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Tencents big middle finger to EA is available to play and better than Apex legends mobile was. All that is needed to play it is an installation of a sketchy chinese spyware app called wechat. Who else plays it?
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Theres plenty of attractively designed female characters. You won't find any dark skinned butch lesbians in this game.
China understands gamers.
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The launch characters were good. The continued release of characters adds to the goodness. They're all similar to their apex counter parts but many of them look better. As for the game, 120hz refresh is available on capable devices along with better graphics. Many of us players would like to see an English translated release ahead of a global release. The last thing we want to see is some pozzed western consulting firm, i.e. sweet baby inc. detected, from ruining the games kino aesthetic by adding gay brown characters. This is seen in its thoroughly pozzed counterpart, apex legends (aka tranny legends).
What device would you play such a masterpiece on, you may ask?
Why the 144hz, snapdragon 8+ lenovo y700 8.8" tablet of course. Now, this tablet is supposed to get a western release as well. I may wait to get this version as it will probably get along with my Google services a lot better. For the time being you can order the China version y700 tablets off alibubu. Its my understanding that these still mostly work sans a few google servces.
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Don't forget your clip-on controllers for 6 finger control. I can't play these mobile shooters without this. I find find the management of hackers to be much better in HEH than the western mobile shooters as well.

See you in the arena faggots.
Looks visually interesting enough unlike Bloodstrike, a piece of shart which I bet doesn't even have an art director. Will test if it makes it to global.
I have searched youtubes to find a random gameplay video here.

As you can see it plays nearly identical tically to apex.legens mobile. Howver, it's current iteration is limited to 3rd person perspective when not using ADS. Hopefully they will implement the full FPS mode.
>Hopefully they will implement the full FPS mode.
It's a third person shooter
For now it is. I'm sure they'll update it. It's still a new game. This board is nice. I see these threads last for a long time before they're archived.. here is another video from that random youtuber..
Looks a lot like Farlight 84
I've never heard of farlight 84. It looks really interesting. I'll have to give it a try and see if it's any fun.

Right off the bat I noticed they tamed it down for western audiences by not making the female character slutty enough. Small tits.. too any butch lesbian looming characters.. sweet baby inc detected. boo

I don't know if it's just me. It's looks a little clunky compared to HeH. ..
Still it would be nice to play a game where I can read the settings menus.
OK. I gave farlight 84 a try. It's not the worst BR I've ever seen but it's certainly not on the same level as tencent and HeH. Theres too many weird vehicles. Aiming feels like crap. Weapons have nonsensical upgrades and shitty scopes.
It's apparent that a pretty small dev team is making this.. also the character voices are annoying.

I appreciate other developers trying to break in the BR scene but this isn't really worth playing. My suggestion for a BR game like this is to have super hot scantily clad fenale characters with huge breasts. If the gameplay is weak you gotta give something else to the players
Ok... imagine DOAX extreme volleyball but with BR. This is my idea. This game could improve a little with updates like that but id never expect it to be able to reach the quality of what HeH is right out of the box..

The game still is better than cod mobile BR. I'll give it that.

I haven't tried warzone mobile.yet but just installed it. It looks pretty polished.
Holy shit warzone mobile is a shitfest. So basically they just ported warzone 2.0 the PC game into a mobile app. The graphics look like poo and it attempts to set your mobile device on fire as you play.
That's a really horrendous launch.
Wow.. that's so bad. Wtf.
It constantly crashes and has numerous graphics glitches.. wow that's unique.

Also, I was completely unawares about the origin story of farlight84. So this is what was made to replace apex legends mobile.

It's really not that terrible. I sorta like it a little.. As I said earlier they really need to slut up the female characters for that game to be any good.. that will bring the players back. I also read about how the devs fucked that game up by over nerfing it and pissing off its player base.. they even made Maggie's tits smaller!
WTF!!?? They nerfed skins to make female characters less hot.. they better re-slut those female characters asap if they wanna make any money.

HeH on the other hand has plenty of scantily clad female characters with huge tits. China really is paving the way for the future of gaming. Good bye western developers. Have fun trying to sell your tranny games.
>All that is needed to play it is an installation of a sketchy chinese spyware app called wechat. Who else plays it?
not me
That is ai
Obvious ai
Mid tablet
>The graphics look like poo and it attempts to set your mobile device on fire as you play.
Most mobile games don’t look any better desu, even the one you are shilling

Also no one cares about le sexuality of the game, it literally has they/them characters in it and the game is marketed towards Brazilians and Indians, not anime comers who are fine with ai slop. The duckside guy for example has they/them pronouns. The biggest problem was its main stand out point, the jetpacks were removed from the game.
Looks even more like ass than I expected
Compared to what? You have to be kidding. This is currently the best BR on Mobile atm along with pubg. I actually hope this one doesn't get released to the west. I'd take an English language update over an international release.
Sniper sauce in this vid.. you won't see this sort of fine gunplay in farlight84. That's for sure. Though, as I said before that game has grown on me slightly.

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