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/g/ technology thread where we appreciate the genius of the geeks
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another retarded thread
Thanks for stopping by
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This video needs better captions.
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I believe I can fly
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The fake outrage over this was so retarded, it's a cool commercial.
Only good webm in this shit thread
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not half as much as Jaimie Alexander
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4.71 MB WEBM
>it's a man
India used to be a white country and they put the caste system in place
who was mad about a bunch of random things getting squished?
Grimes apologizes for disastrous Coachella set
Canadian singer Grimes apologized to fans on Saturday after her Coachella set earlier that evening was beset by technical issues that caused her to scream into the microphone in frustration.

“I want to apologize for the technical issues with the show tonight,” she wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Usually I always handle every aspect of my show myself – to save time this was one of the first times I’ve outsourced essential things like rekordbox bpm’s and letting someone else organize the tracks on the sd card etc,” she added, referencing the DJ software required to play her music, which blends elements of synthpop and techno.

In videos posted on social media, Grimes, whose real name is Claire Boucher, can be seen screaming with frustration multiple times, stopping songs, and explaining to the audience that all her tracks are “double the tempo,” making it difficult for her to mix them.

Eventually, the set was cut short early and Grimes left the stage partway through her popular song “Genesis,” according to media outlets such as Variety.

She later described it in her apology as “sonic chaos on my end trying to guess how stuff was sounding for u guys.”
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AI investors in 2024

How could you not view this ad as reductive and soulless? The idea that the ipad can replace/contain the actual essences of genuine art, games, etc is absurd.
Valuable things getting destroyed is wrong. In the other side killing parasites, like nigs and jews, is always good.
Music 4 Machines @Coachella was a disaster according to Grimes
Jesus, it's just an allegory for its versatility. This type of imagery has been used since forever.
I am aware, and it's still terrible.
You will own nothing and be happy.
> Don't insult entire profession
> who happened to be a software engineer
> who would have thought
I guess if you're catty and passive aggressive enough it's fucking okay. I hate women
>can you imagine what the world would be like without india?
Imagine? Not only do I imagine it. I wish it.
You have to understand women. To them is you don't say mean things and you imply them then it is okay. They do this a lot. They will imply a bunch of mean shit and when you respond how you should they will reel back and proclaim they have done nothing to deserve such treatment. It's very common. See, she would be taken aback by you saying you hate women because of this. She would even not understand and play victim if you were to say it the way she did.
>I guess if you're catty and passive aggressive enough it's okay. And who would have thought. You're a woman.
>> who happened to be a software engineer
>> who would have thought
> just a nerd

For a guy shilling words over math he sure cant speak for shit.
He is quite subversive. He sponsors neoreactionaries like Mencius Moldbug.
yeah he's saying "People like me are fucked, sorry for pulling the ladder up NERDS LOL"
File: what the hell.webm (719 KB, 1280x720)
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scrum is shit
gemba walks are shit
morning huddles are shit
huddle boards are shit

fucking just let me do my job.
would you rather interact with AI instead of scrum master?
she clearly meant that it was a fellow software developer who was shitting on her.
As in "you'd think there would be some solidarity there, but no, apparently not"
She's never met anybody who didn't like scrum?
wise words
just let me do my job!
what a bunch of non sense and all that to shill AI
>the agility of a Liger
do mutts really?
a liger is a cross-breed of a male lion and a female tiger
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1.04 MB
1.04 MB GIF
>wake up at 10 PM yesterday
>see my parents who just got home as I woke up (they were out all day)
>they go to bed
>make a cheese sandwich for breakfast
>research how to download videos
>figure out I need to use yt-dlp
>but also need ffmpeg too
>keep researching about this bullshit and how to use it
>it's 2AM in the morning now
>installed both
>try to download Youtube video
>have to download it as mp4
>think I will convert it to webm after
>can't convert it
>spend two hours trying to find the answer as to why ffmpeg won't do what I want it to do
>give up and watch x-files
>make dinner at 6AM
>download another video to test
>can edit it unlike the other one
>want to make a music webm with it
>look for a picture for it
>resize picture after an hours research
>feel really, really dumb for not knowing or understanding the 100's of commands I read and their functions
>my entire night accumulated to resizing a fucking image

I just wanted to make a post on /wsg/

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