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>New Panasonic S9
>New 26mm pancake lens
>Manual Focus
>This will sell our FF mirrorless camera
What the fuck were they thinking??
go home Panasonic, you're drunk.
oh come on...

Fuji has it's 27mm f2 (40ish eq) which is bloody excellent
The Nikon ZF comes with a 40mm F/2 which is plenty good
the GR has a tack sharp f2.8
the a6700 16-50mm f/3.5 kit lens is fine in a pinch.
even Pentax has good primes now.

look at the colors . They are clearly doing the ZF/ZFc thing where you make a shit ton of variants for street photographers wannabees. .
>rangefinder styled full frame camera
>i just want the looks of a rangefinder
Yes? I hate bulbous retarded SLRs
Whats extra funny is that Canon also has a 26mm RF lens that is f/2.8, has AF and is a pancake lmao
It would actually be based IF IT HAD AN EVF
Leica Q replacement
anon is NOT beating the mentally ill allegations

it also looks like a fuji xe4 clone
>Canon also has a 26mm RF lens that is f/2.8
Fine reviews fit as well .

Look at the chines APSC/ M-mount market. You have primes for literally everything. They all go down to like f1.4 and the quality mah to fine. You can even get outfocus these days.

I have an old f6 pancake that i don't use much because it's useless indoors or when it's overcast . F8 is fucking insane.
The GX9 has an EVF and a mechanical shutter with multiple choices for pancake lenses that can do far better than FF f/8. My S5 is already reasonably small considering the size of the lenses.
>Fixed f8
MFT tier.

You're thinking of nikon's 26mm

Canon's is 28mm (and isn't even weather sealed - nikon's is)
What the fuck is wrong with canon and weather sealing? Why do they refuse to seal anything that isn't a fuckhuge $3000 bokeh whore L(oser) lens?

And why did nikon fuck up so badly that they added weather sealing but didn't keep silent autofocus? If it was 2mm longer no one would care because the 2mm long hood+filter is part of the weather sealing. They had a 24mm f2.8 on F mount - just redo that. Even sony has a 24mm f2.8 that's tack sharp and compact enough that further size savings would be purely aesthetic.
>Canon's is 28mm (and isn't even weather sealed - nikon's is)
In terms of photo quality the Canon wipes the floor with the Nikon 26mm.
>muh canonikon garbage
It's slightly sharper on the edges/corners. Not as brutal a mogging as nikons 50mm f1.2 btfo'ing canon's.

What good is your pixel peeping edge sharpness if a lightweight lens intended for travel cant keep rainwater from seeping into the lens mount and permanently disabling your camera? Pancakes are travel lenses. They should be weather sealed. If it's not a travel lens it might as well be larger and even higher quality. Canon unironically makes a good argument for picking olympus over full frame just by refusing to include this very basic feature - cheap rubber O rings.

Likewise Nikon's pancake should have silent autofocus because a pancake is a "i could only bring this much" lens and the AF on it precludes shooting video with the internal mic. But hey, at least it won't brick your $2000 camera in light rain.
>canon attitude: if you're in the rain you must be a professional and you should be using L glass anyways.
>nikon attitude: if you're shooting video on a MILC you must be a professional and you should be using S glass anyways.
>canon and nikon: why does sony keep eating our market share? why are sales going down industry wide?
no evf/ovf
though sell
tbf the x100 has the same motor noise and it sells like hotcakes so maybe nikon is correct to assume the majority of nonphone video is less spur of the moment and more dedicated art?
Panasonic is quietly exiting M43 before giving the GX9 a proper replacement, and I'm seething.
Inb4 they release the gx9ii in the SAME BODY as the s9 (also with no mechanical shutter)
because Panasonic would
m43 is dead breh
Not quite... with a deeper focus and deeper focal length, it still can have some use. Now instead of having to spend so much money on an expensive m4/3 lens to do landscape photography, you can just use a cheap vintage lens.
It's the Holga effect. Toy lens on FF or Medium Format is considered fine art
Not until my camera works!
what the fuck is this shit
They really wanted to make a pancake without the cost of making a worthwhile one. As a result, no one is satisfied.
That's fucking cool, I want one
The Lumix cripplehammer.
but with that lens it the S9 is smaller than a Fujishit xD100!
just increase the iso chud
it's for vlogging. To emulate the DOF of shitty small cameras they made it f8
ur just poor too afford a ff and a fast prime, u scavenge scraps from fb marketplace for a zesty m43.
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I don't know how they managed to fuck it up, but they did.
>electronic shutter
Owari da...
Use another lens then. Depending on price and codecs it could be great.
Did Panasonic really look at the failure that was Sigma fp and go "yeah, we'll have one of those please"? The only reason the fp wasn't a complete disaster was due to it's outrageously good video specs which means it can't even compete in that niche.
What makes you call the fp a failure?
It was always intended to be a video camera.
panny peaked with the GH5/S5(II?) everything after is just cope
reviews are out
Lol no shutter no evf
>but video only
So its gimped and worth less than a fuji, ok
The new 18-40mm lens looks great. Not sure why they didnt release that instead of this weird 26/8 bodycap lens. Wish my Sony had an 18-40 that size instead of the meh 28-60.
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>heres your new Fujifilm x100 killer bro

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Where are the flash pin contacts?
>Lol no shutter no evf
Even worse.. a coldshoe.
It's only been considered good in the past few years after all the firmware updates and price drop. At the time of release they were universally disliked and I don't think they ever really sold well. It's not a bad camera, but it is very niche and I don't think there is room for a second one, especially in the same lens mount.
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You can always glue this on top of the coldshoe.
You put a treat or ball above your camera to make them look at you.

You put the reddit thing above your camera to get the redditor to make the basedface. I could see the utility
No flash, the damn thing has no mechanical shutter.

I could manage with either no EVF or no mechanical shutter, but lacking both?

Fuck it I am buying the sigma meme camera in that case
it's pretty obviously not for studio work
But it's a $200 value guys!
>its pretty obviously not for
Or even hobby shooting since it only has jello shutter and nothing else.
>jello shutter
>cant use flash
>no viewfinder
it was designed to sit on a shelf next to anime dolls
it's a video camera
I feel that at some point you have to let the full frame dream die.

There are some amazing aps-c and m43 cameras out there, some are even made by Panasonic. Like do you really need the low light advantages of full framed that much that you are willing to sacrifice almost everything else.
weird how sony users dont sacrifice everything else and only panasonic and canon have problems with bloated crippled shit
weird how crop setups are the same size and price or even larger, pricier, and crippled by ie: mf only for “fast” lenses until you delve into garbage like f11 equivalent telephoots

even nikon figured shit out eventually and equaled the a7iii’s performance with the zf lmao
It's only a dream because the manufacturers refuse to make anything decent.
If its not at least 36mp full frame, digital unironically looks worse than film.

24mp FF looks maybe as good and has a wider ISO range, thats as bad as it should get. Just shoot film otherwise.
Sony made plenty that was decent and gearfags coped by doing 7 stop shadow pushes and camera dunk tests to “prove” they need to stick with subfilm digishits because “omg its not good enuff”. Meanwhile non gearfags all use sony and enjoy life with their small high quality FF cameras.
>low light advantages
The problem with low light photography on ff is your depth of field ends up being irritatingly thin. Just use a bounce flash on the ceiling and raise the iso a little so you don't bug people so much.
sony cameras are amazing. if you’re a shitty photographer, tho, every flaw comes through.
literally every photographer i follow uses nikon or canon sir sony sales representative
[laughs in 24mm f1.4 and taking photos of things other than cats and dogs]
Also, equivalence is a lie that doesnt function when you use real cameras instead of simulated ones. FF just looks better in general which is why crop cameras are generally crippled consoomer scam shit.
>[laughs in 24mm f1.4 and taking photos of things other than cats and dogs]
yeah they look like shit. learn to stop down, if your viewer can notice something out of focus on your subject it's distracting
>Also, equivalence is a lie that doesnt function when you use real cameras instead of simulated ones. FF just looks better in general which is why crop cameras are generally crippled consoomer scam shit.
i actually don't really disagree. i think larger formats mainly look better, they're sharper and have better colors and dr. BUT if you downscale it equalizes heavily and you can work around the limitations on crops. it's a skill issue
>they look like shit
>the differences equalizes guise!
Yeah at 2mp. Sorry your social life is insta. Mine isnt. Insta is for narcissistic attention whores without real friends. Mental health issue.
They just testing this small camera like Nikon tested Zfc before they released Zf, a better version with mechanical shutter and ovf is coming no doubt
>There are some amazing m43
it doesn't have to be with modern iso performance. You should easily be able to shoot f4.
>Just use a bounce flash on the ceiling
if you're outside there is no ceiling and sometimes you don't want to change the lighting of the scene
$1300 for that....
they must have a lot of money to be this cocky
>$200 value
In what world is that lens worth $200? It's clearly like a $40 lens.
I just checked and you can get the TTArtisan 25mm f/2 for $55, which mean getting 4 stops less light for only $145 more. I was wrong this is like a $10 lens wtf is panasonic actually thinking?
Making FF ultra shit on purpose to drum up m43 sales…

Futile because sony a7c series and the nikon zf mogged this thing before it existed
At least the Zfc was a usable camera.
Not even that much; I got my EF 40mm f/2.8 on sale for $80
When you take the AF motor, automatic diaphragm and the 3 stop aperture difference into account, the Panasonic should be no more than $15
Oh fuck, it's even worse than that.
It uses a plastic mount and has no filter threads.
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>plastic mount and has no filter threads.
They should pay me to throw it away for them.
Panasonic lenses are usually pretty good. This decision is goofy I can only conclude that it's made for youtube camera vlog hipsters
I am surprised they used 5 elements in it and instead of it being a doublet.
Still, the only redeeming attribute I see it having is that it's (maybe) internally focusing.
Panaturds are already pretending this shitbox represents a normal sized camera >>4316446
Along with the usual copes they all spout before buying a 24mp ff not made by a washing machine company
>Panasonic lenses are usually pretty good
It doesn't look any better.
This is such a wonderfully Japanese MegaCorp decision, you really should appreciate it more. Eventually this will be gone.

There’s a moment of brilliant insanity to looking at the success of the Nikon ZF, the Fuji XF, XT cameras and deciding the camera to ape is…the Sony ZV-E1.

And on top of that, release a terrible pancake lens.

You know this was a decision made by a committee of at least 5 to 10 grey-haired executives, or the Panasonic/Leica alliance structure doesn’t allow Panasonic to make a viable Q3 competitor.
bwahahahahahahahahahAHHAHAHAH what the fuck is this shit, only 4 people in the world will be good with it and they are all retards
So does Nikons compact 28mm. This 26 & Nikons 26 are probably the same fucking lens and so are the 28s. Pretty sure those are tamron made cheapo options for cunts who want their fucking FF images to look just like their cellphone pics, bc that’s the default focal length of pretty much all cell cameras since Steve Jobs enslaved the hordes of the weak minded
Looks like they just wanted a "body only, now with a lens at no additional cost". It's a bundle lens, not something you're meant to buy separately. The body is basically gx9 sized, I can see it being useful to throw in a jacket pocket for incidental landscaping. For $200? Never. Virtually for free, why not.

No rear dial and no VF kills the camera for me, but I can see the reasoning.
So it's contrast based autofocus right? Maybe I'm blind but I can't find even a small blurb about phased based af and it's Panasonic so....
Google'd one more minute and it is phase based same as s5ii ho hum one less thing to laugh about
>Literally the same size and weight as the chunky a7c body
Jesus christ. The marketing makes it look way smaller.
This is a flop and completely overpriced, but I would actually want to get one at a fire sale in a few years for $500.
Why camerafags use g and mm like lycra larper cycle cucks instead of kg and cm like men
4.46% lighter
Panasonic wins again!

In related news, the gx85 was discontinued sometime recently! With Panasonic set to announce two more cameras looks like one of them might be the gx8/85/9 successor. Seeing as how the S9 has a weather sealed rangefinder style body, chances seem it may get the mft treatment similar to the s5ii/g9ii approach.
>15 minute 4k recording limit
If your weight difference doesnt sound significant without using percents/grams/oz its not significant

Express it in kg and realize you sound like a joke to people who are NOT stupid enough to be wowed by big numbers (like you)
>five hundredths of a pound lighter
So nothing gained for jello shutter, novf, cant use flash
excuse me while I don't take the words of a Yuropoor R*dditor too seriously (at all, lol!)
>If your weight difference doesnt sound significant without using percents/grams/oz its not significant
Are you illiterate? It doesn't sound significant even when using % / g / oz.

The baby mount is just better suited for this. And then panasonic also wanted to make it a budget camera and this is what you get. Once it comes down from launch price to it's actual price, I can see it sort of make sense for poor, retarded normies who refuse to buy used or "outdated" tech.
double checked and dangerously based
I certainly hope so.
F8, Manual focus, no filter threads, no focus distance indicator, made for casual snapshitters that don't really know much about cameras.
It's like they intentionally made the lens as bad as possible. Just about any 80s 28mm lens does a better job. If i try to imagine how they could have made it worse i don't really have any ideas. It is baffling on so many levels.
Leica D-lux8 just announced with a 22 MP sensor. Leica claims it is its own design, but if history is any indicator...
22 MP MFT sensor*
>no focus distance indicator
i was thinking despite all the haters itt, it would make a fine zone street lens. but without a focus scale, it's not even good at that. the fixed aperture isn't even small enough to have a decent hyperfocal range. panasonic why
The problem is that it's not free. They are not eating the cost of the lens to make the camera a better value, they just simply built the price of the lens into the camera, which you're paying for regardless if you get the lens or not
it only used 16 mp.

Now pay the premium faggot.
>it only used 16 mp.
let me guess, you "need" more?
they just killed gx85 when I was about to buy one
what is my replacement?..
I'm lmao'ing at used prices
Just a couple years ago it and an olympus pen were competing for around $600 new w/ a couple lenses
a (micro four) third of a snickers bar lighter.
>they just simply built the price of the lens into the camera
Yeah, like $5. It's just a bunch of plastic and few cheap spherical elements. Good substitute for a bodycap. Certainly better than the f/16 pos Olympus sells for $100. Too bad the camera it sits on is so shit.
>using kg from an amount less than 1 kg
Wow you're so right and smart
Touching cameras with your nose is unhygienic
Using pointlessly small units to exaggerate pointless differences and make small things sound big is an age old technique. Larger numbers have a different psychological impact. Expressed in kelvin, winter is quite warm!

Also see: dick size in cm
17 MP *
Leica haters BTFO
>If i try to imagine how they could have made it worse i don't really have any ideas
It could have been fixed focus, I guess.
>Also see: dick size in cm
i use microns
plastic elements
>f4 zooms come out
>our sensors are more sensitive now, f2.8 is too wide anyway you can't get anything in focus!
>Panasonic: hold my beer
I just found out that the f/8 isn't just the minimum aperture. It's THE SOLE aperture. It's not like f/8-22. It's just f/8. It's a fixed aperture. It's so wild that this piece of shit exists.
Would you waste an automatic diaphragm on it either?
idk man, I just thought we had reached maximum levels of (((cutting corners))), only to find out that an additional corner had been cut. It's starting to wrap back around to kind of being based how little they respect us
>It's starting to wrap back around to kind of being based how little they respect us
I wouldn't mind picking up the lens on the used market just to see what it can do.
It's quite the shame what they did to the body though.
The talk of it had me interested until it came out that there wasn't a viewfinder on it.
>I wouldn't mind picking up the lens on the used market just to see what it can do.
Yeah I guess in the same way I buy $10 lenses on KEH sometimes just to see what they're like.

>It's quite the shame what they did to the body though.The talk of it had me interested until it came out that there wasn't a viewfinder on it.
I'm actually starting to come around on it. It objectively costs way to much, but I think if I ever wanted a dedicated video camera I might grab it. I had been thinking of picking up an fp at some point, but I've always been put off by how much of a cinema camera it is. I don't want to buy an external monitor, I don't want to mess around with color grading and editing. I don't like the lack of stabilization, meaning I'd need some kind of rig, gimbal or tripod and once I buy all that additional stuff the fp is now like $2000-$3000 and the S9 kind of solves all those problems. If I could get one for ~$1000, I think it could be worth it as a dedicated video camera.
It certainly has a niche it falls into.
I'm too particular about certain things for it to appeal to me though.
Hopefully, they branded it the S9 to leave room for a similarly sized photo-centric camera they can sell as the S7.
I forgot to ask, have you found any good lenses in the $10 price category?
>Hopefully, they branded it the S9 to leave room for a similarly sized photo-centric camera they can sell as the S7.
I'm not sure what this would even look like, wouldn't that just be the s5ii? it's the same sensor. Or do you mean you just like the form factor?

I forgot to ask, have you found any good lenses in the $10 price category?
I was exaggerating, it was more like $30-$40. But yeah I've found a few gems. I'm really digging the pentax 35-70 f/3.5-4.5. I think that was like $32 and it's become my go-to for snapshitting
>Or do you mean you just like the form factor?
Pretty much.
No fake pentaprism hump, reduced grip and fixed screen, while adding an EVF and mechanical shutter.

>I think that was like $32 and it's become my go-to for snapshitting
What body do you use it on?
It's just too gimped, no matter how you look at it. Fuji had a similar xe line, which yeah fine it's APSC, but it had a mechanical shutter, a viewfinder, a recording limit of about 40 minutes which was only triggered by overheating, a proper hot shoe, a joystick, the ability to monitor sound as well as to connect an external recorder. And, Oh Yeah! And some sensible pancake primes you would actually want to use.
The 18mm and the 27mm are some of the most used lenses on that platform. And those compact f2 primes are still the sexiest thing any non Leica first party manufacturer makes.

If this was considered entry level it's 3 years ago. What happened.
Not having a proper lens is their biggest mistake. Just take Canon for instance with their excellent RF 28mm F2.8 that is a rare case of being even better on aps-c which they can bundle with any future retro style / slim body camera of any sensor size.
>uhhhh.... big number big heavy, ooga booga
Maybe anon just failed to consider that mentally handicapped people will be reading his post.

It's a body cap in all but size. I mean, you can't even put a lens cap on it. I don't know how they came to the conclusion that they should charge $200 for it, but maybe the sole purpose is so that they can put "you'll save $200" on the bundle.
>Maybe anon just failed to consider that mentally handicapped people will be reading his post.
however, m43 shills routinely phrase their posts as if 50g, 100g, etc is a massive difference that will cause real pain and suffering, so it's not that. i have seen them throw thread long tantrums because a full frame sony setup is a "whopping 150g" heavier (1/3 of a pound) and double down as FF users mock them for it, making up larps about how they are minmaxing caloric efficiency for competitive cross-country bicycling. yknow ive never seen any awesome hiking/biking snaps on /p/, but i have seen someone who traveled for business and took short hikes into national parks... with a fuji. jej.

he was 100% trying to pull the "my penis is a whopping 8cm long" trick. <300g is not a significant difference and no one who recognizes that would even mention it.
you mean the one that's not even weather sealed because canon's official position is "only professionals with professional cameras get wet"?
>who would win:
>the bottom line on cannot POS R production
>a half dozen rubber gaskets
it is hilarious that cannot is the most expensive brand, ahead of snoy and niggor, and yet they skimp on basic features like weather sealing. even snoy eventually started weather sealing their prosumer "G" lenses by default and fixed the WR on their bodies. imagine having worse WR overall than snoy. and now nikon resembles pentax in durability - cannot is starting to look like a joke. you know who else has sports ready FPS, great autofocus, tons of reach with the best zooms in the biz, and amazing video capability? panasonic, with the G9II. and olympus, with the OM-1 II. oh and it's all weather sealed. unlike a cannot POS R.

what good is a cannot POS R user's precious test chart if his camera will take corrupted pink and green digital vomit if it sees rain once? we may never know.
>No fake pentaprism hump, reduced grip and fixed screen, while adding an EVF and mechanical shutter.
I was just trying to remember if anything like this already exists and to my it doesn't. I guess the a7c, but then you'd have to use Sony, but on the other land L-Mount has basically no compact 'street' lenses whereas sony has a bunch, so maybe you'd be better off with the a7c anyway

>What body do you use it on?
The K1 and my film bodies
Was really that difficult to take the GX85 body shape and just put a FF sensor on it?

Jesus Christ
The fake pentaprism bump actually improves evf cooling and adds space for a mic or speaker, gps, gyros, extra button, etc. also better evf optics. Viewfinders are lenses too. A camera manufacturer has never wanted less space to cram shit into. Customers want that.
Calm down and have sex.
Present your anus and I will
I want the gx85 body and a (new) mft sensor
touch grass manlet
mft users actually go outside and take photos
no one wants to carry a bunch of heavy, large and burdensome gear around with them while adventuring and making photographs
Some people actually still appreciate tech miniaturization and the complexity involved in shaving weight off a camera.

Go putt your 8x10 around the backyard and tell us how easy it is.
>this shitfit
>a third of a snickers bar “grams”
srs question
do you have aids
>no one wants to carry a bunch of heavy, large and burdensome gear around with them while adventuring and making photographs
>Some people actually still appreciate tech miniaturization and the complexity involved in shaving weight off a camera
lmao the irony. FF gear is literally smaller and lighter these days.

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youre responding to bait
>picking the hugest prime for mft
There is no f/1.8 equiv on mft, thats the best it gets kek
There is a Voigtlander 29mm f/0.8, meaning it's a f/1.6. It's on B&H, so it's not obscure, you're just making shit up or worse, just repeating what you saw on youtube
>Double the weight
>manual focus
I shoot full frame retard. I saw your post and thought
>is that really the best it has? that doesn't seem right.
and it wasn't. I was right. I hate m43 probably even more than you do, but you could at least be correct about it.
How is a 58mm lens a suitable equivalent for a 35mm prime? The 17mm is clearly the closes direct equivalent.
nothing was ever said about it needing to be a 35mm equivalent. You're just making shit up because you look like an idiot now
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>you didn't pixel peep my screen bro, how could you do this me bro

Why is the maximum available aperture for 35mm primes a determining factor of the quality of a sensor size? Why not compare it at 58mm, if we're just picking random focal lengths for no reason?
>>no one wants to carry a bunch of heavy, large and burdensome gear around with them while adventuring and making photographs
>>Some people actually still appreciate tech miniaturization and the complexity involved in shaving weight off a camera

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The promo photography on the product page for the S9 isn’t even shot with Panasonic cameras. It’s shot with Canon and Nikon gear. lol.
I forgot the link.

yes, you can tell the high journalistic integrity when they use phrases like "major fail"

>a total heckin' epic fail! amirite guize? *threatens you with a spork* ;)
What cope level is this?
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it's level of cope where I'm sick of people pretending a corporation is their friend and trying to create literally high school mean girl drama over literally nothing because their life is so empty and vapid.
>you know those press photos that no one looks at or cares about?
>omg how crrriiiinnngggggeee
>how will they ever recover from this?
>panasonic is OVER

Literally no one will remember or care tomorrow and I hate this camera. It's a pointless camera that cut ever possible corner and its selling for $500 too much, it's lack of a mechanical shutter makes no sense except to create an artificial product hierarchy. But you know why I'm not buying one? BECAUSE THE IMAGES ON THE PRODUCT PAGE I LOOKED AT WHERE TAKEN BY A CANON OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


>verification not required
Its because their POS S9 is jello shutter only and cant use flashes which most quality photos are shot with
they literally could not use the s9 for press photos. its too bad. the rare camera that actually holds your photography back and NEEDS replaced to fix the problem. Usually “bad” cameras are just bothering your autism.
If you’re a company which produces imaging equipment, and you do not use that imaging equipment in your own press releases, what does that say about your confidence in the product you make? They could’ve taken shots with an S5II or S5IIX or an S1R, they could’ve given their ad agency free gear. It’s just sloppy is all. No amount of Wojaks is going to hide the fact you missed the point and jumped to the teenage girl interpretation of the situation (oh they must be convinced Panasonic is their friend and feel betrayed).

No, it’s just proof that Panasonic doesn’t understand their market, and will probably be the next camera maker to fall (they’ll end up being contract mfg for Leica, bet on it).
I had high hopes for the s9, but this is going to be an absolute flop isnt it? It shouldve been $999.95 RRP with the 20-60. Whelp. Itll be on fire sale soon I guess. What the fuck was Panasonic thinking?
It's pure Japanese Salaryman bullshit all the way down man. They probably got a nice report from a consultancy about 'The Rise of Vlogging', noticed Fuji's film sims and then released something that checked the boxes inelegantly. I legitimately think this thing is a disaster, and their next camera release in June is apparently another m43 body.

Meanwhile, L-Mount is basically just Sigma Art Lenses and insanely expensive Leica glass.
that the 30 min record limit on the G100 was 15 minutes too long
somehow they're smaller m43 cams have room for an EVF while that joke of a fool frame shitcam (they had to use nikon photos for promo because that's how bad panasonic is) doesn't have an EVF but we get a f8 pancake lolololol
yes, it's dead. but if they released a GX9 MKII you could get one, a small prime and have a nice piece of kit for the next 10 years. and in 10 years everything will be AI generated anyway and not even phones will have cameras so fuck it
>What happened
The 2030 initiative.
>space for a mic
There's space on the back.

Video shit

There's room under the top plate.

There's room anywhere in the body.

>extra button

>A camera manufacturer has never wanted less space to cram shit into
A smaller camera means a lower investment in materials.
I'm sure they'll give you one with a new(old stock) sensor eventually.
>you didn't pixel peep my screen bro
You're either blind or a phone poster.
>will probably be the next camera maker to fall
It's going to be OM systems or Pentax.
Om system isn’t going to die they’re already a zombie lol. Pentax at least has daddy Ricoh and his fax machine money, om has what, equity firm money that will dry up after too many unprofitable quarters. I advise everyone against buying anything om system these days

I think OM will make it; while the 150-600 is priced at insane person ranges, I have to imagine given the length of the production runs, nearly everything they make outside of the 90mm Macro is operating at maximum margins. Like Pentax, OM has a surprising amount of diehards. Japanese business practices are a bit odd too; an American PE firm would’ve ended this charade already, JIP will probably just keep going until everyone retires.

Pentax will also probably make it, simply because it really appears to be a passion/prestige thing for Ricoh leadership.

Panasonic is both the most and least likely to exit IMO, because they are an enormous MNC that makes everything; Lumix probably only exists because it’s a rounding error for costs, or is downstream of their other media, A/V sales. That can change fast.
OM system already has more market share than nikon in their home country. You dont understand how wildly different the JP camera market is from the whole world. Olympus is a beloved household name and a lot more people are into casual photography. Kodak is making a small sensor PNS and has a significant presence in the JP camera market.

This is because the japanese have higher IQs than whites on average. With a higher average, the standard deviations are shifted and there are tens/hundreds of times more people in each IQ group. it's like an entire country of autists, so with their higher intelligence comes more awareness of all the fine details and grander concepts in life.

With a high IQ, the forced post processing on phones is more noticeable.
With a high IQ, the nagging thought that doing photography on a device with a cell radio capable of OTA 0-consent updates hands control of truth over to a cell network or tech company like apple is more tangible and less schizo.
With a high IQ, you notice your iphone slowly identifying and classifying people and pets and think more about the implications. Even if you're just a midwit.
With a high IQ, it's a lot easier to be against constant connectivity and more in favor of using a phone only for communication. And disaster preparedness - never running down your phone battery frivolously.

The japanese really like "real cameras" for their purity and honesty, for how they are just for taking pictures, so they really, really like it when "real cameras" are better than phones (while being honest) and small enough to be convenient. Much like all the autists here are incapable of tolerating iphone photos - its just the entire country being like 4chan/reddit users. This website itself is imported Japanese culture and its Japanese version is far more "for normies" in Japan. It's how autists like to interact.
I’m not sure our theses are incompatible; I wasn’t even considering the Japanese Domestic Market, and it’s worth considering that m43 appears to be a dominant system in SE Asia (huge export market) and surprisingly popular in Europe.

My point is simply, I don’t think it costs Pentax or OM much to continue operations so profitability is relatively easy. Canon and Nikon are still pouring money into R&D and have to recoup costs of new lens production lines.
>With a higher average, the standard deviations are shifted
This doesn't follow. Relative distribution of IQ from the mean isn't uniform across races and genetic groups.
I sure hope you aren’t trying to imply that some races can in fact be as a whole smarter than others, cause that would be a pretty problematic and possibly anti-Semitic thing to say, anon.
liberal copes about environment aside, they are definitely superior. the narrow distribution meme from /pol/ is just that, a meme. the "japanese innovation void" is due to their risk averse and slow moving culture. remember japan has an independent space program and the US depends on russia to run theirs. we're talking about a country that had earthquake-proofed buildings before the west had steel, but had second thoughts making buildings of anything but wood because they are conservative to the point of being irrationally afraid of potential issues associated with change.

meanwhile "the innovative west" is charging at top speed into global trannyland and legalizing horse marriage

>low iq: mft good lol spend money on camera bad
>midwit: MFT IS SHIT D850 OR BUST
>high iq: mft is good but ff is better because look at this 61mp sony
>high iq, japan: mft is good i'm not so sure about that sony let's see how the read noise of small photosites and FPS hit compares in the long term and lenses really aren't sharp across the field yet while being small ok i'll stick with my panasonic lenses on olympus bodies
Culture and genetics aren't independent, risk aversion isn't just a matter of culture. And it applies on more than one level too, the genes themselves are more risk averse - there's fewer excentricities, in both the negative and positive sense.
>legalizing horse marriage
Like something bad
File: S9a7cII.jpg (56 KB, 1016x405)
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>All the photos and marketing make it look small
>Its actually bigger than the Snoy a7c line
>Theres even empty space where an EVF should be

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