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The holy trinity of starters: Straight Edition
At least you used the buzzword correctly.
OP is the gayest fag alive
Ugly fat shitmons
Venusaur and Swampert are straight? Nigger please I can already see your goblin face behind the screens
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fixed it
>i FiXeD it
>ruins it
Many is such the cases
>not a single anthro
OP is the straightest chad alive
>all officially males
>"straight edition"
Kinda need the backing of the brand to make that claim kid. There's a reason "muh atey sebn persent" is a game mechanic, when it comes to presenting the designs to the world (I mean, take Meow for instance, 5 or 6 canon media appearances, every Meow shown off was invariably a girl. Either the odds are getting bucked HARD or they see the kitty with the 7:1 starter rate as a feminine design from the outset).
If you weren't pretending to be straight, you'd understand this already.
>scat and toilet event mons make a specific gender canon
Tumblr autism
>scat and toilet
No one wants to hear your fetishes anon
thank you
>I'm mad because the girly mermaid pokemon is canonically female and that goes against my tranny obsession narrative
>r*dditbob speak

this is what being cucked by Meganium does to you
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>event mons
lmao laugh at this retard
next you will tell me that rental pokemon are also canon
More like gayest ape to have ever walked the earth.
Cope and seethe is all is needed to be said go on and call it "Tranny Seal" while you're at it
furries/zoophiles are part of LGBT movement though
>ummm this gameplay element is not canon but this out-of-story raid pokemon is canon
>source: Tumblr sisters
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>Primarina thread
there's already a similar thread for the tranny starters. why you fags are invading this one?
>game confirms what the rest of the franchise has been presenting certain starters as, going all the way back to Gen 2
>this is tumblr autism because it contradicts anon's headcanon of femboi primarina
Hark who's talking, kek.
Tera raids are gameplay canon until you can prove otherwise
What tumbr has to do with Pokemon?
>Tera raids are gameplay canon until you can prove otherwise
prove that it's canon then
they don't exist in anime or manga, nor part of any game's story
>ummm i connect online to get big pokemon
>it's c-canon
>source: tumblr
>Hasn't appeared yet = doesn't exist!
Certified retard
>"thing that never happened is canon"
>source: Tumblr
/pol/ has called they want their favorite autist back
>write the word "straight"
>LGBT & Js get mad
every time
>Thing that never happened
Tera raids have appeared in the game nobody cares about manga and anime
>Tumbr sperging again
What tumblr has to do with Pokemon?
>event Game Freak specifically set nature, stats, ability, moveset AND incidental effects for
>not being a conon presentation of the pokémon, despite lining up with how it had been canonically presented in the past
Funny you don't hear the serpfags crying and their starter outright inspired by a female crossdressing as a man, but base the starter off a female with no man filter and the faggots do get upset.
>Tera raids have appeared in the game nobody cares about manga and anime
all my battles against my friends are canon too?
are you mentally disabled?
>What tumblr has to do with Pokemon?
only tumblr faggots are this autistic about canon genders.
all starters can be male or female
>Primarina being female is a bad thing now
Just say you wanted a seal cock faggot
that's not what I said, retardo
>all my battles against my friends are canon too?
>only [schizo babbling fanfics]
Alright then
ironic shitposting and trolling is against the rules
>only tumblr faggots are this autistic about canon genders.
So what's your handle there? Given you're getting autistic over canon genders only being gay about it?
>ironic shitposting and trolling is against the rules
Yeah that's why you should stop
you left you tranny trio thread to cry here because you were reminded that straight people exist
fuck off
No one knows what you're talking about
Actually well adjusted honest to god straight people aren't lusting over fictional creatures.
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Here's what the starter genders look like so far according to SV, is your mon a bro or sis anons
>pick Popplio
>game gave me a male one
>Straight Edition
>None of the pokemon look like women which is what straight men are attracted to
Faggots in denial: The thread
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But I'm gay and Swampert is my favorite starter. Am I straight now?
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>and other great lies to tell yourself
Pokémon took over from Disney as "babbie's first furry awakening vehicle" since the 90's. Eddie Redmayne said watching the Lion King in the cinema as a kid was his sexual awakening and I'm of his vintage, but was got by Maid Marian two years prior to LK's release.
You hanging around the decidedly gayer /vp/ today /= straight people don't find furry things sexy.
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But first, a word from my sponsor - Cadbury Chocolate.
Oy vey
You know those have nothing to do with OP's favorite starters, right?
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lmao even
based because i would have sex with typhlosion
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You know I wasn't replying to OP about his faggoty taste, right?
This is pre-boogyman 80's shit dumbass. Stay terminally-online and mentally deficient.
This just reeks of homosexuality
tranny edition*
Why are you angry, Satan's chosen?
Charizard will forever be the best Fire starter ever no matter how much you want to be a contrarian.
wtf is gay-ass bara shit?
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>Charizard will forever be the best Fire starter ever no matter how much you want to be a contrarian.
Sir, this is a gay only thread, please leave
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>Singing mermaid
Exactly, it's based on a creature that is female. Primarina was designed to be seen as female.
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why the tiny hats and their woke slaves are seething ITT?
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Because I'm fucking done with afterbirths thinking furry is a new construct that pokémon just happened to start when they grew up. Shit, it wasn't even new to Japan in the 80's.
Yeah, they need to somehow make designs all about them instead of taking canon as presented.
that's a cool concept actually.
too bad, Pokemon is funded by BlackRock since Gen 6
the trannymons are now pushed into children to corrupt them
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>they just can't help themselves
Furry is older than all of us here son. And Game Freak have been aware of it since growing up in Japan with Tezuka at the helm.
>Venusaur, Typhlosion and Swampert aren't sexualized waifu furries
yep, this is the straight thread
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i beg to differ
for me it's typhlosion, sceptile, empoleon
doesn't count
All female Pikachus CANONICALLY had straight tails until Gen 4 when they were given heart shaped tails.
for >>55895789
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Haha, straight...
actual high testosterone thread
gayest thread on /vp/ right now
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forgot to attach pic
trans icons
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Cool, that is called a retcon. Pikachu is also the mascot, thus gets special treatment beyond all other pokémon.
Starters don't get gender differences even the subtle ones like Venusaur's seed or Torchic's spotting any more, now they've abandoned the "take animal, make starter" bit. And since they started basing shit off specific characters or gendered roles, they've by-and-large presented them very particularly to the point even Game Freak see exemplar specimens as being the gender they were portrayed as by the brand, on their orders (so no shit like female Greninja or no male delphox). Sorry made your husbando a girl, but that's what you get for being an oblivious gay.
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What flavor or autism is this?
low-T, small penis, gay thread
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Sorry OP, try again.
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superb taste anon
Aside from "Not being an obsessed retard"?
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>it's true
should have said white too, mr opressed
they all look like they exclusively fuck male trainers.
Boring faggots and Swampert.
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Venusaur is alright. Ugly as sin, but incredibly useful in just about any game you can obtain it in.
Typhlosion looks cool, but IMO its viability isn't the greatest. OG > Hisuian though.
And Swampert is just the best Water starter of all time. You really can't beat the HOENNNNN starters.
They all look like they fuck the palm of their hand, because no male trainer would ever fuck one these hideous fagmons
go back to your tranny trio thread
Just go to /lgbt/ fag. You'll find the love and acceptance you crave there.
Take your shit taste with you while you're at it.
You shitters are arguing over Primarina and Delphox genders for days lmao /lgbt/ is for fags like you
if this pic had Samurott, the board would get an ever bigger meltdown.
Faggots have, because they can't handle their "muh ayte sebn pesent" crap being irrelevant to the franchise. So I suggest you get out the closet and go to /lgbt/, if you're going to insist everything's a trap, because you see dicks everywhere.
I have a slew of threads tabbed kid, that's how I browse the 'net - get a few discussions tabbed and keep flicking when they get lively. There's no point bumping with art, when it's only going to attract faggots like you, still smarting your tranny headcanons about a kiddy game series get Jossed by word of god.
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Ironically, Samurott gets some of the most consistent female fanart in terms of any starter. It's especially popular as a chubby girl/mommy figure.
Not the straightest by any means since it still gets tons of fag art but it's probably higher up than most.
not reading lol
Straight as in they're all canonically females that fuck their human male trainers?
Concession accepted though
>>>/lgbt/ Away you go, chop-chop.
More in the sense they're big burly males that fuck their female trainers.
pokemon never think of sex
that's why they prefer fighting over making families
I get it, you're a fag
And you're projecting, hence why you started this thread with a gaybait trio and tried to claim it was straight.
And all in response to a post made with canon female starters. It would be sad, if it wasn't so funny how easily you got worked.
>hence why you started this thread
meds, now
>the meds gambit
You need 'em more than me, concession acceopted.
There is nothing straight about this small dick energy thread
Too many triggered snowflakes ITT
female machoke :^)
troons hate masculine women and Femenine men
They tell them to transition
I saw another character with this face but I can't remember who
Canon starters of Red, Gold & Brendan.
Brendan has treecko
Never going to pick Cyndaquil, I don't care about Silver

Go back to your shitty thread, or your forced substitute thread
Not in this one
cute boyfriends
stop projecting
wouldn't that make male primarina not a trannymon?
or are you a typical low-iq /pol/ baboon who mindlessly screeches about imaginary troons?
small dick, low-testosterone, gay thread
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>small dick, low-testosterone, gay thread
miss me with that gay bara garbage, homo
stop projecting
obese, stinky, ugly fags posting fat and ugly male pokemon ITT
That Typhlosion art is clearly made by a furryporn artist, anon, who are you trying to kid? Or are you going to say it appeared to you on google?
the best art of a character will always be drawn by people who want to fuck that character
seething self-inserters ITT
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apparently calling a pokemon "straight" makes woke sisters mad for some reason
guess they will always be insecure with or without pride months and pandering
Popplio is boy-ish, ends up girly
That makes him a tranny, sorry...
mega evolution saved Ampharos from suffering the same thing
>censoring own words
you talk like someone who's online 24/7 you sexless faggot
Don't forget to repost the Vaporeon copypasta, buddy!
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Aah, yes, the homosexual edition
Cute as well
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Bias aside and taking fan reception into account I think it's...

- Grass: Torterra or Decidueye/Meowscarada depending if you like monstrous or anthro starters
- Fire: Charizard or Typhlosion (Hisuian included) for being by far the most iconic ones
- Water: Greninja or Primarina for being easily the best designed modern starters in general
the gay parade (this thread) continues
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>being the most popular starter in the gen right after pokemania/pokemon's peak popularity isn't iconic

You could argue it's due to Gen 1's popularity but it really doesn't matter, Typhlosion is almost surely more beloved than your favourite. The truth is Fire starters peaked early and only got worse as time went on.
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He's right tho

Typhlosion was lucky to be created at the right time to take advantage of Charizard's popularity and the terrible distribution of its type.
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Why troonies are seething ITT?
I thought they are valid and straight people existence don't mean anything to them?
Because they're desperate for human dick and keep projecting their fetish
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check em
This is indeed a gay thread
You can drink as much of my cum as you want, anon
checked btw
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these are /vp/'s favorites
those would be pokemon with dedicated threads
I don't see any threads of them here right now
true, I used the wrong term
those are the "I want /vp/ to approve my taste" starters
>Typlosion joke out of nowhere
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>retarded comment out of nowhere
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>xhe doesn't know
Newfag, you'll soon know.
>It's Prime Day
>post new pokemon
pot, kettle
The Unholy Homosexuality of Starters: Gay Edition
The holy trinity of starters the make trannies seethe for days
Yep, this is the gayest thread ever
this thread just reeks of gayness, guys
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You managed to pick three of the faggiest starters to exist, congratulations
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>You managed to pick three of the faggiest starters to exist, congratulations
download it/spoiler]
wrong thread
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hi there
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Best firebros coming through!
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Charizard is welcome here
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Bless you anon. When will Typhlosionfags learn?
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>Blind retard can't tell the difference between a sponge and Typhlosion
When will Typhlosionhaters learn?
Is the sponge with us in the room right now?
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best opinion ever made on 4chan
>Charizard: furry
>Blastoise: bara
>Meganium: too girly with high male rate
>Feraligatr: bara
>Blaziken: furry
>Sceptile: furry
yeah, Venu, Typhlo and Pert are the straight choices
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MY HEROES!...and some kind of frog monster
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It would be fucking hilarious if the Terra Raid Meowscarada was male.
Imagine the seethe.
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I see Incineroar and Meowscarada hiding in fear right now
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Rillagod escaped
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>each new version is way worse than the previous
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>retarded faggots posting unrelated starters
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Yes, the seething snowflakes
Who gets invited the girls sleep over? The girls and the GAY guy.
Straight males get invited to the guys only sleep over.
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What? How is Primarina trans? Best you're getting is femboy, and the same applies to male Gardevoir, Hatterene, Froslass, etc.
>>55924245 (Me)
Whoops, tard moment
you did it again anon
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It is known as NO HOMO. They hate to try to look straight.
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sorry, trannies
flooding the thread with gay bara shit won't make your shitmons straight in anyway
cry some more, flakie
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proof that faggots prefer posting in straight people threads than having to deal with the annoying gay people in gay threads
Gayest thread on this board
Only in your opinion.
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maybe lol
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cool thread
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>Straight Edition
>it's all barafaggotry
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>charizard and sceptile

>not furry

are you okay anon?
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they deserve to be the first in the dex because they are peak
hard agree
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You are that desperate to make your Incineroar a straightmon at least don't use gay furry art
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>yfw your local walt dysney was a barely closeted furry and brap coomer
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This thread became much better than another "two legs bad, four legs good" circlejerk
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It was good until the invalids got triggered and started to spam their gay art and replies
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the holy trinity of starters (chad edition)
the holy trinity of starters (thad edition)
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