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What's your favorite martial arts movie?
Rumble in the Bronx, lol, YOU AH ALL GAHBAGE
Might get some hate for this but, I consider boxing a martial art. So, the Rocky series is one of my favorites. But if I had to pick a more 'relevant' feature, maybe The Last Samurai
Undisputed 2

>Might get some hate for this but, I consider boxing a martial art.
I think everyone here does
Drunken Master

I am a big fan of Martial Arts movies and cant't decide on my #1 favorite, but I have a list of most of my top essentials.
Enter the Dragon , Fist of Fury(aka Chinese Connection in USA), Drunken Master 1 and 2, Fist of Legend, Ip Man, Master Killer(aka The 36 Chambers) , 8 Diagram Pole Fighter, The 5 Deadly Venoms, Five Element Ninjas(aka The Chinese Super Ninjas) , Hard Boiled, Surf Njnjas,The Killer(starring Chow Yun Fat), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey, Ip Man 1-4, Wing Chun(Starring Michele Yeoh), Hero, Surf Ninjas, American Ninja, Shang Chi, American Ninja, Police Story 1-4, Rapid Fire, Way of the Dragon(aka Return of the Dragon with the iconic Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris fight) Game of Death( restored with lost footage version) Street Fighter 2( The Animated Movie), Mortal Kombat, Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Under Siege 1 & 2, Bloodsport, Kick Boxer, Ong Bak 1-3, The Protector 1 &2(aka Tom Yung Goong), Kung Fu Hustle, Surf Ninjas, Lady Snowblood, Seven Samurai, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3, Lethal Weapon 1-4, John Wick 1-4, The Matrix, Ninja Assasin
>Surf Ninjas
>American Ninja
>Ip Man
2x... Anon I think you might be stroking out. Some legit good picks & some legit garbage cult picks. All in all, not a bad list.
surf ninjas is worth 3 mentions desu
Kung Pow was kino
I don't give a shit what people say about wing chun. J.C. was a mother fucking badass. That fire pit scene was legit and he DID IT TWICE! He said the rythm on the first take felt off. Fucking legend.
Not sure if it qualifies as a MA movie, but Warrior (starring Tom Hardy) is breddy gud
The protector
Tony jaa was top tier

And better yet when you know where all the botches happen so you can see the stunt men getting hurt but it ends up in the movie anyway
Stream that movie if you're so great.
Shit yeah it does. That movie was awesome. That first fight scene were Tommy puts down that piece of shit working over his sparring partners was so satisfying. What I would like to do to every try hard faggot I have ever had the displeasure of pairing with.
Was Surf Ninjas the one where Rob Schneider was randomly in it?
>Ip man
>defeats the entire Japanese imperial army single handedly

>Ip man 2
>Gets the living piss beaten out of him by some fatass British boxer
You guys like The Wrestler?
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This was dumb as fuck but I happen to have a guilty pleasure for stupid shit like this. Also, Amber H was hot af.
Everyone who likes any kind of fighting has a semi or fully retarded MA movie they love while knowing it's silly.
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Steve needs to make King Pow II, he can play the old villain this time, there's a Chinese movie by the same director that is equally as ridiculous to dub over.
>Unleashed with Jet Li & Bob Hoskins
One of the few martial arts action flicks with a story good enough to actually get me misty eyed during a couple parts. This is one of those movies that makes you realize wushu isn't all bullshit. Yes I know it's staged but Jet Li has always been a very raw actor and the scenes in this one might be the rawest roughest ones he's ever done. If you could apply wushu like he does in this movies I think you really could put it against MMA. He very realistically gets his ass beat and overcomes resistance, again, albeit staged, but very convincingly.
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Forgot pic
Wushu doesn't get as much credit as it deserves. It's not a bad style.
The movies I like are The Protector and Ong Bak with Tony Jaa.
Who Am I with Jackie Chan, that rooftop fight scene is spectacular.
The legend of The Drunken Master with Jackie Chan is also good. Original has better kung fu, remake has a better and more cohesive story.
IThe One from Jet Li. It's kind of silly but I enjoy it.
The Quest from JCVD is a personal favorite of mine.
Red Belt is pretty good. I like that it shows the backend of what running a school is like.
Broken Sword Hero is another good one.
>The Quest from JCVD is a personal favorite of mine.
That movie doesn't get enough love. It's the best Street Fighter movie we'll ever get.
100% agree.
Kung Fu is bullshit, but Jackie movies fights choreography and stunts are amazing
fpbp, watched that shit so many times as a kid.

five deadly venoms, raging bull, kung fu hustle, clan of the white lotus, 8 diagram pole fighter, enter the dragon, crouching tiger hidden dragon, drunken master 2

teenage mutant ninja turtles
Animated features ok? Kung Fu Panda is my shit. I basically am Po.
You knew it was gonna be a good time when Jet Li and DMX were in the credits together
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Honorable mention: Duel to the Death for sheer ridiculousness.
Vision quest is a classic
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All of the films mentioned in the thread are great, but for me Kung Fu Hustle is a cut above the rest.
The Art of Self-Defense

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