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>better than Loss of Life
>better than Little Dark Age
>better than Oracular Spectacular
Why is this album hated so much?
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If it's hated it means it's good
Its almost as if for various reasons most people dont agree that its better than any of those.
Maybe if you had any actual thoughts on what makes the album good there could be some actual discussion.
It's a great concept album. Better conceptually than anything else they've done. Genuinely psychedelic with great lyrics. Every song has a meaning/message. So much more focused and interesting than most of their albums

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itt: contenders for the greatest album of all time
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This was the greatest album of all time back when I was 14
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The truth is that this is the single most overrated, circlejerked album on this board. It is nowhere near as influential as the progfags claim it to be.

I Talk to the Wind, Epitaph, and In the Court of the Crimson King are all moody blues ripoffs. Doesn't make them bad songs (i personally don't like them), but Days of Future Passed had the same shit 2 years earlier.

Moonchild is a bunch of in studio meandering nonsense (which I do like!), but Pink Floyd were doing the same thing on Interstellar Overdrive 2 years earlier as well.

21st Century Schizoid Man is the only song that feels like it was ahead of its time. It slaps, but one influential song does not make the whole album a masterpiece.
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It's a bit of a special case being a live album and all, but pic related is my contender. It has such a palpable energy and earnestness to it that you can really feel the connection with the audience shine through.


Album no but the cover is top tier.
You devolved since then

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Aufnorden edition.
Old >>122178917
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simple as.
True Norwegian Black Metal >>> all of them
punk > metal

as opposed to fake Norwegian black metal
Who is the "Big 4 of Thrash Metal" of glam metal?

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>just a small town girl
>living in a lonely world
>she took the midnight train going any-WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why does he do it, bros? He knows people hate this shit, and yet he does it anyway.
the really early proto-twee sounded ok on the few CC songs he used it in. then his lows started going to shit, so he just replaced every low with a fuckin WEEEEEEEEEEE
How do SFU fans cope with him being a punchline?

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Post your self made music von vocaroo
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midi guitars and bass sound like shit. buy a cheap metal guitar off amazon (they're like $150 now) and a cheap bass (like $100). even the cheapest bass and guitar with the most generic pickups will sound 100x better than midi guitar. as for amps, just record DI and use virtual amps. everyone does it now. even the big bands.
Anyone know when ableton reduces their prices?
just get reaper retard

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Drake was never going to win, Kendrick fans deledued themselves into thinking anything he says can BTFO Drake and all the normalfags will side with the guy who's constantly moralfagging. Fuck normalfags.
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>over 200+ replies
browns have taken over this board too, I see.
>over 200+ replies
high IQ rapCHADs have taken over this board, I see.
Kendrick is a washed faggot paraded by other lame faggots, and still no raids
get ether'd

Post a band that doesn't sound like any other band.
"Lowest Common Denominator" by Unwound from their 1996 album Repetition.
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Most of his tracks are in standard though. Only leaves is full of alternate tunings. The only other examples i can think of is arboteum and maybe some individual tracks from repetition and challenge for a civilized society, but it's not confirmed.
That specific blonde redhead album only sounds like unwound because vern from unwound plays on it. That album specificaly sounds like future of what.
in their time, kraftwerk
pretty much invented a genre and had to invent most of their own instruments to do it
also when is this shitty site going to support webp ffs
I liked this band in highschool but they embody everything that sucked about goth music in the 2000's. Cringe, stereotypical lyrics about death/murder/morbid shit with a highschool level vocabulary, plus the fashion/bubblegum pop production. The only thing worse than a Birthday Massacre album is an Emilie Autumn album.

Honestly though, if you like bullshit like Birthday Massacre or Fields of the Nephilim, you may as well just listen to Flyleaf and Evanescence.

you're welcome.

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>a single track
Why couldn't he drop an entire album?
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i think this is around the time violent j started smoking a LOT of weed and basically kevin smith'd his career.
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It was just a little EP to build hype for this.
tempest was so fucking terrible. wow. why did you have to remind me of it? it had ONE (1) good song, Growing Again. which i'll admit, was a really fun song. the rest was BEYOND filler. it's the kinda shit they put on bizarr to get out of contract obligations.
I liked the Bizzar/Bizaar albums. That era from Jeckel Bros to the Wraith is probably my favorite in terms of music quality.
i never liked mike puwal's shit. i'm a mike e clark guy.

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Who came closer to channeling God through music?
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Beethoven and probably The Beatles and Daft Punk
the harmonies that he wrote were, without a shadow of a doubt, written with just intonated instruments
ii chords were exclusively written with the 3rd in the bass
the chord is constructed from tones of the dominant triad and subdominant, therefore, the 5th isn't a 3:2 ratio
to "hide" this imperfection, the root is juxtaposed or superimposed
modulation from the tonal center was to closely related keys because in just intonation, only closely related keys sound acceptable
bach favored instruments in just intonation such as vocals, bowed string instruments, and keyboards
the keyboard was designed as a just intonation instrument in c major with accidentals to play secondary dominants and diminished vii
he did use tempered tunings, but only when commissioned to write for an instrumentation that necessitated it
>Gregorian chant enjoyer
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Prindle > Scaruffi
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Smashing Pumpkins is an awful band, cheesy buttrock shit for emo teens
Nice list.
Scruffy also values music that makes him feel which accounts for the some of his stranger 9s. Also his sweet spot is his 7.5-8.5s but if you really like a certain genre then Ixd say you should seek out even the 6s.
Yep good list, this guy knows what's up

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I hadn't ever heard this before until today and man I'm seriously impressed with nearly everything on here. Why isn't this seen as a post-punk classic? It's pretty innovative for making the joy division sound before joy division and you can tell many artists have been influenced by it

I really wish David Bowie sticked to making music like this instead of the sellout crap in the 80s, seriously I would never expect him to make something like the last song. Unbelievably brilliant stuff
Yeah with that album Pop quite literally invented post-punk.
it is seen as a post-punk classic
>Why isn't this seen as a post-punk classic?
it is.
shame Iggy never released something that good again

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How many genres of music exist? The largest number I could find on the internet is around six thousand.
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Snails created "vomitstep" back in 2012 during the dubstep proliferation.
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theyre not the same thing at all
popular music is music written for primarily commercial purposes, beginning in the C19th where the music would be performed on the stage in theatres and music halls then the sheet music would be sold for people to play themselves at home, then recording technology turned it into what we know today
folk music is traditional music of a style specific to its regional origin, the author of which is almost never known
thats the difference between the three genres, the purpose/motivation behind it. folk music is a community exercise, art music is an intellectual exercise and pop music is a commercial exercise
Nonsense, a massive chunk of the Roud index is stuff like poor paddy works on the railway
You guys know about music genres, what type of genre are these songs? and what are some recommendations for music like it? I know zero about music genres.
Pls help me, kind anons.
I should have specified capitalized music
Also recorded music is a factor too. I suppose it's hard to separate recorded and capitalized music

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>new Tooly
Omg where
new tooly
in 4 days from now

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holy kino
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Seriously, if this started coming up behind the counter at the convenience store you couldn't tell me you wouldn't initially think it was the top of a balding Somali's head
>Anon has never seen pulled back hair on some girls
So you're gay AND a virgin
Based /mu being sade appreciators. 4chan ain’t always bad.
She'd agree with you
"I don't think I'm classically good-looking," she says. "In fact, I think I'm a bit strange looking. I mean, my forehead sits on top of my head like a large grapefruit."
>Aware of her visual flaws
>Doesn't try to hide them or make them disappear, instead embraces them
Unequivocally BASED, I kneel

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>deletes Moonchild
>deletes Providence
There you go two of a perfect pair
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Nigga what? Unless you consider noodling any moment in a song where there isn't singing, I don't understand how you could say that about anything from ItCotCK outside of the improv section on Moonchild.
Awful bait
king crimson has some legendary improvs and there's so many soundboard live releases
>deletes all the awful limp noodle wank and noise
ahhh, that's better

The first to come to mind for me

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