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Anything related to Israel
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Shame about the image limit.
>Cds with labels that said "Young [Name] + [Name]"
The news stories about this say that the evidence was lost, but also that it was photographed. I take it those photographs never got released to the public?
"Gradually I began to hate them."
probably the funniest thread because literally no one said a word as this man dumped his entire folder of jewery
Gut genacht, Anon!
Sieg heil! o/
good thread
Hail victory o/
An evil fucking soulless people.
Does wsg have an archive?
Bumperino. This must be visible.
Always sleep when jews are speaking
fucking lmao
Jews as a collective have a funny behavior where they completely shy away from battles that are too far out of their favor. For example the ADL wrote a hit piece on Ron Unz back in 2014, still hosted on their website, but even though Unz has continued writing weekly articles, and his website unz.com has become many times more popular, and he now denies the Holocaust, etc., the ADL has never returned to update their smears or write a new article. The media in general avoids talking about him. They are apparently afraid to give him any publicity whatsoever.

But 4chan in general is infested with Israeli shills. I guess they would prefer if this thread died sooner and without comment.
blessed be the baker
Chtistians are weird, man
Today OP was not a faggot. Thanks!
Bump of justice.
So has the plan basically backfired?
that's one takeaway from it but i do think that among those who enabled the existence of the state of israel were also goys who desperately wanted to be considered righteous gentiles rather than christians who are seeking to enact eschatology, that is to say end-times prophecy, which he referred to in the video as jews gathering to one place etcetera.

also it was in some video here already but hitler really was an unsung and unlikely hero for the state of israel because he allowed jewish wealth in germany to be liquidated and transferred over to british palestine where they could kickstart their little tard nation. also there was no 6mil, but where did they go when no country wanted them? israel of course
ideologically too, israeli 'founding father' terrorist gangs (who changed names multiple times; irgun, haganah, lehi, stern) owe much to the european political landscape's radical racial nationalism of the time. i'll call it radical racial nationalism to differentiate it from milquetoast civic nationalism of today.
ITT: OP spams a bunch of shit he's obsessed with, and then after getting no responses at all, he self-replies multiple times with "wow good" and "so funny" and then bumps his boring pointless thread a dozen times because no one cares

I'm pretty sure this entire thread consists of less than 5 people
There was more than 5 IPs here before it even hit 150. Cope and seethe.
I'm coping and seething so hard right now. I'm cumming from how hard I'm coping and seething. Cum is seething out of my dick in copious amounts
OP here. Next time try to ignore threads which you find boring and pointless.
buddy I've been doing this for over 15 years on this site and I'm not stopping now
It's Jewish lies and victim blaming.
Zionism started with Jews like Shabbatai Zvi and the Gaon of Vilna centuries before British Israelism was a thing and before the US was even founded:


And for that matter, both British Israelism and Christian Zionism were bankrolled by Jews like Samuel Untermayer.
Dude's face really IS so messed up I can't tell if this is real HAHA
lots of thought provoking things here
i have no idea who the kike is in the video, but the rothchilds were buying land in palestine in the 1882. the balfour decloration was signed in exchange to get america into ww1, woodrow's best friend or something was a kike and convinced him. woodrow was a useful idiot, the trudeau of his day. you can find some quotes of some british people thinking palestine could be used as a foothold for their imperialism, or some peopel thought that if the jews had their own country then they would stop causing so many problems. but ultimately the jewish mob did their own thing and the british didnt care to stop them, the anglo european aristocracy and their criminal allies basically ruled the world and looted and enslaved the germans so they didnt give a shit about arabs or jews. the british mi6 also created and trained the cia and mossad. america is effectively back i nthe british empire after the murder of jfk
i forgot to mention another thing, anglos beleive they are decended from king david so that may be a part of it. maybe they thought integrating with the jewish mafia would give them some legitimacy or something
That's why they are so courageous against palestinians who are a homeless nation with barely any support.
They dont go upfront against serious opponent
"were it not for the accident of my birth i would be an anti-semite" - henry kissinger
>barely any support
Palestine gets more aid than anywhere else on the planet, they just use it on rockets that don't hit anything like a bunch of retards. That and enriching the Hamas leadership who are billionaires that live in luxury hotels over 1000 miles away in fucking Qatar, kek
>Palestine gets more aid than anywhere else on the planet
How much does pissrael get from USA vs how much does palestine get from USA?
Rabbi Shmuley? Is that your nose?
dynamic ip
Nah you're seething.
Technically all of the military aid that goes to Israel actually goes to Palestine. In one form it's a pallet of cereal dropped on your head. In another form it's a laser-guided Hellfire missile or a 155mm artillery shell.
ik all this, they are very evil. sadly the world has no comeback from them. big irreversible damage is already done
to stop believing in fictional jewish fairy tale gods is the first step unfortunately half the world is indoctrinated into the abrahamic cult from a young age
jesus christ they are insufferable
Yeah faggot much like how jews get more military aid than anywhere else on the planet.
If palestinians get only half of the aid you get they'll certainly cleanse the filthy juden from palestine once and for all.
Once EU and whites are gone no one will help them, no one to protect them. They will be only whites left. Guess what will happen.
This mf has a polish accent
Oh please, they get tons of aid and hamas just embezzles it all. Your fighters barely put up a resistance to Israel. Gaza is Israeli clay now and forever.
Where are whites going?

This is a liberal fantasy, Israel doesn't need any aid to fight 85 iq hamas
What is UN veto power
What is threat of american involvement against Iran
Immaterial to my argument
It's not because Israel is not only under threat of Hamas and relies on the west with funding, weapons, security grantees, UN vetoes, running cover in media would probably also falls under that. Without whites or even without the constant intense support of western governments Israel gets railed. In fact all it takes is american abandonment.
אתה חי באשליה
False. Israel has nukes. Congrats, you agree with every shitlib normie.
Ghislaine worked for Israel and infiltrated large Silicon Valley tech SaaS platforms, namely Reddit, where she was the first Redditor to reach 1,000,000 Karma in 2011 by posting left-leaning articles. /u/maxwellhill.
Aaron Swartz's prosecutor was named Stephen (((Heymann))), with the biggest schnozz you can imagine.
It was Ghislaine who introduced many of these large tech SaaS companies to the acceptable dogmas and rhetorics they must abide by in order to receive funding and stay off the radar of Israeli intelligence.
>where she was the first Redditor to reach 1,000,000 Karma in 2011
honestly i may hate the jew for being a plebbitor more than being a pedo kike
"All of the other people have committed crimes,The jews are the only ones who have boasted about committing them.
They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, Just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair.
I would not be at the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."
-Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
And when Iran and Saudi Arabia get nukes? The only thing keeping them both from having nukes is the west. What a dumb jew did your history not teach you that being a fucking pariah never works out?
I really, really, really like this bread.
“I care not who controls a nation’s political affairs, so long as I control her currency.” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild

"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>gathering blackmail material
remainder that your r34 and 4chan activity (and practically all your internet activity) are recorded by CloudFlare. But come on, it is free.
He sounds like an Autistic Steve Brule



>"doing" advanced maffs equations
holy shit his face REALLY does look small upon his... face



Israeli girls are so hot. That guy looks like a sad puppy dog.
shalom shalom
who opens other boarders,
yet closes their own?
what is he saying?
long live Israel
seethe and cope antisemites
>Israel doesn't need aid t-
If Israel didn't have the entirety of the western world bending over backwards for it, it would be erased tomorrow.
With Epstein and P Diddy no longer around, and with Israel facing criticism from progressives and celebrities like Angelina Jolie protesting against the IDF's actions, I'm curious if this signifies the decline of Israel and AIPAC as we currently understand them. Rest in peace to those who passed away before seeing how this situation unfolds, including Toriyama, Andre Braugher (Captain Ray Holt), Lance Reddick (Charon), and Kevin Conroy.
What's the title of the song?
lmfaoo pissrael never been more strong there's no decline everything is going as planned
So much antisemitism in this thread.... I am genuinely disgusted and shocked to see how hateful people have become. Why don't you guys post what Hamas and its supporters have done during the 7 oct? You won't because you're all anti-Semitic cowards. For the Jews and the Israelis reading this, please keep in mind that the intolerant anti-Semites do not represent all of humanity. I love and support all of you
Not an argument.
Let them drop their 300 nukes on the middle east and europe

They would be hated by everyone on earth and hunted down until the end of the world
Judaism is literally a hate group, wake up
You're nothing but fucking cattle to them and their religion, you useful idiot. But nice bait
i hate jews but my contempt for muslims is even bigger. You dont even kill each other you just make whiney propaganda threats on my favorite mongolian basket weaving forum
faggot capital of the entire world con fucking grats
this thread is now illegal in america, all americans are instructed to leave this thread immediately
Shut up.
you're done for lil timmy time to prep the bull for your wife and daughters

Holy fuck those jews are evil. I'm showing these to my pro-israel boomer dad when he gets home. Lets see how long it takes him to finally see the light

It's way worse than you've been taught here on /pol/ Admissions straight from their own mouths, It's truly the most horrifying thing that I've seen in my life, to see that true evil really does exist in this world

I spent a bit looking for this Full Documentary Link online. So, to save time for my goyim frens, I'm posting the Full Documentary link for Tantura
God, jews are evil. I didn't realize this until I came to /pol/. It was the jewish shills that made me realize just how evil they were, and that the false propaganda about jews and israel being good was completely a lie
> Let alone these /wsg/ threads, where I hear it from their own mouths, and view it with my eyes
I always knew that antisemism was a scam term, to be exploited for self gain, deflection, get out of jail free card, etc.
It was explained at exactly that in the israeli documentary "Defamation" (2009), by israeli jew Yoav Shamir. Where he goes around to different types of jews, and asks them what it means to them. The ultra orthodox jewish rabbi in Crown Heights, Brooklyn NYC (think: tunnel jews neighborhood) He said it's a scam, and that he doesn't trust the ADL's reporting of it. Since he said he doesn't trust anyone that's salary is based upon providing as many examples as possible, to get donations and funding.
> Many different types of jews had said just that in the movie, explaining that it's a term used by sociopathic and narcissistic jews, as a means of deflection, a get out of jail free card, for financial profit or other self gain, a way of slandering their adversaries that are factually correct, a way of destroying their enemies, and so on. MANY MANY different types of jews explained exactly that.
> With israeli newspapers unironically getting super happy and excited, the moment that they heard about a significant antisemitic attacked. When Yoav Shamir asked how that could be a good thing, when it's bad for the jews involved in the incident. The journalist explained that it's amazing for business, with massive profits due to tons of newspapers sold & internet advertising revenue from lots of clicks. That their readership skyrockets whenever they publish an antisemitic incident, for jewish people to read about. The ADL also got super excited on camera, the moment that they heard about an incident

The israeli documentary explained the same thing about the Holocaust industry. That it's used for exactly the same reasons. With countless jews speaking out about it, to reveal the truth & to stop invoking it to deflect legitimate criticism

No wonder wikipedia has no basis in reality. Even the wikipedia co-founder said that you can no longer trust what wikipedia says.
Ghilaine is in paris?
Unironically this. Tantura is necessary for all goyim to watch. Based and redpilled

Based congressman calls out USA govt for being ZOG, voting for the interests of AIPAC over the interests of the USA.
> Carter saying that the israeli lobby and jewish groups control the USA

Carter was a smart man. They need to air this on TV ads and in ads on the internet. Either carter gets cancelled, or normies get redpilled. Either way, we win
I knew congress had to be serving israel first, over the american public, for a reason...
When will the American people wake up?
this is by design the lobotomized cattle won't wake up because they literally can't just save yourself
Thanks for the links
That's actually a typical facial trait of a psychopath.
These scoundrels are so hateful ..they said what we all know , the pushed the Iraq war
those ugly whores wear nose rings, tattoos, sound like men and fuck blacks that's your average kike
The Trafficant wikipedia article is quite funny, in a pol is always right kind of way.
>Post-prison life
>Traficant began a grassroots campaign in July 2014, Project Freedom USA,[45][better source needed] to, among other things, put pressure on Congress to get rid of the IRS and "divorce" the Federal Reserve.[46][better source needed] He continued to live on the farm that he had purchased in 1987.[47]
immediately followed by
>Accident and Death:
this guy doesnt exist outside of 2016 in my mind
its called I'm a Big Fag by DJ (You)
It is starting to make more and more sense.
If israel starts nuking people you don't think their shitty little country won't get nuked right away. As soon as nukes are detected being launched which is immediately, other countries won't start firing nukes at them and destroying their nukes in the sky?

I think you forget we have weapons meant to destroy ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. I know people who've worked on projects related to this. I've seen a lot of the banned and unused weapons. israel only has nukes to rely on. if they are useless and it turns into regular war (if they some how survive) they'd lose so damn quick.

One of my favorites is the weapon that liquefies tank crews.
this stuff is so hard to watch. if we dont do something against these monsters we have failed as whole civilization. they truly are the worst among us.
Clown world.
I'm glad this thread has been active for so long.
nobody under 30 feels anything more than ambivalence toward jews. kikes went too far too boldly too obviously. it's inevitable.
two more weeks
what's USA's obession with Israel?
USA is run by jews.

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