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Knee'd to know info edition
How to Change a Car Battery:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYZbm--04j8
previous thread (nice get) >>191222

Basic brand info for beginners http://pastebin.com/C6rEGbzD

Shoe reviews: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0

Submit a shoe review: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.
wait actual fucking previous thread, right after I flamed that other guy
>real previous thread
This thread is fucking gay use the other one
thanks for trying
tony hawk is a wigger
chad muska is a fucking retard
rodney mullen is a faggot
>two threads
I'm gonna piss in your cornflakes nigga
Today I learnt
Board to primo
Body varial
Like vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYpqU-2feLw
Not skateboarding: I tried basic parkour roll after so many years.
It went well.
I guess skateboarding has made me more agile, confident and daring.
It doesn't remove the sperg but it strengthens the adhd
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Haha woops
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>Before I skated, girls stalked me
>10 years later, pic rel
Are we necroing this failed thread?
Last few days cute zoomies have been giving me the eye. Not sure why my mojo is so hot right now but things are looking good for this washed up skater boi.
Washed up millenial women still stink eye me tho.
This might fit the thread theme
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new Slop Machine video

Will be popular with those weird, kind of gay zoomers and goth larpers.
This video was pretty excellent. Hoban and Axel killed it. The goth girl section was cringe thougheverbeit

Captcha: STDYAP
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God I'd love to go to FDR some day.

Does anyone else have any parks or spots they really want to visit?
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i really want to visit cool parks and places with a girl who thinks the same things i think are cool desu
>slide out on a fakie noseslide and take a hard slam straight to my tailbone
>stiffly hobble off, can literally immediately feel it swell up
>my first thought is "fuck man I hope this doesn't keep me from skating tomorrow"
luv me skateboard, simple as.
based, that's how you know you love it
very based some local old guys were skating next to my crib and i heard the pop snap callout and skated over and discovered a local spot thats actually very mellow and fun its the smallest little curb manual pad and its shaded
The most trendy video of the year just dropped
holy shit when did chris millic become so hesh and steezy its like he let go of being intentionally ultra tech bro
>Geoff Rowley on Toy Machine
I did not see that one coming. Rowley in his hayday was a fucking animal. Obviously in his gray years of skating now but I guess it's nice to see him find a home with an old school company he should be familiar with.
What's your opinion on skating on wet terrain/when it's raining bros?
His part was my favorite, he really did a line at hollywood high with a revert in there lmao
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should i get platipus XT-wheelz or MBS all terrains to stick on a normal deck?
or should i cave and get a real mountain board
not worth it
really? i think his footage usually have pretty good variety and balance of gnar and tech. but i just got super into his skating fairly recently so i've only seen whatever is on youtube
I have a wet weather set up with cruiser wheels. The deck is an old 8.5 that I stopped actually skating like 2 years ago. Its completely water logged. I used it a lot in the winter.
>before learning heel flips

-no bitches
-always skates alone
-“ohhh muh old injuries”
-have to pay for grip at the shop

>after learning heel flips

-constant rotation of ramp tramp pussy
-homies always come to the sesh
-snaps their shit back into place. Still no health insurance
-homies at the shop let you go behind the counter
Man I learned heelflips in 2000
I liked the Toy Machine video and I'm going to watch it again :D
Hell yeah, I've watched it a few times. Very rewatchable. Its been that and Gabbers recent part on repeat for me. I liked the Last Resort video too but some of the music is hard to listen to.
i still don't believe the rumors that mango posted on here. cant see that guy using 4chan
it's just us here man
did you boomers see that Ipath is coming back?
Never tried much after learning to ollie. Can shape heelflips and could probably get them down in a few days if I really wanted to. Kickflips are just weird.
why are you even here?
to fucking shitpost. i save my good posts for slap
(slap mentioned thread ruined)
Sucks we are missing out on your genius
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So what's the deal. Is this nigger actually blind?
He is, but I swear to fuck a tonne of those blind skaters aren't even remotely blind at all and don't need a stick.
that's tough bud. maybe you should lift some weights
lmao oof sorry anon
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Are we posting pics of Burnside we took?
Is that Rodney million
nah thats not that faggot, its that fucking retard chad musta (been in special ed)
is bam margarita
bang margarita the famous male stripper?
Yes, the very same.
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I'm gonna go bash some curbs and maybe skate some stairs later
Same. I'm just waiting for the sun to go down because it's so hot today
You guys are all invited
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first deck I've had since I was a kid, picked it up at a skate shop that just opened across the road from my house, I road it down my road, they have a ramp behind the shop but I haven't been brave enough for that yet.
Nice. Gotta find a smooth parking lot to roll around in.

New Snappy is up!
more mistaking of names
you-toe origami
Its been 6 months since I returned to skating and Ive got 180s, nose slides, board slides, working on 5050s on rails, and a rare kickflip. I can ollie about 2 feet, but want to go higher and my pop shove for what ever reason isnt reliable or as high anymore. I used to be able to launch them even day 1 when I started skating again. I definitely want to get my pop shoves high again, but Im so focused on kickflips when Im not cruising.
>Hey guys were gonna see if this set up makes me skate like Ishod Wair!
>We have a REAL SKATEBOARDS Ishod Wair pro model deck, SPITFIRE Ishod Wair pro model wheels, THUNDER Ishod Wair pro model trucks, we got the SHAKE JUNT grip and DIAMOND SUPPLY CO bolts and you know we have those BONES SWISS ceramics in there to roll nice and smooth and of COURSE what makes this special is the bushings, Ishod famously uses TWO top BONES MEDIUM WHITE/YELLOW Ishod Wair pro model bushings which gives him that GREAT FLOWLY style.. I've popped an Ishod Wair limited edition MONSTER ENERGY and got my NIKE SB Ishod Wair pro model shoes. Let's go skate!
>*pops some jeffwonson teir kickflips*
>*does some gay carves*
>So as you can see from the Ishod Wair pro model ..
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landed my first kickflip yesterday
rocket as fuck but we're getting there
Dont be critical of yourself because I landed my first kickflip in 7 days of trying and they werent even bad, but it was all timing, almost no pop required and my buddy said why dont you level them out even though they didnt rocket and I was getting consistent. I knew I wanted more height, but he messed me up with that criticism and Ive experimented so much that I can say the most important thing is no matter how shitty your kickflip is, the landing is KEY. Land consistently and get consistent then make the changes. I know I can flip the board every time and different things happen, but I get rarely land.
why do you guys know so many skatetubers i only knew ben degros and gifted hater until hater started putting these dorks in his vids.
If you didn't watch Garret Ginner back when he was good and Bryan Arnett since day one, and now watching Snappy and Freddy, you're reddit. Thrifted baiter is a newfaggot.
Very based post anon
Very gay post anon
>ben degros
Originally found him after I watched a drywall tutorial on his other YouTube channel
I'm still super psyched i can land it. I've been at it for a while on and off. I'm used to flipping it but i would never be able to get my front foot on top of the board. my friend explained flicking in a way that just clicked and i landed one the next day. I'd rather learn how to kickflip the right way once desu. I really want to perfect it. Today I landed 4. One, I'm pretty sure was super clean because I caught it pretty high up. My mind might change since I'm still new to the trick. Practicing consistent good ones makes more sense than consistent bad ones.
I am mostly amazed at 6 months of kickflips and I thought I wouldve had it by now for sure when I landed my first ones so quickly. There are so many variables to change but if I could learn faster, I want to land them.
i watch actual skate videos and parts...
Those are the only two worth knowing about
Also this
>quit skating for like 10 years, only ride longboards here and there
>fuck around with it again one day and remember how fun it is
>try to relearn all the flatground tricks i knew
>for some reason everything feels 100x easier
>only a month back into it and relearned almost everything
>almost getting sw tre's, sw fs flips, sw hardflips

maybe my frontal lobe actually developed. everything seems way easier to understand perform
im tired of disabled skaters begging for attention on social media. the legless ones are the worst. normies eat that shit up though
you are probably stronger now

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