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Post'em all, pro Israel or pro Gaza
Where were all these "hero cops" when the burn loot murder riots were happening?
t. dgaf about the middle east and it could be entirely glassed for all I care
they were specifically instructed to not intervene, especially because it was a police officer that supposedly got fentanyl floyd killed
all these useless fucks with their phones out
newsfags getting right up against the cops
lucky they werent charged with obstruction
Post that one with a zionist professor with deactivated credit card being an insufferable asshole
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I don't follow politics. Is everyone being xenophobic toward jews?
Yes, Columbia University has become the first place on earth to be completely free of jews, thanks to the hamASS SIMPathizers.
>pretending the jews being expelled from places is a new trend
How many countries again? I guess the nazis were on the right side of history. Let's compare and contrast. The nazis wanted a country free of corruption, and debauchery. Israel wants land. The nazis expelled and locked up the jews. Israel genocides the non jews. Hmm. A thinking person would understand why the nazis did what they did after learning what the jews want to do and are doing.
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>the jews being expelled from places

Right, historically oppressed group. This is why the nazis lost, kek.
Same thing as at Canadian protests. Media are the fucking enemy.
They are grifters
this man needs more bullets
>This is why the nazis lost, kek.
Not at all, they lost because they attacked and fought Russia. If Hitler and Mussolini stayed Marxist, even if an antisemitic one (Hitler, Mussolini was never anti semitic), they would ally themselves with Russia and won.
What happened instead was that Russia fought both of them and the vast bulk of their army, having many casualties herself. In the end Russia won and butchered Germano-Italianic army completely and utterly, without a point of return. But in turn, Germano-Italianic army killed many Russians, most of whom were devout followers to Marxism. This is why after WWII and Stalin's death, Soviet Union became led by people who did not really know or care about Marxism (revisionists), which led to election of Gorbatchev and complete collapse by 1991. So really, nazis did not lose completely, they took their biggest enemy to the grave with them which means that what they were tasked to do when the west installed them actually happened and they delivered their usefulness to the west.
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>newsfags getting right up against the cops
See this is something I will never get. If your conviction is so strong that you go to something like this, then why do you refuse to talk about it? Isn't it the whole point? Instead they do this aggressive shit because they think it's cool, but they're doing a massive disservice to "the cause". It's the same with those people who throw paint on old paintings at the museum for the climate or some shit.
All these types of people only do this shit because they've never had their asses kicked or been told "no" before. Some of them really need an old fashioned ass whooping and some real problems. Although many of them will have a real problem for once in their lives when they get suspended from their insanely expensive school.
Welcome to the echo chamber
> If your conviction is so strong that you go to something like this, then why do you refuse to talk about it? Isn't it the whole point?

That blonde bimbo is a Zionist propagandist that went in to get gotcha footage. They did answer her by pointing her to their elected media liaisons. They only speak openly or more candidly with know reporters that they know will cover them honestly but if you're some dumb blonde bimbo that peddles hasbara misinfo, or a fucking nobody, they're gonna send you to someone prepared for propaganda peddlers.

The protestors themselves say they're not going to speak to media directly because they want to avoid misspeaking or falling for interview trucks and giving Zionist the sound bites they're after.

She didn't want to talk to the media liaison because she knew they weren't going to fall for her bullshit. So she sliced their interactions and spun their organized communication plan as some sort of meanie cult that wouldn't give her the time of day.
the nazis didnt lose to the Jews though, the jews couldnt do shit to the ones that were actually slaughtering them, they just went and took it out on even poorer arabs that had nothing to do with it.
Imagine believing journalists and the media are not the fucking enemy in 2024. Have poltards learned NOTHING from the past 8 years? Did you not see how msm treated the truckers? Coverage full of half truths and misleading info. Media is quite literally state propaganda and misinformation. They hate the idea of free press more than anyone. We know chink and russian media are propagandw, why the fuck would anyone think Jew owned western media would be any different?
> “boo! don’t say that!” *continues protesting*
Kek that’s funny af people really just don’t give a fuck about Jews anymore.
That’s a fucking lie, there are plenty of Jews who are at that school protesting against zionists who don’t want to be implicated in your genocide.
stfu. Learn about Zionist history before spouting bullshit fuckin IDF loving faggot. I’d love to see them square up against a real military
Zionism is simply Jewish nationalism. Every people needs a nation.
Dude they are trying to hard it’s hilarious.
>quick cry for the camera and make them seem MEAN
It’s so pathetic. Kek and them laughing at her stupid ass
lol the Jewish people’s homeland is their own fucking domicile. No one is granted a piece of this Earth simply because they have a lacerated dick and a bar mitzvah. Zionism wasn’t even a thing until the 1800s anyway so miss me with your heretical death cult arguments. You have less claim to that land than the Mormons do Utah
So what land belongs to the Jews then?
Keep pushing and you’ll find out
Jews are not a nation. Israeli jews are made of like 5 or 6 different races. Most of them havent been in the levant for thousands of years. The claim that a millenium old diaspora that intermarried with different cultures and races across the globe are a unified nation is some deranged messianic bullshit only Jews get away with.
Can you just answer the question?
>US elections in a few months
>riots start
every single time
the answer is no land dumbfuck. you are a bunch of diaspora mutts you dont deserve an ethnostate.
Irony of it all anon is it is written in their religion that they "can have this land" (israel) if they abide by the commandments god gave them.
Soon as moses came down from mt sinai they were already breaking the commandments.
They break them constantly.
Zionism is for retard jews who I assume are either not religious or so super jewish that they try to jew their own gods teachings.
Yeah, their own law of return only considers a person Jewish if one of their parents or grandparents was Jewish. If their last Jewish ancestor was their great-grandmother they're not Jewish enough to get Israeli citizenship by descent. The whole idea that they somehow belong there because of their ancestry is a sham and they themselves know it.
this thread is indeed very anti-semitic. off to prison goys
I'm anti both though? I think they're all vile subhumans.
You need gassing
y is there very little webms a lot more turd flinging itt?

BLM vs israel-Gaza protests
> Jew run organization VS an anti-jew run protest
> Anti-white goyim VS anti-jew protests
I can't figure out why the police response was so different....?
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So, no rebuttal, I take that as conceded, faggot.
One is an illegal encampment vs zero encampment, you on drugs, faggot?
lol it took you 3 days to reply

Whatcha doin there, rabbi?
This is a slow board, I don't even bother responding if the thread is not on page 1, schizo.
How about might makes right?
The American government is more loyal to Israel than the American people.

>talk to the media
>they edit and cut up the clip to make you look retarded and evil
>normalfags eat it up
Every modern journalist is a piece of shit working for a propaganda network. You can be right, clever, prepared, whatever, it doesn't matter. They will make you look stupid and bad, if they want. By the way, fuck Israel and fuck you.

If you're going to tell lies, it works better if there's at least a little truth in them. Remember CHAZ?
What might? Crying and begging America for weapons, technology, and protection? Jews are too fuckin pussy to fight their own wars. They're just good at mass murdering random civilians using high tech American weapons, and then pretending to be the victim.
Reminder that America is the only reason that Israel hasn't been condemned as a rogue state by the UN, for almost 50 years. Reminder that Israel attacked first, and have never stopped attacking since their illegitimate state was founded. Attacking and killing people, expanding their borders every fuckin year, and then cry like a bitch whenever there's resistance to their hostility. They literally consider non jews to be cattle. Fuck all of them
Is that webm of CHOP? No, it's in LOS ANGELES

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post nose
Post hand, melanoid
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What's with these shitty videos lmao Israel can't even afford decent propaganda without American money
Again, no rebuttal, stay mad fag lmao
Nice """comeback""", (((you)))
>W-why can't the sandniggers do that?
Kek, you're so pathetic.
>no rebuttal
The only land you deserve is the warsaw getto you dirty k1ke, how is that not a rebuttal? Seethe and get gassed moshe
>How about might makes-ACK!
Because their average iq is 85
National socialism was a Jewish psyop to kill as many Aryans as possible, and it worked
does anyone have any videos of false flag incidents, I've seen a lot in the last few months but didn't save them. zionists painting swastikas on shit
My two least favorite groups in the world want to kill each other and I could not be happier this year has been awesome.
>kill each other
by the end of day 1, it was basically just israel eradicating gaza. and no matter how much hate you have for muds, at least find some compassion for the children of a people who were born into a prison that are being dispatched, dismembered and disfigured. if you can't, you've lost your humanity. and what are you then but the most despicable creature of them all, on par with the lowliest of muds and kikes?
>Hey, uh, we're not going to talk to you because we're aware of how both the mainstream media and fake social media journalists might want to rat-fuck us. No thank you.
>I can't... I can't believe you guys w-wouldn't let me... rat-fuck you... ;_;
Smart. It's refreshing to see a protest movement that's actually aware of media optics after the fiery but mostly peaceful protests a few years ago.
The media is a propaganda apparatus for maintaining the status quo. You are fucking retarded if you talk to the media in this context, it's as stupid as talking to police officers when you've been arrested. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
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Reminder that average Palestinian IQ is equal to blacks
Have compassion for the Jewish children too, or you've lost your humanity
Nevertheless, there have been Jewish child casualties of this conflict. If you don't care about them then you've lost your humanity.
Jews aren't human though.
People die in wars, the reason people are pissed at Israel is because their citizen to combatant ratio is far worse than Hamas. Wheres your moral highground if you kill more children and innocents than a supposed terrorist group both per capita and in absolute terms??
Hamas Oct 7th Combatant to Citizen ratio is 1.6:1
Israel's at 6:1 almost. Its insane. Their AI targeting system bombs targets of interest when they go home to sleep taking down the entire home/residential building. Meaning for every target of interest youre killing potential tens or hundreds of innocents. No other country gets away with this. So it makes sense why Israeli victims get overshadowed by their deranged regime.
You've lost your humanity
Jewish children aren't responsible for that
No one said they were and they arent dying right now so spare us the concern trolling moshe
Mankind will erase you from the history books
American learning that Muslims worship power, not logic and reason.
> They keep the anon's filename, so that you don't need to rename it yourself
> They download all the webm's or any other file type that you choose

Then download the webm's from all of the israel threads, and redpill your normie friends and relatives. Then post them on social media for maximum reach
Actually a lot of people want to kill Jewish children just for being Jewish. Your gaslighting has to power here.
People have been saying that for thousands of years.
Thats just your schizo ashkenazi genes kicking in.
>oy vey these goyim children might holocaust me if I let them live I must kill them all
It's funny that you think every Ashkenaz is schizo. You're really bolstering your case there, bud.
>average israeli iq is 92
congratulations for winning the retard olympics
That's because Israel is 25% Arab, they drag the average down. Oriental Jews have IQ about 100, Ashkenazim 115 on average
>Israel is 25% Arab
those are the true israelis
ashkenazim are european mischlinge
As someone a lot of experience doing this type of bullshit, I'll give you a very good reason: you don't want just any asshat making statements about your cause. Spokespersons (or media liasons as one girl in the video call them) who are smart, articulate, and preferably attractive and possibly belonging to some beneficial identity should be appointed by the rest of the body. This is part of the reason why the left comes off so frequently as being a bunch of clueless idiots. Corporations hire expert PR reps, presidents get professional press secretaries, but the left gets represented by any whiny 19 year old with an underdeveloped frontal lobe that just happens to go viral.

Anyways, all the anons responding to you "don't ever talk to the press they're the enemy!!" have immediately discredited themselves as having no understanding of how political power is built. It should be plainly obvious that to win the public debate you have publicize your arguments and it doesn't matter how unfair your options for doing so are when they're your only options. Otherwise you don't have a mass movement and occupations; you just have a summer camp for college kids.
Mizrahis are Arab dumbass, theyre also 90 IQ not 100 quit capping shlomo
Does anyone have anymore video links? It's insane to watch the wokee's get attacked and beat up so violently by the cops. Yet for the BLM, george floyd, ANTIFA, and other riots, the cops were ordered to stand down and allow it to happen. And yet, only mere days after they happened protesting the jews, everything got shut down, and the cops unleashed their anger for them that had been building from years of forced impotence. Let alone that congress then passed laws making it illegal to criticize the jews, on top of that. It truly exposes who really controls us
So you only hate Ashkenazim?
That's still substantially higher than neighboring arab peoples, so the point stands. I have much more in common with the Israelis, they're a Western civilization.
No they arent you retard. Mizrahis have basically the same genes as Arabs. They have the same IQs. Only european Jews have european IQs.
>Israel is a western civilization
You are a shill fuck off
lol, get fucked, commie retard
>at least find some compassion for the children
Nope, none whatsoever. They're future terrorists, good that they're eradicated like the vermin they are. I hope the kikes meet the same fate.
edgy bois
no, only zogbots like you
Unironically this. "They" can't stand that this evidence is getting out, so they spam us with slander, let alone their genocidal comments that show their psychopathic geniocidal true selves

>Look at the symptoms of ASPD and NPD in picrel >>>/pol/467588538 , and you'll see that israel is unironically the living embodiment of a narcissistic psychopath, as are all the israeli's in the videos posted on here- let alone the comments by the israeli shillls
Aren't you like 40% more likely to be schizophrenic than everyone else?
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>protesters mad about cops sticking their knee on a guy's neck.
>cops take a knee in solidarity with their co-worker, mocking the protest.
>everyone thinks they are submitting to the protestors for some reason.
media work for the jews, they are the enemy. don't play their game.
holy fucking cope considering that was the gesture democrats themselves did in the house. And its the same ones sports teams did for solidarity. Migatards are something else
40%? No.
Jews are 400%-600% more likely than goyim to have mental illness.
see picrel: >>>/pol/467861220
If israel says that palestinian children are responsible for it, then jewish children are responsible for it too, by jew logic.

Just like how israeli's say to kill all palestinian babies for the same reason. They say to target pregnant women the most, since it's a 2 for 1 special + the baby will kill jews when it gets older, so they need to kill it now since it's evil per the jews

So, jewish children are 100% responsible also
Your terms are acceptable
Jew kvetching that he's not given special privileges for being a jew. Demands that he get access to the campus to do his activist rantings on behalf of israel, simply for being a jew that wants to lose his job
> ?si=zmEKA9d7H4hIwnEI
> Posts youtube tracker ID URL which doxxes anons that click it

Never click any youtube links that have an ?si or &pp= or anything else appended to the end of the required portion of the youtube URL
Goes to show that if you treat and contain them like an animal they'll behave like an animal. No amount of IQ points got you to figure that one out
Learn how to make a webm jidf retard. Also Palestinians are just Arab speaking levantines, they didnt come from Arabia. Same is true for people in Lebanon.
Honestly pretty impressive not a single person broke and everyone instead just told her to kick rocks.
>quickly cry in front of camera and use words like "scary" to paint them in a bad light when she doesn't get her gotcha clips
revealed her hand way to obviously there
yes. are you slow or what kid?
because they are paid "protestors"
and if they talk they dont get paid soros buxxx
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nigga doing the worm
no, they said you have been cursed.
and you are
wow, what a clever response
You know what else was clever? On June 8, 1967, 34 American sailors of the USS Liberty lost their lives serving their country. These Americans died when Israel, America's "ally," launched a murderous attack on the virtually unarmed American intelligence ship.

Israel's attack on the USS Liberty wasn't an "accident." It was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. During the two hour assault there was two different American flags raised yet the attack still persisted.

Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug. After the crew was rescued 16 hours later they were immediately ordered silent under threat of court martial "or worse" by command.

To this day, many Americans are unaware that this attack even took place.
Hear the testimonies from the ship's survivors. Watch these documentaries:

>Dead in the Water


>The Day Israel Attacked America


>The Day Liberty Died


>'But Sir, It’s an American Ship.' 'Never Mind, Hit Her!' When Israel Attacked USS Liberty

>'The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,' a newly published document by the State Archives says


>Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship

>Chicago Tribune: Transcripts of IAF communications show pilots who attacked Liberty in Six-Day War saw a U.S. flag.


>New revelations in attack on American spy ship


>Ernie Gallo: The U.S.S Liberty: what really happened? What did not?


>McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty


>Ray MacGovern On Israel attacking USS Liberty the truth must come out !!


>Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Deliberately Attacked America



List here:



> Replace twitter.com with Nitter.poast.org to save audio mp4's
> Replace youtu.be with youchu.bu to save audio mp4's or silent webm's

You can use VLC player to also convert video files to WEBM, add subtitles and make it silent
OR You can use the ones recommended in >>957536
> The user friendly version of it with a GUI, which is called WebMConverter, which is a shell on top of FFmpeg
Thanks chatgpt.
Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks, from the King David Hotel bombing and the Lavon Affair to the attack on the USS Liberty and 9/11. It's practically Israel's calling card.
holy shit
you'd think people would be aware of their tricks after all this shit but oct 7 proved otherwise
They never learn. Kosher cuckservatives in particular will make every excuse not to acknowledge the problem.
Fuck off, retard
Israel really shouldn't exist.
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In a sensible world it wouldn't
Not to mention crying to the media like a spoiled child to his mom. Not doing the stereotype any favors here
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I just wish that both sides goes home and stops giving a fuck. Fuck any of it, what normal person on the street gives a crap about any of this. Just extremists on both sides
You're obviously a newfag if you thought that was a real post. and not just simply JIDF, Unit 8200, or one of the countless jewish shill NGO's posting a link to intentionally get anons to click it.
Not unlike how the german bitchute spambot was flooding /pol/ with honeypot links to dox chan users, whenever 7+ trigger words were used. Reborn a couple weeks ago as the German rumble bot

An anon posted a warning about this in one of other threads:
>>5550304 Warning not to click
>>5549690 jewish shill bait
yeah because she clearly went there with honest intentions
Girl filming video:
"I'm a victim because you won't let me bait you with tactics used by jewish shills on chan. Why won't you let me make you look bad, by taking your words out of context and twisting them. Why won't you let me antagonize you and demonize you for my anti-goyim news feed. I am the victim, and therefore crying that you refused to be baited into looking bad for the camera"


EVERYONE knows that they're jewish shills in this thread. All anons ignore them for a reason. You are not doing anyone a service by replying, except for you helping the jewish shill that gets paid for (you)'s. You're not going to convince them that they're wrong, since they already know that they're intentionally lying. You're not defending anyone by replying, you're simply shitting up the thread when you do, Don't let them rage bait you

> Don't let them claim that any videos are lies, since anons can easily do research to prove that they're correct. There's no reason to reply to them to clear the air about them, since other anons already know that the videos are true. It's simply that they look bad for israel, which is why the jewish shills try to deflect and cast doubt. Except that the anons that visit threads like these, we already know that the videos are true

> You'll see in countless threads, that once anons stop engaging, the jewish shills either leave, or post less in the thread. Since it's more profitable in other threads, where they get engagement easily. Since they realize that they're simply wasting time, as the anons won't take the bait
Journos are the enemy
They lost because they waited too long. jews were already in positions of power in other nations. Should have expelled the jewery before ww1.
The entire western culture itself is jewish so nothing really changed from before WWI, after WWI and after WWII
I wonder where the pro-israel protesters get it from...
smart girl
The smart girl about the Samson Option as a threat to the west
>just darken the video, shove a horror background music and we're done
When the riots are against whites we say nothing but then some people sit in at a library because israel and everybody loses their minds

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