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I would love it if the guys that made Jagged Alliance 3 make the next XCOM. Surely i am not the only one?
Is JA3 complete as of now or were they planning on adding anything else to it?
Nope, it's finished. THQ apparently told Haemimont no for their DLC plans, so that's all she wrote. They did add new content (subway tunnels) and a lot of QoL from the release version, thankfully.

All the mod tools are released, so now it's up to the community to make custom campaigns and maps. Most mods are gameplay/weapons/mercs. However, many of the merc mods are just AI gen slop, so I avoid those like the plague.
>THQ apparently told Haemimont no for their DLC plans, so that's all she wrote
That's a shame, the game could have done with more 'local' mercs like in 2.
>THQ apparently told Haemimont no for their DLC plans
That's a bummer. I wish Haemimont had enough money on their own so they can self publish like Larian.
Yup. As far as I'm aware the JA3 devs already moved on to an unannounced project
Is JA3 a good game? I haven't played JA2, I tried but it's fucking obsolete.
I played through the new XCOM game, but it's kinda meh. Looks and plays like a mobile crap. But people seem to love it. Is JA3 the same?
>Is JA3 a good game?
If you like XCOM style games you'll love JA3.
JA3 uses 20+ action points thou, right?
Retard spotted
It's a fantastic game, it's nothing like XCOM
It is a lot like XCOM. It's not a 1 to 1 but it is very similar. You're the retard.
It's not as overlysimplified as nucom and it's myriad of clones, but it also isn't quite as complex as ja2, oldcom and the like. It's in-between
I just want openapoc to be finished
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I wish the company that made the game had a bit more money to work with. The voice acting is great but imagine if the game also had animated conversations like Baldur's Gate 3.
XCOM 3 canceled do to Midnight Sun having no sales.
I would love for them to make anything honestly
really hope ja3 was succesfull and they keep making games, it was such a surprise hit to me
Game is great but i don't know if many people outside of this board know about it. There was almost zero marketing for it. No Streamers picked it up since Streamers generally play low IQ slop. The game deserves to do good.
I loved JA2 but the new one had a bad vibe to it of too plasticy and too cartoony.
Steamcharts reports an all-time peak of 10k and 30-day average of 850, which isn't exactly great and would explain >>1753923, but it isn't franchise-killing either. SteamDB gives a sold estimate between 200k and 370k depending on who you trust, and I trust none so take that with a grain of salt. It's not a good return on investment regardless as the concurrent player numbers are fact, but if the franchise could survive entries like Rage (peak 300, current 1) then I find it hard to believe that a JA4 isn't on the cards. Maybe later rather than sooner, but I doubt that we will die before seeing it.
You're failing to account for GOG. I know many people got it on GOG, but I don't think THQ released numbers.

The devs were so incredibly based that they even explicitly left the steam workshop unlocked so that people that don't own the game on Steam can still download mods from the workshop (many devs don't do this)
Completely missed that, that changes things quite a bit.
Unless you mean explicitly streamers with 100+ viewers, this isn't true. I saw several doing normal campaigns and also challenge runs

It's just a niche series. Those who get it love it, but it's hard to get people that don't know about it to give a shit.
Just remembered there was actually one big eceleb that streamed it
>one big e-celeb that streamed it
>never heared of the e-celeb in question
But i guess i don't really watch e-celebs in the first place so maybe i am just too out of the loop.
How did vets of the series think of it? Newcomer into the series and it seems like tonally it hit a pretty good mark in terms of the balance of satire or parodies especially with the AIM mercs while the gameplay was accessible enough with some depth that I'd be interested in seeing more.
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They hit the nail on the head in terms of feel. There were some real stinkers between 2 and 3, so Haemimont had their work cut out for them and they delivered. I think 2 is still the peak of the series, but 3 is no slouch

Play Jagged Alliance 1, Deadly Games, Jagged Alliance 2, Unfinished Business, and Wildfire
Jagged Alliance 3 really does the music well.
I unironically listen to the soundtrack outside of the game when reading books.
Some of the songs in the game make me feel like i am in a 90s/80s action movie.
Not even (You)ing, I'm disappointed anon
didnt it sell well? it wasnt palworld level of success but its understandable game isnt generic slop for kids but caters to niche audience
The studio have been around for over 20 years, they'll be fine.
so its the perfect time to replay now? any good mods out there already? all Ive seen so far was OC donut steel and waifu mercs which are always OP as fuck
This collection is a good place to start
Here is a sample
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Why is Buns so sexy /vst/ bros?
they said it was like their most selling game ever and big success. and keep in mind this is company that has been shitting out relatively niche titles for like 25 years now so if nothing else they seem to know how to sustain themselves
How is mines running dry supposed to work? My understanding was that on max difficulty they're all supposed to drop to zero income eventually, but the only ones that actually ran out for me were Diamond Red and Fleatown. I got warnings for the other mines, but they never fully depleted. Does 100% loyalty prevent it?

Mouse best girl
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I don't get it.
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It's a reference to "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?"

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