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I just don’t understand why so many of my fellow Europeans think like this.
Maybe it comes from academia. Jewish professors pushing anti white shame to make us unproud. I truly hate Jews.
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>"white-bodied people" have conquered and colonized almost this entire planet
Provably incorrect. Nearly all of the places previously "conquered and colonized" by white people are now free to be ruled by the darkies that originally ruled over them. There is indeed a lasting influence, but many are now returning to their uncivilized pre-White status. And, speaking in pure numbers, White people are a minority globally.
Additionally, White people today had zero influence in the colonial era. We weren't fucking alive.
>as a history teacher
>I call them a reasonable human being who's just making decisions based on reason and experience
Africa was (and still is) a filthy shithole filled with violent niggers. As a reasonable human being, I think I am justified in considering myself as better than literal cannibals.
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I love asking thses faggots what nation do "white people" come from.
all these fuckheads trying to make anyone guilty becuase you were born a certain way are no better that then people they claim to despise such as "the racists".
all devise manipulative bullshit.
this has to be scripted.
WTF it's mudslimes who conquered and are still conquering countries. They push anti white racism like no other group.
What a great cop. he is deescalating and doing everything he can to do it the most peaceful way. this is how a cop should behave like and everyone who doesn't meet this requirement should be fired. Like just look at how good he managed to not shoot this woman dead right on place for being stupid fucking troon. I would have give up just by hearing her voice
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Miss Japan was a jew
should have used Miss Zimbabwe as an example
This is preposterous, even more so than the concept itself; in an ethnically homogenous nation such as Ireland, there cannot be white "privilege," as there's no contrast, right? There has to be black, brown, or yellow disprivilege for its existence to even be negotiable. Ireland is, like, 95% ethnic Irish, and the diversity isn't distributed linearly, so the distinction of race is fleeting in the national consciousness. It only really makes any sense in very diverse nations, such as England, Canada, America, and so forth.
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>we sure maintained out white privlege as we white Irish were systematically oppressed and killed by white Englishman for hundreds of years
And they even have the gaul to say this crap when they've just had an Indian prime minister in a country with a >5% asian population. drooling retards, Ireland will be just as bad as innercity america and britain soon.
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>Ireland is, like, 95% ethnic Irish
i fucking wish
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Why does she speak in this way?
I don't know, and I don't care; I just wish they'd fuck off at this point
>"white-bodied people"
>"as a history teacher"
sounds like quality bait
you label your enemies, that's like asking where blacks come from.
historically it has been used to mean a multitude of paler ethnic groups but generally it means people of various european ethnicities.
>Maybe it comes from academia
Don't act like you know what university is like.
People should be allowed to have opinions and express them and not lose their job. Companies can just say those views don't reflect the company but they value the work they do so they employ them. But unfortunately it's an employers market since they can just get people from overseas so here we are.
She looks fucking white to me lmao. I'm sure there are plenty of nigs who would beat her ass for being white.
All three of these women are very unattractive. My father told me that feminists are just ugly women, and I think that wisdom applies here
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>don't be a confrontational little bitch
>people treat you nice
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So according to his logic, if a white skinned person hates a darker skin person, then it's justified for the light skin person to hate the darker for the inverted reasons. If that is the case, then the response to any taxation can be countered on a racial basis. Section 8 is geographical response to taxation. Very interesting, and very interesting to the persons who have funded and forunded DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS
As an addenum
Did you think the (((racism))) would stop at your persecuted "brown people?"
I'm sorry anon to be replying to a different party, but you understand.
I'm sorry to reply to the same post but
I would rather leave those decisions to the State, Provincial, and Municipal levels. Then we can gather the (((refugees))) and see where to go from there. The problem is the mass "immigration" and voter fraud.
Every fucking glownigger knows what I'm talking about
It's how they've slid through
Dig deep and check out the Frankfurt Raid. That is a bomb that is still active. It's also why America has gone silent for the last while.
Their entire government is a shadow government.
Another successful op that made the world realize that reality is so fucked up it's laughable.
I'm more interested than outraged. It's obvious that a particular subset of people have gained power out of shitting on white people and calling out 'white privilege' whatever that means. But why? To gain power? To make the world a better place? To just hate on white people? I'm genuinely curious. Because if white people were so horrible and evil then wouldn't everything all over the world be way shittier for people other than white people or did they somehow forget that and let people claw back the power? And if that's the case then how come only white people are to blame? Does it have to deal with the fact that they think a certain way, or are they really just worse people overall.
Joshua Tomar
aint that the owner of nickelodeon that forced all the kiddy diddling live shows
Jews aren't white retard, She's talking about hamas.
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the workers didn't unite to make the socialist revolution happen because """capitalism""" was satisfying them so they instead shifted the role onto minority groups, and the new bourgeois that they must free themselves from is the white people. of course, many of these minority groups are exactly their own creations precisely for antagonizing "western hegemony" and "bourgeois values." so they infiltrate the institutions and drive out the ones that are not loyal, so that they have the power to remould society.
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Cucks like this unironically need to be put to death.
This fat ugly bitch looks half white it's self.
Look at the white cuckolds standing next to her smile and cheer when she bashes them. How do people even get that fucked up? I hope every white liberal here realizes and understands why they've lost the plot.

Modern liberalism is a suicide guilt cult for white people.
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The term “white” is a straw-man psyop in itself used to vilify ALL Europeans with a single paint brush. While attacking and dismantling European ethnic nationalist identity.
That is why it is posted so much on 4chan and in social media.
Can you define what the “white race” is? What qualifies as a white person?
Guessing this faggot is a jew
Bitch saw a stereotypical evil voodoo sorceress character in a movie or some shit and made it her entire personality lol
>rallys where people scream BLACK POWER are totally fine
>but a simple message of telling people it's okay, as in a neutral term, to be white, is almost against the law
I can't believe people put up with this
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Imagine being white.
Imagine calling yourself the "master race" and laud your superiority while also whining about how easily manipulated and cucked you are. Other races have been exterminated by war and plague. This is the first race to be "genocided" by being made fun of and being considered willfully unfuckable.
I dunno about this nigger, I detect something fishy I don't know why or what
You wouldn't bother posting this unless you felt a sense of inferiority.
You are Jewish.
You should try to ignore trolls in the future.
You are projecting your insecurities caused by the lack of national ethnic identity. Trying to cling to something that doesn’t belong to you. Like a drowning man grabbing these closest to you, attempting to take Europeans down with you. Instead of trying to save your people and nation on your own terms.

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

“The Almighty has never helped a lazy man. He does not help the coward. He does not help a people that cannot help itself.”
The American identity has been stolen and destroyed. Now anyone can be an American. It used to describe an ethnic European born in America. Now it means nothing. An Indian that arrived 5 years ago? American. Some random jogger? Born here 100% American. No identity, no ideology, no aim, no party and no leaders. The real Americans are up shit creek without a paddle. Same can be said about Canadians and Australians. And no white is not a valid way to identify yourself. Ethnic Europeans can have pink nipples do we call each other pinks? Are any of us actually paper white? Should we be called the peach coloured people? Are blonds their own race? The blond race?

A people are tied to their soil. A nation is composed of its people. A people with no identity have no belonging. Their connection to the soil is severed.
Kiwi here, they paid her hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for this work.
But, the guy he's talking to is Jewish
I know that's how you feel when you seethe about blacks and jews, but personally I just your race's downfall hilarious
There's plenty of soil everywhere you look
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You mean jews
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literally fucking globohomo artstyle incarnate
was this intentional?
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yeah and looking at the color of someones skin and goign hmmm yeah thats the wrong shade of skin, they're my enemy, is racism.
judging and entire group of people based on their skin color is racism.
faggot in OP's webm just says that shit to try and justify their racism and hatred. he's probably a larper or a jew or both
you're welcome.
She should tattoo half her face
We have these types show up to our recovery meetings sometimes and try to act like their issues are as important as the alcoholics and meth addicts putting in real work towards recovery.

"Oh I cut myself once 15 years ago but I'm sober from cutting now bla bla bla." I guess they didn't get enough attention that day so they show up to our shit. Luckily we usually only see them once.
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so edgy
so fragile
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>history teacher
he should get fire immediatly
I know this is typical for women, but this is a special case. I've never seen anyone with such an astounding ability to say so many words while saying absolutely nothing at the same time.
Should we do this again? Or make up a new campaign?
She'd make a great slampig
Look at those pitch black beady black eyes and when he turns his head to the side, that curved nose
Such a coincidence
Aryans will commit one last genocide to end all genocides, it will be called the Genocide War, Total Kike Death Total Nigger Death, The Final War, The Genocide Crusade, The Inferior Genetics Exclusion Act, The Global Pest Control War
Everyone needs to print these and put them all over, leftist shits losing their minds at this mere statement is enough to redpill hundreds of millions of whites to the true depravity of the enemy
Very potent trick to make leftists out themselves as evil
Women deserve 0 rights
Half white is nonwhite
One drop rule
Cucker ruined it with the
>no races are better than others
Dude you literally just listed all the amazing things about New Hampshire and then said its 94% white population
You sound fucking retarded to me lmao
Bitch is 0% European
Its simple... we EAT the wypipo
hitler was half jew and african, and hes the standard for aryan, retard
Hitler was 100% Aryan, retard
As I predicted in the previous post, you really are retarded
Gigabased and White pilled. We need more of this happening. That lawyer and his team are seriously badass for pushing ahead so successfully, dispite opposition.
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>he's not been criminally charged
Insinuating that this is how you are (((supposed))) to think about the situation
he was also a lizard rothschild from ooouuuter space
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Everyone else from Europe, kike.
That redheaded self loathing cuckboy needs to be exterminated.

I fucking HATE faggots like him, literally biologically defective freaks and filthy traitors.
That bitch is a kike.

Literally the first thing on her mind is white genocide.
What is this from?
Does this nigger monkey not realize that his fellow chimps already kill whites at vastly disproportionate rates than vice versa? This really shows how the anti-white media really effectively skews reality for the brainwashed retards that consume it.
Whites are literally the most desirable race. Shit skin monkeys like you are trash and the rate of inceldom in black men is more than twice as high as that in whites.

The birthrate for pretty much every race in the industrial world is declining.
We should do it again.
blacks like her are the funniest when you bring up jews owned the slave ships and you bust out the GDL flyers.
its ok to be white.
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A twitter space.
tomar with aids
He's right.
>say insane shit like this
>completely fine
>name the jew
>career destroyed until he apologized
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really activates the ol almonds
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I would be content if they ended their genetic lines on their own whim, but they can't help but also involuntarily drag other whites into their extinction cult. They don't just want races coexisting, they want whites gone.
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that Iranian bitch looks like Latrine from Men in Tights. Was that honestly the best they had?
holy shit
he's jewish btw. not white.
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how come nobody ever holds arabs acountable for having the longest slave trade in all history
This male's body language is that of a faggot
Be afraid of me, fatty.
Hate to be that guy. Charlie Manson was not a killer.
>babyfaced nigger chimping out in reaction to stilp images of dead white people
poetic, anon
he makes White people sound awesome!
Because her audience (white liberal women) feel a tingle in their vaginas when they're being pantronised by strong black womyn.
It's like when they get off on degradation during sex, except instead of
>Oh yea tell me I'm a dirty slut I'm gonna cum
>Oh yea tell me I'm an evil white coloniser I'm gonna cum
Slaughter this man like a pig.
Burn his school.
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He's too based for this world.
Is he Jewish?
so funny. the number one group killing black people is other black people
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why doesn't the far right want to import more niggers then
look tomar, its you
What is this kind of performance called? Where you just walk around and stare at the camera while voicing over your own video? I see a lot of these type of holy than thou black women display this kind of demeanor often in these videos lamenting their suffering in a western county.

Is this supposed to be taken as a serious matter because you have a straight face throughout? Do they think they are some kind of proud lioness out watching over the pack? If someone was to see them acting this way in person, I'd imagine they'd be perceived as an NPC meandering around while holding their phone up to their blank face.
>winning is le bad
Capozzi - Italian. Not everyone who hates whites is Jewish.
You don't seem okay.
Jesus how do you even end up this indoctrinated?
By marrying a jew.
This video was my wake up call when I first saw it a few years ago. Not every single screenshot there is real but >95% of them are, which is fucking disgusting considering ashkenazi jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population. I really wish the holocaust happened but they're all still here, in America and Israel + some areas of Europe, influencing the world from behind the curtains.

Those last 2 numbers in your post means Heil Hitler.
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I love that the argument is that white people were picking on a retard and they have to be nicer to them out of sheer pity
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Leftists are mentally ill, this is the truth, their brain is different, you can pinpoint a leftist with a brain scan. Their brain has hate for themselves and who's more similar to them while a feeling of protection and affection to who is more distant and different.
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Right-wingers are mentally ill, this is the truth, their brain is different, you can pinpoint a right-wingers with a brain scan. Their brain has hate for change and who's more different to them while a feeling of protection and affection to who are of the same tribe.
But that is based
youre half white, devon
Leftism can be tersely yet vigorously defined as hatred for what is noble, strong, and beautiful. Ah, beauty, that is, the highest of goods to which all other goods are subordinate, requires no justification other than for its own sake. The transsexual is the antithesis of all that is good, that is, nobility, strength, and beauty, and hence, they are the highest form of metaphysical evil.

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