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Petal Dancing Edition

>Tumblr Tag:
>DA Group:
>Dropbox (alternate archive)
>Drawcard Template (+ some old examples)

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you're going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won't help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it's only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.

Previous thread: >>55844974
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>another Drawthread
You don't learn the lesson.
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requesting Sabrina dressed up as that doll she carries.
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Requesting my OC accompanied by her shiny meowscarada ready to face geeta and her glimmora in the middle of mesagoza
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Requesting picrel with kieran
>Last thread died with 196 replies
Requesting Virizion and Serperior sleeping together under a tree or in a open patch of grass/flowers.
Noone draws anymore... I know I don't
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Requesting the three female champions captured and tied up like the time Ash gang was captured by Team Galactic in the anime. Iris can be replaced with Geeta
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Requesting my OCs Rufus and Prof. Sequoia spending a day at the beach with each other for mother-and-son time. Have the former in swim trunks and the latter in a bikini. Include the starters as well.
>Fucking idiots forgot to bump one of the slowest threads.
>Easily could have lasted another week

Requesting Penny as a busty tatsugiri inspired mermaid
Seconding but only if she's topless
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Requesting a Tyranitar smashing a giant boulder into a bunch of smaller pieces of a bunch of Larvitars.
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Requesting a comic based on this scene from ATHF with Meowth ranting at a Pokemart
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Requesting Kabu doing this scene from Whiplash as he's doing the "Get the Fuck out of my sight before I demolish you" scene
Requesting a baby Poppy bonking Larry with a tinkatink hammer.
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requesting a fusion of pikachu libre and rocketchu (rocketchu libre? rocket libre?). seemed like a cute idea.
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Requesting a front view of a broken, decrepit AI Sada, looking like she's been there for years. Unable to move, and part of her face is visibly worn away, but she's still functioning.
"My servos have degraded beyond repair, with no way to replace them. I've sat in this exact spot for many years now. But don't weep for me; I've experienced the world many lifetimes over, met so many Pokemon, accumulated more data than I could ever hope to sort. This timeline is incredible."

"I don't experience pain or boredom in the same way Humans did. If nothing else, the Pokemon here will keep me company..."
It was pushed down the drain by some cunt
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Quick volca. Anyone have tips on how to make nicer simple backgrounds?
Wow thanks?! Didn't think anyone would actually draw this, I just requested something random instead of just bumping the thread with "Bump"
Looks great, I would suggeat to make the background have more contrast with the colors of Volcarone, probably with the colors on the opposite side of the color wheel
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/r/ing this man getting tackled from the front by a creeper audino
Feel like I've seen this guy before
Have you checked your closet?
He's that Murdoch guy that used to show up a lot here.
>Murdoch guy
The guy in the pic who I'm too lazy to explain but I haven't seen him in like a year
Ok, here as in vp in general or here on the vp drawthreads?
/vp/ in general but I've seen him drawn here once before too
Requesting an animated movie with Oikachu as the MC, going to every region to DESTROY the legendary mons
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Requesting Ground Miku meeting a blue eyed Hex Maniac in a desert. The Hex Maniac is pointing at Ground Miku and shouting 'Behold the Kwisatz Haderach!'
not sure who oikachu is but that sounds like a large request
I meant Pikachu of course
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Requesting Salazzle doing a cute 'mlem' like a blue tongue skink, shiny variant is also appreciated.
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second but the audino knocks him to the ground
Requesting a Wooper using Ice Punch to give someone the middle finger
I remember seeing a request for this guy on the /trash/ drawthread once, never got to see if it was fulfilled though
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Requesting a reference drawing for Relic Hunter, like you're making a character sheet for her. She's got such a great design, it's a shame this is the only art she got.
Wow, looks incredible. Now that same artist draw generic-looking, but still stunning, pokemon card art
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I had hope for her when other e- era stuff got new art like Underground Expedition got reprints with new FA art during the gen 7 sets, but that time has come and gone.
Requesting an embarrassed Kieran naked except for a leaf covering his crotch. Have the Loyal Three laugh at him.
fuck your weebshit requests you stupid weebshitters
Requesting Electric type pokemon of the artist's choice doing the electric slide
Yeah, it's strange to say, but she got too good at art lol, her old "newbie" style had so much soul
>electric slide
What is that?
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Requesting Serena as an exhausted but happy looking Channeler
Requesting Fuecoco with a knife going after a scared af Rhydon to kill it.
How tf did we get to page 8 in less than 2 hours?
Requesting a Spiritomb together with HEX maniac
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Requesting this but with your OC / fav trainer and (mega)Absol / your fav Pokémon sleeping in the bed together just like that.
Did they end up fucking?
I dunno.
Still wanna see someone drew a dead Rhydon tho.
Okay... Let's see it!
It's a dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcAzkr3k_n8
Requesting Dawn bullying a Drifloon and getting bullied in return and she fucking EXPLODES.
Looks really fucking rachet.
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Sorry for garbage hand. I need to stop being lazy and learn anatomy.
This was so unexpected haha, awesome!
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Gave it some thought, got a request:
a snapshot of the Futurama scene with Runerigus (as Leela) and Sandy Shocks (as Bender).
Probably either when Bender is tapping her on the shoulder, or when he is laughing harder and Leela is pouting. The text is not necessary but is OK to include it too.
Draw >>55909434 being given meds
I don't like Futurama, it feels very cynical
Well that is Matt Groening's particular brand of satire.
A bunch of drawfags RP'd as female Pokémon such as Audino and Latias who would try to sexually abuse the unwilling human boy around /vp/ threads
pic very related
Holy based, when was this? I've been here for like 2 years and never seen this before
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Who's that Pokemon?
Tell me what mango was this taken from and I'll let you know.
I don't know the guy looks like Hide from Tokyo Ghoul, but I'm sure it's not from that manga...
Requesting Bodysuit Akari.
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Requesting more of ya boi.

I wonder what he looks like Shiny...
mega fuggot :D
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This with rika or lono
I wouldn't say Rika is mentally ill, but I would say that about Iono
Does Iono not have tits?
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Was working on this >>55884439 but might give up. I’m not happy with the face and don’t want to work on the hands.
I don't know actually. I got back to this franchise 2 years ago too. What I know, I know from an anon in /spt/. I try not to see those pics for whatever autistic fuckery on /vp/ they represent.
Archives probably know the answer though.
Tf do you mean you'll give up, it looks great so far!
Gotcha, I won't lookinto it either lol
I am /beg/ tier so take this with a grain of salt, but for the face, try making it a tiny bit slimmer. Keep the facial features where they are (more or less), just bring in the left and right edges of the face. For the hands, I googled “simple female hand lineart” and saw some good references that you could adapt
That shading job on the bottom doesn't seem half bad, it's a shame the audino's in the way
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I noticed that I forgot to turn off a layer of guide lines. I went back and fixed it.
It looks the same
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seconding this because I know who the guy is
no u
Did you just tell me to go fuck myself?
What would happen if I did?
I apologize btw :( I made a grave mistake ):
It's okay, I forgive my child
*you my child
When will you learn, frogposter?
wtf she’s just like me
You're mentally ill?
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requesting Valerie flapping her wings and shedding fairy feathers.
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Here you go, darn captcha has had me like pic related these past 4 days trying to deliver this.
The missing "," after "as" really fucking annoys me though, which is not your fault of course
Requesting Wooper eating a whole Whopper by himself
Requesting Wooper on a spit at a campfire site, in Ilex forest, at night
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thumbnaild an idea not sure if i like the composition enough to draw it even with details of the stream/leafs/rocks
You have to flesh it out
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What’s with all the Rhydon hate all of a sudden?
Where is the Rhydon hate?
Finish it
OR here i like it a lot thanks :D
Requesting Acerola in the Summer/Default Naranja Academy Uniform holding a glass of orange juice. (Kinda like that one wrinkly baby-faced guy)
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Random request, but requesting a redraw of this scene but with Emboar.
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Requesting this buizel in a wedding dress and with a ring on her finger.
Why does her eye go in front of her hat?
Wrong thread dude
Request fusion of Conkeldurr and Oppenheimer.
This must be what humans went through when they and pokemon got married
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requesting depressed decidueye gaming in the dark wearing a grey hoodie
Requesting Vaporeon and Absol kissing
Requesting happiness
WIP because I suck at shading and won't be back at my computer for the next few days. Will try to get shaded and mega version done eventually.
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Requesting more of this edgy MF
Requesting some combee's playing with balls(soccer, volleyball, basketball, or whatever else of your choice) due to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6hGjh9SJ_M
Requesting BD/SP cover images, but with King Harkinian and Dr. Robotnik instead of Dialga/Palkia respectifully.
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i wish you'd be normal. the scene could be normal. was a fun panel to draft as a quick warm up though
Awesome, will it get finished?
And what's that curved arrow supposed to do?
Anchoring >>55896824
You have to anchor your works
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maybe one day, for pokemon related drawings i mostly like quick compositions unless i really like the idea. the black overlay was for framing purposes and a reminder to alter composition
>to alter composition
Like, moving the camera angle?
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It has been a while :-).
NTA, but I also wish it was a normal request, because Absol is my favorite and I'd very much enjoy seeing Absol sleeping in the trainer's bed in a completely normal fashion. Does look pretty good for a rough draft. Do the arms seem a little too long though?
You should show the tightenheart discord these, I think he'd really like it
whom is that my good man
I cant seem to find a discord link for him that works, do you know any? Id be happy to share my shitposts with him
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Requesting this with Floatzel or Dewgong
sean did you see the art I did for you??
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Im gonna stick to le funny vore, no snuff, just leaves a bad taste in my mouth

you a funny guy sean
He's an excellent artist, shaun. It's just that he was drawing you, and you really are just that ugly. It's just the true-to-life style of the Bavarian school of Realism.
oh my god this thread is fucked
No it's not
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I know this is asking a lot, but I think it could come out great. Kindly requesting you watch this video from a few days ago of ducks watching the meteor in Portugal, then take your favorite shot from the video and turn the flock of ducks into a flying type of your choice! Picrel is what I saw that made we want this. Please and thank you!

Does suicide count as an artform?
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requesting an alolan sandshrew kneeling on an aurorus's neck
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Requesting this but with Gardevoir
OR here, I really hope you don't give up because I think it looks quite nice so far. Only advice I;d give is to follow >>55913887s advice and even then, I'm not too concerned about that hands.
Wtf is this
Reimu eating omurice
Ok cool. It looks like some kind of carnage lmao
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Requesting a radioactive Vaporeon diving into a pond and poisoning it, with all the aquatic life dying and floating to the top
Can you someone draw the tall girl as Gardevoir and the short girl as Tinkaton with the robot being Magearna(or whatever robot-like Pokémon)?
Artist of that?
Wtf is wrong with you? I'm eating right now!
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Disgusting furry artist
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are you new to /vp/, anon?

Which artwork? Are you the voreschizo?
You won't believe what just happened. I was finishing the linework on this request, clicked close, then, for some reason, clicked "do not save".
One hour of work went down the toilet, damn.
Do it again.
Oh yeah, they included you too then
That's unfortunate...
You can always post it with catbox
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Bump, also I made this.
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Requesting Kiawe doing pic related to Mallow. Bonus points if Lana's watching
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Requesting Misty reacting to a bikini, grimacing.
Requesting Arceus using Winamp.
Lol nice
Ehy would Miku not like that bikini?
WOW, thanks for not telling me to die and go to Hell this time around, I love these already!
God bless America
Requesting Hypno wearing pic related's outfit.
How about some Jojo?

Catbox almost choked when I was uploading it, lol.
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The suffering is finally over
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Fully-colored version
Which one do you like more?
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Draw him naked save for a leaf covering his crotch.
How do you make these?
Why did you make it so big?
manga studio, it has a lot of tools for beginners and it is easy to use.
You mean Clip Studio Paint?
Requesting a Cyndaquil and an Oddish half-buried in the dirt
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Requesting a H-Typhlosion gijinka
>Why did you make it so big?
I dunno, I always make canvases as big as my PC allows.
Besides, jannies banned my country's IPs from posting images, one less reason to watch out for the size.
Yeah but it then unnecessarily takes up more storage on your PC
Never been a problem for me, to be honest. If I run out of storage I buy new drives. Sounds like I'm a fucking capitalist but hey, if you can solve problems with money, those ain't problems.
You got it
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Requesting characters from the OP >>55940111 posing like on this picture.
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I finally finished the coloring.
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This, but Emmet as Alistor and Ingo as Rosie.

Bonus points if they wear those outfits
Where can I watch this show for free?
I suppose you don't have amazon prime, do you?
NTA, but
>for free
Nope. And I don't intend to ever get it.
Why is he smiling?
You're just straining your PC for no reason.
He's always smiling
But why
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Requesting Acerola pouting like picrel
To show how unpredictable he is
So, where can I watch this series for free?
TPB, of course.
Dude, I bought a powerful PC, I AM gonna use it to its fullest.
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I did a sketch.

Might as well anchor
Fuck off.
Kind of a stupid mindset but you do you anon
What's a TPB?
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Thanks. Been a while since I drew anything, and I'm a tinhorn when it comes to working with Krita. Really gotta get back to doing art.
Gato sexo
Better late than never
OR here, based art. Thank you anon
Cheers man.
Requesting an animation of a pokegirl getting beaten or something while this song plays in the background.

Olivia Newton John - Physical (Lyrics)
Requesting Absol and Vaporeon kissing.
Requesting a dirty minccino being cleaned up by their trainer
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Requesting the follow up to >>55921569
based on this. "Innocent Fuecoco on dead Rhydon body with the stabbed on.
The Pirate Bay, of course.
Oh okay. Thank you, I'll check it out
You're welcome.
If it falis, though, Rutracker might have it.
Alright, thanks! *thumbs up emoji*
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Requesting this with MegaAbsol in place of the Biblicaly-accurate angel and the dude replaced by some USUM character most likely to have a heart attack from witnessing it's magnificenct beauty as stated in the Poke'dex entry description
Alright, guess I'm doing it myself again.
The sketch.
You can't just give those JoJo characters different haircuts and outfits, they must also look like the actual Pokemon characters
id beat the shit out of leavanny and then use a blowtorch to finish it off
TFW I'm the OR, decided to do the thing myself and literally forgot what I requested.
nta but it is free, if you have amazon prime
Amazon Prime is not free though
Just like going to the gym is free if I have a gym membership, yeah?
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Love this girl
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hope you do more Iono :^)
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Mermaids are top tier. I'm hella biased towards Primarina, too.
I didn’t think I’d ever get this. Thanks for the mermaid
I love how she looks like she just got transformed into this and is angry about it
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I've had a vision
What is it?
Iono with drip
Its Mela's boots
Fucking incredible. I love it.
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Well now she needs an oversized hat.
OG requester, thank you anon (:
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I like her face
who wears a big hat?
Oy vey!
Doug Weezingdome?
well, seems I've got a job to do
Requesting this drawn with the actual meme format from Spongebob
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tinkaton gajinka
So, is she a streamer like Iono?
Why is she bisexual
How did you-!? I mean, nah... maybe fashion-related girl?

I'm not obsessed, it just looks a lot like the biflag colors lol
I was mostly joking though
you think too much of faggot colors. these "people" don't deserve to have a flag. why should they? besides, bitches stole all the good type combinations. im still recovering after trans flag when they used such a nice pastel color combination
Sounds like you're the obsessed one then, kek
I was just making a dumb joke
Also I'm bisexual myself and I like the flag, get fucked
you're mentally ill men with a problem. you better to get help. its much worse to be sexual deviant than schizophrenic or to have other mental illness
I'm actually very happy and mentally better than ever, thank you for your concern though
Hope you get better too
So she can fuck human men AND women.

Not beating the obsessed allegations, my guy.

if i was obsessed, i would nag about Iono's hair color and would avoid using those color combinations
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Requesting three Pokemon of your choice holding and eating the Pokemon treat of their native region (Plusle eating a Pokeblock, Buneary eating a Poffin, etc.) including an Alola-native Pokemon visibly jealous of the others because all it has is beans
... And Malasadas.
Do not forget about the Malasadas.
it's over
always has been
Fret not, fellow /vp/oreons, the day of redemption shall come
Requesting a shitty MS Paint version of your own request
Can someone do this?
There was an I assume a drawanon in the Tinkaton thread asking if anyone has a draw request, so I made a request and they never responded..

So, I'm posting my request here.
I'm still requesting this
>*Cracks whip**Shpshh!**Shpishh!*
Holy based.
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Requesting this playing card but Pokemon themed of your choice
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Look at her go!

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