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>completely ban elbow strikes
>signed Ngannou a year ago, he hasn’t fought once
>drop $100 mil on Bellator ‘for its roster’, now decide they’re gonna keep the rosters separate
>signing Jake Paul
Is Dana actually a good businessman or are his competitors just retarded?
It's a money laundering crypto scheme like karate combat
They give the tickets away for free, to make the show look more legitimate
I had a stack of 25 and was going to see some fights each week and giving them to randos from work
Coker seems to have a handle on it. He works something to ripe and sells it. Whether or not the new owner has any clue what to do is variable.
What's up with Karate Combat? Granted I don't follow them that closely but I thought they seemed pretty cool.

Coker seems like a nice guy and all, but you can't deny that Bellator had been degenerating over the past few years. I'm willing to accept that was partly because of mismanagement by Paramount but still, their events were slow as fuck.
They have a coin you buy from them to gamble on matches with and spend on lootbox mystery NFTs

I doubt I need to explain the problem with the people running the show also being the people running the gambling
And it's obvious they change the rules on the fly to get the outcome for the fighter they want like with Gabriel Varga losing by double leg takedown even though it's explicitly in the rules that's a forbidden technique
But the whales had bet on him to win, so he had to lose
OneFC is the one promotion for meeeeee
I'm convinced only one promotion can be successful per major audience. Europe and America is dominated by UFC and One seems to be on the way to getting a stranglehold over Asia
ONE literally has no fucking clue what they are doing, any event outside of Singapore will have interns outside handing out free tickets to randoms, they have constantly fucked over fighters and fans and the sport of Muay Thai as a whole over and over again. ONE is deeply in debt and only Chatri's Yakuza Vampire powers can keep the business alive.
As retarded as Dana can be (power slap, actually slapping his wife in public) his competitors out-smoothbrain him by a country mile. PFL have already gone to the moon based on the amount of country miles they got on Dana
>One seems to be on the way to getting a stranglehold over Asia
I get the impression that when people call one 'the UFC of Asia' they mean 'the UFC of South-East Asia'. Idk how it is in other countries but having lived in China for ~three years now I can gurantee ONE is in no way shape or form more popular than UFC here.
I can't see how they'd be big in Japan or SK either. There's gotta be some kind of fuckery in the Prime accounting for the region "dominance" claim.
Dana is retarded but his competitors are even more retarded.

ONE has been in the red for their entire existence. Despite all their fluffing, they have very publicly not made a profit.

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