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been awhile
is the game any different than it was at launch?
I remember the early game being massive slogs with its fake ass turn base shits
Devs doubled down. You either love the board game autism or hate it. That's it.
I've been curious as well. Steam reviews seem good, but the game is still in early access and I've been burned too many time to risk it.
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I love the theme, gameplay is decent, but the midgame before you have capable spaceships and are capped by in how many stations you can build in space lacks some direction. sure you can shoot some aliens on earth but I'm soft locked out of researching alien tech because of my lack of ship weapons
I liked the space craft exploration space station building stuffs
I just didnt like the waste of time each turn where you tell your agents to just defense ideology again and again mid game, because everyone have the same amount of agents you just stuck in the status quo until the aliens show up
Yeah, the space colonization aspect is actually the funnest part. It could be a great game, if it wasn't for Earth being a retarded version of a HOI4 mod and the entire outer solar system belonging to the aliens so fuck you if you thought it'd be fun to colonize anything other than Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, and maybe Saturn.
I fucking wish it played like HOI4. I honestly wish it was basically just Phantom Doctrine at the start with a more complicated campaign map. But agent actions zoom into tactical battles or stealth missions or whatever. Then the game phases into xcom as the aliens step up and eventually it folds out into the space phase as well. As it stands it's stinky doggy doodoo how it handles the earth stuff.
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There's something suspicious about the new event pictures.
Imagine taking the money you made from selling the game and putting it back into the game. That'd be silly when you can use the lowest quality free AI art tool.
well yes
I really want to like this game and every now and then, I give a sahot. But I feel like this game's overall design is very convoluted. Space combat is very janky last time I played. The spy conquest game needs more depth. The tech tree is just full of bad techs, where you have to look up what's good or not. It's simply not intuitive.
The space aspect ruined the game.
They tried cramming 2 very different games into one. Instead of adding that they should have scrapped the agent system and focus on ground layer
Dogshit game.
Made more dogshit by a dev team that think difficulty = good
They have spent the 2 years of EA just nerfing any strategy the player can use in the fucking ground while doing fuck all for optimization, playability or feature development.
They implemented an accelerated mode and custom game options.
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There are a number of improvements they made to AI and also to ship/fleet control. it's much easier than at launch to maneuver ships around, though still incredibly difficult with any more than a few of them at a time. In addition, there were custom game mode options which will be of highest interest to returning players. You can choose how many factions you want playing, as at launch, but now you can affect research speed, starting control points/mission control, how effective investment points are, etc. It's really quite nice and makes for replaying it a much more bearable affair.

However, and I cannot stress this enough, the developers of this game are horrible stewards for it. I never did like Long War at all in XCOM, because it felt like it pointlessly padded the game just in the interest of making it take much, much longer than it should. The entirety of their balancing in this game has been for the sole purpose of crushing any strategies, both ground and space, that would allow for the game to be completed in a reasonable time frame. They are absolutely hell-bent on stopping the player from having fun, and it shows in the completed product. I have talked about this game at length with my friends but every time I have recommended they do not play it. It's absolutely incredible in its scope and application of realistic spaceship movement and combat, but it is wrapped in a maddening onion that requires literally hundreds of hours of NOTHING to get to it. It is such a shame. I quite like this game, but absolutely hate what the developers have done with it.
Agents are a retarded system and they have doubled down on it, and the factions are still the most soulless shit ever put to paper.
"If players find a way to successfully play our game, we should remove that method" is the worst way to look at game design. I can understand wanting to fight against cheesy strats, but this attitude if universally applied would have treated rocket jumping or using supply depots for walls as "bugs" to be removed.
The sad part is they could make the game take the same amount of time but make it feel better to play just by changing agents and how you interact with the game. The part that feels bad is how once your control points are set up you're not doing anything with a bunch of your agents and you're just passing time until the next stage. The game's problem is a pacing problem between the early and mid game.
Yes, I'm trying that now.
It's been said before but Pavonis has learned nothing from Darkest Dungeon.
The tech tree needs a good pruning too. The game mode where everything can be unlocked needs to be the default, anything else is bullshit when even half the end-game engines are fucking shit.
The endgame engines might be slightly better now that they've added radiators that are lighter than the tin droplet one.
Did they nerf my high IQ strat of building a gajilion solar powered fortresses shitting out anti matter around mercury?
I wouldn't be surprised if they added additional MC costs to atomsmashers, no.
I'm happy that it died. I wish more bad strategy games died like this.
It's not dead though. It's still updated and has the same numbers over the past year.
That makes me seethe. I'm gonna calm myself down by thinking that 500 autismos don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
Wait it's marked as early access? What the fuck
Apparently the finished game will have a Cold War scenario, terrestrial navies, a future scenario that MIGHT have nations on other worlds and so on
converting large enough colonies into nations does sound based, imagine the names and ethnicity pools being based on the nations with the largest share of launch sites
Will the finished game be fun?
you probably had more fun making that post than you will ever have in the game
if not mods will fix it(tm)
That's at the low points. The peaks are 700-900.
I dunno why there are so many larpers in /vst/ that don't care about gameplay as long as they can live out their fantasy of being le ruler. It's sad because I like larping but I hate bad games.

Are you personally calling out paradox gamers lmao
But you are not "le ruler". A core issue with the game is that the player is filtered through an unfun mechanical layer that disconnects from the actual fun parts of the game: being a ruler.
Why is the gameplay both realtime and turn based?
Even space battles work with simultaneous turns.
It's turn based with phases for action resolutions. There is no real time in the game, the turns seeming to progress in real time is just there to fuck with your perception.
But why, then? Why provide the illusion of realtime?
Either because it's just cool to see transfers in real time, or because they originally planned on it being a real time pausable game but couldn't get it to work for whatever reason.
I hope that modders will be able to unfuck the game once it actually makes it to 1.0. There's a really good game idea here that's buried under bad design.
Yeah maybe in 2027
>Long War mod team make a game
>Most popular mod for it ends up being the Short War which makes the game less tedious
It would be poetic.
The councilor turns are to get the councilor missions to interact with each other. If there were no turns, you could for instance wait around to detain any enemy councilor right in the middle of a mission. Also stuff like set policy for nations can't just happen at the snap of the fingers. There is also the LARPy reason to have turns as representing the difficulty of covertly coordinating secret factions that are constantly spying on each other.
Game needs about 200 more useless drive techs clogging up the tech tree, there just aren't enough for my liking.
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>grrr i hate DA JOOZ, why do people actually like israel????? everyone should agree with me REEEEEE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post nose
Go back to /pol retard.
Go back to bombing hospitals and executing kids, you wannabe genocidal faggot.
Whoops! We thought there was a Hamas base there!
Why would anyone like Israel indeed? It contributes nothing to global society aside from software because Israelis don't do manual labour and even then it's outclassed by actual countries that aren't liabilities and seemingly only exist to rile up the Middle East.
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>it's da jooz fault we use hospitals as bases, we dindu nuffin
I'm not a Palestinian. There is never any proof provided of these so called Hamas bases. All Israel is doing is throwing a hissy fit and levelling civilian structures on the surface while Hamas hides in the tunnels. How many bunker busters has the Israeli air force dropped compared to normal bombs? Apologists like you and weak willed faggots in the US government are the only reason this has gotten so bad.
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Not leftypol, just have a pair of functioning eyes and some integrity.
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I took over Israel and used their only nuke on Iran.
They learned from darkest dungeon, they just learned the wrong things. They just learned how to successfully create artificial difficulty instead of how to successfully create a good game.
They actively killed their game in the crib when they decided to make it more and more tedious.
I'm not sure why they don't just give it away for free since they seem to hate money so much.
They made the game so tedious that the games favourite youtuber cheats in the play throughs he does.
In his latest play though he has India and Russia, plus multiple other countries by Dec 1.
I don't think that's possible even if you managed to make every roll.
>uncritically and unironically consuming Israeli propaganda
Literally number two on that list lmao
Which is it? Is it Hamas' shitty bottle rockets that are levelling hospitals or is it the le based and brave Jews who commit crimes against humanity and don't afraid of anything while crying out in pain and claiming without evidence that the subhuman Palis are decapitating babies?
I literally don't understand how someone can support Israel now. Is it just some childish hatred of brown people? Because those displaced Palestinians are going to have to go somewhere and they're probably going to go to a white nation like yours.
It's a propaganda effort that's lasted for centuries.
First you have Christianity which has in their bible the old testament that calls Jews, God's chosen people.
Then you have media which painted all muslims as terrorists for years.
They ruling class doesn't care what the reality is, only how most people perceive reality.
Isn't the Old Covenant null and void?
Rest of your post is good though.
It should be but the Old Testamant is still read by Christians and leaks into their thinking.
They might not realize that it does but it clouds their judgment when it comes to Israel.
It also has the Jews act like apes, get punished by God and exiled for all eternity. Not sure why you focus only on the chosen people part when any and all Christian literature written before the 20th century shits on the Jews mercilessly. Even this random Nestorian text I'm reading now, which was translated from Persian to Syriac a good 800 years ago, and only rediscovered from some mudhut a hundred and fifty years ago shits on them for it.
You mistake the difference between perception and reality.
Most Christians are ignorant of the history of their church.
They have a very carefully crafted perception of reality
Most people don't care what the reality is only how they are told to perceive reality.
I don't get the nation investment sometimes, like why would you ever put investment points into funding when you get more than that even from the minimum amount of spoils? And the military investment is also weird, its like .0005 for every 3 investment points or something ridiculous like that, but i guess it reduces unrest?

I guess that having one dot in most of the categories giving you a 4% bonus to all the other ones kind of offsets how useless most of them are, but things like education and unity are almost completely worthless, they increment so little at a time.

I'm not really sure how the public research stuff is supposed to work either.
excuse me, but what the fuck does this have to do with the game?
Nothing, it's just /pol/estinians leaking again
You banned me, didn't you, you stupid fucker?
Funding is a long term thing, and spoils is a huge setback for whichever country runs it. The way to do it is to have a dedicated spoils country that won't really need to do anything else, like saudi arabia, to get your early capital. Then you put your economic countries on some funding and just leave it.
Education is needed to push up research and knowledge while unity is good to generate support and squeeze out the other factions.
Russia is also nice because you can ruin it for the first few years while you take all the boost and set up to get into china for your long term economy.
Spoils fucks both the country in question and the world via GHGs.
I finally got a bunch of space factories up and running and now all of sudden I have gone from no money to a positive income in thousands. Is there anything I can spend that money on? How much should I keep in the bank for random shit events?
Oh my Sam Hyde, these are some BASED and TRAD epic schizo posts! Us based schizos am I right?
How is it I can tell you were mad when you wrote this post?
even leftypol is pro-hamas and anti-zionist

while I do agree, there is a difference between being anti-zionist and anti-semetic
There shouldn't be. Zionism is merely a political expression of the phenomenon called "being Jewish"
There are anti-zionist jews.
Israel is an antisemitic state because zionism holds all jews hostage for the actions of a poorly behaved desert backwater that should hold no importance. God never returned the land to them, so this Israel is illegitimate.
Fucking hell, I have so many orgs..
DESU, i love jews, there are just 3 sticking points that get in the way of my friendship with them

>Supporting Israel
>Supporting Circumcision
>Supporting Jewish Supremacy

If it weren't for these three things, I could be friends with most jews.
I am the Cartel King
Got to be the very best
Drug Kingpin of them alll
but to be honest if some fucking arabs fell from the sky and kidnapped my daughter I'd want the government to try to get them back.
but then again, we assume the press is being honest with us, and there is an implied Jewish collusion among media elites.
and the story sounds somewhat fanciful, though to be honest, given the desperation of the Palestinians, it does not seem so far fetched.
I give it a who cares out of 10.
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>implying the Israeli government gives a shit about the hostages except as a FEEL BAD FOR THOSE POOR JEWS, GOYIM tool
What was the first action taken in favour of the hostages, again? Wasn't it a poster campaign in WESTERN cities clearly intended to engage brown people and build more sympathy through those brown spergouts for the poor widdle joojoos?
funny enough most of the civilian(Israeli and foreign) casualties from day one was some Israeli Apache pilots going on rampage and destroying every civilian vehicle they could killing plenty of chivies trying to run away
so these Palestinians probably saved these civvies that they abducted, even if later some of them died because israel don't give a fuck about hostages and they killed some of them
What is this game like?!
It's not great.
Somehow everything is tedious. Upgrading and building colonies is tedious. The ground game is tedious. Chasing down ayy ships when they run from your ships with their stupid fusion drives is tedious.
boring, tedious, clunky
whole design is flawed and devs are bend to make it even more boring to play
It's pretty silly that you can't influence colonies like you can with countries on earth. Like eventually, after a certain milestone, a colony should spin-off into a self governing region on the planet. Then you'd actually have a reason to send your agents to other moons/planets and keep them there long term.
>someone said that a helicopter may have fired on fleeing festival-goers... (with no proofs and it was denied by everyone)
>this means ALL of the civilian deaths were civilians!!!
I've seen this one before, /chip/pie, it's as retarded of a cope then as it is now. Get fucked over.
it sound plausible, i seen photos of wreckage and no way some goat herders with kites did it
i seen also video of jews killing their own civies either from mistake, panic or just because they could and don't care
pray and maybe Jesus will save you
that will be a thing
if they don't decide against it
Imagine trusting Jews, lmao.
>goatfuckers are too stupid to set fires
I know they're retards but they're not that retarded.
Don't speak so harshly of your soon to be new neighbours, you subhuman goy.
well shit, i guess were talking about jews then..
no no, please, continue on about the jews. this is the natural drift of the conversation.
Israel is a shithole. Every 10 to 20 days a bomb goes off randomly somewhere. Jews got no business being there, its never going to stop until they leave.
Can you imagine trying to raise your fucking kids when every other week there is a suicide bombing, terrorist attack, or mortar fire. Like trying to fucking take your kids to school when they are literally just casually bombing the shit out of your country.

Leave. Fucking idiots. Just go. Why would you want to live like that?
I mean, just talk about a place where you don't belong. Where all your neighbors are trying to kill you. A place with ZERO resources, nothing to build an economy, just dry, hot, 110 degree heat every fucking day of the year, no water, no vegetation, no nothing.

You're fighting over a hunk of ROCK.
It is literally a land of ruin to punish the wicked. I only feel sorry for the children born there.
but muh jerusalem
anyway. the fucking niggers moved me out of malysia and I lost my control point in Mexico, now I'm stuck with the fucking Gulf and Golden Triangle Orgs stuck in my org pool.

Your fucking right man, this game does hate fun, you'd think if you didn't meet the original requirements for the org but still had it equipped you'd get to keep it.
Oh and the US had a revolution, then the fucking US and Russia formed a superstate. This game is fucking bonkers there is no way that'd ever happen. Then the fuckers at the servants forced america to go to war in malysia and cause me to lose my hold on the golden triangle.

I lost mexico cause my hold was pretty wea, i only had one control point there.
Everyone in Dune was fucking retarded.
there are just a million little things like that that are like 'no fun allowed'. Like putting an influence cost on direct investment, Or how you can't maintain intel like the location and name of agents after you spot and investigate them. Just a million little tweaks to make the game slightly less fun.
money, influence and boost are all completely worthless in trade when you're trying to trade for orgs, every trade action I've ever done the NPC's were so fucking lopsided they'd want 5-6 orgs for one.
Sounds like something they would do, since that would make the game even more tedious as hell.
On the bright side, if you're any good at intercepting enemy ships it'd be very difficult for any enemy faction to land a councillor on Mars or whatever.
This. The councilors are really awful to play with.
In fact I'd even say the game is usually too short in scope, only lasting to maybe the 2040s, if that. However it takes forever to do anything because of the horrendous councilor system dragging the gameplay to a crawl.
That doesn't require a turn based system, it just requires missions to take time to complete.
>and the world via GHGs.
Completely irrelevant. The world is guaranteed to get fucked no matter what you do, so worrying about spoils harming the environment is a waste of whatever amount of brainpower it took you to even hold the thought in your mind.
gripe #108
only allowed to have 10 orgs in your org pool
gripe #109
having to pay to re-equip orgs
one of the bigger complaints i have is that the time scale is all over the place.

Your resources in the upper left are listed as daily incomes, the investments on countries are listed as monthly incomes, your councilors have a turn every two weeks, a bunch of resources are also listed as annual as well..

there is no standardization
They made the game more tedious and obnoxious.
gripe #110 it takes half a year to consolidate your control of an executive control point so you can set policies and change relations.
gripe #111 it takes additional time to control new armies after you grab the executive control point and new armies take time to control even if you have a monopoly on the countries control points
My mission to rule the solar system is getting in the way of my sidequest to become the worlds greatest drug kingpin. After I lost Myanmar (burma) and my hold in Mexico there was a revolution in South Africa and somehow I managed to take complete control of it, despite never having sent a councilor there the entire game. I also made a move for austrailia and got lucky and managed to take the whole shebang, but i'm like 50 points over my control cap and had to abandon oman and yemen, which i hope are of small enough consequence that the other faction will just leave them alone. I'm researching a tech that will give me +25 control cap but even then I'm still playing catch up, its going to be a while before i can take back a controlling share in Burma and Mexico so I can fufill my dreams of becoming a pokemon cartel master, esepcially since i have no public opinion share in Mexico.

Also I think 3 of my cartel orgs are just made up, since they aren't listed on the wiki. (TBF the wiki is outdated as all hell) They have no national requirement and i couldn't find any reference to them on wikipedia.
gripe #112, repeatable research techs rewards don't scale, you get the same 25 command points whether its 100, 200, or 500 research points.
Basically I've done what no one in the past century has done, I've brought peace to the middle east. I want to form a federation and eventually unify, but I am not sure how to do it since i need some sort of claim on an other countries territory, yet somehow the US and and fucking USSR are able to merge into a giant fucking superstate.. i made sure to pick the Unity movement tech for public research cause I think thats the only way to unite the middle east, probably under a caliphate.

As is they are allied with each other, even Israel, which i took over cause they had a decent space program and boost income.

Its all centered around saudi arabia.
Right now i have all of my countries set to kleptocracy so i can direct invest enough cash to bootstrap another army for saudi arabia. I want my middle eastern coalition to invade the Gulf States since they are the only country left in the middle east that hasn't joined, plus they have a good economy and decent boost income. After I kickstart the Saudi's new army into gear I'll have 9 armies, last I checked America only had six, but now that they merged with Russia they probably have like a dozen.
gripe #113, you can't create claims on other countries territories
gripe #114 you need a claim to form a federation or unify with another nation
you need a claim on an allies territory to unify but you don't need one to declare war on another nation, what sense does that make?
Egypt is the unifier of the ME.
Saudi can spawn the Caliphate but you have to release it manually and then either federate or invade the Sunni world.
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I don't see in any way how this could go horribly wrong.
You can change your resource income display to monthly instead of daily in the settings. I personally don't like seeing daily income and don't like that that's the default, but changing it to the much more intuitive monthly setting is trivial.
>you'd think if you didn't meet the original requirements for the org but still had it equipped you'd get to keep it.
Makes sense you lose government orgs like that desu. Your people get completely kicked out of a country, all your loyalists in the security orgs for that country either get replaced or have to toe the line for the new regime for their own safety/welfare. Unless you have a government councilor from that nation, IE still have influence there, why would those people continue to risk working with you?
it makes sense, but is it fun?
Is getting all your councilor assassinated by an opposing faction fun? Is getting a station or mine blown up by the aliens in retaliation for an assassination fun? Do you think your decisions shouldn't have consequences?
Hey, Johnny, unban me from your discord you fuck so we can talk about your AIsloppa art you added in the past few updates
One virus, one target, one kill. No collateral damage. We hope.
The Bible, that calls the jews the Synagogue of Satan? That Bible?
AI is the future, luddite
Yes, but not mentioning it in the description of your game is scummy.
Also pls halp how the fuck do I kill ayy battlestations
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I love how on the nose the increase unrest mission picture is.
>white woman screaming into a megaphone
>diverse vibrants throwing shit and setting cars on fire
It's great.
They were all jews. The specific ones they're talking about were those using temple grounds for money lending.
Glad to know you have no idea about what you're talking. Pleasure having this conversation.
Same to you
Why are enemy councilors always faster than my own? It is just so retarded how they beat me in grabbing a nation early because the game makes them always faster than me.
>Game made by devs who made a mod for xcom called the LONG war
>People are surprised and upset that it’s long
The problem isn't that its long, it's that it's long for the wrong reasons. It achieves its length by limiting player solutions and nerfing anything that can bypass these limits. It's long for the sake of being long.
>>Game made by devs who made a shitty and tedious bloated mod for xcom
>>People are surprised and upset that it’s shitty, tedious and bloated
I won't call them "people" tho.
These are my nations. I have unified south and north korea as the republic of korea and austrailia and new zealand as the southern cross. I am playing as the initiative.

I have 18 cap left, what nation / bloc should i go for next?
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I was thinking egypt and sudan, once i get the caliphate rolling.
Third world strat actually works?
Seconding this, or get a hold in Thailand or Indonesia? Thailand gets you started with Southeast Asia Alliance, Indonesia to roll Republic of the Southern Cross into Greater Austronesia and eventually SEA Alliance.
i had to save scrub after i made a huge mistake.
also, humanity first already dropped a couple nuggets on some thirdy, feel like i already lost.
>Turn 1: Control North Korea
>Turn 2: Nuke Israel
>land my late game doomstack next to alien base in asteroid belt where most of their fleet is
>they begin filtering away such that I can now attack without taking any loses
>destroy base
>alien fleets are trickling to outer solar system from destroyed base
>burn harder and reach their outer solar system destination before they do
>begin picking off their fleets one by one
Feels good.
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>mfw when I send my inner solar system colony ship to the Mercury L2 after I notice none of those sucker AI have colonized it yet
I'm so intelligent.
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The same bible that immediately following the quote it implies the synagogue of satan are jews who help out gentiles, inferring the non-jews are inherently Satanic?
Nooo? The Bible that immediately says " Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown."

You know, the Bible that afterwards proceeds to decry false prophets that lead the faithful to sexual immorality and gluttony. That one.

The Bible is available online, Moshe. Who are you trying to trick exactly?
Just play SMAC instead, This game is pretty much off-number SMAC that also tries to be complex and modern. All it achieves is being an autistic shitpile of half-baked ideas, in endless beta.
The only thing it shares with SMAC is leaders based on ideology and a godawful UI.
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I'm not really getting the point of space combat gameplay. Aside from early chemical rockets, you have no excuse to maneuver until the late game. By the time it is the late game you are limited by the max ships in the arena at any one time, dividing your forces and increasing your risk of losses. Except for early battles for micro, it seems like autoresolving is always the better option.
I get all the factions except The Protectorate. Does their perspective make more sense when you play as them and read their mission text?
>no water on the Luna
>Just play SMAC instead
i'll go one step further and say just read the three body problem
I was just finishing up the 2nd or 3rd book when this came out and it really got me hyped for the game.
>new release
>start new game without mods
>game keeps slowing down after battle
>waiting for new release
and how did playing it make you feel?
i remember i had such a convergence between rl and a game when i was studying for my italian renaissance history exam in college and ass creed 2 was about to come out. i imagine my hype was better satisfied than yours.
>and how did playing it make you feel?
Bad and sad. The feeling is fading though, so it's almost time to reinstall and get disappointed again.
>don't even have to zoom in to notice what's wrong
I welcome AI as it will make it obvious which devs don't give a shit about anything but money.
Until it gets good enough to do text, numbers, hands and eyes properly.
What's the size of the developer?
>finish HF campaign
>immediately start an Academy campaign
I guess I like the game.
They were originally a modding team, so probably not big.
Behead those who insult X-Com
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Could have worked if they made the earth actions more continuous. Send an agent to a country with a mission, he slowly works on it. Each action has a different time interval at which it checks for success, a simple action like raising support might check once a day with whatever success chance your agent gets, while a more complicated action like a coup might check once a month. This gives them the ability to tune in the variance on each action as they see fit.
I couldn't finish a Protectorate playthrough. Whereas the Servant leader is so devoted to the aaayyys that the mind control doesn't actually affect her, the Protectorate leader is the embodiment of of willful ignorance. He's basically a useful idiot for the Hydra.
Protoctorate is kind of like a superfluous faction, if you ask me. You already have the servants, why do you need the protocterate? Why have 2 pro alien factions when servants are already so broken?
The only way the Protectorate make sense is if they are marketted as the easy faction, with low cost mission research plus alien resource boons. After all "let's give up because fighting is hard" is an easy concept to understand. If you want to make them anything other than a de facto easy mode faction then all I can thing of is adding a mechanic where they suffer more from atrocities. That way they can actually be marketted ad the bloodless faction.
Basically every other faction discovers pherocytes or otherwise has a leadership that is somehow immune to them.
The Protectorate doesn't. Banerjee is almost certainly compromised, and from that the Protectorate storyline makes complete sense.
Also their security guy is called "Lavrenti" as in Beria lmao
haha, half baked was 30 years ago


the dude he says is cool is timothy leary
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Truly the Initiative are a ruthless Faction.
The space aspect is the best part. If anything it's the whole earth layer that ruins the pacing. Simplify agents and the earth layer and focus on space so deploying your finite number of agents to bolster different celestial bodies is where the game is. You wouldn't lose much since once you figure out how formulaic national investment priorities are it becomes a very boring aspect of the game. With transit times you could easily stretch out games to take more time and make the rate of technological progression more believable without making the game physically take longer.
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The earth layer is such a pain in the ass and zero fun. It is impossible to totally wipe out an enemy faction, they always pop back up through bullshit and agent shit is dry as hell. The devs are incompetent fucks, what should've happened is a tactical layer of gameplay where agent stats boost ground assets and you play a little bit of UFO Defense.
>what should've happened is a tactical layer of gameplay where agent stats boost ground assets and you play a little bit of UFO Defense.
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He's a street shitting pajeet. There's nothing to compromise.
India has made a lot of strives in the last few decades. They recently ended all extreme poverty in their country.
lol wut?
>hard mode as Protectorate
>aliens are weaker to make things harder for you
>could easily be defeated by the Resistance
>Protectorate's response to an easily overcome alien threat is to burn billions of humans with nukes to ensure the aliens win
I got Russia, US, EU and China under my belt and lobbed 88 nukes on Tel Aviv.
I'm just tired of the servants sending all of their counselors to flip my eu points and defend interests.
Go bug HF, they have america.
You probably flipped their points and they are returning the favor. If you ever get overwhelmed then reload and give them something to make them cool off and let them be for a year or two before you piss them off again. I recommend only having one or at most two factions angry at you at a time.
I'd like some science YouTuber to go through the various engine and drive technologies and explain the theoretical basis of them.
Terra Invicta is 30% off for just one more day.
Get it now or let the the Protectorate win.
I'll bother to pirate it only if your employer manages to make it mildly decent, shill-kun.
What brings you into this thread if you don't think you'll like it or if you don't already own it?
First day here?
>3 armies without navies
>2 of those armies are stuck on islands
>new navy completes
>it goes to the 1 on the mainland
I thought I might like it but this thread has turned me off.
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Just buy it. I complain in this thread, but I still play it. If you like sci-fi battles mixed with map painting and a spritz of the illuminati fighting aliens then it's worth it.
Christcucks don't actually read their holy book.
Image is perfect.

There's a few things to nitpick, but the game is pretty satisfying IMO. I've put over 200 hours in it so far, on my 5th campaign attempt and so far the first one that I feel like I'll eventually come out on top. There's a lot of approaches you can take in regards to what nations you get, what tech trees you prioritize, how early you start actively fighting the aliens in space, and so on, and I like that the game gives you all those options, even if it does mean the learning curve is steeper because you will make a lot of major mistakes in your first campaigns.
That would have been way, way better.
Or even XCOM but the agent actions on the map affect and govern missions.
Like if your commando assaults an alien asset you have to lead the ground team, or trying to remove an enemy asset from the board involves a mission that scales in difficulty based on how skilled the agent leading the mission is (with the 'best' role being 'you start in position to open fire on the asset' and all you have to do is shoot and leave).
Well, maybe I'll consider it once it's out of EA. I've had my eye on it since it came out but I'm still not convinced it's worth my time yet.
>The game is satisfying
Biggest lie on this board. Game is just frustrating and antifun.
>playing Protectorate
Found your problem.
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100% accurate.
I come back every 4 or 5 months, play for a few hours and uninstall.
>Earth layer is micromanagement hell, even more boring than day 1.
> space layer is ruined by retarded enemy combat ai.
> Several bugs from day 1 still there.
>Devs love to smell their own farts and double down on bad development decisions.
>At this speed it'll be finished by 2030.
Shit game, shit Devs. Thank god I pirate the gog version.
I'm enjoying, but you are entitled to your opinion. I'm glad you didn't waste any money on it. How many hours do you have in it?
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>I'm the first faction to discover reusable rocket technology
big brane, move
>>At this speed it'll be finished by 2030.
lol, this shit is never going to see a proper (as in every promised feature implemented and bug-free) 1.0. Not happening, sorry.
They "fix" the ship transfer and fleet interception every patch, and it's still broken.
They fix the crash when you assault or destroy habitats in every patch... still happening... and the crash when you win a space battle... guess what? Still happening...
Still fixing typos a year and a half later...
New art looks Ai generated...>>1663067
version 0.4 is just out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now with even more bugs and crashes
Do the aliens across the solar system still rush towards their home base whenever you park a fleet over it? They did that in my first game, but they didn't do it in my last game. It seems more annoying for the sake of being annoying than anything else for them to stay scattered and requiring you to hunt them down to reach your combat power proportion victory goal.
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I feel like the middle of the game after you've maxing out your MC (dumping it into Mercury, Jupiter, or the Asteroid Belt) there is no reason to look at space. The only priority at that point is to secure Earth against alien landings and the Servants attempts to form the Alien Nation. You literally never have to leave Earth, not even for getting the alien technology techs as an alien reprisal will eventually fail against one of your stations. You only zoom out from Earth as you enter the late game when you are prepping for total war, upgrading your stations to tier-3 and launching your first high tech warships.

I'm not even sure if it matters that much how long it takes you to reach the late game. So long as you are below their hate/MC cap, can repel alien army landings, and have at least one stronghold in the solar system to slowly accrue resources; you can take decades and it doesn't seem to matter. You've basically won at that point.
Don't mind me. Just using 20 miscellaneous units of antimatter accrued over years just so my agent can reach the edge of the solar system in less than a month.
How are you going to get them back?
I'm not. Also I'm going to do it all over again because the space casino event reverts my agent to the space station she originated from.
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If memory serves, essentially not only is the Protectorate compromised early on by the Aliens, with the Protectorate refusing to believe the Aliens are hostile despite overwhelming evidence, but it turns out their Chief of Security is literally an Alien, its never actually pointed out the Chief of Security is an Alien until you win the game but there are hints.
I think their leader literally conducts a purge of the faction to remove people who think it might be time to take a stand against the aliens as even many of his closest supporters find it difficult to stomach appeasement.
They deploy hotfixes from time to time but this game is basically abandoned, no fucking way they're working full time on this considering how slow the development is going.
Wouldn't "abandonment" mean they would just call it done and released and move on?
Move on to what, though? Personally, all my goodwill towards the "Long War Devs" has been squandered, as it is clear they think tedium and meaningless repetition is good gameplay.
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>Resistance victory
>failed attempt at Exodus
>Humanity Fist victory
>Academy victory
I'm liking the game. The other anon is true in that it is a slog at times, but that's no different than many other games like EU4 where you are doing the same pointing and clicking, sieging territories and sending diplomats.

Anyone beat Exodus before? I attempted it 1.5 times and the first time I got to the end-game but I couldn't figure out how to build the Station structure for presumably building the USS Fuck-Off.
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Does anyone actually bother with space combat? I find myself just autoresolving now except for the first few battles.
Is it Perun? He's a hack?
More options is good.
>That doesn't require a turn based system, it just requires missions to take time to complete.
Yes it does. I explained in the second sentence. If there were no turns a faction could just wait around to intercept the enemy when they begin missions and make using those missions only possible when there will be a high chance of not being intercepted or no chance of being intercepted. And you would have to look around before beginning every mission to make a judgement on whether the enemy factions will do something about the mission or not. And what about conflicting missions? One faction sets a detain, another faction does the same sometime after and they both roll success. What happens? Or does the second one have their mission canceled and waste that time building towards mission completion? Things would get messy pretty fast without turns.
I've commanded pretty much every battle in my latest run. But I'm also taking the system really, really fast and focusing most resources on space assets. Pretty much started total war shortly after taking mars and making shipyards.
Does that actually help? I usually focus on Earth to secure the land war against the aliens. They have free reign in space while I just turtle on Earth's surface and on Mercury. Once I get Tier-3 habs and reach the MC hate cap I go total war slowly and push back their doomstacks.

Does hitting them early allow you to slow their economy and defeat them earlier?
Why do you say he cheats? He literally had the devs make his game harder in his first playthrough.
In the latest update this month they literally said they're working towards build 0.4
Commanding the battles myself helps a lot. Turtling Earth and expanding space late is a valid strat, it was one of the first ones I did.

I haven't found a way to build ships fast enough to kill their bases before they fortify them. But the current playthrough I did get a working assault fleet able to defeat any alien fleet they sent to defend their bases, but the assault fleet didn't have nearly enough bombardment or marine power to destroy alien bases. So I ended up reloading and focusing on defending and expanding. I just didn't have the MC or the resources to defend both Mars and Earth orbits while building an assault fleet. I tried but IDK if I did it right really. But this is my 7th or 8th play through so I think I did all I could. I haven't defeated the aliens yet, but its 2038 and my forces can defend everything they throw at my space assets. The aliens have been sort of staying away recently, so there's that. I think the alien assaults and my expansions have slowed their economy since they focused so many resources on attack fleets.

In my current playthrough its 2038 and the aliens haven't built up massive forces because I have been killing many of their ships all game. I think their largest fleet has around 10 ships. Also all the other factions have small space presence compared to my faction because I kill or seize all their stuff a lot of which is because I had such a massive lead in space assets.
What do you think the Cold War scenario is going to be llike?
More lower tech, the nations will have lower GDP, some nations will get moved around, possibly two sets of faction leaders. They could do a lot of things with the scenario. The world will be much more double polar with Russia and the US as the primary powers rather than the modern 4-ish. They could make the cold war scenario a challenge scenario, where the aliens are on the same timeline in the base game but arrive right when the cold war begins but the humans are with cold war tech and a devastated Europe.
Personally, it sounds like it will only exacerbate TI current major problem, it being a slog.
They can't do that without taking a severe rep hit. But I agree with the other anon, they're not working 9 to 5 on this.
So a year a half to go from 3.x to 4, barely any content, still janky as fuck. That's 9 years to 1.0 and a couple more to patch everything. So at this pace more than a decade of continuous work for a game with a few hundred players...
Depends on how you play honestly. The game can be a slog. But its possible to have something to do all the time very quickly.
.4 will be the the next feature update. .3 was a lot of AI, UI, and bug fixes
Yeah, but that's what I mean. It's the same tasks over and over again.
>Defend interest
>defend interest
That's your toolbox, not your tasks. There's always something to do, whether it's make nice with another faction, break into another major nation to build your coalition, track and detain/kill an opposing operative/alien, or grab 3rd world shitholes to have them build MC or boost before setting them lose again. If you don't think you have anything to do, you aren't thinking, you're just going through the motions.
more like
>crackdown and purge enemy nation
>coup enemy nation
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>contact faction
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>hostile takeover
>hostile takeover
>hostile takeover
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>hostile takeover
>monitor location
>monitor location
>investigate councilor
>investigate councilor
>investigate councilor
>hostile takeover
>hostile takeover
>hostile takeover
>investigate councilor
>detain xeno scum
>destroy enemy space infrastructure
>go to orbit
>sabotage hab
>sabotage hab
>sabotage hab
>sabotage hab
>detain councilor
>turn councilor
>investigate your own councilor
>investigate your own councilor
>investigate your own councilor
>investigate your own councilor
Amazing gameplay
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What's the most menacing alien nation you've seen?
>Have protected control points
>AI just casually takes one without even cracking down on it
How is this fair?
besides the numbers nothing else looks like ai
maybe was just used by the artist himself
but why, adding text is pretty quick already
If by bothering you mean just having a wall of ships slowly coasting straight towards the enemy while jizzing their load of nuclear torpedoes then yes.
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>fight mind controlling aliens
>what the fuck why am I getting mind controlled
Should have picked Servants.
I absolutely love this game so much that I find myself thinking about it whilst I’m at work and I also hate it so incredibly much that when I get home and strike the computer up I’m overcome with serious cold feet and play something else. When this game is finished please somebody mod out the whack a mole councillor shit
Servant run is the only even remotely enjoyable way to play this game in it's current form, solely for the reason you aren't cucked by the arbitraty limit for setting up shop in space in a space game.
How do you make a Servant run challenging? Increasing the difficulty makes the aliens more incompetent so they don't win the game for you, but that makes for a tedious late game since you ultimately need the aliens to win for you.
>Year 2029
>Bunch of alien fleets in orbit
>Don't have boost po even mine on Mars
It's over, isn't it? I focused too much on taking over the countries and forgot about research and boost.
it's frankly appalling because from someone who loved Long War this game has been a massive waste of time and if you're a dev of this I offer you the sincerest advice, start working on something else immediately, you have completely missed why people want to play video games. there's AAA slop and then there's this greenish brown sludge from an MRE packet where water was added and it tastes like completely spoiled milk
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How do you "scale back" exactly? Sound too vague
You can fight the aliens on the ground, it's just harder than in space.
You can also fight the aliens with some fairly primitive technology, by exploiting your much shorter logistical tail in Earth orbit. Chemical rockets are actually pretty great in a dogfight, they just run out of fuel really fast.

You need to reduce your Mission Control usage. This means scrapping or selling ships and stations. If you just wait a while, the aliens will do it for you.
Well, it might also mean that you're actively making the aliens mad by assassinating them or blowing up their ships, which means you need to scale back those things.
If you have a ton of nations, stay low MC usage and alien aggression and pump boost pretty hard and then set up shop on some space bodies with low MC usage and lots of powerful static defense. And then once you have a good amount of bases, make a ton of ships at the same time at different locations and make space defenses in your nations. That is what I would do if I were in that situation.
There are two ways around it. Either you flat-out conquer other nations (since armies don't count as agents) or play as EU
I don't get it either but he very clearly used AI to do the text (why?? that's what AI is WORST at), created 1 layer like that then duplicated it and did transforms across the image for all the other TV screens

I don't even care so much that it's lazy, but it just looks bad. Lazy is good when the results are good, but this was lazy to the point of being a detriment to the quality of the artwork.

Even just a blurred screenshot of some stock exchange terminals would've been better.
The setting idea is genuinely great
their execution in almost every single way is fucking garbage

why are aliens being utter retards landing agents on earth and infiltrating piecemeal when they could literally just put 5 basic bitch frigates in orbit on day 1, shoot down anything that launches into space, destroy all space stations, bombard spaceports; done.

Seriously if you could play the aliens this game would have absolutely no challenge whatsoever. There is literally nothing humanity could do against the aliens with the way they've set the whole scenario up, and it's only the retarded move of never blockading earth's orbit that enables humanity to have any chance at all.

That's not the only retardation in the game, either. There's a lot of unnecessarily complex gameplay mechanics, tedious bullshit with agents that isn't necessary, the whole global warming crap in general which should've been alien terraforming instead, the idiocy of how they think countries become prosperous - as if africa's problem is just an education issue and not genetics, the way they do all the country metrics that are practically fantasy figures which you can barely influence anyway, and probably one of their worst mistakes of all was making the combat system utter trash. Genuinely would've been better off with some kind of abstracted depiction of space battles rather than trying to go full space sim autism but completely shitty with the worst fucking controls I have ever seen in my life - absolutely fucking inexcusable considering Children of a Dead Earth and KSP both showing 2 different ways of doing it right.

Put simply the game is too tedious and retarded and none of the actual issues have been addressed since launch.

If you played it day 1, there isn't anything different enough, let alone better, to make it worth playing now.
Retard devs failed at basic gameplay design school

They think it's "fun"
>you can't know ahead of time the aliens/alien factions can do this, so if its your first/30th time playing (you are NEVER told in any way by the game how aliens do this bullshit): go fuck yourself
>you have to start preparing/researching against aliens/alien factions doing this bullshit from your DAY ONE if you're going to have any hope of actually preventing it
>you do not get any proper indication when your protection is working
>you are not told in any way that they actually level up constantly and eventually you CANNOT protect a control point no matter what you do
>aliens are able to fucking teleport agents onto the planet, a capability that isn't indicated in any other fucking way, literally a shitty bullshit cheat mechanic just to make the game harder while the retard devs claim they don't do shit like this
>you are outright discouraged from killing alien councilors both by doing so being risky and extremely difficult/almost impossible (especially when it's your first time playing and you have no idea what the fuck you're doing) and also by having immediate alien retaliation against you that can destroy months/years worth of industrial/research buildup. The meta is genuinely to know ahead of time they'll fuck you and just have a bunch of idiotic sacrificial stations for the aliens to vent their anger on

I could fucking go on. These devs are absolute morons who don't have the first fucking clue about presentation or gameplay design. Long war was a fucking fluke and the idiots making this game constantly mistake artificial difficulty and tedium for fun.

The worst part is that, being morons, they cannot parse any of the criticism. They have a genuinely good idea for a game but it will NEVER improve because they're fucking idiots stuck too far up their own asses to reconsider their game design assumptions.
It is possible to fight the aliens early? I heard that mentioned.
>Seriously if you could play the aliens this game would have absolutely no challenge whatsoever.
Would be nice if they added an alien campaign, but if you escalate the fight too fast, you'll make humanity unite against you. No more factions, no more nations, just the Federation of Man wielding the total of Earth's economic output against you.
No, this isn't XCOM.
Yes, if you cheat hard.
Sure. It'll make them mad, and you can't chase them to the outer solar system until you have much better engines, but you can take them in Earth orbit with chemical rockets and basic missile weapons. It's probably not worth it, since you can't make much use of alien technology without a lot of research investment, but you can definitely win individual battles.
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>aliens are able to fucking teleport agents onto the planet, a capability that isn't indicated in any other fucking way, literally a shitty bullshit cheat mechanic just to make the game harder while the retard devs claim they don't do shit like this
So the developers have confirmed that the aliens don't teleport, and instead use ships to travel, but you're convinced that they're lying?
Aliens can spawn on Earth if they have a facility.
I feel like anon has a skill issue and let the aliens fester too long.
Doesn't that only happen after they land a troop transport and found the Alien Nation? I feel like lone alien operatives wouldn't be your primary worry at that point.
Terra Invicta should have been just like OLDCOM but with a macro level where you spend the agent phase assigning your agents, and then missions spawn based on interactions, where you can pick so many of the missions. If you leave the missions alone, they pass or fail based on the skill of your agent (and opposing agent, if applicable). If you take them, the skill of your agent (and the opposing agent ,if applicable) determines how the mission starts.
For example, a critical success to eliminate an agent starts you out with every mission operative in range to fire on the agent, and a free turn to do so with no reaction.
A critical failure starts with you getting found out and the agent getting a head start to evac.
>the slow game with too many interlocking gameplay modes should be even slower and have more modes
It used to be, but I heard they nerfed the shit out of most early game strats.
spamming out stations full of defense platforms used to make earth almost untouchable until the ayylmaos ramped up their aggression which meant you could shit out missile ships to protect the stations you'll build around valuable planets until they are finished which lets you ramp up really quickly.
Doubt it works anymore though.
Unironically skill issue. If by '26 you are still struggling against enemy agents, you suck on the most fundamental level. And I'm not even trying to insult you here, just pointing out. It's akin of struggling against AI in Civ game on lowest difficulty, where the AI is so overloaded with handicaps and you STILL lose to it somehow
>He isn't leaching off Singapore until it's Simplypoor
What's the reason for making the stock game slow? Is it supposed to be slow so decisions have big consequences down the line?
I'm talking like, can I build early ships and do something? Or am I fucked if I just attac any ayys.
The game is over in a single afternoon, the fuck you are even talking about?
Define "early" first.
If you know what you are doing, the game wraps by Autumn '29, just seven years in.
If you roleplay and do pointless shit like trying to make world utopia or pushing some retarded agendas instead of prepping for the ayys, you get invaded around '33, maybe '34 and get half of the planet conquered.
The fuck you talking about? Is there some sort of exploit I don't know about?
Nta, but which year do you think you should be wiping out the aliens and wrapping up the game?
Because if your answer is anything above '32, you've got genuine skill issues
The speed of the game depends on how you play it. The game will allow you to do whatever you want, however slow it takes.
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the latest update on the validation branch made Turks 50% white lmao
It's been about 2 years since the initial demo on steam. How's the game now? Is it worth falling for the early access meme or is it still painfully unfun at times?
I love and hate it.
>at times
There's no game.
It's two games in one. Everyone loves half of it but hates the other half. Which is which just depends on the person.
I for instance would gut the entire agent system and just make it about industrializing the solar system with realistic launch windows and payloads.
>with realistic launch windows and payloads
Worst thing is that for all the muh realism posturing your space resources are still just mana to conjure up stuff.
Yeah it's shit
It'd be neat if you had to actually use orbitals to stage resorces for cheap transfer. It'd balance out the mars rush strat by making all those bases and resources useless without enough orbital throughput. But no, resources once you get them just magically transfer wherever they are needed.
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Watching Three Body Problem right now. It's a comfy kind of existential dread.

Why can't the universe just shut up and vote?
>First you have Christianity which has in their bible the old testament that calls Jews, God's chosen people.
Zionism was invented by Protcucks in the 1700s.
The agent system is the lynchpin of shit. Everything else would instantly be way better if the turn based agent system were ripped out.
anon... The agent system is the core of the game and the devs will double down on it (doesn't make it less shitty though).
It doesn't need to be core like it is now. They could keep the agents but just have them be overseeing organizations, with orgs being how you actually do shit. No moving individual units around. Instead you just assign portions of resources to certain tasks. You have an activist councilor with a bunch of persuasion orgs, you assign 40% of their resources to keeping public opinion up in your countries, 25% to boosting popularity in India/China, and then 35% to trying to get cps in a new nation. This sort of thing could be applied to all of the councilors and missions and it would make for a much better system than what exists right now.
It's telling how the agent system breaks down the instant you reach your cp cap and there's suddenly less to do with them so you have to figure out what to dump them on to keep them busy. I remember the landgrab stage lasted longer in the demo because cp costs were more lax so there was more of a continued fight over cp's rather than just fortifying a couple countries and waiting for techs.
best update
This is about the physics behind engines for a KSP mod but I'm pretty sure the engines are similar to the ones in invicta
Finished my first campaign
>AI is shit, across the board
>combat is one note: mass your ships, sit still, shoot enemy that spreads out doing ridiculous maneuvers
>lasers are shit and missiles are shit
>endgame performance is shit
>UX is shit
Anyway, it's filled with good ideas, but damn
lol the middle east will rupture in a nuclear holocaust long before palestine gains independence
is this game ANYTHING like xcom, or is it more like a 4x?
It's basically nothing like XCOM.
thanks, that's too bad
are aliens really important in this game then? or are they really a background thing?
They're the ultimate threat but their presence starts small and takes a while to really become a main thing. There's also other human factions to contend with throughout the game.
Show is pretty dogshit compared to the book.
It's a more in-depth geoscape with space industrialisation and space warfare. Sadly no UFO interception or aerial warfare in earth's airspace.
thanks for the info anons, appreciate it
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even the books only the 2 first are good. Ignore the third one.
Just two more weeks bro
I have zero shame in wanting to watch someone else play this more than wanting to play it myself. It's interesting enough but damn do I not want to waste the hours of my life dealing with all the menial minutiae and random bullshit in between the good parts.
It's funny because they did nothing for the first several months while the more recent patches have been the most impactful. Splitting countries out of their amalgamated territories at least gives me some hope that they're trying to rebalance the agent portion to keep it fun for longer.
i was really hyped about this game but it does have the vibe of "being a second job". I just want to chill and paint map after a long day of work.
De facto abandoned.
>just got its largest patch
The game certainly isn't great but it's also not abandoned.
>but it's also not abandoned.
They need completely rework agent's stage.
It's retarded as fuck.
Yes but that and not being abandoned are two different things.
basically nothing changed just added more bloat nations nothing is improved or added
>basically nothing changed
Aside they huge nerf superstates.
>servants take whole India before 2023
Man I really want to like this game, it has so many cool ideas.

But I can't stand the whole procedure of "go launch a mars mission" (it's 600 days away) and then go through 43 fucking counsellor turns before I can do anything else with it (and that will also be 600 days away).

Make councils once a month and give more missions like advise that are set and forget would go a long way to making this better I think but as it stands this really really sucks.

Are there any similar space explorey climate changey nation buildingy games or is that what I'm stuck with?

We're all stuck until they open up proper mods, day 1 they'll be a no aliens mod or other ways to make the game less tedious. Then the devs will throw a temper tantrum and take them away for ruining their vision of bullshit artificial difficulty and eternal tedium.
>Yes but that and not being abandoned are two different things.
Between nerf all and abandon not so much diffrence.
yes, i hate devs that try to push "their vision" on the player. This one keep dragging their feet around but make sure to nerf every way to make the game fun. Thank god i didn't bought this shit kek
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When's the Cold War start coming out?
More nations means smaller nations which means less cp cost which means a more active control stage with more combat over small but desirable nations before the superstates form. It also makes superstates harder to form. Splitting the amalgamated territories into their constituent countries from the start was one of the best decisions they've made so far.
>whoa how fun to fight 6 vs 42 + hydra who can insta claim anything
You're still going to be grabbing the same nations every single game unless you wanna try meme shit like the Africa strat, which they nerfed heavily by tying direct investment potential to actual economy size.
It makes the biggest difference in europe where unless you want to spend influence locking down the netherlands, belgium, switzerland, and austria those will constantly be in danger until you can fold them into the eu just so you can get a bonus on france and germany.
So it doesn't really change much? It just adds more busywork to the game?
Also switzerland can't be folded into the EU until fucking Great Europa, what a meme.
We need to redefine the European state from the Atlantic to the Urals just to fucking annex Switzerland.
It keeps the initial control stage fun for longer by giving your control agents something to do for longer. Now they just need to slow down the turns so that each turn is a month after the new normal hits.
Well game now is just garbage.
Somehow servants cap India before 23.
Good for me, it's their death trap now since nerfs and i hunt every decent agent of them, but it show that they can easy take US or China too.
June 24, Pakistan spawn megafauna and generally allys do ramage over map.
And Protectorat instantly replace all detained agents.
As if that's not enough HF said that i'm the threat for all of us and break nap.
Servants would sometimes cap india early pre patch too. It was all luck.
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Guys, I think I fucked up.
Well fuck this.
4 days of fucking nonstop micro, and the rest will be long and tiresome work to gather commonwealth + pac + caliphate and somehow merge that, when in space i should turtle and play literally tower defense.
I'll say that I won.
I done with that retarded agent's layer. And unifications retarded as fuck too.
Can you still merge superstates? I thought they removed that.
No, but you can edit to enable this.
Also the worst part is that rss is just mana.
self mod, based
Why couldn't this be not turned based like Paradox games. Turn based is too annoying.
>academy and undecided suddenly gain 15% support each
>after I spent the last year trying to build mine up to dig exodus out of my EU
Yeah uh what the fuck
The only thing stopping me from savescumming is the fucking load times.
Turn based is easy to code.
The first time i finished the game I had to manually edit the save folder to delete a bunch of garbage like agents, dead agents, orgs nobody could use and a bunch of allien fleets just to make the game run faster. Also had to play in windowed mode with lower res sice the planet scape broke.
Question for world Asian-Pacific unification.

Current situation is as follows:
Greater India EXCEPT Burma is a thing already
Pan-Asian Combine just got researched
The Thai unification one researched by AI
AI researched the Malaysian unification
AI researched and actually managed to form Indochina, only to get kicked out few months ago for the local MCs.
I control: India, RoC, RoK, Japan, Singapore, Indochina, Siberia and Australia (the whole package from Southern Cross). Taking over Malays is a piss easy war, Indonesia is one coup away from utter chaos (I just hope it won't implode), while AI is mostly pre-occupied with space at this point and the islands are split between 3 different factions anyway.

Is it possible to cram it all under a single umbrella (by my accounts workable) and which country I should set up as the ultimate top dog for best population growth? I've got both India and RoC up to speed, just want to know which one is better long-term.
Yes I know this is a space game. I also know that I can turn my 3k research into 8-10k research just by unifying this clusterfuck in a matter of a single year.
The order is based on the success chance. Max out the success chance if you think the ai will do the same action.
>finally manage to boot Exodus out of EU, it was my fault anyway because I unified so much first
>realize I now have to very slowly dig into the UK, Germany, and Spain
I guess having 75% of it is fine. Russian EU is picking up the slack in the meantime.
I fucking hate this game and how it treats international diplomacy. The logic it uses is that every single state is its own closed system politically, and everyone has the memory of a goldfish. US-UK Special Relationship? Fuck that, the Servants are now in charge, so lob those nukes. European Union? More like a bunch of islands in a vague alliance, have to deal with them one by one. United States? Yeah, for get the plural, it's more like United State that doesn't have 50 states and is just one big blob.

It is peak dunning kruger. It thinks it has complex mechanics, but the reality is you take US and EU; then you hold out until you can make a mad dash for the Oort Cloud and win the game.
Defend interest should only last for the duration of the turn and should scale with counselor stats like Advise (PER? COM?). So if you have a valuable nation you should keep a counsellor locked in defending it full time instead of constantly playing whackamole.

This would make mid to late game less tedious because it reduces the number of choices the player needs to make about counsellor actions every turn, and also provides counter play because the counsellor could be targeted for assassination/detainment.
Population growth is based on a per region basis.
If you unify Eastern Europe into the EU it actually reduces the EU's population growth because EE has absurdly large pop growth penalties in all of its regions. No, you cannot fix this in game despite creating massive psychological operations to make people accept the USA blobbing all over North America, inventing flawless cybernetics and genetically augmenting humans.
Why aren't there projects to fix this in game? Is it too immoral somehow? But dropping enough nukes to exterminate half the human population through nuclear winter induced famine isn't?
>game about Shadow conspiracies manipulating world policies for their goals
>retard faggot somehow missed the memo
I bet you play it like a gsg map painter, too
There is a whole bunch of Eco and welf modifiers for position pop growth. The real problem is that they are about 1/10th of whats needed to fight hard-coded values. I usually just save edit every 1st Jan any country/region that got sorted out, especially when it was a shithole. The -75 growth in Nicaragua, while having 10% bonus in Guatemala is just retarded post-unification and turning that place to some utopian society
I sure do love NOT actually having politics in my international political manipulator game!
Do your ducking best to unify with India on top. Both Chinas have horrendous modifiers to growth. Technically the best option is to do world unification either as roaches or pajeets, closely followed by Indonesia, so pick your poison.
RoC is entirely a larping choice. The big gain in democracy is offset completely by even shittier pop growth than one-child policy, and that co biznes badly with negative modifiers across China.
Sorry, but this is Terra Invicta thread. If your goal is anything else than main objective of your faction, you are playing the gme wrong -or even playing a wrong game to begin with. This is a game about defeating/helping/profiting alien invasion. That and colonising the Solar System.
So stay mad a game about NOT politics doesent have any
>United States? Yeah, for get the plural, it's more like United State that doesn't have 50 states and is just one big blob.
It starts with no fucking unity and will inevitably go to shit unless you take over.
The worst that could happen is Puerto Rico joining the Caribbean.
For some reason.
They added all the Guyanas, but they didn't add an independent PR tag. Or make an actual Caribbean Union tag you could form using Jamaica or whatever.
>I want to micro countries in size of a front lawn and economy of a bigger city
Retards gonna retard, I guess.
If you really need this shitshow going, there is always Central America. It's probably the biggest of noob traps in the game and can gimp you really badly if you get there early, but hey, you do you, anon.
They've already set the precedent by splitting up bigger nations in Africa and Former Yugoslavia.
If Albania gets to be a country, why doesn't Puerto Rico? Why aren't the Lesser Antilles a nation separate from Jamaica? And so on, and so forth.
>If Albania gets to be a country
The game has North Balkans, South Balkans and Greece. And you can turn both Balkans into just Yugo in first year of the game for cheesing efficiency of CP
The real bummer is how fucking expensive is the Intermarum and how late in term of research, so you can't cheese up the CP count of the East Europe
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You haven't updated your game, have you?
>Hurr, me love shit! More from the toilet, please!
I'm sorry, but Terra Invicta is supposed to have international politics. Instead, it doesn't. Strange... Almost like this is a wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle.
It's like three different interlocking puddle-oceans.
That's the point anon. If tomorrow the US was set to invade britain it would shock everyone. But in the game it's just something that happens.
Because albania is currently a seperate country while puerto rico is a us territory
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I want start playing the game.
How should I start and can I unite africa at the start of the game?
Africa is hard mode. It's too poor and unstable to be good for anything without some very serious investing. You'll have to have your councillors running constant damage control to keep the unrest down, you'll be vulnerable to your enemies staging a coup, and at the same time you're not getting the same benefit you'd get for controlling more developed nations.
You can still try, though. Maybe it'll be a learning experience. To start uniting Africa, you need to research the requisite federations. Search the tech tree for things like "The Bantu Nation" and "East African Union".
No it's still the most "I wish" game ever made.
Terra Invicta is "send ayys back to spess" game. If you are playing a political simulator, >>>/gsg/ is that way
Or do you come to a yacht dealership and start bitching they aren't selling groceries?
>Game has no mechanics to represent shock of public opinion in any OTHER regard than support for specific organisations
>wHy PeOpLe IgNoRe ThIS?!
>Unite Africa
Nigeria. You just build a single army and conquer everyone around you. They are all one-province countries, so you can still get each of them easily. You want in particular to get all the direct neighbours and also Congo, Tanzania and Kenya. If you want to cheese this shit, you might want to have some powerful ally, like the US or India and use their armies, but that's just pure cheese. A single Nigerian army is enough to get anything south of Sahara under your heel. DO NOT overexpand. Don't go south of Congo and Tanzania, that's a trap. Don't go into Maghreb, that's a really shitty idea for meager benefits. What you want is as many niggers as you can under you heel, since the way the game calculates GDP and its growth, you can skyrocket from the sheer size of your population vs. minimal investments. Including direct investments, that can easily double your economy in ridiculous pace.
What the anon said is predominately bullshit that assumes you are playing slow, careful, utopian-centric gameplay. Which is cool larp, but utterly useless gameplay-wise. You want to haul your ass to Luna post-haste. Everything else is an afterthought.
Also, if you plan to play first round of this game as any other path than Mexico -> Canada -> USA, then you are for horrible time. Not because it is difficult, but because there is trillion of things to keep track of and newfags aren't even aware about third of them, so with the US you can at least afford fucking shit up more than once. Not so much with third world shitholes.
Oh, and one more thing. There is rarely a point or worth in unionising countries. Conquering them is in 9 out of 10 cases a superior choice. Even if you control both sides.
Just spam unity and campaigns to boost support. Support in this game is such a non mechanic it may as well not exist.
Way to miss the point, anon
Ok, so North America should be my first target as newfag. Thanks
Yes, but in the order you were provided. Going straight for the US might be a daunting task when done directly. Not impossible, but tough. You need neighbouring bonus and some increase to local support, too
Another country that you want for maximum help as a newfag is Kazakhstan for the Baikonur. It provides more Boost than all of US itself, is very easy to secure and even easier to keep as yours.

Important tips:
1) The one thing that the in-game tutorial is correct about is that Resistance is the easiest and most newfag friendly faction. No gimmicks, no bullshit, no sudden shifts, just straightforward game
2) Have ONE country with advanced armies. That country is almost always the US, since they start with maxed armies and best tech. Don't invest into miltech in more than one country, it's waste of resources
3) Have 1-3 countries as sources of Boost and never waste money on building brand new space programs unless you absolutely must.
4) MC, or Mission Control, is your top resource. But for a whole lot of scaling, modifiers and reasons, you DON'T want big economies to build MC, you want tiny-ass countries for that. US might have economy that allows to shit out 10 MC per year, but it's wasted money. It's much better to build 3 MC per tiny country and then union/conquer them. EU is a great example - you want each member to shit out on their own 2-3 MC before you add them into actual EU-as-a-country, and preferably max-out their counter
5) Despite starting on Earth, this is a space game. You want to get into space ASAP, trying to build mines on Mars (the very least), Luna (helps immensely, isn't crucial) and Mercury (main)
6) Don't spam bases all over a single planet/moon/asteroid. It's just not worth it. Entire Luna is like a single mine on Mars, and two mines on Mercury are all Mars
7) Your ideal perma-USED MC as a newfag is 39, until you're ready to fight the aliens
8) Don't rush ships. Ever
9) Defend control points. Councilors have mission for that
How I should manage Control Points Cap?
Does science of councilor is important?
What councilor types I should get first and which Attribut the most important?
How often I should check if my councilor is an alien?
The other newbie-friendly strategy is trying to unite the EU. All the countries are individually easier to get than the US, and once you blob them together they'll have a bigger economy than the US, but you'll have a LOT of competition from the other human factions.
>All the countries are individually easier to get than the US
Hell no. AI always come to EU, good luck with fighting at start.
>once you blob them together they'll have a bigger economy than the US
In this time you can have enough cp for cap EU in additional to US.

US the best at start.
Try not to go over your cp cap but going over a little is often unavoidable. The penalty scales up rapidly the more over cap you are. If you're taking the US the strategy is to grab the last couple points in a single turn so you can drop mexico and canada immediately. Without their neighbor bonuses grabbing points can be a pain.
Science on any advisor spam councilor is important.
You're going to drop councilors as better ones become available. There is no true best type other than having the stats that let them succeed in their missions.
Traits can matter more because agencies can boost stats and grant new mission types and some of those are locked by different traits or nationalities.
US is definitely the best all round start but it can be boring. Russia + khazakhstan has more boost so there's something to be said about going that route for mars bukakke.
>How I should manage Control Points Cap?
First thing early game is to get a full roster of councillors and boost their admin skill. Midgame, you should be making sure you're controlling a small number of large nations, rather than a large number of small nations, either by confederating them together, or just capturing bigger nations and abandoning the little ones. There are also research projects that directly increase the CP cap.
>Does science of councilor is important?
The main benefit is boosting a country's research output with the Advise mission. It also increases the councillor's personal research income, if any. It's fine to use it as a dump stat for the guys who aren't going to do research.
>What councilor types I should get first and which Attribut the most important?
People with high charisma and the Control Nation mission. That's only at the start though, once you get close to the CP cap you should fire some of them and get other guys. Be on the lookout for anyone with Fast Learner or the other trait reduces the XP cost of levelling, that's always going to be useful. The best stat to level first is admin, since it lets you control orgs to boost your other stats.
>How often I should check if my councilor is an alien?
At some point you should get two guys with the Inspire mission and have them max out everyone's loyalty. Two because a councillor can't inspire himself. After that, you should be basically safe.
Always stay about 10-15 points below the cap. As economies grow, value of each point increases, too, so suddenly you might end up being in the red with your CP cap just from the simple growth of your holdings. Ideally, you want to stick to a single area and expand gradually. Once you get your ass to space, Earth loses value quickly.
Councilors are a dime a dozen, you should never feel attached to them or their specialities. A thing to avoid is a "criminal" councilor, since orgs they unlock are almost never worth it, while you block useful ones due to being a criminal. And the most important stat for councilors is Admin, period.
As for scanning your guys: pretty much never. What you want to do is spamming Inspire mission directly, without even checking what their stats are, so you get estimate of loyalty around 15 or higher

>The other newbie-friendly strategy is trying to unite the EU
That's actually a fucking noob trap. Trying to whip EU into shape requires knowledge on how scaling works, aka things that noobs have no clue about.
How does it work though?
As a noob my eu was making two times more science than my usa did, which is ok, I guess?

I had gone to eu cause it had growth potential - confederate one state after other and it was possible to actually do something. No idea how to get a foothold in usa in the beginning - even with control of canada and mexica and pumping loads of money in faction propaganda i had like 10% chance to control point. Just spam control/save scum?

The giga-states are just insanely expensive, 30k project to join turkey. I can have fusion for that kind of research!
10% isn't too bad. Put all your councillors on it, one of them will get a good roll eventually.
Depending on your definition of rush, rushing ships isn't honestly that big of a trap as long as you actually use them.

Example. Once you have a couple Mars mines, use those resources to get a couple railgun ships and clear the Servants out of LEO and build your own satellites to improve nation development. Even better if you can also steal their mines. Then whenever the alien surveillance mission is about to finish (takes 6 months each time), chase them out of LEO as well if you can.

Each completed surveillance mission is the equivalent of something like 200 abductions, so disrupting that process as often as possible early is huge for preventing them from mass enthralling the other factions control points in mid game and beyond as well as reducing their army strength.
>it's shallow on purpose
>Why this game catering to X isn't providing k?!
You're always this stupid or only when trying real hard?

Typical newfag rushes an entire fleet of Earth orbiters and the can't use them, while also not sniping alians. They also tend to build ships before they can reliably reach Neptune or have surplus to recover from retaliations. Mistakes common enough to be treated as omnipresent
The point is that you shouldn't be rushing EU unification. It is MUCH better if each country building first at the very least 2 MC, and preferably all 3-4 the smaller one can fit. But that means stalling and investing all your CP cap to keep these countries first, which can set you back if you aren't careful.
Also, third of union projects, like the Turkish one, are traps. Said that, 30 isn't rally that much
Rushing Jupiter is super comfy.
4 big moons to mine plus a bunch of little asteroids and one fleet defends all of it.
>sitting on JOINA and Fat America
>got space mining up and rolling
>fight off the first ground invasion by cycling out my 8 robotics era armies
>aliens mad
>also capture my first ayy
>aliens REAL mad
>they nuke out all my extraterrestrial assets
Worth it, but man this shit set me way back. I can't really do what I did back around launch days with the improvements to the AI of just sitting back and teching up; Are early game picket ships just loaded up with agile missiles enough to keep my stations safe?
i love playing for 40 hours only for the game to be unwinnable because the aliens won't stop sticking their goddamn noses into my business and then being mad about slapping them away
As for your assets: always have a colony ship up and going. Faster and cheaper to recover than any other technique. Build tier 2 defenses as soon as you can.
As for rocket/torpedo ships, I have no clue why the hell people build early on anything fucking else. How do you even win early battles if not by launching 50 hot-dogs and watching the ayy ship blow, because they can't take them all out

Translation: I have no fucking clue how the hell hate mechanics works, why is the game punishing me for my idiocy?
Just build some throwaway stations for them to blast, this is elementary.
That is exactly how it is in real life, though. Except instead of intelligence agencies, it is creepy pedophile cults.
Just got beaten hard by the game, trying to play Exodus and larp as the Escapists from the Remembrance of Earth's Past series.

>have no idea what I am doing
>basically fall behind everyone and can't even tell
>zoom out and realize all of the Moon and inner solar system is taken
>can't even get ships with enough delta-V to go to the Moon, much less escape the solar system
>struggle in a forever war between Iran, the USA and the European Union, where I defend Iran
>at one point I nuke New York to stop 4 stacks of US armies coming to invade me
>USA nukes me back in a very kino moment
>we keep warring over the montain wasteland for 4 years, after which Iran is 1/4 of the population
>war + noobery drained me of all resources, can only extract common metals from the stars
>alien fleet arrives
>make one valiant last stand with all ships I could muster
>they get annihilated
>aliens land in Argentina (my territory)
>Chad councillor who is basically a Mission Impossible hero otherwise cannot destroy the alien ship
>second alien ship attack Pakistan, while the am*ricans keep their forever war with me
>both the americans and iranians fighting get wiped out
>use my last resources in Tehran to nuke the alien ship in Pakistan then nuke myself to destroy the alien armies, because they are both enemies of huamnity
>save Asia for a while
>lose the game as I get crushed everywhere
>didn't even reach Jupiter

Humanity does not deserve survival. Why do all these morons think anything will save humanity besides running away?
>It's another episode of Yankoid thinking his unitarian country is an actual federation of separate states
Last time that was true, it was 150 years ago and the unitarian government send soldiers to explain the "independent coalition" who's the big boss. Yet here you are, delusional as always.
>I put self-imposed hindrances and larp to my game
>I am also likely incompetent on top of that
>Why it didn't work out?
No idea, anon. No idea
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>aliens mad because i put some aliens in the gimp dungeon
>and shot down some surveillance ships around earth
>they destroy my entire Earth-orbit infrastructure, I'm still infesting the asteroid belt, Mars and Luna like a bad case of the crabs anyway nbd
>two years pass
>still got a motherfucking no fly-zone around Earth goddamnit I need those research bonuses
>servants take Choina and Inja (fucking 40% of the earth's population that's not good)
>slowly working to destabilize india so i can take 1.5 billion pajeets off the alien-mandated street shitting regimen and install toilets
>it's taking forever
>aliens land in choina
>can't do shit about it because aliens still mad

I don't know how the fuck you guys balance out capturing/killing aliens for faction progression, destroying their surveillance craft to stop the ten gorrillion abductions they cause and still keep any sort of presence in space around Earth
Enough monitors with artemis/athena rockets will destroy anything
>I am still retarded
>And also edgy
Friendly reminder you must be at least 16 to successfully pretend to be 18, the minimal age of using this site.
As for your issue:
1) Why did you let any other faction than yourself capture China?
2) Why did you let any other faction than yourself capture India?
3) Why the fuck you STILL didn't read on how hate mechanics work, even if you've been told so yesterday?
Your posts reek with "I don't care how this game works, but why the hell am I losing?" retardation, so you get exactly what you deserve
You seem like you leave comments on children's youtube videos asking if they want to join your discord
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... you realise you've been told already three times over past four days how to solve your issues and still decided to shitpost more about it anyway, clearly not taking a hint... right?
The point is to create a position where you don't care. There are two ways of handling it, and their main difference is when you reach that point. But generally speaking, you should stop giving a fuck, as the ayys won't give up and eventually will out-produce you if you will try to keep your head low. On top of that, you should simply embrace the fact they are going to hunt you down.
Anyway, it's not rocket science and as the other anon pointed out, you've been given solution already, so go fuck yourself and die in a ditch, I guess
Apply thyself >>1753836
Usually you shouldn't be dealing with all those problems at the same time. Like, you destroy the surveillance ships to STOP them from progressing to the point where they're landing ships in China. Or slow their progress enough that you can get ready for them.
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No need to be rude, this game is too complex and not very straightforward.

Second run going much better, playing as the Escapists (Exodus) and still larping as Zheng Beihai from Cixin Liu's book.

>actually specialize my fellow escapists, make one good manager, one celebrity with high persuasion, one spy, one journalist with high investigation and one scientist who is just very mediocre but comes from my country so he cool
>pick up smaller technologies first
>constantly probe the solar system and keep building stations, even if just to reserve what I need and stop other factions
>take a base in the Artic, which is pretty much a cheat on how good it is
>pick a decent base in the Moon
>completely skip over Mars
>get Servant USA stuck in a forever war over Iran, which I eventually end when I take over the USA
>things get so bad for them that Turkey's economy becomes larger at one point
>suddenly there is no war in the world anymore, as the great Satan won't wag ewar
>actually get positive income of all space and Earth goods
>build massive fleet
>single-handedly push technology to advance

G-guys, I'm doing so well that I am starting to become a triumphalist. I think we can actually beat the aliens.
So what stops you from instantly rebuilding stations after the ayys blow them up. Most stations are super cheap so you only lose a bit of downtime while they rebuild?

I feel like I'm caught in endless councilor whackamole and I have the ayys caught in endless station whackamole. Do I just do this forever to stall until I finish coilguns?
>base in the arctic
What mods?
It's poignant to be rude, for you are a monumental faggot that deserves all the scorn over his bullshit.

You sure you replied to the right post? Either way, you rebuild the stations as soon as you can and you send ships from afar, syncing them first on a single orbit. If absolutely all stations were destroyed, Solar System-wide, then you are screwed and have to wait until they leave. OR, you know, build ram ships. This always works, no matter what, and all it takes is 25+ nose armour and decent trust.
You are literally me but nukes didn't droped. Also I don't know how to make stuff but I think I got it.
cute rp
I like this game for exactly that - it filters out people who RP. Either you play solid, goal-oriented game, or you get fucked.
It also filters anyone who uses a winning strategy considering Pavonis' proclivity towards nerfing any functioning strategy.
Went back through the thread and saw this name, he posts advertising threads for his channel on /k/ and it amuses me to no end.
By that logic all threads here are just advertisements. It's also telling given how the only "people" who get mad at those threads seem to be russaboos.
Why is America so fucked in this game? According to the devs it should be an unequal fractured mess by 2024.
I hate the fact that /k/ has been taken over by /pol/ bots in clear violation of the rules. The rules are simple, no politics (except gun control as a gentleman's agreement). Go back to /pol/ and perun threads need to be banned. He's a lets player larping as some sort of international relations expert.
>Not sticking to the last functional build
But point taken. Still, it's refreshing to have a modern strategy game that punished people for larping instead of playing by the actual game rules.
Since you apparently missed the last two years: wait till the election campaign goes into the full swing and you will see.
They set America's default priority set to some absurd spoilsmaxxing thing, presumably so that they can claim their own special snowflake ideology would fix it.
>t. retard bitching about his special snowflake ideology
Next time at least play the fucking game to know what's going on.
Except none of this is true. What does fuck the US in-game is virtually no Unity spending, despite having super-divided country, thus leading to the only possible outcome. That and having to support six armies with navies, which takes third of the economy.
Besides, the point is for the US to get divided, because otherwise it would be close to impossible to get there in the first place. Which is intentional, since the game by design prevents you from jumping straight to the US as a game-balance feature.
Yet taking over the US is pretty much mandatory as leaving it to another faction just leads to disaster.
Not really. Don't get me wrong, getting the US is useful. However, not getting it and leaving it to AI is actually a perfect vaccum to swallow enemy agents early on. You see, the trick is to let the AI fight for the place, and actively make the situation worse. 2-3 missions to rile Yanks up, and you've got an endless circles of revolutions, on top of AI fighting each other over scraps. AI can't handle the US for shit, and will run it to the ground, for minimal profit, while also maxxing out CP counter to have 1-3 points there.
The only situation where it's risky and/or bad to skip the US is when it's mid-game and you somehow still didn't consolidate your possessions into a single entity.
>discussing the applications and acquisition of weaponry in a war is /pol/
As I said: a russaboo upset just because facts paint his side as the buffoon.
Servants: "I don't like you, but you got the balls to admit your goals so I respect you.(assassinates)"

Protectorate: "I hate you and you're a faggot alien cuck, not even worth wasting assassination missions on."
> Officers will now only promote in combats where at least one ship or hab module was destroyed. Anti-farming measure.

I'm American, for better or worse, and "weapons acquisition" is /pol/ shit. You're not talking about weapons, you're just shilling. It's old, it's tired, and it's reached the point where I now wish all you fuckers die in hilarious fashion. All goodwill I've had has evaporated because it's all fucking day, every single day. /k/ was one of three boards actually worth using before you showed up.
Are you retarded? I suppose /v/ should only talk about video games and not the devs or news about the development of games? Or should /a/ solely talk about anime and not authors or news about the anime sphere?
Most of those threads are also /pol/ shit and don't belong, plus they get deleted when they pop up more often than not. /k/ is just a slow board with incompetent jannies, so you get away with it.

Either way, fuck off. You're a nigger, definitely a slavnigger, and thus worth nobodies' time. Stay in your hovel.
Seems all you can do is seethe and be retarded
At least I'm not gonna get drafted for failing to meet shil-posting quota on 4chan, of all places.
damn, you're schizo as well
>He's a lets player larping as some sort of international relations expert.
I think his day job is giving PowerPoint presentations about defence procurement.
You're literally talking about this in /vst/ right now, Mr. John Hamburger from Texas.
I really wish I could play the near future space colonization grand strategy by itself. Imagine the alternate universe where they made that game and then released the alien invasion DLC and espionage DLC after the fact. It could've been incredible.
>/k/ reveres an MICman
I don't know how a bunch of "defense" contractors managed to psyop people into becoming gaytheon for Raytheon®, but I congratulate them on it.
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Is there a mod that fixes population growth? I hate my utopian Earth having a shrinking population when we've fixed every other problem.
>near future space colonization grand strategy
>Imagine the alternate universe where they made that game
No need to imagine an alternate universe, anon. That's being made right now. It's looking like it'll be both a better Terra Invicta and a better Stellaris.
What would be the "strategy" part? Without the alien DLC and espionage DLC, there are no enemies in the game.
>Is there a mod that fixes population growth?
Yeah it's called don't push education over 10
because the AI is retarded
AI overpainted with generated text they didn't revise.
Just go full spoils until the GDP goes down, it'll fix itself.
I am from Texas, but my last name is not hamburger.
/k/ has retreated into the four general threads. The rest of the board is patently unusable.
>cum/chug/gers seething about /k/ for no reason at all on /vst/
Positively obsessed.
>I suppose /v/ should only talk about video games
Give this man a cookie, he's starting to get the grasp of it.
Do you have ANY fucking idea how much I miss pre-sell 4chan? We reached the point where I start to treat 2013 as not that bad year, because compared with everything that followed, it was golden era.

>/k/ has retreated into the four general threads. The rest of the board is patently unusable.
Can sadly confirm
>Education above 10
For what fucking purpose? I mean I get it at 10.1, because shit happens, but 15? Did you set Knowledge to max and forgot about it for three years or something?
>Reached late game
>Control North America and all of the Old World except for Africa between Congo and SAF, all split under just NAm, EU, Caliphate (pajeets in it) and PanCom
>AI literally has no way to enter any of those states, since they can't squeeze double-digit chance of success on any political action
>Other factions are busy fighting each other over scraps in South America (with split Brazil) and the useless part of Africa
>Other than AI-controlled shitholes, utopian Earth
>Solid control over Luna (very lucky fissures), Mars, Ceres and Jupiter moons
>Cleaned the solar system from ayyys between Sol and Jupiter (and any place you can get from Jupiter in less than a month)
>Majority of good weapon systems researched long time ago
>Can shit out new fleet before the ayys can say "lmao"
... and the fucking end game techs just won't fucking trigger. At this point I've just waited 2 years straight for the tech roll and still nothing, despite fulfilling all the requirements. How fucking hard it can be to figure out the plan to nuke a fucking wormhole device?
Because America is an unequal fractured mess that is only held together by shadow organizations.
Guess what the factions are? shadow organizations that replaced the old shadow organizations. Turns out the non-player shadow organizations don't have the experience to rule a shithole from the shadows as well as the old shadow organization so it falls apart under them while it can recover under the player.
I just felt like it.
What's the difference between the Academy and the Resistance? I get the rest of the factions but Resistance just seems like a less ambitious Academy. Are they supposed to represent an organization backing NATO and the western status quo?
/v/ talked about game companies and gaming news pre-sell, what are you talking about?
The Academy wants to negotiate with the Aliens and reach a peace agreement. The Resistance wants to defeat the Aliens by destroying their HQ and knocking them out of the Solar System.

The Resistance and Humanity First are on the same spectrum when it comes to how to handle the Aliens: blowing them the fuck out. It's just HF is also planning the Day of the Rope for alien sympathizers.
Resistance are xcom. They just want to kick the aliens out of the solar system, but do not seek their complete annihilation like humanity first does. The academy wants to convince the aliens to become an ally as equals by bitchslapping them until they agree in the power of friendship.
The factions fall under three different categories with two subcategories. That's submit/peace/fight and dominant/cuck.
There's the submit to ayylmaos, where the servants are the dominant option and the protectorate are the cuck option, peace with the ayylmaos where the academy are the dominant option and exodus are the cuck option, and fight the ayylmaos where humanity first are the dominant option and the resistance are the cuck option.
The academy wants peace but they achieve it through domination, the resistance wants war but they achieve it through being pussies.
What about the Initiative?
How do I get exotics as the Protectorate? There's no option to trade for it with the aliens.
How would you rate the progress of the past year?
>t. literal zoomershit
This past year has accounted for the most changes good or bad.
it is possible to just keep the aliens at bay in just their home planet as you keep getting tech?
Do you mean keep them constrained to whatever dwarf planet they spawn on? If so, no. They expand far before you can even think about getting out there.
The initiative are in their own category, money.
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From reading their set our goals research Resistance seem like small c conservatives, they don't have any plans of creating an interstellar federation or empire like the Academy or HF. They just want to be left alone and preserve the status quo.
By mid-game, you technically can. That however means an all-out war and is rarely worth it, unless you can sneak on them and/or know how to abuse handful of weapons and ship designs.
The real problem is how unfeasible, impractical and downright pointless it is
The point of the Resistance is to get the ayyys out, perid. Without compromising anything or just becoming a replacement (like HF eventually ends up as)
The Initiative are a wild card, because they don't initially fit into any category. They start as just opportunists looking to exploit the invasion for their own means.
Once they discover how the pherocytes work, they reverse engineer them so that they can mind control the aliens. Their end goal is to gas the ayys and force their entire race into slavery. But they also unleash the same pherocytes onto humanity, so we're all doomed to be slaves for the elites.
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Is that in the game? Resistance is now less worse than worse than HF. But they're still second best.
Resistance are Biden Democrats. Conservatives are opportunistic grifters like the Initiative.
Lore wise the resistance want the status quo maintained as much as possible despite the aliens. Were the game to reflect this properly they'd probably find it easy to slip into countries but it would be impossible to actually properly act against the more extreme adversaries, and their idealism would crumble as the aliens begin to act more openly. And even were they successful in repeling the aliens there is no putting the djinn back. Just pretending like everything is normal again is naiive.
All things considered the academy gets memed on for being "idealistic" but I think their outlook is the only proper one.
>We are going to ram DEMOCRACY down their throats until they agree to be our equals.
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Yes here's the full text (spoilers). It's from the set our goals tech each faction gets that outlines their ideology and gives them their faction org.

They don't necessarily want to force the status quo as much as leave it up to each country to decide while avoiding extreme actions.

One of the tech texts from Fiona's perspective have her complaining that rifle squads shouldn't be deployed to look out for aliens since they might never be undeployed even after the threat is gone.

Though I agree a resistance victory scenario would leave Earth weaker than a HF or Academy victory, since the aliens aren't defeated and it's likely Earth will just go back to infighting etc. And the galaxy has been proven to be a Dark Forest.
>Amerifat having a seizure
It's funny that you manage to have a city called Cincinnati, and yet here you are... But then again, there is nothing worse for anyone on the fringe that people in the center - for they can't be attacked by either side of the horseshoe.

>Muh dark forest
I literally know who you are, what's your IP and where are you posting from, faggot. The joys of moderating a forum for this game
Centrists are weak willed shitters who fold the instant the wind starts blowing eastwards.
Holy schizo
Grow the fuck up, kiddo
Ok, performance question.
I've got Pan-Asian Combine, that also swallowed Southeast Asian Alliance, which swallowed Greater Indonesia. Meaning I removed from the game everything between Honolulu to India, wrapping it up into a single country. That means there are 18 countries out of the game, and EU is now a state consisting of France, Spain, Italy, all the Nordics and Benelux, while Czechoslovakia and Yugos are a thing, too, removing another 8. Bajkonur Union is also a thing, so the Central Asia is under a single flag, I will probably do some bullshit with Turks to wrap it all under Pan-Asian, anyway. AI is busy with Nigerian conquest, having claimed most of the shitholes Nigeria has cores on. On my side, I'm doing Maghreb conquest with Chinese tanks, having most of it, and preparing a scene to snatch out Arab League from AI and merge the two. So in total, well over 50 nations are out of the picture.
But as far as I know, all the data for those non-existing countries is still in the filesave, and the load time is getting ridiculous. Is there any guide or tutorial - or preferably an automated tool - to simply void the data for countries that are currently out of the game?
What's causing the drag are:
- dead agents
- destroyed ships
- destroyed bases
- unused ship designs (and AI shits out a new one every time it builds something)
- and by mid-game, orgs
Country data is meaningless, because all there is to store if you null the entries are 0s, as opposed to 5-digit values. You can't just cut out a country from a save file without a really laborious and scrutinous work on it, which defeats the purpose. Meanwhile, a single agent is read by ten different scripts, regardless if dead or alive, and ships with fleets just chug insane amount of save file size.

I wish the fags writing performance updates would fucking finally add the long-promised script voiding any dead and destroyed entities.
...am I talking to chatGPT?
Imagine making a masterpiece and then padding it so hard with extra content it stops being fun. Are they gooks? Usually that's what weird asians do. It just makes no sense otherwise. The game is a joy to play, but one campaign takes 400 hours at the shortest. It makes no sense. Clicking on agents every turn just breaks the flow of the game. They should be automated to an extent and the game should go free-floe Distant World Universe-style. The game looks easy enough to fix, but they keep doubling down
just like the real world...
What drive should I aim for after burner drive?
Started a Brutal non-accelerated Academy no-atrocities run.
Gonna let the Alien Admin in Africa/Asia draw all the aggro while I liberate the Americas, hopefully my population will be enough to stop the 65% once the other factions start losing to it. Breaking up big nations so enthralls can be undone when they happen. Hopefully eventually a decentralized New world will outgrow China/India blob.
Long War was tedious, therefore any game the Long War devs would make would also be tedious.
I”m actually kind of amazed how spiteful and schizo the AI can be. Oh, cool, resistance signs an alliance so I can get a couple armies into random African shithole to stop the landing. And 5 days before it opens, they revoke. Thanks guys. Or getting hit with two crackdowns on the second turn.
I’m also convinced it was designed to ruin the environment and every nation it touches out of spite.
The ai is just bad and national priorities are poorly thought out. There are only a few presets that are worth using it's so bad.
Turning 3 countries into 19 is my power fantasy.

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