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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
lucky nations
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>post your maps!
here's rougly my current bot boardgame campaign using eu4's provinces
im brandenburg
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more accurate
G*ds, I hate the HRE...
Is the next update going to be the last one?
>making a EU IV thread when EU V has been unofficiallly announced

No one cares about this pseudo board game anymore
I tried to get into this game a few times but I feel so lost. Any tips? My fave paradox games are Vicky II and HOI IV.
The last major one, anyway. Considering it's just them sprucing up parts of the world that needed a touch-up, I'd say it's likely the finale before EU5.
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I couldn't really tell you how to play desu mate since I "learnt" it so long ago but there are plenty of beginner guides on YT, I would search for Radio Res beginner guide where he plays castille to get a general overview of the game and then Lord Forwind has a video about an hour long with some more advanced tips.

The game isn't that hard but there's just a lot to get through to be able to play it optimally, my main advice would be: Get big allies let them fight for you, eat the little guys first since they are easy to beat, focus on provinces which are centres of trade, your religion, your culture, and as a beginner try to make a strong stable nation. When you get more advanced you can stretch yourself thinner.

EUV isn't out yet though and I'd rather talk about EUIV here than in the cancer that is /gsg/.
Even when it's out, it won't be playable until like 1 year and 4 DLC's in.
It's going to be a year minimum but probably longer before EU V comes out. I wouldn't be surprised if they squeezed out one more EU IV DLC after the next one.
>turks avoid egypt and just blob into iran instead
I have never seen such a thing
>cancer that is /gsg/
>No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.
What's up with them?
turned into a hideout for shitposting retards after vst became a thing
I am an autist and I have created a new game mode where one of my generals is my "king" and can only conduct foreign policy and administration when present at the capital. Armies have to follow strict orders except the main general's. He can change orders by sending other generals with an escort of cavalry to intercept an army. I track the orders by changing unit names in the army, so the first regiment might say "besiege Paris" and the second might say "return to Toledo". If there's an enemy army in the way, my army will just march into them, because my general didn't tell them to go around.

Did I mention that I am autistic?
Are you winning, son?
pagancucks... amirite fellow pedos?
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In an MP game right now with a couple guys as Egypt
Just lost a War to Portugal and don't know how I'm going to come back
My Plan A is to No CB invade Peru
>Literally nobody in India
>Anon plays on Egypt and wants to go to the fucking Peru of all places
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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>What's up with them?
Literally the most negative, shitposty, cringe general I've ever been in where they make it a point to answer you but never reply to your actual post because of some ego thing.

I've never played MP but go east bro, always follow the trade routes and funnel it into alexandria. Also you need to maximise trade power in Alexandria because it will bleed into the 3 nodes it goes into.

>I have never seen such a thing
Neither have I honestly, feel like this game the nations consolidated very quick and it's just a load of superpowers compared to what usually happens. I wonder if it has something to do with me playing HRE and poland not holding Lithuania. Anyway look at the mil ideas france has taken, I'm terrified of them.
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Thank you spain for dying for my conquests.
its called project caesar not eu5 you big dummy
I love how the map looks like, which graphics mod are you using?
any mods focusing on italian states? making them more flavourful?
Not original asker but:
I was told to play Castille as tutorial. I tried to play it a lot but I basically instantly lose as soon as the 100 years war ends, as France decides to gangrape me and get as much provinces as they want from me.

>Get big allies let them fight for you
In my most succesful game, I rushed to get Navarra as a vassal, got the PU with Aragon and allied Portugal.
Then I conquerer Morocco but I had to fight all the wars alone. My allies didn't join or did basically nothing. The war was absolutely horrible. And before getting the Aragon PU, getting to conquere Granada was an absolute pain despite having allies as, imo, the war system is fundamentally broken and doesn't make any sense. Granada could just keep fighting forever and despite having sieged everything in the country, I had to fully siege and beat the whole North African army to get to win the war while my allies did nothing.

Why the AI allies do things and mine don't?

Then, after a lot of trouble, I managed to get almost all Morocco and Granada after a couple of wars, get Aragon's PU and I was feeling strong. I wanted to try to colonize the New World to kinda follow the historical path so I can try to understand this mechanic as I didn't did it before in the rest of my attempts and I wasted a ton of resources trying to know how it worked and losing the colonies because I didn't know I had to have soldiers on them. Then after putting soldier, the revolts were just to high so they beat my soldiers after a couple revolts and I couldn't send more soldiers in time to avoid losing the colony... I ended up kinda tilted.

Keep in mind, this is game is older than current patch and I have the vanilla game; I mean without DLCs. So boats break magically as you travel throught the ocean so it was extremely hard to reach North America to colonise. Central/South America was impossible to reach. I just couldn't no matter how much I tried.


After that, after a while, getting back my resources I wasted and doing basically nothing, the 100 years war ended with France winning. And eventually, they declared war on me (I was their rival, but they went for a claim casus belli I think I remember) and I had Portugal, Aragon and Navarra (or did I annexed it already?) join me in the war against France and their allies.
My allies just sitted on their capitals doing nothing as France sieged the Basque Country with a doomstack that I have no chance of beating. Specially if my allies don't even join my army.

After trying to siege back things, France's army that had it's vassals attached basically just jumped on me, wiped my whole army and sieged everything they wanted and I lost half of northern Spain in the peace deal they made after I got to -100% war score.

And then I quited the game and stopped playing.

I tried playing Ming too, since I was extremely mad that everytime I play this game, my allies do absolutely nothing and I was like "Ming is the biggest country, I'm sure I won't need allies..." but I ended up losing a battle 100k vs 45k or so of horsefuckers and I rage quitted.
I basically having 200k of army I got beatten up by armies 1/4 the size multiple times. Literally makes no sense.
The only think it makes me thing is that the war and diplomacy system of this game is fundamentally broken or it is behind paid DLC.

My main Paradox game is CK2, btw.
I never had any situation like this ever on CK2. I have done the Roman Empire multiple times and I am extremely good at the game (I'm 2k hours in already) so I don't fucking understand ANYTHING of what's going on on EU4.

Any idea?

I haven't managed to play a game that reached 1600 yet without getting mad.

I'll try and answer everything as best as I can and please note that I am speaking with the assumtion you have all DLC activated.
>I was told to play Castille as tutorial
Their start is a little less noob friendly as it used to be as you have disasters to navigate and getting the aragon pu can take a while depending on RNG. Definitely follow your mission tree and get Navarra then Granada.
>Then I conquerer Morocco but I had to fight all the wars alone. My allies didn't join or did basically nothing.
You don't need to go too fast into Morocco, It really doesn't benefit you too heavily if you look at the religion + trade node you can't extract that much value from it early game. Always follow the trade for conquests, so yes the Safi node is upstream from you and so you should conquer it eventually but consider how much you will pay to get it early it isn't that profitable. When it comes to using allys you want to be making sure you have the favours to call them in and make sure they are able to get across the straight so they can actually fight in North Africa. The AI is still dogshit sometimes.
>colonies because I didn't know I had to have soldiers on them
Choose a different colonial focus which removes uprisings completely, the increased settler chance isn't worth the manpower you lose.

Losing to France is nothing to be ashamed about, if they do well in the hundred years war they can get giga scary fast and that's out of your control, really you need to look at your rivals and ally their rivals e.g. Burgundy or Austria as a way to hugbox them and defend yourself. Remember the AI won't declare on you if it doesn't think it has more troops that you and your allies.

Don't play Ming, they have so many disasters and mechanics to deal with I've never even played them but basically you can stack wipe 30k ming army with a 15k horde army due to mandate mechanics.
>I haven't managed to play a game that reached 1600 yet without getting mad.
Honestly sometimes I don't make it to 1600 due to bad play from me or just getting cockblocked by RNG in the game and I have 1.8k hours. It's just the game, the premise is simple but there's so many mechancis to keep track of and possibilites for bad RNG to cuck you that if you make a bad decision it could be run ending.

>I never had any situation like this ever on CK2. I have done the Roman Empire multiple times and I am extremely good at the game (I'm 2k hours in already) so I don't fucking understand ANYTHING of what's going on on EU4.
The game's are completely different, for example I've tried to play HOI4 and I have no idea bro and I can't understand the division designer and why they are good or bad so it just shows every PDX game is different and has it's own mechanics to learn. People in the community are still finding new ways to exploit mechanics and there is a wealth of information on YT if you really wanna dive deep into the mechanics and learn. I would always recommend watching guides on specific things for this game you can't rly just wing it there's too much to learn.
Is there any reason to play Teutonic Prussia(either of the 2 HRE paths)? It feels an inferior version of Brandenburg Prussia
It's cool?
Isn't that enough?
After 1500 it's 90% the same game so I'd rather start with the better option.
It is for you, lmao.
After 1500 I haven't done literally anything in the game yet.
EU4 isn't about knowing everything, but knowing enough to play the game, learning something you missed, and then wanting to play again but better this time.
That's literally how life itself works...
woah... europa universalis the fourth is just like a simile of life itself as...
What are you doing with either tag that your gameplay doesn't converge by 1500?
This is what I'm doing?:
Best country for colonizing fast the new world? I've been planning to do a chill colonization game for a while.
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I'm pretty bored with the run now, might just change my ideas so I can get the for the empire achievement and call it a day, thinking of doing anglophile next. Feel like I've been cockblocked and boxed in this entire run but I'm invading France directly in 2 years at the end of the truce timer and I'm carving them the fuck up.

Spain/Portugal/England are the best choices.
Portugal: Fastest start but your economy is in the gutter and if you're not happy to sit on your hands you might end up ruining yourself which is something I struggle with.
Spain: Basically Portugal but stronger militarily but you have to navigate a disaster + game the Iberian wedding early then you can start to colonise but you will be slower at the start than Portugal.
England/GB: Either PU france or get rid of your continental holdings, go Explo/Expansion and you are probably the best colonizer in the game from that point especially being able to choose what trade good is in your colonized provinces.
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top keke at you for not being able to use Paradox's last 11 years to predict what is going to happen with EU5 (it will be shit and will take 6 years to get to a """playable""" state with 1/3 of EU4s features)
England is the best choice by far if you min/max the timing on some mission rewards. If you set up expel minority colonies as free you can have insane amounts of provinces being colonised at the same time. iirc you even get a siberian frontier on cape town which should always be bum rushed anyways.
England is so OP at colonising now that even if you release the 13 and play as them, they are also too OP.
Why is colonization so boring in this game? I've decided to play in Europe for the first time in months and picked Portugal, and holy shit, this is the most annoying and uneventful campaign imaginable. There's literally nothing to do after the first 30 years other than fight the Tunis-Ottomans alliance over and over. Everything else is a waiting game. Even those colonial wars are shit due to my tech advantage.
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good morning sirs, I FUCKING HATE governing capacity
I know it feels bad but you gotta half-state bro
Did you give that burgher privilege?
What are your ideas?
back to /gsg/
I mean honestly is the game fun at this point?
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Fuck me, I forgot about half-stating and full cored basically every European province. Should I full core only provinces with primary and accepted cultures and leave the rest half-stated?
>burgher privilege
you mean the land rights one? I gave that one to the nobility, since the mission tree gives that privilege buffs to absolutism
completed diplo, religious, quality and trade.
I'll pick admin ideas as the next group once I reach tech 18.
it depens on your idea of fun, personally I like blobbing campaigns
never ever finished an eu game. usually im top 3 by 1600 and then i just start it over with other mods
>you mean the land rights one? I gave that one to the nobility, since the mission tree gives that privilege buffs to absolutism
There is one that reduces gov cost on trade centers and estuary
>completed diplo, religious, quality and trade.
Admin and infra help there, when you get to tech 22 the problem is also alleviated.
You could also use some pronoia
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cute flag mod please post you bloody
bloody bastard bitch! showing me the fag mod now!
I have returned from a bowel infection which has destroyed me for 4 days so no progress on this campaign but I am stopping at this point as a i have no more motivation to play this one.

You should only state areas that are accepted culture or in your cultural union AND on your sub continent. When it comes to regions off your sub continent you want to Trade Company the estuaries and trade centres so you get extra merchants. I'm not sure what you are supposed to do with constantinople as Byz tho.

Waifu Universalis
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forgot pic
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I pirated the dlc and put it into the right folder. I have creamAPI but I don't really know what it does.
so I just get this when launching the game and when actually starting it it's clear that I have none of the dlc
what do I do?
if I like the game I'll buy the dlc next time there's a turbo-huge bundle for 20 bucks but I've just been playing some vicky ii lately and wanted to give eu iv a try
Never used creamapi but if you have problems you can always go to that Russian forum for answers.
What I can also tell you is that if you want to try the full game you can go find the whole game in elamigos or dodi, or even the GoG version pretty easily.
Playing 1.36 Byzantium, literally just pressing buttons amd getting stuff. Not sure who told them people want Byzantium to be easy
Have you checked in game if you actually have the dlc? If it's pirated the launcher will always say unverified ownership but in game they'd be enabled
game could be fun it wasnt so mana focused, retarded mechanic
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>start a Florence playthrough
>One day before I declare war on Bologna, they ally a german minor, thus forcing me to siege some worthless kraut region
>Next, declare war on Ferrara- which is allied to Ragusa
>"good, I can now vassalize both"
>one week before the last siege tick of Ragusa, fucking Venice decides to launch a war of conquest on it
>War exhaustion through the roof and treasure through the floor by the end of it (but whatever at least I got a province from the swamp italians)
>plan to attack Genoa for some money after my war exhaustion disappears
>goddamn Burgundy attacks Liege and Austria calls me to arms but abstains from calling the rest of its allies
yeah it says I don't own it in game too
I've been looking on cs.rin in the eu iv thread but nothing seems to answer my questions
>captcha: J0YPDX
>I've been looking on cs.rin in the eu iv thread but nothing seems to answer my questions
You can always write your question in the creamapi thread, but be specific about the problem.
I am pretty hype for the next update. A great deal of replayability in NL and Venice alone.
>love blobbing
>too pathetic to stab my allies in the back when they get in the way
anyone else got this problem?
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Saxony rises!
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Hope this shit stops in EU5
>start watching Shogun
>suddenly have the urge to play as a daimyo
>just finished my campaign as pirate republic Kono
>tfw thinking of playing another daimyo or a European/Middle Eastern country and rushing to Japan to establish Christendom/Muhammadom in the Japans

Fuck. What do?
>game hits 1700
>starts freezing for almost a minute every few in-game days

They can't fix it, it's a flaw with the engine running on one core
Pick the Daimyo that has ninja ideas then do a full on RP shady bastard run.
Does anyone know where the AI’s decision weight on the outcomes of Imperial Incidents is saved?
>playing Burgundy -> Netherlands to shake off the rust before the Netherlands update
>want to inherit my Low Countries stuff for free so I have to go with the Hapsburg heir in the Succession
>also want the emperor to Grant Concessions to France because I will lose it anyway when I form Netherlands
>really don’t want the emperor to release the Low Countries instead
playing Knights -> Jerusalem, seizing Suez and island hopping to Japan was a fun run
Ottomans will come by and steamroll you soon, leaving you cut off from Europe. Extremely comfy.
You can even integrate the Sohei into your Crusade State if you culture flip Japanese, LOL
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Current Russia game we have some rare things going on.
>AI Mughals
>AI Egypt
>Sardinia is free
>Tunis has been relegated to 4 provinces
>Big Morocco
>Genoa owns Tunisia
>Big Papal State
>France getting dominated

And despite Ottomans being relatively contained they still take quantity and can still output 156k troops right now, god I fucking hate them.
invite the mughals and/or egyptians in for an ottoman gang bang
>saw a 7/100 chance siege event happen 5 times in a row
Maybe I should play the lotto.
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Just finished another Session
I have conquered Peru and Venezuela and am almost fully westernized from the Egyptian government
I have dropped my former ally of France in favor of the Iberians
Thoughts on drilling?
Seems pretty shitty since you lose the guys to attratiom and you lose professionalism from mercenaries
pagancucks... amirite fellow pedos?
Professionalism is a good modifier and so drilling can be useful to raise that but in my expierience you'd be better served just spamming generals and keeping the money you save on army maintenance on improving your economic snowball. Although the strudent did just put out a vid on army drill so.

give me some objectives for an RP Milan run (no Roman borders)
>give me some objectives for an RP Milan run (no Roman borders)
I did this many years ago, but I went Ambrosian republic and eventually formed Italy. It let you keep the republic form of government while forming Italy, IIRC. I tried to have little mountain march vassals on my borders, IIRC Switzerland and Styria or Tyrol or whoever the green one you can pop out of A*stria is. Think I'd planned on Roman shenanigans (sailing around the Med and whupping ass) but got bored once I had the whole boot unified.
>It let you keep the republic form of government while forming Italy, IIRC
Yeah you should be able to do that since you can do a pirate republic japan or a merchant republic Russia. Having the alps as a vassal wall sounds pretty interesting though. Did you know that Milan now has a mission that upgrades all forts so that you can get level 4 forts 100 years early?
It can make the northern routes into Italy unsiegable.
You should welcome this "pain". You grow and you encounter new challenges. As soon as you become an unrivaled hegemon, Paradox games turn into a color book (well, any strategy really).
What is the best way to utilize Golden Era? I'm doing my first campaign with this DLC activated and the bonuses seem nice but it can be used only once per campaign so I want to make the best of it.
If you have no plan on when to use it then bang it in early when the plus morale is more relevant. It's likely you are going to be steamrolling late game anyways.
An example of a plan would be
>I'm going to take as much of china as possible in the 1700s so I need the extra absolutism
Typically pop it before a big war that you can snowball off of.
Thank you, I think it'll prove to be useful as the country I'm about to fight (again) has a comparable number of troops and discipline but their 3-star generals kept fucking me over last war.
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It's not fair bros I love my 5/5/5 memelord sforza but he is just too greedy it seems.
Maybe I could keep him, go to being a (boring) duchy and go for The Emperor?
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Contemplating breaking this truce just to get the pu's here, honestly feel like it might be worth it or I might just watch if he gets an heir and save scum constantly but I think that might be more trouble than it's worth.
>save scum constantly
I've done this before and it doesn't feel good afterward haha. Take the gamble and break the truce.
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I made it through but I was intending to do the odd save scum here or there but he never got an heir. I've had some insane luck with PU's recently, not sure if it's luck or I'm just getting better at taking advantage of my situations. Either way this looks like an easy roman empire.
Very based. I'm going to bed now but post the aftermath map.
Chadcesco Sforza >>> Gaybrosia Republic
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worked through my mission tree now, have Bohemia as a PU all that is left to do is whittle down Austria so I can get the mission to PU him and take otver the venice node completely. France has taken quality ideas and I fought as a Venitian ally, he is terrifying 80k+ toops with 115% discipline and their ridiculous morale bonus.
Hey bros, been meaning to learn EU4 for a while. My background in grand strategy games is just a few thousand hours in CK2, if that even counts.
How hard is picking up EU4 going to be?
Also, I have most of the DLCs, barring Domination, Conquest of Paradise, King of Kings, and Lions of the North from friends that had spare codes and whatnot over time, any of those worth grabbing up front?
>turned into a hideout for shitposting retards after vst became a thing
Bro, /gsg/ has been utterly full of shitposting retards years before /vst/
What it is now is indescribable
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Destroyed Austria for my mission to get the permanent modifier to diplio annex cost, then switched to byzantium for the superior ideas. Most of the hre want to join a coaliton against me but I don't think it will fire.
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Going from that much CK2 to EU4 is much, much easier mechanically and logically. Maybe watch a video on combat width, army composition, stat modifiers and dice rolls that should be 20 minutes or so max.
No DLC for EU4 is worth paying money for. Get it all through cream api off cs.rin.ru
Even if you don't most of it is bloat or flavour for certain tags.
start as Ottoman (the strongest nation in the game) or Castille (gonna teach you some colonization while you're on it)
as other anon said it's gonnabe easy, though you will have to look up stuff like trade efficiency if you want to min max
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Starting to snowball finish admin ideas and integrate naples now. Going to massively push to kill all the muslims in the middle east and go for india since venice is nearly 100% conquered.

People here will tell you that the game is simple but nearly everyone here has 100's on hours and imo a game isn't easy if you need that much time to learn it. I have 1.8k hours and I'm really not that good compared to some people but the game becomes more simple the better you get at it because you realise what's not important and what is. I advise you watch some guides on specific mechanics Radio Res and Reman's Paradox, these 2 creators made the best tutorial style content for beginners. If you want to get more advanced at the game then look at Budgetmonk and The Student but you probably won't be at a skill level to be able to implement their techniques yet.

Also this is the most important video to anyone who gets semi good at the game https://youtu.be/7Rs_zAVvVmo?si=QVV_ksj4P1_dBdOj
What should be my next campaign, Rassids to Arabia, Ardabil to Persia, or Karabakh to Armenia?
curious chose of stating
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if you mean the area in Turkey that was diplo annexed and isn't stated. This is the state mapmode.
Any reason for not accepting the Turks?
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I accepted them through the byz mission tree when I tag switched however I only ever state my subcontinent as I want to trade company every estuary and trade post in every other subcontinent in order to maximise traders, also I don't have the gov cap to state anymore than I have.
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I feel that sometimes it's RNG on how good your allies will be in a war. For this entire game fucking Mainz has been an absolute beast. Here they are just wandering around the Po Valley stackwiping shit while I am bogged down skirmishing in the venetian balkans
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Does the AI behave more competently than vanilla or is it still a dice roll?
Late game, how tf does an African army 1) have the same mil tech as the rest of Europe 2) beat my mercenaries with 1:2 troop ratio

Do I just suck at this game or did they juice the Africans bc they hate eurocentrism, also to be fair I'm playing a ck2 conversion
1. why wouldnt they
2. you suck
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>try to play any nation out of europe
>already unified Japan, so not trying this again
>take Najd
>get fucked because I don't have the DLC that gives me the overpowered missions
>take Khmer
>get filtered by modifiers fucking the country constantly
>take Charrua
>get instantly bonked by Castillian Brazil
How do I even get good? Also, what are interesting nations to play outside of the main ones in Europe?
any horde nations if you never done that.
Central african tech would prevent them from keeping up, no?
Are you a time traveler from 2012?
Because institutions are completely broken and spread way too fast meaning they can keep up in tech after age of absolutism. The only thing you really have over them is your unit pips from whatever tech group you are from.
I haven't played since around 2015 yes, the new DLCs are a lot to take in
Is that not pretty ahistorical? The AI would never be able to colonize then?
It's colonizing fine, you still have to fuck up really badly to fail against american or african natives lmao.
The central african provinces are controlled by african nations of equal mil tech
now check the central african trade income and development
It's still a dice roll. If it's small stacks you can get them to attach to your armies with almost 100% certainty. I could play the same game again and Mainz would just be waddling about in Denmark doing something every war.
Maybe not quite that bad but you get the picture.
great, more bloat and event windows
Italy update when?
This. Jianzhou is a nice, anti-turtling game with lots of different RP outcomes to pick from.
2 or 3 weeks probably, I'm sure we'll get a release date for the next dlc this week. They've already shown off all the regions they said they were going to hit so that only leaves the usual pre-release filler dev diaries
any quick tips for meiou 3.0? im particularly interested in how investing, estates and building shits work
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I'm becoming exhausted with this campaign now, lithuania broke off my pu because of rebels while i was busy in india. Just one more job i've got to take care of whilst truce juggling and playing rebel whackamole, feel like I can't play for more than 30 mins now without getting exhausted.
I could use a 'lil advice. Starting up Muscovy for the first time, and it's been a minute since i've played so i've forgotten some mechanics.

How am I to Personal Union Ryazan or Tver? Do I just eat the -1 stability loss when claiming their throne for a war despite ongoing royal marriage?
Why are you trying to PU them? They're too small to really be worth it, and your diplomatic situation is pretty much tied up to begin with.
You'll have to eat the stab hit (unless you grab diplo), but it's better to just annex outright
I was thinking of trying to PU Ryazan so I could feed it the Sunni lands i'd be taking from the Golden Horde, and was worried that if I didn't establish those positive relations off the bat that Lithuania might get involved in their defense. Will just try to directly annex like you suggest tho.
This series of tutorials should still be useful
Other than that don't overinvest, remove as many privileges as you can but don't piss off nobles too much, else the military unit limit will be reduced by quite a lot.
god building shits in this mod is just overcomplicated, unintuitive and janky as fuck! any chance they'll discard this autistic shit in the future?
>else the military unit limit will be reduced by quite a lot.
It'll also tank your income in general most places rely on nobles for a decent proportion of income.
The mod was hacked into the base game with a hatchet. More shit than the building is unintuitive and janky. That's a big reason people are excited at the idea of a game being made with these systems in mind from the beginning.
when do i know if an infrastructure project ive commissioned is finished for example? I don't see any progress bars
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I've never seen the ai blob so fast, especially into hre
gonna help the powers absorb all of the minors and then start a three way war
Do you guys play exclusively ironman mode?
In fact, I usually only do Ironman if I'm going for a cheevo for whatever reason. Only real point to it unless you lack self-control
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sure, far more fun than regular. You actually start thinking strategically and not just save scumming battles, wars and events. Especially if playing on very hard, every decision matters and can fuck you up decades later. Everyone who doesn't play on ironman either has god tier self-control or are cowards and should be banned from all eu4 discussions.
I still remember my Brandenburg game, where I got partitioned by a coalition maybe 50 years after starting. Rather than quit, I kept going and conquered Europe by the end. That was the most fun playthrough I've had in a paradox game.
Your attrition numbers are blasphemous. Repent immediately.
lmao that is twice the population of my country
No, because I like to use the console for things that I should, as a nation, be able to do that the game does not allow. For example, I was playing a 13 Colonies game and I wanted to get the Commonwealth (who had rivaled GB for some reason) to support my independence. However, they hadn't discovered my nation yet. So I used the console to tag switch and make them discover me, which I easily justified as me sending a delegation to Warsaw explaining the situation
Based and RP pilled.
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how would I even go about that? apart from microing every army and siege. Honestly at that point, manpower stopped mattering much, whether I lost 10k or 100k just couldn't change a thing.
nah! I gotta yesman white peace whenever Naples called in Riga in a war
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>apart from microing every army and siege
I note that your base stack is 50k. Every armee is 50k. The max combat width is 40. Have 40s of frontline and 40s of artillery. Have the artillery arrive 1 day after the frontline. Feed more frontline detachments in as needed to refill morale or frontage. I also note that you do not have a full or even half a back row of artillery, while the AI does. This is another reason for your lopsided casualties.
what the fuck is 50k arty in this game anyway?? how many fucking cannons are we talking about exactly in this abstract board gamey trash cunt of a game??
>how many cannons is 50k
50k cannons is 50k cannons. We aren't dealing with imaginary numbers of cannons.
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>Have 40s of frontline and 40s of artillery.
ugh that just seems like a massive hassle to manage late game.
>Have the artillery arrive 1 day after the frontline.
is there some noticeable benefit to that?
>I also note that you do not have a full or even half a back row of artillery, while the AI does.
I understand that but where did all of my art go exactly? my average army was like 50% artillery, there's no way i couldn't have enough to go around.
>This is another reason for your lopsided casualties.
surprisingly, this battle was in my favor
>0.5 warscore
god pathetic trash game makes me wanna cease my playthrough johan please deliver
Even by Paradox army size standards, the idea of an army having 50k cannons total during any part of EU4's timeframe is absolutely absurd.
Even at the very end of World War II, as the Red Army crashed through eastern Europe, it was only packing a little over 40k cannons total.

50k cannoneers is a much more reasonable interpretation, although that still leaves open the question of how many cannons there'd be
>50k cannoneers is a much more reasonable interpretation, although that still leaves open the question of how many cannons there'd be

i tell you what. they didnt give a fuck about authenticity or immersion
It ensures that the cannons don't end up on the front line where they will get shredded by the shock phase before they deal any damage.
I am guessing that is where your artillery went; it gets stuffed into the front row to melt early in the battle.
>takes exactly as many men to build 1 unit of cannons as 1 unit of men
>takes exactly as many men to reinforce 1 unit of cannons as 1 unit of men
>disbanding 1 unit of cannons returns exactly as many men as 1 unit of men

>hmm... no, the number refers to how many cannons there are, not the amount of people operating them
It doesn't makes sense either stop it with the cope. in a better map painter siege engines and arty pieces are auxiliary units, part of your attachment, something similar as support units in hoi4. something you know the exact number. anything else is retarded. eu4 is a retarded game, can't wait for its death
>not the amount of people operating them
A Napoleonic canon had a crew that ranged from 8 to 15, meaning that in a 1k stack you would have 66.7 to 125 canons. The 1813 Battle of Leipzig (the largest battle in the game's timeframe) saw 2,200 canons on BOTH sides. By 1813 in EU4, you have 40 canon regiments per side in every battle; meaning that the average end-game EU4 battle has 80 canon regiments. 80 canon regiments means there are 5,336 to 10,000 canons per battle, which is 2-5 times the amount of canons in the largest Napoleonic battle.
So no, even if the 1k is the amount of people operating the canon, it still doesn't make sense.
look at my losses, I didn't lose a single cannon in that battle
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Ok, I managed to get some time for EU4 again. Mainz continued going crazy and they are now the Kingdom of Franconia. The mod wants me to form the Republic of Veneto-Lombardy and that typo/misspelling of "Spainish" is really gripping my shit.
why not just mod the localisation to change it back to Spanish?
I don't know how.
Okay, I feel kinda dumb. >>1728844 anon here. Trying Muscovy, got what I felt was a pretty good start, but it turns out my eco never came online and I hit bankruptcy and my economy still is in tatters afterwards, so this is a scuffed run. There are a few concepts I feel like I'm unsure about:

- I ran out of government capacity pretty early - should I be limiting the territory I turn into states to just the more "Russia" parts? I take it I still want to core everything
- If I end up using vassalization and feeding land to a vassal, do I want to core that land prior to feeding it to a vassal?
- On that note of vassalization, is that basically required for Muscovy going eastward due to government capacity?
- I guess I could also use trade companies on territorially cored states, is that worrth doing?

And I guess just in general for people who've played Muscovy, what do you recommend for keeping your eco online during the first 30-40 years while you're trying to militarily expand outward as fast as possible during that ~25 year claim event?
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Thought I had included a pic of my game, whoops.
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>If I end up using vassalization and feeding land to a vassal, do I want to core that land prior to feeding it to a vassal?
No, the point of vassal feeding is to spare you admin points. The vassal will core it and you will spend diplo points to annex it some time down the line.
>I ran out of government capacity pretty early - should I be limiting the territory I turn into states to just the more "Russia" parts? I take it I still want to core everything
If a state has low dev then leave it as territories. After a while you can build courthouses and centralise the administration of states. Tech levels will also give you 250 gov cap here and there.
I'm not sure how you hit the gov cap on Muscovy I'm sure they have bonuses to that but it's a good lesson to learn. For the early game until you can get courthouses and state houses, focus your devving in your capital state and perhaps another state that you deem very important due to it's position in leveraging a trade node or it's trade goods.
>I guess I could also use trade companies on territorially cored states, is that worrth doing?
Yes, it's pretty much free money.
>what do you recommend for keeping your eco online during the first 30-40 years
Aim for Kazan's gold mine in Zlatoust, state this and dev the diplo up to 9 or 10 (beware at 10 the chance of a gold mine depleting goes up but unless you get bad RNG it will last you until you can build manufactories). Bully everyone you can in the early game for war reps and ducats. Focus on tax income (devving in your capital state) and remember to consecrate metropolitans. After focusing on devving admin if you can spare the points, you build churches where a church will bring in at least 0.20 ducats/month. You build markets in every centre of trade and by doing that alone your economy will tick over until the point where you can build manufactories. If you have over 2 regiments of cavalry get rid of them until you can afford them.
My strategy as muscovy is probably not the optimal one but I find the vassal swarm option more fun.
I immediately marry/vassalize odoyev because they will at times be immediately attacked or vasalized by lithuania if you don't, and they're nice to feed ryazan and a couple other provinces to. In my initial war with novgorod I look to snake the border entirely to cut denmark off from justifying any of their territory. I only take provinces that lie in states I already own. Everything else gets handed off to vassals that make sense. I also release karelia as a vassal and give them kola since sami is partially accepted for them. With all these vassals supporting you it's easy to slap lithuania around if the situation presents itself to get some more russian land.
Fucking with the great horde or kazan can be a huge bitch if they have allies in other hordes beyond your vision but it's worth blitzing kazan's gold mine and CoT, as well as unifying perm's core lands. But this is the second most important war after isolating novgorod because that gold mine will fund you entirely once you dev it.
>ugh that just seems like a massive hassle to manage late game.
Congratulations! You've learned yet another reason why no one plays EU4 into the late game.
I remember trying to make a mod that renamed Muscovite to Russian and made Novgorodian and Ryazanian become Russian when Russia was formed, but I could never get it to work
>try a Muscovy game because of this thread
>get the CB to subjugate Novgorod
>do it without thinking
>realize that I need to own and core the province of Novgorod to form Russia
>Novgorod has "historical rival", adding 50% LD
Fuck this gay earth
You'll have to dev them up. Go for Novgorod itself or Neva/St Petersburg. I think St Petersburg gets free dev from a mission/event anyways.
From an RP perspective it sucks that you have to kiss the ass so much of a great northern enemy. Especially when Muscovy took all of it in one war IRL

>Thus did Great Prince Ivan advance with all his host against his domain of Novgorod because of the rebellious spirit of its people, their pride and conversion to Latinism. With a great and overwhelming force did he occupy the entire territory of Novgorod from frontier to frontier, inflicting on every part of it the dread powers of his fire and sword.
>can't trade favours for heir on hard or above
what's the reason to not play a republic then?
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Did the guy trying to use creamapi succesfully pirated the DLC or what?
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>It's another "Big Bad Guy is defeated by the power of friendship" episode
C-can I post about EU3 here? I think if I make a thread about it it will get 2 replies and die.
Province war score cost is a very dumb mechanic. I realize it exists to limit blobbing (as if), but it isn't anything like how peace treaties actually worked.
>tfw have to leave Novgorod alive in like 3 or 4 northernmost provinces because reasons and wait for 15 years to annex them unless you're lucky with alliances
It's why I don't play with ironman. I annex 100WS just for the appropriate AE costs, then I annex command the rest
yes of course, eu1-2 if you got that too.
how about meiou 3.0? any meiou pros here? i need help!
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I recently finished this Portugal campaign. Whenever I finish a campaign I think that I should have been more aggressive with my expansion, which usually fuels my desire to start a new one. I blobbed really hard this time, though.

At the start of the game I like to conquer Sardinia, you usually don't have a CB for it but I gladly take the stability hit because owning Sardinia gives you a nice base to wage war in the Mediterranean, particularly against Muslim states, which I also like to conquer as early as possible so I have bases in the Red Sea from which to colonize the rest of Asia.

I started colonizing North America rather late, by ~1500 and by ~1530 I realized no one had conquered Mexico so I took it. Around 1570 or so I got into a Personal Union with England but integrating it into my country would have cost me 45 Infamy which I wasn't willing to accept. Try as I might, I could never inherit England even when the tool-tip stated "On monarch death England gets inherited by Portugal".

By around ~1600 I was content with expanding my colonial empire but a war between my ally Castile and France in around 1630 gave me the chance to deal a crippling blow to the French. Also around 1630 I got into a Personal Union with Norway, which I integrated into my country with a cost of about 15 Infamy in 1680. All this time I had been an ally of Castile but around 1750 I waged war against (a resurrected) Norway and Castile chose to fight me. This frustrated me because all this time I had been turning down free cores on Castilian territory. The rest of the game I spent fucking up the Spanish and at 1820 I integrated England with a cost of 75 Infamy.
>ottomans snaking into asia and invading Ming
EU3 really was a different game
Is Eu3 worth a spin? I'm not the biggest Eu4 fan but I've enjoyed V2, HoI3, and Darkest Hour.
I love it. Some people dislike Divine Wind and will tell you to stick to Heir to the Throne. I personally prefer Divine Wind.
I think it's pretty janky compared to EU IV. You tried Imperator?
its out!
but i still dont know how these fuckery with pops and labour and shit works. I just automated things, watching the numbers go up and coloring that map.
I remember reading debates on Divine Wind. I'll just use it meh
it's on my list
anyone here who miss the time when starts like morocco and ethiopa actually were hard?
>decide to come back to this game
>start playing as muscovy
>some random event about a tribute to khan pops up
>refuse or bend the knee and pay 400+ ducats
>i have 20k+ soldiers, golden horde barely has 13k
>obviously refuse
>another event immediately pops up
>hehe oops every province 10 devastation and minus money you can't do anything lol :^)
>treasury goes in red
>-104 (looted cities)
>never coming back
>opting to potentially fight a war where you probably won't get anything out of it over an event when you still have non muslim land to consolidate and a gold mine to seize.
The event is stupid but intentionally slowing your own conquest with a pointless war is as stupid.
EU4 has no sense and you know that, so stop cope you all.

It's a one big ilusion - of war, of diplomacy, of trade, of social aspect, just like other modern Paradox games. This ilusion is sustained by players imagination and naive belive in better future after another patch.

You are own Matrix, bateries.
When playing as Russia, should I put all of Siberia into a trade company or just enough to get the extra merchant?
same question as byzantium, shouldn't you just be putting all of Syria and egypt and beyond into trade zones?
it depends on your state capacity no? But that won't matter when you get enough gold to spam court houses
400 ducats would have slowed him down further at that stage of the game. 4 workshops or a farm estate. If he can't take a setback for a country that was arguably at it's lowest point in history then he is better off gone.
15th century Moscow was definitely better off compared to just 80 years before that. Remains to be seen if they can make good gameplay out of that period in EU5.
and yet the steppe peoples weren't just something they could shrug off, the crimean tatars were able to burn moscow to the ground during the 16th century
provinces not in a TC get a boost to goods produced based on the share of their node's trade power that is in a TC, so the meta play is to put in everything with a trade power boost and only those things (and whatever else you need for a merchant, only if necessary)
russia stopped paying tribute to the hordes 40 years after the games start for the sake of clarity
My problem with the Mongol event is that it makes no sense. I understand that if you refuse to pay, you get attacked but it's bullshit that this happens automatically. If you refuse, the Great Horde should have the option of declaring war on you to force payment, which is literally how the in-game looting requirement works. The fact that you magically lose manpower/money is bullshit
>If he can't take a setback
Magical unpreventable event that instaraids all of your provinces by bypassing game mechanics is not a setback
that's your only problem lmao? its a boardgame what did you expect
I can agree that the consequences are a bit severe without any warning prior to that but as the other anon said it's a board game and the game is trying to model something it's not really made to do (steppe niggers being able to ravage the russian countryside if tribute wasn't paid).
If they instead made it so the golden horde declared war on you to get the tribute they would need to buff it like crazy and then they would need to break a lot of other stuff
but maybe they are just lazy and some modders foúnd a better way for it
>that's your only problem lmao?
>what did you expect
For the game to follow its own rules
>the game is trying to model something it's not really made to do (steppe niggers being able to ravage the russian countryside if tribute wasn't paid).
War/looting is a game mechanic. As things are now, its like if the Surrender of Maine event lead to France auto-occupying all of Normandy instead of just Maine. Just make it literally the exact same event structure as the HYW. Side A has an obligation (transfer Maine/pay tribute) and if they refuse, Side B retaliates (war).
The reason for the event is likely for the ai. I'm sure they tried having an actual war during development and it always resulted in muscovy trashing the great horde and lithuania gobbling up their land after.
france is almost guaranteed to win that war, great horde is almost guaranteed to lose
it's the limitations of a 10 year old game engine, there are a lot of other scripted stuff near the 1444 start that breaks the game engine to get something that resembles history more
>always resulted in muscovy trashing the great horde and lithuania gobbling up their land after.
And that's bad because?
Giga lithuania is a pain for everyone involved especially if they turn into giga commonwealth.
Theoretically they could just have the ottomans guarantee the great horde if they lose the tribute war with muscovy but that'll just result in the ottoman snek if poland/lithania attacks anyway.
In all cases it just creates an enormous clusterfuck
>great horde is almost guaranteed to lose
And? The Surrender of Maine has the option for France to back down if England refuses to transfer Maine, there's no reason the Golden Horde shouldn't have that too.
>Side A makes a demand
>Side B can accept/refuse
>If they accept, event chain ends
>if they refuse, Side A has the option of going to war or backing down
>if they back down, they suffer a prestige/opinion hit
All I'm doing is using mechanics that already exist in the game to add at least a thin veneer of choice rather than railroading everything. The AI is already able to weigh up if the war is worth it.
>Giga lithuania is a pain for everyone involved especially if they turn into giga commonwealth.
So, it all goes down to AI mindlessly blobbing out of its original borders and lack of diplomatic pressure. Having a nation that can become a pain in the ass is the only way to keep this map painting game interesting in the long run tho. It's like complaining about blobbomans killing mamluks every game and becoming a big green blob o death.
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That's it. I'm done with this shit game.
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Current campaign as California. Consolidated ideal borders in North America and colonised the entire Pacific plus the Philippines, now I'm working on conquering a nice chunk of southeast Asia. Goal is to grab everything that can feed trade into the Polynesian Triangle, since that's my main node
had to uninstall this game, it's literally worse than cocaine for me
Neat, who did you start as?
Started as England, island-hopped my way to California with colonies, and released as soon as I had a CN. Took until about 1500 Deleted or sold the provinces I used to get there, which gave me about a 100 years to fight the giant native coalitions and expand before the Euros showed back up. It's a fun run, although the lack of unique ideas is pretty obnoxious
Why is it so obnoxiously hard to pirate their dlcs now? It wasn't like this 10 years ago.
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Jackpot! :3
What do you mean? It's fairly simple.
whats in this new meiou update? did they add new buttons to fuck over the burghers? cant see anything new
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The original was better
Back when the game had actual fucking maps, not this faggot ass "mapmodes", you actually pulled out a real fucking map.
Now quick, expel the jews before they take it over.
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First, expelling the kebab from Rome. The turk is fucking OBSESSED with the shoe in this game.
>how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
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He fucking did it again, LMAO
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Remove kebab from premises
I usually save it for age of absolutism since it gives +5 max absolutism.
just realized byzantium is the easiest start because if you survive the turks your biggest threat will be gone while if you play some nation like persia or ethioia you will eventually encounter a super buffed ottomans
Well yeah, if you let tuks breathe they will shit down your neck in the mid game, but if you undermine them from the beginning, then there's no other regional power to fill their role and you essentially take their place.
Byz is very complicated and peculiar as a start, but you will bathe in money and power later. Ethiopia or even Russia might be more straightforward, but good luck dealing with the turk on steroids mid game.
I suppose I need to take the mercenary mission tree as the ethiopians? Since there's a part of the mission tree that require you to have 40 discipline but your main advantage against the ottomans is your wealth to buy mercs with
>Since there's a part of the mission tree that require you to have 40 discipline
What are you talking about? Discipline isn't relevant at any point
Discipline is the meta. You can easily stack morale and manpower up to your eyeballs, it's discipline that separates the pretenders from the contenders
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this one mission
I meant it's not relevant to the missions themselves. Obviously it's a good modifier in general, but strictly speaking, you don't NEED it for any Ethiopia content
Not the same thing. in any case you can just recruit a shitton of generals to drive it up that high
that's ethiopias mission tree, I just formed Nubia.
Just nullifying the effect of hiring one merc company will be 250 mil mana, which is a bit punitive
>that's ethiopias mission tree, I just formed Nubia.
yes, and army professionalism and discipline are not the same modifier. at all.
then I fucked up, the og post should have been about professionalism not discipline
>EU4s features
Johan already said no mana so it's going to have 0 click button to spend mana to blob faster though
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>Johan said
Cope. We're getting our victoria universalis kino and there is nothing boardgamebabs can do about it
When is someone gonna fix the eu4 wiki?
>We're getting our victoria universalis kino
>Fully functional in 2031
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Does anyone know what mapmod this guy is using? He can't remember, apparently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW7HBA34pvo&ab_channel=Itz_N3uva
What are the most powerful ideas in the current patch in your opinion and why?
>victoria universalis
Did the "success" of Victoria 3 not teach you anything? Vicky is a very niche game for turboautists. The reason EU is so popular is that it's versatile. CK is RPG "fun", HoI is military strategy, Vicky is economy -- all niece gameplay styles. EU is a little bit of all of that, and easy to enjoy. If they make some crap like "victoria universalis" out of EU, the game's gonna fail.
Altho judging by the font and UI design, it's gonna be shit either way.
When they release EUIV Complete for 49.99, ultimately cucking all the retards who paid 400 bucks for all the DLCs.
>EU IV Complete
>Implying this is the last DLC
I said "when", I didn't say "now"
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Its impressive the lengths the AI can go to to piss the player off. I've been trying to attack the Teutons for nearly a decade, in the meantime my Austrian and Polish allies decided to call me into a pointless war over Moldavia, I've ended up with a Danzig vassal I didn't want after I ran in to snipe some free land while Poland was too busy getting whacked to join, only to find I couldn't take any land, after that The Teutons allied Muscovy, and I'm now being called into a second war over Moldovia this time against the Ottomans. I can only guess what the game will throw at me next to not let me start this war.
I know that feel. I've been trying to fight Milan for like 20 years before I finally was able to form Tuscany: first Austria declared on somebody and called me in -- and Milan was in the war, then France did literally the same.
So is this the last DLC or what?
Fortune favors the bold. I've found that EU4 really seems to punish waiting. You've gotta be able and willing to seize opportunities for war as they appear, even if they aren't ideal
This. Dragging your allys into wars makes them never able to get into their own. By sitting there you will always let yourself get called in
Trying a bunch of different east african and arabian tags and it always end up with me becoming a new shade of ottomans
That's true, but sometimes you just have to stop either because of AE, or because of truces. In my case, both Austria and France fucked me over WHILE my truce with Milan was about to expire.
I actually don't mind that at all. I play for fun, not for WC, so helping out my allies is kinda a part of the roleplay. For example, Castille was half-digested by Aragon when I needed some help against the latter, so I allied them, and when the time came I fed Sicily to my vassal Naples an made Aragon return a bunch of cores. Now I have a strong (kinda, lol) and loyal ally against whoever I decide to declare on next.
Play in a different region. That's not just the Ottomans, that's for every big regional power: you're destined to fill their place if you play in their region and defeat them. You will become the Ottomans, Russia, France, Poland, Spain, Germany even -- just under another tag.
Try playing Theodoro instead, for example. There's no great powers there really (only around you), so you won't feel as bored trying to make the Black Sea your inner lake, as opposed to just leaking into Anatolia and becoming the new Ottomans.
Speculation says yes. Quite funny if the last DLC makes the aztecs, netherlands and venice OP and it stays that way
For blobbing, every non-horde should either pick dip, admin, religious in that order or specialize in dip-annex. In that case you should pick influence and do a lot of tag switching to grab permanent modifiers, including Kingdom of Jerusalem for the Holy War CB. You don't need to take religious in that case. With enough tag switching, you might not need Admin or even Influence ideas to cap dip-annex. Diplo is universal though, best idea group in the game
If the game didnt ruin any larp every 5 minutes i probably could enjoy doing that more.
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just helped some scavvers out for a bit of cash
The number includes logistics personnel that aren’t crewing or operating the cannon.
Why would logistics personnel be counted as part of the regiment? In an EU4 battle, you can see the regiment strength displayed as X/1000. Why would the logistics personnel be taking part in a battle?
Because you’re a retard who let their unit be forced into the front line by not providing enough infantry for the 1st row. Constant maintenance of supplies is necessary on a multi-day battle.
That’s how militaries count things irl and logistics personnel are always close to front line units irl.
That doesn't change the fact that when logistics are counted as part of the regiment, the number of guns in an EU4 battle is several times higher than reality.
Yes it does because they aren’t
Does the EU board game also need a dozen DLC's and mods to be playable?
A Napoleonic canon crew being 8-15 men already includes logistics personnel. Just accept that it makes no sense, anon. Lots of stuff in EU4 doesn't and I still enjoy the game
>testing testing
>123 123
>is this thing on?
>yall ready for this ?
>N I G G E R
fucking racist bastard
Based Chuck?
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Why does the eu4 wiki look like this for me now?
quit acting so pretentious with your shallow game you eu4 nigger baby
nopeee it's just an overly abstract meme unit, something you can fill your rear row with
What's your most egregious blobbing? I'm playing Zulu and just started colonising Siberia. Russia hasn't formed either because Uzbek became dominant, so it's free real estate all the way to the Urals.
Is there a SIMPLE way to understand combat in this game? The complicated approach isn't working for me. Every time I think I understand it, I try it out and get fucked over by yet another unknown variable. I just got wiped out despite having tech parity, defenders river advantage, numbers advantage, I have all quality ideas, I had full first rows of infantry and full back rows of artillery, I brought in my armies sequentially so they get the reinforcements advantage, and STILL, STILL I got completely fucked. Do I have to watch another two fucking hours of video essays now? And then get wiped out again for yet another fucking reason I missed? Do I need to have autistic spectrum disorder to get how this works? It's a complete fucking mystery to me. I feel like I'm trying to work out quantum physics.
>I just got wiped out despite having
Post the battle and country details so I can tell you where you went wrong
Has the AI always developed their provinces this much? Around the 1450's I've took most of Naples leaving it with 4 provinces, the average dev was around 10.
100 years later I fully annexed them and a coalition which also includes France and Spain formed. I then notice that the average province dev of the remaining Naples provinces I took was around 30.
How do they do it while also spending mana on ideas and techs?
Personally don't see the problem with save scumming if you're learning the game and you're correcting fixable fuckups. Restarting from checkpoints is how video games work 90% of the time. Save scumming to avoid bad random events is scummy though yeah.
>be me
>Play with the Aztecs
>Use cheat to modernize and colonize and have naval force
>somehow it came to Asia
>Like a good weeb, he conquered Kyoto and dissolved the shogunate and the daimon became independent.
>Improve my relations with my daimon neighbors and engage my native king with the daughter of a yellowskin daimon
>Start colonizing the Philippine islands for my expansion throughout Asia
>Take advantage of the fact that China is a time bomb that is in constant civil wars and invasions by nomads
>Conquer an entire coastal state and main commercial port of China
>Gain rights to remove the mandate of heaven from the current emperor
>Oh boy
>China being Chinese finds itself in more conflicts with neighbors and internal problems
>Seize the opportunity and declare war for the mandate of heaven
>The Aztecs are the new masters of China and probably Asia
I savescum because i achievement run and its less annoying than dealing with the rng im dealt.
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That's the end for this hungary campain, Poland and Lithuania in a PU still. Got 4 acheievements including master of india but christ was it exhausting to play after absolutism could only do 1 war at a time. Probably my biggest blobbing campaign.


Think it's this one.
Well done anon. No Gaul though.
how hard is EU4 for a ck3brainlet like me?
Simple game. Just wide. Every mechanic is simple, there are just a lot
I was just focused on going east since that's where the money is, and I cba committing to a war against france + portugal.

As the other anon said each mechanic individually isn't complicated it's just that they are all stacked on top of each other so the learning process of the game is quite long. There are also many instances in the game where you have to click decisions in very specific orders to get the outcome you want and this also just comes with expericne. Adding to this there are specific events in game that you need knowledge of before you even do your giga run and this can also only be gained through experience.

It's a fun simple game that becomes complicated but then when you start to gain mastery it becomes simple again because it's all second nature and you basically know where to conquer what to focus and how to snowball.
What was the intent of Rome? To civilise? To plunder resources for people of the capital?
If it's either of those answers then going east and leaving the west alone makes sense.
I had a giga Naples under a PU which I integrated and after tag switching to Byzantium I took Rome for a mission I think as it wasn't much work to pull off.
Pentarchy for the extra Missionary
Easy. Especially if you're good at microing your forces during battles in ck4. It's very easy to exploit ai into doing stupid shit, or just wait for ai to do stupid shit, and then stomp him into oblivion. Stability is the most important resource, it should never fall below -1, and one should never go to war when it's at zero. Other than that, just make sure to send diplomats all the time to improve relations with nations are are a threat, and every nation is pretty easy to play. Late game tends to become boring, as you're usually a bloob with no real challenge.
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Am I expanding too slowly?
I've been costantly hitting governing capacity and overextension limits for a while but it never feels enough.
Lucca, Ferrara, Albania, Georgia, Circassia and Wallachia are my vassals.
It you're hitting gove cap and overextension limits and keeping up in tech and ideas then no I don't think you are going too slow. I also think when you get better at the game there's a sort of unintuitive thing where you have to sit on your hands and not expand too fast too early. Your run looks good especially with all those vassals.
Unpopular opinion but I think in the instances the AI conquers past their historical boundaries IE France into Spain they should be forced to release vassals to avoid ugly ahistorical borders
Just go look at a world map then instead of playing the game?
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>Am I expanding too slowly?
Nah. Check this out which is not long before your year.
The fuck happened in this game?
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Franconia was Mainz who were going berzerk to the point I stopped allowing them to call me into their wars.
Burgundy was my ally and we were doing a good job on France until they fell under a PU with Brittany and stopped being my ally.
Great Britain is my ally now. The 100 years war pretty much becomes the 200 years war in every recent game I have played.
how did you make sure to get Naples before Castile Does?
Also have you turned some province into north africa into trade companies for that extra merchant?
AI Aragon breaks the pu 90% of the time
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>ally doesn't give you any land in a war even though you occupied lots of cored land
>now you have a 15 year truce
It's good but I you should have pushed towards forming the pentarchy, getting it and the modifier from holding Rome makes the rest of the game a lot easier
I haven't played in Ireland since EU3, are they all the same or do some of them have some cool unique mission trees?
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I've declared on Naples as soon as Aragon let them free and took all the slaims from the false despots mission. They managed to stay alive by allying France
I'm working on it
Do you have any particular plan when it comes to organising your vassals?
Does anyone know if there is a way to change the units of uncolonized provinces, as in the natives that spawn in an attack on your colony or when you pass through ? Want to play some extended timeline mod, but the earlier startdates have you getting fucked up by uncolonized natives due to them having base game tech levels.
Can't help you m8 and I've played a lot of ET. Enough to know that things get screwier the earlier you start.
My favourite game was a Denmark tag flip to Danish USA in ET.
Has anyone found a way to diminish lategame lag yet? It feels like the gam,e is completely breaking down after the 1600's after the last expantion, not that it used to be much better before. I wish base game had something like anbennar where you could just turn off parts of the world you are not going to play in anyway
None in particular, I mainly use them to expand in a certain region to annex them in a second moment when I have more gov capacity
I also made some move vassals than usual in this run because I wanted to try the pronoia mechanic, kinda disappointing and the +50% liberty desire is a pain in the ass
I should also mention that I'm using a mod that adds +1 diplo slot for every vassal

That is something unique to Ming, anon. At the start date the Ming dynasty was on a death spiral and its portrayd in-game. You have a ton of bad modifiers that requires overcoming multiple disasters to stabilize. The only think they have going for them is numbers bu thats mostly just to posture and prevent the AI from DW'ing you, because in actual fights your forces get obliterated until the reforms and some NI can kick in.

Just to clarify, the Ming were officialy destroyed in 1644 but they were powerless long before that year, they kept losing territory to external forces and internal rebels non-stop after 1400's ( the game start date is around the period they were getting buttfucked the hardest).
While is a pain in the ass to deal with it's good for quickly removing small vassals that that are weak enough to let you diplo vassalize them
I'm afraid there won't be any start in EU5 as perfect as byzantium is in EU4
Yeah I can imagine it will get screwy just wanted my autism rp of ancient or late antiquity colonizers, desu would be quite boring as you more or less just mindlessly blob and dont even interact with other nations. I think the only way to make uncolonized natives on par tech wise would be to edit all the units they spawn to be fitting to the current tech and that seems like a massive pain in the ass.
I would love it if France is the Byzantium of EU5. A decentralised mess where the King has no power and a 6/6/6 chad is waging war on you. You are right though I suppose.
Doesn't matter. I think I'm going to be in Eu4 for years to come unless 5 releases in a better state (it won't).
you should force retreat if looks like your going to lose. morale is a good indicator on whos going to win especially early game. even at parity you can still lose thanks to dice roll
depends on what you're doing, i assume roman empire. i find trying to get a pu on france helps alot and you should also be attacking spain before it gets to powerful thank to colonies once you've got over that hurdle the rest is easy, 1680-1690s is when i formed it, was taking my time though and could of been much quicker
should be your first/second war as soon as they go independent first being greek minors than ally up with austria/hungrary or poland more allies better even going over dip slot so when the ottomans declare on your vassal you have a easy defensive war taking most of the balkans should be alot easier than it's simple game of blobbing out
will the ottomans really start a war if you got so many powerful allies
yes because they don't see your vassal as having allies it's a bug paradox has never fixed and can be used to curbstomp almost any nation, unless i'm wrong an they finally patched it
austria is even more overpowered now thanks to latest dlc
dude the pronoiar shit is still so bad, you cant even guarantee byz anymore because they pronoioi athens , then turks dec athens and it doesnt call you in
amazing they were able to milk the EU4 engine as long as they did
guess people just love interactive-story elements like you got in TNO
They are still going to milk it more. There are still more DLC coming for EU4, you heard it here first. Current plans are seven more DLC, so that EU4 can have a final version of 1.44.4. And you all are going to buy the new DLC, because you're good little chuds who slurp the slop that drips off Paradox Interactive.
What are they even adding at this point? Seems like it's just more mission trees, events to make it more like an interactive novel and power creep like monuments or special units that make you stronger with zero downsides, like the Ethiopian ones
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Current game, GP madmode
>Started as Naples and a few years in I fought a war to PU Milan, then during that war got an unplanned PU over Brittany
>Got up to 16 diplo rep and took most of Italy through wars, as well as catalonia and greece
>Released Ligurians, Piedmontese and Romagnol as vassals because gov cap
>Ottomans fell of and aren't even a GP
>You can vaguely see disgusting Portugal
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>He thinks this is the last DLC.
>guess people just love interactive-story elements like you got in TNO
It's been a problem ever since the original Kaiserreich back on Darkest Hour, it's that now paradicks is directly catering to the larpers instead of trying to have history autists as their main audience.
>amazing they were able to milk the EU4 engine as long as they did
I love eu4 and played it for several thousand hours but after like 3-4 years I was done, I have no idea how they kept bloatmaxxing the game even beyond that point. It’s the same with hoi4. They’ve bloated it too far and I don’t think I’ll touch it until hoi5.
Are new achievements not in the game yet?
If I play as Cyprus does it makes sense to first develop and improve the economy (commerce and production) , send diplomats to Venice, Austria and the Mamelukes; and as for the army, to choose quality over quantity (a small and professional army), since Cyprus hasn’t lots of provinces. It will spare me some ducats, in which I will use to bribe and influence my neighbors.
>finally get good enough at the game to try Ironman run as Florence
>consolidate most of north italy except Venice in the first century
>infinite money, 1.6% interest loans without even economic ideas, all going good
>spain inherents Naples a month before I was planning to invade them.
>my heir dies while my ruler is 76.
>now under personal union of france
>Have to fight bloody war for independance, set back for a generation
>Venice gets split apart during a war into city states.
>a two province nation part of Venice joins the hre.
>All of hre joins coalition on me. Figure I can get relations down enough since I have 7 diplomats and a truce with super Austria.
>nope, nobody left the coalition in time for the truce to run out, get fucked over 2 provinces.
Fuck this game
>>my heir dies while my ruler is 76.
Introduce an heir
>getting coalitioned ever
Honest skill issue
Need 90 legitimacy to introduce heir, my legitimacy was shit ever since the savonarola event happened
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Are you guys liking the new dlc? I went for an Austria run for my first game, and so far it's been fun. Although the mission tree is rather overpowered in some aspects, I can't say it isn't nice. Overall I rather like the new dlc, surprisingly enough.
Mainly been doing Aztecs, so can only comment on that aspect, honestly feels pretty underwhelming in the new world still haven't tried Incas yet, there a few new features, but it still sucks when you need to speed 5 after you've done all your reforms and have to wait untill europe arrives, I would have liked if they changed the mechanics of that around but I imagine that would have been hard as it interacts with another DLC.
Does anyone use mercenaries after the first ten years of the game? The free company is nice at the beginning but afterwards I don’t bother with it.
Mostly you're right. Sometimes my manpower takes a pounding and I need them but even then that's to spare manpower for the next war.
Professionalism is a great modifier and unless you go for mercenary ideas it's hard to have that with mercenaries
doesn't help mercenaries are bothersome to deal with ever since they changed them
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>part of the mission counts as completed
>despite the fact that the provinces mentioned are clearly held by my Mesoamerican TRIBUTARY subject
I get that they always have to spam the "non-tributary" term everywhere otherwise people would probably do some broken shit with Ming (?), but you'd think they'd consider the terminology more carefully considering this new mechanic is functionally identical to an actual tributary state

I ended up using them a bunch with Denmark because they have missions that remove most of the related penalties, but other than that they're only good for RP purposes
Yeah the whole meso tributatary thing is honestly just dumb. The only good way to utilize them is just get all your conquest missions done then spit them out as enclave OPMs via return province and milk them for Monarch points, it's so fucking stupid.
It seems like a pretty flavourful way of exerting control over the whole area without just painting the map with your painful -50% governing capacity modifier
I'm mostly angry at the wording: considering mission trees are usually very careful with their requirements, this seems like a huge oversight
>-50 gov cap
Actually you can absorb all of meso america without going too much over, just give out one land right. Trbutaries are also fairly useless for the most part, I'd much rather vassalize than tributary outside of milking monarch points becuase vassals give you much more.
Yup, that's fair, but I can see why they'd bother giving out tributary mechanics to Mesos
If anything, the flavour of "I'm stronger than you so pay me regularly or I'll fuck you up" should be much more present even in other regions
It wouldn't be that bad if you could do it diplo, the fact that you have to enforce it via war and only can do so on meso pagans just makes it worse.
Nothings really impressed me so far. Played Oman since Indian Ocean trade focused nation sounded fun. The mission tree is weighted so that you can't really expand out of Southern Arabia until about 1500's which is boring. Played Hungary and it just felt like an inferior Austria. Might try Meso Americans or Venice next.
Did half an Inca run, it's better but you still have the issue of being an isolated country far away from the interesting areas in the game
Netherlands was fun, ridiculously huge stacks of money, can inherit the UK, fun colonial game.
Started a Timurids into Mughals run, Timurids have a lot of fun stuff, Mughals aren't too different, a bit more interesting though. Timurids seem like they have a kino blobbing tree now, want to give them another go.
Okay Voltaire…
>also a noahide
>buy the dlc
he doesn't know
This game runs like fucking garbage these days, I remember the time when I could scroll through the map at 5 speed. On a weaker processor too.
I just googled why that may be the case and apparently 5 speed means running the game as fast as possible and I'm not sure it was always like this, so maybe that's the case.
what's the point of playing as a monarchy when any nation may just create a new heir from the void or one of their allies may ask them to choose a heir of their dynasty avoiding a union with you?
Absolutism and PUing other tags
Why do I always go back to Muscovy and France? The early game is just too fun in how you snowball but also have a nice defined path to rush, then it opens up.
A mixture of you have enough to do with enough weight to throw around that you can't get fucked by rng.
England and castille/aragon all have degrees of bullshit to deal with. Poland is alright but if you don't want the sejm you have to reel in lithuania manually and muscovy will take some of their land making them a bigger pain.
I never understood why people/paradox say that Castile is a good beginner nation. Sit around for half an hour waiting for your truce with Grenada to expire, then the hell that is its alliance chains and going into north Africa. You're always dealing with Aragon and France's scheming until the Iberian Wedding, which might not even fire. And then colonization is such a noob trap. Playing Muscovy taught me way more than three or four Castile games ever did, plus it was the first I got to 1600 with, although that was before absolutism.

Now, the 'gon is really fun once you're an intermediate player, and non-Angevin England can be a blast too for the beginner to int.
Castille used to be significantly less railroaded and aside from their ruler and heir problem could really pop off earlier.
Honestly, it seems like Burgundy is the new Castile. Instant vassal annex with inheritance, plus you can chop up France and start going for PUs with your infinite diplo relations. Nobody else has it that easy except a lucky France, and they can't get Spain and Austria as allies easily.
bros i haven't played in like 5 years probably, since golden century i believe, and i have no idea how to approach the new estates. ive read up on it and i think i understand how it works but still i dont really know what im doing. I start the game and get hit with the three pop ups to seize land, sell land, call a diet etc.. should i just dismiss these things and ignore them until i have really low estate loyalty or some such scenario where i need to do something like sell the land to deal with it? or should i be seizing land every chance as long as loyalty isnt too low? i have no idea what the strategy is here. same goes for privileges and stuff. no idea what the fuck im doing
also what s the deal with summoning a diet? should i do it right away?
Basic game start is
1. Hand out estate mana privilege's
2.Summon Diet
3.Siege land
,At basic level that's all you have to do. As you get better you can do other interactions like increase levies. But if you just do those things before unpausing and then periodically keep seizing you can pretty much just ignore estates al game and it dosen't matter if you want
Diets are basically small missions you can pick for some minor rewards
Some of them are a bit subpar, like the ones that ask you to dev a province in exchange for prestige/MP, but some are pretty gamechanging if you get them at the right time (nobility giving you a subjugation CB or removing the diplo annex debuff)
I would always call a diet if it's available, unless you're worried about a certain estate getting too much influence
The only addon to >>1754463 is that you should be careful with the mana privileges: they're excellent for smaller countries and OPMs, but going to 0% crownland as a big country like Ming or England is very damning because those autonomy debuffs will hit you hard

Religious diplomats (clergy) is great for almost every campaign, enforced interfaith dialogue (burghers) is good for countries like Muscovy where you expand in to heathen religion provinces early in the game. I wouldn’t worry about crippling your country to get all the monarch points privileges immediately. You can just take whichever one you need the most, then take the others when you have crown land to spare.
>Monarchist florence
Absolutely skill issue
Does building the suez as venice cost money? Or does it just start once you get the mission
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If only....
>italian and english grouped together
That's retarded
similar colour but they are separate culture groups
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What are some estate privileges that are worth keeping in the age of revolutions, aside from the mana ones?
Anyone tried a horde run using those new Mongol brother realms? I was thinking it could be fun to a do a chill EOC run as Yuan, and only blob out using the Golden Horde and Ilkhanate mega vassals.
Do you guys have any aesthetic mods recommendations? Right now I have great exhibition.
Great Exhibition is amazing. Map is down to your preference. I like Neprut's Ironman Graphics.
If you are going for a WC or some achievement and you are struggling then get rid of all of them.
If you are larping then roleplay. Other than mana they are mostly situational. Do you need gov cap, for example.
Completing the mission spawns the canal in but it won't actually start building until you have a thousand or so ducats in the treasury. You don't have to actually spend the money, you just have to have it for some reason.
there's a reason and it's called mission bloat
Apparently personal unions don’t count for the Mayan conquest mission.
Fucking England snuck two provinces in, and I guess I have to diplo annex them now.
As an aside, is there a way to rapidly find heretic princes from the HRE menu?
>As an aside, is there a way to rapidly find heretic princes from the HRE menu?
>open HRE mapmode
>open religion mapmode
>compare notes
>converting religion
can't you just confiscate provinces from them in the vassal interaction tab?

Nothing cringe about it, honestly they should of had alternate missions for Christian Aztecs/Mayans/Inca

I don’t think you can seize land from Personal Union subjects iirc
I noticed Venice formable does not have discipline. Is that a bug or a change?
I’m playing Castile->Spain.
My mistake
Playing my first netherlands game after update. Love the new starting tree
What's your favorite graphics mod?
I've been using Sulphur's pack lately and I'm having a blast.
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I did a Golden Horde campaign the other day and decided to try out those brother realms in Yuan and Ilkhanate, and I was not impressed, to say the least. Ilkhanate was absolutely useless, and Yuan was okay with its infinite manpower so I had to do less micromanagement, but I still feel like I'd get more from just owning the entire China and Mongolia myself. Do not recommend.
show cult/religious maps
Is there any good mod that slows down AI colonization a bit? Historically France and Britain never bothered with colonizing until the 1600's and Spain encountered fierce resistance in south America.
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Did they change Venice's AI behavior or is it just me? Since the latest update they always declare on Byzantium for Athens within the first years, and always manage to conquer the entire Morea area before the ottos.
>Victorum Universalis banned from Steam Workshop because it insults paradox, the dlc strategy and the playerbase in loading screen messages
That’s rich because Paradox insults its player base constantly in the dev diaries.

The pick me shills go on about how it’s a joke but I don’t care, it’s biting the hand that feeds you is what it is.
tag switch to coloniser countries and change their ideas. Every time you see exploration or expansion,change it.
I don't do that but I do that for colonies that start off with expansion. Ever since they changed Expansion to give an extra colonist colonisation just turned ridiculous.
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Going pretty damn well as Dai Viet, though I'm having a lot of trouble juggling with mana usage. Used damn near everything on spawning institutions. Army quality is in the gutter too due to nonoptimal idea groups (quality, should have gone quantity, offensive or defensive instead) and overreliance on mercs. I think that I'm also a bit off the pace too, but what can you do. But other than those problems, I'm still making good headway and generally having quite a lot of fun. Probably will have taken the mandate by the 1600s.
Just so everyone knows. Defensive and court are really good in single player games as first picks. Try it out, its been my go to for the last several games now.
What is it that is so good?
The bonus defense gives of 15% morale is really good early on and it gives it in the second idea pick. With court you are always at 100 prestige (giving lots of nice bonuses) and just has so much small stuff to make everything easier. The policy of ae reduction and morale damage is one of the best imo. Probably not good for mp but these two are great for single player. Innovative is probably my favorite non mil idea buts its admin so not easy to take early game unless you arent conquering a lot.
I'm always looking to pick Court (I've already found out you can pick the worst idea groups and still steam roll so it's all just RP now) so I'm going to try this out on either a NL or Jianzhou run. (don't know which to pick for my next game.
Thanks for the tip m8.
Budget monk made a video on it a while ago saying how good it was but i didn't believe him until i played it. Super useful for any hre nation in particular
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Okay, now this is interesting.
I tried an Aztecs and am having difficulty figuring out how to manage my eco along with the Doom system. I think I messed up by not getting admin tech (spending my mana on coring instead).

1/3/5 in 1493 as Aztecs, was able to stomp militarily and handle a coalition of everyone around me, but wasn't able to pull my eco out of a death spiral and hit bankruptcy. Gonna restart because no reason to play after bankruptcy, but would appreciate advice from others who've tried this recent Aztecs.

My basic strategy was to try and aggress as consistently as possible, and turning everyone around me into Mesoamerican Tributaries (with a few vassals) to finish the Doom reforms as quickly as I could. Didn't even get to Euros showing up tho.
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Any strategy for gaining electorship when you're not even close to bordering any electors, or do I just have to conquer through the HRE until I hit one?
YI'm Papal States with Genoa (currently integrating), Dauphine, and Albania as vassals, allied to Austria and England
Electors are outlined, all standard except Gelre replacing Saxony
>Budget monk
Is he still going on EU4 all these years later? If he is still doing privilege revokes and byz runs that is sheer autism lol.
I dont watch his campaigns but i believe he does. Though i think he mostly plays austria.
Yeah he was doing Austria games back then. I got my first WC thanks to one of his tips. Fair play to the guy if he is making good money from YT and EU4.
Defensive is really nice for sure. Morale is what makes it possible to expand as Ardabil, and it just has so many nice picks because you realistically are playing all wars defensively and money and siege times and maneuver are the big limiters to that.
>Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

>attack neighbour
>neighbour's neighbour is now in a vacuum
>nature abhors a ______
I dont think he is but i think he just enjoys it
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A German 19 dev free city in the 1470s is the Defender of Christendom. The Ottomans are finished.
>need some ally to help me beat up GB
>ally france
>can't call in because it's 4k in debt
>ally spain
>they're 6k in debt
>literally every single time I look their debts increase
what the fuck is happening here, they're not even fighting any major wars
>Try to call allies to war
>They cannot because 100 in debt
>enemy tries to call allies to war
>Agree despite 500k in debt
In just a couple years spain's debt increased to 8k from 6k.
I would tag switch to it just to see where their money is going to if I weren't playing ironman.
This started a few patches ago. The AI starts merc maxing if it even gets a hint that it's going to lose it's manpower. After the merc maxing comes the debt maxing.
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They only have 260 total income.
I thought they might go bankrupt soon but then I saw that I could take out 85 loans of 1300 gold each with my total income being around the same, so yeah this debt spiral could go on forever. I guess I'll just never call any allies to any wars then.
If you're playing modded or non ironman do a tag switch to look at their balance. Even the top 5 great powers tend to run at a 1 - 5 ducat surplus/month in my experience. If you throw in colonisation costs and then a few lost battles or a lost war and yeah, they're going to need to call on the jews.
Should I pick espionage or diplomatic as first idea group as Savoy?
Do you want more vassals and PUs or more direct conquest into Italy?
I usually go down both routes in my Italy runs, I balance direct conquest and vassalisation. I tend to always have a few vassals though.
>watching alzabo and ludi guides on the holland to NL run
>they seem to have no rebels therefore a fuckton more manpower than me
Are they cheating? If they are giving out autonomy to decrease rebellions then they would have no economy
>ludi guides
he's known for cheating and editing the savefiles to make it look like his strategy works.
don't know about alzaboo
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I cba with ludi anyways but what you are saying makes sense. year for year following his guide (I pick infrastructure while he picked trade but I need 2nd idea to be exploration) I have 219 manpower he has 16k. I'm not a dumbass when it comes to picking battles and I haven't been caught out or made any big mistakes and been punished for it.
Also I don't think bad luck rolls would be the difference in 16k manpower but it is possible I suppose.
The former savescums his guides but they are legit past that. Ludi flat out cheats.
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I'll keep watching alzabo if I have time until he adds his own face to the vids at which point it's over. I wish these homos would keep their faces to themselves.
>aaand this week ladies and gentlemen
Well, Hawk's guides are still legit at least, except for him playing way too safe, so once you have at least 100 hours in the game, there's not much for you to see there. Everything else turned to shit once the guy started attention whoring on camera.
Thankfully, now there's Golem who's generally pretty good.
Is it worth playing Holland if I don't have the new DLC?
Diplo's always a safe pick, but if you're planning to go full Caesar espionage is far better for consolidating North Italy.

What did you end up picking?
You watch Ludi for safe Eastern-Euro and for the reactions (he's actually a pretty good commentator), not for actual advice.
Not to defend the annoying Romanian. But I'm doing Holland to Netherlands atm and its pretty easy to not have rebellions. There's only 3 cultures in the entire region, everyone's Catholic and there's a mission that removes the majority of separatism for all conquered Flemish provinces. I think I had about only 2 rebellions in the first 70 years.
I've had
(3 times)
>Socinian Heretics
I've also had event rebels fire off 3 times but let's pretend they don't count since that's entirely RNG.

I was taking the same land he did (which does not allow you to finish the mission that removes some separatism in three provinces or change the culture of 1 province until the second war).

If you have had 2 rebellions in 70 years you have been using mil to suppress or you have not been expanding. After that we get into the % chance of your rebellions not progressing for 70 years which is improbable but possible.
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What the actual fuck is this? What fucking non-estate disasters?
Check your stability tab, look at the disasters, and don't count the ones that result from estate influence being too high
It's pretty simple
Yeah, I know what disasters are, thank you. What the fuck is this requirement doing here and who thought it's a good idea?
It's not worth playing EU4 if you don't pirate or buy (lol) all the DLC.
This is the most hilarious thing to come out of this patch. Just imagining dipshit german counts donating hundreds of gold to the pope and snobbishly adding the title 'Defender of the Faith' to their long, long list of other irrelevant titles just tickles me in the right places.
I ended up picking diplomatic ideas, AE reduction is nice but since I already annexed Genoa, Milan and Switzerland espionage would not be that useful as first idea in my opinion.
Also the AI is programmed to cuck the player and the Italian OPMs I want to conquer always ally major countries, so I decided to slow down and vassalise them.
Only the Venice, Florence (rivals), the Pope and Naples (allies) are left as indipendent contries now.
I've completed diplo and I only need two ideas to finish offensive. I'm planning to larp as a colonist, so I'll pick exploration next and then religious once the reformation hits.
I'll post the map later since I'm phonefagging
Yeah, same here. Henry VIII was defender of the faith at the same time as flirting with the proddies through Cromwell and arguing with the Pope and the Emperor non stop demanding a divorce of he would flip proddy. He probably only took it on because it was the Scottish King that had it before him.
It was comical IRL too.
Yeah, before the new DLC the Netherlands was my second favourite playthrough in Europe behind Lubeck.
It switched to Frankfurt now. Did the new patch just end up making the free cities rich as shit then? I thought I was just having a weird game.
thoughts on the new updates and dlc?
Underwhelming but inoffensive
No they just have nothing to spend money on and its a button click
Italian OPMs are prime vassal candidates. Kill their neighbors and they will bend the knee
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>nice hat m8
>try blocking this
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there goes my Savoy run, I think I'll just end it here.
Aragon got PU'd by castile before I could snatch Sardinia, Venice is allied to both Castile and a powerful Poland that got Bohemia as a junior partner via event and the Ottomans are blobbing like crazy, it's the first time I've seen them getting the Egyptian eyalet since the 1.36 update and they even vassalised Tunis.
I'm officially demoralized.
>ottoblob all the way to eyelet tunis
are you in the HRE? You could go for the Emperor.
>are you in the HRE?
yeah, I've been allied to Austria since the start and I needed to kill Switzerland, so there were no downsides in staying in the HRE.
>You could go for the Emperor
That's definetly an option, since I'm running out of ideas. Too bad you get kicked out once you sorm Sardinia-Piedmont.
Would be a shame to give up a nice run especially if you were enjoying it.
If you are going to give up anyway, tag switch to papal controller, declare crusade on ottomans, tag switch to ottomans and have them declare on Austria but co-belligerent Austria's allies until the entirety of Europe is against them. Speed 5 it and see if you get any satisfaction from watching that monstrosity get ripped apart.
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>seizes ur 970 pop colony
Having some fun with marines for the first time ever. They're off to the caribbean now.
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sounds fun, I'll definetly do that later.

Anyway, time for yet another byz run.
Does anyone know why I'm getting the pretener spawn event at the death of my starting ruler?
According to the wiki, the event should trigger when the country gets a new ruler, but at the conditions of:
1) starting byz gov reform
2) not having unlocked the 4th national idea
3) owning at least 8 provinces
4) legitimacy <50
The latter two conditions are not satisfied, since I own 6 provinces (Epirus and Athens are OPM vassals) and legitimacy is 70. Even the Demetrios event says that civil war was avoided.
Any codemonkey can explain why I'm still getting pretenders?
Turns out I was wrong and the pretender rebels event that triggers is not the one I've linked, but this one.
Which still should't trigger since Byzantium's starting heir has a strong claim. Does it simply mean that Byz gets the wrong pretender event at the death of a ruler?
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Tried out the new Trebizond mission tree. Prioritized defeating Ottomans in the very first war I did, because the longer you wait with them, the bigger of a menace they become. Heathen royal marriages seems to complete disregard the amount of diplomatic relations a nation has, so you can easily secure a Mamluk alliance no matter what.

After completing Trebizond's mission tree, quickly formed Georgia and then into Byz. All in all, it's like an extremely hard Byz start but you get a bunch of modifiers and PU on Russia for free you otherwise wouldn't have gotten.
>see if you get any satisfaction from watching that monstrosity get ripped apart.
>not taking over as the Ottomans and trying to fight off the whole world at once
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>Devastating plague spawns at the location the Black Death appeared
I'm pretty new to EU4. Is it normal to conquer land, then spend years waiting for the coalition to cool down, then conquer again, wait again, etc? Or is it a sign that I'm doing something very wrong that I'm always sitting around waiting for coalitions to go away?
Why didn't you just guarantee Byzantium?
Does anyone have any experience with the PDX forums?
I'd like to suggest a very minor change to a country starting setup to improve historical accuracy, but I doubt the devs will give two shits about my suggestion.
Main forums still suck, but Tinto is fantastic.
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Can see from the ledger which countries were in the latest update.
The East Indiaman ship is OP. Along with marines and abuse of the colonialism CB I'm hoping to just be an absolute bastard in this run.
The colony in south africa will be used to take everything Portugal puts down there.
I'll drop one in brazil too and take anything that Castile builds.
Can you please link the flag mod you are using?
It's just Extended Timeline. I checked the playset and there is nothing in there except ET, Great Exhibition and Neprut's Iron Man Graphics.
Alright, thanks. Going to steal some of their better looking flags.
The reason I had to check is because I use this on another playset.
See what you think.
where's the EU3 thread

anyways is death and taxes any good
I've honestly never got why people speed run forming the Netherlands. Of all the countries to form early a global trade focused one is worthless. Plus forming the Dutch kicks you out of the HRE which makes tour life much harder early game, and now since you can genuinely get all the Netherlands ship and trade bonuses early if you want them by just doing a L1 government reform switch. Just ally France in 1444 and declare on England and Burgundy to keep them truce locked, stay as Holland until you've conquered all the low countries (and your Baltic trade cores) and switch to the Netherlands after you've conquered everything north of Champagne.
It kind of only matters if you are afraid of Austria, but usually you just ally France/Poland/Turks and shit on them.
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Rate my Europe
a few seconds/day at speed 5 on a good rig
>ottomans gone
>turkestan blobbing
the roach never dies
Awful, not a single country with satisfying borders in a game about sculpting satisfying borders.
My bug report got implemented in the game :)
>just play out your losses
no, you will get gaingbanged one after another by every nation within justify distance of you. you will never be able to rebuild your manpower, they will put you in bankruptcy. if you lose ONCE in this game the run is over
Have you tried to not surrender unconditionally?
Have you tried being good at the game?
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Byzantines are a bit too strong, but I don't know how to nerf them without taking away their lands.
I'm not sure what Korea's deal is when you form Manchu. They break their tributary status just to be an extra pain in the ass when they instead ally Ming. I don't want to fight you yet just fuck off.
There's a special goverment reform that byzantium has by default (it's the level one reform) that causes pretender rebels every time your leader dies.
It's flavour.
Not entirely correct, I checked the wiki and the game files and I noticed that the event about the campaign in Thessaly sets a flag that should prevent pretenders from rise when the starting ruler dies but for some reason it's not working.
It's strange that I'm the first that noticed this since KoK's release
What’s the general strategy to win as Byzantium?
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You think it be how it is, but it dont.
I know well about the government reform. My point is that the event about the thessaly campaign should prevent rebels from spawning at the death of the current ruler.
Probably they coded the event like this because historically Constantine XI ascended to the throne peacefully, since his brothers recognized his legitimacy. Ingame, when the starting ruler dies, you get an event about Demetrios claiming the throne that literally states that civil war was avoided, yet you still get pretenders.
This was 100% a bug, it's going to get patched.
Tried a Timurids run, the thing is after 4000 hours I am still objectively bad at this game to the point where I can fail runs that should otherwise be only a "slight" challenge for most people that have my hourcount, doing Danelaw took me 6 tries, I still haven't been able to finish a single successful Muscovy --> Russia campaign (because of bankruptcy, ottos, etc), I can't form Rome unless I do Austria --> HRE. And now I have yet to have a Mughals with all of India, just failed my latest try.

Timurid run went well until ca. 1480's when I got stuck in a regency and once it was over I got decced on by the Ottomans (tbf I should've tried to kill them earlier but with a strong Mamluks I was confident they weren't gonna bloat as much). This war went on to become a 10 year mudfight because I was a mil tech behind (see shitty regency), at the end of which I whitepeaced, but it was too late, and I ended up in bankruptcy.

Not ideal, but after 10 years I should be getting back on my feet, except BOOM Peasant War. Ok awesome no more admin for the next, what 6 years? We can fix this, and then BOOM Mamluks declared while I was in bankrupcty!! Their demands weren't that bad, some desert tiles, so it wasn't that bad really, but at this point I am so sick of this game I can't force myself to continue. I realised that throughout the entire campaign, except for maybe the first 20 years, I was almost chronically in the red, which isn't that bad if I can keep upping my income thanks to provinces, but remember I had a 13 year RGC. So I burned through a large part of my loan budget there. I just wish I was more apt at handling trade and buildings and general budgeting, maybe this would've gone differently.

here's some pics https://imgur.com/a/wTz6Ozy
My only campaign I would call successfull that I didn't lose interest in was this one UK run, before the changes to their mission tree so you were able to PU france AND do colonial game. I was so successful I pu'd Burgundy AND Spain, during the 1500's I was in constant warfare against the natives in the Northern Americas, it was glorious, while creeping around the cape, I ended up in India by the 1600's, and wanted to get the "own all of India as UK before game end" achievement. My intial landings all got stackwiped before I realised, I was already, so insanely rich that it didn't matter at all. It was to this day the only game where I was never under threat of looming bankruptcy (except for HYW at gamestart). So I just stacked mercs and managed to conquer all of India, it was awesome, I wish I could replay it. But if I tried now, I know I'll fuck it up somehow and end up hating myself
>a few seconds/day at speed 5 on a good rig
do you have any other recommended mods? or am I just stack with DAO + miscmods again?
How do you play tall in this game?
you shit rocks until you have fun
Why even bother playing tall? Blobbing is all that matters.
you press the development button. then you wait until your mana points regenerate. then you press the development button again.
In the game about map painting? You don’t
i love this community
>do you have any other recommended mods?
If you're enquiring about MEOIU then there's a certain type of experience you're after and sadly, there's nothing else for EU4 like that.
I used to love Victorum Universalis but the modders took other people's mods and added their own nonsense to it. That and the fact it's performance directly correlates with how much RAM you have means I can't really endorse it.
I would recommend the expanded family of sub mods but I'm currently playing Extended Timeline as a sort of vanilla enhanced. Even with that mod though I would always recommend playing at 1444. The earlier or later you play than that the screwier it gets.
What do you think playing tall in this game looks like? There’s no real economy or politics in the game like there is in Vic 2, and without that you’re, what, just waiting for points to accumulate?
Does anybody actually play tall in this game?
Retards do
Wow, Ethiopia's really fun. It's like a defensive Ottomans.
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What DLC are best to get?

I have 150 hours in EU4 so far and it's great, but I feel like I don't have many good options for dealing with giant late-game countries that are allied with a bunch of other giant countries.

Is there DLC that specifically gives more diplomacy or spying options that will help me fight late game blobs, such as by convincing them to break up alliances or something?
>What DLC are best to get?
All of them. For free.

>I feel like I don't have many good options for dealing with giant late-game countries that are allied with a bunch of other giant countries.
Declare on someone that drags one giant in and then use warscore to make them break alliances.

>Is there DLC that specifically gives more diplomacy or spying options that will help me fight late game blobs, such as by convincing them to break up alliances or something?
You can make people break alliances by spending 50 favours but that is very situational. Please do not buy any DLC, pirate it all.
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I don't get this meme.
please refer to 1755510 and 1758820 thank you kindly
*spits on this place*
this one for gsg!
*shits pants*
Ethiopia to Axum was one of my favourite games. Ended up moving my capital to Alexandria allied the great powers releasing the Byzantines by war, and running a sort of quasi European state from Egypt.
so who is your favorite Youtuber??
me? is this guy >>1724456
The new dlc/patch holland was bad, i dislike the new mission, and they decided to nerf their unique light ship
Yeah, but you can become Engl*sh which is better than being D*tch, so the DLC is worth it.
At this point just pirate them all. The old ones have been taken apart and put back together so many times that nobody knows what each adds anymore and they are all core in some way. When it comes to the new ones you may as well just finish the collection for the mission trees.
you guys think it's worth it to start with court ideas as Austria for that 5% imperial authority gain?
Court ideas is always a based choice
every place I go to says they're shit
am I being trolled
I mean ideally by that time you'd have your own block of bullshit OP blobs to counter the other block of bullshit OP blobs.
Just get them all dude, nobody fucking knows what any of them do anymore. I still thought you needed to have Common Sense to manually develop provinces up to recently.
There really isn't much reason to metaslave with ideas. Honestly if there's one really situational benefit (like IA growth as Austria) I'd go with it. These days I just take Offensive then maybe Quality and my army is always good enough to win. Whenever I play a naval civ I always take Naval and Maritime just for role play purposes even though they're wildly unnecessary
ottomans just ruined my hisn kayfa > ayyubid run
wow i hate current ottomans now
>every place I go to says they're shit
Why would you listen to plebs?
>2x pp from insult
>reform progress
>less absolutism impact from privilages
>+1 dip for monarch
Even more powerful if you play a country with >3 estates
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>successfully manage to grab Bohemia, Hungary, reined in Italy and made the pope join the empire
>think that I'll just ask for the princes back when Burgundian succession starts since I'm kinda balancing between coalitions and I don't want to potentially risk endsieg in the 1400s
>Northumberland of all fucking places fires the event
>instantly bitch slap them and PU all of Burgundy
Well, what the fuck do I do now, should I go colonial or some something?I don't think I've ever had Burgundy as Austria before.
Also France has Naples, allied the Ottomans and Poland hates me for some strange reason so this is getting a bit concerning.
burgundian inheritance is a noob trap in that it makes you lose interest
Go for revoking the privileges, taking colonies and then WC if you can be assed
Don't be too concerned, even with just the triumvirate of Bohemia and Hungary you can take on anyone.
I didn't mind it but getting near the end I'm very confused why the mission tree directs me towards South Asia/Malaysia area but doesn't give me claims to deal with that. But I can release a colonial subject with cores over the whole of India.
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>even with just the triumvirate of Bohemia and Hungary you can take on anyone.
It's over I lost everything. France is unstoppable, they didn't even need the Ottomans to kill me.
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thanks paradox
stay calm, dev your land, build buildings, and focus on reform
Try to time your offense, get mil tech ahead of France and the Otto. pop golden era + defender of faith
get court + offensive for a sweet +%10 morale damage
That was with defender of faith and 10% morale advisor.
Nah I was just doomposting apparently they only wanted 500 gold from me lmao. Castille is about to receive another hole in their ass though, too bad.
I'll just have to wait them out until they run out of their bullshit golden age and 100 years war lesson buffs. I hope it happens before the religious wars kick off or I'll get fucked hard.
>trying for mzab unlikely candidate
>every single time I fail
>I either go for early solo aggression or careful expansion with longterm otto ally
>both strats end in failure
>I either get buttfucked solo early on or eventually end up too weak to face Castile/Portugal alone
>if I survive to ally ottos they always expand like crazy and go hard into debt, even if I can call them into a war against iberia half their armies just stand on the other side of their massive empire
How in the fuck are you supposed to do this
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>somehow managed to prevent the religious wars and leagues from starting
>because of that I can't just tell people to change religions
>been stuck playing whack-a-mole with 80 different schizophrenic retards who change religions like socks and want to murder each other every second I don't look
I don't even remember the last time I fought someone from outside the empire... only 28 heretics to go haha...

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