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What is this æsthetic called
Hard Classic Rock 99.5 KBBL
Shit was all over the 1970s to early 80s.

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Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
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>is a professional editor
>doesn't know how to use professional editing software
>tfw don't know how to extract mp4s from mkvs so I end up using Shotcut for all my webm memes because I don't want to put more effort into a 5 sec joke than I have to
I've always pirated Premiere. I'm too good at it to swap to DaVinci without it being not only painful but money loss. I really wish I had a free year and a half to get as good in it as I am with Premiere.

Also, is there a torrent for the most recent Premiere with all the TTS and AI modules? It took a while for the TTS modules to show up and the only thing stopping me to pay for a subscription is my despise for Adobe as a corporation

Is'nt Resolve opensource? Shit, I'm not paying them either

I can afford it, but you'll catch me dead on a curb before giving money to such a filthy corporation

As far as I know, proper coloring, proper audio engineering and instant multicamera. It can cut a day or two from a workweek, but I don't care because I'm never tasked nor paid to do it more than the basics. If they can do cutting I'm buying tomorrow, no matter how much hypocrisy it will show, I'd rather have more money and get a week's work done in a single day, I'll even charge extra for the "coloring" and "audio engineering"
Low IQ too stupid to use other programs.
Thinking a hobby grade editor has a chance against Resolve.
We understand that you are decent with adobe pr ae. But seething because of a superior program BTFOs what you use. Adobe hasn't made any improvements since 2016. But that's a you problem not being able to switch.
>Resolve MIGHT be used to do color correction by some professionals
No, it is the most used software by professional Colorists to color correct and grade digital media, ever since around the Da Vinci 2K System was released; especially since Adobe shat the bed with Speedgrade, and while Avid is keeping Symphony in Media Encoder on life support. The editing features were added onto it later, but it already had mass market share for color correction way before it was bought by Blackmagic, and the fact that you downplay this obvious industry fact in order to strengthen your opinions on the software as a whole makes me doubt your credentials as a professional in this field. We've been using Resolve in our Post-production house for years now as our online conforming and finishing tool and we've had no problems regarding the quality of the final exports it spat out for our commercials, television, and film restoration work. We still use Media Composer for feature-length productions or during offline editing though, to accommodate our editors still familiar with Avid.

I need pictures cleaned up/designed/redesigned for my vintage Schwinn Stingray Orange County Choppers bike and I will post some pictures I'd like some help with. I want theese to look presentable to put on my bike to go to a sticker shop.

The first picture is the S logo but I want a hot pink flame trailing behind it (this will be on both sides of the bike frame)

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I need these in hot pink too
I need the words on this one to be white but the background be black
I need the Schwinn logo in white
I need the words in black but background in hot pink

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The Tokyo olympics 2020 logo: soulless, doesn't even make any sense.

My AI "slop" version: beautiful, expert composition, a deep juxtaposition between tradition and technology and an athletic motif.
you don't understand the concept of motion
>expert composotion
>tradition and technology
obviously bait...
am i the only person that liked the 2012 one

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Hello /gd/ I am coming here with a request today. Can you guys help me find the original picture and the original drawing of these 2 demo's from a French band called Peste Noire? I have been trying to find the original ones for a while now and I have not been able, using Google and Yandex, I even contacted someone who had the original tapes, but sadly they sold them by the time I asked him for the scans. Thanks for your time and effort! I really appreciate it!
Okay OP, all I have to do is apply my magical de-filter brush onto the pic and you'll be able to reverse image search the orginal in no time!
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Looking forward to be a Freelancer Graphic Designer and Blender Artist.

I'm a 19 years old male, I decided to not attend to college because In my point of view, it's just not worthy it, paying thousands for something you can learn online. Here is my problem though, I don't know where I should start. I feel like I'm not confident enough, and I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.

I'm currently working at my family's business, but it's so annoying having to work with public, and being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent. Which is what I'm looking forward to be.

It's been hard since everyone tries to push me into college, because in their mind, college = easy life. And I really don't bother getting minimum wage as long, I'm doing something that I enjoy.
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Good point
Unrelated, but where can I find someone to draw me a logo for a personal website ? I don't need anything really professional...
Use DALL·E. It’s cheaper and probably better than what you’d get from a designer, especially from around here.
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funnily enough basically my whole process from going from self-taught to college is documented on this board, but I shared my brief experience from my first semester here >>453466 if you're interested
I don't think college is necessary, but even from a community college I've gotten quite a lot of knowledge from classes and feel like a more competent designer for it
I'm just going for a one-year certificate at the moment but I may end up going into a bachelors

if you're insistent on self-learning, I suggest the following sources
>linkedin learning (I had one class that basically leaned entirely on these courses)
>youtube (stay away from trendy bullshit, watch lectures and talks from designers that aren't hacks)
and more than anything I found just looking at good design (or not even good, but design I like) to be both a good motivator and good for inspiring work
> I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.
Take any offer you can get your hands on and build your portfolio, and try promoting yourself on platforms like Fiverr too.

>it's so annoying having to work with public
You will have to work on it if you are interested in being a freelancer, and own your own business one day.

>being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent.
Keep working at your family’s business for easy cashflow

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i crave smiles.
this feels like social commentary

What are you working on, /gd/?
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I didn't want to create a thread for this, but can anyone tell me which text alignment is better for readability purposes or why am I too fucking dumb to know which one works best? (they both look weird to me to be honest, being a designer is tough)
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OF COURSE I'd forget the godamn file
>being a designer is tough
you are so motherfucking stupid, wasting your and our time with half a centimeter of indentation!

the text isn't even vertically aligned with the rose bars and still you are worrying about fucking 5 millimeters?!
definitely the top one. now grow up and work for 10 minutes without asking for feedback, child.
the sheer honesty hurt a little but I'll take it like a champ, thank you for the feedback, anon
sports graphics bro

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Guys, im a total noob, I need help. is there a way to spiral fonts? For example, font F37 Bergman or Florida?

Maybe there are some torrents or links to archives, like the archive of TTRPG PDF files on /tg/?
Some yeah, but they might be not 100% quality ifykwim, if it's for a small project just draw the lettering in illustrator

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Last thread: >>441761
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Please tell us what this has to do with graphic design.

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what is /gd/'s favorite album artwork?
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lol spectraal wound saw them at vits they stunkwould rather c rainbow w rithcie blakmore on tehguitar shit rox
mein niger
Part 2: >>453887
Part 2: >>453887
Part 2: >>453887
I want a threesome with beast of burden bill and the shattered one with red eyes.
It was much nicer type-free.

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Is going to college (either for a degree or a certificate in design) a waste of money when things like skillshare and udemy exist?
I've been fucking with photoshop for well over a decade but only got seriously in to design recently, and I'm enrolled for a certificate but I can't shake the feeling that I'm spending several grand on an education I could match for several hundred dollars so long as I put the effort in.
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Learn the skills you need on your own, make yo a certificate, get some experience and small jobs to build reputation and continue freelance. Put some experience on your cv/portfolio and make a website to advertise yourself. You can also take out ads online and locally to help businesses. Nobody would ever check the certificate, they want to see proven experience and work. Even people with official degrees don't know what they are doing and are making it up as they go.
College is great, best years of my life, made friends, got a gf.
But then again where I live college is a lot cheaper than in the US.
We don’t bury ourselves in debts doing that.
>post about whether or not college is worth it to learn design
>resident retard chimes in with social life and finances
I love europoors because they'll make the most irrelevant posts just to make it known that they're not american
the thing is that basically you can learn anything on youtube, and yes you can give yourself briefs (theres even a brief generator website iirc) but the thing about going to school for it, is that you get these briefs (and also guidance) from your teachers. it's actually really valuable to get these in a school setting because it's much more structured. sure, just like with soundcloud musicians you can set your own deadlines, but the school pressure really helps sometimes. even while working at school exercises and deadlines, it's helpful to look for tutorials. shit, today i learned theres a view mode in illustrator to just cut out what's outside the artboard lol i thought you had to manually mask it
anyway, i recommend it if you have the time. otherwhise just become a freelancer with youtube knowledge haha. feedback during your degree is handy though
t. getting a degree in graphic design after attempting healthcare major but hating working with people
you know what you will never get on youtube?

the experience of being in roomfuls of art, often really good art, on a daily basis

Redesign It. From Scratch
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>from scratch
okay no reference to og design. maybe mine is stupid idk lemme know :P
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ty for that clover, i really like it
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added some depth to the text to have it match the clover better
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I'm from the US and am on vacation in Europe and I bought this pate in the store earlier. I really dig the simplicity and color of the design.
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I think the new-ish fanta logo is cool
I bought this shower gel and thought the packaging had a cool futuristic look.
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This is the most beautiful GUI I have ever experienced literally the best. It's a fucking joy to explore. It may be little rough around some edges but damn it's beautiful.

I don't want to be the guy that talks about souls and design. But this thing might as well breath.
I love these things, some anon on /g/ made a small archive of wmp skins.
Winamp and Windows Media Player had a huge customization scene, shame that not many media players are as customizable nowadays.
b-but it's INEFFICIENT!
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thread's probably superfluous because of the y2k thread but whatever these are cool and the others are web design
ty very much.
i know it's an overused term. but windows customization seems so much more soulful than most of the unix customization i've seen.
things like this, rainmeter, etc.
Yeah, I getcha, it's because nowadays Linux ricers just want to either imitate what Windows and MacOS have as defaults or make it look like "le 1337 h4x0rz" pretentious shit, whereas Windows themes have a lot of variety.
You want something that looks like it's from 1998? You got it!
Some 2013 cool tech theme? Sure!
A cool 2000s theme in the style of Apple Aqua or Windows Aero? Why not?
Some modern flat theme? Of course, go ahead!
Something else? Why not!
What pisses me off is that Linux used to have a lot of variety too back in the GNOME 2/KDE 3-4 days but suddenly people just settled on those two camps and some faggot devs started the whole "please don't theme my app :(" bullshit.

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