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Brand new tab targetting MMO releasing in 2024 for PC and mobile
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Tarisland_Official/videos
Ah yes, the Chinese WoW clone that I've seen mentioned a few times here and there. Will give it a try but much like Throne and Liberty I have very low expectations for it.
Only thing I'm not liking is no gear progression
Looks soulless as fuck. Chinks will never make anything of value.
as an ex-wow player, it's probably going to be trash, but I look forward to playing it anyway. I hope it proves me wrong, at the very least, I hope it's some mindless fun.
>mindless fun
This is pretty much my exact expectation, anything more than that is just gonna be disappointment most likely. I can't imagine anyone being excited to play this as their "main" game but the state of MMOs is so grim that many people will try almost anything new coming out.
I hate this
Gear progression is such an important motivator and I doubt they have something to replace it
I'm pretty sure he meant no VISUAL gear progression
>have to grind without even something pretty to show for it
Worst of both worlds, I love it
Looks pretty good desu
It actually does but the gear thing is pretty shit. Though the costumes seem cheap as hell if that 268 yen price is final.
That's like 2 bucks? That can't be real.
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Officially released on June 19!
Here I was just wondering if they were actually going to release around Dawntrail
Beta signup is up
Bros I got into the beta
Same but on iOS, and I don't really want to play it on a tablet anyway
This game is making me fall asleep
I'm having fun doing dungeons its not too hard or too easy
I don't mind the simple character customization, but how do they not have eye color
for those that have played the betas, what class/role is the most in demand? Im assuming its tanks?
Didn't reach till raid and the game gives you AI team after about 1m in of queue
This game was detected as a trojan
because it is in the technical sense of one.
>team spams game for years
>Still isn't out
Classic business strategy, why even bother finishing the game

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