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Previous thread:
NYN/Cookie alt. thread:
File: hifuu suffering.webm (1.81 MB, 852x480)
1.81 MB
1.81 MB WEBM
sauce and this one(1st song) and next one are still needed
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3.9 MB
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492 KB GIF
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4.08 MB WEBM
C Пacхoй фopчeн!
Btw if someone could identify what she says where I put [translation may be inaccurate], that'd be great :) Credit goes to anon for transcribing it in the first place
File: 1686812649274280.webm (3.01 MB, 480x352)
3.01 MB
3.01 MB WEBM
And here's the raw version if anyone wants it
I think my right-side speaker is broken...
File: onmyway2.gif (101 KB, 268x300)
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101 KB GIF
>Filters out the based rat
>thread instantly dies
Bruh I didn't even notice that they segregated
Fuck them, what I posted is fucking based
But Reimu can't stand (heh) Easters
How so?
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921 KB
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1.47 MB
1.47 MB WEBM
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5.78 MB
5.78 MB WEBM
irrelevant internet streamer, that your boyfriend? real cute faggot, go kiss him live aidsmonkey
bros come on the nyn thread it more lively than this one
File: okuu egg.webm (4.68 MB, 960x720)
4.68 MB
4.68 MB WEBM
Not sorry. Not sure why OP had such a meltie about it.
File: pellepala.webm (5.87 MB, 680x720)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
File: caipirinha touhu.webm (3.64 MB, 640x360)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB WEBM
File: Reimu has Collapsed!.webm (4.54 MB, 640x360)
4.54 MB
4.54 MB WEBM
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5.33 MB WEBM
File: salt dance.webm (5.74 MB, 480x360)
5.74 MB
5.74 MB WEBM
i restarted my pc just as it was uploaded, sorry it took 30min
That's a nice egg.
What's with the retarded pan and zoom?
I downloaded the same webm from an older thread too without even realising its fucked
Heres one that hopefully looks better
File: 1781880472802398208.webm (2.28 MB, 640x360)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB WEBM
finally found it
Nice. I didn't know the source myself, or I would have replied in the last thread. Glad you were able to find it.
didnt know you were looking for the source
File: koishi tomfoolery.webm (1.87 MB, 670x503)
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1.87 MB WEBM
It's her day today
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3.51 MB WEBM
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2.41 MB WEBM
Funny story actually,
I was getting bored of undead corp. and VDFDI so I looked at some oldhou songs and found it in an orchestral compilation,
But the songs weren't named so I had to reverse search the thumbnail and it was of Yuyu, so I got it by searching that artist and Yuyu
Wrong webm jannie delete pls
File: 1687297734703585.webm (1.19 MB, 358x270)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB WEBM
So sorry that was form /fph/
also you can delete your own post retard just click on the triangle
I can't delete on phone, for some reason, even if ppl have a higher chance to misclick then
Also it's Vaguedge dies for dies irae -> VDFDI
File: 1666492790788605.gif (204 KB, 200x200)
204 KB
204 KB GIF

Also wrong, their catalog is VDFD and they even call themselves V.D.F.D.
well here's the literal video I found the acronym from which is where I found the band from
also someone should really turn every song and every remix into a webm to save on RAM
>literal video
as opposed to the figurative video?
still you reminded me of this classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HE9OQ4FnkQ
Kacchama would NEVER
noo u can't call them thousand leaves it's thousand eyeeeez!! reeee!
Also why is Rib:y(ukhi) in every single vocalist position for (almost) every single band(+Bach but he's more rare)?
'n thanks for reminding me that they're a thing, picrel never gets old haha
File: slashdot 2hu.webm (5.5 MB, 512x384)
5.5 MB
File: nyan nyan chen.webm (5.75 MB, 480x288)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB WEBM
File: touhou box.webm (4.41 MB, 480x360)
4.41 MB
4.41 MB WEBM
File: vroom vroom.webm (2.95 MB, 1036x720)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB WEBM
File: Reimu life is hard.webm (736 KB, 1280x720)
736 KB
File: 1683670235117784.webm (5.87 MB, 640x360)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
Seriously? Were posting discord now?
File: 1687481815585539.webm (1.81 MB, 480x480)
1.81 MB
1.81 MB WEBM
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5.71 MB
5.71 MB WEBM
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1.71 MB
1.71 MB WEBM
I watched the whole thing wondering why isn't seiga singing and then I realized that I didn't have my left earphone in
File: Chi no rekt.webm (1.74 MB, 360x360)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB WEBM
Kek are you the one that just let that thread die because of op
Girls in the mirror by hatsunetsumiko's

why would someone take a webm and put it inside a still image
I thought it was funny D:
File: Youmu meme comp.webm (5.86 MB, 480x270)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
File: Call on Tewi.webm (1.49 MB, 394x480)
1.49 MB
1.49 MB WEBM
File: Find the shinmy.webm (299 KB, 1000x551)
299 KB
Touhoubros, I need your help. I'm trying to find a YT video where there is a Marisa fumo sitting on the grass, but the video is made on a 90s style with a Yugoslav Wars turbofolk kind-ish song playing on the background and being recorded by an actual VHS recorder. I'd really appreciate if any of you know it.
this thread needs a better p/f ratio
that is a fun one
File: 1582547959441.gif (1.02 MB, 320x240)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB GIF
File: 1675226024020717.webm (4.05 MB, 360x360)
4.05 MB
4.05 MB WEBM
someone should find a higher quality version, this one has through so much
song title is Somnus, by takamachi walk
honestly the shit quality adds to the experience
that's why I didn't insult the quality or anything, I just want to actually see what girl it is so in lets say in a hypothetical situation I could show off how many girls I know to a friend,
also hope the original has the quality of one of those '4chan sings x' where anons did their own frames,
maybe one day we could make one of those
Lucky for you I still have the original .gif from all those years ago.
hell yeah, thanks
File: 1796906119643672576.webm (1.79 MB, 656x496)
1.79 MB
1.79 MB WEBM

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