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Rules of the Thread, Please READ Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests".
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to /ic/.
4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
5. Don't request characters that will result in a DMCA takedown.
6. Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info after delivering.
7. Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
8. Ignore the shit posters.

Previous Thread: >>7430201

NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7555729
General Drawt/h/read: >>7563538
Edit Thread: >>7539861
267 replies and 114 images omitted. Click here to view.

What sort of monster
Not OR, but this looks pretty good. Hope you finish it one day.
Anon asked, didn't demand. Learn the difference.
looks good even for a wip. thanks anon

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Do you have anything in your will requesting to clear your machines/delete your browser history? What about accounts connected to auto-pay on porn sites? Hard drives filled with your hentai? Do you have someone you want to inherit your collection, and shared, or just have it all nuked like it didn't even exist?
I'm not sure how I'd feel if my family and friends found out I liked stuff like Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san, or artists like Maidoll, Radical Dream/Rindou and Murahachirou.
I do possess some porn that I have the last copy of, and want to upload it all somewhere so it isn't lost forever. Though, lots of porn from the 90s and 2000s became lost media. I assume some of my favorites may have the same fate.
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But, I'm also a strict Muslim. religion is another escape I used to have, it still helps now but by a little compared to my collection.

And one of the main principles in islam that, after your death, if you still have things that causes others to sin/ do things related to sin, it will still added to your sins credits even in your grave during your whole afterlife until judgment day comes, that is why whenever a muslim dies, their relatives would delete their social media posts that contain pornography, music, posts that disrespect religions, or any other form of activity that causes others to sin, because they love that relative and they don't want them to be tortured in the grave. It's really and endearnig thing and shows your utmost love and care for your beloved dead relative, so I don't mind that.

So, now you know that it is in my best interest to nuke the entire collection once I die, even though that stuff will generate me tons of revenue if I were to monitize it, but that sin credit in islam is what's stopping me from doing so. And since I'm a developer I have already made a script that would nuke my entire collection in the event of my death without any of my relatives knowing.

My collection is stored in an encrypted hard drive and the hard drive itself is hidden in a safe/unexpected location.

I instructed the script to nuke the hard drive entierly in the event that there was no activity in it for more than 3 weeks, which I know for a fact that if I didn't touch my hard drive during that period I'm most likely dead.

I can still ping the hard drive from a remote location "it has data sim card" so that in case I can't interact with the hard drive physically (During emergancy for example) I can still ping it from a remote location using my phone and it would reset the Activity Timer.

I have several ideas already to apply the same nuking mechanicism for the sex dolls (incinerating is one of them.) But I'm still in the R&D phase in that section.
The two japanese companies still have no idea what I'm exactly building (I've personally made sure they won't find out, that is, I made sure they can't create anything out of this research that can make me still recieve sins in my grave.) That was a huge concern for me that I managed to resolve. I only required their experience in building the schematics for my own personal use later, as I will build the dolls myself.
>anon dies
>anon's friend/parent/partner goes through his shit
>finds his hentai, including the dead sisters stitched together from Dark Blue, eldritch zombie dog abominations tentacle-raping lolis and knotting inside them for hours, and yandere bakunyuu futanari monstergirls voring the player, fucking him up the ass and laying eggs inside him before shitting him out and then literally spoonfeeding him "say ah~n" and giving him nursing handjobs the whole time he's a mindbroken egg incubator until the babies eat him from the inside out
>years later, they die and go to heaven
>anon is there chilling
>they remember the horrors they saw on his hard drive
>"what the actual fuck"
>"lol i trool you"
>but he actually did fap to all of it

I recently found an old backup of our family computer, 23GB compressed in parts burnt to many CDs. I had a feeling something I had lost might be on there, so I went CD by CD copying all the parts and extracted it. Back then it was a 32GB hard drive, now extracted onto a TB SSD. Found what I was looking for, only kept about a GB of stuff, the rest I deleted. But while I was going through it I decided to check the appdata folders and Temporary Internet Files. Was kinda disappointing though, there was no porn that I saw. Lots and lots of tracking cookies, ad tracking scripts, and shit like that. A kinda hot thumbnail of Jessica Simpson that I reverse image searched but was kinda disappointed as it was more attractive as a thumbnail. But apparently somebody bookmarked an online pharmacy selling little blue pills. That made me kek. Don't know if that's what the bookmark was for, as there are other possible reasons for having that site bookmarked and I wasn't interested enough to use the wayback machine to check what specific page was being linked to or if the site just included viagra and other keyword spam on every page title for SEO purposes. Probably the latter, but there's always that >unless...?
Automated mounted turrets aimed at anyone that approaches.
Unfortunately that means every post you've ever made on 4chan counts as well. Including the online activity you cannot delete (such as stuff in the barchives or stuff skimmed from the site by AI data farmers).
I'm not sure if Allah understands nuance or intent, but will he punish you for the way you've influenced others with your collection?

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New game came out a couple weeks ago. Happoubi Jin's art is still incredible.

I wish someone would make a compilation of the animated scenes from those games in webm format or another video format instead of gifs. Quality is shit.

Will post a few CGs and gifs from the new game featuring a cutie onna.
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I wish the director of Resort boin and Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo would direct a Bishoujo Mangekyou anime.
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>Happoubi Jin
Artist of Classy Cranberry's. Ahhh. Okay. He's gotten better over the years.
Has this game been translated to english yet?
There's a animated version of the game?

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I love my Sex Robots.
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Rules of the Thread, Please Read Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests"
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.
4. Only requested drawings should be posted.
5. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.
6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.
7. Wait for page 10 to make a new NTR drawt/h/read
8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this
9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread
10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads
11. No complaining about not getting a delivery before bump limit, just be patient or edit your request
12. Don't request anything that can cause this thread to get DMCA'd

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Good to hear the guy is alive, because who knows maybe someone found out he drew NTR and burned his house like that one Rem doujin artist.
He's working on (private) requests.
>private requests
Thought he only drew here and took commissions. Curious to what kind of private requests it were.
Awesome stuff actually, didn't notice that I already followed your account before

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Filling her up with the stuff that made her.
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and I've a long way to go, especially some of the stuff came from long since dead websites and abandoned accounts from hentai-foundry, pixiv, tumblr, twitter, etc
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Didn't see one in the catalogue, they're so much better in 2D it's unreal
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A homosexual wouldn't understand

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It had hot girls
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Wanna gangfuck the blonde

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Why are there no dump threads here?
Everytime a doujin was dumped on /b/ it would be comfy. I expected more from here
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Fluminense is the reply
he just likes to complain about ntr
Artist did Broly wrong lol
Why don't you post images?

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Can someone explain why this angle is illustrated--ever? Someone drew and then colored this. Why? What's the thought process that led to such an image?
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thread de sao paulino viadinho
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Mating press is great, but it's often tied in with ugly/fat bastard. And usually, when there's an ugly/fat bastard involved, the artist goes out of his way to make sure the fat bastard is the focal point of the image, not the girl. Why do they do that? I don't know, but it's quite annoying.
My sides
Mating press requires a female getting thoroughly pounded and balls deep'd. The focus isn't the male, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to self insert as the male.
Well its hot for starters

Quickly Anon! As your country's birthrates have hit a critical low, you have been given the highest seat of power as an emergency measure, along with absolute power to push through any laws and legislation to ensure that people have babies at all costs. Foreign relations and societal consequences be damned! What do you do?
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This thread reminds me of one i saw some time back. It's not "government mandated" but in the same vein:
There's a class where a new student shows up to find out that after each test, the people who scored highest get to pick who they want to fuck. It was apart of a larger work, I think.
I had it saved but lost it some time ago.
Possibly "Somero! Tenkousei" by Kisaragi Gunma?
That's it! Bless you, anon.
So is government sponsored sex service a punch in punch out type deal? Like you come in at 8am punch out at 5pm and it's like a sudden shift of personality. Like a complete "Morning, Sam. Morning, Ralph." type deal. Overtime? 401k? What kind of insurance? These are all important questions.
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Does Alien mandated sex count? Pretty decent quick doujin of Aliens who destroy Earth not knowing there was intelligent life on it and trying to rebuild the species.


There is sex happening but you can only see the penis-in-vagina part through a thin layer of cloth, or you can see the penis but not the vagina.
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Good thread, sadly don't have anything to contribute with

Are there some tags with which I can find more?
Pelvic_curtain, see-through_silhouette or covered_penetration work pretty well for this but there's very few images.

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US/UK accounts will no longer be able to see hentai on Pixiv as of April 25th. Go to your settings and change your country of residence if you're one of them.

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This is just dumb, I don't really get why they keep doing this
It's more so the fact they have something to argue and to woo at courts, bankers, and to congressmen.
careful, you'll attract the spammer retard deflecting to gay parades claiming conservatives have no bargaining power!

It's like an NCOSE shill ximself.
the problem is people buying porn and then whining it wasn't them or it was a mistake when their spouse, family members, coworkers find out.

i can't even charge back shit with visa. the laws in my country are shit.

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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

Cool down time. It's been a long and crazy yet rewarding ride over the last nearly TWELVE years. Yes, some of us have been on this ride since August 27, 2011. That was the date Seismic introduced his Liru on his blog. We can remember how it made our hearts skip a beat when we discovered his announcement and the flash and gif of liruspin. Can you really imagine how few things there are in your life that you stay up to date on for twelve years? Well, if you are like me, you have been looking, supporting and even (amateurishly) making Liru and Magipoka content since 2006. But this... this whole experience has been something I never dreamed I would experience. Checking the threads almost daily since the first thread is a privilege I will remember for the rest of my life. Here is the link from his blog.


"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

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It's almost as wonderful as I imagined.
that slutty look sucking on those dicks
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This is the stage where Uma did her magic for a less than enthusiastic audience. It was redone a few years ago, but it was right here.
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This is the table and chairs Uma sat on while resting. The top table is now gone.

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