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Previous thread(s) >>3889443 >>3889428
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Thanks for those freminet pics chef
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I feel like you’re saying this just because you want to start a fight. Also
What Gorou hangout quest 2 will go like
>autist trying to force people to use a single thread
Ah so this is why the thread got spammed to image limit in 2 days instead of the usual 10
All the female posters here are supreme mentally ill control freaks and desperately want to be jannies. The Hazbin threads are just like this- just do what you want and let her seethe about it.
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Stop making threads
I didn’t make shit you impotent wannabe janny troon.
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>8 genshin threads in the catalogue
Its getting tiresome
>wannabe janny tantrum
if you didn't spam them they wouldn't be
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Are you okay janny?
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Bullied doggoboy booba can save this
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I hope they keep his usual male voice for a Hina skin but change the lines and gestures to make him sound extremely flustered and embraced
Imagine playing the rest of the game with him whimpering and his ears going flat
Hazbin is cool but if haven’t checked the threads. What happened?
Meant for >>3890105
Meant for >>3890117
Meant for >>3890098
seething retard
Pretty sure he would hate having gyno
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Some backseat janny spergette complaining about the volume of threads and crying when people have conversations about not liking a specific character, any time someone talks she just spams 50 twitter pics.
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He likes playing with them actually. Neutering did a lot to his psyche
That’s funny
He looks so good in girly clothes..
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Kaveh sitting on that goddamn table is the best thing to ever happen in genshin
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Itto helps him cover up. For some reason art where others rescue him from wearing women’s clothes by giving him normal clothes is cute
Itto doesn't want to get a boner in public
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Kaveh is a tranny, I thought you gals hated those?
I'm confused, why is somebody posting this >>3890129 in the other thread? The janny might make another thread.......
He's a HSTS, far less threating than AGP
>schizo backseat janny keeping watch on other threads she doesn't like
is she ok lol
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What do you have against Scara?
He’s a boy even if he has a disgusting puppet body and is a tranny icon
Cyno too
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And? You going to make another thread?
Why? You're the only one having a mental breakdown shitfit about them.
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There are too many lc and cc posters in these threads
Too damn many!
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calm down lady
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> far less threating
He’s also a schizo and keeps unsafe guns that he handles even more unsafely and will probably shoot himself
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I bet he tiddyfucks Hina backstage until s(he) has a dry orgasm
> He's a HSTS, far less threating than AGP
…What about the dog generals?
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Those are two male characters in male clothes you schizo wannabe janny. THIS is a crossdressing boy.
She doesn’t even play Genshin she just flicks to the doggo tits.
tbf they use hormones too nowadays. Trannies are going extinct and being replaced by them.
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I forgot furina is a tomboy
>says boku same as scara and kaveh
That's fucking adorable
>wannbe janny
Different schizo
Can someone translate these? My pp is hard.
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Why are we talking about femboys
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4chan removing IP count was a mistake
you being a wannabe janny policing the threads 24/7 is a mistake
Why are you so monumentally asshurt all the time, bitch? Relax.
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Please don't bully, I miss the IP count
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I think it’s a lc raid and they’re being over the top to troll. You’re taking the bait
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Onions doggo.
eat up onions boy grow BIG for your master
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Unlike the rest of the boys
These threads are better when they aren’t complaining about doggo booba funposting
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Thinking about it: BPD men are normally at extreme risk of trooning out. How do you make sure Kaveh doesn’t?
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agp cyno...
He's too masculine to.
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God I wish I was alhaitham right here
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That never stopped anytroon
>runs around with hair clips and women fashion accessories
>acts like an unhinged woman
Does not compute
I hate you for making me laugh at this stupid shit.
Hair clips and pins for men were a thing in China.
It’s only a matter of time before Kaveh “borrows” Miss Hina’s boobies
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Yae and Haitham team up to make him troon
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Why do fujos always draw him in the girl's clothes, even when he's taking charge?
He needs to be pimped out like that
Just a reminder he's likely wearing women's jewellery (probably his mother's)
Maybe if he was from liyue
He acts like one and looks like one
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Psycho but with Kaveh
He’s too tall and long limbed to pull it off
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>grow big
Changing the narrative to twink death doggo
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Poor nonpassing tranneh
This isn't going to offend anyone, I thought your whole gimmick was to troll.
I’m not responsible for most of what’s happening even if it’s sorta funny. I don’t want to damage Genshin gen .
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> This isn't going to offend anyone
It triggers the Yae
i think kaveh could pass as a lanky supermodel type
>fujos thought they were going to be bickering non stop in cyno's SQ2
>its just them being domestic and working together
I've never been this happy to be BTFO'd so badly
>implying Kaveh is teyvat Andrej Pejic
yes that’s a perfect comparison
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Your average genshin boy looks way more feminine than your average real life troon
Not Kaveh’s in game model tho
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Genshin tranny*
That dude looks so bad now
What being anorexic does. Make sure Kaveh eats well and doesn’t drink.
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Nah, the anime aesthetic make most playable males look androgynous. Purely subjective but I don't play any other gacha games, so to me they all look pretty feminine
They don’t look like androgynous in game
He’s kinda gangly and big while the manlet males are dainty.
The pic you posted looks completely male too. Context matters, for anime characters they look masculine.
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I did say it was subjective
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It’s objective that he would not pass tbqh
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>lolcow raiders turn the thread into a Troonveh and crossdressing dogs topic
Idk if funny or not
Also it’s his birthday
why do you keep bringing up your home website rent free
Would lolcow bully him? How do they make sure he doesn’t an hero?
It’s not actually mine and most of the posts aren’t mine. I just know about internet culture.
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Troon schizo Kaveh
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Alhaitham would stop kaveh from posting stupid shit online and would act like his tard wrangler
Tbh I feel like Kaveh would rarely be on socmed in comparison to Alhaitham
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>implying the manlet dogs would do better since not getting enough food stunted their growth
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Alhaitham and Kaveh are men and not woobified fujo weirdos and would just shitpost on /fit/, and troll /lgbt/ and jerk off to /gif/ together like regular internet addicted men.
No? They’re clearly trannies like these lolcow retards like to spam
Picrel is a Xerxes portrait, persian monarchs back in the day liked to adorn themselves in jewelry and earrings, and Kaveh is a persian name that means "of royal origin" so it's not rare for him to be heavily adorned in those too
Shotas aged up to be palatable to a western audience.
>troll /lgbt/
100% Kaveh would troon then. Why would Haitham let him go there?
>alhaitham internet addict
I'm pretty sure he never used sumeru's version of the internet, I've totally forgot sumeru's AQ though
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Actual troons envy Kaveh's natural cis male beauty
They both made commentary about how people heavily depended on the Akasha iirc
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It’s accurate. Samurai were manlets. That carried over to Imperial Japan’s soldiers.
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SERIOUSLY, how do I get a roommate like this?
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Be a mental hospital psychiatrist who picks up twinks who go in for suicide.
get help and go back to lolcow
Sadly, every femboy, crossdresser, or twink troons out, once you start caring about looking like a pretty boy bottom, you eventually get enough brainworms where you take permanently body modifying hormones because you fear any masculinity it's usually too late. And the "twink death" meme is part of it, weak minded fags get memed into wanting to age as franken-women instead... SAD! Many such cases! Kaveh would be like this
Really weird posts in these threads
Kek it's nothing compared to cbg
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Reincarnate into Genshin Impact's 5* Dendro Sword Sumeru Akademiya Scribe Alhaitham
>11/10 twink roommate who does all the housework
>easy job that's he's overqualified for
>lead a successful coup to protect his lifestyle
>is a 11/10 too
Is he the biggest winner in genshin?
The /trash/ thread? I stopped using that when the ff14 guy started spamming it with his weird tranny obsession. Surprised it still exists.
You have no idea what twink means
Just ignore her posts and post boys
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Tall boys can be twinks
That has nothing to do with it you retard
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He's a hot, taller than average, 30yo very pretty man I don't think he exactly qualifies as one, at least not on the usual sense of the word. Also Mechanikaveh my beloved, I love that AU
He's right Kaveh isn't a twink.
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Why? Is it because he's too old? I don't pay attention to real life homos
>take permanently body modifying
It can work at keeping paedomorphic traits, maybe forever, if they haven’t been lost at the time of taking. There’s obviously big drawbacks, it makes it much more likely they troon and some people see pink pilling them as a sport.
But no, they’re not doomed to troon. Many don’t and you can get tits cut off to keep the peak aesthetic.

Maybe you treating it as an all or nothing and telling them they’re doomed the moment they’ve done anything is part of the problem?
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Twink is someone young, with a boyish like beauty, think of Lyney or Heizou for example. I don't think I would consider Kaveh as someone with a boyish face, he's actually on the line of handsome and pretty
bruh that’s a buttplug take it to /y/
“He’s a whore”
Personally I think he wears too much make up to be handsome
Do we even know their rough age? They could be in their late 20s for all we know
Shhhh, you can't see anything NSFW
>implying they’re all at extreme risk of twink death
I'd say Zhongli, or Alhaitham even with his double colored kohl, wear much more makeup than him. His model only has a soft brown eyeshadow, he just happens to have big eyes and very long eyelashes
No, we don't but they still have that youthful, boyish beauty that seals the deal, at least for me, in regards of describing them as twinks. Venti is older than all of them and he also has that same type of beauty
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Man the racing theme was such a good choice the latest Hoyofair fell so flat in comparison
Venti's a clone of a teenager
His archon form in the comics also took form after that guy?
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>It can work at keeping paedomorphic traits, maybe forever, if they haven’t been lost at the time of taking.
Explain Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras. They both hit twink death hard.
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I'm only about his official art, I just thought he was was wearing mascara/eyeliner. He's already wearing eyeshadow, so its not a massive stretch
People with darker eyelids than the rest of their skin exist, the name's Persian so it's not even a stretch. Men with long eyelashes are common, too. You people are obsessed with trannies.
the anons that talk about trannies are trannies
Well yes he's still wearing makeup and so does other tall men that are usually described as handsome so I don't see why he would not
>Well yes he's still wearing makeup
woman headcanon
This, also the one calling everyone else lolcow is from there
Even in anime making the eyelids darker without 'eyeshadow' is common lol.
I didn't even mention trannies you fucking schizio
You have been all thread, and don’t try to claim it’s someone else; these boards are slow and your posts reek of roastie.
And she wonders why people made a thread to get away from her.
But anon she’s just joking xD
Super funny.
Anon... male models irl wear make up. Our cute gacha pixels does too. Unless you're like Neuvillette and have natural blue streaks on your eyelashes akin to a blue eyeliner due to his draconic nature.
Alhaitham and Kaveh wearing kohl due to their background inspiration for their designs isn't even that farfetched.
Anon.. men have long eyelashes and dark eyelids.. take your meds.
idk why you even try, she's just trying to push the 'he's feminine and will troon out' shit
Kaveh is a straight cismale.
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What? I wasn't even implying anything, I even said that Kaveh has natural long eyelashes a few posts above
I am not that mentally ill to believe that a man using lip balm means that he would transition or something
>cis male
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Don't reply to the troon obsessed schizo
Nobody buys your shit roastie.
cute samefag lol
She buys her own shit until the thread gets ruined for her amusement, and that’s all that matters.
Nooo you can't say that. You have to let her shitpost about troons and twinks.
I am not sure what are her tactics now but I roughly have an idea
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Meds now
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It's funny watching you call other people out on your own twisted behavior.
Keep at it on your phone sis.
90% of her posts got banned last thread but she’s still evading to samefag on her phone. Wish the jannies would rangeban her.
Stop replying to her.
don't give the schizo attention
Changing the way you type won't hide you troonsis
see >>3890298
and take them. Go back to your shithole, nobody here likes you.
I can smell your fishwound, troonschizo.
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Wait for the rangeban then, I'll forgive you if you eat your own words afterwards
If only you got rangebanned you unhinged roastie.
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Holy shit I now love the dogbooba poster, she literally mindbroke /cm/
Lol it wasn't me who got rangebanned but believe what you want
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These threads would be comfy again.
Of course you love yourself. Eat a bullet
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Being fat fucks and euro genes. Bong and euro women look like men anyways. Other actors like that sense8 tranny haven’t hit twink death despite pushing on 50. So it can work so long as the useful parts are taken without all the other stuff that would bring harm.
Also counterpoint is Chris Crocker who everyone said got handsome but then trooned after becoming a big ridiculous bear. So embracing twink death can end disastrously too.
We WISH you did. Learn to read stupid cunt.
>woman can't comprehend plain text replies
>she clinged to Heizou now
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Poster below me is the dogbooba poster
sloppy dual posting sis
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Nigga you are the trannyschizo.
Running away from your mental illness won’t make it any less detectable to those around you.
I’ve posted very little. Probably trolls from outside copied everything that annoyed cm in the past but exaggerated it. Most of it isn’t me and I usually keep edginess just within the line of acceptable.
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Errmmmm retards, reread my post. Cleary >>3890318 is the booba poster
You can tell who the troon schizo is because all of her posts reek of femaleness.
'I don't care about irl gays'
'Bully men'
'30 year olds are twinks'
Actually true lol
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Yeah it all reeks of manhate.
are you perioding? calm down sis
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>femanons are still retards that can't stop ruining everything they interact with
It didn't have to be like this, but it is.
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I'm guessing theres some discord behind it
Turns out she needed to be in the mental asylum she was shitposting about.
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Me and my gay husband reading this thread
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>the discord doesn't like my dog hrt posts and discussion of irl trannies
>yes it's a discord it has to be
Least insane female 4chan user.
ywnbam sis
They always say that because they can’t handle not being in a hugbox with their fellow roasties, lol.
Sadly avoiding problems doesn't fix mental instability.
She’s not fixable.
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>ywn read schizo shitposts with a beautiful 10/10 malewife
you need a hobby bitch
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If you ever get one I hope you don't torture them with close proximity of your yeast infection while you troll generals.
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what if you called him a bitch?
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>mentioned discord
>schizos get uppity
Did the discord get trigged?
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We know what you are.
>genshin boys reacting to my penis
this is the troonschizo
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Be less obvious, foids, it's embarrassing.
you can’t ever be male sorry
Uh oh the janny OP of this thread doesn't like you posting Scaramouche outside of his thread.
need a reaction image of scara imposed on the faghate dog
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>still projecting
>still syncing up her posts intentionally to make it look like she's not insane when she's just posting on her phone and pc like she always does
Can I smell your pussy, my queen..?
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She's real mad
Dogboob roastie is losing her mind lol
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Don't care, plus she's a girl.
Lolcow tourists don’t think we know how easily they samefag here.
why do women get so BTFO by pretty non-tranny men existing
>not a single Gorou posted
Really gets the noggin joggin
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Genuinely just jealousy.
Changing the way you shitpost won't hide you troonsis.
Too flustered? Poor girl.
how get genshin twink bf bros?
the op is dogtits schizo on her computer
she hates the generals being spread because she gets less attention
if you were all posting in the male only thread she’d be spamming it to bump again
men only, sorry!
I hope she finds a bf so she fucks off desu.
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If she 41%s that'd be better.
You're pathetic
>admits it
Good girl.
Nobody even claimed this, but thank you for admitting it.
LOL retard
Lolcow sure didn’t send their brightest with her, huh..
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At least when she's samefagging and sperging she doesn't spam as many tranny twinkdeath mental illness posts.
Maybe we just have to keep her perpetually mad and on the defensive.
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Dogschizo done yet?
Why is Cyno so unpopular
I know who you are.
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Yes, I'm the dogbooba poster, scara is a troon and I LOVE JANNIES
Nope she's still seething.
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Fujos are racist.
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I never desktop post on 4chan.
you’re also blaming other people and calling each other spammers.
Post dog booba then
>verification not required
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Answer >>3890357
brown boys are cute
scara when he sees my micropenis
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>scara when he sees my micropenis
Fujos have no taste.
what if you asked scara that?
But I don’t want to smell ass, I want to smell your pussy.
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Increase dosage
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Thanks doc
You need to go back.
into the ground
Np enjoy the testosterone sis
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im a straigh white cis male.
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woman detected
Nah, kaveh has a gem like alhaitham but his is on the top of his ass cleft
nah it’s badly cropped porn
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>gorouroastie using scara for her shitposts now
btw whatever you said it cut off at you'r-
Yes we know your hands are female.
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Why did fujo write a story where Gorou has one. But it’s because he’s a degenerate and used magic so that Itto could breed him? https://archiveofourown.org/works/35611846
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>Female hands wrote this
Gross, keep them away from me....
Yes you are schizo. Learn to integrate, lolcowtroon. That’s not how you >t.
hello female schizo, what's good
everyone laugh at this newfag
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I sweat to god, every post you make is more cringy and obviously woman-written than the last.
Putting my dick on his tongue
Ok but I didn’t ask, you gon give me a whiff of yo pussy??
Are hot and I want to impregnate them. But this is a genshin cm thread.
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Please explain why? I’ll honestly stop being edgy if you give a good explanation. Is it my writing style?
There genuinely are multiple dog posters who are trolling and others of you accusing each other so it probably won’t make a difference right away.

Also, how the dog being a degenerate a woman topic?
multiple people have already explained why
no men use that site let alone look up tranny porn on it
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>implying Gorou is an amab ftm tranny
>There genuinely are multiple dog posters who are trolling
Only you got confused, where’d your pc posting go? I could easily point out which of the tranny posts are yours because of how female they come across as vs the copycat(s) who write like men who aren’t actually into it.
>implying lgbtbbq bixnood awooga
there you go there’s another roastiecoded woman post
also this
Female hands wrote this.
Yes that’s what I just said, you’re too obvious roastie-chan. Female autism is too easy to read and you have it in spades.
>she STILL can’t quote right
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>could easily point
Please do so. Also how is it female coded?
It doesn’t count as being a tumblrina if you make fun of him for it.
All obviously female posts.
Whether or not you want to claim the twitter filenames is up to you but they’re clearly written by a woman, as well.
Meanwhile >>3890152 reads like any normal male coomer.
Point is, go back to crystal cafe.
nobody mentioned tumblr but there’s another point in the ywnbam bucket
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>Don't come to /cm/ in ages
>Check in on Genshin threads
>Gorofujo still doing her usual thing
Stay classy, /cm/.
time is a flat circle
desu I'd feel kinda bad for that poster if she were ftm or something like that.
I doubt it. If she were a transsexual she probably wouldn’t be sperging about them all the time.
> sperging about them
Does laughing at Kaveh for acting like one even count?
I think the most female thing about her is the desperation for validation/replies. Calm down, you don't need to reply to every single post.
> this means you think Fujo are absolute degenerates
You are, it’s in the name. It’s near-exclusive to your kind to jerk off to male misery, gay mindbreak, yaoi eroguro, or shitty archiveofourown fanfic trash. Your attitude down to your vocabulary is feminine. You know you’re not a bloke, why are you trying so hard to hide it? /cm/ has other fujos, you’re probably not the only one here, especially if the other quoted post wasn’t yours.
It’s kinda cute
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Nigga you desperate. I'm bi, but 3dpd is 3dpd.
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> Your attitude down to your vocabulary is feminine.
How? Really?
> male misery, gay mindbreak, yaoi eroguro
Women aren’t the least bit interesting. There no harm from seeing fictional characters brought to tears.
> the other quoted post
There probably is an actual invasion from LC rn. I didn’t have anything to do with it.
It’s been reiterated to you by dozens of anons, if you’re too median IQ, another female trait, to see it then try asking your trans therapist to help you masculinize. Otherwise you’ll remain the thread lolcow.
This is another thing, only those chicks call it that to avoid bringing people there.
Stop ignoring me.
So can I sniff your pussy? Tits and sharpie in pussy? Post cute girly hands? Well?
Not a tranny
I think she's just acting stupid to bait replies desu.
Then stop being allergic to being called out as a woman.
i wanna hurt gorou.
Goro did nothing wrong.
>not an SRS femboy so can’t collect the free money
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Obvious itto larp
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This is funny
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Not really.
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I hope Chinese censors don’t stop Itto from learning his waifu is a man.
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Hot blooded thug Chad ends up humping another man? How isn’t that funny? It’s not like he’d snap and beat Gorou up.
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Dog yaoi is literal canon
She was trying to pick up a bf on /a/ a couple of weeks ago. Thank you for distracting her.
Based, keep triggering her.
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I never post on a…
Imagine Itto writing sex letters to “Hina” (Gorou) promising to get him pregnant.
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It’s actually funny if you think up an Itto is so stupid he doesn’t realize he’s having sex with a man and tries to impregnate Gorou scenario
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Low effort. 2/10.
I’m gonna max the thread since your attempted trolling is boring by now.
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Attempted is the key word. I want to see Kaveh get bullied but there’s not much Kaveh bullying art.
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Make a new thread or you’ll get dog booba. Make a new thread and I promise no booba.
>verification not required
>First in being divorce raped
You asked for this >>3890551
you are one

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