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free weekend. 95% off. Celebrate 15 years and show support for Killing floor 3 this weekend.
>inb4 lootboxes, dlc p2w guns.
who cares. pew pew zombies. cosmetics dont affect gameplay, and dlc guns are free on private servers. If you're going to bash KF at least be original.
buy an ad
never played any of them. is killing floor 1 really the better game? not sure which one to install first
How does it feel to be an easier COD Zombies?
it was all downhill when kf2 came out
tripwire is the peak of incompetency in the games industry
you cannot name a more incompetent game studio no matter how hard you try
bro you can't say this when fucking Blizzard exists
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TW feels like a Saint compared to Blizzard and Shitronic Arts, at least they allowed players to share DLC weapons. E.A would've charged $15.99 per gun and map.
>Captcha GPT4
>If you're going to bash KF at least be original.
If the problem persists then there's no need to be original, lol. In fact, the longer they persist the stronger it becomes to use the same complaint, lmao.
game's fun
I played kf1 and had fun, never bothered with 2 but picked up during the sale
shame nobody wants to put out a horde survival game unless it's a vampire survivors clone
>nobody wants to put out a horde survival game
This is something I've been trying to find more of myself. It should be pretty simple to have, but it's shocking how few there are on the market. Mods kinda shore up the list, but they usually either don't do enough to make it fun as a gamemode or they do too much to try to make it novel.
can anyone respond to this please <3
hi rez
This, holy shit. Say what you want about tripwire, at least they know how to make their games successful, even if they sacrificed all the original game's soul in the process.
But Hi-Rez? Their entire business plan is shitting out low effort trash and hope one blows up like SMITE. Fucking tribes ascend went from one of the most popular shooters on steam to being abandoned just because they didn't feel like fixing the problems people had with it. It takes great incompetency to waste that kind of momentum.
Killing floor 1 is better in enemy balance and map design maybe, but the mandatory grind to level up to get to higher difficulties is genuinely agonizing, gun play also just feels better in 2.
all new KF1 players should cheat their level up to lik 3 or 4 rather than try to grind it now. There's no point with the game being this old.
This. There's no reason for me to kill 49,000 stalkers or heal players 10,000 times just to level up, thats just bullshit. Its the whole reason why I dropped 1 all together, the game is just too dead to grind every perk efficiently
the game starts to be fun at level 5 when you spawn with a perk-specific weapon.

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