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>same team wins in povertyball again for the trillionth time
>mexico is now up to 15 superbowls
ready to admit that salary cap is the way to fix your sport?
good luck with that
money is the only advantage the EPL has, they wont give that one up
different sports, different leagues, different tournaments, different continents, different countries.

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Europeans will NEVER understand this
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???? this is every weekend for me. never paying for cable
>not using ad block
>Realistic MMO RPG for men
You mean a job?
> Why the fuck was I born in this shithole??
perro caca

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I miss him.
Ever since 2015. Been missing for almost 10 years now :’(

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Last >>141314868

>June 6th ESPN+ USA
Osleys Iglesias vs. Evgeny Shevdenko

>June 7th
Adrian Broner vs. Blair Cobbs

>June 8th ESPN+ USA
Xander Zayas vs. Patrick Teixeira

>June 15th Sky Sports UK Peacock USA
Chris Billam-Smith vs. Richard Riakporhe
Michal Cieslak vs. Isaac Chamberlain

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china cares more about their own martial arts than they do boxing
bosing is big in Japan beause the muricans introduced it over there. china was never under american occupation, so they don't have that influence
Zhang looked much leaner than his last 4 fights
Keep your pants on pervert
pig bang detoxed from the dim sum
When is the battle of the fat fucks?

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>Countdown to A Fucking Leaf GP:

>Previous thread:

>Thread theme:

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

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watch on skysports
>Detroit vs japan.jpg
They used to during the ITV days in Britain

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>hasn't won the CL
>joins the only team that regularly wins the CL
why isn't he getting more shit for this? he took the easy way out.
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Nazario was at his best while playing for a banter Barça team
In 20 years only geeks will know him
is this some Real Madrid seethe?
I vaguely remember Madrid wanted him, but he said no
>wins the CL with madrid
>everyone shits on him because madrid would win anyway
>doesnt win the CL with madrid
>endless shitting on him
Honestly a somewhat cursed move, especially considering most of the winning Madrid vets are retiring
How is it seethe? He will be a forgotten player compared to someone like Raul (eventhough he was a better player) because he only played in Serie A and his continental appearences are completely unremarkable. If he played for Juve or AC Milan his legacy would have been a lot larger

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Why do their youtubers have to lie about basketball (jamalball) being the third most popular sport in the world? Its not. Even fucking volley is more popular because of the girls. Tyroneball is not even in the top 8
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we also have ice hockey and handball, which I think get more attendance
name one volleyball player lol
you had half a point til you wrote that

oh no they wouldnt dare lying to get e-money
>Brazil isn't racist

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that's even worse lol
well france is nothing new.
how many years until more national teams look like that? England first? Then Spain? Or germany?
Militao has played as a right back this season and can play there, bellingham can't play as a striker and only plays as an attacking midfielder, you would know this if you read their fm24 and easports fc pages or even watched the matches.
>really think City domination is coming
Pep is leaving after next szn though
Winning the cl even once with psg would be so much cooler than winning 5 in a row with real honestly.

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its ober

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They killed Giuseppina Conti (aged 17) in 1985. It’s not fair. Giusy had her whole life ahead of her :(

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Ten Hag also ended the VOLUMES era.
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And ratcliffe is going to sack him for it.
Good. He deserves it.
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fake news

saged hidden and reported

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>exposed by Dustin Poirier
>exposed by Alexander Volkanovsky
>exposed by Charles Olivera
>exposed by Arman Tsarukyan
>exposed by Bobby Green
>exposed by Dan Hooker
why do people still compare him to Khabib when he isnt anywhere close to the dominance Khabib was?
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Poirier literally has 14 wins at lightweight and Khabjb has 13. And Khabib dominated Dustin

You are unbelievably stupid
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>>exposed by Bobby Green
>>exposed by Dan Hooker
Islam is one of the best and can surpass khabib if he defends the belt one more and beat leon edwards for ww title.
post full version

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Metz v AS Saint-Etienne
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government-mandated Sharia prayer break
absolute fucking murderkino
>7 minutes

why is this rigged for Metz
my brother in mutt they got a red card at the 5 minute marker
ok but the rest was rigged
7 minutes of stoppage for like 20 minutes of shithousery and they're allowed to get away with it just because they're at home

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If God be for us, who can be against us
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>bringing a trophy to the owner is the same thing as pretending it's some offer to god

yeah ok dimitry von der rapechildski
I think Cristiano said ''I did not say that'' but I have no idea what Perez said.
This is the reason Real Madrid wins so much this
Jesus first and foremost
Papists do stuff like this and claim they're not crypto-pagans worshipping idols and such
Perez is smart and murmured so the media wouldn't catch what he said. Ronaldo was speaking very loudly because he's a retard.

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>stat padded against Wilder and Chisora for 7 years

I don't think I've ever seen the boxing bubble quite like this before.
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>don't think I've ever seen the boxing bubble quite like this before.
The Ali era was worse
One of the best eras. They fought often, they fought top-tier diverse opponents (much better opponents than Ali's or Lewis' or Tyson's) and they were dominating. Probably the toppest era of heavyweight boxing.

Their venues were also sold out:
Wlad vs Axel Schulz 80000 sold out arena
Paq vs Mayweather 16000
Tyson vs Lennox 15327 (almost 4000 seats empty)
tyson holyfield 2 (ear bite) 16000

Klitschko's reign shits on previous eras, especially since it was worldwide dominanance as opposed to Ali, Holmes, Tyson, Lennox who back then were not allowed to compete against eastern europe/soviets.

Mormeck > Foreman, see https://www.heavyweightblog.com/4082/comparison-muhammad-ali-vs-george-foreman-and-wladimir-klitschko-vs-jean-marc-mormeck
>top tier diverse opponents

Yeah, all those fights against legends like Sam Peter, Chris Byrd and Eddie Chambers
pen merchant more like, szoboszlai is 10x the player

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