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Some comfy bedroom art
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Post pictures you took. Amateurs, professionals, anybody in between. All are welcome here.

Previous: >>7990283

I have archived the previous threads and will post them if there's interest.
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Cool. I think this is the first time I've seen an anon use the word "LARP" in the correct context.
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Very nice. Where at?
Military base that I visited in Brazil earlier this year. It's in a district inhabited almost exclusively by army officers, quite the sight to see.
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High resolution integrated circuits
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Ziggy also says there's a 100% chance the props dept. gave zero fucks about disguising that Radio Shack alkaline battery because "nobody'll ever see it" :D
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this is really cute

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Mia Khalifa or Lana Rhoades Wallpapers in 4k
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Loud (sad) sigh.
That's gotta be one of the strangest porn related photos I've ever seen lol.
dumb bitch cant even get out of a car properly

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Im moving to the city in a few days and Im nervous as fuck (grew up in a small town, first apartment by myself)

send me some cityscapes to hype me please
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the most kino thing posted
cities are where you go when you're young to accelerate your career, network, and have a blast. it's the best time to go.

i grew up in the Midwest and picked up to Shanghai. tripled my salary in a few years and moved back to the US.
I guess it all depends on your background. I grew up in a major metro area and while cities can feel stifling and overwhelming, I've never felt such a sense of soul-crushing dread as when I lived in a country town. The realization that there was basically nothing to do there and that I was stuck with the same ~2000 people in my town, half of which were junkies, until I found a job elsewhere was very depressing.

Rural aesthetics are certainly nice though.
oh you dont care how awful paris is ameribro ? well you will find out soon enough

>t.frenchfag who moved out of the paris region last year

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reckon they have enough globes?

easier to catch fire, and we all know what a fire did to the library of Alexandria

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Post any wallpapers relating to the sea.
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And where do you put such a backup system exactly? If it is physical, it can't be in the same place you live, because of fire possibility.
If it is on the cloud, you don't really have the ultimate control over the files.
Only way is to own two different locations as your own home, but not everyone can afford such thing. You can use some bank vault system for storage, but would you be really comfortable storing your personal shit in some company?
So what else you can do if you live in one apartment?
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Dude, just get the backblaze pc backup plan, any backup you do will be infinitely better than nothing

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The new tv show is the best conversion of game to show I've seen.
Halo, LoTR should take notes
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Ghoul should've been the protagonist, imo. He's got Fallout Protagonist written all over everything he does, pure selfish chaos. He's even also seeking his family, so that thematic tie-in to the Bethesda games would still exist.
bro is desperate to look at a man rather than a woman
as usual, these people are so pathetic
yet here you are contributing with garbage wallpapers and even worse opinions, you retarded shit-eating faggots
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Fallout show has a dogshit story with bad characters that but has extreme reverence for its' source material's visuals. It's very strange and bad and I don't see how fans of the old game could be encouraged by the series new direction.
Bethesda haters rise up.

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Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help.
All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.
> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.
> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Can someone please turn this illustration into a 16:9 wallpaper?

Some anon made a white version here: >>8061513 but it's too eye-straining with all the white background.

Since the original illustration is high res, I guess a frame or something would be enough to make it into an usable 4096x2304 or 4480x2520 wallpaper. But I leave it to your creative minds to do what you feel looks best.

Thank you in advance.
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Can I get this in 1920x1080 and make it a little more crisp? I love the wallpaper but the words look kinda bad. Thanks in advance
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Hello chads, can someone remove Superman from this first look pic in order to leave just the background?

Highest-resolution of the original David Corenswet Superman first look pic is https://files.catbox.moe/00e5dn.jpg

The edit with the broken glass is by BossLogic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNBXN25bYAA4Z25?format=jpg&name=orig

I think superimposing the BossLogic edit would be the easiest and most efficient way to remove Superman, and then the broken glass would have to be removed somehow. I would prefer if the ground is extended a bit like the BossLogic edit too. Thank you, anon!
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Make one of the cups of her top the American flag and the other the Brazilian flag, please.

Probably left Brazil and right USA.
Even if just stars for USA, it's gonna be hard to fit it all on one.

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This isn't going to age well. AI from 2 years ago to today is monumentally different in terms of realism, detail, ability to actually form a coherent image, and it's still in its infancy. Now imagine 2 decades from now.
In the 1800s? Both. It'd be great to live there, but would be a hard life.
Much easier (or annoying) these days. It's a popular tourist destination.
picrel is what it looks like.

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I have a few very minimal papes, I thought a thread considerate of those with shitmachines or terrible internet may be appreciated.

200 KB or less.
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Need some good train papes, steam engines preferred.
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Post wallpapers that are similar to Bliss.
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I'm not sure if it is at all possible to hold a piece of paper more retarded than this

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With the app Dual Wallpaper you can set separate papes for light and dark mode respectively if you have it automatically changing with time.
I felt it was sufficiently different to the Duality thread since it always needs two papes working in tandem.
They should be suited for their respective theme, so if both are very bright that wouldn't fit the dark theme in the evening/night very well.

Please post great wallpaper pairs that complement each other when switching from one to the other.
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Since it's for phones, yes, a portrait aspect ratio would be best.
Sadly I didn't have a high res source for the Dark Souls ones.
Also here is the Light NGNL one in a more white than pink.
Rather than orientation or aspect ratio I meant did you want 1080x2160, or some other size? :D
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Uhhh very nice anon.

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