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>This game is absolutely gonna be the CoD Killer you guys!!
>We had some public beta tests that nobody has heard any kind of feedback from, and we aren't promoting it at all, but it'll definitely be a good, healthy competitor to CoD!
>Don't worry, we won't let it sit without updates for a year before publicly executing it! When have we ever done that before?
no one except over hyping retards call it the "cod killer"
its just a arcade shooter in the style of older cods and perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod
>perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod
absolutely not
>perfect for people who are tired with the sweat feast that is current cod

This games barely casual its a pure SMG/AR sweatfest right now all the other guns kinda suck ass and the self heal bitch is the go to sweat pick.
I'd be surprised if it survives until 750
Played one game, ran like shit. Switched renderers and turned down settings, game was half shit while I assumed shaders loaded in the background. Third game was really fun and I got a bunch of kills and it was cool but at the end of the day all the games are low stakes, meaningless, and kind of boring. I guess it's okay to jump in every now and then for 30 minutes but I tend to not enjoy games like that anymore.
this nigga playng on a pentium 3 lmoa
Yeah, you're definitely the target audience for this game. Hope you're enjoying it!
yea the game is definitely not aimed at brain rotten ranked addicts who won't do anything in life if they can't see 'number go up' on the heckin rankerinno
The only game I regularly play doesn't actually have a ranking system or even matchmaking for that matter. We just usually all get on at around the same time and play. The games are much longer and feel more high stakes though, and generally feel more competitive than something like Call of Duty. I think its weird for you to get all sore over people pointing out that XDefiant exists to occupy the same space that Modern Warfare 2 did while you were still a twinkle in your father's eye.
damn bro that's real crazy, tell us the name of that fps that doesn't actually have a ranking system or even matchmaking for that matter and generally feel more competitive than something like Call of Duty
so you're comparing an arena fps from the 90s with a cod cloneslop and acting all high and mighty?
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All I did was give my opinion in a thread shitting on the game and I didn't even shit on the game, just explained why it wasn't for me. This your first time using 4chan or something? Do you know how imageboards tend to operate?
>play a fast paced fps who marketed itself by claiming to not have sbbm on unranked matches
>uhh bros... me no liky... me brain no give feel good chemicals... too fast paced and no stakes... me game better... should be like game QUAKE ARENA (2+ decade old game)
>why (SHIT RELEASED IN 2024) no worky well on me computer that shat itself after the world moved to x64 15 years ago... me no understand.... me better play quake arena again.... too much difference make brain hurt...
Who are you quoting? I didn't say any of that. I just feel like the games are too low stakes due to their short nature. I don't know how anyone can like playing for just 10 minutes before being inundated with challenge unlocks and battle passes and XP. I certainly don't remember a battle pass when I played MW2 on my xBox 360. I guess you'd understand if you were there.
bro why are you treating the xbox 360 like some fucking antiquity you absolutely retarded nigger lmao
>anyone can like playing for just 10 minutes before being inundated with challenge unlocks and battle passes and XP
you're talking about... the screen that shows up in the end of a match?
>I didn't say any of that. I just feel like the games are too low stakes due to their short nature
>>play a fast paced fps who marketed itself by claiming to not have sbbm on unranked matches
>>uhh bros... me no liky... me brain no give feel good chemicals... too fast paced and no stakes... me game better... should be like game QUAKE ARENA (2+ decade old game)
"Fast paced" is clearly referring to the gameplay, not how quickly the game can shit you in and out of lobbies to advertise more garbage to your face. That's not a "feature" anyone wants. Except you, apparently.
show me the advertisements you're getting BOMBARDED and BLINDED BY on this free to play game when compared to the 2009's MW2 (a 60 dollar, without accounting inflation and xbox live, triple A game made by a major publisher)
>fast paced gameplay
yes, it's a cod clone, have you ever played call of duty in your life or do you just talk about it as a hobby while you play quake arena with your tulpa?
weird ass motherfucker
I'm been able to go positive with a shotgun, LMG and sniper. Maybe your aim just shit
was interested in it until i saw gameplay of it, looks like a shit chinese ripoff of cod. it's ubisoft as well so half the characters are ugly creatura zoomers
only complaints so far are that I hate the healer bitch and the sam fisher clone, but, i'm having a chill time.
RPK my raifu is here and I can play as one of my favorite gangs from the Divsion, so, i'm pretty happy.
don't know if I wanna give ubishit money since if I do and the game dies, i'm 100% not getting a refund
>ehh but if you don't support the game, it'll die anyway!
yeah, well, it is what it is
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Hey shotgun users: use the invisible perk in the splinter cell faction
It makes them way more fun to use and I haven't had this much fun playing a cod type game with shotties since MW 2019
>buying mtx
you are the reason fps games are so shit now disgusting pig
nigger did you not fucking read I said I'm not going to buy anything from this game unless it makes it past a year because ubisoft is not going to refund anyone
just corner camp
nothing makes sweats nigger their pants harder than some timmy in the corner with a shotgun
this has to be bait, ubisoft is trying so hard to make this the next esport contender, which is obviously the case with their streams on their main channel and spamming drops to inflate their twitch numbers.

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