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File: Winged_Boi.png (2.01 MB, 1728x1296)
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"Gentle Hawk" edition
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3043431

1. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. *Use Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme. Contentless bump(s) are also not allowed.
2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on. if you want to contact the jannys:
3. Screencap edits belong in a different thread.
4. Be patient, your request won't be fulfilled right away.
5. Only make new request when the previous is delivered. (*No more than 1 active request)

>To make a new thread, wait for page 7 at bump limit in catalog.

>Openpose editor extension
>Online pose editor

>Optimize Stable Diffusion

>Learn to inpaint
>Train LORAs
>Stable Diffusion wikis
SD Akashic Records: https://github.com/Maks-s/sd-akashic
/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion

File: Request_Anchor.png (18 KB, 1200x400)
18 KB

>How do I request?
- Start your post with "Requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide information / reference(s) in a single post.
- Recommended image size(s) for inpainting/editing request(s): https://files.catbox.moe/lvnqxs.jpg
- Image is too big for 4chan? Use Catbox: https://catbox.moe/
*For multiple images, use Imgbox: https://imgbox.com/
File: Delivery_Anchor.png (18 KB, 1200x400)
18 KB

- For editors: If you would like to fulfill a request that has already been done, feel free to do your own take.
- Reminder: You're doing great, keep at it mate! ^_^
File: Indiana_Jone.png (1.18 MB, 768x1152)
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1.18 MB PNG
Some highlights from previous thread!
File: Devoted_Dilf.png (1.3 MB, 992x1496)
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File: Grug.png (2.09 MB, 1296x1728)
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Requesting a nsfw edit: Unzipped or torn pants & erection. (Optional: precum)
783x1139 res: https://files.catbox.moe/tkcft4.jpg
(*If the original res caused issues)

To the original anon who requested this: hope you don't mind me re-requesting yours, i really like it and i don't really have anything AI/non AI related to request so...
Requesting an anime male in his 30's, with short brown hair, brown eyes, a slightly chubby body, wearing glasses, and a white adult diaper with blue tabs, with a bulging erection underneath rubbing his wet diapered crotch, standing in a full body draw.
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181 KB PNG
Could you "polish" this picture of Assassination Classroom's Karma and Sugino? I made this some time ago.
>- Start your post with "Requesting" or "/r/".
Requesting a young man [27-ish] w a swimmers lean body stepping up out of a pool still dripping. The only thing that he is wearing is a near transparent black sling thong.

Next; same character wearing thigh-high pink stockings w pink bow at the top, pink full-length gloves w bows at the wrist and top, a pink choker w a bow, a pink ribbon/bow tied around his penis. He has a sweet smile that is inviting but w a hint of mischief.

Variant ; same as above but showing him from behind so that we can see a pretty pink ribbon emerging from the anal plug, it stretches down to just past his knees and has a bow about four inches down and another closer to the end but not quite there.

For bonus points; variation ; same as above but w pink sneakers [still in thigh-highs] jogging.
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725 KB PNG
How's this?
Nice, that's great. Thank you!
File: Scooby Wu.jpg (44 KB, 540x960)
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Requesting a stereotypical Chinese guy using his chopsticks to eat rice off of a chained and gagged barbarian's naked body.
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requesting a chubby guy with long brown hair, scruffy beard in a green tracksuit jerking off
Requesting Ken Kaneki (https://civitai.com/models/136451/ken-kaneki-tokyo-ghoul, without eye patch) and Hide (https://civitai.com/models/136176/hideyoshi-nagachika-tokyo-ghoul) nude in the communal shower.

Hide should be an extrovert, having his arm around his best friend's neck and giving a thumbs up to the viewer. Kaneki should be happy looking at Hide's dick, but also a bit shy at the same time.
Requesting a middle aged gentleman in good health wearing a butlers uniform above the waist but 'free-swinging' below.

A pool or fancy mansion [either inside or outside] is optional.

Seperate prompt; a scene inspired by the original planet of the apes movie; a man [older but in good shape] is riding a horse and throwing a net at a pair of naked slave bois. One is black haired the other brown.

A brown skinned Indian man/groom. staring at the viewer, while lying naked on a fancy bed.

black hair, facial hair, chest hair. wearing a red turban with jewels on it? also wearing some gold rings, and a necklace?

pretty much a "wedding night" scenario.
Requesting Indian guy on the right (Mr. Lendbaum from Fillmore) to jerk off like this.
This is not a drawthread.
This is too specific.
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1.24 MB PNG
**If you are concern about the authenticity of /airt/'s requests**
- Since the previous thread, there have been countless "specific" requests, so the anon's request is fine.
- It is ultimately the deliverers' choice to alter/change the details of the final result as they see fit, as long as it is still in line with the requester's.
-> Being specific about details does not mean it's inapproriate for the thread.

**If you aren't actually concerned about the thread / acted on malice**
>2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on.

(Edit/Image is unrelated)
Should I repost a request from the last thread here or are artists still checking the old thread?
Huh? The point of this thread is not to clog up the regular ai/draw threads, he can be as specific as he wants.
I don't think anyone checks the old ones, if someone wants to fill it they will and if they don't they won't, so just repost it desu. We'll hit bump limit and page 10 far before we hit image limit.
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requesting this silly billy character from fnf hit single as a tall skinny, underweight anime styled emo-ish man who is naked with a long skinny penis
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Requesting King Arthur from Smite in any kind of pin-up pose with hopefully his hands behind his head and looking down at you, standing or sitting. Any mix of armor being on/off is a plus.
Requesting rhythmic gymnastic pics [nude or clothed] in style/quality of those hyperrealism and Rainbow girl pics/posts that were in earl;ier threads.
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By "rhythmic gymnastic", did you mean vaporwave/retro-futuristic? And I'm not sure what you meant by "ranbow girl" either, since that would be unrelated to /y/.
There were hyperealism but no rainbow/pride related delivery in previous /airt/ thread that i know of so...

Also, anchoring for ya.
(Left image is from /slop/)
>By "rhythmic gymnastic", did you mean vaporwave/retro-futuristic? And I'm not sure what you meant by "ranbow girl" either, since that would be unrelated to /y/.
>There were hyperealism but no rainbow/pride related delivery in previous /airt/ thread that i know of so...
Woops, that was actually ment for another thread but if you can make some cute hypereal boy gymnasts that would be great.

Now I wonder what an accidental post will produce.
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While keeping picrel as it is, make his bottom to spread like >>3047874
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Hand was giving me issues, but I think its OK
Requesting Jean-Jacques Leroy sending nude selfies to someone on Snapchat
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Can't do transparency apparently
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It doesn't like to make bows
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It doesn't really understand the concept of food on person
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I like this version better, but its even farther away from original ask
Requesting Hidetoshi getting cruelly gangbanged by delinquents/bullies. Can you make him look defiant even as he’s being fucked and has cum on his face. And some bruises would also look good. Many thanks.
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Although I appreciate the Lora links, those are for SD 1.5 and not SDXL. I think I did OK without them though
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Does not understand the concept of net throwing
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That horse's face is reaction-meme material
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I have zero idea what the gif you posted is showing me. It looks like a zombie monkey? So I made a picture from your description
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Can't really do that specific character, so here is someone that looks like him.
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I don't think it knows who he is, so here is a basic rape pic
You did, thank you!
No worries, anon. Thank you for your hard work, you’ve done so many and they all look spot on in my eyes!
it's alright you don't know he looks weird he's friday night funkin' boyfriend but tall, roughed up and sonic dot exe inspired
Nice qt emo boy though
DUDE! Here I was hoping that you would do one of my requests and here you went and did them all!

Thank you so much!

Hmmm... I like it a lot!

>It doesn't like to make bows
Awwww... program-chan is a party pooper.
[sniccker ] Just being a little silly. Thank you again.

This character I pictured a little older looking but by no means am I criticizing , I'LL TAKE IT!

>Does not understand the concept of net throwing
You still managed to pull up the spirit of the moment, thank you . [and the other poster was right the horse does steal the moment!]

Oh, you even worked the 'rainbow' comment in :)

Many many thanks!
Thank you! <3
Requesting Akira Tendo shaving his pubes
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Requesting Inosuke Hashibira without his boar head wearing only a white fundoshi with a visible bulging erection underneath and a cute smile.
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Requesting Matt and Tai holding TK like the boys on the right do. Just give a more frontal view.
Requesting muscle twunk/hunk sitting on throne, puddle of cum under him and he has multiple testicles. I know it's hard to make multiple testicles, but probably someone succeed in this?
Requesting a qt dude with shaggy emo hair, buckteeth and freckles in yellow panties doing whatever you want :) Thank you so much if you fill!

Don't forget to anchor!
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Requesting this image to be changed (polished?) to any AI artstyles that you prefer.

Original descriptions, if you need:
"Ominous Egyptian god with arms chained to pillars, with erected penis and precum."
Requesting muscle twunk/hunk sitting on throne, puddle of cum under him and he has multiple testicles. I know it's hard to make multiple testicles, but probably someone succeed in this? I have reference picture like this but with monster and 4 balls(wish it was 6)
Cheers! Thanks a lot!
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Requesting a scene w a drive-in restaurant w a lot of car-hops . Hats on top , roller skates on the feet , and anything [or nothing] in-between.

Free-swinging please but if you want them nude in the middle or wearing some sort of kinky uniform is up to you. Heck do one each way !
prompt number two; Man is tyed up naked on a restraining rack in the middle of the public square , looking bored while a second man is standing over him concentrating on reading the book in his hands. The is titled 'How to be a Dom".

BY the way to the anon who is doing the providing , thanks bunchs.

Have to go now but will return later.
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Thank you!
As harem protags go, Kazuma is scum who I want to see suffer.

Requesting Kazuma being held down and fucked by a stronger, muscular mob whilst crying. For context (don’t worry if not possible/ruins the pic), maybe add a bag of spilled gold coins, implying he’s whoring himself for money but bit off more than he could handle.
Wrong anchor anon, that's the delivery one

This is the correct one
That one's still very nice, thank you!
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1.21 MB PNG
Dope idea, gonna try it
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>1. (...)Contentless bump(s) are also not allowed.
Just a head-up, dw.

For all upcoming bump post(s), please include image related to the thread (Non-AI/AI edit, AI art, coloring fill, etc.) to avoid contentless thread bump.
(*Left image is an example)
God bless you, this is exactly what I was looking for.
I love this one, too. Don’t give him any mercy!
TWo requests.

1st; pretty simple , a man wearing a bridal dress that has been modified so that he is free-swinging.
The second one though you only have yourself to blame. :)
After all the good deliveries that you have come through w I had the idea for a series of cartoon strips about a gay couple [ Estephanio and Albert] who lived in an adults only gated community for alternative lifestylers. They would always be nude unless the joke called for them to be wearing something.

I had over a dozen ideas for individual strips but then read the post where you explained that words were difficult to do so there went that idea.

But Estaphanio and Albert would not leave my thoughts .

I would like at least one post about the boys . If you pull this off I intend to save the pic and put it in a file together w a text document explaining every thing.

Prompt; Estaphanio [Hispanic, dark hair 29-ish] and Albert [Caucasian light brown hair , also 29-ish] are nude in their garden , dirty from the gardenwork , on their knees. Estaphanio [dark hair] is face-palming . Albert [Caucasian , brown hair] is smiling a bright smile w one hand raised pointing upwards.

In the text document I will include the punchline. [ If you are curious it is; "I just realized something! My middle name is Adam, so we are Adam and Steve in the Garden, a'weedin'!" ]

[If you do not get the joke at first try saying Albert's line out loud a couple of times]
Requesting to see a bara dad being the bottom of his twink son.
Doesn't matter skin color or hair but will love to see a difference in they skin color and hair style.
More if it share the prompts they used for.
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I've been posting a lot of stuff i'm doing for fun here:https://civitai.com/user/gtgiygus

Will still be answering request on \y\ once or twice a week as well
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2.61 MB PNG
It doesn't understand the concept of shaving
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2.71 MB
2.71 MB PNG
hair is a little messed up
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I doesn't know who TK is, and it doesn't know (or I don't know) the prompt for holding someone like that.

It seems to have made a black haired izzy instead? Strange
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Couldn't get it to work. Multi balls, triple balls, triple testicles, three testicles, nothing
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The freckles didn't come out so good
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3 MB
I took a shot at it. I am not the same person who did the last "enhance" photo of the two boys, but I tried my best
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Requesting those two in the same pose, but nude.
It looks very nice, thank you!
Anchoring for ya
Not the requester but I wanted to say this boy is a cutie pie!
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- Unzipped or torn pants with erection.
- The pet (monkey) removed.
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Don't mind me, just dumping a few personal favorite pieces that I've found.

Also nice, love seeing pervert getting punished!
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Lovely gen, reminds me of a BL cover actually.

Kinda all i have for now.
Thank you!
Request an addition to one of the above request

Otabek sending a nude to JJ sticking his tongue out with a huge cock and pants around his knees
File: Tarzan's Dad Request.png (1.58 MB, 1760x1068)
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Requesting Tarzan's dad from Disney's Tarzan in a sexy pin-up wearing a brown jungle loincloth standing in a jungle setting, drawn in the style of the Disney animated movie
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144 KB JPG

Ah thank you, glad you liked it! I was thinking the exact same thing with it looking like a BL doujin cover with how it came out funnily enough. This is the original image that I used, just for reference.
I have not yet seen the anime so I hope this is accurate enough, it's based on their Danbooru tags
The other dude
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1.18 MB PNG
Requesting Elf Twink in a Slutty Wedding Dress getting Gangbanged while MPreg

in a city alleyway, an average looking policeman (with a mustache) having his hands cuffed by handcuffs, looking mad while some punk dude is riding his cock?

Punk has small pink Mohawk hairstyle, black leather jacket with silver details, white tank top, black leather fingerless gloves, black combat boots, no pants on, nice looking thighs.

Punk dude is enjoying his ride.
requesting advice -- how to stop PonyDiffusionXL from putting women's faces on my veiny-muscled, male elf barbarians with giant swinging dicks?
Yes, I put all kinds of female-specific terms in the negative prompt. Gets on my fucking nerves.
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It doesn't quite understand what a pillory is, but close
>check out my 20 pack bro
File: 00159-3290604772.png (2.22 MB, 1296x1728)
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2.22 MB PNG
I made him emo because I felt like it
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awkward pose for the AI to figure out. Stretch torsos are kind of common with the AI generated stuff
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score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,score_6_up,score_5_up, rating explicit, male focus, 2 boys, smaller on top, age difference, size difference BREAK blond hair, blue eyes, twink, standing, fucking, erection, pubic hair, testicles, orgasm, semen, domination BREAK African man, black skin, bara, dreadlocks, two-tone hair, laying on stomach, getting fucked silly, receiving anal sex <lora:aesthetic_anime_v1s:1> <lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:1>

Steps: 50, Sampler: DPM++ 3M SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 3181601112, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: ac006fdd7e, Model: autismmixSDXL_autismmixConfetti, Denoising strength: 0.4, Clip skip: 2,

ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.75, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 24.4.2,

RP is "regional prompter" extension:

RP Active: True, RP Divide mode: Matrix, RP Matrix submode: Rows, RP Mask submode: Mask, RP Prompt submode: Prompt, RP Calc Mode: Attention, RP Ratios: "1,1", RP Base Ratios: 0.5, RP Use Base: False, RP Use Common: True, RP Use Ncommon: False, RP Options: [False], RP LoRA Neg Te Ratios: 0, RP LoRA Neg U Ratios: 0, RP threshold: 0.4, RP LoRA Stop Step: 0, RP LoRA Hires Stop Step: 0, RP Flip: False,

Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires steps: 35, Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B, Lora hashes: "aesthetic_anime_v1s: 96312f4032a9, xl_more_art-full_v1: fe3b4816be83", Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7
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I have no idea who those characters are. Please do not assume we would know every series title and character therein.
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picture is too low quality for editing. Made prompt based on characters and pose
now have him get raped by an orc
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It will not do long sideburns/muttonchops
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Without reading your actual prompt (both positive and negative), or what Loras you are using, it is hard to give specific advise.

I can tell you that pony (and it's derivatives) require you to put "male focus" and "1 boy" (or 2 boys, or group of boys) right after the "score_9" etc. positive prompts if you are making male based pictures. You can also put "female, women, girl" in negative prompts, but that also makes everything bara. Adding "makeup" also helps make characters look less feminine.

If you are using a Lora, even if it is a "style" lore, remember that they are almost always trained on pictures of women. Therefor, high strength in Loras can lead to everything going girl. Also remember that specific series and artists are also almost always trained on women. So if you are calling those things in your prompt, it will drift toward girls.

Again, for more specific advise, please post prompt and other information
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This one got details wrong, but the spirit is better
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Requesting Adult Goku naked with a muscular body, uncut erect cock, and saiyan tail, in a full body pin up, smiling.
Seeing your fairy pictures inspired me. Could I request a naked, crying fairy with blonde hair and pointed ears trapped in a glass jar. Not sure how well this next bit will work but if you want to add a background, the jar is on a wooden desk with some metal surgical tools nearby.
Another anon, can you put back the monkey, please?
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(Not OP), I'm not very good at editing but i hope this suffice.

Nice. Thank you!

Thanks Anon! they came out great, cute punk!
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/r/: His pants lowered or unzipped with his hard cock out.

Extra info, if you need:
Artist: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/captaingerbear/
Character & Game: Captain Logus - Bastard Bonds.
Do yo also undress characters via AI? I.e. keep the head and change the clothed parts to nude ones.
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You have to remember that every "checkpoint" trained for the A.I to use has a distinct artistic style. If they don't match really well, it will look like a bad photo shop.

I worked on >>3049228. I got the penis out of the pants and removed the monkey. But if you look at the penis versus the man, you can easily tell they are different. The skin tone is different, the penis is off center from the torso, the penis is actually facing the viewer more spot on then the rest of the body.

Just, its more problematic than "just remove clothing"
Requesting a muscular but not too beefy psycho thug with slicked back short hair (black on the sides with blond on top), grey eyes, tanned skin, and scar (slash across his eye; either one is fine). He wears a black leather jacket (no shirt) and jeans. It this isn't being greedy, please make a nude version of him. He had nipple piercings (studs), a prince albert and (if possible) a tattoo of a Catholic rosary on his uncut cock. Background (back alley).
Sorry I forgot it isn't exactly the most popular

Love this and the other responses to it.
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taking place in the summer of the 1980's. some stud playing naked beach volleyball with his male friends at a nude beach. He has an 80's mullet hair style, wearing a sweatband, 80's mustache, neon sunglasses, small crop top, sweaty body and bushy pubs?
I'm just looking for a hot blonde college dude.
White, green eyes, shoulder length wavy blond hair. Has a little chin fuzz if you can manage it. Thick; big pecs, big ass, big dick. If you can get him to be hairy it would be a plus. Put him in a football jersey.
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if you pay close attention you can tell I had to impaint the tail, because he originally had two, but it's as good as it gets sorry
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not sure if this is anything close to what you had in mind, had a few misfires with shorter hair
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another one with long hair, a bit more "artsy" I guess
Couldn't he be more erect?
I want a scene of 3-4 young jock types sitting on a couch together getting blown by a bunch of old fat men, chubby dad types. Like a group dads sucking sons session. Any style really.

Getting civitai to make something passable has been a pain

So is it capable of generating a fully circumcised-looking penis and a full foreskin?

I remember seeing earlier ones where it produced like weird hybrids
What generator, what artist? Gonna need to be specific here
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Found one on r34, found quite a few others too.
Like the anon above mentioned, it's possible that AI can generate decent looking cut penis, it's just depend on which model you're using.
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:o Nice! First time seeing Kemonomimi in AI art, looks pretty good.

and a bit off-topic but, Is AI capable of making meme?
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Won't do scissors or scalpel right
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I appreciate the info, but we only need that much if we are creating a new picture out of thin air.

TL:DR, but: In order to tell the A.I. you want something specific made, you need to know what the A.I was taught that specific thing is called. To teach the A.I specific characters, you tag the training pictures with their in-series (usually formally spelled) name, basic appearance, and series name itself.

So If I wanted to have the A.I make a picture of Naruto, I would need to write the prompt: "naruto \(series\), uzumaki naruto, blond hair, blue eyes" etc., in order for the A.I to understand what I am asking.

If someone makes a request along the lines of " Yo dawg, I want a pic of uzumaki's giant penis", and I don't have innate knowledge of the Naruto series, that won't mean enough for me to fulfill the request.

It just makes it easier and quicker if all the basic info is right there, so at least a Google search can be done if needed.
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The piercings are a bit off
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It did come out very 80's, but no mullets I am afraid
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I cannot get this to work. Even trying to get a single pair, older blowing young will not work.

Pony just isn't trained for it I guess

This one test picture kind of turned me on as I was making them, but it is the opposite of what you wanted.
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A checkpoint trained on both can do both. Pony based checkpoints are just fine so long as you specify which kind of penis your looking for. It should default to circumcised (for the most part) if you are not exact.

If you have seen blended pictures, its probably because there was no specifications in penis type, so it tried to do both. Blending prompts is what the A.I is famous for after all...
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Sort of. You need to train it on meme templates. But remember that A.I. is always goofing things up.

Picture unrelated
Thanks for the info, I somehow forgot about civitai altogether...
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/r/: Objecthead or humanoid object nsfw.
Tried it myself but i ran out of credits before achieving anything...

- Extra info:
*Preferably with some of his clothes still on, but it's still up to you.
*Can be any objects that you want. (Household appliance, natural element, weapon, etc.)
*LORA, If you need:
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requesting a lewd scenario of a pirate trap (a little bit on the curvy side and mature looking) power-bottoming a younger boy, or a smaller male with a
slutty smug expression, could be his subordinate, captive or anything you want
don't give the trap a long hair
Thank you!
Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki

Both of them are 18.

...Tamaki called himsealf Suneater after all....

I would love to see a picture of Tamaki blowing Mirio, or just about to. (The rest of this is 'if possible, not a big deal) I would love to be able to see Mirio's balls and nipples.

If what I asked for is too complicated, I would settle for Mirio posing naked.

Thank you for your consideration.

anything with shirtless (and penis) Drayden please!
Thank you tho
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Requesting Luke Skywalker in his Cloud City gear, pants down to his thighs in white briefs, with right hand holding his small to average erect cock. Or just have whatever fun you want to have with him.
heh, Guess the system doesn't know what a mullet is?
thanks a lot! there cute! I like how it looks like the blonde ones got a bit of a gap in his front teeth.
Not OR, but very goodz!
That is awesome!

>>3049224 ...and now I find myself compelled to write a story about an emo goth :)
Some how it comes across as more religious/ puritan than I was expecting.

I bet that the algorithm would not know what a carhop tray was , otherwise I would request one of them leaning over as they hooked it onto the car door {and there by swinging nicely I am sure :) ] .

Oh well I like it and thank you very much.
Many thanks .

I will be back in a few days w some more ideas.

The only one I have at the moment is some nude hikers and bikers.
Would you mind terribly if I stole this pic and used it?
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Whatever you like. I posted some more here:


but you will need a free account to see it as they are x rated. I have other, not all fairy, A.I stuff I generated here: https://civitai.com/user/gtgiygus/posts

Bullet Echo stalker...

moar pls... less cop...
Digging these fantasy gens
Requesting two nude teenboys making a brofist while riding dildos. Please give one blonde, upwards gelled hair and the other black hair.
Requesting Black King Boss from Casshern (1993 OVA) with his naked robot body and an erect robot cock, standing with an embarrassed look with a futuristic background.
This two were the closest I got to your request after a while, almost all gens were with only one of them and for some reason the fistbump was really difficult to gen
The second one
Requesting a young man in a black tee and jeans getting pantsd and being embarrassed by his willy getting exposed
Very nice, thank you!
Requesting the same two boys for 2 another pictures:

1. They should be having sex for the first time. Preferably in the crab position (or if not possible in any other position where you have a good look).

2. A picture after they finished having sex, exhaustedly lying on bed. Make cum leak from their dicks and from the ass of the bottom.
Kinda messy but I hope you like it. Luckly I had the picture saved so I only had to change some things on the prompt, but was glitchy as hell.

It seems I can't post pictures, so I created a post with some of the gens included the first ones and some others: https://tensor.art/images/734124513777884163?post_id=734124518068657166

If you create an account you can experiment changing some words if you want, clicking on remix on any of them. You can use tags from Danbooru.
I love it, there are some great pictures!
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Could i request an erect version of this edit?
Requesting Kamoshida fuck Yusuke like this while Yusuke and Ryuji suck each other's dicks?
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Took a shot, was a PITA. Had to create picture with Bluepencil 10.0 (an SD 1.5 checkpoint) using the provided LoRA, then edit using AutismMix. So it has a bit of a photoshop effect

Are you familiar w the 'mailgirl' trope?

If not it is a series of stories that deal w women who have the job of delivering mail while nude' As you might expect my request is a male version of that .

-Mailboi delivering inter-office mail.
-Mailboi delivering mail to a house.
-Mailboi jogging to make a rapid delivery.
-Any scenarios that you might come up w.
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Getting the A.I to do older on bottom is tough, so the power bottom is a little younger
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Not a cloud city uniform, but definitely looks like him, very starwarsey
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Unsurprisingly it doesn't know a character from 1993, and that hat is odd, so I gave him a cowboy hat
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It doesn't know United States postal worker, so I just did delivery
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Slightly strange, but interesting
Also anchoring
This looks amazing, thank you!

Would you mind me asking for the sfw (non-edited) version?
Requesting anything NSFW related to do with Alexios from Assassins Creed Odyssey.
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Loras have a way of reducing quality in an image, and I couldn't get the head to work unless it was at 1.0 strength. Lowering the strength of a Lora is a good way of getting the affect without messing up quality. TLDR I know, but here you go

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