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Previous Thread >>5478925
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i hate this faggot so much. yugioh is a shit game too
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anyone have advice on finding unintentional asmr? Trying to find a particular voice type, just any middle aged british woman, nice clean mic quality that sort of thing. Its shockingly fuckin hard to search this up on youtube without getting e-girls and shit.

i need sleep. need british hag to lull me.
there are playlists on Youtube about unintentional ASMR
been through loads, never found a single example of what im looking for.
got some nice american, russian, and mexican hags though.
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very pleasant thank you for sharing
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Need sauce on this one
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>still posting it
I used to like asmr more, but man the fucking whispering and mouth smacking became insufferable
NTA, but it's a decent asmr video
I hate that ASMR was invaded by whores from one side, SATISFYING faggots from another, and any search request on Youtube is one wrong word away from tripophobia bait. That said, I want to have sex with Amy Kay, can't do anything about it.
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>audio in the form of sound
Every time I listen to this I pick out something new.
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Gotcha anon. Had to find it myself when I first doscovered that webm
I love old styled unintentional ASMR, especially for computer stuff
Fucking Go back
oy vey iz mir
I'll go back when you stop committing genocide
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Moar unintentional ASMR plz, preferably no talking
das crazy dude I was just thinking about making a webm of this guy. he's pretty good.
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Who is this artists?
ah yes, one of many I've seen on my recommended for years but never watched, and as a result, do not remember he name.
tiny penis asmr
portuguese ladyboy
tiny hands asmr
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from my asshole. because it is shit.
annoyed no one is leaking maimy asmr's paywalled videos
Legend, thanks.
you can find them on bunkrr.su, porntn.com or coomer.su
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God, I fucking despise you coomers.
Sauce? That's relaxing as fuck for some reason.
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I feel bad for this creator because when she started out I thought she was doing asmr as a thing she was passionate for....
Then I saw the onlyfans leak and my jaw fell to the floor
i KNOW its a woman's nature to do this kinda stuff in this day and age, but man they can really convince you sometimes....
Baby Bella ASMR
Well shit. Ah well, thanks boss, I appreciate it.
>man they can really convince you sometimes....
How the fuck do you look at the videos she posts and go "yeah, she's totally doing this to induce asmr and not to create an intimate (erotic) connection!"???
Jojo asmr is always a good one
dude the simpcity thread has everything
sorry meant for >>5545803
not you
>I want to have sex with Amy Kay
based, me too
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wtf how
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anyone got the webm from this? https://archived.moe/wsg/thread/5529890/
post more coombait
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nvm, here's the source
impressive just how big of a boner killer tattoos are
with the other hand
>south korean
title explains it i guess, thx. anon
source for emo gf?
thanks /wsg/bro
I love this whore she makes both my brain and my penis tingle https://youtu.be/1IV7kaYPNXg
this is why you watch unintentional asmr
she has OF. do not pay for it
there's an older video of hers
she did lots of NSFW audios in the past under the same username you can find if you look hard enough ;)
I know, it's amazing how much of a fag you can be.
No, he's right. The only people who like tattoos are people who have tattoos.
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Go back in reference to your “NTA” comment. I hate jews
nooo dont punch me haha
Making hot chocolate with water and not milk..... Fucking ruined
The powder looks pretty pale, so it's probably mixed with powdered milk.
anyone have anything saved from Solitary Asmr?
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looks like a dude
I found the clip on /gif/ so....
Fucking hell, people masturbate to this shit? Talk about pathetic.
Anyone here has (or know where I can find) DatMommy asmr videos? Her mammaries were so lavish :(
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How does this stupid fucking zoomer get so many subs and views? Was she famous before ASMR or someyhing?
Her videos are always so low effort and the sound quality is so underwhelming. I mean look at this shit. It's so bright it almost blinds you. There's a random inflatable mattress in the background. She looks like she showers twice a week. This video has half a million views. She has +700 thousand subscribers.
This bithc is so mid, I really don't get it
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If we're gonna post coombait then let it at least be some of the good stuff
Welp, this thread is dead.
Seriously, why do you niggers not just go to /gif/?
what is in it?
i know, i have heard them, there are some good one but i prefer the sfw ones to be honest
>what is in it?
It's a regular asmr video but the elongated mic in front looks like a cock. She gently uses her fingers but not in a sexual way. I have the webum but won't post it cause of janjan. It used to be on xvideos so you might wanna try searching there.
Also, afaik, it's the only surviving video of hers after she nuked her channel.
I found it
>Welp, this thread is dead.
why don't you post some webms to keep it alive then
instead of just complaining like a faggot
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success on youtube is sometimes genuine talent, but oftentimes the sheer dumb luck of getting boosted by the recommendation algorithm.
...why would I swim in a pool full of piss?
You're posting, you're in the pool you're just not contributing.
Take a piss bro.
I am merely watching from the side of the pool, getting angry at all you pool pissers.
I outgrew pissing my pants when I was 6. Maybe you all should follow my example and either stop pissing in the pool or build your own pisspool.
sleepy's sfw videos from her old channel (pre-face reveal) are also available. i have this one already for example. there's a lollipop eating one that is quite fun. one where she reads the moral ABC and another fun mythology reading about "how tingles created the world"

some of them are really good idk why she would have gotten rid of them. check bittorrent DHT, they're listed under her username
name please
>watch only female creators until recently
>just found out that male ASMR creators are generally more skilled if you're not looking for sexy stuff
I should've known better
It's like massage (masseurs tend to be better than masseuses)
Why are women so incompetent, holy crap
>i'm gay
we know faggot
You've never played any sports and gotten injured have you, fucking gaylord
bet you project cum thinking about men rubbing you, big bumder
Welcome to the club.
There are only a handful of female asmrtists who actually know what they're doing and don't just stroke mics and display their near-bare breasts to grow their army of paying simps.
Most people here aren't for ASMR, they're here to masturbate.
Men know what men want
You are obviously right, yet i do not feel comfortable watching male ASMR people, it makes me feel insecure and gay.
>Most people here aren't for ASMR, they're here to masturbate.
I rarely do that, most of the times, i just enjoy looking at pretty and cute women making me tingle, i get hard as i get tingles, it is enjoyable.
For example, i like her, she is the prettiest woman i have seen doing ASMR https://youtu.be/k-KZ0whnvxQ
see this is weird because ASMR is an auditory thing so the person doing it (foley stuff at least) shouldn't have any bearing
>i get hard as i get tingles
Good for you! Now take it to /gif/ and stop fucking these threads for the people who aren't disgusting coomer freaks.
ASMR is not strictly an auditory thing. It can be triggered through all senses (and for some at will).
ASMR is a visual thing.
Nobody said anything about cooming, you retard. Also /gif/ is shit.
>Also /gif/ is shit.
It'd be perfect for you and your coomer friends' needs.
solid 6
Bro thinks popularity is based on skill, talent and effort. LMFAO
I just prefer a woman's voice usually
I do like hoof trimming videos though, like this one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwdYV5ShYl0
"Cry me a river" by Justin Timberlake has some unintentional ASMR as well (at least for me)
for me, it's
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They actually made a sequel to this:
File: Micael Guzzio 1.webm (5.69 MB, 640x480)
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File: Michael Guzzio 2.webm (5.72 MB, 640x480)
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Why do these spiritual healers always look so unhealthy?
because they are?
>trolls the viewer 1 min into a 4 min video and then never again
This is the work of a madman.
shis asmr
i think goodnight moon is very pretty but she has hag hands
It's honestly criminal that Elena's channel doesn't have more subs/views
this is latte right?
post it
tiny niggers asmr
I badmouthed Moona last thread and shouldn't have, watched more videos and she seems really nice. There's something to be said about an artist versatile enough to relax OR fap to.
Very pretty, just a little bit of both Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman about her.
asmr youtubers are not artists
she's the perfect ugly bastard victim

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