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New Valorant thread since the last one just died.
Just returned to the game. Is Outlaw worth it?
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look at the fucking drip


Continuing with our recent focus of sharpening the strengths and weaknesses of the Sentinel role, this update aims to push Chamber’s ability to hold territory with his unique arsenal of weapons. The changes should provide you more access to the Headhunter (Q) as a save or sidearm without draining your econ, and increase the clear strength of Chamber’s ultimate compared to the Operator.

>Headhunter (Q): Price decreased 150 >>> 100

>Tour De Force (X): Firing rate increased 0.7 >>> 0.9
Personally I like this change. Headhunter really isn't used enough currently and making the ult feel better is fine. It takes ages for it to come online anyway.
>Is Outlaw worth it
never had a chance to play with outlaw. outlaw is not working with valorant economy. you can’t buy it on force rounds, so. it's a strong rifle but only for jett mains, who plays with operator often.
It's good if enemy team buys light shield + vandal and you're on econ.
Bodyshot does a lot of damage
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The fuck?
if you can hit shots id save for vandal. guardian and marshal seem like better eco
You are getting pretty gud buddy, the game knows it.
>tech pauses
i take it back outlaw is good. the second shot is effective. damn vct has a lot of bulldog shitters
valorant is for femboys and furries who suck at cs2, otherwise you must have some mental problems to touch that game to be completely fair with you
i agree, cs2 is for men
that game has three playable maps. need Tf2 in Cs format. til then we're stuck with this shitter
Loud spent more time in the kitchen. These retakes were too good. It was over in draft phase.
Got chat banned for 3 days, is it based on volume of reports or triggered text? I didnt say any slurs I mainly just told people I fucked their dad
its a pg13 game. throwing is fine. wasting everyones time is fine. saying fuck? thats a crime
Looking for a decent youtube channel to teach ho to play Skye. I've only found clickbait yet, isn't there an immortal player uploading commented games or something similar? I never find a main skye on twitch either.
Trying to find answers, but search gives non-relevant shit.
What the min average latency on hardware in game?
Like connection+monitor+buffering of everything and etc.
Well, I have 25ms ping, but picture outdated is like 75ms, so... idk wtf is going on.
if you really wanted good teammates, you would have brought them with you.
what kind of recreational victim shows up to some place alone and tells strangers they're having fun wrong?
Man, this format really is garbage
>Zeta loses first game 0-2
>Second game is entirely meaningless to them because they won't make it to playoffs either way
>But Gen.G IS trying hard because they need to win to get to playoffs
We've also had rematches in all four decider matches in pacific. You've got a region with 11 teams and teams go out playing against just two others
ok spike rusher
Why should I play this over CS? As someone who has barely played either.
The anti-cheat is not completely useless.
Basic utility usage is easier (no need to memorize lineups just for basic flashes and smokes)
Advanced utility has more depth
All the guns are viable
Armor system is more interesting but at the same time easier to understand
You can wallbang people more
The abilities create a lot of fun asymmetry, each pick is significant since it removes something from the enemy team other than just a gun
>each pick is significant since it removes something from the enemy team other than just a gun
This is the one thing valo has that cs2 doesn't, which I like the most.
Their flash/recon is gone? Now you can play ratty off angles they would normally clear easily.
Their smoke is gone? Now you can post plant off site.
Sentinel dead? Now someone has to watch flank.

There's a lot of subtle info you can get from this. If you're retaking vs. a 3-player team that lost their tripwires, and you killed 2 on-site, you can bet your life that the last player was watching a flank route.

Also the abilities are whack as fuck. Throwing a team safe flash from elevators to vertigo B main is fun and all, but nothing compares to driving a purple shark at someone.
watch this video and his Playlist for sky
ded fucking game

too bad 4chan autists can't into shooters or anything that remotely relies on mechanics
I stopped playing when I hit Diamond 3 before they added Ascendant. I couldn't keep with some of these kid's reaction speeds.
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Neon sisters...
It has far more depth, better netcode, far better anti-cheat and much better community.
So now that SENTINELS are the best team in the world, who can stop them?
Allez Les Bleus
if you are a woman or a child
they about to get shit on by brazilians again like they did in group stage
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Please carry me out of gold...
Just got into a gold lobby. It was apparent I don't belong there.
Why is neon bad?
I don't have her yet but she looks fun to play.
how do I get into this game?
start sucking dicks
need that Reaver 3.0 ASAP
the new character is a tranny
>better community

apparently this is related to the new agent
does anyone know how to decipher this?
apparently it's just saying some youtubers and pro players will test the agent soon

sadness :(
I really don't understand dropping info about the new agent during madrid since we're not going to get them until like a month later
good control schemes?
The only thing I wish it had was licensed guns but I am autistic and I don't want to go back to playing Rainbox Six: Siege.
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I'm glad it doesnt, the realistic aesthetic in CSGO is weird to me and doesn't make any sense
>SMGs do less damage than pistols despite using the same caliber with longer barrels
>556 rifles do different damage despite being identical
>Galil is cheaper than an AK
>LMGs don't make any sense
>HE grenades don't do that much damage
>Mollies exploding in air
>Mollies being "choked out" by smoke
>Body armor mechanics don't make much sense
With fictional guns in an arcade aesthetic it doesn't really matter as much and you can do things like have the fire rate differ between ADS and hipfire, or grenades that explode twice to let you clear corners effectively without being OP

If I want gun autism I'd rather just play R6 raven shield, it's at least got my wife as a playable gun. Siege really bothers me with how gimmicky it is and how unreasonable some of the demands are (why would you use SMGs rather than carbines?)
Siege bothers me because it was its own interesting game for like two seasons and then it just decided to copy CS.
I mean so did Valorant but at least they were honest about what it was from the start.
bro tarik just repeats the same words over and over

kinda annoying, kinda annoying, kinda annoying chaaat
i want to play this and get really good but every time i do team mates suck my soul out and make me want to quit, i'd be much happier if this game had no comms, it's not even that they rage which they do alot, it's that they are brown and giga normies, don't want to be interacting with that
also underage, like 70% of people playing must be under 20
how would you even find people to play with in this game? none of friends are interested
this is why people watch him no?
what region are you in? In EU comms are mostly good but the few times I've played in NA it was more annoying
>have crippling fear of women
>be horrible at the game so I get the normie population instead of the male teenage ragers
>get placed on teams with women on them
im a cs player but can i get an egirl with dependent personality disorder in this game? might consider it
If you can't attract them on Tinder or IRL it's because you're too ugly and you're not going to attract them online, either.
Really? I think the community is pretty chill compared to LOL/Dota.
that's a yes then
even at immortal i was getting a girl like every 5 games and 90% of the time they bottom frag
>and 90% of the time they bottom frag
Because they get boosted by never playing solo.
I can't stop playing Yoru he's the most literal "teleports behind you" character ever.
Omen is pretty good for that too, especially if you get them with the flash (which deafens too)
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Knew woohoojin was a boosted ass grifter.
How does an actual radiant get hardstuck in ascendant after a simple role change?
A lot of people are on top of yoru's tricks and it doesn't end up panning out
but when I pull off an actual "teleports behind you" move it's so satisfying
Oh yeah, I know. At least they gave him the fakeout on the teleport, pretty much all trickster types end up just being a kind of area-denial character.

It's still really funny when it works, though.
>rotate from A to B
>leave a teleport behind at A, don't really care where it goes
>dick around at B, nothing going on
>decide to TP A
>right when I arrive the spike has been planted and I see the planter running to cover
>Op him through the doorway then defuse for the match win

It was really stupid and shouldn't have worked if not for the planter not seeing my teleport but I'm still proud of it.
>new agent is non-binary
riot please, this was our chance to make fun of overwatch
who cares? i doubt any of the coaches for these pro teams are Radiant either, so why expect some content creator to be?

just look at soccer coaches
Is there SBMM in Unrated?
Because it sure feels like I've hit that point where I'm only getting matches where I get deleted instantly or everyone seems retarded by comparison.
The pump on the Bucky takes way too long for a gun that can't reliably one-shot at point-blank.
god i hate the female casters voice so much
there's always some fucker hiding in a peekaboo corner so that you can never flank. Fucking annoying.
How the fuck does Yoru's ult appear to enemies. It seems people know exactly where I am when I come out of ult so I assume there's a loud fucking sound cue, but is there anything else I should be trying to do to use this more effectively?
If you're within a radius of another player there's a sound and also some blue glowy aura around the edges of the screen. When your ult finishes there's also a louder distinct sound cue.
So you're invisible, but enemies who understand the game know when you're in proximity of them and might react based off that information.

Ending your ult when you're right next to an enemy is high risk, because if they're paying attention they will often be able to shoot you before your animations finish and you can fire again. Remember you can still use your flash, decoy and teleport abilities while in your ult, to make it extra confusing. If your ult is about to finish right next to an enemy, throwing a flash can give you an extra second or two to get ready to fight.

I find Yoru ult is generally better for either scouting information on enemy locations and/or doing a deep flank where you exit at a place behind enemy lines with no enemies nearby, rather than for "teleports behind you" moments. Remember that the fact yoru ult happens at all is enough reason for some enemies to check their spawn and/or other likely flank locations whether they know you're there or not
The blue warbles on the edge are based on if you're in yoru's LOS, they get stronger when you face towards yoru
The ult is great for entry, spam ping locations for teammates (verbal callouts are great if you have the coordination), flash as you exit your ult and try to catch someone who is about to take a fight with one of your teammates
there is, but it's not very strict (faster matches prioritized over balanced ones)
you have to be shittier at the game and aim for center mass instead of the head and you'll start onepumping a lot more consistently
There is, but a big difference is that there's no party restrictions. You can queue with any number of players and with any rank/skill differences, so you often get duos or trios where one is really bad and the other is really really good.
In ranked you have to be close enough to each other's ranks to party up together so most players in the games are going to be relatively close to each other
New agent
>can place smokes while dead
>ult is a limited time self-res, get a kill or assist to remain alive
>reyna, but worse
>reyna, but you have to fill smokes
clearly we need a sentinel and initiator that also has kill based snowballing mechanics
Clove's abillities look good but I don't know if I want to play as a tranny.
>draw a girl with a pink punk aesthetic
>hire a girl voice actress
>call them nonbinary
Aren't nonbinary people meant to not confine to gender stereotypes? Everything about clove's design fits into conventional female traits
it's "representation" without having to add ugly people to the game
a tumblr e-girl doesn't seem that unrealistic either, I'm sure there's a lot of those
Damn can't believe SEN won. I was rooting for them but was sure they were going to lose.

Was an awesome series.
Non-binary is for the most part just a meme that young people use. It's just a way for the progressive culture to appropriate punk aesthetic fully.
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It's basically this image summed up.
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are we allowed to sexualize them?
Oh so they will just make every other agent role a duelist i see. Anyways calling the new agent a she because anything that gets my dick hard is a woman! The Fae inspiration is cool, hope we get some Oberon Vandal skin with her
This is the most fun I've had with an unranked game in a while. Except when my team is retarded and just wants to DM and not play objective. Also I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a lot of radar users.
you're not allowed not to
>tranny character
>trailer and kit is all about killing himself

what did they mean by this ?
>Call Clove her
>Person on my team has a breakdown saying Clove isn't a she buy a them
>Try to say she looks like a girl so I'm going to naturally call her a girl
>Doesn't just mute me after
>Passive-aggressively corrects me anytime I say "her"
>that person is also the bottom frag
Lovely game.
clove is safe horny
i'm just gonna obnoxiously correct everyone who misgenders her on social media so that normal people would be even more annoyed at these kinda people
>make her non binary
>his agent trailer is called 2 (two) worlds
>"One down side to being immortal: I can’t play dead."
>make her immortal to stop people from making suicide jokes
>his signature ability is coming back from the dead after 41percenting
Are Breach and KJ still "no fun allowed" picks or did they get power crept
Clove bussy is mine.
So is it a woman or a man.
It's a flat chested tomboy, idc what the creators say, that's what ive decided
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If I get the Neo Frontier Sherrif or Phantom in my shop for my birthday I will be so happy. Ive been thinking about playing ranked again considering all my unrated games are high gold or mid diamond. Is Neon really that troll (she feels it) or should I learn a real duelist like Jett/Reina
neons good with flash initiator. the stun doesnt work half the time but is good when it does

bots that wait for a sound que to move

grats to Sen. they woulda lost if that was a bo3. dropped two sets to get the one that matters gj
yeah thats what I was thinking when I saw the trailer
>tranny character
>abilities only unlock after dying
>encouraged to die early
>"kill yourself" is now a strategy and not just an insult
What did riot mean by this?
God I hate low-priority queue
>you refused to suffer through a painful game where your team refused to surrender so now you must suffer through 5 painful games where your team refuses to surrender and three of them are on Mcdonald's wifi
Clove is AFAB
So Clove just gets two lives as a non-ult? That doesn't seem remotely balanced.
i'm so much disgusted by the path they are choosing for the games that i uninstalled it immediatly after the he/she bullshit in the character description, it sad because i like the game design but some time you have to make tough décision
It's they.
Clove's ult is a temporary revive, you have approx 10 seconds to get a kill or assist to stop the countdown and stay alive
When you self-res, you're invulnerable for 2 seconds and can't shoot during that time, so enemies can easily just stand around you and shoot as soon as the invulnerability ends
Clove pussy
Clove seems fun, played her a bit yesterday.
It's kinda like a reverse phoenix ult, you die, revive, then need to get a kill / damaging assist pretty quickly or you go back to being dead.
only the smokes are usable after dying, and they're pretty nerfed as part of it. Ult needs to be used immediately on death (and you need to have it fully charged before you die)
Did you guys buy the SEN classic?
Clove is the closest we have to having a CS frag grenade.
They've been really reluctant to add that in again after Sova (and his is really awkward compared to how fast and snappy pulling out a Clove nade is).
I guess this is just a general CS style gameplay tip but how the fuck do I do good crosshair placement? Like I'm always pointed at their chest. Do I just have terrible visio-spatial awareness because of autism? Yes.
PRX looks better
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you should try using the gaurdian more, but try playing death match more with it. You can also go to the practice range and and put your crosshair on a bot and get used to just walking around and keeping it like that or that height. Crosshair placement and aim is a lot of aiming, maybe look up videos on passive aim training
Imagine dedicating your life to playing this tranny shit when CS is literally right there
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CS2 isnt anything great after playing a lot of GO, the Source 2 material system is sexy though. I havent played this game in over a year and its kind of fun to play with friends. Imagine having fun though?
>having fun playing with troonshit
the absolute state
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>supposedly a top competitive shooter
>can't even maintain a general on /vg/
>OW2 is supposedly dead
>one of the most active generals on /vg/
/vg/ only has generals for games people goon to, it has nothing to do with gameplay
>got flank timing
>WW3 going on in site
>run full noise from mid
>nobody is facing me
It reminds me of no one being able to hear the bomb plant in R6S if you have the really noisy utility going off.
Clearly you've never been in a vg thread, or you'd know no one in them talks about the games
Well CS2 is LITERALLY GO, it's not made to be anything other than an update to the engine.

That being said I just wanna talk to egirls so I'm waiting on going back to CS2 until the custom servers are online and I can go back to surfing to shoot the shit.
Either that or they do hear you but they have to make a call between waiting for you or facing the enemy right in front of them.
If they wait for you, their team blames them for not going in. If they don't wait, they get wiped anyways.
So true, I uninstalled CS2 but kept CS:S to surf and fuck around in custom servers. I think this games lack of customs or anything like that is one of the reasons it feels so dead atm. Riot never willing to let go of control though.
i would love to see an outlaw weapon in cs
>team won't surrender
It's unranked. You're not having fun. Why are you doing this to me?
I don't know which bitch it is that does all the irritating as fuck Apex/Fortnite/Cawadoody mOvEmEnT tricks but I know Riot will add more of her and that's when I will stop playing this.
And also I just need to buy a 120hz monitor I just don't have enough money for the one I want.
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thats my wife, she isnt as good as she seems desu. Movement is a huge meme in this game outside of the 8 frame strafe window.
>it's not made to be anything other than an update to the engine.
The fact it's rebranded from GSGO to CS2 means they -are- making it out to be more than just an incremental engine update, even though that's all it really is

Similar to how Overwatch 2 was just a glorified excuse to change the monetization model of Overwatch 1
Round by round it's fun.
what if I don't care about winning and just want to do the weeklies
Wouldn't it be better to do the weeklies in a match where we aren't losing all of our gunfights?

Yeah because CS:GO should have been called CS2 from the beginning. It's not comparable to Overwatch because the difference is that Overwatch devs were telling their playerbase how things were gonna be while CS2 just kinda came out and Valve said nothing about it. The playerbase just assumed things which is what usually happens.
>while CS2 just kinda came out
you lying nigger, they marketed it so hard with subtick and improved gameplay, molly, nade physics etc. it comes out broken, unoptimized (even now), and downright awful movement (if you're not on LAN). AND all the community servers nuked for a whole year since they couldnt port it or didnt make it easy to port. It is exactly the same as overwatch. you should be thankful donk came and saved your shitty "upgrade" to CS2 with his performance or the game was going completely dead.
I honestly don't care, you're gonna end up playing it in like 3 years anyways. Everyone always does. Even I do. And if you don't you end up on 8ch where no good games have come out since (whenever the 38 year old user became 14). Every gamer boycott is one 3 minute cinematic away from ending.
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Deadlock is pretty fun, but her sensors really are dog shit. Landing her ulti has been very satisfying, especially when its Eco and I pull a gun over to myself. Sadly I'd like to solo Q and climb so I dont think shes the one. Is Cypher difficult at all? I know hes strong. I just suck at imitator/flashes or smokes :(
>playing dm
>thinking about how i should be aiming
>strafe jiggling and stutter stepping click
>in disbelief
>lock reina unrated
>actually pop off
>get 6k with knife
>they /ff
think im gonna cum, i get it now. maybe now if i learn how to play something besides duelist I'll actually climb
I should try her out more, but the sensors seem difficult to get info out of. I guess you just use them to anchor sites?
I'm a cypher main, don't find him particularly difficult. There's probably a learning curve in figuring out how to use util optimally but there's nothing particularly mechanically hard, and his lineups are generally pretty simple
He felt pretty free when I tried him on Sunset, but I felt useless on attack besides the cheeky window cams to peek right away. Cypher is just so weird. I think she cant be played pretty aggressive and i like her ultimate and wall. Her traps are just horribly unreliable and putting them on higher walls and having them slant to scan the floor is kind of annoying. Her net grenade I also think isnt too great, it can surely plant someone in place, but the debuff is just crouching so really they cant move but they have increased accuracy. The kit + amount of work to make up for the lack luster parts isnt worth it, but ulting someone feels so good.
Cypher on attack is all about flank watch and lurking. You can entry as a sort of Jett but it's not the best.
Cypher is easy. You don't need fancy one-ways, epic trips, or lineups. The only essential homework you have to do is learning the god cams on every map.
Like Deadlock you have to abuse the fact that he can leave his util unattended. That means lurking a lot.

On defense, you just lurk half the time (say goodbye to your precious setup), and have either double kill trips on site, or have a wide net of info gathering. Adjust to the enemy team.

On offense, try to die last. It really fucks with your team if the enemy has constant lurk pressure and your wires are down. Sometimes you'll have to switch it up and actively look for picks, but don't take unnecessary risks. Either way, you're doing a lot of dry peeking.
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>lurk on defense
did you buy your fomo discord tranny icons for your discord tranny game ?
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Should I get Clove or Deadlock?
Returning player who used to play Sage, Killjoy and Cipher and like both of their looks.
I don't understand who the market is for this
>discord customizations
>featuring a trans character
do I really have to spell it out for you anon
kys Jordan
YJK they sold the most icons for a character who's just released because it's a token alphabet addition.
At least OW made their they/them somewhat androgenous and uggo, giving these mentally ill freaks an egirl as representation will just feed their delusions
you actually can only unlock Deadlock with Kong Koupon rn, so just play and youll eventually get Clove. So buy deadlock, but i was in the same spot a week ago and can say she isnt very strong but her ults fun
valorant is for kids
You don't like playing with little girls?
deadlock is definitely closer to the other sentinels, although a bit shit (buffs soon, surely)
clove seems fun though
You really have to do it. Every good sentinel/smoke does it because the attackers get too much map control otherwise.
taking map control is not the same as lurking
you generally never "lurk" on defense, you're just going for a flank
if you're playing cypher and abandoning your site in order to try and timing push up mid you're just playing like a retard
can I like this game if I fucking despised CS:GO for heavy camping encouragement and the weird pinpoint aim obsession?
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Which classic is better, PRX or T1?

no, you dont like tactical shooters. though this game has the same levels of camping (deep corners you need to check) the shooting part is more lenient.
thanks for the honest reply
np anon, i only got into these types of games through friends. the most fun on CS i can have by myself is probably surfing (community can be funny sometimes) but its all about being uber patient and having that crazy accuracy since 1 shot to the head kills.
you won't like it but at least some playable agents let you snipe common camping areas with molly/flash
PRX looks cooler
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post Valorant agents that remind you of your true self
>heavy camping encouragement
You do realise the blue guys have to defend the bombsites, right?
>design a girl
>make her a quirky tomboy
>with pink and flowery themes in top of that
>design her also as a smoker

What is wrong with Riot Games bros?
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I look like this and act like this
Just got destroyed by a Breach Fade Sova nerd trio party on ascent.
I think I saw like 10 different trap plays on their defense.
I wish I could get my friends to play valo so we can do goofy shit like this. Every single time we died it was 90% because we were stunned, blinded, leashed, getting double peeked by a drone and dog, etc...
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Never have I been team diff'd so hard in my life.
Baiter stooges vs. LOUD fans with a 200-page playbook

I could have done better myself but I was forced to entry while dropping smokes with a no-comm team.
Real question here. Why the fuck do they have a way to let you know yoru is about to appear near with his ult but omen can just teleport anywhere with almost 0 warning? The balancing on this fucking game is beyond retarded for multiple characters.
Tactical shooters can mean many different things, CS is one, but its map design is what really encourages the camping and crosshair placement stuff.

That being said, good CS fundamentals will take you far in this game, I would know, I keep dying to people with better crosshair placement than me. However one major difference I noticed is the maps; Valorant maps are big and have a lot of sightlines. Most CS maps every sightline where an enemy might appear can be covered by 5 players.
What monitor size do you think is better for valorant/CS2, 24in or 27in?
Walking is silent, yes? So please explain to me how everyone is able to pop out of their ambush spot at exactly the right time when I full-walk flank?
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>2-10 first half
>other team cocky as fuck
>2nd half 12-12
>1st ot 13-13
>2nd ot 15-13
never celebrate too early
maybe your flank is too predictable
Please carry me out of gold. Please.
its all about refresh rate desu
My friend tells me smaller monitors are better so you can quickly switch between minimap and crosshair.
I have a 27 in. and anecdotally I can tell you that I keep finding myself mentally unprepared for a fight because I was just looking at the minimap a second ago and I'm still adjusting to crosshair focus mode.
Gekko is so obviously gay. Name a zestier looking nigga from the roster.
wish there was a demo system, would love to watch it
she's missing flashes/movement which is what truly cements someone as an entry/duelist (Iso has neither and suffers at his role because of it)
omens ult and normal tp both make noise, and he's vulnerable during them. yoru can pop out with a flash
either rely on mechanics as a duelist or guide your team towards not being retarded as a controller
im an apex refugee; i just downloaded this game and ive played like 4 matches

how do i go about gitting gud?
just click heads, dont move when you shoot
i uninstalled lol. back to apex i go
I was thinking that 27in was better for ranked players because a lot of pros play with their face 1 inch from the screen so seeing the whole panel at once shouldn't be too important.
With a bigger monitor I can stay further from the screen and achieve the same benefits.
>either rely on mechanics as a duelist or guide your team towards not being retarded as a controller
What should I do to carry if I play initiators?
What the fuck is a timing? Is it why I keep dying?
You're at the mercy of your smokes being placed before you initiate and your duelists following up. Definitely not terrible even when other people aren't doing their job, but the controller/duelist roles have more impact (at least in my opinion)
You're gonna get timing'd no matter how perfectly you play. You basically have to gamble eventually in every single round.
I'm not sure how much impact each role has on the game since all characters are capable of one-shot headshotting with most weapons, but I'm new. It still seems like CS fundamentals will take you a long way.
true, if you were gold nova or above at the end of CS GO you should be at least gold, very quickly plat once you learn the maps and probably diamond if you play remotely often.

It depents on your understanding and usage of the Agents abilities. If you dont know which abilities every agent has you can probably make it to gold but not further. Except you have godly aim
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So what's the verdict on clover?
This is still a head clicker game despite all the bells and whistles. Most people in the 0.01% of ranks agree that people should just lock in whatever they're most comfortable with instead of forcing some "ideal" comp.
KJ-Omen-KAY/O-Sova-Jett is god tier on Ascent pro play, but your average filled-in Sova doesn't know how and when to throw a halfway decent wallhack dart.

At kissing distance you should also run and gun with the AK.
I mean I can see how some comps could be dastardly, and maybe even at a competitive level using those comps agianst a team that you know just has better aim (or aimbots) than you could give you the upper hand, but this seems like one of those things like "it's far easier to teach a good aimer strategy than it is to teach good aim to a strategist."
>you have n bullets
>if you do x then you can do y

arguably two of the worst comms you can give to someone

good flex pick, if you play duelist (most players) and dont play smokes (most players) shes a no brainer. Outside of that, i think shes actually quite strong, the only issue a pub player would have is:
1. Forgetting to smoke when dead
2. Trolling their team with bad smokes when dead
Is clover a tranny or a lesbian?
She's an egirl that loves cock but Riot needed more tokenism
clove was born with a vagina
play gekko
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not interested in any of this
cuck thread
The smokers are really important just like in CS.
femboys that play CS give better head
i only lock in duelists because smoking is haram
>it's unrated why are you surrendering
Because I want to have fun and we are currently in a game where exactly one of us has any kills at all and if we're spending most of our time dead that means that I am being forced into watching a game more than I'm playing it.
The dust has not settled yet.
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If they keep at the pattern they've held for the past three map rotation changes, we should be seeing a change in the maps with patch 8.08 (e8a3), in two weeks.
Sadly I doubt they'll remove icebox after being in for just a single map rotation cycle, but there's hope for breeze being removed.
Is Lotus the Vertigo of valorant?
Whichever team loses A main is pretty much done. Same with Vertigo on A ramp, and in both maps the most crucial fight occurs and finishes within the first ten seconds.
Why... why does no one surrender in Unrated? You have no rank here. What does it matter?
why do i lose every head on firefight
ive given up on trying to win those i just walk everywhere now and hope i catch someone in the back
Why would you surrender in unranked?
Just train your aim or try weird shit.
>why do i lose every head on firefight
Instalock reyna until you don't lose anymore.
playing valorant for the first time
this game is absolutely superior to csgo
so much attention to detail and much more fun
what's fucky though is that everyone is 13 years old
unrated is for completing dailies/weeklies, winning doesn't matter
aspas might just be the goat. imagine dropping 47 kills against a team with Tenz and zekken in it
it is easier for CS frogs to enter valorant BUT if you were just a braindead aim dog in CS, you will struggle hard in this game at high elo. Your util and timings take over after diamond/asc. This is where the hate from high elo CS frogs come from, they just cant accept that brain is required. They want to aim-diff till radiant which does not happen in valorant.
Jessievash 0-17 :(
Fl1pz 0-11 :)
some real shit is happening in pacific bros
also yay is actually applying for McDonalds at this point lmao
enjoy your pubg levels of cheaters
Yoru is a tryhard edgelord. Its "gay" but not gay in a literal sense.
Yoru cares too much about designer fashion to be straight
What is the best secondary role for a duelist main, initiator or controller?
anyone know why I gotta restart pc to play valorant every time I open my pc?
like I wake up in the morning boot up the pc and it wants me to restart my pc again before I can actually play. so it's 2 reboots to play the game. it's weird.
I kinda hate that I tested my reaction speed and I'm literally like 10ms slower than average but I've got decent game sense so I'm in a hell of "every time I see an enemy and they're aware of me I insta-die because they're just better" ELO but I can't go back down to retard ELO because I can still strategize.
if you think LE is high elo then yeah, MM players just wanna gun. Level 10+ faceit dislikes val causes it's comparatively less brain.
flash initiator, usually second man in trading duelist and can entry if needed.
as a fellow low reaction time player (270 average) just making sure you have actually good cross hair placement helps mitigate it. Not just head level and at normal angles, try to really anticipate how they're most likely to swing (wide, quick peek, tight) and be on it. I'm asc 3 so not the best but hope it's useful.
level 10 faceit struggle in high asc/low immo and cry about it a lot. They dont want to strategize, just taking aim duels even at that elo.
anecdotally not the case but you probably know more people
You ever get in the zone so much you stand in the middle of the map in Deathmatch and shoot every head that pops out for an ace?
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post em
As of now, I'm not longer a retard (bronze), just fucking dumb (silver)
You shouldn't be penalized for leaving a game if 3 of your teammates have zero kills and one of them is a nigger who won't shut the fuck up.
Any half-decent skin for any gun you'll actually use is TWENTY FUCKING DOLLARS?
cypher is so garbage to play around, man
valoran has 0 strategical depth compared to cs. literally just go here use you abilities and everyone's rotates. there's nothing to think about you just need to know 500 different abilities and whst the meta usage is on each site
I tried valoran again but I'm quiting because of that and that there's been to few girls and too many passive aggressive french nerds
>I'm quiting because of that and that there's been to few girls
You think CS has more girls?
Valve games are for men only.
play frankfurt or stockholm like a fucking man, paris servers are for whining faggots
i hate french people
seriously, i mute everyone i suspect to be french just from the name, and then when they voice chat i instamute
Boy I love the "never surrender" attitude in ranked who fucking instilled this in these people.
I've seen lime maybe 6 girls in 2500h of cs so no lol. but the few girls in valorant didn't speak english and were in group with orbiters
i live in stockholm, didn't know you could pick sever. always french or russians in my team
surrendering is for noobs. you can always win the game. riot casual gamers need to win to have fun i get it
I don't play competitive for a reason.
A surrender vote is not supposed to be a blow to your ego. Sometimes the enemy team is just better than you.
One thing I really hated going through unrated and Iron-Silver is how my team used to surrender on almost every match, it was infuriating, I felt like the zoomers on my team could only have fun when they are stomping the other team, the idiots instalocking Jett/Reina expecting to easily pull out 30 kills suddenly getting angry and toxic when the enemy opposes some minimum threat.

I remember this match on heaven when I was a silver, we were loosing on attack and this one player kept wallbanging me with guardian when we were rushing, I keep getting killed but I learned so much in that match, every time that player killed me I learned a different wallbang I could use later, in that match I understood the difference in penetration strength across the guns.
I am the kind of player who wants to learn, "you win or you learn" is a phrase quoted among fighting game players, a better enemy teaches you about his strengths but also about your own weaknesses.
Another point, comebacks, there is nothing more satisfying to me than comebacks, these 10/2 into 11/13 are the bests, and even if I can't pull those out that often I can assure you I have won at least 3/5 of matches where my team tried to surrender, and nothing makes me improve faster than facing a better enemy.
>Sometimes the enemy team is just better than you.
Yeah, and that is how I learn, I don't get that much better by playing against people who are worse than me, against better players I learn about stronger strategies, actually good utility usage and efficient entry plays, I learn to adapt and how to counter said strategies.
Also what if I surrender and then I have to face the same enemies next match? If I don't surrender I can at least learn a bit about their gameplan, if I surrendered then I will get beaten up twice.
Now there are fair reasons to surrender, like when your team is full of uncooperative dicks.

>tl;dr even if I lose I learn more when I play against better enemies.
if you really are getting blown out the game isn't going to take that long. If you aren't, then you have a pretty good chance of making a comeback, given how the economy works
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Why are you using CS terms like T/CT Side and A/B
Valorant also names their sites after letters

>T/CT Side
no excuses
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>want to quit
>it finally appears
guess ill finish the battlepass...aim finally clicked and I had fun on raze and then i just stopped playing and started trying to git gud at quake.
I didn't realize that inspecting these plays music until I encountered it in game.
Kinda want it now too
mainly because the only time i play this dogshit ass game is if one of my faggot friends begs me to play this dogshit CS wannabe
except when 3/5 of your team only has 3/5 of their rights, im not trying to win ten 1v9s in a row and the people advocating for "trying your best to win at all times" are the same people who middlefrag every game, if they aren't playing like handless speds
if you want to be useful learn Viper
if you want to not be called a nerd and pussy by your team and have a flash learn Omen.

if you just want to play duelist and entry play Clove
>flash initiator
Nice idea.
>if you just want to play duelist and entry play Clove
Unfortunately, they made clove's voice lines unbearably gay in my language. I can't stand it.
>the game isn't going to take that long
It's still 20 minutes of my life I can't get back.

I'm not playing competitve. I'm playing Unrated. I want to pubstomp. But community servers are dead. So unrated is my only option for that. Yes, genius, it's fun when I win and it sucks when I'm just spectating other people playing the game.
Oh also I forgot the hell scenario
>enemy team constantly getting 3-win streaks on you
>but you win every 4th round so you have to deal with "we can really do it guys!" teammates
>now you're stuck in a game where only one teammate is even going positive and you're spending more time dead than alive, and it takes 45-50 minutes.
You sound like a bitch anon desu
I literally don't care. I don't care about your rank or whatever, if I did I would play competitive, but I don't because I know I don't have the genetic talent (and an endless supply of adderall or a Cronus Max or some Raspberry Pi that transmits radar hacks into the game) to actually be at a rank that means anything. So I just want to have fun. And getting stomped is not fun.
I hope you are baiting or underage.
The only people who actually care about their rank are underage. That's literally who ranked systems are designed for. For everyone else, the only rank that matters is Challenger, or top rank or whatever they call it, because it's the only rank where you might be able to get picked up and make money off of your skill. Every other rank is completely worthless except to a teenage boy who has nothing else because he's a teenager and not allowed to have anything.
not him but i'm 23 and jobless virgin.
we exist too
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>somehow all BR teams and NA teams are below the LATAM teams
What is happening bros?
Isn't sentinels just NA + Brazil?
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What is this? Just got back to playing Valorant after months of not playing and the agent intro isn't playing. I didn't have this problem before.
I had this problem a year ago using a HDD, the game also took up to 3 minutes to load in the match back then, if you have fast internet try reinstalling the game because the "file integrity checking" tool is really fucking slow, you could also move the game to an ssd, I had to get a SATA SSD for a few modern games that keep giving me loading problems on my HDD.
Since it's just a cosmetic problem I wouldn't give a fuck, I wish I could disable these intros, I cringe by hearing the characters always saying the same oneliner voicelines.
>two d/cs
>STILL no surrender vote
Yeah fuck you guys you can suffer on your own I'm fine with not playing competitive for a day.
fns is overrated
new map when
saturday 6pm
>accuse people of having autism in a roundabout way
>report them for ableism when they talk back
Babybay my favorite player
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I wish this game would let me queue on multiple gamemodes at the same time, even tf2 has that feature, trying to finish the battlepass, I need to ult 12 times for the weekely and the act ends in 45 minutes, this would be easy spike rush, shiftplay or team deathmatch, but these 3 gamemodes are empty at this time of the night, I am queuing on 5 servers btw.
Valorant is more complex than CSGO even if it does have worse gunplay it makes up for more varied and creative abilities.

CSGO pros only have to care about flashbangs, explosive grenades, decoy grenades, and smokes. Valorant pros have to consider stuff like teleportations, tripwires, turrets, wall smokes, drones, tasmanian tigers, recon arrows, etc.
Also the map design in Valorant is far more open which can be both good and bad for attackers. In CS pretty much every important site to hold has at most two, maybe 3 major places to rest your crosshair. Being T is seen as a clear disadvantage and it's why they get better guns and most of the game revolves around trying to break through a stalemate. R6S also was like this for a while but I enjoyed it there because it was more fun, but then the game just turned into CS but roamer's paradise, and I'm digressing.
Why Valorant has so little R34?
Don't zoomers love this game? Fortnite has tons of good stuff.
no, more abilities don't necessarily add strategy, you're looking at the game in a very superficial way.
i can see what you're saying if you're noob playing noobs
Not necessarily maybe but Valorant's different abilities absolutely does affect strategy. Watch any of the pro match analysis and you'll understand it better.
is this game worth getting into if I'm not a cracked out zoomer with insane reaction time
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Vanguard gave me a reason to uninstall Riot from my computer forever. Never felt better than to be done with this shit ass company.
There's no way that I'm missing some of these shots they're RIGHT ON them.
Sure. It's more about strategy and aim placement than reaction time.
Especially if you play support.
Viper nerfed AGAIN... It's so over...
I uninstalled.
why no general?
see you tonight ;)

you're posting in it
i mean on /vg/, other shooters have their own generals there
On here? this is it, OP was too lazy to put the word "general" in the subject field
On /vg/? keeping a thread alive on vg requires a lot of posts just to bump, that means a lots of irrelevant posts, low quality posts, off topic posts and tons of shitposts. The thread had enough of that to stay alive, we had waifufags bumping and keeping the thread alive but at some point a lot of anons started to fight, people started to complain about the waifufags and the other posters (like the "what would be X character favorite food" kind of posters), it became a war zone and everyone was just trying to shit on each other, waifufags and other bumpers got tired of that bulshit and they left, the thread didn't survive without them, the other anons didn't manage to keep it alive there, everyone just left, zoomers and their attention spawn I guess.
After that we made a thread here and even the crossposting from /v/ doesn't seem to bring too much activity, valorant is a zoomer game and you only see it's "community" being active on zoomery and mainstream platforms like YT, discord, instagram and twitter, not in a mongolian cartoon forum. /csgog/ also moved here due lack of activity but you see that thread has 300 posts for every post itt, other anons can cope by saying gambling keeps /csgog/cs2g/ alive but the reality is CS is older and CS players are older, older people like to hang around imageboards, there is an audience here, a similar compassion would be vlr.gg and hltv.org, zoomers enjoy the forum format.
It doesn't help most anons don't want to be associated with the lgtv crowd, valorant has lesbian technicians from the future and non-binary mercenaries, wait, sometimes /u/ is interested in the mercenary lesbians but you know females are not into vidya, at least not this kind of vidya.
Can't imagine people having waifu wars over Valorant. The characters are so bland.
Oddly accurate.
Yeah, except he got everything completely wrong. It was the waifu spammer, you know the one I'm talking about, that drove everyone away from the thread.
I hate shooting arrows through windows as sova you'd think it'd be really fucking obvious but no I have to add two bounces to make sure it clears the window frame and then it always bounces in some weird direction afterwards.
>team keeps sending 4 people to defend one site
>be the one person that goes to the other site
>if they all lose at the site they sent 4 people to, it's my fault that I wasn't there
>if the enemy team rushes me and kills me it's also my fault for not holding them off long enough to let my team rotate safely

Wow I thought the point of playing online games was to get away from my parents.
Every aim-diff fight just boils down to "is he gonna run out and I should offset my aim slightly to catch him or is he gonna walk out slowly" unless it's Sage where it boils down to "is she gonna use her wall to totally fuck up my crosshair placement?"
You ever get into a game, realize your aim is gonna be shit for the whole game in round 1, then just realize that you're stuck in 40 minutes of that game where you will just constantly embarrass yourself?
I just ranked down from bronze to iron 3.
It's over bros.
Why is this game just an e-dating sim for hypersexualised zoomers?
thats why they made the bucky, judge, odin, outlaw
i hate that my favorite agent is a asian wmaf queen
Thats every game when you're bronze like me.
Just started playing the game, do zoomers really love paying hundreds of dollars that they will never get back for cosmetic pixels? I bought a skin in cs2 two months ago for 120 bucks now its at 280 I more than doubled my money, got a skin to play and can cash oit at any time, but people in this game validate a system where you dont get shit for playing or even paying? I mean after buying a gun they even charge you to fully unlock it what the fuck
Same. I saw 2->1 and uninstalled immediately.
>if the enemy team rushes me and kills me it's also my fault for not holding them off long enough to let my team rotate safely
Play for retake retard. You're solo and you're gonna hold in site?
I didn't ask to be solo. I can't tell if it's more frustrating to be abandoned at a site that the enemy keeps attacking because the rest of your team is a 4-stack and doesn't give two shits about you or abandoned because your team is retarded.
I'm such a fucking aimlet I'm always getting instadomed.
Yeah and I'm telling you to not play to hold if you're soloing a site. You play for retake.
You play near the safest rotate, and if they hit your site, take a shot, and whether or not you got a kill, wait for your team. You've done enough. It's called weak-siding.

If their 4-man site stack gets run over and they give you shit for it, why should you care?
Raze's ult feels like she has fucking i-frames it's frustrating, every time I should have been able to shoot her before she uses it and yet I've never done it.
i can't believe i wasted 20 matches with deadlock
i was always bottom frag, switched to neon and now i play like an actual human since she has actual abilities not completely useless shit like deadlock

what happened with boaster, i thought he was good
he boasted too much
Is there any way to still play a flank style against the opposing team if they have Cypher or are you just fucked.
play Omen/Chamber/Yoru and TP past the trips
>new agent is non-binary AND a smoker

i don't know how the brothers at the mosque are going to feel about this one
They had the perfect chance to make a cute tomboy smoker that is easy to play and solo friendly and they blew it with tranny shit.
As soon as she gets nerfed her pickrate will plummet.
The only real reason people are still playing her right now is because she gets a mulligan every 3 rounds that puts you into a horrible position for the crime of being better at aiming than her.
"ok we killed clove now lets just rotate away lol"
its either a raze ult people run from or your feeding an extra ult orb.

omen has the best kit. anyone that can get highground on a box is at least a free few kills. plus flash half the damn site
why are we not just playing cs2
no fuckable characters
When you break trip and force a guy to watch flank, it's better than coming out of the same choke with the rest of your team. It's almost a 1-for-1.
As if Valorante has any of those with its ugly ass Western design LEEEEEEEEEL
Seriously they need to increase the number of charges required to 9, this shit is ridiculous, it's happening every fucking other round because the person playing clove is usually a top fragger taking advantage of it, too.
I love it when I find an obvious aimbotter and people won't report him because "Valorant has no cheaters, bro! Vanguard makes sure of it!"
Which is the best ghost skin in your opinion?
Magepunk imo opinion
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-30 rr today
how do i climb rank? should i start locking reyna
ironically i start playing well when i realise i am going to bottom frag and lose this match
i think to myself, at least i will get mine and die. then confident mounts and i start playing better
Deadlock's only great against teams that rush site, you're better off playing Cypher/KJ
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>single biggest duelist diff to ever duelist diff
>>smoke diff
what did he mean by this?
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todays update:
match mvp and team mvp, both in losing cause
never going to touch supporting agents till i hit gold
gravnet is op to stall pushes any pushes
wall is strong enough for couple of players to rotate when they break it
Debating whether I should download this or not. Why does valorant's anticheat has spyware? I wish I could just download a game without worrying it's anticheat would run in the background 24/7
Anticheats need to be kernel level because cheats are kernel level. It's not like you can make an anticheat open source either, because then the cheat creators know exactly how to circumvent it
i support china
hope it invades usa
>hardstuck silver
Yeah. Just practice your aim and aim diff them. Worry about tactics when you get to gold/plat. Look for as many 1v1s as you can.
>8 first bloods
lemme guess, all of those were on a lurking Reyna?
Gaming is for people who do not need to worry about getting spied on. I have separate PCs, one for gaming and one for literally everything else.
nah cuz I'm enby but Clove is a shit representation of trans folk lol it's insulting desu fuck Riot for shit pandering
NA or EUW?
Which servers are most toxic?
Also what agent is more easy to play? If only someone could tell me a few tips for a newbie
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Valorant discussion seems to be poppin everywhere except on 4chan

i guess it's time to make a twitter account
Isn't Andrew Tate meant to be in jail for human trafficking?
they were proven to be fake allegations by libcuck trannies
Is clove shit to you because of "Draw a girl, call it an enby" or something else?
omen could've been the perfect nonbinary rep
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here is your -16 rr bro
It's part that and part Riot clearly doesn't actually care about enby people because if they did, they'd do something about harassment in the game lol L company that panders for money. Anyone can see it. I'd rather they just call me a slur
take your forced 50% wr and enjoy the game goyim.
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now that the dust has settled, what do we think of them?
sex with clove
Terrible representation of nonbinary people. Literally just pandering
Thing is, I don't think they even think they were being cynical about clove being pandering
It's just the california bubble where people call themselves nonbinary despite looking and acting indistinguishable from their birth gender
Didn't know KJ had those big dicksucking lips before I unlocked her and saw her intro today.
A shame I don't like playing sentinels.
>Which servers are most toxic?
Play on whichever server gets you a lower ping.
>Also what agent is more easy to play?
Try Reyna and Gekko. Start with phoenix or Sova if you didn't unlock anyone yet.
ISO's ult is actually better when it DOESNT capture someone
ult entire left side of site and no tag?
perfect it's completely clear
ult and it tags?
now you're in a 66/33 fight and there's still question marks on site
>0 first bloods
Be glad it's not -30
as the other anon said, try to force as many 1v1s as you can. I generally dont care much about first bloods BUT as a raze and top frag with 0 first bloods WITH 7-13 scoreline. something went wrong imo on your side.
I am plat at best and stuck gold right now, I played with a couple diamonds in a 5 stack and they had similar stats like this while we were losing games 4-13 or something. all the while they were complaining about not getting enough help.

The issue generally is, high elo players need to take our their high elo players. But some baiters are good at identifying their equals and avoid em. They go after the 4 other low elo counterparts and frag out and dies. Which doesnt help the round or the game because their diamond WILL take out your silvers. I hope more players realize this way of playing for the win than some number.
Either way you need to force more duels.
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>play reyna
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you are right
improved it this time
makes sense. thanks
Why am I playing against gold-plat players when I'm silver 1 with 20 games in my pocket. I'm not good and I know it but I do decent and sometimes even top frag against bronze-silver lobbies.
But then it thinks I'm a smurf and dumps me against gold and plats? I'm dogshit there's no way I can fight them I don't even land headshots often. So of course I bottom frag and let down my team. Just let me play in my bronze-silver lobbies...
What does Clove's neovagina smell like?
clove is AFAB and has a real vagina
Yes literally just out aim them.

You're definitely just in over your head. Out aim them too.
username: "GooningAboutKids"
which one of you was it?
Nyo I'm literal shit I know it. I can feel the massive difference in bronze-silver lobbies and sudden gold-plat lobbies. The latter onetaps nonstop while the former is a spray fest
is there really no valorant general
>The latter onetaps nonstop
No they don't. Maybe it looks that way to you because you probably run around the map unprepared for 90% of your fights.

But there is definitely a big difference. I just don't think you should think of golplat shitters as aim demons.
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what could the game possibly be telling me
its mostly rng if your team can play together / doesnt afk
If it makes you feel any better it only does a slightly better job of discouraging cheating than the average anti-cheat.
Breeze is out
>two maps out
>only mentions one map going in
They are going to kill reyna because of e-sportsfags. It's over.
A new map is coming.
>play mostly team deathmatch
>struggle to score mostly
at least I try to stay within positive contribution, but its always very low numbers
is that bad ?
TDM MM is not well balanced. Just use to relax or train your aim.
thank god, I hate reynas in ranked
How are they possibly going to make Reyna better in a team environment and nerf her in ranked at the same time?
The only reason she smacks in ranked is because of the ability to 1v1 up to 3 people with full HP. It's going to be a Chamber level nerf, isn't it? Maybe they'll limit dismiss and heal to 1 use each outside of ult.
>The only reason she smacks in ranked is because of the ability to 1v1 up to 3 people with full HP.
That's exactly what they are going to nerf. You are not allowed to have fun.
I have no idea what they are going to buff though. Maybe give her a real flash.
The netcode in this game seems really bad.
reynas is literally a skilled jett that doesnt get to run away before fighting. but lets add more smokes so you cant play the game and everyone defaults til the last second
if anything buff all the shitty agents. reyna makes sense because its rng your team has coordination so forcing tactics doesnt even matter
not even worth bother dodging til you get a vct comp during selection. chances of your initiator "challenging angles" duelist "taking space" sentinel "isnt ass" smoker "smokes properly" is like 10-20%
How so?
Hard to do that in bronze.
go to the range get your aim adjusted and try to frag out in game dont be afraid of dying. you need mvp streak to rank up anyway so play reyna or yoru to play both CT sides or phoenix to smoke for yourself. no one shoots reyna blind or plays anti flash in bronze
and if your having a bad game bring out the bucky judge odin outlaw
*no teammate is gonna shoot reyna blind for you

cool when team listens or already knows what to do. but unless your fragging their prob gonna cry because they chose a support role and expected some vct execute or default. shits every man for himself dont play support
>game is on
Nerf heal, buff flash and dismiss.
Rework the ult to be something useful
What agent is more easier to play for a newbie
killjoy. sit rear attack and literally hide defense. playing off bot is prob better than having an actual teammate half the time
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i am top 25% of valo players now
god, lower elo players are so trash!
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The sums of the percentages for Iron 1, 2, 3; Bronze 1, 2, 3; and Silver 1, 2, 3 are as follows:

Iron 1, 2, 3: 11.9%
Bronze 1, 2, 3: 26.5%
Silver 1, 2, 3: 28.8%

The overall total of these percentages is 67.2%.
genuine question how the fuck do you get good at the game cause im so ass
genuine answer, click heads.
>standardized posture on the desk
>crosshair placement
>slow, careful aim
>practice stopping before shooting
>(when you have a really terrible habit and do this in EVERY fight) unbind crouch to stop instant crouch spraying
Get plat then start worrying about everything else.
For you guys that are diamond+, how many hours do you play in a week? Do you play everyday?
I feel like I'm not leaving bronze anytime soon.
play swiftplay to learn the agent you like. pick one with flashes for easier time. use a + crosshair for quicker tracking. use the dot with outline for precision. find a sensitivity where you can almost 180 by swiping mousepad. flick one bullet or none then micro adjust your second shot to burst downward. aim for neck at close range the muzzle rise brings it to head. aim for hairline mid long range and burst down. mix up where u hold angles and where you throw abilities. always be in position to back up and take cover. outpatient enemy team. read if theyre rushing or waiting for feeds. save rushing plays for save rounds play smart with a buy. if you dont know where all the enemies are then walk with your gun out and look at mini map. dont run til you know for sure. if you suspect theyre around the corner do a 1-2 second run to swing it to beat a hold dont walk on a dry peek. use utility around corners. theyre in the upcoming corner your headed to til you shut them out and make them play backsite / retake
shoot each bot from one side to the other and dont shoot til your crosshair is placed for micro adjust. you can use deadlock nade or stand on top of the score counter to make heads less aligned. shoot far left and far right bots for mid/far flicks. practice strafing close and long range between every shot. usually wanna just shoot two bullets and reset unless your on a stinger then mag dump them
your gonna be same rank until to string together mvps. practice at range til your bored instead of losing a "warm up" game
best aimer ive seen
3 games a day max, but I do play almost every day.
Started out playing Yoru, now playing Sova, but I still play like Yoru, because I have no integrity.

I will NOT shoot my arrow to help my teammates.
I WILL save it for 1v2 scenarios
I WILL play Sova like a flanker
I WILL shoot my ult at any enemy I see regardless of whether or not my teammate is also there.
for me its gecko ulting my team
the agent that raises your dick
no and this board is dead, pretty sad
they should buff reyna since every retard is instalocking her constantly
yea a smurfing reyna or oping jett is hard to beat. thats when u judge outlaw and op back to have a chance
her heal is dumb and never made sense why she got overshields when skye sage phoenix didnt. shouldve only let to heal to 125 or 100
Her overshields last fucking forever too. Not even Clove's lasts that long even though Clove is already cancer enough with her ult that comes up every two rounds.
i fear using judge because i dont enemy using it against me
is this a flawed logic?
Master the gun and then outplay enemies trying to use it against you without practice
then her ult lets you heal again lmao. if youre carrying and still losing reynas a good pick. funniest games are duelist diffs you know someones getting flamed.
use unfair weapons when your whiffing and hitting center mass anyway or theyre smurfing then u got nothing to lose. doubles ur ct kills and makes them go to other site if you pull it off. then use a normal weapon after u push them off once or twice
if your bottom frag double negative then def go for it. part of the game its gonna happen anyway. when enemies defending on save you can expect a judge in some dumb corner and if jett has 5500+ get ready to be opd
>tfw playing team deathmatch and blasting Whole Lotta Red as loud as i fucking can
Why does Riot not want me using the Spectre as a long range weapon
because it's already good close range?
No, tell me how great Vanguard is when the enemy Skye just had 3 guys run up on her from opposite angles with near-perfect timing and she 360 one-tapped all of them like John Wick.
maybe she's just good at the game unlike you
VCJ SP2 Main Stage Game.4

Please show me who's good enough to do a full 360 of one taps in less than a quarter of a second
IDK I just feel like peeker's advantage is prominent? Or I get a lot of bloodshots in some matches, where I saw the animation for the blood coming out that I hit someone but then the game says I did no damage.
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The netcode is great on low ping, but it shits the bed on high ping or high jitter like every game made after 2015, that's why you see high ping players aggressively peeking all the time, to use the peekers advantage in their favor, unless you are 10 ping you gotta keep moving otherwise your package sending is behind players who are moving faster than you.
Also keep an eye on the server you are playing, you can manually select the servers you are can connect before queuing in the play menu, the game has the awful habit of randomly connecting you to a 130 ping server match too often, for me the game feels awful with a ping beyond 90, I refuse to play the comp on high ping, I hate when I see a clean hit on my screen and then the game says:
>sorry that hit you just saw was not real, the enemy player won this duel since he has a better ping
It could just be that I fucking hate CS-style gunplay since I dislike that if I have my crosshair on someone and our noses are touching I still miss anyways because my finger brushed my strafe key.
Also I probably need a 144hz monitor, I already have a shit reaction time and these games are all reactions anyways, I need any advantage I can get.
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You took your screenshot with data from March 2022 (Asc isn't a rank in this). Here's data from the same site in April 2024 but cumulative so it's easier to understand. The range of ranks you were talking about is now 40%.
Has anyone ever actually hit Raze during her stupid fucking jumping twice in a row ult or does she just get iframes or some shit.
Also if you do play a non-duelist as a fragger remember to just mute all because your team is going to constantly complain that you don't exist purely to help them get frags. They're going to all noisily walk to the site, lose a 4v1 by going in one at a time, then blame you for flanking.
me as a humble cypher holding 1 guy in mid with cams and another guy on the opposite site. While my team cant exec a 4v2 on site. At the end of the round, they say cypher, play with the team.

Again, there are cases when I play with the team in 2v2s or 3v3s but with 5 members, get the fuck off me, faggots.
awesome so this is another one of those games where aiming sensitivity is in increments and not in actual exact decimal points.
I peak diamond 2 and I could rank up even higher but I don't play that often, I'm a 36 yo with 240ms reaction time, I only play comp on weekends when I get coffee.
I try to practice gunplay on the range, deathmatch and team deathmatch every other day but realistically I only do it like twice a week since I keep forgetting to practice.
>I fucking hate CS-style gunplay
I like it because I hate how every modern game is just ADS and spray COD style, I hate having to aim down sights every single time I need to shoot
>Also I probably need a 144hz monitor
That will help a lot but only if your aiming is on point, a high refresh monitor is a good investment if you play multiplayer games but it won't instantly make you good at the game.
Are you using a gaming mouse? even a cheap gaming mouse would help you a lot, regular optical mice have shitty imprecise sensors and will die if you try to flick on low sens, specially the 125hz ones.
If you think you can get used to the gunplay just follow some advice the other anons posted and depending on how much time you play you could be hitting one taps in no time. A good internet connection, headphones, stable 60fps, a 500hz poling rate mouse and a 60hz 1080p monitor should be enough to carry you to Ascendant, better hardware will make things easier but practice makes perfect, that applies to this or any other videogame you play.
I like the style in theory but in practice it seems like it's just people rounding the corner same time as me, one-tapping me, while I'm shoving the barrel down their throat and missing.

Then again that one Phoenix was definitely hacking so I guess I shouldn't be mad about that one but it's just frustrating how many duels I lose where I get onetapped where it feels like I had no chance to react and meanwhile I'll just miss the best shots, even the ones where I was certain I had my crosshair on their head.
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>meanwhile I'll just miss the best shots
Iktf, I still panic or spray when they are not even looking at me
>Then again that one Phoenix was definitely hacking
He was either hacking or he was smurfing, people in this game and League of Legends tend to make smurf accounts when they are getting shit on in higher ranks, their ego is so fragile they need to make new accounts and stomp on newbies to feel better about themselves, half of the people in gold/silver are asc-inmortal players that are stuck on their ranks, they need to boost their ego by killing low rank players.
>in practice it seems like it's just people rounding the corner same time as me, one-tapping me
There many points people are preaiming or prefiring, the game is a lot about map knowledge, look at pic related, as a defender in Split you will find 3 attackers aiming and shooting here at the start of the round, as an attacker you will see a Jett, a Phoenix or a Reyna peeking here every single time, if you peek here without using any utility you can easily get killed, there are many ways to attack and defend this corner but that's something you only see in higher ranks, most people want to just get in and get kills, learning to defend is a whole different animal.
Dude, I can't do anything, I just can't keep up with everyone else's amazing aim.
Raze and Jett need like two times wider hitboxes.
It's hilarious that Sova still says his shock dart kill quip on a teamkill.
China thanks you for letting them install their "anti cheat" suckers
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Glory to the CCP.
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thanks game
I want that butterfly knife but I don't wanna pay $30 for it...
Does this game allow you to block headshots with your fucking hands
I've headshotted her mid air like 5 times in my life.
Okay I was just wondering because I was absolutely certain I was headshotting this Clove but instead it counted as two bodyshots and the only reason I can think of for this is that I wasn't hitting her head, but instead her hand holding the gun in front of her face.
>games are all reactions anyways
It's aim. Aside from actual pros, people here have an average time to begin aiming (between enemy appearing and beginning to move the mouse) of around 500ms. Human benchmark scores don't translate when you also have to aim.

Reacting faster also doesn't mean shit when you're just gonna miss.
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how come counterstrike and LoL has Esport discussion on 4chan but we don't
who do you guys think will win shanghai?
for whatever reason, valorant gets very little discussion on 4chan despite having relatively high MAU and often being one of the most streamed games on twitch
I think there just isn't much overlap between valorant's mostly zoomer target audience and 4chan's userbase
lull you to sleep strategies. viper kj cypher stall fest
watched some last year and this year. root for any non meta comp that can make plays not play time each and every round. usually just expect some lame shit to win so lost interest
thats every game at a high level though. play defense and stall wait for opponent to make mistake instead of initiating any plays yourself. games and sports at a high level are snoozefests
thats skillful itself to survive and make your opponent miss and capitalize. but boring to spectate. why everyone likes prx and edg. kinda like the neon team too heretics
This. I only play valorant because VAC is garbage and there is no solo/trio queue in cs2.
>often being one of the most streamed games on twitch
this is a very underrated thing for valo. its so interesting to watch others too and for the streamer themselves to play or learn. Its always on top, other than top CS2 games, regular valo stats clear CS2 hard. only league beats it
>PRX and EDG
who fucking likes EDG outside of kangkang being a crazy OPer
even FPX was crazier with triple smokes and being the first to use clove
give it 10 years

and Gen.G winning
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Why don't you watch the Valorant game changers tournament? It's quite popular.
I only watch it to laugh when a tranny stomps women like a radiant smurfing in gold.
>tfw half of game changers teams are made up of trannies

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