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Forgot to erase name on 3 posts but no worries. Post cats.
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with sound
wtf how did he make those sounds
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when you are a goofy goofball the sounds, they just happen
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Lookin' like a G CJ (CatJ)
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good edit anon
but he is eating the dumbells?
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you know that here is a "subject" field that you can fill when you're creating a thread, right?
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Not on my quick reply. Perhaps 4chanX has hidden it from me. I don't usually make threads at all.
Fucking retard OP doesn't know how to use 4chan
Red foxes will hunt literally any animal that a domestic cat can, and more. Red foxes prey on larger animals, like rabbits, ducks, chickens, and even occasionally baby deer and lamb. Domestic cats aren't known to do that. If you think foxes aren't predators you must be genuinely mentally stunted. They have larger teeth and bite force than domestic cats for the purpose of killing smaller creatures, it's not just there for no reason. As a whole, foxes are one of the most successful predators in the world, and they do it without the enormous assistance of humans. Foxes are thriving worldwide, as wild animals, which is the polar opposite of big cats.
foxes aren't comparable to big cats

also scavengers are known to have higher bite force than hunters

i agree that foxes are predators, however i also find it plausible that they scavenge more often than cats
>wild animals are more-likely to acquire food by any means than a pet
You don't say.
no, that's not what i said at all :)
>also scavengers are known to have higher bite force than hunters
Which ones?
>There exists a common misconception that hyenas steal kills from lions, but most often it is the other way around,[102] and lions will readily steal the kills of spotted hyenas. In the Ngorongoro Crater, it is common for lions to subsist largely on kills stolen from hyenas. Lions are quick to follow the calls of hyenas feeding, a fact demonstrated by field experiments, during which lions repeatedly approached whenever the tape-recorded calls of hyenas feeding were played.[103]
we're talking about domestic cats and foxes, not lions and hyenas
tigers and lions ARE apex predators, it's cats that aren't
oh yeah what about something like a bobcat
>a domesticated animal is worse at living in the wild than actual wild animals
wow you don't fucking say? next you'll tell me huskies are worse at pack hunting than wolves, or that cows can't defend themselves from predators as well as wildebeest can
why are you coping so much about this
>Later that night the Crowe went into his favorite forum to bitch about how much he hates cats and how he called a cat a nigger today and the cat "got scared and didn't do shit".
It would be nice if they could post the one without the fucking speech bubble covering the screen.
what do people do with so many kittens
don't tell me they all find a home with strangers
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This webm is why I decided to get two cats instead of 1 so my little buddy has a friend
What the hell is that
I thought cats didn't understand reflections
Straight busta!
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>all find a home with strangers
Yes, same with puppies.
You get some sick fucks who sell animals, especially "pure breed" dogs, but generally you put an add in your local shop window, "free kittens to good home" and normally you will have a family with a small child come round for a kitten.
Me too necause there is no point in having it at all, though also my spoiler button is gona and that is sometimes useful.
I dont think foxes are scavengers?
They actively prey on animals, same as wolves are not scavengers.
>common misconception
Its not a misconception you retard, this is exactly what hyenas do, they actively bully lions away from their kill as they are scavengers and their pack outnumber the lions pride.
Read a fucking book, or watch a nature program tard
Animal abuse.
i heard you should not give away free kittens because then they could end up as live prey for some rottweiler
>You get some sick fucks who sell animals, especially "pure breed" dogs
The fuck country do you live in?
A Pure Breed Chihuahua costs like Ā£1000
People will pay you money to have your Pure Breed doggo breed with theirs, cause they know they'll make double/triple the investment
Yeah because they are sick fucks.
What retard buys animals.
A dog has a litter of puppies, its very rare a person has the finances and space to maintain the entire litter so you give them away to families who want a dog.
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What retard gives away money?
You selectively breed a high value animal and then sell it to rich people.
Dog breeding is a profession.
>gives away money
>breed a high value animal
What kind of disgusting piece of shit sells life.
you cant own life you cunt.
Evil, that is what it is. No decent person would sell an animal and only a retard would buy an animal.
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get a load of this vegan faggot
>not trading life for petty things like money means you are vegan
>selling life into slavery means you are a good person
You should kill yourself, the world would be much better without faggots like you in it
>vegan faggot denying that he's a vegan faggot
kek so killing animals is okay but selling them is bad?
Killing animals is not OK either but is the nature of life, we as omnivores need to at least occasionally eat meat, and unfortunately we have reproduced to such extremes that the animals needed to maintain our lives have gone to extreme numbers as well.

There is a massive fucking difference to using an animal for its produce, wool, milk, meat etc to selling life into slavery for personal gain, and of all things an archaic abstract concept of represented by pieces of linen and useless metals...
Trading life for useless trinkets.
Fucking pathetic.
Shitters like you deserve the fucking rope.
who are you replying to? i never said anything was a common misconception
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>Killing animals is not OK either but
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Going nowhere fast
Kiling animals is perfectly okay, stop coping about it.
cool that they understand mirrors
my cat died this month and now i miss her even more after a few days
Sorry youā€™re missing your buddy.
post the tom and jerry version
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kek, not the same one but I made this for you.
it's a DVD or CD player zoomie. Old physical format, my little baby boy.
would recruit
Wth, something on the ceiling?
Fuck you.
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Some do. I've had some who would obviously look at me in the mirror but some would never look at all.
These cunts wake us up, we can wake them up. I Love my cat but it's quid pro quo.
my cat's a real fucker and the only time i can pet him is when he's sleeping. so fuck him, i'm gonna do it right now
Report back with results.
alright, kinda feel bad about it.
>the cat was in deep slumber
>go nose to nose with him
>he wakes up disoriented
>looks in all directions, freaking out
>"ughh oohhh mrhhgh"
>finally realizes reality
>"oh fuck it's just you, mrrhrhrhhrhrrhrhrhhrhrhrhrhrhrh"
>goes back to sleep
The difference is you know better. Do you wreck all your cat's shit when they scratch your furniture?
what kinda moron talks like that?
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is this real?
My depression and me
Additional Thread >>5553238
opposite day bitches!
Good shit, m8s.
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is he michael jackson or jamiroqui
An anon asked why two animals of similar size would have a one-sided fight, and you read the response to mean "foxes are vegan." Just... kill yourself.
He said nothing about foxes being vegan, are you retarded?
He said nothing about the two animals being of similar size, are you retarded?
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>you forgot one letter and google didn't auto correct you either
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No really, an anon asked why the cat beat up the fox. Someone said, because the cat evolved with one mission objective (win fights) while the fox evolved with lots (hunt/scavenge/forage/bone chewin.') The response was "omg yea huh foxes do so eat meat >:C"
dad is not nice to the cat when the cameras are off
both cats and dogs understand reflections. they just don't have the concept of "self" in the same way we do that would make them interested in their own reflection which is the requirement for the classic mirror test.
The funniest thing is the original webm showed them playing with each other, with neither the cat nor the fox actually seriously fighting, so you can't even draw any conclusions whatsoever about how they'd match up to each other. And yet it gave rise to a whole discussion just based on it
do you imagine a real cat with that massive size? It would destroy a human in 0,5 seconds.
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had to go find this
same cat
I believe owner is Korean and has a youtube channel
>already has a band-aid from last time
you can even see it in >>5556637
>the thing I did is reposted
My first time it's happening... thanks anon.
Why do they hate each other so much?
Doesnā€™t this suggest cats pass the mirror test?
A lot of animals do (except niggers).
Just post the fucking video you attention whoring faggots, it doesn't need worthless context
I hope they get along Anon.
OP Puts Thread title in Name not Subject
put remote in docking station
how the FUCK did they do it?
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Incase this thread reaches image limit
You've got some balls, my friend.
You can probably make this smoother by running it through an interpolator
what happened to robin seplut
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I learned ffmpeg interpolation options for this
Huh, it's melty.
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I remember the guy who edited his cat into stock footage from Jurassic Park.

Likewise, would it be possible for someone to edit their cat into this scene from Cloverfield? Specifically replacing the split second glimpse of the monster between buildings.

You need to be at least 18 to post here
Ideas are your impetus to go learn a skill. Go learn to do the thing.
I never understood what this movie was about
with music
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It's certainly possible. You should get right on that, anon.
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It's a series of still images. That's not meant to be smooth, and as we can see, it looks like shit when you try to make it smooth.
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>that kick in face
damn bobcats are tough cunts
It's not a particularly hard movie to understand
>Kicks him in the face
>Turns around instead of running away
>"Oh sorry mate, pretty hard to bite back there. Here, would you like access to my neck and face instead?"
You have no idea how much effort went into that Jurassic Park clip.
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how can i watch this? its incorrect
the cats eyes would be fully dilated in this darkness. they are slits in this video
tell the anon that made this to go back to cat school
>a couple hours
How does that earn enough money to sustain anything?
>How does that earn enough money to sustain anything?
I bet she lays down on the job even.
Please be bait.
How and why do they do that?
It's to soften the blow of how long she'll actually be gone.
>Gato caught slipping str8 cheese fur
jesus christ that thing is huge

ivan is lucky it isn't hungry
they don't hunt humans ivan probably knows more about lynxes than you meanwhile you live around shitbulls
Jesus Christ this person speaks like a retard
she's a sheEO
pet people usually do
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that's how you're supposed to talk to animals, retard
your "quick reply" retard? you didnt make this thread with quick reply. 4chanX doesnt remove a feature that literally every single thread on every board uses. its there in the start a thread button
not it's not you emotionally stunted faggot
Glad I don't do that. It's one thing to make sounds while playing with them, but to always baby talk at them is disgusting.
>cringes when people act out their emotions with animals
>calls others emotionally stunted
Cats (as well as other animals, according to some but without as much proof) apparently see humans as cats too once they have imprinted on humans, see here:
The issue with that video isn't that cats are getting scared of seeing giant cat heads where their owners' should be... is that they're seeing DIFFERENT cat heads than the ones their owners have.
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This needs MGRR music.
Those words don't mean what you think they mean.
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This seems interesting, got anything more?
anyone got the french cat with sound?
I only know one french cat.
So what's the next step of the bobcat's master plan? Because that deer won't go down that easy.
he killed it, the deer bled to death
Yea nah
it did
Yea nah
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now what?
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Literally preys off baby animals
>Muh apex predator
it's just resting
Nice blog, not relevant to the conversation
probably coulda found a more fitting webm but was kinda lazy and tried to find what was in my watch history, of which was only this
this is the 3rd biggest hunk bullshit i have ever seen in my life
>Yes, cats know when they are about to die, and they display behaviours such as....asking for playtime like cats, hiding treasures like cats and hiding and sleeping in corners like cats
>OMG so true my cat does that too
>in essence, they're concerned about your safety
i knew my cat loved me!
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it's bullshit because you made it up to be angry at it, cats definitely have behavioral changes when they're old, that doesn't mean they know they're about to die
kek, a Š²oт Š½e Š²Ń‹yчŠøŠ»Šø
really don't understand russians
serve meals right in front of cat, even give it to them
then act all surprised they take it when it's clear it is their attention
then flipping their shit
russians really are poor as fuck and fight their housepets over scraps lmao
And a good day to you, fine sir. I am not angry, i just hate buzzfeed type content targeted at women "5 signs your dog loves you" type of stuff, but behavioural changes when old make more sense then "they are 3 months from dying"
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Cloverfield went Godzilla on New York.
This guy sounds like Coach McGuirk.
Yeah that's what I mean. Who is Cloverfield?
Is your entire argument that you don't get a subject field when writing non-thread replies?
Are you fucking retarded? Why would there be a subject in the replies?
4chanx DOES have a subject when starting a thread. You don't have to regularly start threads to know that threads come with a subject, and thus will in the field that's right there on your fucking screen rather than closing your eyes and "assuming it doesn't exist" or some shit.
I'm not that anon and I don't care about the thread, but I'm flabbergasted that you seem to have concluded that threads don't have a subject just because replies don't have a subject.
Thatā€™s a big kitty.
>Yea nah
I have yet to see a person respond with this retardation and be right about anything.
That's effectively what my cat does. Sometimes he'll roll on his back if I got him good enough.
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Russians are poor little niggers though. Average net worth of an average Russian is closer to somali niggers than anything else in the world. They live in misery and their government use them as a meat grinder to be killed off in foreign wars all the time lmfao and you get jailed for thought crime against nigger Putin. Are you retarded anon?
Kill yourself you fucking retarded autistical spastic. No one cares to read your moronic shitty drivel. You go to fucking /wsg/ threads about cute cats and you mouth off like a fucking mongloid retard and you even report said posts. You are cancer. You are a faggot. You are a mutt. Kill yourself.
The first one was clearly offering the ice cream to the kitten for the funny
The second one they served the oladyi on the fucking table. For all we know the cat may have been in another room when it was server and then came over later, there's zero indication it was "served in right in front of cat".
Meds immediately. You are delusional and having a psychotic episode. (For example, I have not reported a single post in this thread and have no intention to.)
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Yep. Certains cats do pass after certain age. Its all about how they develop. Mirror test isn't a reflection of the entire species imo, but of the individual brain's development level.
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fug, wrong version
>nah iam not addicted bro, i just use it to relax
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go back.
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Imagine something that large touching you gently with a look of confusion.
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>frog's pov
Imagine it was a giant woman haha
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kinda sad a piece of the outdoors exciting it so much
>I'd been living on an endless supply of week-old catnip. It was fuel for this crazy furnace inside my head.
They declawed this cat. I've never seen a cat do this without sticking its claws out and trying to snag what they touched.
That's gonna be a puddle in a couple of hours.
My cats arenā€™t declawed and they do this all the time.
It's called training your cat well, idiot
Shut up, nafo troon
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heh, good one
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it's Caturday bros
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indeed it is
nice meme
I believe I saw rupert on /qa/ once
>the blind one
My heart.
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