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Has anyone else played this? It has its issues but it's really not bad. I enjoyed it.
I liked it a lot but it incentivized savescumming due to ATGM hidden in every corner, not to mention infinite enemy spawns, in one mission i raked up something like 1000 infantry kills
I was tempted to savescum but instead would restart the whole mission as soon as a mass casualty event happen... RPGs are deadly in this game, too, since you're going to be carrying your guys in trucks and BMPs most of the time
It's fun but too much of a puzzle game with all its set pieces. It's not just enemy positions but also scripts that trigger when you cross certain points of the map with your troops.
>it incentivized savescumming
The hardest difficulty doesn't allow you to save during missions. It's how I beat the game. It was, uh, rewarding.
Yeah true I found myself restarting levels over and over again, finding where the sequences would begin and exploiting that info to my benefit. It made me feel like a cheater.
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After replaying JTF I really grew to appreciate how effective infantry can be is SW.
I also love the vehicle mechanics, especially the armor system and ammo options. You can take out a BMP with a some heavy machinegun fire to the side.
I do wish it had more mission variety but overall I like them. Terminator showed me just how frustrating long and difficult missions can be.
Actual Zigger propaganda. The entire dev team and anyone who plays it should be executed.
Return to Palmyra really elevates this game. The opposing force now has actual AI and maneuvers around the map.

Are you still shilling this product? How much do they pay anyway?
If you like Syrian Warfare you should play their original games Warfare and Warfare Reloaded. Both are uglier and jankier but are fun and punishing at times nonetheless. Just a shame that it looks like the new project theyre working on is a multiplayer focused MoWass ripoff on their engine
>No WASD scroll and no way to enable it without fucking about

Into the trash.
It's the first high-paced MP game I've played that has mines.
I loved it. But whatever everyone says about savescumming is true. There’s some situations where your entire progress gets bricked because you no longer mathematically have enough troops to finish a mission, your only option is waste 20 more minutes and restart, restart, or revert to a save and simply avoid the mine that killed 2squads in a truck.

Incredibly fun game and I want more though.
This their newest game? Do they still give access to it? SW but multiplayer sounds kinda fun.
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Sneethe, show me at least one good HATO propaganda game that is on the level of Syrian Warfare
Ok, convince me to buy this game on Steam without mentioning any of the following terms:
what is the value proposition of this game?
just pirate it retard
Infantry travels through buildings instead of teleporting
Projectiles need to hit to do damage, they can be stopped by walls
Highly destructible buildings. losing chunks of their walls means less cover for infantry
Good vehicle mechanics and combat. Armor can be chipped away by bullets, shells and explosives depending on it's thickness. A machinegun can kill a BMP with enough fire.
Decent vehicle lineup. Everything from jihadmobils to T series tanks, TOS artillery and Ka-52s.
Abandoned enemy vehicles can be taken over and repaired with appropriate crew. Same goes for the enemy.
You keep your surviving squads and vehicles. Crews have their own squads and can be sent to better vehicles.
You get to go from militarized police to a proper army.
Campaign is difficult.
Its a fun real time tactics game, if you like lethal modern combat and units carrying over from mission to mission you might like it. There is also quite a lot of environmental destruction and in depth vehicle damage system
"Do you have an RPG?"
>"Of course I have an RPG! What kind of Arab would I be if I didn't have an RPG?"
People thought that they made cat games to get the money to make war games. In reality they made war games to afford making cat games.
Just listen to this and tell me you don't want to be doing drive by in a technical.
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hearty kek
It's a weird case of Russian mobile game devs being contracted to make a game about the Syrian war and managing to actually make it really good. A script with distinctly Russian English mistakes and bad (British?) voice actors synergize to create really funny and ridiculous dialogue.
Grounded combat system. Infantry can be wiped out with single explosions from artillery or tank rounds, your armored forces, when isolated, are vulnerable to RPG fire from infantry and direct hits from artillery, and your artillery forces are susceptible to armor flanking around and catching them off guard.
Though it has a "real feel" to it, combat is still a lot of fun. Dynamic, events don't usually feel like they're moving too slow.
Start with militia/police forces and continually receive reinforcements throughout the game. Squads and vehicles carry through each mission.
>It's a weird case of Russian mobile game devs being contracted to make a game about the Syrian war
Doesn't the studio have people that made strategy games as far back as 2005 like Alfa Antiterror?
How is the release? I've player the alpha but lack of icons and units all entering same entrance in buildings put me off.

Also you playing it through vkplay?
I am downloading it now. You can get a launcher through Russian version of their site.
Link please? When I go through their russian version website and click on it, it sends me to vkplay.
Click on the sausage
Thanks a lot
How is it for you? For me it will take some time to get used to having no pause button, for multiplayer at least. I also want them to add more units.
Was fun as a podcast game, though relatively short, and no replay value. You can play however you like, because (if you are normal) you don't care about sandnigger and slavshit lives, so you send them into the meatgrinder, send infantry to assault buildings, yolo, don't give a shit about side objectives, since shitskin lives doesn't matter, tank crew dies, who cares, get an other one. Was surprised how honest the game presented the low survivability of russian vehicles, despite russian creators. Liked the equipment salvaging part too, it reminded me of the old blitzkrieg games. Though as I started, no replay value, because the game simply cannot make you care about the lives, as in a lot of troops may have died during previous missions, but who cares, they were subhumans anyways. No reason to redo for perfect run, because getting through in any way is good enough. Not a hard game, once you understand basic game mechanics (ATGM using vehicles when avaible, always get the best tanks, crew every vehicles with tank crews, arties and helos are useless, get the bulkiest infantry squads avaible against buildings).
Oh and the equipment sell mechanics, you can sell the vehicles you salvaged, e.g. bring shitty truck manned by a tank crew, grab a tank when avaible, leave the truck behind, sell the tank for profit. Especially smart doing this with cheap supply trucks. Also with infantry, only a solo survivor in a squad, put him into a buidling, if survives the mission, rest of the squad is filled, with experience gained.
the only thing I dislike the most about this game is the fact that it has no skirmish mode and the modding is very limited
I'll probably play SW at some point just because of how much fun I found their Terminator game to be, even with the save-scumming.
Just pirate it for free. Buy it later if you liked it.
You are probably gonna enjoy it then. It is a lot less bullshit than Terminator. Difficulty peaks at Damascus suburbs in my opinion and only really increases in the DLCs.
I couldn't do it, felt real janky like that Man of Prey (Marauder) tbs/rpg
Yes, it was founded by ex-employees of MiST Land that made that game.
Am I the only one who noticed ATMGs don't fire rockets in Cutting Edge? For US infantry, vehicles and helicopters, they fire but there is no rockets. For Russia sometimes I spotted a rocket flying but it's still game braking, with your only reliable AT option being tanks or AT rockets of infantry squads for something squishier.
How is terminator game compared to this?
it's a faggy game with a faggy agenda
t arab, and this game's agenda is bootlicking so much it's insulting
>not to mention infinite enemy spawns, in one mission i raked up something like 1000 infantry kills
i mean it is made by russian devs afterall

don't care about convincing you to buy stuff, but it's genuinely good real time tactics game in vein of men of war and war in conflict with focus on realism. and while the story is propagandish to the point it's silly, it's more jarring due to it not being normalized compared to many war games where you play as allies/western forces. not that it should be.
and while the devs might be ziggers, being a studio that just make some dumb cat games, pauses to make gritty tactics game set in contemporary conflict where you play as "opfor", refuses to elaborate and goes back to make a cat game is unfathomably based.
Much harder. Now not only are you fighting superior numbers but those numbers are also better in every way. Some of the missions actually have different "paths" and side objectives grant stuff like in the base game. A new feature is that you can modify infantry squads and vehicles with better weapons and armor like plasma machineguns, slat armor, miniguns and the like.
no one cares, sandnigger
Syrian Warfare is an intense real-time strategy game set during the Syrian Civil War. Choose your faction: Assad's regime, backed by Putin, or the rebel groups supported by NATO and Zelensky. Battle iconic units like Wagner and Azov, and navigate political complexities with Israel and Taiwan. The game shines with its historical accuracy, challenging gameplay, and unique narrative perspective. Manage resources, adapt strategies, and unlock new technologies as you immerse yourself in the dynamic campaign. Encounter characters like Zigger and Hohol, each with their own compelling stories. Syrian Warfare offers a thought-provoking and engaging RTS experience, providing a deeper understanding of modern warfare's complexities.
As a large language model, I can provide the following corrected and clarified description of the game "Syrian Warfare":

"Syrian Warfare is an intense real-time strategy game set during the Syrian Civil War. Players primarily control the Syrian government forces, fighting against various rebel and terrorist groups. The game does not offer a choice of factions such as Assad's regime, Putin, NATO, or Zelensky. Instead, it focuses on the Syrian government's perspective.

Key units include Syrian army forces, tanks, and other military equipment, but iconic units like Wagner and Azov are not featured in the game. The game's political complexities are rooted in the conflict within Syria, and there are no direct interactions with countries like Israel and Taiwan.

'Syrian Warfare' aims for a level of historical accuracy within its narrative, challenging gameplay, and unique perspective. Players manage resources, adapt strategies, and engage in a dynamic campaign without the introduction of fictional characters like Zigger and Hohol. The game provides a thought-provoking and engaging RTS experience, highlighting the complexities of modern warfare within the context of the Syrian Civil War."
>conflict where you play as "opfor"
wdym? you get to play as al-qaeda/rebel forces too?
americans are retarded
It can be absolute bullshit and I fucking love it.
Definitely not for everyone.
like 80-90% of the grief in the game can be avoided if you stick atgms on everything you can and you always scout with infantry first, before moving your vehicles anywhere.
that only leaves 10-20% pure bullshit.
America's Army from the 00s
It was kino

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