes EQ. Just go to the quarm discord and you can see tranny profiles everywhere.
I'm having fun. Wish the xpacs were releasing on 6 month schedule instead of 9.
its really gonna sink in during kunark that 9 months is way too long
Its sinking in now. Two months until The Hole? Five months until Kunark? come on now, with the current loot rates and raid instance model, no reason to keep the schedule so elongated. We know the lifespan of trannies, the server is gonna die before we reach Velious.
desu classic era is just shit which doesnt help. they should have released kunark too on launch but staggered releasing its raids and epics weapons until 6-9 months in or something instead
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No. No eq server will ever capture the feeling you're looking for.. the people have changed and are colossal faggots compared to the spirit of the online community of 99-2004. I would know, I've got max level dudes on probably every decent server.
Let's not pretend that EQ is too big to just learn your way around in... Everything before Luclin is so thoroughly explored and known already, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone opening the map for content in those eras.
Well. I dunno about that... I mean. The servers where multiboxing is forbidden and enforcement is tight, those often get very close. The main problem is when raid / group content can't be done due to low server population, if they don't rebalance content to make things soloable. EQ1 is an ancient game that has absolutely crippling and insufferable mechanical balance problems. Private servers that don't try to address that are just recreating an unplayable game. Wayfarer's soloability was pretty fun. If they rebalanced the epic 1.5 / 2.0 mobs and absolutely fucking banned multiboxing it'd be a much better server in terms of game design. After that, they'd need to kill the standard issue powertripping corrupt twats like that rotten cunt HR lady who was a mod for ages there. She probably still is. Fucking toxic as fuck.
This is some major rose tinted glasses, you probably never even had a max level character back in the day. It is exactly the same today as it was back then. The only exception was the RP servers, but the other 20 or whatever servers was the same shit.
>No eq server will ever capture the feeling you're looking for
yeah sure, but not having krono bots and retardport is a HUGE step in the right direction.
I've had more fun playing most recently (blue, green, a few of the TLPs, quarm) than I did back 1999-2003.
Yes, but it's insufficient on its own. Original EQ1 like that has absolutely fucking crippling, insufferable balance problems. It's definitely necessary to have enforced single-box, to remove the bullshit easymode stuff, yes. But they need to address the class balance problems, too. Quarm simply does not have the political will nor technical ability nor manpower to do it.
For example, look at the population distribution by class. Druid, Necro and Enchanter are by HUGE margins the most common classes. Something like 1,200+ in each of them. Meanwhile, Mage, Cleric and Bard have like 700. And everyone else has like 300. And Wizard has less than 100. Let that sink in.
It's not like EQ1 is a secret anymore. No one is under any delusions about how fucking worthless trash Rogue and Warrior are. Particularly pre-Luclin. And you still wouldn't want to single-box them no matter what era. This isn't like it was back in the day when servers were jam packed with a thousand players at your level no matter what level you are. No no no.
And it's not like it would be difficult to make HUGE improvements to class balance just with some relatively minor and simple adjustments. A lot opens up with later-era content, that's true, but also forcing us to wait for those eras to see even the flaccid class balance tweaks that Verant implemented is fucking stupid.
Bump for the quarm trannys, you're welcome faggots
I never even installed quarm after i saw an interview with the troon

I'll try to find it brb.
I don't care about her.
What I care about is that I want a single-box server... but I don't fucking want the ultra-hyper-giga-sweaty hardcore authentic accurate bullshit. The original EQ fucking sucked sloppy feces from your mother's rotten cunt. If they're gonna bother going through all the trouble of even setting up and running a server in the first place, the least they could do is the low-hanging fruit of rebalancing and quality of life shit, bare minimum. Like. It's a single hour's work to implement the changes that have become community standard for a reason. They aren't even controversial.
Just fucking ignore it dude, find a based guild
Verification not required.
I played this shit in 2001 it's one of my favorite games, trust me after kunark it sucked. I'm playing the exact same character I played back then but this time I'm max lvl solo no res with a fungi any my epic nigger we are not the same
Duel me in P99 if you want to get your shit rocked bitch
>server is named quarm but probably wont make it to quarm
sis, velious and pop are some of the best eras of eq
Ok tranny
Yep go fuck yourself
*fucks self*
What did you say faggots? I don't speak tranny
>ultra-hyper-giga-sweaty hardcore authentic accurate bullshit
well it's not that. There's tons of changes. I'm not an EQ autist so I couldn't tell you what some of the more esoteric ones are.
However, the big ones I know about are: Legacy items haven't been removed (they've been replaced with no drop versions), and spawn times have been tweaked to remove bottlenecks and such.
Keep em coming niggers I'll be here all day.
Verification not required.
Fucking pussies
My gf sucked my dick while I played p99. It was awesome.
I'm really glad I still have my dick.
>referring to a mentally deranged man as “”””””her””””””
What layer of faggot are you on?
Fucking dead air kek
Rogues and wizards are fine, just group dependent. Both provide more than adequate DPS in groups and raids in every era, and get much better each expansion. Just because they can't solo doesn't mean they aren't viable. If you want to do it all, play a necro, shaman, or enchanter and enjoy all the additional complexities. Rogues and wizards have one focus, team up and shit out damage, and they are good at that. Mages are objectively better dps in classic, but that advantage disappears quickly in early Kunark. Ultimately, play what you want and have fun. The game doesn't need class equality anyway, otherwise it ends up like FFXIV where everything is the same just with different special effects and animations.
The one where you don't fucking matter to anyone and never have so I can say what the cunting fuck ever I fucking want and you can't do anything about it unless you kill yourself. Which you should, but I'll never know or care whether you do or don't.
I don't think that's really a fair understanding of the problem. If there isn't any multiboxing (and no game / server that allows multiboxing should be tolerated), then that means you're playing that one specific character. Rogue. Wizard. Warrior. Whatever class you picked.
In a group environment, the developer might say (as you just did) "the group as a whole unit completes content just fine so what's the problem!" But that's not actually what the *players* are experiencing. They are not the group, they are just the Rogue. And their experience is just watching the chat log scroll up and waiting for someone else to put SoW on them or teleport them out of the dungeon or across the world so they can unload the three hundred pounds of trash to get a hundred plat from it. It's a garbage existence because you literally cannot actually decide to play the game: your ability to play is decided entirely by someone else. That's. Not. Fair. It's not balanced, of course, but it's profoundly toxic as well.
Players have a right to expect that their playstyle is supported and valid. Players have a right for their own decisions to determine their own experience. Players have a right for their experience to not be entirely determined by someone else's decisions.
And, *especially* in an RPG, players have a right to customize their avatar - if they don't want to play an Enchanter or Necromancer because it's not the aesthetic they want to inhabit, that's a valid and important choice. It is in fact the fundamental foundation of the entire fucking concept of the game's design.
EQ1 fails at that, especially in pre-Kunark.
Where are all the tweaks and things documented?
Ohhhhh whoa whoa whoa.... Uhhhh, no, Velious was extremely tedious and fucking boring, that's true. But that's because Velious was basically nothing but hardcore raids for groups of like two hundred people or so, and its expansions of content and class balance changes was mostly restricted to level-capped uber-raid-geared players. This is a problem that PoP had, as well, but Luclin was a good expansion.
Luclin brought the bazaar which dramatically relieved soooooo much tedium and frustration involved in the game's main bullshit: the "economy". What I didn't like was that no-trade / no-drop / lore tags became so fucking common after Kunark.
The hyper-inflation of hitpoints, damage and especially resistances was a problem that noticeably ramped up in Velious and it only became wacky in late Luclin and ran completely off into insanity in the PoP era... but only in those zones. If you keep the quality of life and balance adjustments of Luclin / PoP but you just don't bother going to those zones until it's raid time, the game is dramatically better. Not perfect, but better. AAs was one of the most brilliant additions ever made to the game, but they should have been more robustly supported and available all along the way from level 5 and up.
Project Quarm isn't gonna go full-on customized mechanical design, and that's a shame. Wayfarer's is so much better in terms of design, but the problem is that it allows boxing. And that's a hard fucking no. Thus it has a population of maybe 30 people at peak times (ten of whom are neckbeards sitting afk to catch xp potions while they're at work).
You duel your mom every night and lose. Keep your bruised little penis in your undies, cause I ain't interested in bestiality.
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This was a good troll post but you shouldn't have included valid. Too on the nose unless that's what you were going for but why ruin it.
That's not how gaslighting works, anon. You can't just call everything a "troll". It doesn't make you look superior. It just shows that you're a child.
That and the fact that you can't get over the niche MMO you spent your high school years playing instead of doing your homework. EQ1 was an absolute dumpsterfire of clumsy ad hoc chaos, amateur design mistakes, lack of content and hilariously outdated graphics and UI (even compared to 90's standards). Any server that tries to recreate that has also failed in the mandate of its opportunity. The community literally has the source code. If you want to live as a museum exhibit, play on P99. The reason you don't want to stay on P99 already betrays the insincerity of your convictions.
nice melty troon, lmao. Speaking of, your hero king troon himself is having a melty right now in discord because he’s so mentally stable.
kek holy shit.
she needs to step away from discord.
whats the melty about?
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Enchanted Loom was in discord asking a bunch of questions and being a bit bitchy. But then Secrets loses her cool and does this huge rant.
This type of behavior alone makes me feel a bit uncertain about playing on the server.
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>open a discord to the public
>be surprised when the public is spergs
>sperg out even harder on response
shiggy. when will game developers learn?
amazing how much time he spends posting on discord instead of addressing the bugs mentioned would be fixed eventually. its almost like he doesnt know how to fix things like the camera so he just monologues on discord to look like hes doing something instead
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Anon, there is no way to look superior here, we are all anonymous.

Tbh I'm a little disappointed it was just a few sentences before the mask slipped this time instead of near the end. Oh well they can't all be winners.
This irks me, that she just considers it a hobby.
She is taking on a lot of responsibility for something that is just a hobby.
I imagine it's a huge amount of work and probably not very fun. Like eventually there will probably be some huge problem to overcome, like a major crash or bug, that requires much effort to fix. Is she going to be willing to deal with it, seeing as this is all just a hobby to her?
Yes you have hit on the age old conundrum of developers liking to be paid for working on hairy unfun things. You have a razor sharp wit no doubt.
just because shes doing it for free, doesn't mean it's a hobby.
there are plenty of more appropriate terms she probably meant, but she was too hot under the collar to think about it.
It’s pretty stupid to just wave it off as just a hobby when he is raking in money from it through twitch donations. Also pretty stupid to pretend he is handling it out of the goodness of his heart. Redirects to personal donations and shittalking daybreak in discord are pretty big red flags that could almost certainly get a c&d from daybreak if someone blew it up. Based on what I’ve seen he is making no small amount of money operating the server and has specifically said all donos are going to him personally and not being used for anything server related.
>makes money off a game he didnt even create
>still gets hrt for free via the taxes of actual hard working citizens
KEK how anyone thinks this secrets guy is doing this out of passion is beyond me. its no wonder he wants to drag the server out for years because that just means more time to rake in donations but he'll play it off as he's doing it for the good of the server. unbelievable
>posting Reddit comments on alt account to farm validation again
jfc this dude is as pathetic as it gets
/ourguy/ appeared on a podcast!
>secrets begging for money on patreon now
Absolutely shameless
show some respect, he just moved with his nestmate!
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>fixing camera
>working on Valentine's Day Event

Many such cases in game development. The devs want to work on fun and easy stuff that provides very obvious changes that people will talk about.
cant say i blame him. if i was a talentless hack making money off a 24 year old game i had no hand in developing, id do the same thing
>it’s another pity party validation farm episode
lmao trannys really are something else
How goes everyone's progression Still driving towards 50? Working on your planar set? Hunting a specific rare item still? Leveling your fifth alt? Or just raidlogging/breaking til Kunark?
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So started playing after luclin back in the day, and am unfamiliar with some of the classic dungeons. What's the best way to learn how to get places in Lguk? Seems kind of dangerous if you don't have IVU. I wanna start grouping here, but am embarrassed that I don't know the zone acronyms or how to navigate the dungeon.
I think there are some guk walkthroughs on YouTube. Pull one of those up and watch it, but more importantly, try to follow along on a zone map. This is the fastest way to learn a zone without actually being there in person.

But really, if you do get a group in lguk I'm sure they'd be willing to send someone to come and get you.

I myself leaned lguk by playing on the Dark Exile server. It's an easy server that you can solo most non raid content on. So I just did a bunch of running and killing in lguk getting all those rare items I never got back in 99.
>What's the best way to learn how to get places in Lguk?
People will 9/10 send someone to get you. It's just assumed people either only sort of know it or knew it 20 years ago and that's not reliable.

Harder part is not getting lost in upper guk getting there unless you try to just wing lguk with a map. You'll die then.
the most retarded thing about the classic EQ scene to me is how performative the 'classic' really is. we can't have ingame maps because that's too casual, meanwhile literally everyone uses the parsing maps anyway. why can't i just fucking have an ingame map? it's bullshit.
>meanwhile literally everyone uses the parsing maps anyway
I don't. It's fucking retarded.
Pull up maps on a second monitor and figure it out. It supposed to be an adventure.
>Harder part is not getting lost in upper guk
dude just follow the right wall
I don't think there is a document, because Secrets is just doing this as a "hobby" so she can't be arsed.
Never played before and looking at p99, what's a good solo class/race combo to learn the ropes
I just got my Druid to level 37, and I'm also leveling a Necro alt, which is now level 25.
I'll probably still be on my journey to 50 when Kunark comes out, which will be great because Kunark has tons of leveling opportunities.
Play Quarm. Way more active, higher population, fewer cliques, progression over the next few years. Shaman, druid, and necromancer are good starter classes. All three can solo very well. All three can group. Pick whatever race you thinks look the coolest.
for me, it's the necromancer.

melee classes like the rogue, warrior, paladin, and Shadow Knight are very gear dependent and can be rough starting without any money from another char to buy stuff.
druid, necro, mage are solid starts. don't listen to that retard and try to play on Quarm. it's a tranny server.
>it's a tranny server
there are trannys involved, but it's not a tranny server.
Tranny detected. Take one look at them lapping his ass juice In the discord and tell me it's not a circle jerk.

I'm still pissed and will remain pissed
stupid nigger won't restore characters. Cockblocked me out of classic items. Fuck you secrets I hope you get raped in jail after the inevitable cp leak and your server burns to the ground bitch.
i was toying around with the server, it's an interesting idea but it has such a funserver mentality. is it still some kind of challenge if you do like a self-imposed 'classic' challenge or something?
>the guy who deleted his character
bro you gotta move on lmao
I can’t believe you are still mad about that, you are just gonna have to accept that quarm blew out p99 and nobody cares that secrets is a trans besides you. Respect her.
why did he delete his character?
He's a retard. Also this is probably the only case in history where the tranny doesn't promote his fetish or groom the user community, at least not yet. So enjoy it for now.
why did you delete your character?
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>why did he delete his character?
Accidentally deleted it drunk during cr in guk while attempting to log in after dying.

Not going down the rabbit hole for the details again but there was massive amounts of autistic shrieking and this was maybe four-five months ago. Secrets and co wouldn't restore it.
>Secrets and co wouldn't restore it
dang they should have just restored the character. doesn't seem like a big deal
probably dont know how. its why the camera is still bugged
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>dang they should have just restored the character.
Maybe they would have if god's special little creature was capable of not always ranting and stirring up shit. But he isn't and they didn't and Quarm is better off without him.
it still informs all his other decision making (whining about users chatting among themselves using "slurs" - his tranny head admin does the same and both of them brag about banning users over it, not in the context of tickets or /ooc moderation either) and his mental state. for all my issues with p99 at least Rogaan and Nilbog are regular guys, there's a pretty low chance of them flying off the handle and doing something crazy due to being in their 30s and going through a second puberty or anything like that.

that video from awhile back from another tranny complaining he couldn't get other people banned because he didn't like their political opinions was pretty funny though. Secrets isn't that bad but as a general rule i avoid anything those people touch.
Nobody cares, you lost. Trans rights are human rights.
Nobody cares, fag. Keep your fetish to yourself.

Aside from that, what camp is everyone looking forward to most in The Hole?
it obviously matters to this guy because he is obsessed with talking about secrets tranny cock as much as possible
>only one person thinks trannies are weird and gross
you wish Narcissa
>Nobody cares
I care.
I went to ask a simple question in this server's server (partially because some required files were in the fucking stupid discord, so may as well extract further information) and he went on and on about how he was creating le perfect EverQuest recreation NO POOPSOCKING for WORKING, FUNCTIONING ADULTS and his worshippers went on to praise him for it. I almost like some of the ideas the server has but I don't know how I feel about this. I think I'll stick with P99 for now. All of the interest around this to me just seems to be drummed up by people bored from P99 looking for a new fix and because it's new. Really, I just wanted to go on some Planescape adventures.
Did he fix the camera bug yet? What about the fucked agro?
imagine wasting the immense amount of time it takes to level up a character in fucking Everquest of all games in a server run by not one but TWO trannies. i honestly can't even fathom being so cavalier with my time like that. either you're going to get banned or the server is just going to disappear one day, likely after the tranny admin inevitably hangs himself.
im quite literally a member of parliament
>the server is just going to disappear one day,
People are just jealous that secrets is making money off of quarm and they aren’t. That’s all it boils down to. Don’t even waste time responding to them.
People PAY to play on a troon server? Holy shit that's even worse lmao. A fool and his money...
Is Shards of Dalaya worth playing on these days? The custom content looks interesting, but it seems like a ghost town.
no, unless you have a lot of friends to play with. the custom content forces you to do a main storyline that you dont care about just to unlock end game areas. there are like 100 people still playing and 1/3rd of them are complete faggots
I played enough to get a full set of Rubinstein, manastone ect on launch. Fun community and stuff, but there's only so much EQ I can play without getting burned out for a couple years.

With Monsters and Memories on the horizon I'd rather just wait instead of going from one grandfest to the next
This game looks pozzed as fuck.
>Nigger fanfiction "Erudites" are the most intelligent race in the game
>Female stats EXPLICITLY the same as male
Why do you losers play this? Play the white man's game, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
except erudites are one of the worst races in the game which youd know if you actually played it
Not my problem tranny
Well, that doesn't sound too bad, and I do have someone to play with. It really sucks about the forced main storyline though, that's kind of the thing I liked about EQ is that there wasn't any of that nonsense, but I can tolerate it. Is there anything else to be wary of? I saw someone while leveling and they just ran away immediately...
>Is there anything else to be wary of?
its better that you go in blind because one thing i did like about sod is that it managed to make everquest feel new again even though they just repurposed existing zones.
there is a wiki just in case you need it, which you probably will since they have moved basically everything around
>Someone even told me if you turn on lich before you die as Necro you don't lose exp.
I looked that up in the discord, and apparently the char was only in his low 30s. that is really not a big deal. it's not like he lost a 50 fully planar geared character.
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>I know now as an industry member
delusional tranny reaching new levels of delusional
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maybe Secret's and Co should have a confirmation box for the delete button? What a total fucking shit show.
>but but but we're just volunteers doing it for free!!!
yes, and it shows.
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>in mistmoore
>waiting for CE group
>get into CY group
>we wipe
>do cr and rezes an shit, ready to go back in
>get tell CE group saying they have room for me
>decline, as I have a group
>5 min later everyone in my group decides to part ways
retarded ass game
>being loyal to strangers on the internet
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up to $200 a month now, eq players really do have brainrot
>makes $200/month toward server fees hosting an emulated EQ server
>thinks that means he's in the gaming industry
Quarm has only made me come to truly appreciate the P99 staff.
Secrets doesn’t pay for any of the server related stuff, the server is bankrolled by someone else. He just manages it.
is that legal?
I feel like these types of projects make it VERY clear that they don't accept donations or payments.
He does make it very clear that donations do not go to the project and instead go to him personally for existing.
Did y'all enjoy the 25th Anniversary event?
I got two boxes and Abubkar
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>better mask up because of COVID lol nothing to do with my mannish jaw line.
Imagine seeing this and thinking
>Yes I want to invest hundreds of hours in building a character on a server hosted by this abomination
He’s still got that same greasy unwashed for months hair. God damn this dude is repulsive af. You are going to a convention ffs at least have some decency for the people that have to be near you.
Is this how you live your life? Yeah, Everquest devs in 1999 were thinking of "pozzedness" and "wokeness" jesus.
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that's actually pretty cool
Jesus, Secrets just do everyone a favor and detransition. I know you read this. You aren't fooling anyone and it's extremely cringe. You'd get a lot more respect and being off the meds would enable you to get a lot more done.
>game preservation
sounds like it's going to project quarm
you can read all about it on his twitch and in the quarm discord if you don't believe me, or you can just be wrong ig you do you
he probably did wash it but it looks like shit because he never got maintenance cuts while growing it so its a wrangled mess of split ends
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friends who do nothing but play everquest that always say this is there last time playing everquest just started playing everquest again on this quarm shit. Its some classic hyper-spawning item cazic thule rubicute boosted shit with instances for the raids. Am told its going to be in classic for six plus months or some shit. I aint raiding cazic thule for bloodfires and plane of sky which has only five items people want which never drop meanwhile the one hundred other shit items nobody wants only drop.
Cool story. Kunark starts in 3 months. Quarm is basically a longrunning TLP without boxing and without microtransactions.
>without boxing and without microtransactions
and without the gay ass redone zones and kronobros
>is it worth it
>i played
and that time has passed
see above
>none of these issues, commit time etc
you will and youll waste your time
t. max on literally every server except shards of dalaya
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>you will
I will what?
He’s farming pity points again, and of course people are falling for it. Lmao.
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don't forget to donate so him and his tranny boyfriend dont have to move back in with his parents!
Should I play P99?
I've never played EQ before but I've played some similar games like FFXI.
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already up to 5k in 24 hours, this tranny's grift game is on point. either that or eq players are just fucking retards not sure
at first I was hesitant to start up on Project Quarm because I was worried about Secret's stability.
now I feel like it's an ethical dilemma.
I'll of course not donate to this, but I feel like playing on the server is passively supporting this.
he had to dead name himself to use GoFundMe. the oppression is real eqsisters
If you play on this server you should feel immense shame.
>secrets extorting his servers player base
who could have seen that one coming
If he an heroes I'll just take that as a sign from God it's time to play something else
i play on quarm, p99, live, and eq2 and am having fun. level 22 on quarm, 34 on p99 (just got past 30 after like 3 years), and got to level 30 last night on varsoon. the origins server sounds cool af for eq2, but the eq1 tlps sound like there's no reason to play them over quarm/p99.
>EQ2 origins server
>“When last I spoke of it, I explained it is not like any TLE’s before it, and now I will explain why. This new server will be called the Origins Server, and it will take you way back to old school EverQuest II from back in 2006! We’ll start in The Shattered Lands era (no expansions unlocked), and you’ll get to experience the look and challenge of the classic world of Norrath. The seas have calmed enough for sea faring to resume, and you are plucked from the waters by none other than Captain Varlos. Soon you will find yourself on an island and then given passage to your racial neighborhoods in Qeynos or Freeport. Systems will seem less complex, stats and gameplay will be reflective of the 2006 era, and there will be more focus on grouping with that old school MMO feel! If you did not have the chance to play back then, or just want to revisit for nostalgia, then this server will be on your list to play. Beta will begin on May 2, 2024.”
wtf a true classic EQ2 server? I've been waiting on the EQ2 emu for that, but I'll gladly pay $15 a month if Darkpaw can pull it off.
eh it's not gonna be true true cause a lot of that stuff was fully lost from old devs, but they're bringing back stats and old mobs and quests and art assets so until the emu can be finished it'll be the closest there can be to classic.
Kander — Today at 1:23 PM
1. There will be no spell research. There will be a 6 week beta, so make sure you participate if you have questions. We restored old art, and old hoods, we need lots of testing.

2. All stats do something, like they used to. all bosses will be original stat/buff packages. no potency, no crit, no blue stats.

3. Unfortunately, not all the code is still there, so weight was lost. No weight, weight is unfortunately, gone.

4. So as to unlocks, none of that has been decided, but we did put in new forums, so now we will be able to poll and discuss unlocks before we launch.

5. There wil be a marketplace, but it will be very limited. It will not be free trade.

6. This server is on its own depot. Meaning, it cannot be affected by Live, at all. It literally has its own patches, etc. We've never done this before, so the server exists entirely separate from the rest of the game.

7. Freeport and Qeynos are back to old school. Old quests are back.

8. no persistant instances, its old school.

9. No subcombines. The current build is right after we took out subcombines for crafting.

full list! not full classic, but close enough for me right now. I'm excited! I never got to play the original eq, but the emu still feels years away, so this will do me fine until then
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I sold my box for virtually nothing because I'm new and didn't know there was a 30 day lockout from picking another one up.
just buy one from another sucker who doesn't know about the 30 day lockout
will it have the cash shop? if so then that's a no from me dawg
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Is negro racist?? that's a new one to me.
keep playing on a literal tranny server tho. you're definitely not going to have all those hours of investment stolen from you one way or another (42%)
It doesn’t matter whether or not it’s racist, it only matters if king troon thinks it is. But honestly you deserve it just for being dumb enough to play on project tranny.
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more proof of that the "slippery slope fallacy" isn't a fallacy.
gypsies are white, therefore nobody cares. thats the real answer that you will never get from virtue signalers. hope this helps
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Secrets kinda based ngl
well yeah, but the problem is if you get enough virtual signallers together they can cause all kinds of trouble.
You can always tell which pserver owners are mentally stable because they immediately and always threaten people with bans over everything.
the gypsyposter won
yeah westoids are a bunch of retards they don't know or care that there's no spanish word for nigger so negro means both black and nigger depending on context. some years ago a gm perma banned a spanish guy from a vanilla wow private server because his name was hierronegro (black iron) it was so funny but yeah... really makes you think
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what a fucking bot.
anti-racism just gives people an excuse to behave badly. they don't care about the issue, they just want to exert power while also telling themselves they are virtuous for doing so.
Playing Teek when that shit comes out. Daybreak definitely pulled their head out of their ass making another Mischief style TLP. They should slow the expansion releases down as well while they're at it.
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this is completely fucked.
here is the nearly ideal EQ server. It's early in it's lifecycle so it isn't top heavy, it's not a TLP, et cetera
BUT, it just happens to be run by this person.
Played a bit on p99, currently level 10, worth switching to Quarm? P99 is a bit dead, it's super boring to level solo.
of course, anything to remove your whiny ass from p99
>worth switching to Quarm?
>P99 is a bit dead
it's the same on quarm. quarm release just splitted the already low playerbase so now you have 2 servers with 1.5k players let's goo!!
>it's super boring to level solo.
there are players on the most popular zones (on both servers) all the time. butcherblock, crushbone, ro, blackburrow, mistmoore, etc
can any p99 bros talk to Rogean and Nilbog and have them talk to Secrets so she stops being so retarded?
she needs to take a step back from being such a public figure. just run the server and be cool. no one gives a shit about your personal life and potential indie game projects.
oh, and stop perma banning people for no reason.
no, your server doesn't have racists in it. people pushing back against the gypsy thing isn't racism. it's just people calling you out on your bullshit.
>They should slow the expansion releases down as well while they're at it.
would be nice.
unfortunately they are going in the opposite direction by having Kunark on launch.
I wouldn't mind too much, but Velious is getting released 4 weeks later...
bold of you to assume the server was ever made for anything other than power tripping and grifting the players. but then again you are retarded enough to buy into the tranny delusional so it isnt that surprising
bold of you to constantly post retarded shit.
you sound like a gypsy.
>worth switching to Quarm?
Yeah man you should totally switch from the server that has been around forever with as normal a staff as you will probably ever get on an MMO pserver to go play on a brand new server run by a literal tranny and his tranny boyfriend. That's a great investment of your time. Dumb nigger.
nice bait faggot
you sound like a gypsy faggot
go on! scam me out of my money with some magical beans you gypsy juggler
you will never be a woman
you will never be a gypsy
are they confirmed to be mischief rules? thank god they are starting with kunark
the funniest thing about the gypsy controversy is that everquest is an inherently racist world. next youre gonna have people whining when shadow haven shopkeepers refuse to sell to dark elves while telling them to get lost lmao
>next youre gonna have people whining when shadow haven shopkeepers refuse to sell to dark elves while telling them to get lost lmao
That one dude complained about gypsy because it's a real world "slur". Racism amongst the game's races isn't an issue.
But it's disheartening to know that these people inhabit our communities. This fucker is probably feeling pretty emboldened since he got gypsy changed.
The real kicker is that king troon has proven yet again that he is an unstable overreactionary by immediately caving to the crying and changing gypsy in game and then banning anybody who dares to talk about it or question it. But yeah, switch to quarm guys the server is in good hands. And don’t forget to donate to his patreon and gofundme because he can’t hold down a job! Which he whines about in discord all the time like a totally normal person!
>don’t forget to donate to his patreon and gofundme because he can’t hold down a job!
id be willing to bet he has income, he's just extorting his player base because if they dont donate then it puts the server in jeopardy.
Ding 50!
every private server playerbase always plays the discord more than you lost the game lol
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>But it's disheartening to know that these people inhabit our communities run by a literal troon
yeah it's so shocking
why did the April 1st event last for like 2 weeks?
I can't imagine how long an event for a real holiday will last.
I'm going to be honest, I went into this blind. And I got filtered immediately. Made a character, tried to WASD movement and I end up auto attacking the npc in front of me. Died and got sent to gods knows where. Also when moving left or right there's no animation for strafing so it just slides and looks really weird.
you auto attack with Q. download duxaUI to make the game more decent for a new player, equip your weapon, find your class trainer and give it your noob quest item to get a robe or something. then you can start killing mobs also kill some skeletons and loot their bone chips for a low lvl quest. butcherblock and greater faydark are the best areas for new players
>t. started playing this game in 2023
why are prices so inflated on this server? are people exploiting/botting and gm doesn't notice?
what prices? the reasons are many and varied.
for example, spells are inflated because everyone got their alts up during the 2 week April 1st event.
In contrast, the paw of opalla is relatively cheap because of increased spawn and drop rates.
Quarm turning into a more custom, add-on ridden shithole every day. Classic my ass.
what's new? I haven't been on for about a week
but from day 1 every person involved with development said there would be changes, that was literally the thing secrets said before release and every other dev also said in the discord/on takp
I just checked the patch notes and there hasn't been any classic altering changes. what the fuck are you talking about?
Or did you just want to post anti Quarm propaganda?
You mean deflated? Everything is super cheap.
Currently lvl 25, still didn't find anyone to play with or a guild, getting tired of solo killing mobs all day long. I can see a lot of merits that this game has over vanilla WoW or any other modern mmos but it's just not worth playing if you're a new player imo. The party was 25 years ago and you missed it.
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>Or did you just want to post anti Quarm propaganda?
This has just been about three anons bitching about quarm for a long time, lol.
Nothing more.
But they could at least go back to sharing memes on discord where their friends are instead of adding more garbage to the catalog.
t. troon
if someone wanted to spread anti-quarm propaganda all they would have to do is post screenshots of literally anything king troon posts on discord. there's no reason to even make anything up. also don't forget to donate to his patreon and gofundme which he was kind enough to remind everybody about just recently!
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>there's no reason to even make anything up
>except the population
>except targeting not being fixed (fuck, it's better than p99 at this point)
>saying the prices are inflated when they're literally the opposite

There is even a confirm button for characters now, in case you're a drunk retard that fixates on that for months after getting the digital Darwin award.

You guys are nice enough to give each other reach around at least, right?
It could be the best EQ server ever on a technical level. It's still run by a mentally ill troon who will rug pull your unhealthy amount of time /played one way or another.
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>It could be the best EQ server ever on a technical level.
Which it actually slowly is becoming but don't tell the people that deleted their character or got banned that. Just keep regurgitating something about targeting ad nauseam.
>It's still run by a mentally ill troon
True, as the anons here that are more obsessed with talking about troons MORE than the discord server literally run by one. No need to be salty you fags can't afford HRT also
>who will rug pull your unhealthy amount of time /played
Let's talk about that last one and other EQ servers because it's the most retarded point and quickly becoming the only one. The alternatives:

TLPs - Khrono with a population that dies annually run by a company that will stop running eq and maybe shutter the IP if it doesn't prove popular enough (with an aging population/market that's shrinking, not growing)
Other emu servers with populations less than a house party
Other EMUs with populations less than a house party.
TAKP if you want to box with the dozen other people who want that but not live cancer
That closed source server in some New Jersey basement kept afloat by benefactors that might as well vanish tomorrow, giving money to 'devs' (cause the tranny wrote a lot of the code, lol) that can't even be bothered to say 'dude trust us', with players that epitomize unhealthy played time*

All the while shitting up the only everquest related spot to post on /vm /v

*Ironically more people on p99 will 41%** themselves when the server shuts down than the tranny server
**can any of you tranny posters seething here let us know what the accurate % is I don't keep up like you do

Stop being fags bigger than the actual fags running things and actually talk about EQ
It really isn't a game for anti-socials or zoomers. You have to put yourself out there socially, be willing to travel and find open groups, and accept that you aren't always going to get a group every time you look (especially if you are a ranger or wizard).
On the discord there is a guild channel with lots of guilds recruiting, just tell any of them you are interested and I'm sure they'd bring you in. However just being in a guild doesn't guarantee a group, especially as most players are waiting for Kunark at this point.
Regardless, make sure you put /lfg on and travel between Mistmoore, Unrest, and Upper Guk (the best spot IMO). There are other decent spots around that level (Paw, Solusek A, Permafrost) but they are gonna be much less populated. Put in /ooc that you are lfg with your class name.
dude is literally trying to farm sympathy right now by lying about thinking he has cancer for the past 2 days. and his profile status is still him begging for money. cough it up paypiggy, you dont want anything to happen to quarm do you?
secrets is a fag but he never claimed quarm would be true to classic and even insisted you play p99 instead for that
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Just a few fags in here out fagging the fag server owner by making shit.

You hate to see it happen.
And you play where?
Jay and Silent Bob's Jersey server people that spend 8 hours staring at a spawn point on discord that's not ever in danger of shutting down because 'reasons'?
An emu with a dozen people?
Spending Khrono? Don't be coy we know you don't have money to spend.
Giving money to fags is par for the course and if you're not doing it others on your behalf are.
im a new player and having a lot of fun on quarm ;[ I've only gotten to level 14 but I've been role-playing an overly pompous and cynical half-elf paladin who became jaded from years of not being accept by his elf nor human relatives. He also refuses to group with trolls, because even though he's a haffu, he refuses to debase himself to that level.
>Jay and Silent Bob's Jersey server people that spend 8 hours staring at a spawn point on discord that's not ever in danger of shutting down because 'reasons'?
Nice strawman. Of course there's a possibility of any server shutting down, even officials. Comparing a server that has been around for several years and is run by relatively normal people vs a new server run by a mentally ill troon and his troon boyfriend it's clear where you're better off investing your time.
Back in 1999 the Druid was one of the best rounded classes
>Is negro racist?? that's a new one to me.
Yes the Spanish language is extremely racists. No spics allowed
I'm level 50 Necro now.
I've soloed, grouped, gone to all the dungeons, won a FBSS and other rare items, farmed other twink gear, made thousands of platinum, did my Temple of Sol quests, and joined a guild.
What more is there to do other than raiding? Raiding seems largely pointless to me.
idk seems like you have the game pretty figured out
Now you can prostrate yourself before King Troon and become a good pay piggy until he 42%s himself or the server
the server could evaporate now and I'd be fine with it. I've gotten my classicish EQ experience.
I guess I'll come back when Kunark comes out and get 60 and experience all those zones.
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>the server could evaporate now and I'd be fine with it. I've gotten my classicish EQ experience.
Same. I've seen more classic EQ, notably raid encounters, on Quarm then I ever did on p99, for example. Quarm could vanish tomorrow and I'd have had more fun than the alternatives.

And done them without a hours of being in discord with screaming autists that spent last ten hours taking shifts watching spawn points to kill something with 2-3x the numbers necessary.

Notice that's not talked about. Just 'Muh troon'
nobody talks about it because nobody cares about welfare pixels. also wtf do you mean "notably raid encounters"? how many raids do you think there are in classic? do you mean notably more than 0? lmao
>welfare pixels
Most people consider racing cancerous, anon, and it's the biggest issue complained about on p99 I can think of. The ra- I mean 'end game.'

I mean, they are sort of welfare pixels when you do encounters with 2/3x the numbers, amirite?
Based on the longevity of p99 it must not be that big of a issue
Based on p99s population numbers it must be a huge issue
there are 1500 players on p99 right now, are you mentally handicapped my good sir?
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Think he means over time, dur.

You'll note May 2023ish population blue/green (lol excluded rd sorry) is combined 2390 on best day.
And last week in May it is 1625.That's 32% of it's population.
Or to put it another way p99 is minus 765 people since last year. The steepest drop being when Quarm came out.

Quarm has also lost a lot of folks over 7 months but it's never been as low as either blue or green (independently, at least) and Quarm is expected to experience an increase with Kunark. Those players never returned to p99 in any significant number. Do you expect them to return?
People are burned out on playing the same content over and over again? Wow that's crazy.
>Krono will not be able to be consumed, traded, or sold on an Origins server.
holy shit I never thought they'd actually do this. I'm all in on the EQ2 Origins server now.
hate to break it to you bud but i already have the private discord set up for RMT with krono. there's nothing in the game to detect what is a fraudulent or legit trade, and a lot of the major exploits are known and are being kept private. by all means play, but it's going to be another mischief tier explosion of p2w.
I'm late to this thread, but May 22nd a new prog server comes out, and in June a prog server comes out for EQ2 that I'm really looking forward to

I work 40-50 hours a week, have a girlfriend I spend my weekends with, and exercise for an hour and a half everyday

With all that being said I'm looking forward to jumping back into the games even casually; been considering just subbing for a year even if I barely play the games

I make about 85k a year which isn't fuck you money, but it's enough money to where a $15 a month sub isn't going to break the bank for me.
yeah no shit there will be third party RMT. that's every MMO ever.
no, I don't think you understand. the level of exploits that are being kept secret make the mischief krono dupe look like a small known shippable. krono will still be the main currency of choice, just kept hidden. basically, there is a method to duplicate plat from trades in a specific area under specific conditions with a little client side undetectable modding. that's all I'll say, since I don't wanna risk it getting patched.
uh huh
>since I don't wanna risk it getting patched
why not? it'd be better for the game if it was
>do you mean notably more than 0?
wdym? classic has like 5 raids. my guild raids 4 nights a week, so yes you can get significantly more raids than the 0 you'd get on p99.
Well you see he needs to cheat for an advantage at a 20 year old PvE game
incorrect, i cheat for profit. since EQ1 and 2 have next to no moderation its incredibly profitable to spend a few hours cheating to sell the results to old people desperate for an advantage. in case you were wondering *why*, it's because on average everyone involved in the krono dupe fiasco made minimum $800 for next to no effort on our part.
you're making the world a worse place
Cool. I screenshotted all your posts to send to Daybreak. I'll probably also post it on the reddit and forums.
nta but the mischief dupe didn't really do anything so meh
he’s begging and cringeposting again, don’t forget to donate quarmsisters!
> but the people on P99 acted like if you weren't picking classes/race combos flawlessly and shit or anything similar, you may as well not even be playin
That's the result of a community playing 2 1/2 years worth of content over the course of 15 years.
Sadly I believe you since I just got back into EQ2 after a 9 year hiatus. I had 14,000 plat and now I have 600,000,000 plat from selling shinies on the broker since shit goes for 5-50m. What happened to that game is a crime.
I see no reason to get upset with you, because ultimately this is entirely SoE/DBG's fault.
ultimately me cheating does not impact the average player, i only brought it up because of the "no trading krono" post. krono will absolutely be a factor it'll just be traded on other servers, the duping will likely be patched faster than the krono dupe as it's not exactly hard to pull off. I don't envision a world where this effects anyone but someone trying to race to be #1.
Old EQ GM here during the classic years and into Luclin/PoP (I was done by the start of PoP I think). I don';t know much about recent EQEmu servers like this aside from P99 (which may or may not be what you're seeking ), but more options are always welcome with different experiences. Maybe Quarm is worth it maybe its not

I was always a fan of Shards of Dalaya though, a smaller but completely custom server. Its basically like someone took all the assets of EQ and then reassembled them in a completely different way so its a fresh experience. Zones that used to be cities are dungeons and vice versa, custom NPCs etc...and it really gives the "fresh to EQ" experience when I played it, so it isn't like you've got a million multiboxing bot tards out there yelling about the meta. Check it out sometime
>Maybe Quarm is worth it maybe its not
it's not
sod is a straight up dead box nowadays
Why so? I mean, I remember it being administered well, they didn't give donators some insane benefits that would make it totally imbalanced like some servers where only they can run bots/multibox'd etc, instead just a couple of tokens. Maybe more people want a traditional-ish EQ experience or something, but it seems like if a handful of anons wanted to try something new they could easily be in the top tier with even 100+ average users etc.
hi shawn
The last remaining holdouts went to quarm. 12 people online right now on a multibox server….. yeah stick a fork in it
sod is as washed up as it gets. the only people still playing are mazed beyond belief
Why would they go to Quarm if that's a primarily standard Luclin/PoP tech/era normal server, compared to SoD basically building something completely different than the instructions using the same lego set?

That said, I figure unless they totally shit the bed in the last year or something, it would be a good candidate for a bunch of anons looking for something different than typical MMOs to give it a try. I'm guessing they're not advertising or the newest hottest thing or have a bunch of streamers pushing it, but i imagine that it would only take relatively few people who had a good time there unless they fucked up the management or balance somehow since I remember playing there.
I’m new to P99, which server should I play on to have the best chance at finding groups to level?
Quarm for sure. Get in and have some fun before it disappears or everyone moves on.
I got my Necro to 50 and it was a ton of fun, apart from the fact that every time I see the word "Consortium" it sucks me back into the real world and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Great thing to have in a fantasy MMO game 10/10 very cool (sarcasm)
Avoid Quarm. It's run by a troon and his troon boyfriend.
Nigga, what?
The troon replaced all references to gypsies with "consortium" because it was racist or something
He reverted it back to Gypsy. Also I think he is detransitioning, he admitted he was just crossdressing and not an actual woman. Idk he's still a head case but Quarm is the best server out there currently.
Seems unlikely considering he changed his pfp to his tranny face, why are you trying to run interference for troons?
the gofundme goal has been doubled quarmsisters, hop to it!
Daily reminder that you can play on this server without interacting with or giving any money to the admins
>He reverted it back to Gypsy.
no he didn't
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>replaced all references to gypsies with "consortium"
>people actually play on this server
lmao explain yourselves Quarm sisters
>replace Gypsy but not Kodiak
That makes no sense. Kodiak Bears are called that because they're from Kodiak Island in Alaska. So if they're going to remove a Earthly cultural ethnic term like Gypsy, why not that?
apparently gypsy is a slur
but you'll never hear that from a gypsy unless they are grifting for clicks and funding
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Secrets and her girlfriend need our help quarmsisters, it’s hard when you can’t ever find or hold down a job. This definitely won’t happen again in another three months for sure
Disgusting troon. Imagine playing on this abomination's server
>no he didn't
Was changed back over weeks ago.
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Three weeks ago with a post about keeping things accurate whether it's considered offensive or not.
Just bitch about the other stupid shit secrets does, there is plenty, no need to look retarded on a daily basis.
>Population is low
Imagine samefagging just to lie
Tell us more about your same-fagging and telling lies in this thread.
To be fair to you anon, as you just mash the keyboard hoping something coherent comes out, secrets did several weeks to post about it.
is this the banned from quarm retirement home thread?
You can't be banned by a troon if you never play on his server, anon.
you could've fooled me with this much seethe. do continue obsessing over trannies while i enjoy p99. or perhaps consider moving discussion to everquest.

Are there niggers in EQ or what
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>smacks lips
you tellin me
>flares obnoxiously large nostrils
you tellin ME
>starts casting Summon Fried Chicken
we sum finna
>your spell is interrupted
we wuz finna
>Police strikes YOU for 80 points of damage
weez sum
mages n shiiet
>You have entered Prison
>dmo is dead forever
was the only fun guild on the server
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You're confusing amusement with seethe, tranny lover. Imagine simping for a troon when you - allegedly - don't even play on his doomed server lmao
correct, i came here for discussion of EQ. not discussion of trannies. do you like EQ?
This is a thread about quarm, not eq. Read the op next time.
while im here for the moment, i apologize if not participating in your fetish offended you, but given the age of the playerbase and the google image/reddit filenames, I would feel comfortable to assume you're at a minimum 38, and at a maximum 50+ and dont go on 4chan often. Allow me to offer some advice, on 4chan (4ch for short), topics must pertain to the OP at hand, which is currently Project Quarm/EverQuest. Obsession over transgender individuals would fall under fetish content and therefore is off-topic. Adult to (presumably) adult, move discussion over to EverQuest, or please move on tourist.
>Project Quarm EQ Server
wherein does the OP mention trannies?
Quarm is a troon server therefore discussion of troons is on topic.
incorrect, Quarm is an EQ server. Therefore discussion and obsession over the tranny owner is off topic. Same with discussion of Nilbogs life is offtopic.
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I'll never stop reminding people whose server they're playing on. Cry about it, faggot.
based troon reminder
>posts black nigga
at least be consistent anon
Silly troon.
how about a compromise?
for every troon related statement, you also make an EQ related statement? It can be in the same post, or separate posts.
you shouldn't play on an EQ server run by a troon
how's that?
don't be coy. you know what I mean
do you actually know anything about EQ?
what's your favorite hybrid?
Can a man get pregnant?
what do you like about ranger?
You have to answer my question first.
Does a woman become a man if she gets a hysterectomy? She wouldn’t be able to get pregnant after all.
can a man get a hysterectomy?
>Why would they go to Quarm
because it has more than 50 people collectively playing it would be my guess. this is everquest after all, not a single player game.
i like the idea of sod, but the server has run its course and there is no one playing it anymore
>more people on green than quarm
Oh nonono quarmsisters what happened?
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i could hazard a guess
did something actually happen? or is it just the natural population decline because everyone is waiting for Kunark?
I think that ANYONE should be able to force a surgeon to give them a hysterectomy if they truly believe that it is necessary. Whether a person has what you call "real" ovaries or not is NOT important. How a person feels on the inside about their own TRUE self is the only thing that matters and a doctor should NEVER have the right to refute that.
it's been in classic for like the better half of a year, people got bored.
I only watched Quarm on twitch streams, so I'm not sure
But are / were the drop-rates of uncommon and rare drops set to 100%? Such as the manastone?
I thought that was incredibly lame and showing a lack of understanding about EQ
Instant gratification wasn't part of that and the audience still playing EQ 2 decades after would have moved on if they wanted that
People realized the server owner is a ticking time bomb so they decided to stop wasting their valuable time there.
even with a 100% drop rate on a select few items, the game is still far from instant gratification. It just goes to show you how badly the original devs fucked up the drop rates.
even if the server lasts forever, every second of time you spend on it is a waste. Are you really gonna come back in 10 years time to look at your max characters?
>it's been in classic for like the better half of a year, people got bored.
other issues with the server aside, i have no idea why people thought waiting this long in-between expansions was a good thing. id be willing to bet the redditors who were all gung ho for the idea quit too
I don't know about you but I don't want to be playing every quest every day, or even every week.
I got my Necro to max level and I "quit" because I'm done with the game for now. It'll be nice to go back in 3 or 4 months with Kunark and know there will be a leveling population.
On a TLP I'd be left in the dust.
The time between expansions is a feature.
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>everyone is waiting for Kunark?
Yes. Like half of most guilds at this point. People either geared up their mains (and sometimes alts) and are just waiting on Kunark and / or have an iksar package ready to go once iksar can leave the island (there is a reason feathers are so overpriced right now).
June and July 1st are going to be interesting times.
Does this game get better later on?
I tried playing Shadow Knight and Druid on official servers but felt like I was going to fall asleep.
No. It's a relic of an era when simply playing a game in a shared world with thousands of people was novel and exciting. The gameplay itself is shallow and boring af.
nope. dungeon crawling can be fun, but the devs decided to make it way more efficient to plant your ass in 1 spot and never leave. if you want to play this game but with an actual story, gameplay, and a better community (subjective), check out FF11.
95% of ff11 is also grinding mobs in 1 spot, what?
Official is dead as fuck. Either play Quarm or don't bother.
Official is dead as fuck. Either play P99 or don't bother.
correct, but it also has an actual story you can follow, better teamplay mechanics, less focus on degenerate shit like non-instanced raiding, and actual side content like gathering chocobo races and MUCH better dungeon design. Don't take this as me disliking everquest, but if someone doesn't like everquest at level 5, they'll still dislike it at level 60 because everquest really only has 3 things you can do. Level, camp, raid. I love the game for what it is, but FF11 offers far more to someone who didn't like EQ.
xi is a janky mess, sadly. doing just about anything in the game feels like you're currently experience packet loss
Just stopping in to say Teek is fun as fuck. It has been a very chill experience so far and there's a lot of people who absolutely blow ass at it (tanks that pull multiple deep reds and die in seconds, enchanters that don't mez, clerics that don't heal, everything) and some people who clearly know what they're doing so it's a wide distribution of players and no one has been raging that I've seen. Might turn to shit in the future, but it's good for now. Queue times to get onto the server are a bit of a bitch though depending on when you try to log in. The server is packed.
Packed with bots
>real time class/race switching
Totally kills the spirit of the game
You know what else kills the spirit of the game?
While I do agree with your sentiment, at least it gets you out of playing a guild bot if you want to raid. Account sharing has ruined the spirit of EQ more than anything else.
This is a good point. There were no troons in 1999.
Thankfully I've never heard much of their bullshit in game. It's only when you visit discord. And oddly enough, it's never a topic of discussion, it's just a bunch of fools humoring the mental illness or deluding themselves into belief.
There was a tranny on p99 green named Sohra who faked his own death or some shit and people held an in-game memorial for him and everything. I chuckled pretty hard when I saw him on Quarm.
i bet he feels so heckin validated now that he's playing on a literal troon server
>tons of actual EQ art out there
>uses Dragonlance art for his EQ server
I was on the discord once and some cutie was streaming their gameplay. I joined the call and I'm immediately greeted by a manly voice saying hello.
just say him you faggot
>I was on the discord once and some cutie was streaming him gameplay.
Why are you so retarded?
Plus at that point in the story I thought it was girl so the choice is either 'their' or 'her'
I don't get the people who are upset about the bots, you just go to a different pick and thank them for crashing the price on everything. People are just pissed they can't sell a full set of banded armor for a Krono and they're even more pissed that you can just buy a Krono and beat any sort of plat inflation created by botters which ends up being an inconsequential amount relative to the gear they flood the market with. My issue is there's just not a lot of good groups because everyone is already hyper-cliquey.
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the gofundme has been updated quarmsisters! get to it!
do americans really pay 28k to go to the hospital what the fuck is wrong with your country
she's been grifting pretty hard the past few months. seems highly suspicious she also got hit with a huge medical bill just in time to garner sympathy.
>eh it's not gonna be true true cause a lot of that stuff was fully lost from old devs
EQ2 from Nov 2004 was an unfinished product and throughout 05 was going through update after update changing how things worked at a fundamental level. The biggest change came with LU13 which was the release of Desert of Flames in September 2005 and many could argue this transition ended with the Fallen Dynasty update in June 2006 with the tradeskill revamp with Echoes of Faydwer acting as the relaunch of the game later that year.
I don't not miss the having to grind 20 levels to see if you like your subclass, group debt, subcombines, access quests for every single facet of the game, no collection tab ect.
In fact I wish new Freeport was kept, the beta reminds me how bland and vacant old Freeport was in some areas. At least the loading isn't an issue like it was back in 04-06 when the harbors were single digit frames at times.
>he wants to tax payer to pay for cutting this trannies dick off
Do Europoors really?
You knew it was a man as of typing that post so the only correct option is his
No, he owes $1k.
it's always trannies with you americans
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>y-you're obsessing over us..erm I mean them! Not like me, who obsesses over America day in and day out!
>troons name is edward
lmao this freak never changed his name?
>700 people on green
>1000 people on quarm for kunark launch
ohnononono quarmsisters what is our cope going to be? i thought we were going back to 2k+?
quarm sissies in denial LMAOOOOOOOO server is deader than a decaying skeleton

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