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I no longer know how to make money as a graphic designer Its all so hopeless
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Its so temping to give up & trying to be the BEST & give into feeding retards retarded shit

>how do i get my mind to believe that getting attention & influencing others is > than becoming a good artist & mastering a skill
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500k likes on facebook
I haven't seen an ad for a graphic design job in literally a year where I live. the last job ad I saw I got that job and I've been looking for a new one ever since, nothing.
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happy birtady

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Why is this aesthetic wrapped in with the Windows 8 "Metro" theme? They were not even in the same decade. The colorful/grungy and flat style was a thing of the mid to late 00s. Windows 8 was released in fucking 2012. The style was already dying by the time Windows 8 came. There was nothing in this style that look remotely related to Windows Metro. And why is "Frutiger" even in the name? It doesn't have anything in common with Aero other than being in the same decade.

These names people are coming up with make no damn sense.
People who decided to 'own' these things to show their merit to the world as in 'educating' others are 'undergraduate art students', 'neets' and 'young, so don't have a recollection of things in a time span of a decade or two over 14 years ago but thats ok'.

Do not expect them to do things like filtering Google results by a time range. Some of them are convinced that the truth is as good as the 'emotion it invokes', that's why the nonsense clustering and naming. They live in some timeless void where they are driven by emotional stimulus and attention.

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fyi a gaanoo/linux now has a font manager, that is basically the same as nexusfont on windows or the macos built-in one, and also provides a font file viewer:

feel free to discuss any other freetard design software that may have emerged or improved recently.
krita looks like a much more ok replacement for photoshop than gimp at this point, including smart layers and free transforms, but can be a bit buggy.

there seems to be nothing that can properly replace illustrator, adobe xd or affinity designer (inkscape has no concept of paragraphs, scribus is too procedural and hard to use for fast web/ui design iteration, the color picker lacks hsl and hsv) unfortunately, but you can prove me wrong.

Post em schizos
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another legitimate schizo artist
William Kurelek's "The Maze"
LOL thanks for the hindu copypasta indian AI bot
Is that a Jewish golem on the bottom left with one eye? Sure as hell looks it.

Palestine must be free
Spooky fr

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no overarching theme
just post stuff that you like and think other people might like
be it just because it looks cool or you think it's exemplary of what graphic design should strive to be
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I don't really use pinterest, I just scan archives and dumps for magazines and collections and then pick through them
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Sorry, I don't use Pinterest and only come to this board from time to time. Almost everything I have I get from 4chan and slsk
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I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
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With very few exceptions those kinds of posters use ALL CAPS and sans-serif block lettering that is intended to display strength, determination and brutal resolve, and tries way too hard. So much so that even if you can't read the lettering they are so over the top in both bold, blocky typeface and stark, in-your-face layout that you can't help but recognize the cliche for what it is.

Basically nothing is a soft sell or an appeal to humanity or individual feelings and even things like letter spacing make few concessions to making anything easy or pleasant or persuasive...they are NOT asking you to think, they are ordering you to agree and OBEY.
>propaganda is propaganda
who would've thought!
this. what would russians even get from western people fighting against each other?
Not all propaganda follows that template, dumbfuck; propaganda can be subtle, it can cajole and flatter and appeal to people's gentler nature as a means of manipulating them.

Totalitarian collectivist propaganda as a rule does not take that approach, especialy once that rule is established. STFU and read a book.

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How are some people getting paid 191k and I barely get 65k a year in a large Midwest city anons
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There are some people getting paid $65k a year and I only make $38k a year.
Your job sucks. Next post.
You guys are getting paid??
that question largely depends on what your occupation actually is

>still can't measure distances between rulers and elements
>still can't move rulers with keyboard
>rulers still not snapping to anything
>still can't adjust width of left and right menu
>still no tabs
>still not .exe to install the desktop app
Instead we have css grid layout that literally no one asked for and no one will use due to above reasons and also because most designers dont know css and will do everything in their power to avoid learning it. Congratulations I'm actually impressed by how comically awful penpot is after literal YEARS of development. Anyway back to Figma.
>rulers still not snapping to anything
wow. Fuck everything about that.
current figma user here, I gave penpot a shot but it still kinda feels off, there are a few details that are quite significant for me like being able to click on a value and drag sideways to change and try it in real time instead of typing them manually
Make a pull request and fix it yourself, if it bothers you so much. Complaining about free software, baka.

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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
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The stock is definitely in a downward trajectory. Only held up by sam being good at avoiding mainstream memes - these always die in cringe within long.
He still slips up, like when he allows his team to dub the massively overrused black man exaggerated laugh audio (the "oh no no no" one) into his videos.

Sam just isn't cutting edge any more, and he only focuses on perfecting what he sees as the peak of his aesthetic, and his advice giving internet dad persona. We don't need more of those. The only funny thing he's done in the last 5 years is the video from the boxing fight where he says he's coming for Hasan Piker "in real life"
World Peace graphics are still some of the best I've ever seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT8vPNsrACo
I forgot to mention the saddest part, these graphics were what Sam submitted that he made with Pomp&Clout but all the text and WP logos were erased and only the cast names left. Sad stuff.
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Have an updoot!
Have some gold, kindly stranger

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ITT we post graphic designs related to transportation .
Here's my city's transportation systems' graphic identity manuals (they're in spanish but you can use deepl).
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you're a dumbass
Those designs were created long before you were even cum and that grooming cult decided to have a flag, dumbass zoomer
>Mexican city
>Mexican pink
>Some blue
Rent free
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Dutch traffic signs:
Looks cool
What's the font?

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Save all your files as WEBP to save space preserving quality!
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>imagine unironically using vanilla windows tools

you hate webpfags because we tell the truth
Kys contrarian retard
not sure you are targeting the correct one of you two with that accusation

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How do you get this effect/feeling (the trashy Hello Kitty vibe) for images? Is there an online tool?
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What are some good online tools to cook images? I just get stock images of food lol

I'd like to get lowfi graphics like you see on gen X punk shirts. Can't do it in Gimp really if treshhold doesn't do it.
Just scroll through a boomers facebook posts for inspiration
How does one do it?
>look at inspiration

a special kind of retard, no?
Looks like it was taken with a film camera. Look for an online tool that has filters that can emulate film effects, PicsArt has a ton of these if you grab a premium APK off some dodgy website. Not sure about PC platforms, there might be Lightroom presets if that's something you waste money on.
This is not good at all. You can use tiktok text and instagram filters to make this stuff.

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Like >>451571 said, 2 and 3 need to be swapped.
Early Windows had brighter colors because the color palette was more limited on some PCs. The more pastel colors came with 98 and Me, when SVGA 24-bit color was the norm.
7 > XP > Vista > 95 > 10 > 11
win 7 classic had nice click sounds, didn't ship with dwm enabled and felt very snappy
it was also simplistic and not overloaded with poorly functioning features, so it was better for workflow than 10/11
obviously nothing beats macosx 10.6-10.7
that was just and orgasmic beauty of ui/ux
This was true minimalism, succeeds at being visually appealing and not too distracting.

Flatshitters today would never achieve doing something like this, as much as they try.
95, XP, 98/2000, then Windows 10.
Windows 95 is really something else dude

Where do I get cracked ae plugins now?
Rutracker.org, 1337x.to, all the all-purpose public torrent sites. For the actual Adobe applications there's monkrus.ws, but there's probably no plugins there. Go to reddit r/piracy or some more specifically Adobe plugin focused subreddit and try to find some sites. Basically go googling or use normie sites.

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The #1 Reason i now hate this fucking JOB

>I'm a recluse introvert i just want to sit in a dark room & make shit i don't want to become a faggot for a retarded audience
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found the dumb ass cunt post!!!!!! yay! now fuck off
>i don't want to become a faggot for a retarded audience
Why not? Consider it as baiting and trolling and say outrageous opionated opinions in public for free engagement.
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no difference really
it's all just bafflegab and busy work

for faggots and queers and women but I repeat myself
This image pisses me off. Well-done by the author.
But the culture is pozzed and worthless

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