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edge is cool edition.
Spandex superheroes, giants, fighting bug men, armored heroes, and kaiju are all welcome.
Image limit hit, previous thread >>5490281
stole sum random Tokusatsu edits
You need to post at least 3.
i did have another but it was taking too long to convert so i waited to convert sum other shorter webms. will bump with webm in question in a bit
All of that was just awful
File: 1700318735520721.webm (1.01 MB, 1280x720)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB WEBM
i don't know what you mean
There ya go
Requesting outsider ep5 highlight clips like henshin and finishers
When subs are out.
I need the rest of the Heisei!
Thanks. Now I need the first henshins
Someone has him becoming Oma Zi-Oh last episode?
Would be awesome if you could do Reiwa
Unironically unbeaten to this day
File: 1562826187661.webm (3.95 MB, 540x302)
3.95 MB
3.95 MB WEBM
I get that they didn't have to get everyone for it but the lone Go-On Red pose is kind of sad. Also lol for re-using the explosion shot from Go-Onger;
File: Gokaiger-OOO.webm (5.91 MB, 640x360)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
there's a lot of goofy stuff in this thread but this might take the cake
I'd like to request a webm of Shinkenger opening
File: Shinkenger Opening.webm (5.78 MB, 1280x720)
5.78 MB
5.78 MB WEBM
Just for you.
File: 1666666154928106.webm (5.86 MB, 852x480)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
Thanks, heres a Fruit samurai opening in return
File: Amateur-Elements.webm (5.57 MB, 640x360)
5.57 MB
5.57 MB WEBM
File: 1677404702417704.webm (5.82 MB, 852x480)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
What is this from? I assume a season of Garo I haven't watched.
I think it's from Goldstorm.
File: hello-nap.webm (2.48 MB, 852x480)
2.48 MB
2.48 MB WEBM
Sauce bump.
Kamen Rider Revice
File: yoshihikopunch.webm (5.82 MB, 1280x720)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
File: impossiburu (audio).webm (5.31 MB, 852x480)
5.31 MB
5.31 MB WEBM
holy shit
what is this? can i find it on youtube?
Kamen Rider Revice Episode 16
why does he turn into black clothes, into the impossiburu guy, and then disappear? is that guy that he morphs into really the impossiburu guy?
His true form is actually the impossiburu guy, it's actually him. He was pretending to be white clothes man, but also liked using his face. So he preferred being him in with a black coat. He was dying so all the layers of disguises was becoming undone.
thanks. i wish i could watch more but ever since starting to bald, i can't watch these perfect hair part japanese guys. it's much like the impossiburu guy in that scene. more proper translation would be something like "unfortunate isn't it. how frustrating!"
You have the webm of tendou getting interrogated and he keeps responding with the most condescending answers?
File: Tendou-Appears.webm (5.79 MB, 852x480)
5.79 MB
5.79 MB WEBM
Don't have that one myself, but I do have his introduction!
"Do you ask why the sun shines" and stuff? And he demands food? Or cooks for the zect squad?
Remade, just for you.
I want that moving the futon scene from Agito!
Thanks anons. I wanted to rewatching kabuto again after nearly 2 decades so this is a a great push.
This is how I plan to go out
Anyone got Build's and Ex-Aid's first henshin on hand?
File: CrossZBuild-Henshin.webm (1.73 MB, 1280x720)
1.73 MB
1.73 MB WEBM
No, but I have this.
File: Mathematical (Sound).webm (5.92 MB, 1280x720)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM

Now let's see the rest of the Heisei first Henshins
Anybody got a clip of Lupin from Drive's debut?
File: 1690454363404016.webm (5.45 MB, 960x540)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB WEBM
please don't spam every single thread with those for four in a row
File: Powerful-Rangers.webm (3.87 MB, 640x360)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB WEBM

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