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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
>over four days
>still zero replies
Grim. I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts.
But this reminds me that I should go back to WB1 campaign. I only finished the two first missions before I had other things on my mind. For hero I went with human ranger. Dunno if that's a good choice.
The only good choice is undead necromancer.
There was an update in the meantime i think and i should get back to it, thank you for reminding me anon!
Since the launch of 0.9 that is
I really hate a lot of the things they did with that update.
I'm thinking about doing a Dwarf campaign in WBC2, what's the best dwarf hero in that game, merchant?
Dwarf Heroes are weirdly difficult to pick. A fast hero will outspeed the entire army, a spellcaster gets no bonuses, Rune Magic is prolly one of the worst spheres.. So yeah, fighter or merchant.
>I remember how these threads used to get over 500 posts
I think the board got a bit faster as well but yeah 4 days without posts is plenty regardless, me personally I didn't come to this board for a bit but i got the itch to play WBC again, gonna do a alchemist run and play gacha with item crafting.
You can play someone that isn't a wizard?
What do you mean anon? Of course you can, classes that dont cast spells are very viable, fighters, assassins and support classes like merchants all strong
Um, no.
Source : my level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant enemy hero.
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>level 6 paladin human heroine got killed in a single lucky strike by the fucking merchant
See there's your problem, a heroine gets directly countered by a rich ugly bastard, think anon
...funny you say that, he was a Dwarf hero, so literally ugly fat bastard.
But yeah, convinced me that sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
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The Empire
Elven women and girls
Yep, it's gaming time!
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HUMAN knight lords and mages
Yep its GAMING tiem!
>sending heroes in melee was a horrible idea.
Full on warrior classes can wipe out armies by themselves and assassins can one shot pretty much anything, melee is viable, was it an empire or a knight paladin? Knights make better paladins.
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Pyromancer best class
>decent physical stats for a spellcaster
>high damage spells
>has a mass heal
>has a spell that gives units ranged fire attack with fire-breath helping with leveling buildings with cheap troops
And literaly all downsides can be avoided by microing your hero well, how can other mages even compete.
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This made me realise how WBC is a pretty good template for MTG RTS shenanigans, you could translate a bunch of post mending, and especially post desparking, planeswalkers into heroes. Im now going to make Grist (a swarm defiler).
Build that harem, Empire chad
so which campaign should I play as a newbie to this game in protectors
The last update was years ago
Most people had their fill and moved on.
I picked Runemaster, because it's a Dwarf only class.
Dwarfs in 2 had only 3 classes anyway.
Last update was like 3-4 months ago, anon.
Pick a race and faction you like and then just chose something you find fitting, that's what I'd do, leveling system isnt as complicated as wbc1 and 2 so you cant brick your hero as easily.
Oh wait fuck, campaign, I thought you were asking hero classes for some reason, they have the WBC 1 campaign in there so might as well go for that one.

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