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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
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07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46852829
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What did Mion (Shion) (Mion) mean by this?
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It seems pretty straightforward, she *********** Satoshi
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Alright wiseguy, what happened to K1 then? No seriously what happened to him, I watched the Dean anime and I'm still confused as fuck by this bad endo. I presume it was those fuckin Mountain Dogs again.
I skipped the two branching-path console arcs, but read everything else. Including all of the literal 99 console+og Connecting Fragments. Essentially, Takano takes revenge for her plan failing by killing Keiichi in a schizo rage.
Ah. That makes sense. It is pretty funny that in Meakashi-hen and Watanagashi-hen despite not being perfect endings Takano's plans get foiled
Tsukiotoshi-hen is also schizo fun so you should read that when you get a chance.
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Shion completely fucked over Takano's plan and actually saved a lot of lives without even realizing.
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? Why?
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>find this
What do?

>captcha HDNTR
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>console fanfic shit written by someone else
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Which one of you commissioned this?
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never give sayo big tits, she grows volatile with them
hi friends ^__^ i finished all of higu, umi, and part 1 of ciconia, and im finally ready to see all the great discussion my /jp/ friends have on the topic!
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leave while you still can
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Who did she kill this time?
Good, now read RGD or piss off.
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somebody stared at battler-sama too long
you don't wanna do that
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Need more edgelord Battler x edgelord Sayo
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hmm let me think about it

no, i dont think i will ^_^
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>posts trying to stick up for joji disappear with all the other shitposts
that's just kinda sad...
At least Shannon will always stick with her Jooji bvll
C'mon man, do you really want do go down this road?
At this point bullying Joji any more is just cruel, I don't want to rub it in any more than he deserves.
They also deleted my post, I guess the janitor dropped a bomb and called it a day.
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Jooji the cuck is only allowed to watch as BVLLer fucks Shannon-chan
Jooji bred Shannon.
Cucktler took steroids which gave him a canon micropenis :)
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The anon above me is a liar.
You couldn't resist posting a pic of a hamburger, no?
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>ratokonigger piece of shit is till on it
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It appears their superiority has led to some controversy. Again.
what do you mean
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Made shitokei sperg lose his mind again with its mere presence
She chose George's superior genes (canon btw)
please elaborate more and pin point the posts.
Satoko didn't have much choice
What if i say please?
Isn't that dude a real homo? I don't understand why those two boys will make him angry.
She could have built a smaller dilator, but by building the machine extra large one for her aunt she proved she cares.
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I missed the fat jokes of this 23 years old overweight asshole.
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Broccoli or cauliflower?
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>seriously arguing with someone who calls george a fucking BULL
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>seriously arguing with george
The George bull really mindbroke /jp/
Now you mention it, Joji being a proto-incel explains a lot.
You'd think after being BTFOed here almost daily he would shut up, but I guess you really are a masochist
You don't get it, Sperg CAN'T win, he needs something to get back at him!
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>i think this character was born male
>no, she is a girl, you are a tranny
>no, you are a tranny
>no u
>no u
>no u
You people are pathetic.
We sure are!
>I think the character who looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl, was raised like a girl was born a female
>no, that's a male, hehe haha, here are two out of context manga pics
I don't want to be rude, but are you sure you are just not a homosexual?
Are you sure you are not just retarded?
cauliflower tastes better
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gaap break!
I never called Sayo a transsexual, you insecure moron. I'm just saying that, based on my interpretation, I believe Sayo was a boy before Natsushi tried to kill him as a baby, done. Unfortunately this triggered some anons who cannot tolerate any differing opinions and the lame nerd discord group was waiting for an opportunity to disrupt the conversation and stir up trouble as always.
It's just not worth it to talk about anything here, let's just post memes and be done with it.
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Hey, /07/ I'm in the middle of the third Higurashi VN. I didn't use the classic sprites because the hands put me off at first but, am I doing a mistake? kana? kana? In retrospective, I prefer the faces of the old sprites.
I don't mind the OG Higurashi sprites, but the remade ones are pretty good too.
My only gripe is that they fucked with some of the outfits, and that changes how you see the characters to an extent.
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>I prefer the faces of the old sprites.
These? But they all look like something out of an episode of Winnie the Pooh.
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OG sprites have the most soul , but as long as its not the mangagamer sprites it's okay, I really do hate those. While the console sprites are bland, they don't offend me in the same way.
Look at this damn alien head

>am I doing a mistake?

It's purely preferance so no
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cute pic but trash Rika isn't really a Rika
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Maybe there was some intentionality behind those designs.
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I find them more expressive when it comes to different emotions compared to mangagamer sprites >>46878357
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Shannon should stop having nightmares about the bridal bed and get some sleep. Look how useless she is- she just started taking a nap in the middle of her shift. Would you keep this person employed? No!
Definitely broccoli, especially with rice.
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Sorry bubby, but not everyone here is an autist who needs ridiculous Winnie the Pooh expressions to understand someone's emotions.
Woah, who shoved a stick up your ass anon
It's just some sprites
Double nigger.
Teppei's living onahole who gets 10 minutes of 4chan as a reward for 3 hours of intense anal sex.
You could just say satoko
Yes, I am a pure boy waiting for my Rika-like bride who won't waste my seed on irrelevant whores.
Waiting won't get you anywhere, loser. Life is about movement.
Yet here you are on 4chan.org/jp//07/th Expansion Thread
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Phoneposting has been a thing since 2015, anon. There is always free time for a shower of childhood nostalgia.
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Need to kick her with full force
you can't fool me you just want to see sayo's butt!!
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h-how did you know it?
you erokas are all the same, all horny little miscreants desperate for a crumb of the naughty bits!!!
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neesan stop fucking wasting time on the phone and do your damn job
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You have to pull the string tight for the can shit to work.
Is it just me or does smoking make someone seem twice as intimidating?
what was the deal with all the Dali references in Ciconia?
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it just makes em look sad to me
Troonppei's dilator is not named that anymore
beato paizuri
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yes https://files.catbox.moe/nvafsh.png
Shannon naizuri it is then
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>Jeff Kaplan (aka evil Hackysi07) arguin about why Overwatch shouldn't be Command & Conquer: Renegade spiritual successor.
I really love episode 7
both are hot
>Oh, this? It's laced with drugs.
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kill yourself or leave this place
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Hang on. Mass murder-suicide is one thing, but we can't have dr*gs in Nippon.
what if ange has a visible clitoris? would you still bully her?
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Why Rika isnt on umineko
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kino or slop?
some higurashi characters have no presence in umineko AT ALL, and yet here you are complaining when rika's got TWO (2) expies
going by the synopsis it's probably shit
going by the author it's provably shit
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I only said why, no complains
im travelling to ukraine to personally end the invasion so that ryu can finally release ciconia part 2
been lifting all my life but the walls of peace will be my pb
Wouldn't it be easier to just help Russia? They are the ones who have the advantage. Still, you could sabotage them from within.
Good thinking, soldier. I expect good news.
Enjoy dying with one explosive drone "mosquito" and being a bunch of human smooking meat.
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Sure, american with the shitty ideology of "Sex bad, but violence good"...
ratka-chan kawaii nano dechuu
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fuck off and die, spic
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Hear me out: Sexual Violence, Violent Sex. Like real Italians.
Rough sex with Yasu?
Yes please!
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Battler and Sayo fucked on the boat so hard it literally capsized. Let that sink in.
>Let that sink in.
Yes, indeed...
Captain Nemo here forgot her ship.
They should have lived.
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>literally unable to marry tohya thanks to not being yasu
They were supposed to be a married couple, but Ryukishi scratch that idea and make them just friends/colleagues.
>Ryukishi scratched that idea
because his office workers complained because she wasn't sayo and battler's purity must be protected for beato despite it not even being battler in that body anymore and sayo being dead for over 3 decades by this point
it's a cruel fate for all involved, truly
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>literally __able to marry tohya thanks to ___ being yasu
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I don't want her to die because I love her.
I don't want her to live because then her life would be even more miserable. What the fuck do I do?
Change her life for the better. Good luck.
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I think you should go for a swim.
Imagine how much Jessica jerked off when Natsuhi locked her in the wardrobe
Doesn't matter, magic is real and so is the Golden Land
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It's one of the "no objective observer" tricks. "Forever young" Ikuko isn't the same person who hosted the traumatized Battler. If R07th co-workers didn't see this, they had too much love.
Is this ratka yours, anon?
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>vermintoko /v/ hug club is crying right now
Nobody ever mentioned Satoko, take your meds.
you're crazy and it's obviously only ratokorat makes these reverse card attacks. look at the mirror and you see a fat lying ratokorat
It is. I bought her when I visited Shirakawa-go
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It's this time of the day again
>satoko is classy light brown rat
>ratka is the vermin black rat which brings the plague
you're fucking pathetic and obvious
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>ratka is the vermin black rat which brings the plague
>look at the mirror and you see a fat lying rikatokorika
you're so mad and calling me esl on /v/ are you fucking dense and mad ? fuck off with your wannabe whites pals. fuck off from this website
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>I want cheese, give me cheese, cheese!
No, ratkafag, I don't have any cheese for you
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ratoko obsessed, it's time to move on with your gaylord buddies and it doesn't work on anonymous website. this shit tier ""bullying"" of yourself. more like it's outing you as gaylords
Rika eats smegma of old men
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i am literally the last true 4chanymous
and you should erp with your shitcord buddies on /v/ and keep filtering my posts. /a/ stay victorious
more like old men's cheese
More like old men's dick cheese
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say hello to shitcord
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your provocation won't last, spergtoko
Rika butt
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not /a/ though, ratoko/fbcuk
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why r u guys getting so upset?? i think u may hav forgotten but higurashi is a series about friendship ^___^
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Are you my friend?
i dont know u very well but we could always become friends ^_^
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>twatter beta rat has been unveiled
it was obvious

*does a lil jig*
Where are we?
Makes sense.
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Let's get back to on-topic discussion
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hey I read this. for some reason they didn't translate it until the end. now that they translated every chapter I can continue reading. also what app do you use to read manga?
zepfur... what do they look like...
There's literally a character named Zepfur in that? Ryukishi is an autistic retard, jesus christ.
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you must worship
Yessss I must worship rika butt
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And the main heroine is called "Serika" and looked identical to Rika when she was younger.
This one picture is enough to drive all faggots itt insane
Perhaps, but Mion is still best girl.
eh, not really
>shitokofag is really living in some laland he made himself
you're crazy and with zero self-awareness. the most biggest retarded part about you. the thing we hate is just shitoko, not the stupid ship you think we rentfree in our minds and the fact you're a stupid normalfag shipper. holy fuck kill yourself. cant even post SHITOKO properly without shipping faggotry. even mion/shion/rena fags have some dignity and respect for their favorites since they actually post solos unlike you while i stay supreme
love this smug rat like you wouldn't believe
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you ratokofag, you're the biggest obseessed with schizo imagination here. i think you're an actual nigger
>obseessed with schizo imagination
what the fuck did you meant by this
cute ratka doe
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literally a typo, figure it out by yourself you fucking moron with a degree of literal nigger matter in your brain
you're creating passive-aggressive posts with the most fictionized and imaginative topics ever and then you resolve to namecalling, falseflagging and shitposting like the fucking cunt that you're. will you keep the nigger behavior of yours for eternity? and i thought you were a genuine poster but you're literally but literally a leech like the nigger you're portraying and the rats you're mimicking
you hate ratka.
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ok. keep being the biggest fucking niggeratoko who thinks he's so important famous. for real. such narcissistic way of thinking. thinking the ship you ship particular this one causing the problem, no, it's literally you. you're like the lolcow of /07/th. and stop fucking copying my insults when you're everything i ever marked you as.
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My question is when is the next funny crossover
I spoiled myself.
Might be worth a read but eeeh. At least the Rika expy seems cool.
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make it happen
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Why does it pester me? Just respond to the guy calling you a niggerfaggot (instead of dodging him). I'm just trying to be peaceful.
and higurashi and umineko characters make pointless cameos, and there's an island with a name similar to rokkenjima
society truly has grown beyond the need for ryukishi. ryukishi delenda est
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No one knows, Rika pics mindbroke him. Im sorry for inconvenience since i am part of the problem and also solution
I bet youre a nice guy irl, very friendly kind and nice overall, but me peraonally i think youre way way trying hard and even way way annoying and nuisance for the locals and the fact you evade me every time after i own you only shows your insecurity and dishonesty. Youre the only guy who can undig yourself from that hole you just dug up. A very funny picture and so i have one.
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The solution is time. We will outlast it all.
Keiichi and Satoko OTP
Shion and Satoshi OTP
Stuart and Ratka OTP
Sucking on mion’s mions
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When it's angry, but afraid, it responds to itself.
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Time is not a solution, it's just a cop-out, like just accepting your circumstances and doing nothing to change them.
The real problem is to keep engaging with those idiots and giving them the attention they crave, you're just feeding into their ego and making them feel important. I know that's hard, but do not give them the satisfaction of seeing you hurt or upset.
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studying for exams with summer sayo(beatrice) ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Did the anon who said he was going to record himself cumming on the Beatrice boobpad ever do it? I refuse to keep this terrible general open just waiting for him to do it

by the way, check Mizumizuni's Kemono, erikacucks are eating good tonight https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/7026506/post/7921387
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>I refuse to keep this terrible general open just waiting for him to do it
good. I refuse to share this thread with loveless degenerate homos.
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But you know, i kept telling you i am the good one and i dont want to be known or let anons to be mean to Rika.
You already asked a few days ago. Why are you such a desperate faggot?
>being a pround coom faggot cuck
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It comes with high iq unfortunately, not that you would know
>you will never live in Hinamizawa
>you will never befriend the club
>you will never experience a water gun battle with them
>Rena will never take you home
>Rika will never pat your head
>Satoko will never call you Nii-nii
>Mion will never banter with you
>Shion will never playfully flirt with you
I don't think they would like to play with a 30 years old man
I'm 19
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That sounds hot I hope he delivers
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And so I am
Fucking gen alpha newfag. You will become normalfag
Get the fuck out now.
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I don't think I will.
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I'm 19 too and yet I don't spend my day daydreaming about the worst Ryukishi visual novel
He said he would like a month ago on /v/, maybe its because ordering shit from japan takes time but he may have given up on it too...
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>Being a desperate coomer is high iq
Is that all your uncreative, desensitized coombrain can muster up? Fuck off you pathetic worm.
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The act of desperation is nothing but an expression of desire, which is the basis of human life, I am not a coomer for I only jack off once every few days, degeneracy is only found in those with high intellect
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I don't remember asking your opinion famalam
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Does /07/th know what LOVE is? Has /07/th ever LOVED anyone, anything?
Im done. Good bye newborn
I mean, I love Ange
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So thats why shtikoafag is so retardrd
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>Coombrain thinks he's Marquis de Sade because he longs for some other faggot to cum on a boobpad of his beloved trannyman
You're quite the entertaining creature.
Good morning sirs
Did you learn that from oldfags? Being rude towards typofriends?
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I simply greeted a fellow Indian
I see youre projecting a lot..
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I look down on you, faggots.
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Who's the one using a general that died ages ago because of discordfags?
/jp/ is healing...
The kind of umitranny you have to share a general with btw
love enje
simple as
It's on kizuna I just checked
>punching air
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>cuckold, faggots ahd trannies are from shitcord
Who could have seen this...
Not based at all
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This is the truth
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A truth no one in their right mind could question
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Good morning, sir!
Okay, now I know why I should avoid this place during morning hours...
I was joking at>>46890448 because kid said i am pajeet since i typod as well in>>46890202
I am on your side
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Enje is such a good porker, I'll make sure to feed her the best burgers
It's a shame that most of the mousepad cock videos are from that same guy with a brown dick, here's hoping this is a good one.
Kuso thread award
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It was a good thread I think
This thread is proof to never take anything Angefags say seriously
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>ratokofag aka ratokeifsg got blown away
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What was that
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well i guess we're going back a thread then
About time. Thanks maido.
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fuck thats hot how new is this one? i've been missing out lately. is this mei or what is it.
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Winth for the Rikafags
Nah, just fanart from this artist.
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So fucking unhinged, ratokeinigger
Keinigger is not a real character, Ratka only loves Keiichi
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? A new low for ratokeisubhuman?
Do Ratkafags really?
RatoKei won!
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Ratokei projection and mad
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nice instagram meme normalfag
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Why youre getting mad?
I think it's hilariously funny because of the smug Rika smugging all over hinamizawa while making her day a bitch
it'd be more hilarious if it were her head being split and rena rubbing her urine covered vaggie all over her brains. that's the sort of thing i prefer to see in my threads i'll download instagram or discord if i feel like seeing this crap
RatoKei won
RatoKeinigger lost
If God exists, let the next thread be good
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Post Rena feet
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Her socks...
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Ratokri spammer..
Mad psychotoko rat
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Imagine how sweaty they are after running around with her high boots!
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rena butt snifffffff
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You see a perfect shot of Rena's thighs, butt and groin, and you choose to focus on the feet the thighs are attached to?
Some people man. Some people.
A true Rena lover loves every part of Rena!
sorry for the late reply but i use aniyomi but before they cucked the manga part of it, tachiyomi might still work but i dont know
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>huh i can't hear shit, the string isn't tight enough... oh well, it's probably nothing important

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