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>What is Advance Wars By Web?
AWBW is a fan-made site where you can play Advance Wars online against other players from around the world. It is primarily based on and plays like Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising with additional elements from Advance Wars: Dual Strike. This includes all units, COs, game mechanics, and more, for a completely unique Advance Wars experience.

AWBW is designed with the 'mail chess' concept in mind, where all players of a match take their turns whenever they are available to do so. This means that games can be played at your own pace, with support available for both short, live games spanning hours at most, or longer-lasting games taking place over the course of days or weeks!
How do I get better at advance wars by web? I S ranked 300 points every campaign mission in all games including Days of Ruin but I keep losing matches on AWBW. I need help.
New game when, the thread on /v/ was quite fun
how is the UI on mobile?
worried about constant misclicks on a puny phone
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It's as bad as you can imagine. I lost global league matches on the shitter at work because I was too impatient to wait until I was home to take my turn properly.

By the way, anons on /v/ are trying to have a game set up here:

password is the usual
rage for extreme newfags
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New link for a 5v5:
Same password, rage

Thread on /v/:
The game is on
Alright last week we didn't had Grey.
WHICH ONE OF YOU /vm/ cheeky fuckers is gray
figured, but got no other options for a bit til repairs are done
still gonna try all the same
why is there a 500 turn game going and who's the madlad who convinced 9 others for it
it's not that difficult, just convince everyone to skip turns
Any games going on?
still no gaems?
nothing right now bruv, sorry
I might host a game later
4 player FoW game up, you know the password https://awbw.amarriner.com/gameswait.php?games_id=1148825
2 more players come on
One more
I can join if you're cool with a newbie, but timezones may make the game take longer
assuming the three of you are murica or euro anyway
anything unique to know about 2v2? what happens if one player forfeits?
Go ahead, time zones are not a problem, the turn timer is of 5 days. In 2v2 if someone from a team forfeits the other player can continue playing, but alone and against 2 players. Aside from that it is no different from a normal match.
I would play this if it had a working AI to practice against.
the user interface in this game is fucking awful.


Please include this in the OP.
sorry for taking 3 whole days to join, at least pretty sure it worked
really dunno any etiquette or whatnot but best of luck to you dudes
sorry in advance for my teammate if I get crushed early on
also, do you have to assign teams to everyone? didn't notice an option when joining, and don't see one auto assigned to me
Game started
>get better
by realising the AI is complete dogshit in the games, and then doing research on the internet, then apply said research to matches
bros, how do we cure sensei's dementia?
lethal injection
why did you do that
need to save for a lander
Does anyone have the picture with all the advance wars fangames
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Lots on activity in that /v/ thread yesterday, advance wars seems to be relevant again somehow
Lots of chatter, but no games.
I missed the thread, at least we have 1 game going on.
Lots of infantry on this match
I think we need more landers
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This is a Tinywars thread too, right?
shame how underrepresented Davis is
I’m only interested in gameplay not coomer slop.
Sure why not
did yellow time out his turn?
why is sami and grit considered worse in fog?
doesn't the surprise factor of it help them more?
It's a lot easier to avoid indirect attacks in FoW since they need vision to attack but have dogshit vision themselves, and having incomplete intel means it's also harder to protect artillery from sudden flank attacks. Ironically, Missiles are the only indirect unit that isn't affected by this.
I have no idea why Sami is considered lower tier, though.
Directs are more effective in fow due to vision range and hiding in woods.
thanks for this

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