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Read any good BL recently? Drop your recs and read along here!

>https://pinboard.in/u:yrecs (NEEDS UPDATING - see below for details)

BL Licensers and How to Request from Them: >https://controlc.com/3858c1ea
Project JUNE Download: >https://projectjune.dreamwidth.org/473.html
Tiermakers: >https://tiermaker.com/user/579020

Bonus challenge:
Which subgenre of BL would you like to become more popular?

Previous thread: >>3027588
All Threads: https://controlc.com/43d8e041
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Please reply to this post to ask for things to be added OR REMOVED from the Rec List on ControlC.
>anime, VNs, fan doujin, and academic works about BL are allowed too

NEW HERE? Check out our curated rec chart!

***NEEDED: New Rec Chart
>It has been almost two years since our last update!
>In thread 88, anons discussed making a rec chart in HTML and taking a full website screenshot via Opera browser.
>In thread 99, an anon offered to do it in Power Point. If you're still here, anon, please go ahead! Post in the thread if you need help finding previous discussions of what to remove or include.

***NEEDED: Volunteers to update the Pinboard
>We use controlc for our rec list, but help to update the Pinboard (which can't be banned as easily) is still needed
How to post to and edit the Pinboard:

Thanks to the anon who updated the All Threads list!
>Which subgenre of BL would you like to become more popular?
massive uncomfortable age gaps
Based. Any age gap recs?
>Which subgenre of BL would you like to become more popular?
I'm not much of an edgelord but I want dark BL back. I'm getting tired of fluff.
I really hope the uke is the father.
Seconded. There's a big gap of darker, more mature stories. It feels like right now the options are either total fluff, or webtoons that run on badly written rape scenes as their gasoline.

I don't mind the latter, but some variety in subject matter would be nice. I need more stories where both sides of the couple are psycho.
completely understand you guys' sentiments rn. i feel like a lot of bl authors and bl scanlators these days play too safe an approach and just create stuff that's generic, so i'd appreciate sth different too.
this also with more rape
Or you get shit like Killing Stalking where it's a 12 year old's cringe edgelord fantasy with no interesting story.
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Honestly, I didn't mind Killing Stalking. I think it did its job as a thriller first and a BL second, but the people who celebrated it as being anything more than that really ruined the fun.

I picked up Dreadful Night recently, and for such a simple plotline (lead is stuck in a horror game with NPCs) I've been having a good time.
I didn't even know it was supposed to be a BL when I first read it, the writing and plot were just bad. The art carried it.
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I just desperately want more of the kind of shit Natsume Ono was cooking for her BL stuff under basso. Gilfs and such. This last one she did was good but no sex
We really need more stuff like hers, she fully understood the appeal of mature men. Most authors who go for younger man x older man simply depict them as generic high schoolers, you'd expect a minimum of maturity in a relationship like that.
there is a special place in hell for authors who draw ojisans with personalities of histrionic teenage girls
Hate it when they introduce these third wheelers that are never going to win, I always feel bad for them
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>haven’t checked her Twitter in a while what’s she up t-
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised the fujo still have an iron grip on this series.
>Which subgenre of BL would you like to become more popular?
beastmen x beastmen or beastmen x human. Nagabe can't be the only one pumping it out.
additionally more unserious comedic ones similar to Happy Shitty Life
Damn these two were my entire personality for a good bit.
Has there ever been a BL where the third wheeler that helps the mc heal actually wins in the end?
Hate mate
it always feels so pointless to me
Eh, this one felt a bit different to me. To begin with the "third wheel" is already the guy's current boyfriend.
>Hate mate
I have terminal second lead syndrome and this was the only story that satisfied my mental illness. I wish it happened more often.
This year's BL Awards voting is now open if anyone's interested:
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here are the nominations for the main category, desu the selection is kinda meh this time
they do this in almost every relationship manga bl yuri or straight
He's not on the manga cover, though. It's over for him.
I think the only manga that piqued my interest enough to complete was 40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto because I like older dudes. Even then, it felt so forgettable and average that I'm struggling to point out much of the plot beyond the synopsis.
In other words, there aren't any strong contenders this year unfortunately.
Catching up with Mingwa's Jinx and genuinely baffled, the style improved from Bj Alex but the Seme is awful. Not even "he's a jerk but has some nice quality" and I struggle to think a decent way of redeem him that's not ruining his whole career.
That entire LN selection looks so incredibly boring. Checks out though. On any storefront trying to find an interesting LN is a special kind of torture.
Is the supposed sequel to Dreaming Goddess ずっといっちょ really lost media now? I searched everywhere and couldn't find a single scan
Yeah if they were gonna make him this dislikeable at least just make the series pure fap fuel like No Reason instead.
I voted on Chameleon wa Tenohira ni Koi wo Suru, about an actor falling for a deaf guy. It's very quirky but has some good art and I'm actually looking forward to vol 2. I admit the choice overall was bad, some of the other nominees I've read but they sucked, and most actually good stuff isn't on the list.
new hikaru chapter >>>/a/262689323
is there any other alternative to Ichigo Manga Translator extensions that has no limit? I'm trying to read het doujin that has yet to be translated.
Only liked About a Love Song for the art.
>Last time ML saw the MC he had his feet fried in literal hot oil
>Runs to him and hugs him acting soft when they meet again after mc had run away
Am I allowed to ask something in relation to webtoons here?
I just wanted to ask if anyone thought that The Ghost Nocturne looks a lot like The Painter of the Night at times.
The art felt weirdly on the nose to me with some scenes.
It looks similar but not to the point of plagiarism or anything. Probably the author did research on what kinds of artstyles are popular especially in historical titles and included some elements into her own manhwa so it sells better
Okay thank you! There are a couple of scenes at the beginning that are basically a re-draw of a scene/pose from PotN but I've read 20+ chapters since and don't see anything like that anymore.
It was just so striking to me I was curious if anyone else had noticed.
Thank you for your reply!
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I'm fucking dying for this shit, I'm desperate for the scanlators to pick it back up.
If he gets to fuck the MC in the end this'll be the best slow burn ever
is anything interesting finally happening in this manga
I need it to happen.

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Still the hottest asada for me
I will never not be mad.
Of what? No anal?
That and also the story felt like it lacked a proper conclusion.
Yes and at the same time, I wish their story developed into a serious friendship as the ultimate "stick it" to BL clichés. Sort of like "No Arguing with Mr Mo did", which I thought was a pleasant enough read, save for having the balls of ending on a bitter note.
Would love MC getting a GF and having a baby while that guy just kinda supports them and hangs around then gets his own spin off with "the fall in love with me and forget about my dad" trope.
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I wish for a new extra or something for any of her BL but she seems pretty busy with drawing two series. For now Chinese memes will sustain me
Pretty sure the age gap would be a bit too extreme for my liking.
Anyway, I was rooting for the small boy to be with his brother but apparently blondie is too strong.
Not for me, and I don't like MC's brother or his bf. I'm rooting for shortie to end up with the tall buff friend.
That seems the intended course yes.
I actually like MC a lot, he's funny, that's why I hope his character doesn't get turned into an uwu uke for the sake of moni.
when will bl artists learn that skulls don't shrink a noticeable amount with age
The live action did so it might kek
The live action also changed the mc behavior considerably. I was tempted to watch it but mc being all frantic and scaredy instead of deadpan and sarcastic it's just so annoying.
I can't stand the brother's boyfriend because I've always hated that kind of character stereotype in BL. Every other character is amusing enough to make me wish they got some more development, mainly the moe manlet, the yankee and the fudanshi.
Moe manlet is very nice, Yankee and fudanshi idc about much. I like quite a bit the mc love interest, he seems interesting.
Oh I agree. But I do find the writing fascinating compared go most incest stories, not sure why
What the fuck No Reason just gave me an awful tragic sadness for ... no reason kek in the last 3 chapters. Should have just ended as over the top rape slop for fapping.
To be honest, my deepest darkest hope for this series is for the series to end with a reveal that the MC was never in a BL manga at all and he's just personally super keyed into gay shit for "reasons."
I like this one because it felt like the brothers were mutually attracted but they were trying to resist the attraction instead of just one brother angsting about incest for 5 chapters
MRM is down, does anyone know if they're having technical issues or is it a takedown?
Still down for me, as well.
Check their twitter for updates. I would do it but I don't have an account so it only shows tweet from two years ago and nitter no longer works.
even when logged in, their account just hasn't been active for the last 2 years
First nitter, now mrm is down. What a terrible month.
Gengoroh really giving me a fucking breath of fresh air with Sakana to Mizu. Good shit, fluffy and relatable, with surprisingly dramatic insights to spice it up. Nice.
Thanks for the recc, just caught up with DN. MC is competent and has great banter/dynamic with the psychopath. Haven't read the author's other work so I can't tell if the plot will maintain its quality down the road, but it's pretty promising so far.
pretty good slop thats mostly smut, whats actually sad rape is that Into The Rose Garden story. Just depressing shit
Yeah that's the non hot rape sufferporn bordering on guro.
Seems to be up for me now. Hopefully this was just a temporary hiccup.
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Reminder to always save your favorite works!
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lmao what a fucking freak, I love this.
this had all the chance to be another boring 'crushing on the class idol' romance, but the pov of an absolute weirdo seme makes it work
Yeah, it's pretty fun. I like how many tropes are subverted in subtle ways: mc is being bullied but isn't harmless, love interest is beautiful but keeps being cruel-ish without being extreme, lots of moving parts coming in together.
I was interested enough I read the light novel up to a certain point and it's pretty interesting. Curious to see how the manga turns out.
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I got into this after watching the drama and movie adaptations. (pretty well done and would recommend watching), but I'm always questioning if Hira is like on the spectrum or is he just naturally unhinged? a lot of the way he behaves screams autistic but it could just be me projecting
>totemo zako
>most recent thing opens with an explanation of the omegaverse
oh no
the link for all the previous threads is dead (404 error). can someone link a functioning one? ty
looks like the OP links are down, including the rec list and BL licensers controlc lists.
pinboard is gone as well, not sure if any anon has a back-up somewhere. i do have a copy of the controlc recs and threads but not the rest.
if nobody's working on this i could dump on rentry later this week.
Recent OP here, please reupload what you have, I'll be much obliged
sure let me work on them.
if anyone has the pinboard entries feel free to dump them and i can back them up on rentry as well
forget the pinboard stuff, i can access it again so it was probably just my computer going retarded
>past threads: https://rentry.org/bldiscussion
>recs: https://rentry.org/blrecs
sorry to the previous anon(s) for all their hard work but i've removed all the manga site links to minimise risk of getting removed for linking illegal content
didn't have time to go through the links one by one, so if anything's not working let me know
>future updates
i seldom come by, so if any regular anons would like to help update the pages i could share the edit codes with you
Thanks anon, great work! I'll include these links in the next thread!
op here. thank you, anon! I planned to read past threads for recs months ago but did not find time to do so.
We need more frotting.
Does anyone have experience asking doujin author for reprints?
I'm so glad When the Stars Sleep was picked back up.
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>OT3 frotting
I wish there were more threesomes were all the guys like each other. This one it felt close to admit the two seme liked being a trouplet but it didn't deliver it in text.
>Yours to claim Cain ending
Author still leaving him forever cucked and not allowing him to move on. Damn I really wanted to see him with a wife and child while Jooin and yawhi go through traumatizing Korean gay discrimination. Or something along those lines.
I think we just need more stuff like Canis the Speaker in general
Yeah, by far the best ot3 manga even though it focused on plot more than sex. I miss ZAKK I hope she gets back to drawing BL someday
Do actual Y chromosome gay men get off to the yaoi porn that's drawn by women?

I'm on rule34 right now and it's so funny how I can instantly clock whether fanart of a given pairing was drawn by a fujo or a gay man. Like if the drawing has long, flowing hair and a focus on the characters gazing at lovingly at eachother while fucking, a woman drew it. If the focus is on the dick/ballsack/armpits/feet of the characters, a man drew it.
>Do actual Y chromosome gay men get off to the yaoi porn that's drawn by women?
Yes. Why is this so difficult to believe?
Anon people get off to midgets fucking granpas, it's not that much of a stretch to think some gay dudes might be into feminine gay porn
I do although usually when I fap I alternate between 2D and 3D porn because I need to see a picture of an actual penis to cum, 2D dicks just aren't ever that appealing for some reason
>Do actual Y chromosome gay men get off to the yaoi porn that's drawn by women?
Do XX chromosome straight women really get off from shounen series draw by men?
What you expect me to get off on bara instead? I hate that shit.
i cum to faces and eyes and like getting bjs so yeah i do
and every time someone mirrors this sentiment you're regurgitating it sounds like an unhinged ftm tranny trying to fit into a boys club
I only read it for the plot. Yaoi is too soft. The dicks look like wet noodles.
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Are you anons watching Bravern? Seems like the next big homo thing
yes, especially after the latest episode. and that half of bravern being a horny robots soul explains a lot kek
...What plot? Shit mate all this mushy romance schlock makes me sick. Actual story would be welcome, but at this point I'd be happy to just see a return of yaoi so toxic it breaks a Geiger counter in half. At least that's fun.
That's like saying you watch pornhub gay videos for the plot.
BL Adventure stories
Something like Slayers or Re zero but the MC is interested in guys

Unrelated but do you guys know where I can post a romance story? Written not drawn
um yes im pretty sure i was supposed to be a fujo but ended up a gay guy
Yeah. I go for twinks in real life and fujos draw cuter dudes. Bisexual femboy art is alright too, if it doesn’t give them tiny shoulders and obese asses.
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This art style feels familiar but I can't pinpoint it. Interesting premise for a debuting work, I'm looking forward to see how it develops.
Try Necromancer Survival.
Looks like csm jjk or any other generic modern shonen
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Oh yeah, maybe that's what it reminds me off. Probably some new young author who read a lot of shounen
It reminds me of that shoujo with the misunderstood delinquent looking guy that works at a bakery.
It's like a trashy romance novel.
new hikaru just got posted >>>/a/264020037
Good for you then, every fujo dreams of being a gay man.
If you really want some plot in your porn then I recommend looking into danmei/chinese BL/manga adaptations of danmei. These usually have great stories of all kinds, including issekai that you want.
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Sorry to be that person but does anyone recognize and know what this doujin/manga is from? All image searches give nothing
Is it just me or reiwa Era uke are more open about wanting the dick? Even if they still blush and shit during sex you can tell they are having a good time and some of them even try to seduce the seme.
Urekko Mangaka x Utsubyou Mangaka by Hanae deki
How did Dear Gene end? Feel free to lie.
this work seems interesting but i can't read enough moonrune to know what's going on
Read the stuff from nishin masumi. It's nothing but dark.
Not that anon, but man do I miss Nishin, haven't heard of that name in years. Have they done any manga lately?
Unfortunalety no, which is a shame because her work is soooo good.
There's also Harada if you want dark stuff, but idk, I never liked her work so much (her arstyle is good, but just not my thing).
Also with Nishin work I felt I was reading a thriller first, a BL second, and I loved that.
Nephew Gene contacted Amish Gene and arranged for him to meet with Trevor as a surprise. Amish Gene decided to move to New York and Trevor offered to house him. They're friends now and it's left up in the air whether or not they'll be in a romantic relationship again.
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Damn, this was hot.
>Growing up to top the guy who groomed you and fucked you as a kid
thats the plot of harada's nii-chan
Is it bad that I cried reading Sleeping Dead
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I've seen it before, is it any good?
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there's english scans of it, just look.
I really wasn't expecting it though, it's so rare these days to find BL manga with a bad ending. Was it ever common, even? I was so sure they were getting a happily ever after.
Not complaining btw, I think this is Asada's best work so far.
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our next anime
Looks boring.
2/3 couples are good
I was also surprised. I didn't think it would be a happy ending, but I didn't really expect it to be as sad as I personally found it to be. Definitely shed some tears.
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Something I realized after the series ended was that through the entire year no one from Mamiya's family ever went to the house, so it's likely no one would even know what happened unless his workplace complained to his dad (or Nogami returned to snoop again).
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I have mixed feelings about this.
I think their relationship is right between cute and jarring.
I found the atmosphere in this one charming, hope the anime captures it properly
What do you mean?
He grow so fast
good morning saar
Is it tl?
The couple is endearing but the "motherly" aspect is a bit iffy.
Motherly? What do you mean?
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god bless fujos
Absolute unit
What in tarnation is picrel? It's the most fujobrained shit that has ever been fujo'd. Everyone's catty, whiny, bitchy, unfaithful and dramatic, is this how they see queer men? These are lesbians at best, the teen ones, that behave like a caricature of their male counterparts.
Horrid, makes me wish these people were real just so I could beat them up.

This was very cute and kinda based, I'm very curious to see how it turns out.
Your pic is how women act towards each other, usually without the homo aspects, but there's a general cattiness that only gay men into drag have.
The scanlation team for this one usually does really interesting works, so this is an immediate pick-up for me. Let's see how this unfolds.
he will win
he WILL win
What the fuck is that anatomy
Nobody gives a shit stop talking about your pussy on a gay male board

they are children
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At this point I wouldn't mind a little tiny teensy hint of a possible romance long con plot for him that is inescapable because in a way if he is truly in a BL world then his fate has been sealed from the start so he is the bl character who knows he is in a bl world because he as failed to realize by knowing he is in a bl world he is slowly weaving his own bl story about avoiding being weaved into a gay romance.
children with adult upper bodies and midget legs
I’m rooting for the fudan mangaka and MC to increasingly cross paths. However I feel like he won’t end up with anyone in the end.
It's 3d but have you guys seen おっさんずラブ ... it's really fucking good...
speak english
posters in these threads rarely drop the actual titles of the jpgs they post. that jap name is the best youre gonna get
Zettai BL mc failed to crush his flag because of his brother my head canon is it's confirmed.
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Holy Hatano bros we won...
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How do you feel about an omegaverse having an anime adaptation?
>Same face so bad that it looks like Sweet Home Alabama with mpreg
Pretty good glad BL is becoming mainstream hoping for something dark like that one with the little brother who got his pregnant mom killed and rapee his brother.
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lmao that shit is so good, god bless fujos
Please help me find the manga where MC can't sleep without someone next to him.

His PTSD was due to being locked in the closet by his dad maybe cause he didn’t get perfect grades. His brother would help him out occasionally. He ends up with his coworker as a love interest but they don’t have sex at all during the story.

The extra was really cute - the seme gets drunk and flirty and threatens him with a good time when he’s sober.
Hey it's the NTR dude
new hikaru
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Chil-Chil 2024 rankings are out: https://www.chil-chil.net/blAwardRank/y/2024/

Mamita's 40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto seems to be the biggest winner so far, coming first in Comics, third in Expert, and first again in romcom categories.

Which titles have you read? Did your faves make the ranking?
He’s saying it looks like the generic netorare guy that cucks the mc from most hentai. I think.
God, there are so many series that we don't even get the raws for. Sadge.
lmao why is his head shrunken in the 3rd
>攻め: ゲイ/執着
>受け: ノンケ
>設定: 幼馴染み/片思い
>トーン: シリアス/痛い

recs for this feel?
Probably some Visual Novel?
can be scribbled on toilet paper for all I care if it delivers on the pain
seme-pov would be preferable but that's probably asking too much
Do you speak Japanese? Among English ones I think the first route of Hashihime sounds like that
JP is fine and thanks for the tip
you'd think among the tens of thousands of LNs and novellas there would be something that fits the bill, but either that isn't the case or I'm very bad at searching
I think I'd def try VN: You usually get one or two routes where the seme has some kind of obsession with the MC who is "straight". Even TnC has it, or stuff like きんとうか or 贄の町 for the JP stuff.
what I'm craving is a bit different but I'll look into them
it's more about that coming of age trauma of coming to grips with your incompatible sexualities but it seems that's too much of a downer for the genre
Good Lord, that webtoons ranking...
I need to know, do our nip fujosisters have absolute shit taste or do only the shittiest (read: most popular) of gook comics get jp tls? Then again, they have it so good I understand why they wouldn't bother with anything overseas unlike starved EOPs
something like 君には届かない。? The sexuality aspect wasn't touched upon that much there tho. There's also 開発動画. On the other hand, for a ノンケ×ゲイ pairing, there's 噓とイエローナイフ and, less popular, エロ夢アクアリウム
>that face
The author has definitely drawn lewds of him and is keeping them hidden.
amazing, 君には届かない might very well come really close to what I've been looking for
that's just magnificent, thank you so much for this and the other recs too
Can anyone remind me of the name of this one shot (maybe it was two actually) where these two guys are practicing giving each other blowjobs until they get girlfriends. I read it a while ago, but I can't find it anymore.
Ore no Doukyuusei ga Binkan sugite Yabai by Harada?
actually laughed at this first time I read it
>we'll be eating them out like pros haha
I'm pretty sure the technique involved there is a bit different.
That would be the one! Thank you anon, I felt like a retard for not being able to find it again.
That his O face when he finally pounds Hatano.
>when he finally pounds Hatano
bold of you to assume he'd be on top
>when he finally pounds Hatano
Nobody tell him
Trying to get into back into BL after not touching the genre for years, does anybody have recs for stuff with older characters (especially older ukes)? By older I mean 'is an adult and looks like it;' I've never been able to get into shit where the characters are supposed to be salarymen but the art style makes them look like 17 year olds.
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its kinda hard to find good bls they all have this same recipe bullshit stories as of recently, its getting kinda annoying i do enjoy this one artist but theyve been inactive for awhile. Im not sure if they look adult for you but for me they do
did you put this image through a grinder or something i can count the pixels
dont hate :o(
;) <3
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ill kill and eat you
anon have you read ono natsume's stuffs?
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How are your rune skills? I've recently started reading this and so far it's breddy good.
I have. I like her stuff a lot. She and Nishin Masumi are the two authors whose work stands out to me the most in terms of stories and art that raw and un-idealized, though obviously Nishin goes way harder into the fucked up horror side of things. I haven't been able to find anything that's really similar, unfortunately.

Thank you anons, I will check out both of those.
Try Touhikou Ja Arumaishi https://www.cmoa.jp/title/246961/
remember ctk..try pic related
The BL starts with the main character being isekai'd as a horse and getting caught to be the love interest's war horse but then already by chapter 2 the writer chickens out and makes him have a human form. Terrible. Dropped.
They don't even mention the horse-ness, I get avoiding zoophilia but c'mon, at least give us some furry spice or something...
Yeah it just completely ditches the set up after chapter 2. Not a surprise it doesn't seem to have lased past 1 volume.
I miss when this thread was still active. I wonder what happened? This is the only place I can discuss bl without schizo users or without weird identity culture war thing
be the change you want to see. post some good stuff you've been reading lately or whatever.
And it ended with a written last chapter. Man this whole run was odd.
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NAYRT but I like this so far. I guess awkward old guys losing their homo vcard is my jam

> And it ended with a written last chapter.
Embarrassing, so much lost potential with the amount of hype that manga had
Do we include Thai BL stuff here?
Finished the KinnPorsche live action and I oddly didn't hate it Kinda looking forward to the novel now.
I tried the novel and it's kinda shitty to be honest. The main leads chemistry is what makes the show so charming.
Can someone pls suggest me some newish BL slice of life. I think I've read most of the older ones already and looking for some hidden gems.
Something slow paced, without extra drama or tantrums. Maybe some manhwa since I noticed korean BLs having more of these slice of life realistic stories.
Is JP ok?
No, unfortunately I can't read runes.
I'm doing a presentation on the history of shonen-ai/yaoi/boys love, and want to cover a wide variety of early/influential works. Any suggestions? I've already read Tōma no Shinzō and Kaze to Ki no Uta
you've got a lot more research to do on just basic terminology and in doing your due diligence on that you will likely find the reading recommendations you're looking for.
How come some BL groups are super fast while others take 5 months to release something
maybe their officially hired? I also want to know the answer to this
honestly the reason could be literally everything, but to name a few: lack of staff, quantity over quality and vice versa, choice of work to translate - some works are significantly harder to localize than others, scanlators are too busy irl, lack of motivation to scanlate, etc. and yeah maybe money can also be related
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Almost finished going through Slow Damage's Madarame route and man I fucking hate him. Hoping the final route will make it worth it.
Madarame is mindboggingly shitty. It's really obvious that Slow Damage was written with only the true route in mind and everything else was an afterthought.
A lot of scanlators are students or have priorities besides translating/editing manga for free. Life happens.
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read better nitro vns
I can't even remember the LI's name in the true route.
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I NEED a focusing on the ML's brother and the MC's boss
Wtf is an ML
Male lead, the main love interest, usually the seme if the mc is the uke.
*I NEED a sequel*
Lovesick Hypocrites
I'm sure the mangaka didn't have this in mind when they wrote that, but I saw a webm on this site ages ago of a porn star saying that mechanically a good blowjob and good snatch eating are actually very similar.
You can't remember Towa?
SD really was Towa's Game (that's why it's shit).
So what Thai BL do people recommend?
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stop having a boyfriend
bad buddy is one of the few thai shows i've seen whose leads actually have chemistry
classic case of women misdirecting anger and frustration caused by sexism towards other women
Why the price are so...I'm broke.
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Prime male porn unlike the female shit posted ITT!
I must be a woman then because that's disgusting
looking again, the book is on extremely rare tier, how to obtain it so that I could scan it for everyone?
the lines are genuine and you can tell that the artist is very skilled and not using 3D models to draw over it.
Wanting to see porn of unattractive people however is and always will be an incredibly niche fetish.
For what it's worth I do like the body hair though.
Sadly it seems we can never have attractive characters with body hair, only ugly dudes are allowed to be hairy.
What? Name?
Is "heart of a woman" really something you hear in yaoi? An anon made that claim over a certain debate and has not provided a single shred of evidence to back up his claim like he promised.
Kokoro O Korosu Houhou
>Is "heart of a woman" really something you hear in yaoi?
Not really.
sometimes guys having the hearts of maidens is referenced but usually as a joke or for a gap moe character
So basically that anon was full of shit and has a closet tranny fetish. Gotcha
maybe he just didn't understand the phrasing. having a maidens heart is just like a guy believing in true pure love or liking romantic things/etc. its something refrenced in not just yaoi but lots of regular stories with guy characters it isn't exclusively a gay thing. maybe he just didn't know what you meant
But why exactly
what is it with you schizos and always bringing up trannies out of nowhere
because basic bitch fujos love to eat up shit like this
Turns out the "totally no homo" did actually work and it managed to get an actual anime adaption instead of live action.
Wonder if other stuff will do the same.
Chan-il will try to seduce Skylar after misunderstanding Cirrus and his girlfriend together.
Chan-il will say something mean to Skylar in the heat of the moment about being gay sending him into a mental freak out.
No, it's more some weird homophobic stereotypes you see in non bl to "explain" why characters are gay and shit or some writer mistaking being trans for being gay
Honestly I doubt that had anything to to with it, it was selling well in the 2 volumes and in Japan people won't forget all the time it was sold as BL and the general perception of it
read conflicted statement on this manga, i read one side that since it became popular the homo toned down and removed the BL tag from sites while the other that "was never marketed as BL"
Does anyone remember that one comic with a new kid named Somi who goes to an all boys school has to convince everyone he’s a boy, some dude spits in his mouth, he saves that bully from the police station after he beats his gf and then they go to a love motel? I think it was by cousin anon but I can’t find it anywhere
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Kinda hyped for this
It was definitely marked as Bl and tagged as such, we have visual proofs and screenshots.
I must not be a woman then, because that’s really hot
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This, and anything by this duo
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I still mourn for Inutoki's passing to this date, such a talented author that passed away when she was way too young ;-;
I wouldn't have my hopes too high anon, I read some spoilers of the main stories and by all appearances it was a cheap drama with plot all over the place
Looking at the bl recs backup it seems that the academic interest section is missing, would anyone be interested in having them included again? I have an old list of them around so i could share them. I am not very familiar with rentry though.
new hikaru thread >>>/a/267158378
not bl anymore
cute girls
Yoshiki did something gay again, actually
you're getting fujobaited, brother. this is not BL.
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I've seen worse
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>Which subgenre of BL would you like to become more popular?

idk about subgenre, but I would like less schoolboy aesthetics in manga, it's just so hard to find a manga with art like in Reverse by Yuitsu or Lion and Venus by Yura or my new favorite Afterglow by Wagase Wagimoko. These are all in a nice area of masculine and semi realistic without going into bara territory.
Can you please show me proof? Any and all "okama" who use it stop identifying as men and everyone around them calls them a woman. Almost as if... they transitioned
Blame okama (transgender in Japan) and otokonoko (also transgender in Japan)
>show you proof of a specific colloquial phrase in media
uh I don't have that shit on hand, and its not something exclusive to gay guys and has nothing to do with trannies. idk about the person who originally said that to you, but if you can access this site im sure you can fucking Google it. I already explained in detail what the phrase means too so stop asking for proof its not a tranny or gay phrase its just usually used as a descriptor or joke
>um acktually i already told you what it is in the most vague way possible, but it's not my job to educate you
I accept your concession. I'm just disappointed no one could give me an example
Nobody in Japan considers gay and traps transgender. I am Japanese. You are retarded.
>Nobody in Japan considers gay and traps transgender.
You don't know that
>I am Japanese.
No you are not
>You are retarded.
I'm not the one larping as Japanese on an anonymous forum
its not quite the same thing, but ive read one where the MC who goes to an all boys school finds out everyone else is playing this "not gay" game. the game is to prove how straight you are by not cumming from a handjob from a guy, and it turns into everyone basically training handjobs on eachother so they can "defeat" the "straightest" guys while building up their ability to resist cumming and thus be "straighter". the mc spends the story dodging handjobs left and right while wondering how nobodies noticed its sorta gay, before finally getting sick of it, going right up to the "champion", defeating him, thinking he just ended the competition...only to realize he just became the champion that every single boy in the school wants to defeat.
um ackshually I literally explained exactly what it means in my previous post. what concession? I went out of my way to explain something some other dipshit told you but youre so stupid or butthurt you can't even read a literal sentence and need a specific autistic manga panel because you're illiterate. fuck off
Is the recs list on controlc dead? I get a 404 when trying to access it
You can't just not give the name for this.
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Oh boy it's yaoi month! Time for obnoxious prison gays to make it about their dickgirl fetish
god i fucking hate troons
i searched before i made the post, and ive searched between here and then. they had school uniforms, they were on the older side of highschool. the main mc is unironically straight, hes genuinely confused at whats happening. based on that, i think i was searching "heterosexual" on the gay doujin sites, since thats where you find the really weird shit
Shishunki na Omaera no Muda na Doryoku, I remember because it's written by Syundei.
nah thats not it. im gonna read it, but its not it.

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