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This is the most beautiful GUI I have ever experienced literally the best. It's a fucking joy to explore. It may be little rough around some edges but damn it's beautiful.

I don't want to be the guy that talks about souls and design. But this thing might as well breath.
I love these things, some anon on /g/ made a small archive of wmp skins.
Winamp and Windows Media Player had a huge customization scene, shame that not many media players are as customizable nowadays.
b-but it's INEFFICIENT!
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thread's probably superfluous because of the y2k thread but whatever these are cool and the others are web design
ty very much.
i know it's an overused term. but windows customization seems so much more soulful than most of the unix customization i've seen.
things like this, rainmeter, etc.
Yeah, I getcha, it's because nowadays Linux ricers just want to either imitate what Windows and MacOS have as defaults or make it look like "le 1337 h4x0rz" pretentious shit, whereas Windows themes have a lot of variety.
You want something that looks like it's from 1998? You got it!
Some 2013 cool tech theme? Sure!
A cool 2000s theme in the style of Apple Aqua or Windows Aero? Why not?
Some modern flat theme? Of course, go ahead!
Something else? Why not!
What pisses me off is that Linux used to have a lot of variety too back in the GNOME 2/KDE 3-4 days but suddenly people just settled on those two camps and some faggot devs started the whole "please don't theme my app :(" bullshit.

hi guys
i need photoshoop help
i need to edit away th backgrouds in my hand drawn mazes and make the the blackspaces uniform and straight do you have any tips or links to help an poor old fagg
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When creating the mask, be aware that everything that is black will become transparent, and everything that is white will become visible, so, open the mask using Alt + Click and press Ctrl + I to invert the mask's colors;

Always test, live by workarounds.
ok its more complex than i thought, sorry fancy guy.

damn this guy photoshops better than me.
though really i think what op need is very high res scans with minor color/exposure/curve corrections.
this will clean it up and preserve the hand drawn quality and wont lead to pixelly artifacts. quality in quality out, op/
Why do we need this instruction twice?
OP these are really awesome. You should put them together as a book. I would buy it.

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Can't find the link to the old thread edition
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That's a very interesting image
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>martian australia

PS is for editing one still frame, how do you do this effect in sony vegas or after effects
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Movies are just thousands of frames that move past the eye to create the illusion of movement.
Break your movie down into frames and apply the filter to every frame in photoshop.
Yeah, this is the easiest way to do it.
you have unironically taught me more in one post than I have learned in college courses. dog bless.

>be me
>vector artist
>working on this large advertising firm
>from a third world country (Philippines)

>be me
>draw shapes, get paid
>comfy life

>be today
>cops and swat teams and shit raided our building
>apparently our business doubles as a high end prostitution agency AND sells methamphetamine
>about 25% of our employees are complicit
>the guy who taught me how to use illustrator is literally fucking Heisenberg
>our print manager is a pimp by evening

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Not terribly rare; any field where lots of money changes hands for "creative" work is ripe for money laundering or being a front like this since you are essentially making money out of thin air as opposed to making/selling tangible products with a set market value...ad agencies, art galleries/ dealers, record companies, publishing...all of them have been used this way. Recycling and auto dismantling too.

Also even where someone goes in legit, with advertising and related businesses that depend on a healthy business economy to thrive, when business takes a downturn its not uncommon for people to see dealing in drugs and other illicit activity as a lifeline to get them through a rough spot of no work...and when it pays better than the original business it's hard to walk away and go back to making signs or T Shirts or whatever.

Ironically this is one valid answer to that thread where someone asks:

>How are some people getting paid 191k and I barely get 65k a year in a large Midwest city anons

More pics like these please.
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thanks op im stealing these and making t shirts to sell

I'm trying to build an animation in which a flower grows over time in front of a background. A simple fade transition is east enough, but I'm wondering if a morphing tool could make things really pop.

The trouble is, using a morph causes the background around the object to warp as well. If I just put the start and end frames over a green background to green screen the result into the scene, the intermediate frames have these annoying 'ghost' images that the green screen filter doesn't know how to remove, and the result is shitty and ugly.

Anyone familiar with a morphing tool that can work with a transparent png? I want to bypass the green screen step.

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I would like to share the amazing cover art Timbul Cahyono painted for my book. The logo was designed by Gragoth.

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Do literally anything with this image, repost in thread, next poster has to edit the last edit
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you and everyone else in this thread is a fag for not knowing this
haha feeling lonely tonight, hun?
believe me! you are deserving of love as well!
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Nice bait tard, art is art.
It doesn't matter what file type it's in.
>pepe gypsy
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (dead)

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I made an animated illustration about the Devil. What do you think?
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>AI trash wah wah wah
Who cares if it makes money?

A lot of phonk music thumbnails use this style
Lol, you guys are done for...
looks fun lol
AI slop, kys
>AI slop
kys you fucking hack

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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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pretty cool stuff man
lol i came here from ifunny just to laugh at you
Why would you admit to using that shithole??
try buying and taking photos of manikins in the same position as the photos you are editing that way you have some sort of reference. i do think the flat neck looks better then a rounded knob. idk how you woud do the texture on the skin to be honest
you absolute retard

graphic design gems

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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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this guy's good
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...n-no u...
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I'm fucking around with some UV maps and need painting advice. The only real tool at my disposal is Gimp, but I have some photoshop experience.

I want to clean up the blood, make multiple skin variants, and paint on some goggles/remove the collar. How would you guys go about this? Thank youuu
I guess I could do a color overlay and avoid areas like the teeth and eyes using layering
>how you would you go about it?
I would use gimp
For the face I would use the clone/copy whatever it's called tool, the one where you hold the key in one area and it transfers it to another.For the hands and feet I would do that on another layer with a spot from the chest and burn/dodge as appropriate.
>clean up the blood
clone tool
>make multiple skin variants
duplicate layer and fuck around with color menu
>paint on some goggles
>new layer, either a lot of paintbrush and eraser or draw a path and fill, then experiment with layer modes and opacity
>remove the collar
clone tool

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I found this brand of liquorice from Finland. I like the use of simple shapes and bright colours. Can you guys find anything else like this?
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Note the third pattern up from the bottom
Better view of an earlier example
It’s ripping off the Montblanc logo

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