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DDLG Thread. Daddies can find their special little girl and little girls can find their own daddy. Post your contact details and what you're looking for.
Heya, 21yo girl with daddy issues, I just want someone to chat with from time to time, an older man to keep me company~
I'm open to playing with daddies and I can be very subby and obedient, I'm a well behaved girl, but I warn, I won't share.
I'm just looking for an older daddy to chat with, everyone is welcome, from sweet and caring daddies to strict and mean doms, come make me company~

Kik Laura__Bunny
me, the daddy (26/f), you, my discord kitten (mid-late 20s/m)?
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I'm a man
>describe yourself
Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, intelligent, passionate, ambitious, talkative, strong. I have lived an interesting, eventful life and have many hobbies.
>looking for
A slut, whore, whatever. Someone experienced or not that has an inkling of mental illness, or not, and a strong desire to be used by a more experienced man who knows what he wants. BPD women love me, but normal women are fine too. You can be the center of my attention or an afterthought depending on our chemistry.
This can be online or offline, but understand that text does not enthuse me as much as a person's presence. If you're uninteresting in verifying who you are promptly, do us both a favor and avoid me. I'm not going to waste any time weeding out undesirables. Don't take it personally, or do.
>not looking for
Underage, men, time wasters, boring people
29M interested here. Let's have a chat and see if we are right for each other? discord is eternityg9
If you won't share then you have to meet in person

>Looking for
I've been down lately and I'm looking for genuinely kind people to hang out with. Normie-passing people who will hang out with me while we do our respective things. We don't have to talk much, I'm just lonely. Preferably around my age (30-40) if we do talk.

I have BPD-tendencies, needy, emotional, and can be mean but am mostly nice. I just crave someone real who I can connect with. Someone who is kind who will let me shower them in affection and who will shower me in affection in turn. I prefer pasty white dudes, mostly right-leaning, and I prefer VC over texting but if we click I'll text you a lot. I'm into DDLG and am specifically searching for a dom. Ideally someone European but I'm willing to relocate if need be.

>Not looking for
Severe mental illness, trannies

>mostly right-leaning
are these set in stone?
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account

What service are you using?
I'm in spain and i wanna talk to you, add me

kik & discord mrngh4x

Also got telegram and teleguard.
You are so past your prime it's completely not worth it. And BDP as well? Goddamn what's your bodycount, 20? 50?
I'd love to Daddy a middle but I'm certain my virginity would fuck it up.
I've always been the paternal type, even my friends have commented about it. It just seems like such a perfect fit for me.
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>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239
Nursing man looking for a little to fall in love with. Be cute, comfy, and get passionate with. I am pretty experienced with ddlg and will explore any kinks you like as well. There will be fun, discipline, and care.
>looking for
long-term, not a cringe one time session.
disc: kekleoncel
kik: celestecell
40yr old married daddy looking for someone to secretly link with but can chat first to develop connections first.
contact info? I'm open to the idea, and would be down to chat if nothing else
M38 - Not a therapist, Atypical Analysis of why we like what we like, and some of what I've learned

Hello 4chan readers,
Some of you may recognize the teeth.
I’ve been at this for a while, and its been interesting. About 10 years of trawling the bottom of the internet for weirdos. Still at it an 4chan has been a reliable supply :-D

Still looking for more, but now I have a Q&A to try to filter people better:

“What kinda things do people tell you”-
Most common:
- I get a lot of replies from people into cheating and cucking. L this is generally not an interesting conversation for analysis/discussion unless you have something particularly unique about it.
-"Can you rate/analyze my IRLs" - not much to actually analyze here. your IRLs are important to you and less so for others, particularly when its just 1 way parasocial crushes.
-"Why do I have a foot fetish?/What is up with my foot obsession" - It is the most common best understood kink. It's a brain wiring thing... its kinda surprising how many people are unaware of this.

Semi Common:
-"I have obscure kink/fetish/interest/backstory and still actively engage in it." - These are people with experiences and stories . Ya'll a fun. Message me more about your weird stuff and I'll happily chat about mine.
My Equivalent story on this level is the fact that I'm married to my stepsister and pretty much lived the pornhub stepcest fantasy life before it was cool.

Pretty rare:
-People with virtually entirely secretly lives :-O

If interested:

Open up with something you are particularly proud of, or something you want to understand better about yourself.

Do not give 1 word introductions hi/hey, or ask if it’s okay to talk about XYZ, just start, or I’ll ignore you for a while.

Preferred contact:

Telegram: @Dreaded_lurgy

forgot teeth.
ftm boy looking for a father/son or older/younger brother relationship...
i would be the son or younger brother
i love weird guys especially creepy stalker types
add me @54seconds on discord please :(
posting your age would help
You expect far too much.
would you prefer kik or discord?

ignore the different IDs, was phoneplebbing.
>ID was the same
Huh... Guess I was on the wifi
either works, I check disc more often though

(might also have a dif ID)
is there DDLG for guys
the gender neutral term is Caregiver/Little
but yeah Daddydom/Little boy exists, as well as Mommydom/little boy(or girl)
what about daddydom/little girl (male)
I don't see why not.
neat! :D thanks
>want to be a little
>ugly man
its joever
discord is LordLighthouse
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would you describe yourself as classic 'daddy' material?
I mean, as a person, sure. As far as the post in the archive you dug up, I'm just your generalized pervert
Feet is obvious
girls have slender, thin ones, so sensible guys are like "whoa that is delicate and dainty and I like it"
meanwhile the habitual wearing of shoes and the rise of grossout humor raised generations who thought of -the appendage itself- as an inherently and inescapably filthy place akin to an anus. This leads to the other type of fetish, the self-loathing, self-punishing kind that obsesses over what the user believes is ugly. Those people, the feet will be ugly, hyperdetailed, visibly filthy, or just big.
There is never a reason DDLG is healthy. It is 100% for people who refuse to heal early attachment issues in therapy.
my therapist says go suck a dick
>about me
Straight guy with a nice life, a few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for open, active conversation, spontaneity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming..
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19 f

>looking for
someone to be my companion and to take care of me when im in my headspaces.. ill draw you lots of pictures!

>not looking for
sexual things under my headspace.

discord: pensivegirl

sorry if im shy
31 m us. Any females feeling abandoned, or not, let's talk

Discord: whoguessed

M 21, added you on discord. seyison875
I'm ESL, could you explain what being in one's headspace means? Is it like being in the zone or what?
If you drew this it's adorable. Where can I see more?
Being in the headspace of being a "little". Acting and thinking in childish ways.
The "big" typically will care for, and take responsibility over the "little" when they are in this "headspace".
Similarly, a "big" may enter into a "headspace" of being more paternal, gentle, caring, and/or stern.

It's a mutual agreement between the two parties.
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Daddy here. Looking for long term little. Just talk and chat at first

Don't waste your time, they might accept but they won't actually talk.
>inb4 sorry if im shy
fuck off
I added you, I would love to just talk and listen to you. Also if you drew that it looks very nice
>about me
im a younger virgin girl with very little relationship experience. haven’t had much luck interacting with normies, so i am here. i am anxious and would prefer someone willing to take the lead.

>looking for
an older daddy (preferably 30s) hoping for a long term relationship, who will actually be willing to get to know me, court me, and eventually let me move in if things work out. i like to regress both sexually and non-sexually. i prefer stoic, isolated men looking to dedicate themself to one person, while i dedicate myself to them in turn.

>not looking for
physically unhealthy people (obese, malnourished). anyone looking to pump and dump. sadists (i dont mind aspd). extremely political people

please leave your discord or email contact and i will reach out as soon as i can!
Your post mutually fits with me and what I'm looking for. There's a lot more details to talk through I'm sure but that's what chat is for.

My discord is: compoundstonk
Well that's me out.
A/S/L (most importantly location)?
Hey let's get to know each other sawndesaatum
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Shy teen looking for a kind and caring older daddy.
Kik: xemoorex
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If any black/biracial (bio female) littles are lurking and are interested in a little friend and a white daddy add meee: matchmaker0634
I'm in my 30's and you are very much the type of girl I'm interested in. My discord is replicanta2

I'm looking forward to hearing about your plans for the future
why do you think he cannot get a woman his age? Why’s he trying to target young inexperienced women?

(Prepare for excuses about being young and fertile or “unruined”, it’s a cover for massive issues as a male. Men who have their shit together don’t do this.)
because maybe he isn't limited to just dating in his age range because thanks to feminism and liberalism society doesnt enforce narrow age gaps, so if she's young, fertile and still has most her eggs and is less likely to carry emotional baggage from her past, and is more capable of pair bonding and thus ensuring the healthy upbringing of her children, and has drastically less chances of pregnancy complications, and is more beautiful, and...
if anything it shows a higher confidence male because he dares to compete with all the other men competing for the same young woman as opposed to a less vaulable woman (purely evolutionary theory)
Or maybe he is ran through and inadequate. Maybe he creeps on young girls who won’t really know the difference, as they don’t have much life experience and will probably assume he’s older and therefore wiser or better off.
47 y/o man in search of those off you girls with daddy issues to resolve. Additionally, if your experience is such that it led you to an inappropriate relationship (virtual or IRL) with a much older man, come chat with me. I’m especially interested in those of you that enjoyed the feeling of being groomed.

This code is for the session app:

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found the post wall roastie
Don't ruin other people's fun just because you wasted your youth and are old, alone, and unwanted now
Quite good bait, but baiting on /soc/ is just not sporty with all the tards.
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>looking for
fatherless furry women into pet play, age play, daddy dom/ little girl, etc
>not looking for
sellers, trannies, non-furries
I have a penis and don’t little girls
Please delete this!! That’s my picture and kik I did not post this
ur cute doe, would you go out with me and hold hands and kiss on the park bench?
Roasty slut
Roasty slut
No man will ever want you

You hate the men you desire
You ate the lies of feminist misandrists
Why would any man want
A girl that hates him?

A slut with a line of ex boyfriends
Use all up, broken rotten eggs
I will never marry a woman my age

Because her heart is poisoned
Her heart is full of hate
She only sees rapists and playboys

Thinking yourself more intelligent
Dancing on onlyfans for cash
You think you are exploiting
The rapist boys that pay you.

But tick tock goes goes the clock
As your body withers as you age
At 30 bells your looks are gone
And no man will ever want you.

A man hating feminist hag
That no man will ever touch again.
then wtf are you doing in this thread?
The only way the predatory nature will ever change is if men speak up to other men. It’s disgusting to be a fully grown adult preying on teenagers.
Spoken like a true pedo
Ok, but what if the the girls want older men?
Her body her choice, yeah?
You gave up that easily? Boooooooo
Try harder next time
Tard, do you think it's as easy as in these manuals?
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we live rent free in his head, he wishes he could be in our position and is trying to shame us for basic supply and demand and only believes DDLG is a one way thing. Stop giving him (You)s, that's all he really wants
People like you are always the closet pedos that end up on the news arrested

An 18 year old is a legal adult
Someone in their early 20's is an adult
They can make their own choices on who they date and have relationships with.
You have no right telling those girls they can't date an older man.
You are literally saying they are children and too stupid to make their own choices.
You are literally saying that someone else [you] should have the right to control who they can and can't date.
You are evil incarnate, and you have admitted you want to take free agency and choice away from young adult females, and force them to date guys their own age.
yeah, I was just bored and felt like trying to troll a troll.
Legal adult =\= mature
You’re the one insisting it’s cool to fuck teenagers

Picrel, dudes in this thread
Frontal lobe isn’t even developed til 25. Nice seethe and cope tho.

Girls: just go to therapy, heal the daddy issues, it’ll be better in the long run.
I thank you for informing the young inexperienced people how groomers operate, I despise people that want to corrupt other people using deception and manipulation, I hate all that, and yet we're talking about adults who are responsible for their own decisions and so if their upbringing or innate intelligence hasn't taught them how to separate the manipulators from the honest, there's nothing you can do and natural selection applies. Honesty, openness and understanding should be primary, as in any healthy relationship, regardless of the age of either partner. If dishonesty and manipulation enter into it, the victim will always be traumatized regardless, although you could argue younger people are more vulnerable to it, hut then you'd be against young people having any freedom at all.
18 is a legal adult, not an emotional adult. You’re either a creep or a child yourself.
I have dated quite a few young adults
And i have never done any of the shit you are accusing older men as having done.

I have literally told my dates to tell their parent or a friend where they are or where we are going.
I have literally told them to never send nudes online, not even to me.
I have literally told them to talk to family or friends about sny problems or concerns they have, even if i already gave them advice myself.

Dating is not equivalent to sex trafficking
What the fuck is wrong with you and people like you ?
Seriously what is wrong with you that you think you have the right to decide 2 adults are not allowed to date ?
im sorry.. i'm doing my best to respond while in the midsts of doing some side projects :(
same fag literally did post it themself
now you are becoming illogical and your arguments are contrary to both biological and social best outcomes, which were historically (prior to your favorite -ism corrupting people into amoral narcissistic monsters) under your quoted age of 25. should we raise the legal age of adulthood to 25 because by your argument the brain isn't developed enough to make its own decisions until it's fully developed? there is an absurdity in your statement though because how can the brain fully develop if it's not allowed to make its own decisions and learn from the consequences? it can't because making decisions is a critical part of development of said brain
Cope and seethe! You’re creepy.

You’re creepier than the other guy. You’re blaming teenage girls for adult men’s behavior and suggesting they simply “learn from the consequences” rather than urging men to protect young, emotionally developing women. Fucking disgusting as fuck.
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pls also tell me if you want a doodle .. i'm really sorry ..
cute doodle
I had asked if you found a caretaker/companion already and you never responded. I dont want a doodle as an apology, but if you want to try again let me know.
>You’re blaming teenage girls for adult men’s behavior
no of course I'm not, can you point out the sentence(s) where you think I did?
Why do you assume adult men behavior is bad? What if they have the same desire to protect and nurture their partner as if that partner were the same age as them? What if they're not at all bad and aren't any of the bad things you ascribe to adult men who are interested in dating younger women? Can you imagine that maybe it's not the age of a man, but his personality, and young men (who would be the same age as the supposed grooming victims) are equally as capable of manipulation and grooming and emotional and physical abuse (maybe even more so if they haven't yet been identified as such and haven't yet learned to regulate their emotions or been sent to jail?) Have you heard the number of teens who get trapped in abusive relationships and get pregnant while still under 18, with same-age men, not older men? Maybe, you know, it's not the age but the personality of the individual itself?
>suggesting they simply “learn from the consequences” rather than urging men to protect young, emotionally developing women.
no, I'm not suggesting they do that, I'm saying it's a fact of life that I can't control that some people will try to manipulate and deceive other people and they must either learn mechanisms to recognize it or simply deal with the consequences. I didn't make the rules of life, I can't change them, I'm merely observing them. Of course I want to protect young women, not only them but everyone, young or old, of any sex, from manipulators and deceivers. But it's not my responsibility to do that for complete strangers because that would require an immense amount of effort and emotional turmoil for me and would harm my own life due to that, so it's best I just focus on my close group of family and people I care about and give them advice. Maybe you'll understand that I know how abuse happens as I was also abused.
Hiii, I'm a 20 year old little girl looking for a daddy.
I'm very obedient for the right type of man and a bit bratty if you don't treat me right!
I really like anime and games, so maybe we could also vc and hang out?

I'm from usa

Discord: onespiral
still reaching out to ppl, but gonna bump anyways because of all the insanity here
38 and found your post very interesting. Would love to hear from you.

disc: john_connor.13
I am looking for a woman who is emotionally available. Life is hard and we are all very busy, but I’m looking for someone who has time for me. I want someone who will listen to me, remember small things about me and will share small things about themselves with me. Laughter it’s important to me and I’d love someone to laugh with too.

I have a lot of hobbies and interests but the biggest theme is nature and science. I love them both. Lately I’ve really been into mycology as well as microscopy. I play a fair share of video games and I love to cook and garden when I can.

I’m tall, I have long curly hair and blue eyes. I have a bright red beard and freckles. Considering my hair, I need a separate conditioner and shampoo. None of that 2 in 1 stuff

I am generally pretty busy, but I often have time at the end of the day for casual chats, flirting, life venting, trauma dump, anything really.

If this sounds interesting, hit me up

picklehombre on disc
@plantsrcool on tele
>People like you are always the closet pedos that end up on the news arrested

This, desu.
It's a pattern that repeats itself. The most outspoken people tend to be the ones with the most internal shame, and self-denial. Either to convince themselves that they are not the things they cannot face about themselves. Or just to convince others, so they can prey without suspicion.

I see you, PSA-anon. And you better not be pulling any of that shit on little girls.
maybe, or they could be any one of: older woman unhappy about herself, maybe jealous of the women her romantic interests are more interested in than her, maybe divorcee that got left for a younger woman, maybe was the victim of grooming or abuse herself and is hyper-paranoid about it and sees it everywhere even where it isn't (coping mechanism). I would understand if she had a rational take on it, that age gap relationship are not grooming at all by definition (while there can be a percentage of grooming, it's the same with every relationship where one party has more power and uses that for manipuation and deception, including relationships between older women and younger men, or same-age couples, or anything. And if you're trying to tell me that if someone is looking for a good partner with traditional values of love, caring, support, children, family, and wants their partner to be the same, is that grooming? To want your partner to be what you desire? If you don't use manipulation and deception, it's not grooming. Of course grooming exists, and is obviously very bad, but there are clear and defined differences between these types of relationships.
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19 Female Single Asian
Filipina / German Nursing Student

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
Cute doodle ^_^
Woman usually are the one that ask for the divorce, so its more likely she asked for the divorce convinced she could do better.
Then after the divorce he is doing better and is happy, maybe he even gets remarried to a better woman.
While she wasn't able to find the man she wanted, or nobody will date her because
She's older
She is divorced
She asked for the divorce
Hates all her exes
19 trans girl au
>Sexual interests
frotting, humiliation, bwno, sissification, farts, piss, cumflation, ageplay, petplay
>Looking for
older master to serve and break me in :3
>Not looking for
other subs
For me my own mother was a bitch that cheated on my father, then divorced him so she could spend more time with the new guy.

She is currently single hoping to marry the man she cheated with, while my father is happily married again.

For myself
I want a girl that is a virgin like myself
Older girls are usually sluts and have had multiple partners
I want someone that is more innocent someone that isn't jaded, someone that doesn't hate men, someone who is happy
Older single women usually hate all their exes, sometimes hate all men, are depressed and miserable all the time, and try to make everyone else as miserable as they feel.
I want to have a family, a younger wife is usually going to be more open to the idea of having kids or already wants them. A younger wife will love you first and her children second.
An older woman usually has a pet and/or a career, or is a single mother, or divorced with kids. The pet is her child or she has children, all her love goes to her children or pets. If she has a career her goal is climbing the ladder of success. she is never satisfied always wanting more. She has no room in her for a family, she has no love for you, all her love goes to her career. And if you make less than her, you will never be good enough, she wants to be the CEO or big boss of the company, you have to make at least 150% of her salary if you want to date her.
I hope you find love anon, I understand where you are coming from
She does. It just takes a while.
Put yourself in the shoes of a really timid person suddenly being flooded with attention.

Take my advice and kill time while you wait. Maybe hit up some other girls in this thread.
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25/F wanting a daddy into mixed girls African American and Korean 5’3 110 slightly autistic lol I want to be daddy’s girl today I’m stressed out and need someone to make me forget the world exists I want to be sent porn pretending it’s me and daddy’s day >< my discord is brainmeltedbunny
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Says you're not accepting friend requests. Forgot to turn them on or did you get spammed that hard with them in less than 24 hours?
Into gaming and music mainly but I'm just curious in general
Be 18+, cute and be looking for love and affection and we'll get along
Don't be after cash
Real life dad 43 very fit looking for a very young girl to share with
Kik wdymnow
25~28F, looking for someone's willing to buy me lingerie for me to wear, on a daily basis.
Hi there! I’d love to talk. Add me on discord. daddyishomehoney
I'll shower you with videos and pictures whenever you ask for them.
44/M/CA ddlg
Looking for someone sensitive younger than me.
>huge daddy issues
>really into dd
>everyone only is into girls
>just want a cute daddy to hang out with in vrchat
pain, you girls have it so good
Message me on discord, likelyreal
Sure thing, what's your discord?
Not him, but I'm quite interested, add me on discord : utterneet
>just want a cute daddy to hang out with in vrchat
Drop a contact. That sounds appealing.
24m here, nobody here would be a better kitten than me ; ]

discord: gabeit
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26M french bull fit guy looking into dirty talking, pic sharing with F, sissies, subs, trans.
Im very responsive and not a ghosting cumfag.

kik : DirRichtigBesor7
>I want some sort of suggar daddy
ah so you are a prostitute wanting to get banned
late to the convo, but i gotta ask this guy one question: if an 18 year old isnt mature enough to consent to a much older person, are they then mature enough to vote? because consenting to a relationship affects only them, while voting may affect everyone.
>A prostitute
What's so whore-like about wanting for one man, one man only, to pamper me with love, and is willing to be so serious as to cultivate a desire to dress me up as he so wishes? I'm not saying I want some pay pig willing to cash out for me. I'm looking for something much more wholesome, exclusive and mutually beneficial.
looking for mean doms who want to make me a goon slave and when im horny and dumb, force me to send my sissy pics to expose me with.

discord: lexithong
Do you have cute feet? If so, I'm in.
>cultivate a desire to dress me up as he so wishes
This sounds amazing, but I have a feeling you mean it more in a sense of DD/lg and not in a general sense. Would love a human dress up doll
Sort of feels like I need to correct the record and make myself much more intelligible.
Yes, the idea of you willing to buy me lingerie, on an *occasional* basis, is very much something I'm into, I'm not some luxury harlot with luxurious tastes -- you'd get surprised how cheap ddlg/weeb/cosplay lingerie can get -- williing to waste your well hard-earned money for my my own benefit exclusively, and desert you the moment you stop, no!
It is precisely because I'm quite aware of the value of money, that I find it really flattering, praiseful for you to consider me to be worthy of it.
I'm not looking for my whole relationship with the man willing to consider such terms, to be wholly and entirely around compensation and money considerations. Again, wholesome, encompassing, loving relationship is very much something I'm looking for.
So here it is again: 26F virgin soon to turn 27, with crumbs of romantic experience, looking for someone to consider choosing some outfits to wear, *on occasion*, so I can wear them for you, and show you the results by way of pictures and videos, frequently. I'm a really shy and reserved EU frog, me mindful of that, willing to meet you, but realistically, it's probably going to be a few months of online exchanges, with the seldom webcams here and there.
Please be patient with me. Considerate. I'm willing to do whatever -- reasonably so -- to do the verifications steps, and show you glimpses of my body before we go any further, too. Only respond to this if you're serious and truthfully looking for something rather similar. <3

Uhm, I dunno, anon! We could try and see if my feet are to your tastes. I never had someone ask me to take feet pics, but I could in the forseable future. <3
Alright, you got me, I'm interested. pavol999 is my discord, lets see if we get along.
apparently it updated, pavol999_04327
This post is very well written and clears it up nicely. your first couple of posts felt very transactional, this helps explain how that fits into a relationship that's bigger than that. If you post in future I'd start with this for sure
Please, enlighten me, anon, what is a a human dress up doll in a general sense supposed to entail to? No judgement here, I'm sincerely intrigued.

Yes, it was on me, retrospectively. I was being unacessarily vague and unforthcoming. Thank you for the kind words. <3

I'm going to stop monopolizing this lovely thread now.
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20F NA
>looking for
Some man who acts and looks mature enough for this type of dynamic, preferably between the ages of 28-37, and without much experience in the sexual or romantic realm (like me, lel). Very preferably one who is destined for a relationship with that father/daughter parental relationship very much remarked upon. Chemistry is very important too, but we could simply talk about whatever you like, and see how things develop.
>not looking for
Cold people, people with very strong sadomasochistic tendencies, mental games, etc.
Ageplay, cnc, and more more dark stuff… You can say that I am willing to do almost anything. Some things won't turn me on, but I won't be unhappy to do them for you. There is nothing I find immoral and repulsive enough, with the exception of me ingesting bodily fluids and that sort of thing. Let's talk more about it if you want ^^
Still looking?
Sorry lad, she's mine now I'm afraid
When you say without much experience what body count would you consider too much? On this subject, what's yours?
Besides the interesting lewd proposition, you seem exceptionally well versed in writing, and a probably stimulating conversation. Worth the attempt.
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If this is who I think it is, my God I miss you.
sugar implies it is all about the money and if he ever goes broke you will ditch him
there is never any love in a sugar relationship
My discord is tiniest.creature

Uh oh, I do recognize that peculiar album. Mnh mnh. Might be right as rain.
I mean, sweeheart, your message truly is a god send, for if it wasn't for your blatant lack of reading comprehension, I would have given you the time of day, if you were so much as interested, yourself. I'd be so inclined to thank the lord, and any divine entities out there, actually. Let us both find what it is that tickles our fancies, & let us leave at that.
Tag isn't working
Honestly a fun proposal, Dressing someone up and down seems fun. I'm wondering if you have a limit so I wouldn't mind talking more.
i sent a request
Disc: Deb****
Just coming in here to warn you anons as I've run into these posts by complete chance.
>have been talking to this woman for a couple days at least
>she has been presenting as being "taken" (by me) and exclusively interested in me
>has said she's never had a sugar daddy and would never want one
>time and time again has reassured me she's only interested in me
>disappeared today
And then I come into this thread to see this. So yes. Be careful on initiating with her and thinking you're in a "relationship" as apparently she's not a very honest person. I have nothing else to say.
>a couple days at least
>time and time again

are you 12?
I was being ambiguous about the timeframe intentionally. You would be surprised how much we spoke in that amount of time. Regardless of what you think I'm just letting people know that this person is incredibly dishonest
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25/F wanting a daddy into mixed girls African American and Korean 5’3 110 slightly autistic lol I want to be daddy’s girl today I’m stressed out and need someone to make me forget the world exists I want to be sent porn pretending it’s me and daddy’s day my discord is brainmeltedbunny
>You would be surprised how much we spoke in that amount of time.
>a couple days

you're outing yourself as a retard who got what he deserved here, champ
Whatever you say man
well yeah but this is /soc/. its still some useful feedback on her and how much stock to put in what she says vs what is likely to happen.
i'm not saying it's not valuable feedback, i'm just trying to help him learn a lesson that isn't "rahhh cheating whore".
It's not about being "cheated on", moron. It's that this person is clearly playing games with people and is not honest about her intentions at all. If she'll do it to one person she'll do it to another. And for the record, someone has already added me from this thread telling me she's done the exact same thing to him (and they spoke for much longer)

I'm not trying to make anyone feel for my situation, I'm just letting them know she's a proven liar. That's it.
no shit retard, but the real cautionary tale is that emotionally stunted soc autists put themselves in this position with women they barely know 'time and time again'. this particular chick is a bad egg as many of them are, but it wouldn't be a problem for you if you didn't convince yourself you were dating an e-gf so easily. stop falling for women you barely know and warnings like this won't be necessary.
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>contact - gatsby6239
Bumpity bump
bwc Daddy is looking for his little princess

kik Schizos77
>Anon tells thread about a bad egg
>giga simp jumps to defend her
I will add on to this by saying as a man you are never in the wrong for expecting good behavior from a woman (you might be delusional cause all women are diseased rotting walking closes but that's a separate issue). You're not wrong for being nice to a woman or buying her things (if you want to) etc and then turning out to be deceived. Any man or woman who blames you for "letting" a woman act that way is retarded and should be killed.
real noble of you to jump to your own defense, retard
>expanding upon my point when it is uncontested is jumping to my defense
You can stop being pathetic any time anon
>encouraging other men to take responsibility for their own awful outcomes with women is pathetic and "giga simp"
>just spend all your money on edating and blame the women when they predictably don't give a shit about you as a person
yeah you're going places champ
Hey, retard, whether other people lie or not is not my responsibility. My interactions with this woman had nothing to do with money -- and I've never once spent money on "edating". You're being presumptuous, but more importantly you are a fucking moron.
i'm not the one who brought up buying things, dipshit.
>You're being presumptuous
you're the one who got conned to the point you're STILL bitching about it and i'm the one who's being presumptuous, lol
Literally nothing I said even remotely suggests or implies any of this lol
>brings up men edating and spending all their money, getting conned
>"I didn't spend any money, this wasn't about money"
Why are you like this dude, what is wrong with you
intellectually dishonest

enjoy your shithole of a thread losers
>suggesting that men should be able to engage with women in a genuine and earnest manner without having to worry about the constant lies of women is saying you should spend all your money on them
The only dishonest person here is you, doubtless mad because you got called out for your crypto-gynocratic views
You sound perfect but I’m the same age as you sadly and not older
>human dress up doll
Simply that I get to pick and choose what the girl wears. Maybe it'd be more guidance where I tell her the kind of thing I'm looking for and she puts outfits together based on that or maybe I'd get specific and pick them out for her. And my tastes are pretty wide. One week I might want something more librarian, the next more of a 16 year old alt girl with that old emo/scene look, the next week maybe something else.
What is this weird debate going on this thread? Geez I just hopped in hoping I'd find a nice daddy to take care of me sexually and otherwise but walked into a whole ass discussion.
Hi there, you seem interesting! I think we'd hit it off and if nothing happens, that's okay too! I'm 34/M/NA and my disc is pvrsi
it happens. Some people can't let other people have fun
If you're F then add me on discord
f19 aus
>looking for
older guy who could possibly be a cg for age regression and age play
>about me
i’m a neet with bpd and lonely lol just want some older guy i can kinda depend on
oopsies i forgot to add my discord it’s weezer femcel
With an underscore

Cute lil' teen femboy here, looking for somebody to chat and have fun conversations with, basically an older guy to keep me company c:

I enjoy cooking and baking, sometimes I play Magic: The Gathering with my big brother and his friends, watching cute anime, reading interesting books and webtoons, I used to game a lot on my PS5 but I recently got a gaming PC, but I'm still pretty lost in the PC gaming landscape lol

My kik is LilHoneyPrincess
Looking forward to hearing from you c:

Might be interesting hit me up Schizos77
Hi I’m a young boy looking to have sexual interests with someone
/How do I describe myself?
I’m timid and shy and somewhat awkward, I’m open minded to anything or anyone (no furries)
/What are you looking for?
I am looking for someone dominant enough to pin me down and do the following rest whichever and whomever they please to do to me
- discord ali806_
If anyone can come to me that would be appreciated! I am looking for these type of people within the region of the NYS, ny or Peekskill.
Like I said I am at nys so if anyone came over to me and do anything they wish to me that would be appreciated!

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, alcohol/weed addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair, very autistic and racist. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger. i don’t think i’ll ever be able to have a normal relationship with someone.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
21 f Australia
Love being a little immature brat that gets put in her place harshly
Kik han_flanxox
Into gaming and music mainly but I'm just curious in general
Be 18+, cute and be looking for love and affection and we'll get along
Don't be after cash
Discord: atwahr
19m looking for hung dads that wanna chat and get into some family fun~
+18 only

kik: sephyrawth
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Something I've always wanted is a playful nurturing kind of relationship with an excitable younger woman who loves ranting about stuff. For instance, I'd help her explore her hobbies, help her get the books she's interested in, the hobby supplies she needs, and she'd send me dozens of pictures of her using them and she would rant to me at length about it all. On the naughtier side, I'd get her super cozy pajamas, night shirts, new outfits, etc, and she'd model them for me and I'd reward her with endless compliments to make her ego as big as possible. The fantasy is she'd be sad, lonely, introverted, few friends, social anxiety, and this would be a safe and comfortable way for her to get the attention she needs to be happy, and I'd encourage her to get out more. Like, if I got her a cute new outfit, part of the deal would be she'd have to wear it out as an exercise to help build her confidence. Above all, I would be looking forward to the good vibes feedback from it all. I've bought girls things in the past and they went "Thanks!" and never brought it up again. That's bad behavior. If I get a girl a set of paints or markers, every time she draws something she's proud of, I want to see. Every week or two I want pics of her using the stuff I got her if she's using them. It's great when you have visual proof that your actions have actually benefited someone's life in some small way. I want the feedback from my actions to buoy my spirit. I think a lot of people are bad at being grateful and providing positive feedback, but the feedback is what makes the process rewarding.

I doubt any girls are interested in anything this basic, but hey. Only really looking for white girls. Must be in USA. disc is neptunelarry
Sucks to suck, sorry.
my @ is beetlebugy :) would love to chat with you
>Someone literally perfect and fitting everything I have ever wanted in a specific ass ddlg relationship


Welp it's the end boys, I might have to take a potato peeler to my skin to get this fucking venom suit off of me
It's an ftm you aren't missing out anon the brain damaged shit you'd have to deal with would make you wanna skin yourself anyway
I feel like you miusunderstand how specific my desires are
You sound really cool, sadly I don’t live in the uk. I hope you find someone though
not accepting
29/ladyboy type individual/near Atlantic Ocean

Recent Music: /watch?v=UwtpPLW_9f8 /watch?v=C9IXUwqxIao
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=YL1CAUjc3rw /watch?v=1MobY_vR7-g /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=imPt0MvfVMg

Looking for companion. I would prefer my partner be 25+ (emotionally mature), 5'9"+ aka 175cm+ (taller than me because I need to feel like he is my dad), and okay with not having sex ever because he too understands there are many more important things in a relationship. Also I have to like the music you listen to or I hate u.

Also I can be rude so do not message me if you cannot deal with that.

discord: .werekitten.

I think we may have previously spoken, based on how you describe yourself. Seems familiar.

My discord is glowballed
kuppycakes12 is my discord. Add me and we can talk about me possibly being a cg for you etc. I tried adding you but had some trouble.
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im young fem and i want to know what men in this thread think about ABDL? i am biologically female, btw. im more into little space than ddlg, i love doing all of the typical ddlg things with an exception for sex. i also like wearing pullups like goodnites, pampers, and little kings and bunny hopps from ABU. i use pacifiers too. i really would like a daddy or mommy who would be okay with these things in a mostly non-sexual way.

for anyone curious, im not fat, not ugly, i dont think anyone would ever imagine me as the type of person to be into wearing diapers in private kek
Have you got a kik or discord?
I had a primarily non-sexual cgl relationship pre-covid and it was a lot of fun! She regressed to around 6-8 and we had fun cooking and coloring and playing games together. It was nice!

So I know a little bit about regressing and abdl but my experience never really included diapers. Not that I'm opposed! This kink is pretty taboo even in heavy kink circles.

My disc is pvrsi if you wanna chat some time
I wanna be your mom, I wanna be grossed out by your lewd little thoughts but you blackmail me into helping, I’m a lot older then you for sure

I’m also into abdl, I’ve always been self hating about it and never thought I would find someone into it that I am compatible with. Would love to talk with you though :3.
I’m also the kind of person that no one would ever imagine me as being into this
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Caretaker/dom with experience up for chat and maybe more. F/FtMs hmu
dsc: tikeylo
hiya, im a 21 year old girl from the uk looking for my daddy to claim as my own. Best if youre chubby, i love chubby boys.

tag: kattymeoww
DDLG server

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Wow, you're perf-
added me then immediately deleted me. Avoid.
M, looking for a girl that likes to send lots of pics and want to be appreciated.
can be selfies, outfits, lewd, anything. it's nice to get pics from a cute girl and appreciate her.

Other interests are vidya, music, computers, comics, puzzles, hiking, dogs/cats

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23 nb/trans girl/boy thing. (i have a penis)
i liek ttrpgs, worldbuilding, mtg, gamedev, fantasy, and i am trying to teach myself to draw but we will see how long that lasts for before i give up (i give up on everything)
ddlg, praise, soft degredation/teasing, edging, orgasm control/denial, size difference/size comparison, sph, uhh. idk. ageplay. petplay. just really cutesy stuff i guess. i like being loved and adored and also being infantilized and told what to do n stuff.
>looking for
girl or boy who is cool and like. idk. can not be cringe.
>not looking for
weirdos and lame people

Discord: ascendancy29
kik: Ascendancy2956

Just looking for someone to talk to, preferably female/mtf.
Sounds interesting, disc: orthofool_
Do you have a cute butt?
35/m/west coast

I'm most interested in a free use-centered ddlg style relationship with a caring and probably at least slightly nerdy (if we're going to get along) young woman. This isn't something I expect right off the bat obviously. Relationships and trust are built, after all. I miss the feeling of taking care of someone and nurturing their growth as a person while having them entirely under my control. So I guess reach out if this concept appeals to you.

Not looking for folks with dicks though. Sorry y'all, just not my thing. Ideally able to maintain somewhat consistent contact, but I also understand people get busy; it happens to me too. Just be willing to communicate when things are getting busy or rough.

disc is earendil_. (you gotta include the period)
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
>19 yo submissive little boi
>dog/catboy, your choice >.<
>BIG daddy issues, so i may or may not have a daddy kink~
>slutty and horny af
>into extreme kinks like knifeplay or slavery~

discord: elvirovernon
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36m/I look hella young for my age, thick nice curly black hair, light brown eyes, slender build, kinda skinny but I have a chest and work out. love to go hiking sometimes.

Want to hook up with someone in the southern Cali area near me. I am desperate for a cute smol girl who isn't afraid to try new things with me. love me a petite girl with perky tits, sexy belly, and nice butt. I'm 420 frenly and pretty laid bad, don't like drama and stupidity. Just want a cutie for concerts, movies, hanging out, sex and good vibes. I don't get too attached, so casual fun is ok. love to cuddle and I got much love to give.

snap: theseeker88
disc: mr.society.719
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F/19 c:
Looking for a daddy to take of me.
Do u love cute things? Do you love crazy girls? pls just control me so I can turn my dumb girl brain off
Balljointdotcom on Twitter
Where you even from
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trans/ 22

Kik: violetvee1

Looking for daddy, dominant, a little mean but nice too. Race play ++ or kinky ++++ big dick is a must.
Daddy I'm here now you can add me to obey your orders I will be a good girl

Snap: Lalita0334
6,3 chunky aggressive Pev/Daddy Looking for fucked up kinky people to chat with. i love Expressing and expanding my dirty fantasies. My Kinks Slut use-abuse,spanking, age difference, humiliation, verbal-abuse, breeding, size difference, interracial, group-sex, Prefer UK for time but I’m open to outside chats for the right one

Kik ItsMisterFixer
Tellagram devilishlyme

19, F

>looking for
Daddy to support interested in spoiling me and comforting me

>describe yourself
Mentally ill and overall very submissive. Will overlook most red flags in short and history of loving abusive older men.

discord : delicatehr
where in Australia? I'm in Melbourne
kik: tankard8
I will agree that they are probably a catfish
I introduced them to hypnosis, so I could give them the fetishes they desired
they loved the trance and the Pillow Prop trigger I used as my introduction
said the trigger felt so real when they hugged it.

Then when we tested the Phrase trigger they got spooked
I think they realized that I could also control the trigger
and it scared them off, sadly they blocked me
a pity since I could have let them live their deepest fantasies

oh well no second chances, they blocked me I blocked them.
hopefully they find what they are looking for
you are a fucking weirdo and that doesn't have anything to do with my claim.
20mtf passing in most cases. looking for a dad type with less of the serious ddlg bdsm implications. id just like a casual sexual friendship with someone who can be paternal <3 open to anything, face and VC are way down the line if at all. my only requirement is that youre fat. lol sorry kik corrosiongirl
Kik sam3rp

Let me know what three you found me in. Would love to RP or find something for real. Im a real actual daddy but can rp the little if things work out. Would love to have someone with pics to share of who we are role-playing or whatever. Hmu let's have fun!
>Introduction & Interests
Hiii!! I just recently turned 18 and have had a really big thing for DDLG, whether that be sexual or nonsexual activities!! I'm really into being taken care of, disciplined when I don't listen and etcc, or just being treated like a good girl in general!! I have daddy issues and mommy issues )): I'm generally well behaved MOST of the time, but when I'm not I'm either in a mood orrrrrrr..really bored :33

>Illnesses & Kinks
I have a bit of the tism, I'm schizophrenic, and I have ADHD, BPD, Selective Mutism, and etcc, too many to list :33 I'm into choking, spanking, Somno, Noncon, Begging, dirty talk, foreplay, andddd hitting

>Tag - Discord
sex and location
This sounds interesting can u post ur disc and explain it to me in detail
21, female. Looking for an older man (35+) to take care of me sexually and otherwise. I want a mentor when being nonlewd, and a dominating daddy when being lewd. I have experience with this and would like to explore it further. I have very particular kinks. Will show off if you do.

I live in a third world country so meeting in person is unlikely, though not impossible.

Reply with your discord and I will add you, don't want to get overwhelmed with too many adds like last time.
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19y/o F
i met my daddy on here a little over a year ago but we had some type of conflict that forced us to not talk to each other anymore (i have bpd and he decided i was too much for him)
im into most things, vc is very much preferred. i want a father figure, not only sexually but also emotionally. would be nice if we can establish a good bond so that i get attached for the next years to come.
drop your username if interested
earendil_. (with the period)
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25/F wanting a daddy into mixed girls African American and Korean 5’3 110 slightly autistic lol I want to be daddy’s girl today I’m stressed out and need someone to make me forget the world exists I want to be sent porn pretending it’s me and daddy’s day >< my discord is brainmeltedbunny
> No location
It's a scam
I just assumed the ones who don't put location either just want a strictly online relationship or are only okay divulging that information once they get comfortable with you.
You can't find anyone local if you don't narrow who contacts you
>What you are looking for?
for a LG who like to be taken care of, get lots of attention, be a pet, and/or be spoiled
>What you are not looking for?
>A little about yourself
I'm a pretty quiet weeb who is very caring, into video games, cooking, and many other things. I can get pretty autistic about topics and blabber about stuff.
discord: tsukasa7117
M38. Add me clintonsboy#1510
Are you a daddy dom? I'm willing to be a little boy.
Into gaming and music mainly but I'm just curious in general
Be 18+, cute and be looking for love and affection and we'll get along
Don't be after cash
Discord: atwahr
Post discord little one.
need need need some big dad dick this morning. woke up horny as fuck and in dire need of a hot hung dad that wants to chat and get into some family fun~

m 19 sephyrawth
Male Chicago
>describe yourself
Soft but firm. Affectionate, moderate sex drive. Enjoy things with Fantasy theme and occasional bit of anime.
>looking for
A Good Girl in my area who loves to make her Daddy proud,earn praise, have things on the high shelves reached for her,etc
>not looking for
Brats,Trans,males, escorts,content makers,
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Never spoke and just randomly deleted me
M 44 Germany, dominant daddy
Looking for straight sexting including live pics and vids. Open-minded and obedient girl wanted! Daily contact preferred. No sellers, no fakes, no guys, no larpers, please!

Snap: hgw17491
Kik: 17489hgw
Discord: maxlanger
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I have this with my wife. We have one baby and she's trying to get another one. Never knew there was a name for it. Do recommend
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>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239
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38M, Asian
Looking for cool lg
biological f, 18, usa

>looking for
a daddy who can spend time with me, take care of me and spoil me :3

ddlg, ageplay, loli, pet play, degrading, diapers, kinda raceplay, incest and more ^_^

reply with ur disc if ur interested ;p my kinks are kinda more on the extreme side so i dont want any vanilla or subby boys adding me. im also a quite shy but, i'll be more than happi to verify im a girl once i get comfortable

36/M and it sounds like we’re looking for the same things, bcautic on discord
I feel like the women who are into this shit are primarily just retarded and cant self sustain,
its honestly sad, like i would want to get into this shit but everytime i talked to a girl thats into this they are like emotionally stunted or cringe beyond words

who would guess women who are into diapers were weird
Had me with the happi

>who would guess women who are into diapers were weird
I mean.. yeah. But then again youre into a grown woman pretending to be your daughter (with benefits) and youre her daddy (with benefits), so.. its all in the same boat
I'm looking for a younger girl to chat and explore fantasies with. I am a daddy dom who enjoys both the loving and caring aspects of the role along with the more dominant/rough parts sexually. If you're looking for simple friendship, companionship, or mentoring don't hesitate to message. I'm also willing to help those who are curious or new to these types of relationships.
Not interested in men or mtf
Discord: john362
no im speaking about how they are retarded or like inept, fundamentally ruining the fetish,
then theres chicks who say that its not, like wtf kind of mental gymnastics is that, so it really isnt.
19 femboy uk Dumfries

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation

From June 2nd for 6 days it’s only me in my house if people are local ish they can maybe visit. I’ll be tied up and blind. Only if local and I trust you

Kik: KittenBabyy69
18, F

Looking dor attention)

>what you are looking for
Daddy Dom searching for his little princess.
I'm emotionally mature, caring, possessive, and strict when I need to be.
I'd like to be the father figure in your life
and provide the attention, care, and validation you've always longed for.
>not looking for
Guys, sellers, larpers.
Discord: pizza2732
Natekarneval on disc
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes. Will fly to visit you/fly you to visit me if it feels right.
>physical description
Pale white male. 5'7/170cm. Long silver/brown hair. Green eyes. Well-fit build. Clean kept beard.
>life situation
Financially secure. Stable & healthy. I live alone in a house I own in the city. I have an established career and work from home.
Listening to music, gaming, comics, guitar, mixing, travel, archery
>religious beliefs
Spiritual not religious.
>political beliefs
I don't have any strong opinions.
>dating experience
I have had a few serious, long-term relationships. I have never married.
>looking for
Bio F (18+)
>not looking for
Men. Sellers.
Holy shit same post, different ID, third thread I've seen this in.

Definitely a catfish/larp/moocher.

Looking for a female for some chats. Am into the gentler side of things, and like a mix of general and more intimate chat.

Am into age gaps, ddlg, discussing about porn/kinks, etc.

Outside of that, I like music, art, travel, books, etc.

Discord: hatwearer5284
my discord tag has changed to ronnio289
um 18F bi black looking for caregiver. I can be a bit shy and awkward sometimes but if we click I’ll try my best.

A bit of bpd symptoms but interaction can go anyway cause of how varying I can be in response to a person. Hoping for more of just talking at first. I can be a brat but you can make me a good girl (^^)

Discord: butterbisc
>Male, 34
>6' / 183cm
>overweight w/ bodyhair
>Personalitywise, pretty chill, kinda depressed I'm generally upbeat anyways. I like manga/drawing anime/movies My music tastes are pretty much dark edm, metal, some dad rock. I'm pretty much a limitless pervert but I'm not pushy and I don't ask twice when told no. I have a submissive side but that's not what I'm interested in. I find only when I'm with much younger woman do I feel properly masc and I really enjoy that feeling more than being confused. I don't really accept myself as being queer or fem, I don't have the looks for that.
>Spiritual beliefs, I believe in spiritual stuff, I think witch craft and whatever is real. I believe in the christian God but I'm not really sure if it matters to me much anymore. I feel really depressed with church stuff.
>Politics I kinda see how both sides are stupid, I guess it's all rigged in the end so I don't really care much for politics at all.
>Drinking/smoking/drugs I don't really do any of that stuff cos I think I've got an addictive personality. Plus I prefer to be incontrol of myself.
>Mental health, I've been through a bit of shit growing up, I'm probably somewhere in the middle, some people say its a lot some probably have it worse than me. I've worked hard on myself to be stable and have the drive to keep going. I'm big into empathy and understanding . I live by forgiveness.
>What I'm looking for, I like immaturity, loyalty, shyness. I just would like someone that actually needs me. I want to care for someone, have someone to give my attention and kindess to, thats it.

My kik is K1tt_13
>Looking dor attention)
at least you're honest about it
Oh shush up, aren't we all?
attention is fleeting. i'd rather find a long term partner.
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18F looking for someone who can handle my emotional outbursts and take on a carer role. 20+ please. Also maybe occasionally buy me cute stuff online :3 I get extremely clingy ( BPD ) and age regress. username is a_little_sillybilly

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