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For years now TF2 casual has been completely unplayable, full of automatic aimbots. New players have been left completely in the dust. I think we all know Valve won't do shit. What can we do about the bot hosters to make the game playable again?
Unless you are going to dox and murder the bot hosts somehow it's never going to stop
Just play on community servers, the way God intended
what community servers do you recommend? uncletopia is about the only server i can find without batshit insane plugins and ads
i only play shounic trenches nowadays.

every other community server is bloatware with shitty rules and tranny staff.
Furry Pound will unironically forever be the gold standard of vanilla TF2 on community servers
nothing, just play comp
Kogasatopia, Skial Casual specifically, Furry Pound, If you're trooned out Tiny Kitty's girl pound #4. Are all relatively normal servers and atleast one or two of them are usually filled up, and if none of those work play Uncletopia but honestly play Uncletopia last, even play girl pound before that.
I just play TF2c, anon.
mentally ill
why tiny kitty if trooned out?
TFP is the best kept secret in casual tf2. Its name automatically filters people but it's the only server I've played where the teams tend to be balanced, they play a diverse array of maps, and people are actually interested in playing TF2 instead of whatever retarded meme minigame YouTubers are pushing this week. 10/10 server.
not the OP but I'm on Linux Mint and Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer is completely broken for me; running mods that use it with it set to Proton versions 6 to Experimental causes them to not be able to launch at all while Proton versions 5 and below lets them launch and almost get to the main menu before crashing.

I've already verified it's cache and I can't think of anything I would have done with my computer that would have affected it, I have all the other Source SDKs since 2006 and they run just fine. I don't blame Eminoma for discontinuing Linux compatibility and I'd especially like to fix my installation because I want to be able to play Obsidian Conflict when (if) it gets that big new update they've been teasing for a while.
It's probably worth asking around where ever you can to look for fixes. I've ran the game on Proton 7 & multiple Proton GE versions with no issues at all (Linux Mint & Arch). Wish I could help, anon
Couldnt get SDK2013 going on my Linux machine either. Using the beta optinos and all that shit
>they play a diverse array of maps
I don't get why this is so hard for servers to do. At least the Summer Maps seem to have made their way into the mix on the more popular community servers, but otherwise it's a lot of the same shit over and over again for ages on end. People sing of TF2's praises when it comes to having community servers and custom maps, but when it comes time to actually playing them, it's only the mundane that gets players.

I swear, it's nigh impossible to actually play workshop maps unless you suckle at the teat of a youtuber; people wouldn't shut the fuck up about Vscript when it was implemented, but the three or so Vscript servers that existed barely got played, and even Versus Saxton Hale only got a bump AFTER the potential for it to be officially included was brought into consideration.
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i was at work taking a shit when a thread regarding tf2 bots showed up on /v/ and an anon confirming my theory of them being mostly russians showed up claiming he was working some time ago into doxxing them but hit a dead end, sorry but i was on the phone so i couldn't take a proper screenshot.
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and here is the link to the thread
its probably worthless but feels nice to know who our enemy is and how nuking that shithole would fix a lot of problems, even the ones not regarding funny hat game.
it's always the ziggers...
why can't shit like this ever happen to other big games?
Because allowing people to vote for maps is a terrible idea.
Nobody cares about the "big games", their popularity is almost totally artificial. If it makes you feel any better, Minecraft recently got a botting issue proving that it's literally just a matter of accruing autists.
these fuckers need to get doxxed sooner rather than later so valve can curb stomp their asses and get them banned for life
if you can't call someone a faggot and a nigger on it you're a faggot and a nigger for playing on it
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What are all your favorite maps?
Don't, avoid community servers like the plague. Only people with brain rot or retarded boomers who don't play games use these. Just re-queue casual until you find a game with no bots and kick and bots that join.
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this does infact give my miserable ass solace
Gorge, Phoenix, Rotunda and Mercenary Park are my favorites lately. I really miss Pipeline though I wish it was played at all.
Avoid matchmaking like the plague. Only people with brain rot, bots, and retarded little kids who don't play games use it. Just join a community server you like.
Yeah kind of unfortunately Pipeline never gets played because the Matchmaking Interface is garbage so 99% of people playing don't queue for it.
Zoomers like you are the reason community content doesn't exist in online games anymore.
>I think we all know Valve won't do shit.
The fuck *can* they do? Even installing rootkit level cheat detectors only catch the most retarded of 12 year olds.
They ban the most popular ones. Or at minimum just remove the f2p communication ban, that shit is retarded.
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Play on REDchanit.

Vanilla TF2:

Vanilla TF2 but Sniper is banned:
>call it Team Fortress 2 Classic
>add custom weapons and game modes not present in the original game
I can understand changing things to an extent, like adding engineer moving buildings or the sandvich, but I have no fucking idea what they were thinking when adding shit like the spy pistol with a completely unique mechanic.
Game modes too. While VIP and 4 team DM are interesting novelties, the novelty wears off fast and they are simply not why I joined the server.
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Unironically I think Skuna Tuna is a pedophile
>Be playing on server
>Shitting around, telling people how I got banned from a furry convention for outing people (inb4 le "everyone clapped")
>One furry says suspicious shit but that doesn't even matter at this point

>Basically what does matter is that Skuna Tuna, a VaultF4 moderator, was refusing to do anything about the extremely suspicious furry who refused to deny that they were a pedophile or zoophile.
>I am literally SCREAMING in the mic, BEGGING this fucking guy (Skuna Tuna, once again) to denounce pedophilia and zoophilia. He refused.

Skuna Tuna refused to denounce pedophilia. I want you motherfuckers to open your front door and let that goddamn sink in.

Unironically if any anons want to do some investigative shitposting (inb4 nypa), record a demo if you see Skuna Tuna in a server and then ask him with complete clarity and directness with *NO* accusations to say that they don't support pedophiles.
I've never understood, what do community servers do to prevent bots that Valve servers can't?
>First server is dead
>Second one has 0 players
last I played there weren't many problems, and that was only about half a year ago.
I've turned 39 this year and to this day I've had the most fun playing videogames when I played (very) early TF2 on a UK clans public server.
I was a Medic main and had way more than 1000 hours of Medic playtime alone.
When they introduced this "mann corp" I lost interest.
I was also enjoying L4D one and two during that time.
is lazypurple grifting now because he has chronic fagtigue syndrome
I wish they sometimes switched to a custom maps, there is so much fun maps out there,but everyone either playes gmod modes, stupid nonsense like 10x or class wars or settles for scraps that valve allows us to play.
>Vanilla TF2 but Sniper is banned
i'm not sure why this isn't a common server type, like 24/7 2fort or RTD. I always find the game more fun in the rare instances when no one happens to be playing sniper, yet always at least one asshole switches in about five minutes.
Skial 64 player turbine for life
>You've lived long enough to see the Furry Pound servers become the last bastion of true vanilla joy
The enemy of my enemy
Agreed, I really dislike Kogasatopia. I've never met a more obnoxious bunch of players then the ones playing there. Probably just rose-tinted glasses, but I genuinely remember weebs being more tolerable and enjoyable to be around 10+ years ago. Nowadays I can't stand them.
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the bots aren't even an issue outside of the first one or two casual matches you join, once you get on a server that's mostly humans the bots tend to give up connecting and the ones that do get instakicked anyways. Just roll casual until you get a human server.

Granted it does get worse during the holidays but even then you just need to stay with the first human populated server once you find it and not disconnect after every match just because you wanna do a specific map.

I've mostly played community servers for my tf2 career but after a while I've gotten bored of 2fort and tranny jannies that don't let you say niggerfaggot. Playing with an actual map rotation and no rules is fun
holy shit this is what I've been wanting for years
>Valve won't do shit.
OK smart guy, you figure it out. What should Valve do to solve the bot crisis? What magic bullet is there that instantly kills every bot?
Banana Bay
yeah this.
Just play whenever there's more than 10k players in severs (daily) and 4/5 servers will be bot free. People are good enough about kicking them that it's rare for them to take over a populated server and usually one or two at a time that manage to join get removed before they even kill anyone. I've gone weeks without having a match ruined by bots and I usually leave and queue for new server after every match. Not saying bots aren't a problem, but the people bemoaning casual as being unplayable (jewtube scum) seem to be the type already invested in complaining loudly for views.
this is already solved and it's called captcha, works well enough for most of the automated traffic and requires whoever is hosting bots to jump through hoops
ban Sniper in casual
you can still play him in community servers, just not casual

due to the computational expense of running bot's "artificial intelligence" (not entirely sure if that's the right term in this context) cheatbots' behaviour can only be so complex, so if they no longer have access to the fuck-you-instant-kill-one-click-any-range class then there's nothing else they can do to disrupt the game aside from, I don't know, going engineer and chipping away at people for 8 damage per shot.
*with the pistol, I mean, but I suppose an engi bot could also build sentries albeit with random, unintelligent placement that could be easily destroyed. At that point, the hosters' l33t epic troll would just consist of taking up a player slot on the server before being kicked, or micspam which is based.
If somes aim instantly snaps to head while scoped in several times in a row they are put in HvH shadowrealm.
Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt that I can't just hop in a game anymore?
Don't they still allow the game to be run headless in client mode? Just stop that.

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