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Kurashiki Reina's onee-chan, finally.
>The sisters get along quite well, or rather, the older sister is one-sidedly very protective of Reina, and Reina is slightly annoyed because she has a hard time with the older sister who is a genius.

>Design A
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they will reveal that in later date
Ah... that's unfortunate, I wanna get all the tapestries too for the specific storefronts, but I don't wanna buy three copies of the game
Nobody talked about "amazing standout unique personalities", it's just that both her mother and her sister have a strong personality while she seems lacking.
I disagree, the real point of the saimin genre is not just to fuck the girls as soon as possible, but to make them do various erotic acts they normally wouldn't do and to people they don't know or even despise. They don't need to have a deep personality, just a good contrast between what they normally do and what they do under hypnosis.
I liked both pretty equally.
Now they are doing boob toys, kek

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Previous thread:

Next BISHOP game: Kyousei Shihai (2024-05-31)
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So the demo was nice. It's rare when BISHOP actually has a somewhat focuses story. Sure the main meat will always be training the girls, but still, its an actual mystery to find the owner of the blackmail letter.

Going by all the girls, the culprit who sent the blackmail letter is probably Iori. It's not Rumi and its not Miyuri. And of the remaining 3 girls she's definitely the most likely to find out the MC's past.
Sorry, I think I'm not being clear with my question. By 'permanent', I was asking if the MC's power also affect the girls outside the sex scenes, like ingoku where the girls are perpetually horny in their everyday lives. Or the MC's power only activates during the sex scenes only and then turned-off/have no effect on the girls outside the sex scenes. For some real-world reasons, it's going to be a while for me to play the trial
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It works by increasing the girls body sensitivity.

So the power doesn't stay on the entire time, but the the sensitivity of the girls body is permanently increased with each session, meaning that with time it's easier to make the MC 'convince' the target that she is actually a lewd girl.

Of course the target's are going to realize that it's the MC fault, but at that point their bodies would probably have enough sensitivity development that they won't be able to function without the MC's dick.
There is one inconsistency with this. If Iori was aware of the MC past would she risk sleeping in the same room as the protagonist?

Knowing that she might be attacked if she let's her guard down.
Like the guy above me said, Iori is too defenseless if she already knows MC's past. This is all just speculation, but if I am the scenario writer, I would make Miyuri's parent to be the one who sent the blackmail letter. The game already established that it is in their interest as the donor/investor of the school (not sure about the translation) for the MC to resign quietly and without causing any scandal. So they would do this to protect their daughter and the school reputation.

So it would be a sweet irony that their action caused her daughter to be raped and fully corrupted by the MC instead. Since the MC is already planning to obey the blackmail letter and quit by the end of the semester since he has no choice, I think it would also be sweet for the MC to use Miyuri's post-corruption(their daughter) to blackmail her parents back, either to keep his job or to extort some money for losing his job, or even to marry Miyuri and obtain the family wealth as compensation (it is already established that they are very rich).Considering Miyuri is the main heroine of the game, I think this is very possible.

Previous Thread: >>7772759

A thread for all Vtubers, Vsingers also welcome.
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Anytime specific measurements are mentioned. Cup size, bust size, ass size, cock size, etc.

I'm not talking about adjectives like "big", "huge", "small", or "long". Cup letters, centimeters, inches.

Starting off with Koukou/Pure by Tanishi
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The Great Escape by Ozaki Miray

The translation used inches, so I checked the Japanese version, and it says his cock is 16.5 cm, so the conversion is accurate. Generally, I'm not a fan of converting units in translations.
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Sokuhame Dekichau JK Miya-chan no Ichinichi by Kaenuco
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BIBIBIBI by Fuurai
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Great thread. I dunno why but measurement stuff has always been hot to me, even in games when it's one line in a character sheet it's hot as hell.

Mostly for boobs. There's a recent trend in paizuri works where the girls mentioning their sizes make the guy nearly instantly cum which is fun.
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Another one. There's a whole sequence where she promises to tell the guy her size if he lasts ten seconds, and of course her whispering it out instantly makes him nut.

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Should Queen's Blade have gone full hentai?
They were flirting with the possibility in the OVAs.
Would that have saved it?
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Our only hope now is AI.
I will rejoice in the day that AI can craft a hardcore Cattleya porn episode with the exact same art style as the anime, that could pass as official.
What's with retards wanting ecchi series to go full hentai?
Hentai never get the same budget, therefore the same quality animation, of ecchi shows.
Without considering that they are fucking censored. Goddamn, people these days are fucking stupid.
>Our only hope now is AI.
yeah, not holding my breath for that
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Considering the hentai we were getting even when Queen's Blade was coming out... no. Even then, hentai was starting to look pretty bad. What we got with the ecchi anime was as good as we were gonna get.

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Previous: >>7945667

Free sites to use:
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Mobile reader app for android: https://tachiyomi.org/

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Any good femdom pornhwas?
From Mulcucks Instagram.
When I'm working on a new work, I'm always excited and excited about the new story, but why am I so depressed this time?
I'm still enjoying it, but even after drawing everything, I still see so much that needs to be changed, so I'm stressed!!
After all, health is the best, but
because my body is tired, everything seems to be slowing down;
I need to throw away frivolous thoughts and do my best.
The new work is story follows "only with consent"
it will amplify the atmosphere and genre
So if you don't like it, please consider it in advance..
The title is not "only with consent Season 2", and it is planned in the form of a spin-off and half-omnibus
Other than that, everything is a secret at this point, so I won't answer any more questions about story
I'm working hard, so please wait a little while.
The best place for So-Eun is porn.
Honestly, if I was a henchman and my boss got killed, I'd shrug and go "welp, that's that." No point in killing the guy that killed him.
>it is planned in the form of a spin-off and half-omnibus
wonder if "half-omnibus" in korean is supposed to be "anthology" in english. if it is, the story might be like Corruption: Obscene Tales where it's multiple short stories.

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Thread of mothers and daughters falling in love and having a threesome/foursome sex with the same man.
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I found it.

[rienia] OYAOYAKODON [Japanese]
It's drawn by a SEA monkey. That's just what they see every day.
What is this from?
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You know what I like? Oyakodon with the father and the couple are mages and the daughter is a brat who they punish by growing her a temporary futa cock and both fuck her and make her cum her brains out and if she wants more plowing mommy's pussy and pounding by daddy's dick she better behave and get better grades or whatever.
No balls, she produces no cum but her womb is connected to her dick's urethra and she can only ejactulate with the cum daddy sends into her womb then through her dick.
This doujin has never been made and I am sad.
Oyakodon is good because it's always happy sex with two girls and that is the best way to do it.

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I read a doujin some time ago where a boy has sex with his moms friends and his mom became so horny that she begged the other women to let her have sex with her son. She got a mask and without knowing the son fucked his masked/blindfolded mother. Does someone know which doujin this is and where to read?
[Otochichi] Mama Naranai Onna-tachi
Maybe if she's a high-class woman who can get another to breastfeed for her. Otherwise? Not really, the newborn would starve to death.
Anyone's got recommendations with similar scenes?, I like it when they have these flashbacks about realizing how they unknowingly raised the guy who's about to fuck their brains out. And it's too late.
I'm going to go and check because i had another scene like this bookmarked because they are really rare but hot AF.
what's the sauce?
yandex or saucenao have nothing

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swole fucking thicc
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If god didnt want woman on top why would he make it so cowgirl doesnt get her pregnant. What goes up comes down
>cowgirl doesnt get her pregnant
I have bad news for you if you ever get a woman...
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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
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>a rapist
Nothing wrong with giving women what they want.
You look at popularity, i look at performance.
Random fat ugly bastard pimps main heroine in record timing, while Shuusaku is till waiting help from his brother. Please tell me that you dude can at least solo someone other than schoolgirls, and i might reconsider.
If that's what the Japanese audience wants, that's what they get.
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Japan is a broken nation of broken men.
It's hard to find a good doujin written in [current year] that doesn't involve a Hypnosis App that takes away the ability of a girl to say "No"
The implications of that are so grim it's not even funny. Japanese men's greatest combined desire/hivemind is a hypnosis app that doesn't/can't exist.
Succubus/elf/paralysis/huge breast/loli/futa/tentacle doujin saturation of the past doesn't even compare to it. It's frightening that this is the modern extent of their wishfulfillment.
Hopefully I'm overthinking it, or maybe just 'hypnosis app' doujins were translated this year or something. Even the NTR dudes need to use an app to train the girls these days.
29000 mind control tags out of a total of 736,378 doujins/mangas. A little bit more than 4%. Let me guess, you like schoolgirls and teachers? They're the usual targets of hypnosis apps, so that could explain why you feel they're over-represented. As a whole though, it's not that common. My milfs sure aren't systematically mind controlled in every doujin.

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Looking for good quality doggystyle content.
Straight only, solo okay as long as doggy pos.
Bent over, pronebone also okay.
Kind of ass general as well.

A tier and up, I'll dump some favs
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300 posts in less than 3 months challenge edition

Honey Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R14

AI Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15

HS2 Guide:

AIS Guide:

Latest Patch/Updates

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Get Betterrepack, it has every mod a beginner might need
What are the best ways to raise the "broken" and the "aversion" stats. Those are the only two achievements that I still need
You need to use more aggressive actions, like barging in on them when they're on the toilet, taking advantage during events, use more dominant positions, cum inside without them cumming, and so on.
Point lights are notoriously shit, avoid using them if the plan is to use a light for shadow casting.
>Not using volumetrics

Previous thread >>7768404
Older threads https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7631305

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://textbin.net/gamfrzax7k
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Chikai ~Nakama No Tame Ni Shintai O Kakeru Shojo No Jingi ~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=71492
Shizuka Athlete DLC (just drop into Chikai folder): https://files.catbox.moe/qrjyi0.rar

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Thanks. I wasn't aware how long they usually take.
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Are there any positions you want to see specifically for the next title? And with which heroine?

For me, I want Noeka in a spit roast position. Preferably at an angle to see her boobs hanging and booty.

That has to be some of the most conservative censoring I've encountered on Youtube. Wow.
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I would like Sei to be the meat in the middle of a sandwich .

Lifted up in the air and penetrated in both her ass and pussy at the same time.

Bonus points if she also loses her virginity in both of those holes at that time.

Something similar to the attached Miu scene from Helter Skelter.
They could change positions in the same scene, feels weird that those 213 guys fucks the girl with the same position all day long lmao
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>change positions in the same scene
That's caused by the fact that the game has a visual novel format.

Meaning that each sex position requires a complete new cg - meaning that to apply changes in position Guilty would need to increase the number of cg's for each scene - either by increasing the game budget or by decreasing the overall number of scenes that the game has.

They did something like that in Helter Skelter near the end of Miu's route so it's certainly possible to achieve.

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Previous >>7970044
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What is Teaching Feeling (Dorei to no Seikatsu)? An eroge where you take in a young "broken bird" slave who was abused by her former master, and heal her heart and soul. Fall in love with the endearing Sylvie as she learns to feel again, trust others, and fall in love (and lust).

Previous Thread >>7434534

v4.0 is out, but no translation or mod porting work has started.

>Ray-Kbys (creator)

>Buy 4.0.x
>PayPal can be used; just buy enough points and exchange them for the game

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>Imagine he wasn't retarded and made official English version.
There once was an attempt. Alas, the autism is strong.
Sylvie cute!
Nothing has beaten Teaching Feeling up to this day.
There's been similar releases like One Room but teaching feeling's setting has not been upped, not to mention the art is too distinctive and the negative of the creator towards it gives the entire thing an interesting atmosphere when context is included.
A masterpiece hated by its creator for reasons beyond the work's intended effect.
It's also kinda funny how a game about making someone understand what is like feeling human was made by someone who in another life would have definitely been the guy that mistreated Sylvie into a life-shattered afraid husk like she is at the beginning of the game.
Ray might not like it, but this will probably be his legacy. Sylvie is his legacy, an antithesis to his creator's ideals.
>Lengthy text
Anyways, wasn't this board about porn?, been a while since I checked Sylvie lewds. The game kinda suffices for me already.
I can't wait for Ray to die a violent death, just like Sylvie's master did.
2nd guy, I did all that. I remember making it work on an android phone, is that impossible now or something?

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